Commit 599a1c94 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Generalize the new qQ std-mode tests to all int codes (bBhHiIlLqQ).

Unfortunately, the std-mode bBhHIL codes don't do any range-checking; if
and when some of those get fixed, remove their letters from the
IntTester.BUGGY_RANGE_CHECK string.  In the meantime, a msg saying that
range-tests are getting skipped is printed to stdout whenever one is
parent 044c2a58
......@@ -2,6 +2,23 @@ from test_support import TestFailed, verbose, verify
import struct
## import pdb
import sys
ISBIGENDIAN = sys.byteorder == "big"
del sys
verify((struct.pack('=i', 1)[0] == chr(0)) == ISBIGENDIAN,
"bigendian determination appears wrong")
def string_reverse(s):
chars = list(s)
return "".join(chars)
def bigendian_to_native(value):
return value
return string_reverse(value)
def simple_err(func, *args):
apply(func, args)
......@@ -22,6 +39,7 @@ def any_err(func, *args):
func.__name__, args)
## pdb.set_trace()
simple_err(struct.calcsize, 'Z')
sz = struct.calcsize('i')
......@@ -103,13 +121,11 @@ tests = [
'\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\300', 0),
isbigendian = struct.pack('=i', 1)[0] == chr(0)
for fmt, arg, big, lil, asy in tests:
if verbose:
print `fmt`, `arg`, `big`, `lil`
for (xfmt, exp) in [('>'+fmt, big), ('!'+fmt, big), ('<'+fmt, lil),
('='+fmt, isbigendian and big or lil)]:
('='+fmt, ISBIGENDIAN and big or lil)]:
res = struct.pack(xfmt, arg)
if res != exp:
raise TestFailed, "pack(%s, %s) -> %s # expected %s" % (
......@@ -124,7 +140,7 @@ for fmt, arg, big, lil, asy in tests:
`fmt`, `res`, `rev`, `arg`)
# q/Q tests.
# Simple native q/Q tests.
has_native_qQ = 1
......@@ -139,17 +155,6 @@ any_err(struct.pack, "Q", -1) # can't pack -1 as unsigned regardless
simple_err(struct.pack, "q", "a") # can't pack string as 'q' regardless
simple_err(struct.pack, "Q", "a") # ditto, but 'Q'
def string_reverse(s):
chars = list(s)
return "".join(chars)
def bigendian_to_native(value):
if isbigendian:
return value
return string_reverse(value)
def test_native_qQ():
bytes = struct.calcsize('q')
# The expected values here are in big-endian format, primarily because
......@@ -175,149 +180,188 @@ def test_native_qQ():
if has_native_qQ:
# Standard q/Q (8 bytes; should work on all platforms).
MIN_Q, MAX_Q = 0, 2L**64 - 1
MIN_q, MAX_q = -(2L**63), 2L**63 - 1
# Standard integer tests (bBhHiIlLqQ).
import binascii
def test_one_qQ(x, pack=struct.pack,
if verbose:
print "trying std q/Q on", x, "==", hex(x)
# Try 'q'.
if MIN_q <= x <= MAX_q:
# Try '>q'.
expected = long(x)
if x < 0:
expected += 1L << 64
assert expected > 0
expected = hex(expected)[2:-1] # chop "0x" and trailing 'L'
if len(expected) & 1:
expected = "0" + expected
expected = unhexlify(expected)
expected = "\x00" * (8 - len(expected)) + expected
# >q pack work?
got = pack(">q", x)
verify(got == expected,
"'>q'-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(x, got, expected))
# >q unpack work?
retrieved = unpack(">q", got)[0]
verify(x == retrieved,
"'>q'-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(got, retrieved, x))
# Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
any_err(unpack, ">q", '\x01' + got)
# Try '<q'.
expected = string_reverse(expected)
# <q pack work?
got = pack("<q", x)
verify(got == expected,
"'<q'-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(x, got, expected))
# <q unpack work?
retrieved = unpack("<q", got)[0]
verify(x == retrieved,
"'<q'-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(got, retrieved, x))
# Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
any_err(unpack, "<q", '\x01' + got)
# x is out of q's range -- verify pack realizes that.
any_err(pack, '>q', x)
any_err(pack, '<q', x)
# Much the same for 'Q'.
if MIN_Q <= x <= MAX_Q:
# Try '>Q'.
expected = long(x)
expected = hex(expected)[2:-1] # chop "0x" and trailing 'L'
if len(expected) & 1:
expected = "0" + expected
expected = unhexlify(expected)
expected = "\x00" * (8 - len(expected)) + expected
# >Q pack work?
got = pack(">Q", x)
verify(got == expected,
"'>Q'-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(x, got, expected))
# >Q unpack work?
retrieved = unpack(">Q", got)[0]
verify(x == retrieved,
"'>Q'-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(got, retrieved, x))
# Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
any_err(unpack, ">Q", '\x01' + got)
# Try '<Q'.
expected = string_reverse(expected)
# <Q pack work?
got = pack("<Q", x)
verify(got == expected,
"'<Q'-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(x, got, expected))
# <Q unpack work?
retrieved = unpack("<Q", got)[0]
verify(x == retrieved,
"'<Q'-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(got, retrieved, x))
# Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
any_err(unpack, "<Q", '\x01' + got)
# x is out of Q's range -- verify pack realizes that.
any_err(pack, '>Q', x)
any_err(pack, '<Q', x)
def test_std_qQ():
from random import randrange
# Create all interesting powers of 2.
values = []
for exp in range(70):
values.append(1L << exp)
# Add some random 64-bit values.
for i in range(50):
val = 0L
for j in range(8):
val = (val << 8) | randrange(256)
# Try all those, and their negations, and +-1 from them. Note
# that this tests all power-of-2 boundaries in range, and a few out
# of range, plus +-(2**n +- 1).
for base in values:
for val in -base, base:
for incr in -1, 0, 1:
x = val + incr
x = int(x)
except OverflowError:
# Some error cases.
for direction in "<>":
for letter in "qQ":
for badobject in "a string", 3+42j, randrange:
any_err(struct.pack, direction + letter, badobject)
class IntTester:
# XXX Most std integer modes fail to test for out-of-range.
def __init__(self, formatpair, bytesize):
assert len(formatpair) == 2
self.formatpair = formatpair
for direction in "<>!=":
for code in formatpair:
format = direction + code
verify(struct.calcsize(format) == bytesize)
self.bytesize = bytesize
self.bitsize = bytesize * 8
self.signed_code, self.unsigned_code = formatpair
self.unsigned_min = 0
self.unsigned_max = 2L**self.bitsize - 1
self.signed_min = -(2L**(self.bitsize-1))
self.signed_max = 2L**(self.bitsize-1) - 1
def test_one(self, x, pack=struct.pack,
if verbose:
print "trying std", self.formatpair, "on", x, "==", hex(x)
# Try signed.
code = self.signed_code
if self.signed_min <= x <= self.signed_max:
# Try big-endian.
expected = long(x)
if x < 0:
expected += 1L << self.bitsize
assert expected > 0
expected = hex(expected)[2:-1] # chop "0x" and trailing 'L'
if len(expected) & 1:
expected = "0" + expected
expected = unhexlify(expected)
expected = "\x00" * (self.bytesize - len(expected)) + expected
# Pack work?
format = ">" + code
got = pack(format, x)
verify(got == expected,
"'%s'-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, x, got, expected))
# Unpack work?
retrieved = unpack(format, got)[0]
verify(x == retrieved,
"'%s'-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, got, retrieved, x))
# Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
any_err(unpack, format, '\x01' + got)
# Try little-endian.
format = "<" + code
expected = string_reverse(expected)
# Pack work?
got = pack(format, x)
verify(got == expected,
"'%s'-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, x, got, expected))
# Unpack work?
retrieved = unpack(format, got)[0]
verify(x == retrieved,
"'%s'-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, got, retrieved, x))
# Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
any_err(unpack, format, '\x01' + got)
# x is out of range -- verify pack realizes that.
if code in self.BUGGY_RANGE_CHECK:
if verbose:
print "Skipping buggy range check for code", code
any_err(pack, ">" + code, x)
any_err(pack, "<" + code, x)
# Much the same for unsigned.
code = self.unsigned_code
if self.unsigned_min <= x <= self.unsigned_max:
# Try big-endian.
format = ">" + code
expected = long(x)
expected = hex(expected)[2:-1] # chop "0x" and trailing 'L'
if len(expected) & 1:
expected = "0" + expected
expected = unhexlify(expected)
expected = "\x00" * (self.bytesize - len(expected)) + expected
# Pack work?
got = pack(format, x)
verify(got == expected,
"'%s'-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, x, got, expected))
# Unpack work?
retrieved = unpack(format, got)[0]
verify(x == retrieved,
"'%s'-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, got, retrieved, x))
# Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
any_err(unpack, format, '\x01' + got)
# Try little-endian.
format = "<" + code
expected = string_reverse(expected)
# Pack work?
got = pack(format, x)
verify(got == expected,
"'%s'-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, x, got, expected))
# Unpack work?
retrieved = unpack(format, got)[0]
verify(x == retrieved,
"'%s'-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, got, retrieved, x))
# Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
any_err(unpack, format, '\x01' + got)
# x is out of range -- verify pack realizes that.
if code in self.BUGGY_RANGE_CHECK:
if verbose:
print "Skipping buggy range check for code", code
any_err(pack, ">" + code, x)
any_err(pack, "<" + code, x)
def run(self):
from random import randrange
# Create all interesting powers of 2.
values = []
for exp in range(self.bitsize + 3):
values.append(1L << exp)
# Add some random values.
for i in range(self.bitsize):
val = 0L
for j in range(self.bytesize):
val = (val << 8) | randrange(256)
# Try all those, and their negations, and +-1 from them. Note
# that this tests all power-of-2 boundaries in range, and a few out
# of range, plus +-(2**n +- 1).
for base in values:
for val in -base, base:
for incr in -1, 0, 1:
x = val + incr
x = int(x)
except OverflowError:
# Some error cases.
for direction in "<>":
for code in self.formatpair:
for badobject in "a string", 3+42j, randrange:
any_err(struct.pack, direction + code, badobject)
for args in [("bB", 1),
("hH", 2),
("iI", 4),
("lL", 4),
("qQ", 8)]:
t = IntTester(*args)
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