Commit 57897505 authored by Berker Peksag's avatar Berker Peksag

Issue #14910: Add allow_abbrev parameter to argparse.ArgumentParser.

Patch by Jonathan Paugh, Steven Bethard, paul j3 and Daniel Eriksson.
parent f3f92f66
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ ArgumentParser objects
formatter_class=argparse.HelpFormatter, \
prefix_chars='-', fromfile_prefix_chars=None, \
argument_default=None, conflict_handler='error', \
add_help=True, allow_abbrev=True)
Create a new :class:`ArgumentParser` object. All parameters should be passed
as keyword arguments. Each parameter has its own more detailed description
......@@ -169,6 +169,12 @@ ArgumentParser objects
* add_help_ - Add a -h/--help option to the parser (default: ``True``)
* allow_abbrev_ - Allows long options to be abbreviated if the
abbreviation is unambiguous. (default: ``True``)
.. versionchanged:: 3.5
*allow_abbrev* parameter was added.
The following sections describe how each of these are used.
......@@ -518,6 +524,26 @@ calls, we supply ``argument_default=SUPPRESS``::
>>> parser.parse_args([])
.. _allow_abbrev:
Normally, when you pass an argument list to the
:meth:`~ArgumentParser.parse_args` method of a :class:`ArgumentParser`,
it :ref:`recognizes abbreviations <prefix-matching>` of long options.
This feature can be disabled by setting ``allow_abbrev`` to ``False``::
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG', allow_abbrev=False)
>>> parser.add_argument('--foobar', action='store_true')
>>> parser.add_argument('--foonley', action='store_false')
>>> parser.parse_args([--foon])
usage: PROG [-h] [--foobar] [--foonley]
PROG: error: unrecognized arguments: --foon
.. versionadded:: 3.5
......@@ -1410,9 +1436,9 @@ argument::
Argument abbreviations (prefix matching)
The :meth:`~ArgumentParser.parse_args` method allows long options to be
abbreviated to a prefix, if the abbreviation is unambiguous (the prefix matches
a unique option)::
The :meth:`~ArgumentParser.parse_args` method :ref:`by default <allow_abbrev>`
allows long options to be abbreviated to a prefix, if the abbreviation is
unambiguous (the prefix matches a unique option)::
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
>>> parser.add_argument('-bacon')
......@@ -1426,6 +1452,7 @@ a unique option)::
PROG: error: ambiguous option: -ba could match -badger, -bacon
An error is produced for arguments that could produce more than one options.
This feature can be disabled by setting :ref:`allow_abbrev` to ``False``.
Beyond ``sys.argv``
......@@ -146,6 +146,14 @@ New Modules
Improved Modules
* :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` now allows to disable
:ref:`abbreviated usage <prefix-matching>` of long options by setting
:ref:`allow_abbrev` to ``False``.
(Contributed by Jonathan Paugh, Steven Bethard, paul j3 and Daniel Eriksson.)
......@@ -1590,6 +1590,7 @@ class ArgumentParser(_AttributeHolder, _ActionsContainer):
- argument_default -- The default value for all arguments
- conflict_handler -- String indicating how to handle conflicts
- add_help -- Add a -h/-help option
- allow_abbrev -- Allow long options to be abbreviated unambiguously
def __init__(self,
......@@ -1603,7 +1604,8 @@ class ArgumentParser(_AttributeHolder, _ActionsContainer):
superinit = super(ArgumentParser, self).__init__
......@@ -1621,6 +1623,7 @@ class ArgumentParser(_AttributeHolder, _ActionsContainer):
self.formatter_class = formatter_class
self.fromfile_prefix_chars = fromfile_prefix_chars
self.add_help = add_help
self.allow_abbrev = allow_abbrev
add_group = self.add_argument_group
self._positionals = add_group(_('positional arguments'))
......@@ -2098,6 +2101,7 @@ class ArgumentParser(_AttributeHolder, _ActionsContainer):
action = self._option_string_actions[option_string]
return action, option_string, explicit_arg
if self.allow_abbrev:
# search through all possible prefixes of the option string
# and all actions in the parser for possible interpretations
option_tuples = self._get_option_tuples(arg_string)
......@@ -753,6 +753,39 @@ class TestOptionalsActionCount(ParserTestCase):
class TestOptionalsAllowLongAbbreviation(ParserTestCase):
"""Allow long options to be abbreviated unambiguously"""
argument_signatures = [
Sig('--fooble', action='store_true'),
failures = ['--foob 5', '--foob']
successes = [
('', NS(foo=None, foobaz=None, fooble=False)),
('--foo 7', NS(foo='7', foobaz=None, fooble=False)),
('--fooba a', NS(foo=None, foobaz='a', fooble=False)),
('--foobl --foo g', NS(foo='g', foobaz=None, fooble=True)),
class TestOptionalsDisallowLongAbbreviation(ParserTestCase):
"""Do not allow abbreviations of long options at all"""
parser_signature = Sig(allow_abbrev=False)
argument_signatures = [
Sig('--foodle', action='store_true'),
failures = ['-foon 3', '--foon 3', '--food', '--food --foo 2']
successes = [
('', NS(foo=None, foodle=False, foonly=None)),
('--foo 3', NS(foo='3', foodle=False, foonly=None)),
('--foonly 7 --foodle --foo 2', NS(foo='2', foodle=True, foonly='7')),
# ================
# Positional tests
# ================
......@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #14910: Add allow_abbrev parameter to argparse.ArgumentParser. Patch by
Jonathan Paugh, Steven Bethard, paul j3 and Daniel Eriksson.
- Issue #21717: now supports 'x' (exclusive creation) mode.
- Issue #23344: marshal.dumps() is now 20-25% faster on average.
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