Commit 4842f195 authored by Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar Andrew M. Kuchling

Uncomment wsgiref section

parent 7237965a
......@@ -2074,10 +2074,9 @@ Marc-Andr\'e Lemburg.}
%\subsection{The wsgiref package\label{module-wsgiref}}
\subsection{The wsgiref package\label{module-wsgiref}}
% XXX should this be in a PEP 333 section instead?
The Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) v1.0 defines a standard
interface between web servers and Python web applications and is
......@@ -2086,10 +2085,7 @@ implementation of the WSGI specification.
The package includes a basic HTTP server that will run a WSGI
application; this server is useful for debugging but isn't intended for
production use.
% XXX structure of WSGI applications?
% XXX provide an example using Django or some other framework?
production use. Setting up a server takes only a few lines of code:
from wsgiref import simple_server
......@@ -2102,17 +2098,19 @@ httpd = make_server(host, port, wsgi_app)
% XXX discuss structure of WSGI applications?
% XXX provide an example using Django or some other framework?
\seeurl{}{A central web site for WSGI-related resources.}
\seepep{333}{Python Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0}{PEP written by
Phillip J. Eby.}
% ======================================================================
\section{Build and C API Changes\label{build-api}}
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