Commit 4dfca2de authored by R David Murray's avatar R David Murray

#11390: convert doctest CLI to argparse and add -o and -f options.

This provides a way to specify arbitrary doctest options when using
the CLI interface to process test files, just as one can when calling
testmod or testfile programmatically.
parent defa9c57
......@@ -495,7 +495,10 @@ Option Flags
A number of option flags control various aspects of doctest's behavior.
Symbolic names for the flags are supplied as module constants, which can be
or'ed together and passed to various functions. The names can also be used in
:ref:`doctest directives <doctest-directives>`.
:ref:`doctest directives <doctest-directives>`, and may be passed to the
doctest command line interface via the ``-o`` option.
.. versionadded:: 3.4 the ``-o`` command line option
The first group of options define test semantics, controlling aspects of how
doctest decides whether actual output matches an example's expected output:
......@@ -640,6 +643,9 @@ The second group of options controls how test failures are reported:
1. This flag may be useful during debugging, since examples after the first
failure won't even produce debugging output.
The doctest command line accepts the option ``-f`` as a shorthand for ``-o
.. versionadded:: 3.4
......@@ -173,8 +173,15 @@ instructions.
Added ``FAIL_FAST`` flag to halt test running as soon as the first failure is
detected. (Contributed by R. David Murray and Daniel Urban in :issue:`16522`.)
Added :data:`~doctest.FAIL_FAST` flag to halt test running as soon as the first
failure is detected. (Contributed by R. David Murray and Daniel Urban in
Updated the doctest command line interface to use :mod:`argparse`, and added
``-o`` and ``-f`` options to the interface. ``-o`` allows doctest options to
be specified on the command line, and ``-f`` is a shorthand for ``-o
FAIL_FAST`` (to parallel the similar option supported by the :mod:`unittest`
CLI). (Contributed by R. David Murray in :issue:`11390`.)
......@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ __all__ = [
import __future__
import argparse
import difflib
import inspect
import linecache
......@@ -2708,13 +2709,30 @@ __test__ = {"_TestClass": _TestClass,
def _test():
testfiles = [arg for arg in sys.argv[1:] if arg and arg[0] != '-']
if not testfiles:
name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
if '__loader__' in globals(): # python -m
name, _ = os.path.splitext(name)
print("usage: {0} [-v] file ...".format(name))
return 2
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="doctest runner")
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False,
help='print very verbose output for all tests')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--option', action='append',
choices=OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME.keys(), default=[],
help=('specify a doctest option flag to apply'
' to the test run; may be specified more'
' than once to apply multiple options'))
parser.add_argument('-f', '--fail-fast', action='store_true',
help=('stop running tests after first failure (this'
' is a shorthand for -o FAIL_FAST, and is'
' in addition to any other -o options)'))
parser.add_argument('file', nargs='+',
help='file containing the tests to run')
args = parser.parse_args()
testfiles = args.file
# Verbose used to be handled by the "inspect argv" magic in DocTestRunner,
# but since we are using argparse we are passing it manually now.
verbose = args.verbose
options = 0
for option in args.option:
options |= OPTIONFLAGS_BY_NAME[option]
if args.fail_fast:
options |= FAIL_FAST
for filename in testfiles:
if filename.endswith(".py"):
# It is a module -- insert its dir into sys.path and try to
......@@ -2724,9 +2742,10 @@ def _test():
sys.path.insert(0, dirname)
m = __import__(filename[:-3])
del sys.path[0]
failures, _ = testmod(m)
failures, _ = testmod(m, verbose=verbose, optionflags=options)
failures, _ = testfile(filename, module_relative=False)
failures, _ = testfile(filename, module_relative=False,
verbose=verbose, optionflags=options)
if failures:
return 1
return 0
......@@ -2596,6 +2596,232 @@ Check doctest with a non-ascii filename:
TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1)
def test_CLI(): r"""
The doctest module can be used to run doctests against an arbitrary file.
These tests test this CLI functionality.
We'll use the support module's script_helpers for this, and write a test files
to a temp dir to run the command against.
First, a file with two simple tests and no errors. We'll run both the
unadorned doctest command, and the verbose version, and then check the output:
>>> from test import script_helper
>>> with script_helper.temp_dir() as tmpdir:
... fn = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'myfile.doc')
... with open(fn, 'w') as f:
... _ = f.write('This is a very simple test file.\n')
... _ = f.write(' >>> 1 + 1\n')
... _ = f.write(' 2\n')
... _ = f.write(' >>> "a"\n')
... _ = f.write(" 'a'\n")
... _ = f.write('\n')
... _ = f.write('And that is it.\n')
... rc1, out1, err1 = script_helper.assert_python_ok(
... '-m', 'doctest', fn)
... rc2, out2, err2 = script_helper.assert_python_ok(
... '-m', 'doctest', '-v', fn)
With no arguments and passing tests, we should get no output:
>>> rc1, out1, err1
(0, b'', b'')
With the verbose flag, we should see the test output, but no error output:
>>> rc2, err2
(0, b'')
>>> print(out2.decode())
1 + 1
1 items passed all tests:
2 tests in myfile.doc
2 tests in 1 items.
2 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.
Now we'll write a couple files, one with three tests, the other a python module
with two tests, both of the files having "errors" in the tests that can be made
non-errors by applying the appropriate doctest options to the run (ELLIPSIS in
the first file, NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE in the second). This combination will
allow to thoroughly test the -f and -o flags, as well as the doctest command's
ability to process more than one file on the command line and, since the second
file ends in '.py', its handling of python module files (as opposed to straight
text files).
>>> from test import script_helper
>>> with script_helper.temp_dir() as tmpdir:
... fn = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'myfile.doc')
... with open(fn, 'w') as f:
... _ = f.write('This is another simple test file.\n')
... _ = f.write(' >>> 1 + 1\n')
... _ = f.write(' 2\n')
... _ = f.write(' >>> "abcdef"\n')
... _ = f.write(" 'a...f'\n")
... _ = f.write(' >>> "ajkml"\n')
... _ = f.write(" 'a...l'\n")
... _ = f.write('\n')
... _ = f.write('And that is it.\n')
... fn2 = os.path.join(tmpdir, '')
... with open(fn2, 'w') as f:
... _ = f.write('def test_func():\n')
... _ = f.write(' \"\"\"\n')
... _ = f.write(' This is simple python test function.\n')
... _ = f.write(' >>> 1 + 1\n')
... _ = f.write(' 2\n')
... _ = f.write(' >>> "abc def"\n')
... _ = f.write(" 'abc def'\n")
... _ = f.write("\n")
... _ = f.write(' \"\"\"\n')
... import shutil
... rc1, out1, err1 = script_helper.assert_python_failure(
... '-m', 'doctest', fn, fn2)
... rc2, out2, err2 = script_helper.assert_python_ok(
... '-m', 'doctest', '-o', 'ELLIPSIS', fn)
... rc3, out3, err3 = script_helper.assert_python_ok(
... '-m', 'doctest', '-o', 'ELLIPSIS',
... '-o', 'NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE', fn, fn2)
... rc4, out4, err4 = script_helper.assert_python_failure(
... '-m', 'doctest', '-f', fn, fn2)
... rc5, out5, err5 = script_helper.assert_python_ok(
... '-m', 'doctest', '-v', '-o', 'ELLIPSIS',
... '-o', 'NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE', fn, fn2)
Our first test run will show the errors from the first file (doctest stops if a
file has errors). Note that doctest test-run error output appears on stdout,
not stderr:
>>> rc1, err1
(1, b'')
>>> print(out1.decode()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
File "...myfile.doc", line 4, in myfile.doc
Failed example:
File "...myfile.doc", line 6, in myfile.doc
Failed example:
1 items had failures:
2 of 3 in myfile.doc
***Test Failed*** 2 failures.
With -o ELLIPSIS specified, the second run, against just the first file, should
produce no errors, and with -o NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE also specified, neither
should the third, which ran against both files:
>>> rc2, out2, err2
(0, b'', b'')
>>> rc3, out3, err3
(0, b'', b'')
The fourth run uses FAIL_FAST, so we should see only one error:
>>> rc4, err4
(1, b'')
>>> print(out4.decode()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
File "...myfile.doc", line 4, in myfile.doc
Failed example:
1 items had failures:
1 of 2 in myfile.doc
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
The fifth test uses verbose with the two options, so we should get verbose
success output for the tests in both files:
>>> rc5, err5
(0, b'')
>>> print(out5.decode())
1 + 1
1 items passed all tests:
3 tests in myfile.doc
3 tests in 1 items.
3 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.
1 + 1
"abc def"
'abc def'
1 items had no tests:
1 items passed all tests:
2 tests in myfile2.test_func
2 tests in 2 items.
2 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.
We should also check some typical error cases.
Invalid file name:
>>> rc, out, err = script_helper.assert_python_failure(
... '-m', 'doctest', 'nosuchfile')
>>> rc, out
(1, b'')
>>> print(err.decode()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
FileNotFoundError: [Errno ...] No such file or directory: 'nosuchfile'
Invalid doctest option:
>>> rc, out, err = script_helper.assert_python_failure(
... '-m', 'doctest', '-o', 'nosuchoption')
>>> rc, out
(2, b'')
>>> print(err.decode()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
## Main
......@@ -129,6 +129,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #11390: Add -o and -f command line options to the doctest CLI to
specify doctest options (and convert it to using argparse).
- Issue #18135: Fix a possible integer overflow in ssl.SSLSocket.write()
and in ssl.SSLContext.load_cert_chain() for strings and passwords longer than
2 gigabytes.
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