Commit 4f08e4fa authored by Greg Ward's avatar Greg Ward

Unfinished, untested implementation of the lovely baroque installation scheme

cooked up by Fred Drake and me.  Only saved for posterity (whoever posterity
is), as it is about to be ditched in favour of GvR's much simpler design.
parent b6f6e95e
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import sys, os, string
from types import *
from distutils.core import Command
from distutils.util import write_file
from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError
class install (Command):
......@@ -21,66 +21,52 @@ class install (Command):
('exec-prefix=', None,
"prefix for platform-specific files"),
# Build directories: where to install from
('build-base=', None,
"base build directory"),
('build-lib=', None,
"build directory for pure Python modules"),
('build-platlib=', None,
"build directory for extension modules"),
# Installation directories: where to put modules and packages
('install-lib=', None,
"base Python library directory"),
('install-platlib=', None,
"platform-specific Python library directory"),
('install-site-lib=', None,
"directory for site-specific packages and modules"),
('install-site-platlib=', None,
"platform-specific site directory"),
('install-scheme=', None,
"install to 'system' or 'site' library directory?"),
('install-path=', None,
"extra intervening directories to put below install-lib"),
# Build directories: where to find the files to install
('build-base=', None,
"base build directory"),
('build-lib=', None,
"build directory for pure Python modules"),
('build-platlib=', None,
"build directory for extension modules"),
# Where to install documentation (eventually!)
('doc-format=', None, "format of documentation to generate"),
('install-man=', None, "directory for Unix man pages"),
('install-html=', None, "directory for HTML documentation"),
('install-info=', None, "directory for GNU info files"),
#('doc-format=', None, "format of documentation to generate"),
#('install-man=', None, "directory for Unix man pages"),
#('install-html=', None, "directory for HTML documentation"),
#('install-info=', None, "directory for GNU info files"),
# Flags for 'build_py'
('compile-py', None, "compile .py to .pyc"),
('optimize-py', None, "compile .py to .pyo (optimized)"),
#('compile-py', None, "compile .py to .pyc"),
#('optimize-py', None, "compile .py to .pyo (optimized)"),
def initialize_options (self):
self.build_base = None
self.build_lib = None
self.build_platlib = None
# Don't define 'prefix' or 'exec_prefix' so we can know when the
# command is run whether the user supplied values
self.prefix = None
self.exec_prefix = None
# These two, we can supply real values for! (because they're
# not directories, and don't have a confusing multitude of
# possible derivations)
#self.install_scheme = 'site'
self.doc_format = None
# The actual installation directories are determined only at
# run-time, so the user can supply just prefix (and exec_prefix?)
# as a base for everything else
self.install_lib = None
self.install_platlib = None
self.install_site_lib = None
self.install_site_platlib = None
self.install_path = None
self.build_base = None
self.build_lib = None
self.build_platlib = None
self.install_man = None
self.install_html = None
self.install_info = None
......@@ -114,75 +100,90 @@ class install (Command):
# and assumes the Python 1.5 installation tree with no
# to fix things.
# Figure out the build directories, ie. where to install from
self.set_peer_option ('build', 'build_base', self.build_base)
self.set_undefined_options ('build',
('build_base', 'build_base'),
('build_lib', 'build_lib'),
('build_platlib', 'build_platlib'))
# Figure out actual installation directories; the basic principle
# is: if the user supplied nothing, then use the directories that
# Python was built and installed with (ie. the compiled-in prefix
# and exec_prefix, and the actual installation directories gleaned
# by sysconfig). If the user supplied a prefix (and possibly
# exec_prefix), then we generate our own installation directories,
# following any pattern gleaned from sysconfig's findings. If no
# such pattern can be gleaned, then we'll just make do and try to
# ape the behaviour of Python's configure script.
if self.prefix is None: # user didn't override
self.prefix = os.path.normpath (sys.prefix)
# is: ...
sys_prefix = os.path.normpath (sys.prefix)
sys_exec_prefix = os.path.normpath (sys.exec_prefix)
if self.prefix is None:
if self.exec_prefix is not None:
raise DistutilsOptionError, \
"you may not supply exec_prefix without prefix"
self.prefix = sys_prefix
# This is handy to guarantee that self.prefix is normalized --
# but it could be construed as rude to go normalizing a
# user-supplied path (they might like to see their "../" or
# symlinks in the installation feedback).
self.prefix = os.path.normpath (self.prefix)
if self.exec_prefix is None:
self.exec_prefix = os.path.normpath (sys.exec_prefix)
if self.install_lib is None:
self.install_lib = \
self.replace_sys_prefix ('LIBDEST', ('lib','python1.5'))
if self.install_platlib is None:
# XXX this should probably be DESTSHARED -- but why is there no
# equivalent to DESTSHARED for the "site-packages" dir"?
self.install_platlib = \
self.replace_sys_prefix ('BINLIBDEST', ('lib','python1.5'), 1)
# Here is where we decide where to install most library files: on
# POSIX systems, they go to 'site-packages' under the install_lib
# (determined above -- typically /usr/local/lib/python1.x). Note
# that on POSIX systems, platform-specific files belong in
# 'site-packages' under install_platlib. (The actual rule is that
# a module distribution that includes *any* platform-specific files
# -- ie. extension modules -- goes under install_platlib. This
# solves the "can't find extension module in a package" problem.)
# On non-POSIX systems, install_lib and install_platlib are the
# same (eg. "C:\Program Files\Python\Lib" on Windows), as are
# install_site_lib and install_site_platlib (eg.
# "C:\Program Files\Python" on Windows) -- everything will be dumped
# right into one of the install_site directories. (It doesn't
# really matter *which* one, of course, but I'll observe decorum
# and do it properly.)
# 'base' and 'platbase' are the base directories for installing
# site-local files, eg. "/usr/local/lib/python1.5/site-packages"
# or "C:\Program Files\Python"
if self.prefix == sys_prefix:
self.exec_prefix = sys_exec_prefix
self.exec_prefix = self.prefix
# Same as above about handy versus rude to normalize user's
# exec_prefix.
self.exec_prefix = os.path.normpath (self.exec_prefix)
if self.distribution.ext_modules: # any extensions to install?
effective_prefix = self.exec_prefix
effective_prefix = self.prefix
if == 'posix':
self.base = os.path.join (self.install_lib,
self.platbase = os.path.join (self.install_platlib,
if self.install_lib is None:
if self.prefix == sys_prefix:
self.install_lib = \
os.path.join (effective_prefix,
"python" + sys.version[:3],
self.install_lib = \
os.path.join (effective_prefix,
"python") # + sys.version[:3] ???
# end if self.install_lib ...
if self.install_platlib is None:
if self.exec_prefix == sys_exec_prefix:
self.install_platlib = \
os.path.join (effective_prefix,
"python" + sys.version[:3],
self.install_platlib = \
os.path.join (effective_prefix,
"python") # + sys.version[:3] ???
# end if self.install_platlib ...
self.base = self.prefix
self.platbase = self.exec_prefix
# 'path_file' and 'extra_dirs' are how we handle distributions
# that need to be installed to their own directory, but aren't
raise DistutilsPlatformError, \
"duh, I'm clueless (for now) about installing on %s" %
# end if/else on
# 'path_file' and 'extra_dirs' are how we handle distributions that
# want to be installed to their own directory, but aren't
# package-ized yet. 'extra_dirs' is just a directory under
# 'base' or 'platbase' where toplevel modules will actually be
# installed; 'path_file' is the basename of a .pth file to drop
# in 'base' or 'platbase' (depending on the distribution). Very
# often they will be the same, which is why we allow them to be
# supplied as a string or 1-tuple as well as a 2-element
# comma-separated string or a 2-tuple.
# 'install_lib' or 'install_platlib' where top-level modules will
# actually be installed; 'path_file' is the basename of a .pth file
# to drop in 'install_lib' or 'install_platlib' (depending on the
# distribution). Very often they will be the same, which is why we
# allow them to be supplied as a string or 1-tuple as well as a
# 2-element comma-separated string or a 2-tuple.
# XXX this will drop a .pth file in install_{lib,platlib} even if
# they're not one of the site-packages directories: this is wrong!
# we need to suppress path_file in those cases, and warn if
# "install_lib/extra_dirs" is not in sys.path.
if self.install_path is None:
self.install_path = self.distribution.install_path
......@@ -214,25 +215,12 @@ class install (Command):
self.extra_dirs = extra_dirs
if self.install_site_lib is None:
self.install_site_lib = os.path.join (self.base,
if self.install_site_platlib is None:
self.install_site_platlib = os.path.join (self.platbase,
#if self.install_scheme == 'site':
# install_lib = self.install_site_lib
# install_platlib = self.install_site_platlib
#elif self.install_scheme == 'system':
# install_lib = self.install_lib
# install_platlib = self.install_platlib
# # XXX new exception for this kind of misbehaviour?
# raise DistutilsArgError, \
# "invalid install scheme '%s'" % self.install_scheme
# Figure out the build directories, ie. where to install from
self.set_peer_option ('build', 'build_base', self.build_base)
self.set_undefined_options ('build',
('build_base', 'build_base'),
('build_lib', 'build_lib'),
('build_platlib', 'build_platlib'))
# Punt on doc directories for now -- after all, we're punting on
# documentation completely!
......@@ -240,50 +228,13 @@ class install (Command):
# finalize_options ()
def replace_sys_prefix (self, config_attr, fallback_postfix, use_exec=0):
"""Attempts to glean a simple pattern from an installation
directory available as a 'sysconfig' attribute: if the
directory name starts with the "system prefix" (the one
hard-coded in the Makefile and compiled into Python),
then replace it with the current installation prefix and
return the "relocated" installation directory."""
from distutils import sysconfig
if use_exec:
sys_prefix = os.path.normpath (sys.exec_prefix)
my_prefix = self.exec_prefix
sys_prefix = os.path.normpath (sys.prefix)
my_prefix = self.prefix
val = getattr (sysconfig, config_attr)
if string.find (val, sys_prefix) == 0:
# If the sysconfig directory starts with the system prefix,
# then we can "relocate" it to the user-supplied prefix --
# assuming, of course, it is different from the system prefix.
if sys_prefix == my_prefix:
return val
return my_prefix + val[len(sys_prefix):]
# Otherwise, just tack the "fallback postfix" onto the
# user-specified prefix.
return apply (os.path.join, (my_prefix,) + fallback_postfix)
# replace_sys_prefix ()
def run (self):
# Obviously have to build before we can install
self.run_peer ('build')
# Install modules in two steps: "platform-shared" files (ie. pure
# python modules) and platform-specific files (compiled C
# Python modules) and platform-specific files (compiled C
# extensions). Note that 'install_py' is smart enough to install
# pure Python modules in the "platlib" directory if we built any
# extensions.
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class install_ext (Command):
def finalize_options (self):
self.set_undefined_options ('install',
('build_platlib', 'build_dir'),
('install_site_platlib', 'install_dir'))
('install_platlib', 'install_dir'))
def run (self):
......@@ -27,22 +27,12 @@ class install_py (Command):
def finalize_options (self):
# Find out from the 'build_ext' command if we were asked to build
# any extensions. If so, that means even pure-Python modules in
# this distribution have to be installed to the "platlib"
# directory.
extensions = self.get_peer_option ('build_ext', 'extensions')
if extensions:
dir_option = 'install_site_platlib'
dir_option = 'install_site_lib'
# Get all the information we need to install pure Python modules
# from the umbrella 'install' command -- build (source) directory,
# install (target) directory, and whether to compile .py files.
self.set_undefined_options ('install',
('build_lib', 'build_dir'),
(dir_option, 'install_dir'),
('install_lib', 'install_dir'),
('compile_py', 'compile'),
('optimize_py', 'optimize'))
......@@ -52,8 +42,9 @@ class install_py (Command):
# Make sure we have "built" all pure Python modules first
self.run_peer ('build_py')
# Dump entire contents of the build directory to the installation
# directory (that's the beauty of having a build directory!)
# Install everything: simply dump the entire contents of the build
# directory to the installation directory (that's the beauty of
# having a build directory!)
outfiles = self.copy_tree (self.build_dir, self.install_dir)
# (Optionally) compile .py to .pyc
......@@ -65,7 +56,8 @@ class install_py (Command):
from py_compile import compile
for f in outfiles:
# XXX can't assume this filename mapping!
# XXX can't assume this filename mapping! (what if
# we're running under "python -O"?)
# only compile the file if it is actually a .py file
if f[-3:] == '.py':
......@@ -27,22 +27,12 @@ class install_py (Command):
def finalize_options (self):
# Find out from the 'build_ext' command if we were asked to build
# any extensions. If so, that means even pure-Python modules in
# this distribution have to be installed to the "platlib"
# directory.
extensions = self.get_peer_option ('build_ext', 'extensions')
if extensions:
dir_option = 'install_site_platlib'
dir_option = 'install_site_lib'
# Get all the information we need to install pure Python modules
# from the umbrella 'install' command -- build (source) directory,
# install (target) directory, and whether to compile .py files.
self.set_undefined_options ('install',
('build_lib', 'build_dir'),
(dir_option, 'install_dir'),
('install_lib', 'install_dir'),
('compile_py', 'compile'),
('optimize_py', 'optimize'))
......@@ -52,8 +42,9 @@ class install_py (Command):
# Make sure we have "built" all pure Python modules first
self.run_peer ('build_py')
# Dump entire contents of the build directory to the installation
# directory (that's the beauty of having a build directory!)
# Install everything: simply dump the entire contents of the build
# directory to the installation directory (that's the beauty of
# having a build directory!)
outfiles = self.copy_tree (self.build_dir, self.install_dir)
# (Optionally) compile .py to .pyc
......@@ -65,7 +56,8 @@ class install_py (Command):
from py_compile import compile
for f in outfiles:
# XXX can't assume this filename mapping!
# XXX can't assume this filename mapping! (what if
# we're running under "python -O"?)
# only compile the file if it is actually a .py file
if f[-3:] == '.py':
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