Commit 53c0796b authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Almost completely rewritten for cleaner code.

parent 8bd88598
# VFile -- two classes for Video Files.
# VinFile -- for video input.
# VoutFile -- for video output.
# Classes to read and write CMIF video files.
# (For a description of the CMIF video format, see
# Layers of functionality:
# VideoParams: maintain essential parameters of a video file
# Displayer: display a frame in a window (with some extra parameters)
# Grabber: grab a frame from a window
# BasicVinFile: read a CMIF video file
# BasicVoutFile: write a CMIF video file
# VinFile: BasicVinFile + Displayer
# VoutFile: BasicVoutFile + Displayer + Grabber
# Imported modules
import sys
import gl
import GL
import colorsys
Error = 'VFile.Error' # Exception
# Missing from
# Exception raised for various occasions
Error = 'VFile.Error' # file format errors
CallError = 'VFile.CallError' # bad call
# Constants returned by gl.getdisplaymode(), from <gl/get.h>
# Max nr. of colormap entries to use
MAXMAP = 4096 - 256
def conv_grey(l,x,y): return colorsys.yiq_to_rgb(l,0,0)
def conv_yiq (y,i,q): return colorsys.yiq_to_rgb(y, (i-0.5)*1.2, q-0.5)
def conv_hls (l,h,s): return colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h,l,s)
def conv_hsv (v,h,s): return colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h,s,v)
def conv_rgb (r,g,b):
# Parametrizations of colormap handling based on color system.
# (These functions are used via eval with a constructed argument!)
def conv_grey(l, x, y):
return colorsys.yiq_to_rgb(l, 0, 0)
def conv_yiq(y, i, q):
return colorsys.yiq_to_rgb(y, (i-0.5)*1.2, q-0.5)
def conv_hls(l, h, s):
return colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
def conv_hsv(v, h, s):
return colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v)
def conv_rgb(r, g, b):
raise Error, 'Attempt to make RGB colormap'
def conv_rgb8(rgb,d1,d2):
def conv_rgb8(rgb, d1, d2):
rgb = int(rgb*255.0)
r = (rgb >> 5) & 0x07
g = (rgb ) & 0x07
b = (rgb >> 3) & 0x03
return (r/7.0, g/7.0, b/3.0)
# Class VinFile represents a video file used for input.
# It has the following methods:
# init(filename)
# initfp(fp, filename)
# reopen()
# rewind()
# getnextframe()
# skipnextframe()
# (and many more)
# The following read-only data members provide public information:
# version
# filename
# width, height
# packfactor
# c0bits, c1bits, c2bits, chrompack
# offset
# format
# These writable data members provide additional parametrization:
# magnify
# xorigin, yorigin
# fallback
# Choose one of the above based upon a color system name
def choose_conversion(format):
return eval('conv_' + format)
raise Error, 'Unknown color system: ' + `format`
# XXX it's a total mess now -- VFile is a new base class
# XXX to support common functionality (e.g. showframe)
class VFile:
# Routines to grab data, per color system (only a few really supported).
# (These functions are used via eval with a constructed argument!)
def grab_rgb(w, h, pf):
if gl.getdisplaymode() <> DMRGB:
raise Error, 'Sorry, can only grab rgb in single-buf rgbmode'
if pf <> 1 and pf <> 0:
raise Error, 'Sorry, only grab rgb with packfactor 1'
return gl.lrectread(0, 0, w-1, h-1), None
def grab_rgb8(w, h, pf):
if gl.getdisplaymode() <> DMRGB:
raise Error, 'Sorry, can only grab rgb8 in single-buf rgbmode'
if pf <> 1 and pf <> 0:
raise Error, 'Sorry, can only grab rgb8 with packfactor 1'
r = gl.getgdesc(GL.GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_RED)
g = gl.getgdesc(GL.GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_GREEN)
b = gl.getgdesc(GL.GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_BLUE)
if (r, g, b) <> (3, 3, 2):
raise Error, 'Sorry, can only grab rgb8 on 8-bit Indigo'
# XXX Dirty Dirty here.
# XXX Set buffer to cmap mode, grab image and set it back.
# XXX (Shouldn't be necessary???)
gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 8)
data = gl.lrectread(0, 0, w-1, h-1)
data = data[:w*h] # BUG FIX for python lrectread
gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 32)
return data, None
def grab_grey(w, h, pf):
raise Error, 'Sorry, grabbing grey not implemented'
def grab_yiq(w, h, pf):
raise Error, 'Sorry, grabbing yiq not implemented'
def grab_hls(w, h, pf):
raise Error, 'Sorry, grabbing hls not implemented'
def grab_hsv(w, h, pf):
raise Error, 'Sorry, grabbing hsv not implemented'
# Choose one of the above based upon a color system name
def choose_grabber(format):
return eval('grab_' + format)
raise Error, 'Unknown color system: ' + `format`
# Base class to manage video format parameters
class VideoParams:
# Initialize an instance.
# Set all parameters to something decent
# (except width and height are set to zero)
def init(self):
# Essential parameters
self.format = 'grey' # color system used
# Choose from: 'rgb', 'rgb8', 'hsv', 'yiq', 'hls'
self.width = 0 # width of frame
self.height = 0 # height of frame
self.packfactor = 1 # expansion using rectzoom
# if packfactor == 0, data is one 32-bit word/pixel;
# otherwise, data is one byte/pixel
self.c0bits = 8 # bits in first color dimension
self.c1bits = 0 # bits in second color dimension
self.c2bits = 0 # bits in third color dimension
self.offset = 0 # colormap index offset (XXX ???)
self.chrompack = 0 # set if separate chrominance data
return self
# Set the frame width and height (e.g. from gl.getsize())
def setsize(self, size):
self.width, self.height = size
# Retrieve the frame width and height (e.g. for gl.prefsize())
def getsize(self):
return (self.width, self.height)
# Set all parameters.
# This does limited validity checking;
# if the check fails no parameters are changed
def setinfo(self, values):
(self.format, self.width, self.height, self.packfactor,\
self.c0bits, self.c1bits, self.c2bits, self.offset, \
self.chrompack) = values
# Retrieve all parameters in a format suitable for a subsequent
# call to setinfo()
# getinfo returns all info pertaining to a film. The returned tuple
# can be passed to VoutFile.setinfo()
def getinfo(self):
return (self.format, self.width, self.height, self.packfactor,\
self.c0bits, self.c1bits, self.c2bits, self.offset, \
self.c0bits, self.c1bits, self.c2bits, self.offset, \
# Write the relevant bits to stdout
def printinfo(self):
print 'Format: ', self.format
print 'Size: ', self.width, 'x', self.height
print 'Pack: ', self.packfactor, '; chrom:', self.chrompack
print 'Bits: ', self.c0bits, self.c1bits, self.c2bits
print 'Offset: ', self.offset
# Class to display video frames in a window.
# It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the correct window
# is current when using showframe(), initcolormap() and clear()
class Displayer(VideoParams):
# Initialize an instance.
# This does not need a current window
def init(self):
self = VideoParams.init(self)
# User-settable parameters
self.magnify = 1.0 # frame magnification factor
self.xorigin = 0 # x frame offset
self.yorigin = 0 # y frame offset (from bottom)
self.quiet = 0 # if set, don't print messages
self.fallback = 1 # allow fallback to grey
# Internal flags
self.colormapinited = 0 # must initialize window
self.skipchrom = 0 # don't skip chrominance data
return self
# reopen() raises Error if the header is bad (which can only
# happen if the file was written to since opened).
# setinfo() must reset some internal flags
def reopen(self):
x = self.initfp(self.fp, self.filename)
def setinfo(self, values):
self.colormapinited = 0
self.skipchrom = 0
def setconvcolor(self):
self.convcolor = eval('conv_'+self.format)
raise Error, \
self.filename + ': unknown colorsys ' + self.format
# Show one frame, initializing the window if necessary
def showframe(self, data, chromdata):
w, h, pf = self.width, self.height, self.packfactor
if not self.colormapinited:
w, h, pf = self.width, self.height, self.packfactor
factor = self.magnify
if pf: factor = factor * pf
if chromdata and not self.skipchrom:
......@@ -102,50 +242,62 @@ class VFile:
if pf:
gl.writemask((1 << self.c0bits) - 1)
gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 8)
gl.rectzoom(factor, factor)
w = w/pf
h = h/pf
gl.rectzoom(factor, factor)
gl.lrectwrite(self.xorigin, self.yorigin, \
self.xorigin + w - 1, self.yorigin + h - 1, data)
# Initialize the window: set RGB or colormap mode as required,
# fill in the colormap, and clear the window
def initcolormap(self):
self.colormapinited = 1
if self.format == 'rgb':
gl.RGBcolor(200, 200, 200)
self.colormapinited = 1
gl.RGBcolor(200, 200, 200) # XXX rather light grey
self.skipchrom = 0
if self.offset == 0:
self.mask = 0x7ff
self.mask = 0xfff
if not self.quiet:
sys.stderr.write('Initializing color map...')
self.colormapinited = 1
if not self.quiet:
sys.stderr.write(' Done.\n')
# Clear the window
def clear(self):
if not self.colormapinited: raise CallError
if self.offset == 0:
self.mask = 0x7ff
self.mask = 0xfff
def initcmap(self):
# Do the hard work for initializing the colormap
def _initcmap(self):
convcolor = choose_conversion(self.format)
maxbits = gl.getgdesc(GL.GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_CMODE)
if maxbits > 11:
maxbits = 11
c0bits, c1bits, c2bits = self.c0bits, self.c1bits, self.c2bits
if c0bits+c1bits+c2bits > maxbits:
if self.fallback and c0bits < maxbits:
# Cannot display film in this mode, use mono
# Cannot display frames in this mode, use grey
self.skipchrom = 1
c1bits = c2bits = 0
self.convcolor = conv_grey
convcolor = choose_conversion('grey')
raise Error, 'Sorry, '+`maxbits`+ \
' bits max on this machine'
......@@ -158,9 +310,10 @@ class VFile:
offset = self.offset
if maxbits <> 11:
offset = offset & ((1<<maxbits)-1)
#for i in range(512, MAXMAP):
# XXX why is this here?
# for i in range(512, MAXMAP):
# gl.mapcolor(i, 0, 0, 0)
#void = gl.qtest() # Should be gl.gflush()
# gl.gflush()
for c0 in range(maxc0):
c0v = c0/float(maxc0-1)
for c1 in range(maxc1):
......@@ -174,366 +327,420 @@ class VFile:
c2v = c2/float(maxc2-1)
index = offset + c0 + (c1<<c0bits) + \
(c2 << (c0bits+c1bits))
rv, gv, bv = self.convcolor( \
c0v, c1v, c2v)
r, g, b = int(rv*255.0), \
int(gv*255.0), int(bv*255.0)
(c2 << (c0bits+c1bits))
if index < MAXMAP:
rv, gv, bv = \
convcolor(c0v, c1v, c2v)
r, g, b = int(rv*255.0), \
int(gv*255.0), \
gl.mapcolor(index, r, g, b)
void = gl.gflush()
gl.gflush() # send the colormap changes to the X server
# Class to grab frames from a window.
# (This has fewer user-settable parameters than Displayer.)
# It is the caller's responsibility to initialize the window and to
# ensure that it is current when using grabframe()
class VinFile(VFile):
class Grabber(VideoParams):
# init() and initfp() raise Error if the header is bad.
# init() raises whatever open() raises if the file can't be opened.
# XXX The init() method of VideoParams is just fine, for now
# Grab a frame.
# Return (data, chromdata) just like getnextframe().
def grabframe(self):
grabber = choose_grabber(self.format)
return grabber(self.width, self.height, self.packfactor)
# Read a CMIF video file header.
# Return (version, values) where version is 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0,
# and values is ready for setinfo().
# Raise Error if there is an error in the info
def readfileheader(fp, filename):
# Get identifying header
line = fp.readline(20)
if line == 'CMIF video 0.0\n':
version = 0.0
elif line == 'CMIF video 1.0\n':
version = 1.0
elif line == 'CMIF video 2.0\n':
version = 2.0
elif line == 'CMIF video 3.0\n':
version = 3.0
# XXX Could be version 0.0 without identifying header
raise Error, \
filename + ': Unrecognized file header: ' + `line`[:20]
# Get color encoding info
if version <= 1.0:
format = 'grey'
c0bits, c1bits, c2bits = 8, 0, 0
chrompack = 0
offset = 0
elif version == 2.0:
line = fp.readline()
c0bits, c1bits, c2bits, chrompack = eval(line[:-1])
raise Error, filename + ': Bad 2.0 color info'
if c1bits or c2bits:
format = 'yiq'
format = 'grey'
offset = 0
elif version == 3.0:
line = fp.readline()
format, rest = eval(line[:-1])
raise Error, filename + ': Bad 3.0 color info'
if format == 'rgb':
c0bits = c1bits = c2bits = 0
chrompack = 0
offset = 0
elif format == 'grey':
c0bits = rest
c1bits = c2bits = 0
chrompack = 0
offset = 0
c0bits, c1bits, c2bits, chrompack, offset = rest
raise Error, filename + ': Bad 3.0 color info'
# Get frame geometry info
line = fp.readline()
x = eval(line[:-1])
raise Error, filename + ': Bad (w,h,pf) info'
if len(x) == 3:
width, height, packfactor = x
if packfactor == 0 and version < 3.0:
format = 'rgb'
elif len(x) == 2 and version <= 1.0:
width, height = x
packfactor = 2
raise Error, filename + ': Bad (w,h,pf) info'
# Return (version, values)
values = (format, width, height, packfactor, \
c0bits, c1bits, c2bits, offset, chrompack)
return (version, values)
# Read a *frame* header -- separate functions per version.
# Return (timecode, datasize, chromdatasize).
# Raise EOFError if end of data is reached.
# Raise Error if data is bad.
def readv0frameheader(fp):
line = fp.readline()
if not line or line == '\n': raise EOFError
t = eval(line[:-1])
raise Error, 'Bad 0.0 frame header'
return (t, 0, 0)
def readv1frameheader(fp):
line = fp.readline()
if not line or line == '\n': raise EOFError
t, datasize = eval(line[:-1])
raise Error, 'Bad 1.0 frame header'
return (t, datasize, 0)
def readv2frameheader(fp):
line = fp.readline()
if not line or line == '\n': raise EOFError
t, datasize = eval(line[:-1])
raise Error, 'Bad 2.0 frame header'
return (t, datasize, 0)
def readv3frameheader(fp):
line = fp.readline()
if not line or line == '\n': raise EOFError
t, datasize, chromdatasize = x = eval(line[:-1])
raise Error, 'Bad 3.0 frame header'
return x
# Write a CMIF video file header (always version 3.0)
def writefileheader(fp, values):
(format, width, height, packfactor, \
c0bits, c1bits, c2bits, offset, chrompack) = values
# Write identifying header
fp.write('CMIF video 3.0\n')
# Write color encoding info
if format == 'rgb':
data = ('rgb', 0)
elif format == 'grey':
data = ('grey', c0bits)
data = (format, (c0bits, c1bits, c2bits, chrompack, offset))
# Write frame geometry info
if format == 'rgb':
packfactor = 0
elif packfactor == 0:
packfactor = 1
data = (width, height, packfactor)
# Basic class for reading CMIF video files
class BasicVinFile(VideoParams):
def init(self, filename):
if filename == '-':
return self.initfp(sys.stdin, filename)
return self.initfp(open(filename, 'r'), filename)
fp = sys.stdin
fp = open(filename, 'r')
return self.initfp(fp, filename)
def initfp(self, fp, filename):
self.colormapinited = 0
self.magnify = 1.0
self.xorigin = self.yorigin = 0
self.fallback = 1
self.skipchrom = 0
self = VideoParams.init(self)
self.fp = fp
self.filename = filename
self.quiet = 0
line = self.fp.readline()
if line == 'CMIF video 1.0\n':
self.version = 1.0
elif line == 'CMIF video 2.0\n':
self.version = 2.0
elif line == 'CMIF video 3.0\n':
self.version = 3.0
raise Error, self.filename + ': bad video format'
if self.version < 2.0:
self.c0bits, self.c1bits, self.c2bits = 8, 0, 0
self.chrompack = 0
self.offset = 0
self.format = 'grey'
self.version, values = readfileheader(fp, filename)
VideoParams.setinfo(self, values)
if self.version == 0.0:
w, h, pf = self.width, self.height, self.packfactor
if pf == 0:
self._datasize = w*h*4
self._datasize = (w/pf) * (h/pf)
self._readframeheader = self._readv0frameheader
elif self.version == 1.0:
self._readframeheader = readv1frameheader
elif self.version == 2.0:
line = self.fp.readline()
self.c0bits, self.c1bits, self.c2bits, \
self.chrompack = eval(line[:-1])
if self.c1bits or self.c2bits:
self.format = 'yiq'
self.format = 'grey'
self.offset = 0
raise Error, \
self.filename + ': bad 2.0 color info'
self._readframeheader = readv2frameheader
elif self.version == 3.0:
line = self.fp.readline()
self.format, rest = eval(line[:-1])
if self.format == 'rgb':
self.offset = 0
self.c0bits = 0
self.c1bits = 0
self.c2bits = 0
self.chrompack = 0
elif self.format == 'grey':
self.offset = 0
self.c0bits = rest
self.c1bits = self.c2bits = \
self.chrompack = 0
self.chrompack,self.offset = rest
raise Error, \
self.filename + ': bad 3.0 color info'
line = self.fp.readline()
self._readframeheader = readv3frameheader
raise Error, \
filename + ': Bad version: ' + `self.version`
self.framecount = 0
self.atframeheader = 1
x = eval(line[:-1])
if self.version > 1.0 or len(x) == 3:
self.width, self.height, self.packfactor = x
if self.packfactor == 0:
self.format = 'rgb'
sef.width, self.height = x
self.packfactor = 2
raise Error, self.filename + ': bad (w,h,pf) info'
self.frameno = 0
self.framecache = []
self.hascache = 0
self.startpos = self.fp.tell()
self.canseek = 1
except IOError:
self.startpos = -1
self.canseek = 0
return self
def warmcache(self):
if self.hascache: return
n = 0
while 1:
void = self.skipnextframe()
n = n + 1
except EOFError:
if not self.hascache:
raise Error, 'Cannot warm cache'
def _readv0frameheader(self, fp):
t, ds, cs = readv0frameheader(fp)
ds = self._datasize
return (t, ds, cs)
def close(self):
self.fp = None
del self.fp
del self._readframeheader
def setinfo(self, values):
raise CallError # Can't change info of input file!
def setsize(self, size):
raise CallError # Can't change info of input file!
def rewind(self):
if self.hascache:
self.frameno = 0
if not self.canseek:
raise Error, self.filename + ': can\'t seek'
self.framecount = 0
self.atframeheader = 1
def position(self):
if self.frameno >= len(self.framecache):
raise EOFError[self.frameno][0])
def warmcache(self):
# getnextframe() raises EOFError (built-in) if there is no next frame,
# or if the next frame is broken.
# So to getnextframeheader(), getnextframedata() and skipnextframe().
def printinfo(self):
print 'File: ', self.filename
print 'Version: ', self.version
def getnextframe(self):
time, size, chromsize = self.getnextframeheader()
data, chromdata = self.getnextframedata(size, chromsize)
return time, data, chromdata
def getnextframedata(self, size, chromsize):
if self.hascache:
self.frameno = self.frameno + 1
data =
if len(data) <> size: raise EOFError
if chromsize:
chromdata =
if len(chromdata) <> chromsize: raise EOFError
chromdata = None
return data, chromdata
t, ds, cs = self.getnextframeheader()
data, cdata = self.getnextframedata(ds, cs)
return (t, data, cdata)
def skipnextframe(self):
time, size, chromsize = self.getnextframeheader()
self.skipnextframedata(size, chromsize)
return time
def skipnextframedata(self, size, chromsize):
if self.hascache:
self.frameno = self.frameno + 1
# Note that this won't raise EOFError for a partial frame.
try: + chromsize, 1) # Relative seek
# Assume it's a pipe -- read the data to discard it
dummy = + chromsize)
t, ds, cs = self.getnextframeheader()
self.skipnextframedata(ds, cs)
return t
def getnextframeheader(self):
if self.hascache:
if self.frameno >= len(self.framecache):
raise EOFError
return self.framecache[self.frameno][1]
line = self.fp.readline()
if not line:
self.hascache = 1
raise EOFError
w, h, pf = self.width, self.height, self.packfactor
if not self.atframeheader: raise CallError
self.atframeheader = 0
x = eval(line[:-1])
if type(x) in (type(0), type(0.0)):
time = x
if pf == 0:
size = w * h * 4
size = (w/pf) * (h/pf)
elif len(x) == 2:
time, size = x
cp = self.chrompack
if cp:
cw = (w + cp - 1) / cp
ch = (h + cp - 1) / cp
chromsize = 2 * cw * ch
chromsize = 0
time, size, chromsize = x
raise Error, self.filename + ': bad frame header'
cdata = (self.fp.tell(), (time, size, chromsize))
return time, size, chromsize
def shownextframe(self):
time, data, chromdata = self.getnextframe()
self.showframe(data, chromdata)
return time
# A set of routines to grab images from windows
def grab_rgb(w, h, pf):
if gl.getdisplaymode() <> DMRGB:
raise Error, 'Sorry, can only grab rgb in single-buf rgbmode'
if pf <> 1 and pf <> 0:
raise Error, 'Sorry, only grab with packfactor=1'
return gl.lrectread(0, 0, w-1, h-1), None
def grab_rgb8(w, h, pf):
if gl.getdisplaymode() <> DMRGB:
raise Error, 'Sorry, can only grab rgb in single-buf rgbmode'
if pf <> 1 and pf <> 0:
raise Error, 'Sorry, can only grab with packfactor=1'
r = gl.getgdesc(GL.GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_RED)
g = gl.getgdesc(GL.GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_GREEN)
b = gl.getgdesc(GL.GD_BITS_NORM_SNG_BLUE)
if (r,g,b) <> (3,3,2):
raise Error, 'Sorry, can only grab rgb8 on 8-bit Indigo'
# Dirty Dirty here. Set buffer to cmap mode, grab image and set it back
gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 8)
data = gl.lrectread(0, 0, w-1, h-1)
data = data[:w*h] # BUG FIX for python lrectread
gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 32)
return data, None
def grab_grey(w, h, pf):
raise Error, 'Sorry, grabbing grey not implemented'
return self._readframeheader(self.fp)
except Error, msg:
# Patch up the error message
raise Error, self.filename + ': ' + msg
def getnextframedata(self, ds, cs):
if self.atframeheader: raise CallError
if ds:
data =
if len(data) < ds: raise EOFError
data = ''
if cs:
cdata =
if len(cdata) < cs: raise EOFerror
cdata = ''
self.atframeheader = 1
self.framecount = self.framecount + 1
return (data, cdata)
def skipnextframedata(self, ds, cs):
if self.atframeheader: raise CallError
# Note that this won't raise EOFError for a partial frame
# since there is no easy way to tell whether a seek
# ended up beyond the end of the file
if self.canseek: + cs, 1) # Relative seek
dummy = + cs)
del dummy
self.atframeheader = 1
self.framecount = self.framecount + 1
def grab_yiq(w, h, pf):
raise Error, 'Sorry, grabbing yiq not implemented'
def grab_hls(w, h, pf):
raise Error, 'Sorry, grabbing hls not implemented'
class BasicVoutFile(VideoParams):
def grab_hsv(w, h, pf):
raise Error, 'Sorry, grabbing hsv not implemented'
# The class VoutFile is not as well-designed (and tested) as VinFile.
# Notably it will accept almost any garbage and write it to the video
# output file
class VoutFile(VFile):
def init(self, filename):
if filename == '-':
return self.initfp(sys.stdout, filename)
fp = sys.stdout
return self.initfp(open(filename,'w'), filename)
fp = open(filename, 'w')
return self.initfp(fp, filename)
def initfp(self, fp, filename):
self = VideoParams.init(self)
self.fp = fp
self.format = 'grey'
self.width = self.height = 0
self.packfactor = 1
self.c0bits = 8
self.c1bits = self.c2bits = 0
self.offset = 0
self.chrompack = 0
self.filename = filename
self.version = 3.0 # In case anyone inquires
self.headerwritten = 0
self.quiet = 0
self.magnify = 1
self.xorigin = self.yorigin = 0
return self
def flush(self):
def close(self):
x = self.initfp(None, None)
del self.fp
def setinfo(self, values):
self.format, self.width, self.height, self.packfactor,\
self.c0bits, self.c1bits, self.c2bits, self.offset, \
self.chrompack = values
if self.headerwritten: raise CallError
VideoParams.setinfo(self, values)
def writeheader(self):
if self.headerwritten: raise CallError
writefileheader(self.fp, self.getinfo())
self.headerwritten = 1
if self.format == 'rgb':
self.packfactor = 0
elif self.packfactor == 0:
self.packfactor = 1
self.fp.write('CMIF video 3.0\n')
if self.format == 'rgb':
data = ('rgb', 0)
elif self.format == 'grey':
data = ('grey', self.c0bits)
data = (self.format, (self.c0bits, self.c1bits, \
self.c2bits, self.chrompack, self.offset))
data = (self.width, self.height, self.packfactor)
self._grabber = eval('grab_' + self.format)
raise Error, 'unknown colorsys: ' + self.format
def writeframeheader(self, data):
if not self.headerwritten:
raise Error, 'Writing frame data before header'
# XXXX Should we sanity check here?
def writeframedata(self, data, chromdata):
# XXXX Check sizes here
if chromdata:
def writeframe(self, time, data, chromdata):
if chromdata:
clen = len(chromdata)
clen = 0
self.writeframeheader((time, len(data), clen))
self.writeframedata(data, chromdata)
self.atheader = 1
self.framecount = 0
def rewind(self):
self.headerwritten = 0
self.atheader = 1
self.framecount = 0
def printinfo(self):
print 'File: ', self.filename
def writeframe(self, t, data, cdata):
if data: ds = len(data)
else: ds = 0
if cdata: cs = len(cdata)
else: cs = 0
self.writeframeheader(t, ds, cs)
self.writeframedata(data, cdata)
def writeframeheader(self, t, ds, cs):
if not self.headerwritten: self.writeheader()
if not self.atheader: raise CallError
self.fp.write(`(t, ds, cs)` + '\n')
self.atheader = 0
def writeframedata(self, data, cdata):
if not self.headerwritten or self.atheader: raise CallError
if data: self.fp.write(data)
if cdata: self.fp.write(cdata)
self.atheader = 1
self.framecount = self.framecount + 1
# Classes that combine files with displayers and/or grabbers:
class VinFile(BasicVinFile, Displayer):
def initfp(self, fp, filename):
self = Displayer.init(self)
return BasicVinFile.initfp(self, fp, filename)
def shownextframe(self):
t, data, cdata = self.getnextframe()
self.showframe(data, cdata)
return t
class VoutFile(BasicVoutFile, Displayer, Grabber):
def initfp(self, fp, filename):
self = Displayer.init(self)
## self = Grabber.init(self) # XXX not needed
return BasicVoutFile.initfp(self, fp, filename)
# Simple test program (VinFile only)
def grabframe(self):
return self._grabber(self.width, self.height, self.packfactor)
def test():
import sys, time
filename = ''
import time
if sys.argv[1:]: filename = sys.argv[1]
else: filename = ''
vin = VinFile().init(filename)
print 'File: ', filename
print 'Version: ', vin.version
print 'Size: ', vin.width, 'x', vin.height
print 'Pack: ', vin.packfactor, '; chrom:', vin.chrompack
print 'Bits: ', vin.c0bits, vin.c1bits, vin.c2bits
print 'Format: ', vin.format
print 'Offset: ', vin.offset
gl.prefsize(vin.width, vin.height)
wid = gl.winopen(filename)
t0 = time.millitimer()
while 1:
t, data, chromdata = vin.getnextframe()
except EOFError:
dt = t + t0 - time.millitimer()
if dt > 0:
vin.showframe(data, chromdata)
print 'Done.'
try: t = vin.shownextframe()
except EOFError: break
dt = t0 + t - time.millitimer()
if dt > 0: time.millisleep(dt)
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