Commit 5a851670 authored by Nick Coghlan's avatar Nick Coghlan Committed by GitHub

bpo-31344: Per-frame control of trace events (GH-3417)

f_trace_lines: enable/disable line trace events
f_trace_opcodes: enable/disable opcode trace events

These are intended primarily for testing of the interpreter
itself, as they make it much easier to emulate signals
arriving at unfortunate times.
parent 2eb0cb47
......@@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ always available.
Trace functions should have three arguments: *frame*, *event*, and
*arg*. *frame* is the current stack frame. *event* is a string: ``'call'``,
``'line'``, ``'return'``, ``'exception'``, ``'c_call'``, ``'c_return'``, or
``'c_exception'``. *arg* depends on the event type.
``'c_exception'``, ``'opcode'``. *arg* depends on the event type.
The trace function is invoked (with *event* set to ``'call'``) whenever a new
local scope is entered; it should return a reference to a local trace
......@@ -1091,6 +1091,8 @@ always available.
``None``; the return value specifies the new local trace function. See
:file:`Objects/lnotab_notes.txt` for a detailed explanation of how this
Per-line events may be disabled for a frame by setting
:attr:`f_trace_lines` to :const:`False` on that frame.
A function (or other code block) is about to return. The local trace
......@@ -1113,6 +1115,14 @@ always available.
A C function has raised an exception. *arg* is the C function object.
The interpreter is about to execute a new opcode (see :mod:`dis` for
opcode details). The local trace function is called; *arg* is
``None``; the return value specifies the new local trace function.
Per-opcode events are not emitted by default: they must be explicitly
requested by setting :attr:`f_trace_opcodes` to :const:`True` on the
Note that as an exception is propagated down the chain of callers, an
``'exception'`` event is generated at each level.
......@@ -1125,6 +1135,11 @@ always available.
implementation platform, rather than part of the language definition, and
thus may not be available in all Python implementations.
.. versionchanged:: 3.7
``'opcode'`` event type added; :attr:`f_trace_lines` and
:attr:`f_trace_opcodes` attributes added to frames
.. function:: set_asyncgen_hooks(firstiter, finalizer)
Accepts two optional keyword arguments which are callables that accept an
......@@ -970,10 +970,20 @@ Internal types
.. index::
single: f_trace (frame attribute)
single: f_trace_lines (frame attribute)
single: f_trace_opcodes (frame attribute)
single: f_lineno (frame attribute)
Special writable attributes: :attr:`f_trace`, if not ``None``, is a function
called at the start of each source code line (this is used by the debugger);
called for various events during code execution (this is used by the debugger).
Normally an event is triggered for each new source line - this can be
disabled by setting :attr:`f_trace_lines` to :const:`False`.
Implementations *may* allow per-opcode events to be requested by setting
:attr:`f_trace_opcodes` to :const:`True`. Note that this may lead to
undefined interpreter behaviour if exceptions raised by the trace
function escape to the function being traced.
:attr:`f_lineno` is the current line number of the frame --- writing to this
from within a trace function jumps to the given line (only for the bottom-most
frame). A debugger can implement a Jump command (aka Set Next Statement)
......@@ -348,6 +348,18 @@ Build and C API Changes
(Contributed by Antoine Pitrou in :issue:`31370`.).
Other CPython Implementation Changes
* Trace hooks may now opt out of receiving ``line`` events from the interpreter
by setting the new ``f_trace_lines`` attribute to :const:`False` on the frame
being traced. (Contributed by Nick Coghlan in :issue:`31344`.)
* Trace hooks may now opt in to receiving ``opcode`` events from the interpreter
by setting the new ``f_trace_opcodes`` attribute to :const:`True` on the frame
being traced. (Contributed by Nick Coghlan in :issue:`31344`.)
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ typedef struct _frame {
to the current stack top. */
PyObject **f_stacktop;
PyObject *f_trace; /* Trace function */
char f_trace_lines; /* Emit per-line trace events? */
char f_trace_opcodes; /* Emit per-opcode trace events? */
/* In a generator, we need to be able to swap between the exception
state inside the generator and the exception state of the calling
......@@ -92,7 +92,11 @@ typedef struct _is {
/* Py_tracefunc return -1 when raising an exception, or 0 for success. */
typedef int (*Py_tracefunc)(PyObject *, struct _frame *, int, PyObject *);
/* The following values are used for 'what' for tracefunc functions: */
/* The following values are used for 'what' for tracefunc functions
* To add a new kind of trace event, also update "trace_init" in
* Python/sysmodule.c to define the Python level event name
#define PyTrace_CALL 0
#define PyTrace_EXCEPTION 1
#define PyTrace_LINE 2
......@@ -100,6 +104,7 @@ typedef int (*Py_tracefunc)(PyObject *, struct _frame *, int, PyObject *);
#define PyTrace_C_CALL 4
#define PyTrace_C_EXCEPTION 5
#define PyTrace_C_RETURN 6
#define PyTrace_OPCODE 7
......@@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ class SizeofTest(unittest.TestCase):
nfrees = len(x.f_code.co_freevars)
extras = x.f_code.co_stacksize + x.f_code.co_nlocals +\
ncells + nfrees - 1
check(x, vsize('12P3ic' + CO_MAXBLOCKS*'3i' + 'P' + extras*'P'))
check(x, vsize('8P2c4P3ic' + CO_MAXBLOCKS*'3i' + 'P' + extras*'P'))
# function
def func(): pass
check(func, size('12P'))
......@@ -234,16 +234,29 @@ = ([(0, 'call'),
class Tracer:
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self, trace_line_events=None, trace_opcode_events=None):
self.trace_line_events = trace_line_events
self.trace_opcode_events = trace_opcode_events = []
def _reconfigure_frame(self, frame):
if self.trace_line_events is not None:
frame.f_trace_lines = self.trace_line_events
if self.trace_opcode_events is not None:
frame.f_trace_opcodes = self.trace_opcode_events
def trace(self, frame, event, arg):
self._reconfigure_frame(frame), event))
return self.trace
def traceWithGenexp(self, frame, event, arg):
(o for o in [1]), event))
return self.trace
class TraceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
# Disable gc collection when tracing, otherwise the
......@@ -257,6 +270,11 @@ class TraceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
if self.using_gc:
def make_tracer():
"""Helper to allow test subclasses to configure tracers differently"""
return Tracer()
def compare_events(self, line_offset, events, expected_events):
events = [(l - line_offset, e) for (l, e) in events]
if events != expected_events:
......@@ -266,7 +284,7 @@ class TraceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
[str(x) for x in events])))
def run_and_compare(self, func, events):
tracer = Tracer()
tracer = self.make_tracer()
......@@ -277,7 +295,7 @@ class TraceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def run_test2(self, func):
tracer = Tracer()
tracer = self.make_tracer()
......@@ -329,7 +347,7 @@ class TraceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
# and if the traced function contains another generator
# that is not completely exhausted, the trace stopped.
# Worse: the 'finally' clause was not invoked.
tracer = Tracer()
tracer = self.make_tracer()
......@@ -398,6 +416,34 @@ class TraceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
(1, 'line')])
class SkipLineEventsTraceTestCase(TraceTestCase):
"""Repeat the trace tests, but with per-line events skipped"""
def compare_events(self, line_offset, events, expected_events):
skip_line_events = [e for e in expected_events if e[1] != 'line']
super().compare_events(line_offset, events, skip_line_events)
def make_tracer():
return Tracer(trace_line_events=False)
class TraceOpcodesTestCase(TraceTestCase):
"""Repeat the trace tests, but with per-opcodes events enabled"""
def compare_events(self, line_offset, events, expected_events):
skip_opcode_events = [e for e in events if e[1] != 'opcode']
if len(events) > 1:
self.assertLess(len(skip_opcode_events), len(events),
msg="No 'opcode' events received by the tracer")
super().compare_events(line_offset, skip_opcode_events, expected_events)
def make_tracer():
return Tracer(trace_opcode_events=True)
class RaisingTraceFuncTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.addCleanup(sys.settrace, sys.gettrace())
......@@ -846,6 +892,8 @@ output.append(4)
def test_main():
For finer control of tracing behaviour when testing the interpreter, two new
frame attributes have been added to control the emission of particular trace
events: ``f_trace_lines`` (``True`` by default) to turn off per-line trace
events; and ``f_trace_opcodes`` (``False`` by default) to turn on per-opcode
trace events.
......@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ static PyMemberDef frame_memberlist[] = {
{"f_builtins", T_OBJECT, OFF(f_builtins), READONLY},
{"f_globals", T_OBJECT, OFF(f_globals), READONLY},
{"f_lasti", T_INT, OFF(f_lasti), READONLY},
{"f_trace_lines", T_BOOL, OFF(f_trace_lines), 0},
{"f_trace_opcodes", T_BOOL, OFF(f_trace_opcodes), 0},
{NULL} /* Sentinel */
......@@ -728,6 +730,8 @@ _PyFrame_New_NoTrack(PyThreadState *tstate, PyCodeObject *code,
f->f_iblock = 0;
f->f_executing = 0;
f->f_gen = NULL;
f->f_trace_opcodes = 0;
f->f_trace_lines = 1;
return f;
......@@ -4458,13 +4458,20 @@ maybe_call_line_trace(Py_tracefunc func, PyObject *obj,
*instr_lb = bounds.ap_lower;
*instr_ub = bounds.ap_upper;
/* If the last instruction falls at the start of a line or if
it represents a jump backwards, update the frame's line
number and call the trace function. */
if (frame->f_lasti == *instr_lb || frame->f_lasti < *instr_prev) {
/* Always emit an opcode event if we're tracing all opcodes. */
if (frame->f_trace_opcodes) {
result = call_trace(func, obj, tstate, frame, PyTrace_OPCODE, Py_None);
/* If the last instruction falls at the start of a line or if it
represents a jump backwards, update the frame's line number and
then call the trace function if we're tracing source lines.
if ((frame->f_lasti == *instr_lb || frame->f_lasti < *instr_prev)) {
frame->f_lineno = line;
if (frame->f_trace_lines) {
result = call_trace(func, obj, tstate, frame, PyTrace_LINE, Py_None);
*instr_prev = frame->f_lasti;
return result;
......@@ -349,18 +349,19 @@ same value.");
* Cached interned string objects used for calling the profile and
* trace functions. Initialized by trace_init().
static PyObject *whatstrings[7] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
static PyObject *whatstrings[8] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
static int
static const char * const whatnames[7] = {
static const char * const whatnames[8] = {
"call", "exception", "line", "return",
"c_call", "c_exception", "c_return"
"c_call", "c_exception", "c_return",
PyObject *name;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
if (whatstrings[i] == NULL) {
name = PyUnicode_InternFromString(whatnames[i]);
if (name == NULL)
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