Commit 5a95e428 authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Updated for new universal headers (oops... this was loooong due).

parent c158bb22
svTempDisable = -32768 #svTempDisable
svDisabled = -32640 #Reserve range -32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables.
fontNotOutlineErr = -32615 #bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only
kURL68kNotSupportedError = -30788 #kURL68kNotSupportedError
kURLAccessNotAvailableError = -30787 #kURLAccessNotAvailableError
kURLInvalidConfigurationError = -30786 #kURLInvalidConfigurationError
kURLExtensionFailureError = -30785 #kURLExtensionFailureError
kURLFileEmptyError = -30783 #kURLFileEmptyError
kURLInvalidCallError = -30781 #kURLInvalidCallError
kURLUnsettablePropertyError = -30780 #kURLUnsettablePropertyError
kURLPropertyBufferTooSmallError = -30779 #kURLPropertyBufferTooSmallError
kURLUnknownPropertyError = -30778 #kURLUnknownPropertyError
kURLPropertyNotYetKnownError = -30777 #kURLPropertyNotYetKnownError
kURLAuthenticationError = -30776 #kURLAuthenticationError
kURLServerBusyError = -30775 #kURLServerBusyError
kURLUnsupportedSchemeError = -30774 #kURLUnsupportedSchemeError
kURLInvalidURLError = -30773 #kURLInvalidURLError
kURLDestinationExistsError = -30772 #kURLDestinationExistsError
kURLProgressAlreadyDisplayedError = -30771 #kURLProgressAlreadyDisplayedError
kURLInvalidURLReferenceError = -30770 #kURLInvalidURLReferenceError
controlHandleInvalidErr = -30599 #controlHandleInvalidErr
controlInvalidDataVersionErr = -30597 #controlInvalidDataVersionErr
errItemNotControl = -30596 #errItemNotControl
errCantEmbedRoot = -30595 #errCantEmbedRoot
errCantEmbedIntoSelf = -30594 #errCantEmbedIntoSelf
errWindowRegionCodeInvalid = -30593 #errWindowRegionCodeInvalid
errControlHiddenOrDisabled = -30592 #errControlHiddenOrDisabled
errDataSizeMismatch = -30591 #errDataSizeMismatch
errControlIsNotEmbedder = -30590 #errControlIsNotEmbedder
errControlsAlreadyExist = -30589 #errControlsAlreadyExist
errInvalidPartCode = -30588 #errInvalidPartCode
errRootAlreadyExists = -30587 #errRootAlreadyExists
errNoRootControl = -30586 #errNoRootControl
errCouldntSetFocus = -30585 #errCouldntSetFocus
errUnknownControl = -30584 #errUnknownControl
errWindowDoesntSupportFocus = -30583 #errWindowDoesntSupportFocus
errControlDoesntSupportFocus = -30582 #errControlDoesntSupportFocus
errDataNotSupported = -30581 #errDataNotSupported
errMessageNotSupported = -30580 #errMessageNotSupported
themeMonitorDepthNotSupportedErr = -30567 #theme not supported at monitor depth
themeScriptFontNotFoundErr = -30566 #theme font requested for uninstalled script system
themeBadCursorIndexErr = -30565 #themeBadCursorIndexErr
themeHasNoAccentsErr = -30564 #themeHasNoAccentsErr
themeBadTextColorErr = -30563 #themeBadTextColorErr
themeProcessNotRegisteredErr = -30562 #themeProcessNotRegisteredErr
themeProcessRegisteredErr = -30561 #themeProcessRegisteredErr
themeInvalidBrushErr = -30560 #pattern index invalid
qtvrUninitialized = -30555 #qtvrUninitialized
qtvrLibraryLoadErr = -30554 #qtvrLibraryLoadErr
streamingNodeNotReadyErr = -30553 #streamingNodeNotReadyErr
noMemoryNodeFailedInitialize = -30552 #noMemoryNodeFailedInitialize
invalidHotSpotIDErr = -30551 #invalidHotSpotIDErr
invalidNodeFormatErr = -30550 #invalidNodeFormatErr
......@@ -14,58 +61,121 @@ selectorNotSupportedByNodeErr = -30543 #selectorNotSupportedByNodeErr
callNotSupportedByNodeErr = -30542 #callNotSupportedByNodeErr
constraintReachedErr = -30541 #constraintReachedErr
notAQTVRMovieErr = -30540 #notAQTVRMovieErr
kFBCnoSuchHit = -30532 #kFBCnoSuchHit
kFBCbadSearchSession = -30531 #kFBCbadSearchSession
kFBCindexDiskIOFailed = -30530 #kFBCindexDiskIOFailed
kFBCsummarizationCanceled = -30529 #kFBCsummarizationCanceled
kFBCbadIndexFileVersion = -30528 #kFBCbadIndexFileVersion
kFBCanalysisNotAvailable = -30527 #kFBCanalysisNotAvailable
kFBCillegalSessionChange = -30526 #tried to add/remove vols to a session
kFBCsomeFilesNotIndexed = -30525 #kFBCsomeFilesNotIndexed
kFBCsearchFailed = -30524 #kFBCsearchFailed
kFBCindexNotAvailable = -30523 #kFBCindexNotAvailable
kFBCindexFileDestroyed = -30522 #kFBCindexFileDestroyed
kFBCaccessCanceled = -30521 #kFBCaccessCanceled
kFBCindexingCanceled = -30520 #kFBCindexingCanceled
kFBCnoSearchSession = -30519 #kFBCnoSearchSession
kFBCindexNotFound = -30518 #kFBCindexNotFound
kFBCflushFailed = -30517 #kFBCflushFailed
kFBCaddDocFailed = -30516 #kFBCaddDocFailed
kFBCaccessorStoreFailed = -30515 #kFBCaccessorStoreFailed
kFBCindexCreationFailed = -30514 #couldn't create index
kFBCmergingFailed = -30513 #couldn't merge index files
kFBCtokenizationFailed = -30512 #couldn't read from document or query
kFBCmoveFailed = -30511 #V-Twin exception caught
kFBCdeletionFailed = -30510 #V-Twin exception caught
kFBCcommitFailed = -30509 #V-Twin exception caught
kFBCindexingFailed = -30508 #V-Twin exception caught
kFBCvalidationFailed = -30507 #V-Twin exception caught
kFBCcompactionFailed = -30506 #V-Twin exception caught
kFBCbadIndexFile = -30505 #bad FSSpec, or bad data in file
kFBCfileNotIndexed = -30504 #kFBCfileNotIndexed
kFBCbadParam = -30503 #kFBCbadParam
kFBCallocFailed = -30502 #probably low memory
kFBCnoIndexesFound = -30501 #kFBCnoIndexesFound
kFBCvTwinExceptionErr = -30500 #no telling what it was
kDSpStereoContextErr = -30450 #kDSpStereoContextErr
kDSpInternalErr = -30449 #kDSpInternalErr
kDSpConfirmSwitchWarning = -30448 #kDSpConfirmSwitchWarning
kDSpFrameRateNotReadyErr = -30447 #kDSpFrameRateNotReadyErr
kDSpContextNotFoundErr = -30446 #kDSpContextNotFoundErr
kDSpContextNotReservedErr = -30445 #kDSpContextNotReservedErr
kDSpContextAlreadyReservedErr = -30444 #kDSpContextAlreadyReservedErr
kDSpInvalidAttributesErr = -30443 #kDSpInvalidAttributesErr
kDSpInvalidContextErr = -30442 #kDSpInvalidContextErr
kDSpSystemSWTooOldErr = -30441 #kDSpSystemSWTooOldErr
kDSpNotInitializedErr = -30440 #kDSpNotInitializedErr
kISpListBusyErr = -30429 #kISpListBusyErr
kISpDeviceActiveErr = -30428 #kISpDeviceActiveErr
kISpSystemActiveErr = -30427 #kISpSystemActiveErr
kISpDeviceInactiveErr = -30426 #kISpDeviceInactiveErr
kISpSystemInactiveErr = -30425 #kISpSystemInactiveErr
kISpElementNotInListErr = -30424 #kISpElementNotInListErr
kISpElementInListErr = -30423 #kISpElementInListErr
kISpBufferToSmallErr = -30422 #kISpBufferToSmallErr
kISpSystemListErr = -30421 #kISpSystemListErr
kISpInternalErr = -30420 #kISpInternalErr
kNSpJoinFailedErr = -30399 #kNSpJoinFailedErr
kNSpCantBlockErr = -30398 #kNSpCantBlockErr
kNSpMessageTooBigErr = -30397 #kNSpMessageTooBigErr
kNSpSendFailedErr = -30396 #kNSpSendFailedErr
kNSpConnectFailedErr = -30395 #kNSpConnectFailedErr
kNSpGameTerminatedErr = -30394 #kNSpGameTerminatedErr
kNSpTimeoutErr = -30393 #kNSpTimeoutErr
kNSpInvalidProtocolListErr = -30392 #kNSpInvalidProtocolListErr
kNSpInvalidProtocolRefErr = -30391 #kNSpInvalidProtocolRefErr
kNSpInvalidDefinitionErr = -30390 #kNSpInvalidDefinitionErr
kNSpAddPlayerFailedErr = -30389 #kNSpAddPlayerFailedErr
kNSpCreateGroupFailedErr = -30388 #kNSpCreateGroupFailedErr
kNSpNoHostVolunteersErr = -30387 #kNSpNoHostVolunteersErr
kNSpNoGroupsErr = -30386 #kNSpNoGroupsErr
kNSpNoPlayersErr = -30385 #kNSpNoPlayersErr
kNSpInvalidGroupIDErr = -30384 #kNSpInvalidGroupIDErr
kNSpInvalidPlayerIDErr = -30383 #kNSpInvalidPlayerIDErr
kNSpNameRequiredErr = -30382 #kNSpNameRequiredErr
kNSpFeatureNotImplementedErr = -30381 #kNSpFeatureNotImplementedErr
kNSpAddressInUseErr = -30380 #kNSpAddressInUseErr
kNSpRemovePlayerFailedErr = -30379 #kNSpRemovePlayerFailedErr
kNSpFreeQExhaustedErr = -30378 #kNSpFreeQExhaustedErr
kNSpInvalidAddressErr = -30377 #kNSpInvalidAddressErr
kNSpNotAdvertisingErr = -30376 #kNSpNotAdvertisingErr
kNSpAlreadyAdvertisingErr = -30374 #kNSpAlreadyAdvertisingErr
kNSpMemAllocationErr = -30373 #kNSpMemAllocationErr
kNSpOTVersionTooOldErr = -30371 #kNSpOTVersionTooOldErr
kNSpOTNotPresentErr = -30370 #kNSpOTNotPresentErr
kNSpInvalidParameterErr = -30369 #kNSpInvalidParameterErr
kNSpInvalidGameRefErr = -30367 #kNSpInvalidGameRefErr
kNSpProtocolNotAvailableErr = -30366 #kNSpProtocolNotAvailableErr
kNSpHostFailedErr = -30365 #kNSpHostFailedErr
kNSpPipeFullErr = -30364 #kNSpPipeFullErr
kNSpTopologyNotSupportedErr = -30362 #kNSpTopologyNotSupportedErr
kNSpAlreadyInitializedErr = -30361 #kNSpAlreadyInitializedErr
kNSpInitializationFailedErr = -30360 #kNSpInitializationFailedErr
kSSpScaleToZeroErr = -30344 #kSSpScaleToZeroErr
kSSpParallelUpVectorErr = -30343 #kSSpParallelUpVectorErr
kSSpCantInstallErr = -30342 #kSSpCantInstallErr
kSSpVersionErr = -30341 #kSSpVersionErr
kSSpInternalErr = -30340 #kSSpInternalErr
kALMInternalErr = -30049 #kALMInternalErr
kALMLocationNotFoundErr = -30048 #kALMLocationNotFoundErr
kALMGroupNotFoundErr = -30048 #kALMGroupNotFoundErr
kALMNoSuchModuleErr = -30047 #kALMNoSuchModuleErr
kALMModuleCommunicationErr = -30046 #kALMModuleCommunicationErr
kALMDuplicateModuleErr = -30045 #kALMDuplicateModuleErr
kALMInstallationErr = -30044 #kALMInstallationErr
kALMDeferSwitchErr = -30043 #kALMDeferSwitchErr
kALMRebootFlagsLevelErr = -30042 #kALMRebootFlagsLevelErr
localeNoAssociatedDataTagsErr = -30027 #localeNoAssociatedDataTagsErr
localeObjectDefaultValueNotAvailableErr = -30026 #localeObjectDefaultValueNotAvailableErr
localeDuplicateErr = -30025 #localeDuplicateErr
localeCouldNotWriteLinkedObjectsErr = -30024 #localeCouldNotWriteLinkedObjectsErr
localeObjectCannotDeleteSystemObjectErr = -30023 #localeObjectCannotDeleteSystemObjectErr
localeObjectTagDataNotFoundErr = -30022 #localeObjectTagDataNotFoundErr
localeObjectNoNameErr = -30021 #localeObjectNoNameErr
localeObjectInvalidIteratorErr = -30020 #localeObjectInvalidIteratorErr
localeObjectNameAttributeConflictErr = -30010 #localeObjectNameAttributeConflictErr
localeObjectItemFoundIsLastErr = -30009 #localeObjectItemFoundIsLastErr
localeObjectInvalidReferenceErr = -30008 #localeObjectInvalidReferenceErr
localeObjectNotFoundErr = -30007 #localeObjectNotFoundErr
localeBadReferenceErr = -30006 #localeBadReferenceErr
localeObjectNoNamesTableErr = -30005 #localeObjectNoNamesTableErr
localeObjectAttributeNotAvailErr = -30002 #localeObjectAttributeNotAvailErr
localeNotFoundErr = -30001 #localeNotFoundErr
logCorruptStoreErr = -29898 #logCorruptStoreErr
logInvalidSituationTypeErr = -29897 #logInvalidSituationTypeErr
logIteratorInvalidErr = -29896 #logIteratorInvalidErr
logCannotCreateActionErr = -29895 #logCannotCreateActionErr
logEntryCorruptErr = -29894 #logEntryCorruptErr
logWrongTypeErr = -29893 #logWrongTypeErr
logPluginNotPresentErr = -29892 #logPluginNotPresentErr
logInvalidSizeErr = -29891 #logInvalidSizeErr
logNoDataAvailableErr = -29890 #logNoDataAvailableErr
logNotATextEntryErr = -29889 #logNotATextEntryErr
logIteratorInUseErr = -29888 #logIteratorInUseErr
logServiceNotInUseErr = -29887 #logServiceNotInUseErr
logQueueFullErr = -29886 #logQueueFullErr
logNoMoreEntriesErr = -29885 #logNoMoreEntriesErr
logServiceInUseErr = -29884 #logServiceInUseErr
logNoSuchActionErr = -29883 #logNoSuchActionErr
logInvalidVersionErr = -29882 #logInvalidVersionErr
logDataTooLargeErr = -29881 #logDataTooLargeErr
logNoConnectionErr = -29880 #logNoConnectionErr
textObjFontNotFoundErr = -29599 #textObjFontNotFoundErr
textObjLanguageChangedErr = -29587 #textObjLanguageChangedErr
textObjMoreAnnotationsErr = -29586 #textObjMoreAnnotationsErr
textObjAnnotationNotFoundErr = -29585 #textObjAnnotationNotFoundErr
textObjMalformedObjectErr = -29584 #textObjMalformedObjectErr
textObjTextConversionFailedErr = -29583 #textObjTextConversionFailedErr
textObjObjectTooSmallErr = -29582 #textObjObjectTooSmallErr
textObjBufferTooSmallErr = -29581 #textObjBufferTooSmallErr
textObjInvalidIndexErr = -29580 #textObjInvalidIndexErr
kLocalesDefaultDisplayStatus = -30029 #Requested display locale unavailable, used default
kLocalesTableFormatErr = -30002 #kLocalesTableFormatErr
kLocalesBufferTooSmallErr = -30001 #kLocalesBufferTooSmallErr
kFNSNameNotFoundErr = -29589 #The name with the requested paramters was not found
kFNSBadFlattenedSizeErr = -29587 #flattened size didn't match input or was too small
kFNSInsufficientDataErr = -29586 #insufficient data for the operation
kFNSMismatchErr = -29585 #reference didn't match or wasn't found in profile
kFNSDuplicateReferenceErr = -29584 #the ref. being added is already in the profile
kFNSBadProfileVersionErr = -29583 #profile version is out of known range
kFNSInvalidProfileErr = -29582 #profile is NULL or otherwise bad
kFNSBadReferenceVersionErr = -29581 #ref. version is out of known range
kFNSInvalidReferenceErr = -29580 #ref. was NULL or otherwise bad
kCollateInvalidCollationRef = -29507 #kCollateInvalidCollationRef
kCollateBufferTooSmall = -29506 #kCollateBufferTooSmall
kCollateInvalidChar = -29505 #kCollateInvalidChar
......@@ -79,9 +189,111 @@ kMPInsufficientResourcesErr = -29298 #kMPInsufficientResourcesErr
kMPTaskAbortedErr = -29297 #kMPTaskAbortedErr
kMPTimeoutErr = -29296 #kMPTimeoutErr
kMPDeletedErr = -29295 #kMPDeletedErr
kMPBlueBlockingErr = -29293 #kMPBlueBlockingErr
kMPTaskStoppedErr = -29292 #A convention used with MPThrowException.
kMPTaskBlockedErr = -29291 #kMPTaskBlockedErr
kMPTaskCreatedErr = -29290 #kMPTaskCreatedErr
kMPProcessTerminatedErr = -29289 #kMPProcessTerminatedErr
kMPProcessCreatedErr = -29288 #kMPProcessCreatedErr
kMPPrivilegedErr = -29276 #kMPPrivilegedErr
kMPIterationEndErr = -29275 #kMPIterationEndErr
kUCTextBreakLocatorMissingType = -25341 #Unicode text break error
kUCOutputBufferTooSmall = -25340 #Output buffer too small for Unicode string result
errKCCreateChainFailed = -25318 #errKCCreateChainFailed
errKCDataNotModifiable = -25317 #errKCDataNotModifiable
errKCDataNotAvailable = -25316 #errKCDataNotAvailable
errKCInteractionRequired = -25315 #errKCInteractionRequired
errKCNoPolicyModule = -25314 #errKCNoPolicyModule
errKCNoCertificateModule = -25313 #errKCNoCertificateModule
errKCNoStorageModule = -25312 #errKCNoStorageModule
errKCKeySizeNotAllowed = -25311 #errKCKeySizeNotAllowed
errKCWrongKCVersion = -25310 #errKCWrongKCVersion
errKCReadOnlyAttr = -25309 #errKCReadOnlyAttr
errKCInteractionNotAllowed = -25308 #errKCInteractionNotAllowed
errKCNoDefaultKeychain = -25307 #errKCNoDefaultKeychain
errKCNoSuchClass = -25306 #errKCNoSuchClass
errKCInvalidSearchRef = -25305 #errKCInvalidSearchRef
errKCInvalidItemRef = -25304 #errKCInvalidItemRef
errKCNoSuchAttr = -25303 #errKCNoSuchAttr
errKCDataTooLarge = -25302 #errKCDataTooLarge
errKCBufferTooSmall = -25301 #errKCBufferTooSmall
errKCItemNotFound = -25300 #errKCItemNotFound
errKCDuplicateItem = -25299 #errKCDuplicateItem
errKCInvalidCallback = -25298 #errKCInvalidCallback
errKCDuplicateCallback = -25297 #errKCDuplicateCallback
errKCDuplicateKeychain = -25296 #errKCDuplicateKeychain
errKCInvalidKeychain = -25295 #errKCInvalidKeychain
errKCNoSuchKeychain = -25294 #errKCNoSuchKeychain
errKCAuthFailed = -25293 #errKCAuthFailed
errKCReadOnly = -25292 #errKCReadOnly
errKCNotAvailable = -25291 #errKCNotAvailable
printerStatusOpCodeNotSupportedErr = -25280 #printerStatusOpCodeNotSupportedErr
kTXNATSUIIsNotInstalledErr = -22016 #kTXNATSUIIsNotInstalledErr
kTXNDataTypeNotAllowedErr = -22015 #kTXNDataTypeNotAllowedErr
kTXNCopyNotAllowedInEchoModeErr = -22014 #kTXNCopyNotAllowedInEchoModeErr
kTXNCannotTurnTSMOffWhenUsingUnicodeErr = -22013 #kTXNCannotTurnTSMOffWhenUsingUnicodeErr
kTXNAlreadyInitializedErr = -22012 #kTXNAlreadyInitializedErr
kTXNInvalidRunIndex = -22011 #kTXNInvalidRunIndex
kTXNSomeOrAllTagsInvalidForRunErr = -22010 #kTXNSomeOrAllTagsInvalidForRunErr
kTXNAttributeTagInvalidForRunErr = -22009 #dataValue is set to this per invalid tag
kTXNNoMatchErr = -22008 #kTXNNoMatchErr
kTXNRunIndexOutofBoundsErr = -22007 #kTXNRunIndexOutofBoundsErr
kTXNCannotSetAutoIndentErr = -22006 #kTXNCannotSetAutoIndentErr
kTXNBadDefaultFileTypeWarning = -22005 #kTXNBadDefaultFileTypeWarning
kTXNUserCanceledOperationErr = -22004 #kTXNUserCanceledOperationErr
kTXNIllegalToCrossDataBoundariesErr = -22003 #kTXNIllegalToCrossDataBoundariesErr
kTXNInvalidFrameIDErr = -22002 #kTXNInvalidFrameIDErr
kTXNCannotAddFrameErr = -22001 #kTXNCannotAddFrameErr
kTXNEndIterationErr = -22000 #kTXNEndIterationErr
invalidIndexErr = -20002 #The recordIndex parameter is not valid.
recordDataTooBigErr = -20001 #The record data is bigger than buffer size (1024 bytes).
unknownInsertModeErr = -20000 #There is no such an insert mode.
kHIDBaseError = -13950 #kHIDBaseError
kHIDNullStateErr = -13949 #kHIDNullStateErr
kHIDBufferTooSmallErr = -13948 #kHIDBufferTooSmallErr
kHIDValueOutOfRangeErr = -13947 #kHIDValueOutOfRangeErr
kHIDUsageNotFoundErr = -13946 #kHIDUsageNotFoundErr
kHIDNotValueArrayErr = -13945 #kHIDNotValueArrayErr
kHIDInvalidPreparsedDataErr = -13944 #kHIDInvalidPreparsedDataErr
kHIDIncompatibleReportErr = -13943 #kHIDIncompatibleReportErr
kHIDBadLogPhysValuesErr = -13942 #kHIDBadLogPhysValuesErr
kHIDInvalidReportTypeErr = -13941 #kHIDInvalidReportTypeErr
kHIDInvalidReportLengthErr = -13940 #kHIDInvalidReportLengthErr
kHIDNullPointerErr = -13939 #kHIDNullPointerErr
kHIDBadParameterErr = -13938 #kHIDBadParameterErr
kHIDNotEnoughMemoryErr = -13937 #kHIDNotEnoughMemoryErr
kHIDEndOfDescriptorErr = -13936 #kHIDEndOfDescriptorErr
kHIDUsagePageZeroErr = -13935 #kHIDUsagePageZeroErr
kHIDBadLogicalMinimumErr = -13934 #kHIDBadLogicalMinimumErr
kHIDBadLogicalMaximumErr = -13933 #kHIDBadLogicalMaximumErr
kHIDInvertedLogicalRangeErr = -13932 #kHIDInvertedLogicalRangeErr
kHIDInvertedPhysicalRangeErr = -13931 #kHIDInvertedPhysicalRangeErr
kHIDUnmatchedUsageRangeErr = -13930 #kHIDUnmatchedUsageRangeErr
kHIDInvertedUsageRangeErr = -13929 #kHIDInvertedUsageRangeErr
kHIDUnmatchedStringRangeErr = -13928 #kHIDUnmatchedStringRangeErr
kHIDUnmatchedDesignatorRangeErr = -13927 #kHIDUnmatchedDesignatorRangeErr
kHIDReportSizeZeroErr = -13926 #kHIDReportSizeZeroErr
kHIDReportCountZeroErr = -13925 #kHIDReportCountZeroErr
kHIDReportIDZeroErr = -13924 #kHIDReportIDZeroErr
kHIDInvalidRangePageErr = -13923 #kHIDInvalidRangePageErr
kHIDDeviceNotReady = -13910 #The device is still initializing, try again later
kHIDVersionIncompatibleErr = -13909 #kHIDVersionIncompatibleErr
debuggingNoMatchErr = -13887 #debugging component or option not found at this index
debuggingNoCallbackErr = -13886 #debugging component has no callback
debuggingInvalidNameErr = -13885 #componentName or optionName is invalid (NULL)
debuggingInvalidOptionErr = -13884 #optionSelectorNum is not registered
debuggingInvalidSignatureErr = -13883 #componentSignature not registered
debuggingDuplicateOptionErr = -13882 #optionSelectorNum already registered
debuggingDuplicateSignatureErr = -13881 #componentSignature already registered
debuggingExecutionContextErr = -13880 #routine cannot be called at this time
kNoSuchPowerSource = -13020 #kNoSuchPowerSource
kProcessorTempRoutineRequiresMPLib2 = -13014 #kProcessorTempRoutineRequiresMPLib2
kCantReportProcessorTemperatureErr = -13013 #kCantReportProcessorTemperatureErr
kPowerMgtRequestDenied = -13010 #kPowerMgtRequestDenied
kPowerMgtMessageNotHandled = -13009 #kPowerMgtMessageNotHandled
kPowerHandlerNotFoundForProcErr = -13008 #kPowerHandlerNotFoundForProcErr
kPowerHandlerNotFoundForDeviceErr = -13007 #kPowerHandlerNotFoundForDeviceErr
kPowerHandlerExistsForDeviceErr = -13006 #kPowerHandlerExistsForDeviceErr
pmRecvEndErr = -13005 #during receive, pmgr did not finish hs configured for this connection
pmRecvStartErr = -13004 #during receive, pmgr did not start hs
pmSendEndErr = -13003 #during send, pmgr did not finish hs
......@@ -104,7 +316,7 @@ telBadProcID = -10110 #invalid procID
telDeviceNotFound = -10109 #device not found
telBadCodeResource = -10108 #code resource not found
telInitFailed = -10107 #initialization failed
telNoCommFolder = -10106 #Communications/Extensions not found
telNoCommFolder = -10106 #Communications/Extensions not found
telUnknownErr = -10103 #unable to set config
telNoSuchTool = -10102 #unable to find tool with name specified
telBadFunction = -10091 #bad msgCode specified
......@@ -142,8 +354,9 @@ telFeatNotSupp = -10033 #feature program call not supported by this tool
telFeatActive = -10032 #feature already active
telFeatNotAvail = -10031 #feature subscribed but not available
telFeatNotSub = -10030 #feature not subscribed
telDNDTypeNotSupp = -10024 #DND type is not supported by this tool
telBadDNDType = -10023 #bad DND type specified
errAEPropertiesClash = -10025 #illegal combination of properties settings for Set Data, make new, or duplicate
errAECantPutThatThere = -10024 #in make new, duplicate, etc. class can't be an element of container
errAENotAnEnumMember = -10023 #enumerated value in SetData is not allowed for this property
telIntExtNotSupp = -10022 #internal external type not supported by this tool
telBadIntExt = -10021 #bad internal external error
telStateNotSupp = -10020 #device state not supported by tool
......@@ -160,10 +373,10 @@ telBadHTypeErr = -10010 #bad hook type specified
errAECantSupplyType = -10009 #errAECantSupplyType
telNoOpenErr = -10008 #unable to open terminal
telNoMemErr = -10007 #no memory to allocate handle
telCAUnavail = -10006 #a CA is not available
errOSACantAssign = -10006 #Signaled when an object cannot be set in a container.
telBadProcErr = -10005 #bad msgProc specified
telBadHandErr = -10004 #bad handle specified
telBadCAErr = -10003 #TELCAHandle not found or invalid
OSAIllegalAssign = -10003 #Signaled when an object can never be set in a container
telBadDNErr = -10002 #TELDNHandle not found or invalid
telBadTermErr = -10001 #invalid TELHandle or handle not found
errAEEventFailed = -10000 #errAEEventFailed
......@@ -182,20 +395,81 @@ notEnoughMemoryToGrab = -9403 #notEnoughMemoryToGrab
cantDoThatInCurrentMode = -9402 #cantDoThatInCurrentMode
grabTimeComplete = -9401 #grabTimeComplete
noDeviceForChannel = -9400 #noDeviceForChannel
snsAlreadyUnheldErr = -9013 #snsAlreadyUnheldErr
snsReliabilityFailureErr = -9012 #snsReliabilityFailureErr
snsConsumerQueueOverrunErr = -9011 #snsConsumerQueueOverrunErr
snsBufferTooSmallErr = -9010 #snsBufferTooSmallErr
snsSubjectToLargeErr = -9009 #snsSubjectToLargeErr
snsNoSuchDistributorErr = -9008 #snsNoSuchDistributorErr
snsDuplicateDistributorErr = -9007 #snsDuplicateDistributorErr
snsDuplicateSubscriptionErr = -9006 #snsDuplicateSubscriptionErr
snsNoRequestsPendingErr = -9005 #snsNoRequestsPendingErr
snsQueueEmptyErr = -9004 #snsQueueEmptyErr
snsDistributorGoneErr = -9003 #snsDistributorGoneErr
snsNoSuchKindErr = -9002 #snsNoSuchKindErr
snsNoSuchSubscriptionErr = -9001 #snsNoSuchSubscriptionErr
snsNoSuchTypeErr = -9000 #snsNoSuchTypeErr
kNoCardBusCISErr = -9109 #No valid CIS exists for this CardBus card
kNotZVCapableErr = -9108 #This socket does not support Zoomed Video
kCardPowerOffErr = -9107 #Power to the card has been turned off
kAttemptDupCardEntryErr = -9106 #The Enabler was asked to create a duplicate card entry
kAlreadySavedStateErr = -9105 #The state has been saved on previous call
kTooManyIOWindowsErr = -9104 #device requested more than one I/O window
kNotReadyErr = -9103 #PC Card failed to go ready
kClientRequestDenied = -9102 #CS Clients should return this code inorder to
kNoCompatibleNameErr = -9101 #There is no compatible driver name for this device
kNoEnablerForCardErr = -9100 #No Enablers were found that can support the card
kNoCardEnablersFoundErr = -9099 #No Enablers were found
kUnsupportedCardErr = -9098 #Card not supported by generic enabler
kNoClientTableErr = -9097 #The client table has not be initialized yet
kNoMoreInterruptSlotsErr = -9096 #All internal Interrupt slots are in use
kNoMoreTimerClientsErr = -9095 #All timer callbacks are in use
kNoIOWindowRequestedErr = -9094 #Request I/O window before calling configuration
kBadCustomIFIDErr = -9093 #Custom interface ID is invalid
kBadTupleDataErr = -9092 #Data in tuple is invalid
kInvalidCSClientErr = -9091 #Card Services ClientID is not registered
kUnsupportedVsErr = -9090 #Unsupported Voltage Sense
kInvalidDeviceNumber = -9089 #kInvalidDeviceNumber
kPostCardEventErr = -9088 #_PCCSLPostCardEvent failed and dropped an event
kCantConfigureCardErr = -9087 #kCantConfigureCardErr
kPassCallToChainErr = -9086 #kPassCallToChainErr
kCardBusCardErr = -9085 #kCardBusCardErr
k16BitCardErr = -9084 #k16BitCardErr
kBadDeviceErr = -9083 #kBadDeviceErr
kBadLinkErr = -9082 #kBadLinkErr
kInvalidRegEntryErr = -9081 #kInvalidRegEntryErr
kNoCardSevicesSocketsErr = -9080 #kNoCardSevicesSocketsErr
kOutOfResourceErr = -9079 #Card Services has exhausted the resource
kNoMoreItemsErr = -9078 #there are no more of the requested item
kInUseErr = -9077 #requested resource is being used by a client
kConfigurationLockedErr = -9076 #a configuration has already been locked
kWriteProtectedErr = -9075 #media is write-protected
kBusyErr = -9074 #unable to process request at this time - try later
kUnsupportedModeErr = -9073 #mode is not supported
kUnsupportedFunctionErr = -9072 #function is not supported by this implementation
kNoCardErr = -9071 #no PC card in the socket
kGeneralFailureErr = -9070 #an undefined error has occurred
kWriteFailureErr = -9069 #unable to complete write request
kReadFailureErr = -9068 #unable to complete read request
kBadSpeedErr = -9067 #specified speed is unavailable
kBadCISErr = -9066 #CIS on card is invalid
kBadHandleErr = -9065 #clientHandle is invalid
kBadArgsErr = -9064 #values in argument packet are invalid
kBadArgLengthErr = -9063 #ArgLength argument is invalid
kBadWindowErr = -9062 #specified window is invalid
kBadVppErr = -9061 #specified Vpp1 or Vpp2 power level index is invalid
kBadVccErr = -9060 #specified Vcc power level index is invalid
kBadTypeErr = -9059 #specified window or interface type is invalid
kBadSocketErr = -9058 #specified logical or physical socket number is invalid
kBadSizeErr = -9057 #specified size is invalid
kBadPageErr = -9056 #specified page is invalid
kBadOffsetErr = -9055 #specified PC card memory array offset is invalid
kBadIRQErr = -9054 #specified IRQ level is invalid
kBadEDCErr = -9053 #specified EDC generator specified is invalid
kBadBaseErr = -9052 #specified base system memory address is invalid
kBadAttributeErr = -9051 #specified attributes field value is invalid
kBadAdapterErr = -9050 #invalid adapter number
codecOffscreenFailedPleaseRetryErr = -8992 #codecOffscreenFailedPleaseRetryErr
lockPortBitsWrongGDeviceErr = -8991 #lockPortBitsWrongGDeviceErr
directXObjectAlreadyExists = -8990 #directXObjectAlreadyExists
codecDroppedFrameErr = -8989 #returned from ImageCodecDrawBand
codecOffscreenFailedErr = -8988 #codecOffscreenFailedErr
codecNeedAccessKeyErr = -8987 #codec needs password in order to decompress
codecParameterDialogConfirm = -8986 #codecParameterDialogConfirm
lockPortBitsSurfaceLostErr = -8985 #lockPortBitsSurfaceLostErr
lockPortBitsBadPortErr = -8984 #lockPortBitsBadPortErr
lockPortBitsWindowClippedErr = -8983 #lockPortBitsWindowClippedErr
lockPortBitsWindowResizedErr = -8982 #lockPortBitsWindowResizedErr
lockPortBitsWindowMovedErr = -8981 #lockPortBitsWindowMovedErr
lockPortBitsBadSurfaceErr = -8980 #lockPortBitsBadSurfaceErr
codecNeedToFlushChainErr = -8979 #codecNeedToFlushChainErr
codecDisabledErr = -8978 #codec disabled itself -- pass codecFlagReenable to reset
codecNoMemoryPleaseWaitErr = -8977 #codecNoMemoryPleaseWaitErr
codecNothingToBlitErr = -8976 #codecNothingToBlitErr
codecCantQueueErr = -8975 #codecCantQueueErr
......@@ -214,6 +488,29 @@ codecSizeErr = -8963 #codecSizeErr
codecUnimpErr = -8962 #codecUnimpErr
noCodecErr = -8961 #noCodecErr
codecErr = -8960 #codecErr
kIllegalClockValueErr = -8852 #kIllegalClockValueErr
kUTCOverflowErr = -8851 #kUTCOverflowErr
kUTCUnderflowErr = -8850 #kUTCUnderflowErr
kATSULastErr = -8809 #The last ATSUI error code.
kATSULineBreakInWord = -8808 #This is not an error code but is returned by ATSUBreakLine to
kATSUCoordinateOverflowErr = -8807 #Used to indicate the coordinates provided to an ATSUI routine caused
kATSUNoFontScalerAvailableErr = -8806 #Used when no font scaler is available for the font passed
kATSUNoFontCmapAvailableErr = -8805 #Used when no CMAP table can be accessed or synthesized for the
kATSULowLevelErr = -8804 #Used when an error was encountered within the low level ATS
kATSUQuickDrawTextErr = -8803 #Used when QuickDraw Text encounters an error rendering or measuring
kATSUNoStyleRunsAssignedErr = -8802 #Used when an attempt was made to measure, highlight or draw
kATSUNotSetErr = -8801 #Used when the client attempts to retrieve an attribute,
kATSUInvalidCacheErr = -8800 #Used when an attempt was made to read in style data
kATSUInvalidAttributeTagErr = -8799 #Used when an attempt was made to use a tag value that
kATSUInvalidAttributeSizeErr = -8798 #Used when an attempt was made to use an attribute with a
kATSUInvalidAttributeValueErr = -8797 #Used when an attempt was made to use an attribute with
kATSUInvalidFontErr = -8796 #Used when an attempt was made to use an invalid font ID.
kATSUNoCorrespondingFontErr = -8795 #This value is retrned by font ID conversion
kATSUFontsNotMatched = -8794 #This value is returned by ATSUMatchFontsToText()
kATSUFontsMatched = -8793 #This is not an error code but is returned by
kATSUInvalidTextRangeErr = -8792 #An attempt was made to extract information
kATSUInvalidStyleErr = -8791 #An attempt was made to use a ATSUStyle which
kATSUInvalidTextLayoutErr = -8790 #An attempt was made to use a ATSUTextLayout
kTECOutputBufferFullStatus = -8785 #output buffer has no room for conversion of next input text element (partial conversion)
kTECNeedFlushStatus = -8784 #kTECNeedFlushStatus
kTECUsedFallbacksStatus = -8783 #kTECUsedFallbacksStatus
......@@ -247,6 +544,81 @@ kTECMissingTableErr = -8745 #kTECMissingTableErr
kTextUndefinedElementErr = -8740 #text conversion errors
kTextMalformedInputErr = -8739 #in DBCS, for example, high byte followed by invalid low byte
kTextUnsupportedEncodingErr = -8738 #specified encoding not supported for this operation
dcmBufferOverflowErr = -7127 #data is larger than buffer size
dcmIterationCompleteErr = -7126 #no more item in iterator
dcmBadFeatureErr = -7124 #invalid AccessMethod feature
dcmNoAccessMethodErr = -7122 #no such AccessMethod
dcmProtectedErr = -7121 #need keyword to use dictionary
dcmBadPropertyErr = -7119 #no such property exist
dcmBadFindMethodErr = -7118 #no such find method supported
dcmBadDataSizeErr = -7117 #too big data size
dcmTooManyKeyErr = -7116 #too many key field
dcmBadKeyErr = -7115 #bad key information
dcmNoFieldErr = -7113 #no such field exist
dcmBadFieldTypeErr = -7112 #no such field type supported
dcmBadFieldInfoErr = -7111 #incomplete information
dcmNecessaryFieldErr = -7110 #lack required/identify field
dcmDupRecordErr = -7109 #same record already exist
dcmNoRecordErr = -7108 #no such record
dcmBlockFullErr = -7107 #dictionary block full
dcmDictionaryBusyErr = -7105 #dictionary is busy
dcmDictionaryNotOpenErr = -7104 #dictionary not opened
dcmPermissionErr = -7103 #invalid permission
dcmBadDictionaryErr = -7102 #invalid dictionary
dcmNotDictionaryErr = -7101 #not dictionary
dcmParamErr = -7100 #bad parameter
laEngineNotFoundErr = -7000 #can't find the engine
laPropertyErr = -6999 #Error in properties
kUSBUnknownDeviceErr = -6998 #device ref not recognised
laPropertyIsReadOnlyErr = -6997 #the property is read only
laPropertyUnknownErr = -6996 #the property is unknown to this environment
laPropertyValueErr = -6995 #Invalid property value
laDictionaryTooManyErr = -6994 #too many dictionaries
laDictionaryUnknownErr = -6993 #can't use this dictionary with this environment
laDictionaryNotOpenedErr = -6992 #the dictionary is not opened
laTextOverFlowErr = -6991 #text is too long
laFailAnalysisErr = -6990 #analysis failed
laNoMoreMorphemeErr = -6989 #nothing to read
laInvalidPathErr = -6988 #path is not correct
kUSBNotHandled = -6987 #Notification was not handled (same as NotFound)
laEnvironmentNotFoundErr = -6986 #can't fint the specified environment
laEnvironmentBusyErr = -6985 #specified environment is used
laTooSmallBufferErr = -6984 #output buffer is too small to store any result
kUSBFlagsError = -6983 #Unused flags not zeroed
kUSBAbortedError = -6982 #Pipe aborted
kUSBNoBandwidthError = -6981 #Not enough bandwidth available
kUSBPipeIdleError = -6980 #Pipe is Idle, it will not accept transactions
kUSBPipeStalledError = -6979 #Pipe has stalled, error needs to be cleared
kUSBUnknownInterfaceErr = -6978 #Interface ref not recognised
kUSBDeviceBusy = -6977 #Device is already being configured
kUSBDevicePowerProblem = -6976 #Device has a power problem
kUSBInvalidBuffer = -6975 #bad buffer, usually nil
kUSBDeviceSuspended = -6974 #Device is suspended
kUSBDeviceNotSuspended = -6973 #device is not suspended for resume
kUSBDeviceDisconnected = -6972 #Disconnected during suspend or reset
kUSBTimedOut = -6971 #Transaction timed out.
kUSBQueueAborted = -6970 #Pipe zero stall cleared.
kUSBPortDisabled = -6969 #The port you are attached to is disabled, use USBDeviceReset.
kUSBBadDispatchTable = -6950 #Improper driver dispatch table
kUSBUnknownNotification = -6949 #Notification type not defined
kUSBQueueFull = -6948 #Internal queue maxxed
kUSBLinkErr = -6916 #kUSBLinkErr
kUSBCRCErr = -6915 #Pipe stall, bad CRC
kUSBBitstufErr = -6914 #Pipe stall, bitstuffing
kUSBDataToggleErr = -6913 #Pipe stall, Bad data toggle
kUSBEndpointStallErr = -6912 #Device didn't understand
kUSBNotRespondingErr = -6911 #Pipe stall, No device, device hung
kUSBPIDCheckErr = -6910 #Pipe stall, PID CRC error
kUSBWrongPIDErr = -6909 #Pipe stall, Bad or wrong PID
kUSBOverRunErr = -6908 #Packet too large or more data than buffer
kUSBUnderRunErr = -6907 #Less data than buffer
kUSBRes1Err = -6906 #kUSBRes1Err
kUSBRes2Err = -6905 #kUSBRes2Err
kUSBBufOvrRunErr = -6904 #Host hardware failure on data in, PCI busy?
kUSBBufUnderRunErr = -6903 #Host hardware failure on data out, PCI busy?
kUSBNotSent1Err = -6902 #Transaction not sent
kUSBNotSent2Err = -6901 #Transaction not sent
kDMFoundErr = -6232 #Did not proceed because we found an item
kDMMainDisplayCannotMoveErr = -6231 #Trying to move main display (or a display mirrored to it)
kDMDisplayAlreadyInstalledErr = -6230 #Attempt to add an already installed display.
kDMDisplayNotFoundErr = -6229 #Could not find item (will someday remove).
......@@ -254,15 +626,36 @@ kDMDriverNotDisplayMgrAwareErr = -6228 #Video Driver does not support display ma
kDMSWNotInitializedErr = -6227 #Required software not initialized (eg windowmanager or display mgr).
kSysSWTooOld = -6226 #Missing critical pieces of System Software.
kDMMirroringNotOn = -6225 #Returned by all calls that need mirroring to be on to do their thing.
kDMCantBlock = -6224 #Mirroring is already on, cant Block now (call DMUnMirror() first).
kDMCantBlock = -6224 #Mirroring is already on, cant Block now (call DMUnMirror() first).
kDMMirroringBlocked = -6223 #DMBlockMirroring() has been called.
kDMWrongNumberOfDisplays = -6222 #Can only handle 2 displays for now.
kDMMirroringOnAlready = -6221 #Returned by all calls that need mirroring to be off to do their thing.
kDMGenErr = -6220 #Unexpected Error
kQTSSUnknownErr = -6150 #kQTSSUnknownErr
collectionVersionErr = -5753 #collectionVersionErr
collectionIndexRangeErr = -5752 #collectionIndexRangeErr
collectionItemNotFoundErr = -5751 #collectionItemNotFoundErr
collectionItemLockedErr = -5750 #collectionItemLockedErr
kNavMissingKindStringErr = -5699 #kNavMissingKindStringErr
kNavInvalidCustomControlMessageErr = -5698 #kNavInvalidCustomControlMessageErr
kNavCustomControlMessageFailedErr = -5697 #kNavCustomControlMessageFailedErr
kNavInvalidSystemConfigErr = -5696 #kNavInvalidSystemConfigErr
dialogNoTimeoutErr = -5640 #dialogNoTimeoutErr
menuInvalidErr = -5623 #menu is invalid
menuItemNotFoundErr = -5622 #specified menu item wasn't found
menuUsesSystemDefErr = -5621 #GetMenuDefinition failed because the menu uses the system MDEF
menuNotFoundErr = -5620 #specified menu or menu ID wasn't found
errWindowNotFound = -5610 #returned from FindWindowOfClass
errFloatingWindowsNotInitialized = -5609 #called HideFloatingWindows or ShowFloatingWindows without calling InitFloatingWindows
errWindowsAlreadyInitialized = -5608 #tried to call InitFloatingWindows twice, or called InitWindows and then floating windows
errUserWantsToDragWindow = -5607 #if returned from TrackWindowProxyDrag, you should call DragWindow on the window
errCorruptWindowDescription = -5606 #tried to load a corrupt window description (size or version fields incorrect)
errUnrecognizedWindowClass = -5605 #tried to create a window with a bad WindowClass
errWindowPropertyNotFound = -5604 #tried to get a nonexistent property
errInvalidWindowProperty = -5603 #tried to access a property tag with private creator
errWindowDoesNotHaveProxy = -5602 #tried to do something requiring a proxy to a window which doesnt have a proxy
errUnsupportedWindowAttributesForClass = -5601 #tried to create a window with WindowAttributes not supported by the WindowClass
errInvalidWindowPtr = -5600 #tried to pass a bad WindowRef argument
gestaltLocationErr = -5553 #gestalt function ptr wasn't in sysheap
gestaltDupSelectorErr = -5552 #tried to add an entry that already existed
gestaltUndefSelectorErr = -5551 #undefined selector was passed to Gestalt
......@@ -270,6 +663,29 @@ gestaltUnknownErr = -5550 #value returned if Gestalt doesn't know the answer
envVersTooBig = -5502 #Version bigger than call can handle
envBadVers = -5501 #Version non-positive
envNotPresent = -5500 #returned by glue.
qtsAddressBusyErr = -5421 #qtsAddressBusyErr
qtsConnectionFailedErr = -5420 #qtsConnectionFailedErr
qtsTimeoutErr = -5408 #qtsTimeoutErr
qtsUnknownValueErr = -5407 #qtsUnknownValueErr
qtsTooMuchDataErr = -5406 #qtsTooMuchDataErr
qtsUnsupportedFeatureErr = -5405 #qtsUnsupportedFeatureErr
qtsUnsupportedRateErr = -5404 #qtsUnsupportedRateErr
qtsUnsupportedDataTypeErr = -5403 #qtsUnsupportedDataTypeErr
qtsBadDataErr = -5402 #something is wrong with the data
qtsBadStateErr = -5401 #qtsBadStateErr
qtsBadSelectorErr = -5400 #qtsBadSelectorErr
errIAEndOfTextRun = -5388 #errIAEndOfTextRun
errIATextExtractionErr = -5387 #errIATextExtractionErr
errIAInvalidDocument = -5386 #errIAInvalidDocument
errIACanceled = -5385 #errIACanceled
errIABufferTooSmall = -5384 #errIABufferTooSmall
errIANoMoreItems = -5383 #errIANoMoreItems
errIAParamErr = -5382 #errIAParamErr
errIAAllocationErr = -5381 #errIAAllocationErr
errIAUnknownErr = -5380 #errIAUnknownErr
hrUnableToResizeHandleErr = -5362 #hrUnableToResizeHandleErr
hrMiscellaneousExceptionErr = -5361 #hrMiscellaneousExceptionErr
hrHTMLRenderingLibNotInstalledErr = -5360 #hrHTMLRenderingLibNotInstalledErr
errCannotUndo = -5253 #errCannotUndo
errNonContiuousAttribute = -5252 #errNonContiuousAttribute
errUnknownElement = -5251 #errUnknownElement
......@@ -284,37 +700,19 @@ errAlreadyInImagingMode = -5243 #errAlreadyInImagingMode
errNotInImagingMode = -5242 #errNotInImagingMode
errMarginWilllNotFit = -5241 #errMarginWilllNotFit
errUnknownAttributeTag = -5240 #errUnknownAttributeTag
textParserNoMoreTokensErr = -5229 #textParserNoMoreTokensErr
textParserNoSuchTokenFoundErr = -5228 #textParserNoSuchTokenFoundErr
textParserBadTextEncodingErr = -5227 #textParserBadTextEncodingErr
textParserBadTextLanguageErr = -5226 #textParserBadTextLanguageErr
textParserNoMoreTextErr = -5225 #textParserNoMoreTextErr
textParserParamErr = -5224 #textParserParamErr
textParserBadParserObjectErr = -5223 #textParserBadParserObjectErr
textParserBadTokenValueErr = -5222 #textParserBadTokenValueErr
textParserObjectNotFoundErr = -5221 #textParserObjectNotFoundErr
textParserBadParamErr = -5220 #textParserBadParamErr
numberFortmattingNotADigitErr = -5212 #numberFortmattingNotADigitErr
numberFormattingBadCurrencyPositionErr = -5211 #numberFormattingBadCurrencyPositionErr
numberFormattingUnOrdredCurrencyRangeErr = -5210 #numberFormattingUnOrdredCurrencyRangeErr
numberFormattingBadTokenErr = -5209 #numberFormattingBadTokenErr
numberFormattingBadFormatErr = -5207 #numberFormattingBadFormatErr
numberFormattingEmptyFormatErr = -5206 #numberFormattingEmptyFormatErr
numberFormattingDelimiterMissingErr = -5205 #numberFormattingDelimiterMissingErr
numberFormattingLiteralMissingErr = -5204 #numberFormattingLiteralMissingErr
numberFormattingSpuriousCharErr = -5203 #numberFormattingSpuriousCharErr
numberFormattingBadNumberFormattingObjectErr = -5202 #numberFormattingBadNumberFormattingObjectErr
numberFormattingOverflowInDestinationErr = -5201 #numberFormattingOverflowInDestinationErr
numberFormattingNotANumberErr = -5200 #numberFormattingNotANumberErr
afpSameNodeErr = -5063 #Display Manager error codes (-6220...-6269)
afpAlreadyMounted = -5062 #afpAlreadyMounted
afpCantMountMoreSrvre = -5061 #afpCantMountMoreSrvre
afpSameNodeErr = -5063 #An Attempt was made to connect to a file server running on the same machine
afpAlreadyMounted = -5062 #The volume is already mounted
afpCantMountMoreSrvre = -5061 #The Maximum number of server connections has been reached
afpBadDirIDType = -5060 #afpBadDirIDType
afpInsideTrashErr = -5044 #the folder being shared is inside the trash folder
afpInsideSharedErr = -5043 #the folder being shared is inside a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into a shared folder
afpPwdExpiredErr = -5042 #the password being used is too old: this requires the user to change the password before log-in can continue
afpPwdTooShortErr = -5041 #the password being set is too short: there is a minimum length that must be met or exceeded
afpPwdSameErr = -5040 #someone tried to change their password to the same password on a mantadory password change
afpCallNotAllowed = -5048 #The server knows what you wanted to do, but won't let you do it just now
afpAlreadyLoggedInErr = -5047 #User has been authenticated but is already logged in from another machine (and that's not allowed on this server)
afpPwdPolicyErr = -5046 #Password does not conform to servers password policy
afpPwdNeedsChangeErr = -5045 #The password needs to be changed
afpInsideTrashErr = -5044 #The folder being shared is inside the trash folder OR the shared folder is being moved into the trash folder
afpInsideSharedErr = -5043 #The folder being shared is inside a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into a shared folder
afpPwdExpiredErr = -5042 #The password being used is too old: this requires the user to change the password before log-in can continue
afpPwdTooShortErr = -5041 #The password being set is too short: there is a minimum length that must be met or exceeded
afpPwdSameErr = -5040 #Someone tried to change their password to the same password on a mantadory password change
afpBadIDErr = -5039 #afpBadIDErr
afpSameObjectErr = -5038 #afpSameObjectErr
afpCatalogChanged = -5037 #afpCatalogChanged
......@@ -324,37 +722,105 @@ afpIDNotFound = -5034 #afpIDNotFound
afpContainsSharedErr = -5033 #the folder being shared contains a shared folder
afpObjectLocked = -5032 #Object is M/R/D/W inhibited
afpVolLocked = -5031 #Volume is Read-Only
afpIconTypeError = -5030 #afpIconTypeError
afpDirNotFound = -5029 #afpDirNotFound
numberFormattingBadOptionsErr = -5028 #numberFormattingBadOptionsErr
afpServerGoingDown = -5027 #afpServerGoingDown
afpTooManyFilesOpen = -5026 #afpTooManyFilesOpen
afpObjectTypeErr = -5025 #afpObjectTypeErr
afpCallNotSupported = -5024 #afpCallNotSupported
afpUserNotAuth = -5023 #afpUserNotAuth
afpSessClosed = -5022 #afpSessClosed
afpRangeOverlap = -5021 #afpRangeOverlap
afpRangeNotLocked = -5020 #afpRangeNotLocked
afpParmErr = -5019 #afpParmErr
afpObjectNotFound = -5018 #afpObjectNotFound
afpObjectExists = -5017 #afpObjectExists
afpNoServer = -5016 #afpNoServer
afpNoMoreLocks = -5015 #afpNoMoreLocks
afpMiscErr = -5014 #afpMiscErr
afpLockErr = -5013 #afpLockErr
afpItemNotFound = -5012 #afpItemNotFound
afpFlatVol = -5011 #afpFlatVol
afpFileBusy = -5010 #afpFileBusy
afpEofError = -5009 #afpEofError
afpDiskFull = -5008 #afpDiskFull
afpDirNotEmpty = -5007 #afpDirNotEmpty
afpDenyConflict = -5006 #afpDenyConflict
afpCantMove = -5005 #afpCantMove
afpBitmapErr = -5004 #afpBitmapErr
afpBadVersNum = -5003 #afpBadVersNum
afpBadUAM = -5002 #afpBadUAM
afpAuthContinue = -5001 #afpAuthContinue
afpAccessDenied = -5000 #afpAccessDenied
afpIconTypeError = -5030 #Icon size specified different from existing icon size
afpDirNotFound = -5029 #Unknown directory specified
afpCantRename = -5028 #AFPRename cannot rename volume
afpServerGoingDown = -5027 #Server is shutting down
afpTooManyFilesOpen = -5026 #Maximum open file count reached
afpObjectTypeErr = -5025 #File/Directory specified where Directory/File expected
afpCallNotSupported = -5024 #Unsupported AFP call was made
afpUserNotAuth = -5023 #No AFPLogin call has successfully been made for this session
afpSessClosed = -5022 #Session closed
afpRangeOverlap = -5021 #Some or all of range already locked by same user
afpRangeNotLocked = -5020 #Tried to unlock range that was not locked by user
afpParmErr = -5019 #A specified parameter was out of allowable range
afpObjectNotFound = -5018 #Specified file or directory does not exist
afpObjectExists = -5017 #Specified destination file or directory already exists
afpNoServer = -5016 #Server not responding
afpNoMoreLocks = -5015 #Maximum lock limit reached
afpMiscErr = -5014 #Unexpected error encountered during execution
afpLockErr = -5013 #Some or all of requested range is locked by another user
afpItemNotFound = -5012 #Unknown UserName/UserID or missing comment/APPL entry
afpFlatVol = -5011 #Cannot create directory on specified volume
afpFileBusy = -5010 #Cannot delete an open file
afpEofError = -5009 #Read beyond logical end-of-file
afpDiskFull = -5008 #Insufficient free space on volume for operation
afpDirNotEmpty = -5007 #Cannot delete non-empty directory
afpDenyConflict = -5006 #Specified open/deny modes conflict with current open modes
afpCantMove = -5005 #Move destination is offspring of source, or root was specified
afpBitmapErr = -5004 #Bitmap contained bits undefined for call
afpBadVersNum = -5003 #Unknown AFP protocol version number specified
afpBadUAM = -5002 #Unknown user authentication method specified
afpAuthContinue = -5001 #Further information required to complete AFPLogin call
afpAccessDenied = -5000 #Insufficient access privileges for operation
illegalScrapFlavorSizeErr = -4999 #illegalScrapFlavorSizeErr
illegalScrapFlavorTypeErr = -4998 #illegalScrapFlavorTypeErr
illegalScrapFlavorFlagsErr = -4997 #illegalScrapFlavorFlagsErr
scrapFlavorSizeMismatchErr = -4996 #scrapFlavorSizeMismatchErr
scrapFlavorFlagsMismatchErr = -4995 #scrapFlavorFlagsMismatchErr
nilScrapFlavorDataErr = -4994 #nilScrapFlavorDataErr
noScrapPromiseKeeperErr = -4993 #noScrapPromiseKeeperErr
scrapPromiseNotKeptErr = -4992 #scrapPromiseNotKeptErr
processStateIncorrectErr = -4991 #processStateIncorrectErr
badScrapRefErr = -4990 #badScrapRefErr
duplicateScrapFlavorErr = -4989 #duplicateScrapFlavorErr
internalScrapErr = -4988 #internalScrapErr
coreFoundationUnknownErr = -4960 #coreFoundationUnknownErr
badRoutingSizeErr = -4276 #badRoutingSizeErr
routingNotFoundErr = -4275 #routingNotFoundErr
duplicateRoutingErr = -4274 #duplicateRoutingErr
invalidFolderTypeErr = -4273 #invalidFolderTypeErr
noMoreFolderDescErr = -4272 #noMoreFolderDescErr
duplicateFolderDescErr = -4271 #duplicateFolderDescErr
badFolderDescErr = -4270 #badFolderDescErr
cmCantGamutCheckError = -4217 #Gammut checking not supported by this ColorWorld
cmNamedColorNotFound = -4216 #NamedColor not found
cmCantCopyModifiedV1Profile = -4215 #Illegal to copy version 1 profiles that have been modified
cmRangeOverFlow = -4214 #Color conversion warning that some output color values over/underflowed and were clipped
cmInvalidProfileComment = -4213 #Bad Profile comment during drawpicture
cmNoGDevicesError = -4212 #Begin/End Matching -- no gdevices available
cmInvalidDstMap = -4211 #Destination pix/bit map was invalid
cmInvalidSrcMap = -4210 #Source pix/bit map was invalid
cmInvalidColorSpace = -4209 #Profile colorspace does not match bitmap type
cmErrIncompatibleProfile = -4208 #Other ColorSync Errors
cmSearchError = -4207 #cmSearchError
cmInvalidSearch = -4206 #Bad Search Handle
cmInvalidProfileLocation = -4205 #Operation not supported for this profile location
cmInvalidProfile = -4204 #A Profile must contain a 'cs1 ' tag to be valid
cmFatalProfileErr = -4203 #cmFatalProfileErr
cmCantDeleteElement = -4202 #cmCantDeleteElement
cmIndexRangeErr = -4201 #Tag index out of range
kNSLNotInitialized = -4199 #kNSLNotInitialized
kNSLInsufficientSysVer = -4198 #kNSLInsufficientSysVer
kNSLInsufficientOTVer = -4197 #kNSLInsufficientOTVer
kNSLNoElementsInList = -4196 #kNSLNoElementsInList
kNSLBadReferenceErr = -4195 #kNSLBadReferenceErr
kNSLBadServiceTypeErr = -4194 #kNSLBadServiceTypeErr
kNSLBadDataTypeErr = -4193 #kNSLBadDataTypeErr
kNSLBadNetConnection = -4192 #kNSLBadNetConnection
kNSLNoSupportForService = -4191 #kNSLNoSupportForService
kNSLInvalidPluginSpec = -4190 #kNSLInvalidPluginSpec
kNSLRequestBufferAlreadyInList = -4189 #kNSLRequestBufferAlreadyInList
kNSLNoContextAvailable = -4188 #(ContinueLookup function ptr invalid)
kNSLBufferTooSmallForData = -4187 #(Client buffer too small for data from plugin)
kNSLCannotContinueLookup = -4186 #(Can't continue lookup; error or bad state)
kNSLBadClientInfoPtr = -4185 #(nil ClientAsyncInfoPtr; no reference available)
kNSLNullListPtr = -4184 #(client is trying to add items to a nil list)
kNSLBadProtocolTypeErr = -4183 #(client is trying to add a null protocol type)
kNSLPluginLoadFailed = -4182 #(manager unable to load one of the plugins)
kNSLNoPluginsFound = -4181 #(manager didn't find any valid plugins to load)
kNSLSearchAlreadyInProgress = -4180 #(you can only have one ongoing search per clientRef)
kNSLNoPluginsForSearch = -4179 #(no plugins will respond to search request; bad protocol(s)?)
kNSLNullNeighborhoodPtr = -4178 #(client passed a null neighborhood ptr)
kNSLSomePluginsFailedToLoad = -4177 #(one or more plugins failed to load, but at least one did load; this error isn't fatal)
kNSLErrNullPtrError = -4176 #kNSLErrNullPtrError
kNSLNotImplementedYet = -4175 #kNSLNotImplementedYet
kNSLUILibraryNotAvailable = -4174 #The NSL UI Library needs to be in the Extensions Folder
kNSLNoCarbonLib = -4173 #kNSLNoCarbonLib
kNSLBadURLSyntax = -4172 #URL contains illegal characters
kNSLSchedulerError = -4171 #A custom thread routine encountered an error
kNSL68kContextNotSupported = -4170 #no 68k allowed
noHelpForItem = -4009 #noHelpForItem
badProfileError = -4008 #badProfileError
colorSyncNotInstalled = -4007 #colorSyncNotInstalled
......@@ -365,6 +831,98 @@ cantLoadPicker = -4003 #cantLoadPicker
pickerResourceError = -4002 #pickerResourceError
requiredFlagsDontMatch = -4001 #requiredFlagsDontMatch
firstPickerError = -4000 #firstPickerError
kOTPortLostConnection = -3285 #
kOTUserRequestedErr = -3284 #
kOTConfigurationChangedErr = -3283 #
kOTBadConfigurationErr = -3282 #
kOTPortWasEjectedErr = -3281 #
kOTPortHasDiedErr = -3280 #
kOTClientNotInittedErr = -3279 #
kENOMSGErr = -3278 #
kESRCHErr = -3277 #
kEINPROGRESSErr = -3276 #
kENODATAErr = -3275 #
kENOSTRErr = -3274 #
kECANCELErr = -3273 #
kEBADMSGErr = -3272 #
kENOSRErr = -3271 #
kETIMEErr = -3270 #
kEPROTOErr = -3269 # fill out missing codes
kEHOSTUNREACHErr = -3264 #No route to host
kEHOSTDOWNErr = -3263 #Host is down
kECONNREFUSEDErr = -3260 #Connection refused
kETIMEDOUTErr = -3259 #Connection timed out
kETOOMANYREFSErr = -3258 #Too many references: can't splice
kESHUTDOWNErr = -3257 #Can't send after socket shutdown
kENOTCONNErr = -3256 #Socket is not connected
kEISCONNErr = -3255 #Socket is already connected
kENOBUFSErr = -3254 #No buffer space available
kECONNRESETErr = -3253 #Connection reset by peer
kECONNABORTEDErr = -3252 #Software caused connection abort
kENETRESETErr = -3251 #Network dropped connection on reset
kENETUNREACHErr = -3250 #Network is unreachable
kENETDOWNErr = -3249 #Network is down
kEADDRNOTAVAILErr = -3248 #Can't assign requested address
kEADDRINUSEErr = -3247 #Address already in use
kEOPNOTSUPPErr = -3244 #Operation not supported on socket
kESOCKTNOSUPPORTErr = -3243 #Socket type not supported
kEPROTONOSUPPORTErr = -3242 #Protocol not supported
kENOPROTOOPTErr = -3241 #Protocol not available
kEPROTOTYPEErr = -3240 #Protocol wrong type for socket
kEMSGSIZEErr = -3239 #Message too long
kEDESTADDRREQErr = -3238 #Destination address required
kENOTSOCKErr = -3237 #Socket operation on non-socket
kEALREADYErr = -3236 #
kEWOULDBLOCKErr = -3234 #Call would block, so was aborted
kERANGEErr = -3233 #Message size too large for STREAM
kEPIPEErr = -3231 #Broken pipe
kENOTTYErr = -3224 #Not a character device
kEINVALErr = -3221 #Invalid argument
kENODEVErr = -3218 #No such device
kOTDuplicateFoundErr = -3216 #OT generic duplicate found error
kEBUSYErr = -3215 #Device or resource busy
kEFAULTErr = -3213 #Bad address
kEACCESErr = -3212 #Permission denied
kOTOutOfMemoryErr = -3211 #OT ran out of memory, may be a temporary
kEAGAINErr = -3210 #Try operation again later
kEBADFErr = -3208 #Bad file number
kENXIOErr = -3205 #No such device or address
kEIOErr = -3204 #I/O error
kEINTRErr = -3203 #Interrupted system service
kENORSRCErr = -3202 #No such resource
kOTNotFoundErr = -3201 #OT generic not found error
kEPERMErr = -3200 #Permission denied
kOTCanceledErr = -3180 #XTI2OSStatus(TCANCELED) The command was cancelled
kOTBadSyncErr = -3179 #XTI2OSStatus(TBADSYNC) A synchronous call at interrupt time
kOTProtocolErr = -3178 #XTI2OSStatus(TPROTO) An unspecified provider error occurred
kOTQFullErr = -3177 #XTI2OSStatus(TQFULL)
kOTResAddressErr = -3176 #XTI2OSStatus(TRESADDR)
kOTResQLenErr = -3175 #XTI2OSStatus(TRESQLEN)
kOTProviderMismatchErr = -3174 #XTI2OSStatus(TPROVMISMATCH) Tried to accept on incompatible endpoint
kOTIndOutErr = -3173 #XTI2OSStatus(TINDOUT) Accept failed because of pending listen
kOTAddressBusyErr = -3172 #XTI2OSStatus(TADDRBUSY) Address requested is already in use
kOTBadQLenErr = -3171 #XTI2OSStatus(TBADQLEN) A Bind to an in-use addr with qlen > 0
kOTBadNameErr = -3170 #XTI2OSStatus(TBADNAME) A bad endpoint name was supplied
kOTNoStructureTypeErr = -3169 #XTI2OSStatus(TNOSTRUCTYPE) Bad structure type requested for OTAlloc
kOTStateChangeErr = -3168 #XTI2OSStatus(TSTATECHNG) State is changing - try again later
kOTNotSupportedErr = -3167 #XTI2OSStatus(TNOTSUPPORT) Command is not supported
kOTNoReleaseErr = -3166 #XTI2OSStatus(TNOREL) No orderly release indication available
kOTBadFlagErr = -3165 #XTI2OSStatus(TBADFLAG) A Bad flag value was supplied
kOTNoUDErrErr = -3164 #XTI2OSStatus(TNOUDERR) No Unit Data Error indication available
kOTNoDisconnectErr = -3163 #XTI2OSStatus(TNODIS) No disconnect indication available
kOTNoDataErr = -3162 #XTI2OSStatus(TNODATA) No data available for reading
kOTFlowErr = -3161 #XTI2OSStatus(TFLOW) Provider is flow-controlled
kOTBufferOverflowErr = -3160 #XTI2OSStatus(TBUFOVFLW) Passed buffer not big enough
kOTBadDataErr = -3159 #XTI2OSStatus(TBADDATA) An illegal amount of data was specified
kOTLookErr = -3158 #XTI2OSStatus(TLOOK) An event occurred - call Look()
kOTSysErrorErr = -3157 #XTI2OSStatus(TSYSERR) A system error occurred
kOTBadSequenceErr = -3156 #XTI2OSStatus(TBADSEQ) Sequence specified does not exist
kOTOutStateErr = -3155 #XTI2OSStatus(TOUTSTATE) Call issued in wrong state
kOTNoAddressErr = -3154 #XTI2OSStatus(TNOADDR) No address was specified
kOTBadReferenceErr = -3153 #XTI2OSStatus(TBADF) Bad provider reference
kOTAccessErr = -3152 #XTI2OSStatus(TACCES) Missing access permission
kOTBadOptionErr = -3151 #XTI2OSStatus(TBADOPT) A Bad option was specified
kOTBadAddressErr = -3150 #XTI2OSStatus(TBADADDR) A Bad address was specified
sktClosedErr = -3109 #sktClosedErr
recNotFnd = -3108 #recNotFnd
atpBadRsp = -3107 #atpBadRsp
......@@ -379,11 +937,13 @@ badTranslationSpecErr = -3031 #badTranslationSpecErr
noTranslationPathErr = -3030 #noTranslationPathErr
couldNotParseSourceFileErr = -3026 #Source document does not contain source type
invalidTranslationPathErr = -3025 #Source type to destination type not a valid path
unresolvedComponentDLLErr = -3004 #unresolvedComponentDLLErr
componentDontRegister = -3003 #componentDontRegister
componentNotCaptured = -3002 #componentNotCaptured
validInstancesExist = -3001 #validInstancesExist
invalidComponentID = -3000 #invalidComponentID
cfragLastErrCode = -2899 #The last value in the range of CFM errors.
cfragOutputLengthErr = -2831 #An output parameter is too small to hold the value.
cfragAbortClosureErr = -2830 #Used by notification handlers to abort a closure.
cfragClosureIDErr = -2829 #The closure ID was not valid.
cfragContainerIDErr = -2828 #The fragment container ID was not valid.
......@@ -420,8 +980,32 @@ errASNoResultReturned = -2763 #The range -2780 thru -2799 is reserved for dialec
errASParameterNotForEvent = -2762 #errASParameterNotForEvent
errASIllegalFormalParameter = -2761 #errASIllegalFormalParameter
errASTerminologyNestingTooDeep = -2760 #errASTerminologyNestingTooDeep
OSAControlFlowError = -2755 #Signaled when illegal control flow occurs in an application (no catcher for throw, non-lexical loop exit, etc.)
OSAInconsistentDeclarations = -2754 #Signaled when a variable is declared inconsistently in the same scope, such as both local and global
OSAUndefinedVariable = -2753 #Signaled when a variable is accessed that has no value
OSADuplicateHandler = -2752 #Signaled when more than one handler is defined with the same name in a scope where the language doesn't allow it
OSADuplicateProperty = -2751 #Signaled when a formal parameter, local variable, or instance variable is specified more than once.
OSADuplicateParameter = -2750 #Signaled when a formal parameter, local variable, or instance variable is specified more than once
OSATokenTooLong = -2742 #Signaled when a name or number is too long to be parsed
OSASyntaxTypeError = -2741 #Signaled when another form of syntax was expected. (e.g. "expected a <type> but found <this>")
OSASyntaxError = -2740 #Signaled when a syntax error occurs. (e.g. "Syntax error" or "<this> can't go after <that>")
errASCantCompareMoreThan32k = -2721 #Parser/Compiler errors:
errASCantConsiderAndIgnore = -2720 #errASCantConsiderAndIgnore
errOSACantCreate = -2710 #errOSACantCreate
errOSACantGetTerminology = -2709 #errOSACantGetTerminology
errOSADataBlockTooLarge = -2708 #Signaled when an intrinsic limitation is exceeded for the size of a value or data structure.
errOSAInternalTableOverflow = -2707 #Signaled when a runtime internal data structure overflows
errOSAStackOverflow = -2706 #Signaled when the runtime stack overflows
errOSACorruptTerminology = -2705 #Signaled when an application's terminology resource is not readable
errOSAAppNotHighLevelEventAware = -2704 #Signaled when an application can't respond to AppleEvents
errOSACantLaunch = -2703 #Signaled when application can't be launched or when it is remote and program linking is not enabled
errOSANumericOverflow = -2702 #Signaled when integer or real value is too large to be represented
errOSADivideByZero = -2701 #Signaled when there is an attempt to divide by zero
errOSAGeneralError = -2700 #Signaled by user scripts or applications when no actual error code is to be returned.
noIconDataAvailableErr = -2582 #The necessary icon data is not available
noSuchIconErr = -2581 #The requested icon could not be found
invalidIconRefErr = -2580 #The icon ref is not valid
nrCallNotSupported = -2557 #This call is not available or supported on this machine
nrTransactionAborted = -2556 #transaction was aborted
nrExitedIteratorScope = -2555 #outer scope of iterator was exited
nrIterationDone = -2554 #iteration operation is done
......@@ -444,6 +1028,7 @@ nrInvalidNodeErr = -2538 #nrInvalidNodeErr
nrNotEnoughMemoryErr = -2537 #nrNotEnoughMemoryErr
nrLockedErr = -2536 #nrLockedErr
mmInternalError = -2526 #mmInternalError
tsmDefaultIsNotInputMethodErr = -2524 #Current Input source is KCHR or uchr, not Input Method (GetDefaultInputMethod)
tsmNoStem = -2523 #No stem exists for the token
tsmNoMoreTokens = -2522 #No more tokens are available for the source text
tsmNoHandler = -2521 #No Callback Handler exists for callback
......@@ -458,7 +1043,7 @@ tsmTSHasNoMenuErr = -2513 #the text service has no menu
tsmUseInputWindowErr = -2512 #not TSM aware because we are using input window
tsmDocumentOpenErr = -2511 #there are open documents
tsmTextServiceNotFoundErr = -2510 #no text service found
tsmCantOpenComponentErr = -2509 #cant open the component
tsmCantOpenComponentErr = -2509 #cant open the component
tsmNoOpenTSErr = -2508 #no open text service
tsmDocNotActiveErr = -2507 #document is NOT active
tsmTSMDocBusyErr = -2506 #document is still active
......@@ -491,14 +1076,55 @@ kernelOptionsErr = -2403 #kernelOptionsErr
kernelCanceledErr = -2402 #kernelCanceledErr
kernelIncompleteErr = -2401 #kernelIncompleteErr
badCallOrderErr = -2209 #Usually due to a status call being called prior to being setup first
noDMAErr = -2208 #Cant do DMA digitizing (i.e. can't go to requested dest
badDepthErr = -2207 #Cant digitize into this depth
notExactSizeErr = -2206 #Cant do exact size requested
noDMAErr = -2208 #Cant do DMA digitizing (i.e. can't go to requested dest
badDepthErr = -2207 #Cant digitize into this depth
notExactSizeErr = -2206 #Cant do exact size requested
noMoreKeyColorsErr = -2205 #all key indexes in use
notExactMatrixErr = -2204 #warning of bad matrix, digitizer did its best
matrixErr = -2203 #bad matrix, digitizer did nothing
qtParamErr = -2202 #bad input parameter (out of range, etc)
digiUnimpErr = -2201 #feature unimplemented
qtActionNotHandledErr = -2157 #qtActionNotHandledErr
notEnoughDataErr = -2149 #notEnoughDataErr
urlDataHFTPURLErr = -2148 #urlDataHFTPURLErr
urlDataHFTPServerDisconnectedErr = -2147 #urlDataHFTPServerDisconnectedErr
urlDataHFTPNoPasswordErr = -2146 #urlDataHFTPNoPasswordErr
urlDataHFTPNeedPasswordErr = -2145 #urlDataHFTPNeedPasswordErr
urlDataHFTPBadNameListErr = -2144 #urlDataHFTPBadNameListErr
urlDataHFTPNoNetDriverErr = -2143 #urlDataHFTPNoNetDriverErr
urlDataHFTPFilenameErr = -2142 #urlDataHFTPFilenameErr
urlDataHFTPPermissionsErr = -2141 #urlDataHFTPPermissionsErr
urlDataHFTPQuotaErr = -2140 #urlDataHFTPQuotaErr
urlDataHFTPNoDirectoryErr = -2139 #urlDataHFTPNoDirectoryErr
urlDataHFTPDataConnectionErr = -2138 #urlDataHFTPDataConnectionErr
urlDataHFTPServerErr = -2137 #urlDataHFTPServerErr
urlDataHFTPBadPasswordErr = -2136 #urlDataHFTPBadPasswordErr
urlDataHFTPBadUserErr = -2135 #urlDataHFTPBadUserErr
urlDataHFTPShutdownErr = -2134 #urlDataHFTPShutdownErr
urlDataHFTPProtocolErr = -2133 #urlDataHFTPProtocolErr
urlDataHHTTPRedirectErr = -2132 #urlDataHHTTPRedirectErr
urlDataHHTTPURLErr = -2131 #urlDataHHTTPURLErr
urlDataHHTTPNoNetDriverErr = -2130 #urlDataHHTTPNoNetDriverErr
urlDataHHTTPProtocolErr = -2129 #urlDataHHTTPProtocolErr
qtNetworkAlreadyAllocatedErr = -2127 #qtNetworkAlreadyAllocatedErr
notAllowedToSaveMovieErr = -2126 #notAllowedToSaveMovieErr
fileOffsetTooBigErr = -2125 #fileOffsetTooBigErr
ASDEntryNotFoundErr = -2124 #ASDEntryNotFoundErr
ASDBadForkErr = -2123 #ASDBadForkErr
ASDBadHeaderErr = -2122 #ASDBadHeaderErr
AAPNotFoundErr = -2121 #AAPNotFoundErr
AAPNotCreatedErr = -2120 #AAPNotCreatedErr
qfcbNotCreatedErr = -2119 #qfcbNotCreatedErr
qfcbNotFoundErr = -2118 #qfcbNotFoundErr
wackBadMetaDataErr = -2117 #wackBadMetaDataErr
wackForkNotFoundErr = -2116 #wackForkNotFoundErr
wackBadFileErr = -2115 #wackBadFileErr
unknownFormatErr = -2114 #unknownFormatErr
pathNotVerifiedErr = -2113 #pathNotVerifiedErr
noPathMappingErr = -2112 #noPathMappingErr
emptyPathErr = -2111 #emptyPathErr
pathTooLongErr = -2110 #pathTooLongErr
cannotBeLeafAtomErr = -2109 #cannotBeLeafAtomErr
invalidAtomTypeErr = -2108 #invalidAtomTypeErr
invalidAtomContainerErr = -2107 #invalidAtomContainerErr
invalidAtomErr = -2106 #invalidAtomErr
......@@ -507,12 +1133,43 @@ atomIndexInvalidErr = -2104 #atomIndexInvalidErr
atomsNotOfSameTypeErr = -2103 #atomsNotOfSameTypeErr
notLeafAtomErr = -2102 #notLeafAtomErr
cannotFindAtomErr = -2101 #cannotFindAtomErr
unsupportedProcessorErr = -2097 #unsupportedProcessorErr
unsupportedOSErr = -2096 #unsupportedOSErr
qtmlUninitialized = -2095 #qtmlUninitialized
qtmlDllEntryNotFoundErr = -2094 #Windows specific errors (when qtml is loading)
qtmlDllLoadErr = -2093 #Windows specific errors (when qtml is loading)
componentDllEntryNotFoundErr = -2092 #Windows specific errors (when component is loading)
componentDllLoadErr = -2091 #Windows specific errors (when component is loading)
videoOutputInUseErr = -2090 #videoOutputInUseErr
noExportProcAvailableErr = -2089 #noExportProcAvailableErr
tuneParseOSErr = -2087 #tuneParseOSErr
tunePlayerFullOSErr = -2086 #tunePlayerFullOSErr
noteChannelNotAllocatedOSErr = -2085 #noteChannelNotAllocatedOSErr
illegalNoteChannelOSErr = -2084 #illegalNoteChannelOSErr
synthesizerOSErr = -2083 #synthesizerOSErr
synthesizerNotRespondingOSErr = -2082 #synthesizerNotRespondingOSErr
midiManagerAbsentOSErr = -2081 #midiManagerAbsentOSErr
illegalControllerOSErr = -2080 #illegalControllerOSErr
illegalInstrumentOSErr = -2079 #illegalInstrumentOSErr
illegalKnobValueOSErr = -2078 #illegalKnobValueOSErr
illegalKnobOSErr = -2077 #illegalKnobOSErr
illegalChannelOSErr = -2076 #illegalChannelOSErr
illegalPartOSErr = -2075 #illegalPartOSErr
illegalVoiceAllocationOSErr = -2074 #illegalVoiceAllocationOSErr
cantReceiveFromSynthesizerOSErr = -2073 #cantReceiveFromSynthesizerOSErr
cantSendToSynthesizerOSErr = -2072 #cantSendToSynthesizerOSErr
notImplementedMusicOSErr = -2071 #notImplementedMusicOSErr
internalComponentErr = -2070 #internalComponentErr
invalidSpriteIDErr = -2069 #invalidSpriteIDErr
invalidImageIndexErr = -2068 #invalidImageIndexErr
invalidSpriteIndexErr = -2067 #invalidSpriteIndexErr
gWorldsNotSameDepthAndSizeErr = -2066 #gWorldsNotSameDepthAndSizeErr
invalidSpritePropertyErr = -2065 #invalidSpritePropertyErr
invalidSpriteWorldPropertyErr = -2064 #invalidSpriteWorldPropertyErr
missingRequiredParameterErr = -2063 #missingRequiredParameterErr
movieTextNotFoundErr = -2062 #movieTextNotFoundErr
sourceNotFoundErr = -2061 #sourceNotFoundErr
noSourceTreeFoundErr = -2060 #noSourceTreeFoundErr
samplesAlreadyInMediaErr = -2059 #samplesAlreadyInMediaErr
auxiliaryExportDataUnavailable = -2058 #auxiliaryExportDataUnavailable
unsupportedAuxiliaryImportData = -2057 #unsupportedAuxiliaryImportData
......@@ -640,6 +1297,28 @@ errAEWrongDataType = -1703 #errAEWrongDataType
errAECorruptData = -1702 #errAECorruptData
errAEDescNotFound = -1701 #errAEDescNotFound
errAECoercionFail = -1700 #bad parameter data or unable to coerce the data supplied
errFSIteratorNotSupported = -1424 #The iterator's flags or container are not supported by this call
errFSIteratorNotFound = -1423 #Passed FSIterator is not an open iterator
errFSBadIteratorFlags = -1422 #Flags passed to FSOpenIterator are bad
errFSForkExists = -1421 #Named fork already exists.
errFSRefsDifferent = -1420 #FSCompareFSRefs; refs are for different objects
errFSBadSearchParams = -1419 #Something wrong with CatalogSearch searchParams
errFSBadItemCount = -1418 #maximumItems was zero
errFSNoMoreItems = -1417 #Iteration ran out of items to return
errFSBadAllocFlags = -1413 #Invalid bits set in allocationFlags
errFSBadPosMode = -1412 #Newline bits set in positionMode
errFSMissingName = -1411 #A Unicode name parameter was NULL or nameLength parameter was zero
errFSNameTooLong = -1410 #File/fork name is too long to create/rename
errFSForkNotFound = -1409 #Named fork does not exist
errFSNotAFolder = -1407 #Expected a folder, got a file
errFSMissingCatInfo = -1406 #A CatalogInfo parameter was NULL
errFSBadInfoBitmap = -1405 #A CatalogInfoBitmap or VolumeInfoBitmap has reserved or invalid bits set
errFSBadForkRef = -1404 #A ForkRefNum parameter was bad
errFSBadBuffer = -1403 #A buffer parameter was bad
errFSBadForkName = -1402 #Fork name parameter is bad
errFSBadFSRef = -1401 #FSRef parameter is bad
errFSUnknownCall = -1400 #selector is not recognized by this filesystem
badFCBErr = -1327 #FCBRecPtr is not valid
volVMBusyErr = -1311 #can't eject because volume is in use by VM
fsDataTooBigErr = -1310 #file or volume is too big for system
fileBoundsErr = -1309 #file's EOF, offset, mark or size is too big
......@@ -687,13 +1366,19 @@ nbpConfDiff = -1026 #Name confirmed at different socket
nbpNoConfirm = -1025 #nbpNoConfirm
nbpBuffOvr = -1024 #Buffer overflow in LookupName
noMaskFoundErr = -1000 #Icon Utilties Error
kFMFontContainerAccessErr = -985 #kFMFontContainerAccessErr
kFMFontTableAccessErr = -984 #kFMFontTableAccessErr
kFMIterationScopeModifiedErr = -983 #kFMIterationScopeModifiedErr
kFMInvalidFontErr = -982 #kFMInvalidFontErr
kFMInvalidFontFamilyErr = -981 #kFMInvalidFontFamilyErr
kFMIterationCompleted = -980 #kFMIterationCompleted
guestNotAllowedErr = -932 #destination port requires authentication
badLocNameErr = -931 #location name malformed
badServiceMethodErr = -930 #illegal service type, or not supported
noUserRecErr = -928 #Invalid user reference number
authFailErr = -927 #unable to authenticate user at destination
noInformErr = -926 #PPCStart failed because destination did not have inform pending
networkErr = -925 #An error has occured in the network, not too likely
networkErr = -925 #An error has occurred in the network, not too likely
noUserRefErr = -924 #unable to create a new userRefNum
notLoggedInErr = -923 #The default userRefNum does not yet exist
noDefaultUserErr = -922 #user hasn't typed in owners name in Network Setup Control Pannel
......@@ -712,9 +1397,11 @@ sessTableErr = -907 #Out of session tables, try again later
destPortErr = -906 #Port does not exist at destination
localOnlyErr = -905 #Network activity is currently disabled
noGlobalsErr = -904 #The system is hosed, better re-boot
noPortErr = -903 #Unable to open port or bad portRefNum
noPortErr = -903 #Unable to open port or bad portRefNum. If you're calling
nameTypeErr = -902 #Invalid or inappropriate locationKindSelector in locationName
notInitErr = -900 #PPCToolBox not initialized
appVersionTooOld = -876 #The application's creator and version are incompatible with the current version of Mac OS.
wrongApplicationPlatform = -875 #The application could not launch because the required platform is not available
hmCloseViewActive = -863 #Returned from HMRemoveBalloon if CloseView was active
hmNoBalloonUp = -862 #Returned from HMRemoveBalloon if no balloon was visible when call was made
hmOperationUnsupported = -861 #Returned from HMShowBalloon call if bad method passed to routine
......@@ -741,7 +1428,7 @@ rcDBValue = -801 #rcDBValue
rcDBNull = -800 #rcDBNull
noMMUErr = -626 #no MMU present
cannotDeferErr = -625 #unable to defer additional functions
interruptsMaskedErr = -624 #dont call with interrupts masked
interruptsMaskedErr = -624 #dont call with interrupts masked
notLockedErr = -623 #specified range of memory is not locked
cannotMakeContiguousErr = -622 #cannot make specified range contiguous
notHeldErr = -621 #specified range of memory is not held
......@@ -760,6 +1447,7 @@ protocolErr = -603 #app made module calls in improper order
appModeErr = -602 #memory mode is 32-bit, but app not 32-bit clean
memFragErr = -601 #not enough room to launch app w/special requirements
procNotFound = -600 #no eligible process with specified descriptor
driverHardwareGoneErr = -503 #disk driver's hardware was disconnected
hwParamErr = -502 #bad selector for _HWPriv
teScrapSizeErr = -501 #scrap item too big for text edit record
rgnTooBigErr = -500 #rgnTooBigErr
......@@ -775,6 +1463,14 @@ badEditionFileErr = -453 #edition file is corrupt
notRegisteredSectionErr = -452 #not a registered SectionRecord
badSectionErr = -451 #not a valid SectionRecord
editionMgrInitErr = -450 #edition manager not inited by this app
fsmUnknownFSMMessageErr = -438 #unknown message passed to FSM
fsmNoAlternateStackErr = -437 #no alternate stack for HFS CI
fsmBadFSDVersionErr = -436 #FSM version incompatible with FSD
fsmDuplicateFSIDErr = -435 #FSID already exists on InstallFS
fsmBadFSDLenErr = -434 #FSD size incompatible with current FSM vers
fsmBadFFSNameErr = -433 #Name length not 1 <= length <= 31
fsmBusyFFSErr = -432 #File system is busy, cannot be removed
fsmFFSNotFoundErr = -431 #Foreign File system does not exist - new Pack2 could return this error too
btKeyAttrErr = -417 #There is no such a key attribute.
btKeyLenErr = -416 #Maximum key length is too long or equal to zero.
btRecNotFnd = -415 #Record cannot be found.
......@@ -791,8 +1487,8 @@ smByteLanesErr = -347 #NumByteLanes was determined to be zero.
smBadsPtrErr = -346 #Bad pointer was passed to sCalcsPointer
smsGetDrvrErr = -345 #Error occurred during _sGetDriver.
smNoMoresRsrcs = -344 #No more sResources
smDisDrvrNamErr = -343 #Error occured during _sDisDrvrName.
smGetDrvrNamErr = -342 #Error occured during _sGetDrvrName.
smDisDrvrNamErr = -343 #Error occurred during _sDisDrvrName.
smGetDrvrNamErr = -342 #Error occurred during _sGetDrvrName.
smCkStatusErr = -341 #Status of slot = fail.
smBlkMoveErr = -340 #_BlockMove error
smNewPErr = -339 #_NewPtr error
......@@ -808,14 +1504,14 @@ smBadRefId = -330 #Reference Id not found in List
smBusErrTO = -320 #BusError time out.
smBadBoardId = -319 #BoardId was wrong; re-init the PRAM record.
smReservedSlot = -318 #slot is reserved, VM should not use this address space.
smInitTblVErr = -317 #An error occured while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table.
smInitTblVErr = -317 #An error occurred while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table.
smInitStatVErr = -316 #The InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init.
smNoBoardId = -315 #No Board Id.
smGetPRErr = -314 #Error occured during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus).
smGetPRErr = -314 #Error occurred during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus).
smNoBoardSRsrc = -313 #No Board sResource.
smDisposePErr = -312 #_DisposePointer error
smFHBlkDispErr = -311 #Error occured during _sDisposePtr (Dispose of FHeader block).
smFHBlockRdErr = -310 #Error occured during _sGetFHeader.
smFHBlkDispErr = -311 #Error occurred during _sDisposePtr (Dispose of FHeader block).
smFHBlockRdErr = -310 #Error occurred during _sGetFHeader.
smBLFieldBad = -309 #ByteLanes field was bad.
smUnExBusErr = -308 #Unexpected BusError
smResrvErr = -307 #Fatal reserved error. Resreved field <> 0.
......@@ -826,7 +1522,7 @@ smRevisionErr = -303 #Wrong revison level
smFormatErr = -302 #FHeader Format is not Apple's
smCRCFail = -301 #CRC check failed for declaration data
smEmptySlot = -300 #No card in slot
nmTypErr = -299 #wrong queue type
nmTypErr = -299 #Notification Manager:wrong queue type
smPriInitErr = -293 #Error; Cards could not be initialized.
smPRAMInitErr = -292 #Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.
smSRTInitErr = -291 #Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.
......@@ -864,6 +1560,7 @@ siInvalidCompression = -223 #invalid compression type
siNoBufferSpecified = -222 #returned by synchronous SPBRecord if nil buffer passed
siBadSoundInDevice = -221 #invalid index passed to SoundInGetIndexedDevice
siNoSoundInHardware = -220 #no Sound Input hardware
siVBRCompressionNotSupported = -213 #vbr audio compression not supported for this operation
noMoreRealTime = -212 #not enough CPU cycles left to add another task
channelNotBusy = -211 #channelNotBusy
buffersTooSmall = -210 #can not operate in the memory allowed
......@@ -889,6 +1586,16 @@ writingPastEnd = -189 #Writing past end of file
resourceInMemory = -188 #Resource already in memory
CantDecompress = -186 #resource bent ("the bends") - can't decompress a compressed resource
badExtResource = -185 #extended resource has a bad format.
cmNoCurrentProfile = -182 #Responder error
cmUnsupportedDataType = -181 #Responder error
cmCantDeleteProfile = -180 #Responder error
cmCantXYZ = -179 #CMM cant handle XYZ space
cmCantConcatenateError = -178 #Profile can't be concatenated
cmProfilesIdentical = -177 #Profiles the same
cmProfileNotFound = -176 #Responder error
cmMethodNotFound = -175 #CMM not present
cmMethodError = -171 #cmMethodError
cmProfileError = -170 #cmProfileError
cDepthErr = -157 #invalid pixel depth
cResErr = -156 #invalid resolution for MakeITable
cDevErr = -155 #invalid type of graphics device
......@@ -902,7 +1609,7 @@ pixMapTooDeepErr = -148 #pixMapTooDeepErr
rgnOverflowErr = -147 #rgnOverflowErr
noMemForPictPlaybackErr = -145 #noMemForPictPlaybackErr
userCanceledErr = -128 #userCanceledErr
hMenuFindErr = -127 #could not find HMenu's parent in MenuKey
hMenuFindErr = -127 #could not find HMenu's parent in MenuKey (wrong error code - obsolete)
mBarNFnd = -126 #system error code for MBDF not found
updPixMemErr = -125 #insufficient memory to update a pixmap
volGoneErr = -124 #Server volume has been disconnected.
......@@ -1001,10 +1708,10 @@ writErr = -20 #I/O System Errors
readErr = -19 #I/O System Errors
statusErr = -18 #I/O System Errors
controlErr = -17 #I/O System Errors
dsExtensionsDisabled = -13 #say Extensions Disabled
dsHD20Installed = -12 #say HD20 Startup
dsDisassemblerInstalled = -11 #say Disassembler Installed
dsMacsBugInstalled = -10 #say MacsBug Installed
dsExtensionsDisabled = -13 #say Extensions Disabled
dsHD20Installed = -12 #say HD20 Startup
dsDisassemblerInstalled = -11 #say Disassembler Installed
dsMacsBugInstalled = -10 #say MacsBug Installed
seNoDB = -8 #no debugger installed to handle debugger command
SlpTypeErr = -5 #invalid queue element
unimpErr = -4 #unimplemented core routine
......@@ -1026,7 +1733,7 @@ EDEADLK = 11 #Resource deadlock avoided
ENOMEM = 12 #Cannot allocate memory
EACCES = 13 #Permission denied
EFAULT = 14 #Bad address
ENOTBLK = 15 #Block device required
ECANCELED = 15 #Operation cancelled
EBUSY = 16 #Device busy
EEXIST = 17 #File exists
EXDEV = 18 #Cross-device link
......@@ -1037,7 +1744,6 @@ EINVAL = 22 #Invalid argument
ENFILE = 23 #Too many open files in system
EMFILE = 24 #Too many open files
ENOTTY = 25 #Inappropriate ioctl for device
ETXTBSY = 26 #Text file busy
EFBIG = 27 #File too large
ENOSPC = 28 #No space left on device
ESPIPE = 29 #Illegal seek
......@@ -1056,7 +1762,7 @@ EPROTOTYPE = 41 #Protocol wrong type for socket
ENOPROTOOPT = 42 #Protocol not available
EPROTONOSUPPORT = 43 #Protocol not supported
ESOCKTNOSUPPORT = 44 #Socket type not supported
EOPNOTSUPP = 45 #Operation not supported on socket
EOPNOTSUPP = 45 #Operation not supported
EPFNOSUPPORT = 46 #Protocol family not supported
EAFNOSUPPORT = 47 #Address family not supported by protocol family
EADDRINUSE = 48 #Address already in use
......@@ -1071,28 +1777,13 @@ EISCONN = 56 #Socket is already connected
ENOTCONN = 57 #Socket is not connected
ESHUTDOWN = 58 #Can't send after socket shutdown
ETOOMANYREFS = 59 #Too many references: can't splice
ETIMEDOUT = 60 #Connection timed out
ETIMEDOUT = 60 #Operation timed out
ECONNREFUSED = 61 #Connection refused
ELOOP = 62 #Too many levels of symbolic links
ENAMETOOLONG = 63 #File name too long
EHOSTDOWN = 64 #Host is down
EHOSTUNREACH = 65 #No route to host
ENOTEMPTY = 66 #Directory not empty
EPROCLIM = 67 #Too many processes
EUSERS = 68 #Too many users
EDQUOT = 69 #Disc quota exceeded
ESTALE = 70 #Stale NFS file handle
EREMOTE = 71 #Too many levels of remote in path
EBADRPC = 72 #RPC struct is bad
ERPCMISMATCH = 73 #RPC version wrong
EPROGUNAVAIL = 74 #RPC prog. not avail
EPROGMISMATCH = 75 #Program version wrong
EPROCUNAVAIL = 76 #Bad procedure for program
ELOOK = 67 #Internal mapping for kOTLookErr, don't return to client
ENOLCK = 77 #No locks available
ENOSYS = 78 #Function not implemented
EFTYPE = 79 #Inappropriate file type or format
EINPROGRESS = 136 #Operation now in progress
EALREADY = 137 #Operation already in progress
ENOTSOCK = 138 #Socket operation on non-socket
EDESTADDRREQ = 139 #Destination address required
EMSGSIZE = 140 #Message too long
-32768 svTempDisable svTempDisable
-32640 svDisabled Reserve range -32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables.
-32615 fontNotOutlineErr bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only
-30788 kURL68kNotSupportedError kURL68kNotSupportedError
-30787 kURLAccessNotAvailableError kURLAccessNotAvailableError
-30786 kURLInvalidConfigurationError kURLInvalidConfigurationError
-30785 kURLExtensionFailureError kURLExtensionFailureError
-30783 kURLFileEmptyError kURLFileEmptyError
-30781 kURLInvalidCallError kURLInvalidCallError
-30780 kURLUnsettablePropertyError kURLUnsettablePropertyError
-30779 kURLPropertyBufferTooSmallError kURLPropertyBufferTooSmallError
-30778 kURLUnknownPropertyError kURLUnknownPropertyError
-30777 kURLPropertyNotYetKnownError kURLPropertyNotYetKnownError
-30776 kURLAuthenticationError kURLAuthenticationError
-30775 kURLServerBusyError kURLServerBusyError
-30774 kURLUnsupportedSchemeError kURLUnsupportedSchemeError
-30773 kURLInvalidURLError kURLInvalidURLError
-30772 kURLDestinationExistsError kURLDestinationExistsError
-30771 kURLProgressAlreadyDisplayedError kURLProgressAlreadyDisplayedError
-30770 kURLInvalidURLReferenceError kURLInvalidURLReferenceError
-30599 controlHandleInvalidErr controlHandleInvalidErr
-30597 controlInvalidDataVersionErr controlInvalidDataVersionErr
-30596 errItemNotControl errItemNotControl
-30595 errCantEmbedRoot errCantEmbedRoot
-30594 errCantEmbedIntoSelf errCantEmbedIntoSelf
-30593 errWindowRegionCodeInvalid errWindowRegionCodeInvalid
-30592 errControlHiddenOrDisabled errControlHiddenOrDisabled
-30591 errDataSizeMismatch errDataSizeMismatch
-30590 errControlIsNotEmbedder errControlIsNotEmbedder
-30589 errControlsAlreadyExist errControlsAlreadyExist
-30588 errInvalidPartCode errInvalidPartCode
-30587 errRootAlreadyExists errRootAlreadyExists
-30586 errNoRootControl errNoRootControl
-30585 errCouldntSetFocus errCouldntSetFocus
-30584 errUnknownControl errUnknownControl
-30583 errWindowDoesntSupportFocus errWindowDoesntSupportFocus
-30582 errControlDoesntSupportFocus errControlDoesntSupportFocus
-30581 errDataNotSupported errDataNotSupported
-30580 errMessageNotSupported errMessageNotSupported
-30567 themeMonitorDepthNotSupportedErr theme not supported at monitor depth
-30566 themeScriptFontNotFoundErr theme font requested for uninstalled script system
-30565 themeBadCursorIndexErr themeBadCursorIndexErr
-30564 themeHasNoAccentsErr themeHasNoAccentsErr
-30563 themeBadTextColorErr themeBadTextColorErr
-30562 themeProcessNotRegisteredErr themeProcessNotRegisteredErr
-30561 themeProcessRegisteredErr themeProcessRegisteredErr
-30560 themeInvalidBrushErr pattern index invalid
-30555 qtvrUninitialized qtvrUninitialized
-30554 qtvrLibraryLoadErr qtvrLibraryLoadErr
-30553 streamingNodeNotReadyErr streamingNodeNotReadyErr
-30552 noMemoryNodeFailedInitialize noMemoryNodeFailedInitialize
-30551 invalidHotSpotIDErr invalidHotSpotIDErr
-30550 invalidNodeFormatErr invalidNodeFormatErr
......@@ -14,58 +61,121 @@
-30542 callNotSupportedByNodeErr callNotSupportedByNodeErr
-30541 constraintReachedErr constraintReachedErr
-30540 notAQTVRMovieErr notAQTVRMovieErr
-30532 kFBCnoSuchHit kFBCnoSuchHit
-30531 kFBCbadSearchSession kFBCbadSearchSession
-30530 kFBCindexDiskIOFailed kFBCindexDiskIOFailed
-30529 kFBCsummarizationCanceled kFBCsummarizationCanceled
-30528 kFBCbadIndexFileVersion kFBCbadIndexFileVersion
-30527 kFBCanalysisNotAvailable kFBCanalysisNotAvailable
-30526 kFBCillegalSessionChange tried to add/remove vols to a session
-30525 kFBCsomeFilesNotIndexed kFBCsomeFilesNotIndexed
-30524 kFBCsearchFailed kFBCsearchFailed
-30523 kFBCindexNotAvailable kFBCindexNotAvailable
-30522 kFBCindexFileDestroyed kFBCindexFileDestroyed
-30521 kFBCaccessCanceled kFBCaccessCanceled
-30520 kFBCindexingCanceled kFBCindexingCanceled
-30519 kFBCnoSearchSession kFBCnoSearchSession
-30518 kFBCindexNotFound kFBCindexNotFound
-30517 kFBCflushFailed kFBCflushFailed
-30516 kFBCaddDocFailed kFBCaddDocFailed
-30515 kFBCaccessorStoreFailed kFBCaccessorStoreFailed
-30514 kFBCindexCreationFailed couldn't create index
-30513 kFBCmergingFailed couldn't merge index files
-30512 kFBCtokenizationFailed couldn't read from document or query
-30511 kFBCmoveFailed V-Twin exception caught
-30510 kFBCdeletionFailed V-Twin exception caught
-30509 kFBCcommitFailed V-Twin exception caught
-30508 kFBCindexingFailed V-Twin exception caught
-30507 kFBCvalidationFailed V-Twin exception caught
-30506 kFBCcompactionFailed V-Twin exception caught
-30505 kFBCbadIndexFile bad FSSpec, or bad data in file
-30504 kFBCfileNotIndexed kFBCfileNotIndexed
-30503 kFBCbadParam kFBCbadParam
-30502 kFBCallocFailed probably low memory
-30501 kFBCnoIndexesFound kFBCnoIndexesFound
-30500 kFBCvTwinExceptionErr no telling what it was
-30450 kDSpStereoContextErr kDSpStereoContextErr
-30449 kDSpInternalErr kDSpInternalErr
-30448 kDSpConfirmSwitchWarning kDSpConfirmSwitchWarning
-30447 kDSpFrameRateNotReadyErr kDSpFrameRateNotReadyErr
-30446 kDSpContextNotFoundErr kDSpContextNotFoundErr
-30445 kDSpContextNotReservedErr kDSpContextNotReservedErr
-30444 kDSpContextAlreadyReservedErr kDSpContextAlreadyReservedErr
-30443 kDSpInvalidAttributesErr kDSpInvalidAttributesErr
-30442 kDSpInvalidContextErr kDSpInvalidContextErr
-30441 kDSpSystemSWTooOldErr kDSpSystemSWTooOldErr
-30440 kDSpNotInitializedErr kDSpNotInitializedErr
-30429 kISpListBusyErr kISpListBusyErr
-30428 kISpDeviceActiveErr kISpDeviceActiveErr
-30427 kISpSystemActiveErr kISpSystemActiveErr
-30426 kISpDeviceInactiveErr kISpDeviceInactiveErr
-30425 kISpSystemInactiveErr kISpSystemInactiveErr
-30424 kISpElementNotInListErr kISpElementNotInListErr
-30423 kISpElementInListErr kISpElementInListErr
-30422 kISpBufferToSmallErr kISpBufferToSmallErr
-30421 kISpSystemListErr kISpSystemListErr
-30420 kISpInternalErr kISpInternalErr
-30399 kNSpJoinFailedErr kNSpJoinFailedErr
-30398 kNSpCantBlockErr kNSpCantBlockErr
-30397 kNSpMessageTooBigErr kNSpMessageTooBigErr
-30396 kNSpSendFailedErr kNSpSendFailedErr
-30395 kNSpConnectFailedErr kNSpConnectFailedErr
-30394 kNSpGameTerminatedErr kNSpGameTerminatedErr
-30393 kNSpTimeoutErr kNSpTimeoutErr
-30392 kNSpInvalidProtocolListErr kNSpInvalidProtocolListErr
-30391 kNSpInvalidProtocolRefErr kNSpInvalidProtocolRefErr
-30390 kNSpInvalidDefinitionErr kNSpInvalidDefinitionErr
-30389 kNSpAddPlayerFailedErr kNSpAddPlayerFailedErr
-30388 kNSpCreateGroupFailedErr kNSpCreateGroupFailedErr
-30387 kNSpNoHostVolunteersErr kNSpNoHostVolunteersErr
-30386 kNSpNoGroupsErr kNSpNoGroupsErr
-30385 kNSpNoPlayersErr kNSpNoPlayersErr
-30384 kNSpInvalidGroupIDErr kNSpInvalidGroupIDErr
-30383 kNSpInvalidPlayerIDErr kNSpInvalidPlayerIDErr
-30382 kNSpNameRequiredErr kNSpNameRequiredErr
-30381 kNSpFeatureNotImplementedErr kNSpFeatureNotImplementedErr
-30380 kNSpAddressInUseErr kNSpAddressInUseErr
-30379 kNSpRemovePlayerFailedErr kNSpRemovePlayerFailedErr
-30378 kNSpFreeQExhaustedErr kNSpFreeQExhaustedErr
-30377 kNSpInvalidAddressErr kNSpInvalidAddressErr
-30376 kNSpNotAdvertisingErr kNSpNotAdvertisingErr
-30374 kNSpAlreadyAdvertisingErr kNSpAlreadyAdvertisingErr
-30373 kNSpMemAllocationErr kNSpMemAllocationErr
-30371 kNSpOTVersionTooOldErr kNSpOTVersionTooOldErr
-30370 kNSpOTNotPresentErr kNSpOTNotPresentErr
-30369 kNSpInvalidParameterErr kNSpInvalidParameterErr
-30367 kNSpInvalidGameRefErr kNSpInvalidGameRefErr
-30366 kNSpProtocolNotAvailableErr kNSpProtocolNotAvailableErr
-30365 kNSpHostFailedErr kNSpHostFailedErr
-30364 kNSpPipeFullErr kNSpPipeFullErr
-30362 kNSpTopologyNotSupportedErr kNSpTopologyNotSupportedErr
-30361 kNSpAlreadyInitializedErr kNSpAlreadyInitializedErr
-30360 kNSpInitializationFailedErr kNSpInitializationFailedErr
-30344 kSSpScaleToZeroErr kSSpScaleToZeroErr
-30343 kSSpParallelUpVectorErr kSSpParallelUpVectorErr
-30342 kSSpCantInstallErr kSSpCantInstallErr
-30341 kSSpVersionErr kSSpVersionErr
-30340 kSSpInternalErr kSSpInternalErr
-30049 kALMInternalErr kALMInternalErr
-30048 kALMLocationNotFoundErr kALMLocationNotFoundErr
-30048 kALMGroupNotFoundErr kALMGroupNotFoundErr
-30047 kALMNoSuchModuleErr kALMNoSuchModuleErr
-30046 kALMModuleCommunicationErr kALMModuleCommunicationErr
-30045 kALMDuplicateModuleErr kALMDuplicateModuleErr
-30044 kALMInstallationErr kALMInstallationErr
-30043 kALMDeferSwitchErr kALMDeferSwitchErr
-30042 kALMRebootFlagsLevelErr kALMRebootFlagsLevelErr
-30027 localeNoAssociatedDataTagsErr localeNoAssociatedDataTagsErr
-30026 localeObjectDefaultValueNotAvailableErr localeObjectDefaultValueNotAvailableErr
-30025 localeDuplicateErr localeDuplicateErr
-30024 localeCouldNotWriteLinkedObjectsErr localeCouldNotWriteLinkedObjectsErr
-30023 localeObjectCannotDeleteSystemObjectErr localeObjectCannotDeleteSystemObjectErr
-30022 localeObjectTagDataNotFoundErr localeObjectTagDataNotFoundErr
-30021 localeObjectNoNameErr localeObjectNoNameErr
-30020 localeObjectInvalidIteratorErr localeObjectInvalidIteratorErr
-30010 localeObjectNameAttributeConflictErr localeObjectNameAttributeConflictErr
-30009 localeObjectItemFoundIsLastErr localeObjectItemFoundIsLastErr
-30008 localeObjectInvalidReferenceErr localeObjectInvalidReferenceErr
-30007 localeObjectNotFoundErr localeObjectNotFoundErr
-30006 localeBadReferenceErr localeBadReferenceErr
-30005 localeObjectNoNamesTableErr localeObjectNoNamesTableErr
-30002 localeObjectAttributeNotAvailErr localeObjectAttributeNotAvailErr
-30001 localeNotFoundErr localeNotFoundErr
-29898 logCorruptStoreErr logCorruptStoreErr
-29897 logInvalidSituationTypeErr logInvalidSituationTypeErr
-29896 logIteratorInvalidErr logIteratorInvalidErr
-29895 logCannotCreateActionErr logCannotCreateActionErr
-29894 logEntryCorruptErr logEntryCorruptErr
-29893 logWrongTypeErr logWrongTypeErr
-29892 logPluginNotPresentErr logPluginNotPresentErr
-29891 logInvalidSizeErr logInvalidSizeErr
-29890 logNoDataAvailableErr logNoDataAvailableErr
-29889 logNotATextEntryErr logNotATextEntryErr
-29888 logIteratorInUseErr logIteratorInUseErr
-29887 logServiceNotInUseErr logServiceNotInUseErr
-29886 logQueueFullErr logQueueFullErr
-29885 logNoMoreEntriesErr logNoMoreEntriesErr
-29884 logServiceInUseErr logServiceInUseErr
-29883 logNoSuchActionErr logNoSuchActionErr
-29882 logInvalidVersionErr logInvalidVersionErr
-29881 logDataTooLargeErr logDataTooLargeErr
-29880 logNoConnectionErr logNoConnectionErr
-29599 textObjFontNotFoundErr textObjFontNotFoundErr
-29587 textObjLanguageChangedErr textObjLanguageChangedErr
-29586 textObjMoreAnnotationsErr textObjMoreAnnotationsErr
-29585 textObjAnnotationNotFoundErr textObjAnnotationNotFoundErr
-29584 textObjMalformedObjectErr textObjMalformedObjectErr
-29583 textObjTextConversionFailedErr textObjTextConversionFailedErr
-29582 textObjObjectTooSmallErr textObjObjectTooSmallErr
-29581 textObjBufferTooSmallErr textObjBufferTooSmallErr
-29580 textObjInvalidIndexErr textObjInvalidIndexErr
-30029 kLocalesDefaultDisplayStatus Requested display locale unavailable, used default
-30002 kLocalesTableFormatErr kLocalesTableFormatErr
-30001 kLocalesBufferTooSmallErr kLocalesBufferTooSmallErr
-29589 kFNSNameNotFoundErr The name with the requested paramters was not found
-29587 kFNSBadFlattenedSizeErr flattened size didn't match input or was too small
-29586 kFNSInsufficientDataErr insufficient data for the operation
-29585 kFNSMismatchErr reference didn't match or wasn't found in profile
-29584 kFNSDuplicateReferenceErr the ref. being added is already in the profile
-29583 kFNSBadProfileVersionErr profile version is out of known range
-29582 kFNSInvalidProfileErr profile is NULL or otherwise bad
-29581 kFNSBadReferenceVersionErr ref. version is out of known range
-29580 kFNSInvalidReferenceErr ref. was NULL or otherwise bad
-29507 kCollateInvalidCollationRef kCollateInvalidCollationRef
-29506 kCollateBufferTooSmall kCollateBufferTooSmall
-29505 kCollateInvalidChar kCollateInvalidChar
......@@ -79,9 +189,111 @@
-29297 kMPTaskAbortedErr kMPTaskAbortedErr
-29296 kMPTimeoutErr kMPTimeoutErr
-29295 kMPDeletedErr kMPDeletedErr
-29293 kMPBlueBlockingErr kMPBlueBlockingErr
-29292 kMPTaskStoppedErr A convention used with MPThrowException.
-29291 kMPTaskBlockedErr kMPTaskBlockedErr
-29290 kMPTaskCreatedErr kMPTaskCreatedErr
-29289 kMPProcessTerminatedErr kMPProcessTerminatedErr
-29288 kMPProcessCreatedErr kMPProcessCreatedErr
-29276 kMPPrivilegedErr kMPPrivilegedErr
-29275 kMPIterationEndErr kMPIterationEndErr
-25341 kUCTextBreakLocatorMissingType Unicode text break error
-25340 kUCOutputBufferTooSmall Output buffer too small for Unicode string result
-25318 errKCCreateChainFailed errKCCreateChainFailed
-25317 errKCDataNotModifiable errKCDataNotModifiable
-25316 errKCDataNotAvailable errKCDataNotAvailable
-25315 errKCInteractionRequired errKCInteractionRequired
-25314 errKCNoPolicyModule errKCNoPolicyModule
-25313 errKCNoCertificateModule errKCNoCertificateModule
-25312 errKCNoStorageModule errKCNoStorageModule
-25311 errKCKeySizeNotAllowed errKCKeySizeNotAllowed
-25310 errKCWrongKCVersion errKCWrongKCVersion
-25309 errKCReadOnlyAttr errKCReadOnlyAttr
-25308 errKCInteractionNotAllowed errKCInteractionNotAllowed
-25307 errKCNoDefaultKeychain errKCNoDefaultKeychain
-25306 errKCNoSuchClass errKCNoSuchClass
-25305 errKCInvalidSearchRef errKCInvalidSearchRef
-25304 errKCInvalidItemRef errKCInvalidItemRef
-25303 errKCNoSuchAttr errKCNoSuchAttr
-25302 errKCDataTooLarge errKCDataTooLarge
-25301 errKCBufferTooSmall errKCBufferTooSmall
-25300 errKCItemNotFound errKCItemNotFound
-25299 errKCDuplicateItem errKCDuplicateItem
-25298 errKCInvalidCallback errKCInvalidCallback
-25297 errKCDuplicateCallback errKCDuplicateCallback
-25296 errKCDuplicateKeychain errKCDuplicateKeychain
-25295 errKCInvalidKeychain errKCInvalidKeychain
-25294 errKCNoSuchKeychain errKCNoSuchKeychain
-25293 errKCAuthFailed errKCAuthFailed
-25292 errKCReadOnly errKCReadOnly
-25291 errKCNotAvailable errKCNotAvailable
-25280 printerStatusOpCodeNotSupportedErr printerStatusOpCodeNotSupportedErr
-22016 kTXNATSUIIsNotInstalledErr kTXNATSUIIsNotInstalledErr
-22015 kTXNDataTypeNotAllowedErr kTXNDataTypeNotAllowedErr
-22014 kTXNCopyNotAllowedInEchoModeErr kTXNCopyNotAllowedInEchoModeErr
-22013 kTXNCannotTurnTSMOffWhenUsingUnicodeErr kTXNCannotTurnTSMOffWhenUsingUnicodeErr
-22012 kTXNAlreadyInitializedErr kTXNAlreadyInitializedErr
-22011 kTXNInvalidRunIndex kTXNInvalidRunIndex
-22010 kTXNSomeOrAllTagsInvalidForRunErr kTXNSomeOrAllTagsInvalidForRunErr
-22009 kTXNAttributeTagInvalidForRunErr dataValue is set to this per invalid tag
-22008 kTXNNoMatchErr kTXNNoMatchErr
-22007 kTXNRunIndexOutofBoundsErr kTXNRunIndexOutofBoundsErr
-22006 kTXNCannotSetAutoIndentErr kTXNCannotSetAutoIndentErr
-22005 kTXNBadDefaultFileTypeWarning kTXNBadDefaultFileTypeWarning
-22004 kTXNUserCanceledOperationErr kTXNUserCanceledOperationErr
-22003 kTXNIllegalToCrossDataBoundariesErr kTXNIllegalToCrossDataBoundariesErr
-22002 kTXNInvalidFrameIDErr kTXNInvalidFrameIDErr
-22001 kTXNCannotAddFrameErr kTXNCannotAddFrameErr
-22000 kTXNEndIterationErr kTXNEndIterationErr
-20002 invalidIndexErr The recordIndex parameter is not valid.
-20001 recordDataTooBigErr The record data is bigger than buffer size (1024 bytes).
-20000 unknownInsertModeErr There is no such an insert mode.
-13950 kHIDBaseError kHIDBaseError
-13949 kHIDNullStateErr kHIDNullStateErr
-13948 kHIDBufferTooSmallErr kHIDBufferTooSmallErr
-13947 kHIDValueOutOfRangeErr kHIDValueOutOfRangeErr
-13946 kHIDUsageNotFoundErr kHIDUsageNotFoundErr
-13945 kHIDNotValueArrayErr kHIDNotValueArrayErr
-13944 kHIDInvalidPreparsedDataErr kHIDInvalidPreparsedDataErr
-13943 kHIDIncompatibleReportErr kHIDIncompatibleReportErr
-13942 kHIDBadLogPhysValuesErr kHIDBadLogPhysValuesErr
-13941 kHIDInvalidReportTypeErr kHIDInvalidReportTypeErr
-13940 kHIDInvalidReportLengthErr kHIDInvalidReportLengthErr
-13939 kHIDNullPointerErr kHIDNullPointerErr
-13938 kHIDBadParameterErr kHIDBadParameterErr
-13937 kHIDNotEnoughMemoryErr kHIDNotEnoughMemoryErr
-13936 kHIDEndOfDescriptorErr kHIDEndOfDescriptorErr
-13935 kHIDUsagePageZeroErr kHIDUsagePageZeroErr
-13934 kHIDBadLogicalMinimumErr kHIDBadLogicalMinimumErr
-13933 kHIDBadLogicalMaximumErr kHIDBadLogicalMaximumErr
-13932 kHIDInvertedLogicalRangeErr kHIDInvertedLogicalRangeErr
-13931 kHIDInvertedPhysicalRangeErr kHIDInvertedPhysicalRangeErr
-13930 kHIDUnmatchedUsageRangeErr kHIDUnmatchedUsageRangeErr
-13929 kHIDInvertedUsageRangeErr kHIDInvertedUsageRangeErr
-13928 kHIDUnmatchedStringRangeErr kHIDUnmatchedStringRangeErr
-13927 kHIDUnmatchedDesignatorRangeErr kHIDUnmatchedDesignatorRangeErr
-13926 kHIDReportSizeZeroErr kHIDReportSizeZeroErr
-13925 kHIDReportCountZeroErr kHIDReportCountZeroErr
-13924 kHIDReportIDZeroErr kHIDReportIDZeroErr
-13923 kHIDInvalidRangePageErr kHIDInvalidRangePageErr
-13910 kHIDDeviceNotReady The device is still initializing, try again later
-13909 kHIDVersionIncompatibleErr kHIDVersionIncompatibleErr
-13887 debuggingNoMatchErr debugging component or option not found at this index
-13886 debuggingNoCallbackErr debugging component has no callback
-13885 debuggingInvalidNameErr componentName or optionName is invalid (NULL)
-13884 debuggingInvalidOptionErr optionSelectorNum is not registered
-13883 debuggingInvalidSignatureErr componentSignature not registered
-13882 debuggingDuplicateOptionErr optionSelectorNum already registered
-13881 debuggingDuplicateSignatureErr componentSignature already registered
-13880 debuggingExecutionContextErr routine cannot be called at this time
-13020 kNoSuchPowerSource kNoSuchPowerSource
-13014 kProcessorTempRoutineRequiresMPLib2 kProcessorTempRoutineRequiresMPLib2
-13013 kCantReportProcessorTemperatureErr kCantReportProcessorTemperatureErr
-13010 kPowerMgtRequestDenied kPowerMgtRequestDenied
-13009 kPowerMgtMessageNotHandled kPowerMgtMessageNotHandled
-13008 kPowerHandlerNotFoundForProcErr kPowerHandlerNotFoundForProcErr
-13007 kPowerHandlerNotFoundForDeviceErr kPowerHandlerNotFoundForDeviceErr
-13006 kPowerHandlerExistsForDeviceErr kPowerHandlerExistsForDeviceErr
-13005 pmRecvEndErr during receive, pmgr did not finish hs configured for this connection
-13004 pmRecvStartErr during receive, pmgr did not start hs
-13003 pmSendEndErr during send, pmgr did not finish hs
......@@ -104,7 +316,7 @@
-10109 telDeviceNotFound device not found
-10108 telBadCodeResource code resource not found
-10107 telInitFailed initialization failed
-10106 telNoCommFolder Communications/Extensions not found
-10106 telNoCommFolder Communications/Extensions not found
-10103 telUnknownErr unable to set config
-10102 telNoSuchTool unable to find tool with name specified
-10091 telBadFunction bad msgCode specified
......@@ -142,8 +354,9 @@
-10032 telFeatActive feature already active
-10031 telFeatNotAvail feature subscribed but not available
-10030 telFeatNotSub feature not subscribed
-10024 telDNDTypeNotSupp DND type is not supported by this tool
-10023 telBadDNDType bad DND type specified
-10025 errAEPropertiesClash illegal combination of properties settings for Set Data, make new, or duplicate
-10024 errAECantPutThatThere in make new, duplicate, etc. class can't be an element of container
-10023 errAENotAnEnumMember enumerated value in SetData is not allowed for this property
-10022 telIntExtNotSupp internal external type not supported by this tool
-10021 telBadIntExt bad internal external error
-10020 telStateNotSupp device state not supported by tool
......@@ -160,10 +373,10 @@
-10009 errAECantSupplyType errAECantSupplyType
-10008 telNoOpenErr unable to open terminal
-10007 telNoMemErr no memory to allocate handle
-10006 telCAUnavail a CA is not available
-10006 errOSACantAssign Signaled when an object cannot be set in a container.
-10005 telBadProcErr bad msgProc specified
-10004 telBadHandErr bad handle specified
-10003 telBadCAErr TELCAHandle not found or invalid
-10003 OSAIllegalAssign Signaled when an object can never be set in a container
-10002 telBadDNErr TELDNHandle not found or invalid
-10001 telBadTermErr invalid TELHandle or handle not found
-10000 errAEEventFailed errAEEventFailed
......@@ -182,20 +395,81 @@
-9402 cantDoThatInCurrentMode cantDoThatInCurrentMode
-9401 grabTimeComplete grabTimeComplete
-9400 noDeviceForChannel noDeviceForChannel
-9013 snsAlreadyUnheldErr snsAlreadyUnheldErr
-9012 snsReliabilityFailureErr snsReliabilityFailureErr
-9011 snsConsumerQueueOverrunErr snsConsumerQueueOverrunErr
-9010 snsBufferTooSmallErr snsBufferTooSmallErr
-9009 snsSubjectToLargeErr snsSubjectToLargeErr
-9008 snsNoSuchDistributorErr snsNoSuchDistributorErr
-9007 snsDuplicateDistributorErr snsDuplicateDistributorErr
-9006 snsDuplicateSubscriptionErr snsDuplicateSubscriptionErr
-9005 snsNoRequestsPendingErr snsNoRequestsPendingErr
-9004 snsQueueEmptyErr snsQueueEmptyErr
-9003 snsDistributorGoneErr snsDistributorGoneErr
-9002 snsNoSuchKindErr snsNoSuchKindErr
-9001 snsNoSuchSubscriptionErr snsNoSuchSubscriptionErr
-9000 snsNoSuchTypeErr snsNoSuchTypeErr
-9109 kNoCardBusCISErr No valid CIS exists for this CardBus card
-9108 kNotZVCapableErr This socket does not support Zoomed Video
-9107 kCardPowerOffErr Power to the card has been turned off
-9106 kAttemptDupCardEntryErr The Enabler was asked to create a duplicate card entry
-9105 kAlreadySavedStateErr The state has been saved on previous call
-9104 kTooManyIOWindowsErr device requested more than one I/O window
-9103 kNotReadyErr PC Card failed to go ready
-9102 kClientRequestDenied CS Clients should return this code inorder to
-9101 kNoCompatibleNameErr There is no compatible driver name for this device
-9100 kNoEnablerForCardErr No Enablers were found that can support the card
-9099 kNoCardEnablersFoundErr No Enablers were found
-9098 kUnsupportedCardErr Card not supported by generic enabler
-9097 kNoClientTableErr The client table has not be initialized yet
-9096 kNoMoreInterruptSlotsErr All internal Interrupt slots are in use
-9095 kNoMoreTimerClientsErr All timer callbacks are in use
-9094 kNoIOWindowRequestedErr Request I/O window before calling configuration
-9093 kBadCustomIFIDErr Custom interface ID is invalid
-9092 kBadTupleDataErr Data in tuple is invalid
-9091 kInvalidCSClientErr Card Services ClientID is not registered
-9090 kUnsupportedVsErr Unsupported Voltage Sense
-9089 kInvalidDeviceNumber kInvalidDeviceNumber
-9088 kPostCardEventErr _PCCSLPostCardEvent failed and dropped an event
-9087 kCantConfigureCardErr kCantConfigureCardErr
-9086 kPassCallToChainErr kPassCallToChainErr
-9085 kCardBusCardErr kCardBusCardErr
-9084 k16BitCardErr k16BitCardErr
-9083 kBadDeviceErr kBadDeviceErr
-9082 kBadLinkErr kBadLinkErr
-9081 kInvalidRegEntryErr kInvalidRegEntryErr
-9080 kNoCardSevicesSocketsErr kNoCardSevicesSocketsErr
-9079 kOutOfResourceErr Card Services has exhausted the resource
-9078 kNoMoreItemsErr there are no more of the requested item
-9077 kInUseErr requested resource is being used by a client
-9076 kConfigurationLockedErr a configuration has already been locked
-9075 kWriteProtectedErr media is write-protected
-9074 kBusyErr unable to process request at this time - try later
-9073 kUnsupportedModeErr mode is not supported
-9072 kUnsupportedFunctionErr function is not supported by this implementation
-9071 kNoCardErr no PC card in the socket
-9070 kGeneralFailureErr an undefined error has occurred
-9069 kWriteFailureErr unable to complete write request
-9068 kReadFailureErr unable to complete read request
-9067 kBadSpeedErr specified speed is unavailable
-9066 kBadCISErr CIS on card is invalid
-9065 kBadHandleErr clientHandle is invalid
-9064 kBadArgsErr values in argument packet are invalid
-9063 kBadArgLengthErr ArgLength argument is invalid
-9062 kBadWindowErr specified window is invalid
-9061 kBadVppErr specified Vpp1 or Vpp2 power level index is invalid
-9060 kBadVccErr specified Vcc power level index is invalid
-9059 kBadTypeErr specified window or interface type is invalid
-9058 kBadSocketErr specified logical or physical socket number is invalid
-9057 kBadSizeErr specified size is invalid
-9056 kBadPageErr specified page is invalid
-9055 kBadOffsetErr specified PC card memory array offset is invalid
-9054 kBadIRQErr specified IRQ level is invalid
-9053 kBadEDCErr specified EDC generator specified is invalid
-9052 kBadBaseErr specified base system memory address is invalid
-9051 kBadAttributeErr specified attributes field value is invalid
-9050 kBadAdapterErr invalid adapter number
-8992 codecOffscreenFailedPleaseRetryErr codecOffscreenFailedPleaseRetryErr
-8991 lockPortBitsWrongGDeviceErr lockPortBitsWrongGDeviceErr
-8990 directXObjectAlreadyExists directXObjectAlreadyExists
-8989 codecDroppedFrameErr returned from ImageCodecDrawBand
-8988 codecOffscreenFailedErr codecOffscreenFailedErr
-8987 codecNeedAccessKeyErr codec needs password in order to decompress
-8986 codecParameterDialogConfirm codecParameterDialogConfirm
-8985 lockPortBitsSurfaceLostErr lockPortBitsSurfaceLostErr
-8984 lockPortBitsBadPortErr lockPortBitsBadPortErr
-8983 lockPortBitsWindowClippedErr lockPortBitsWindowClippedErr
-8982 lockPortBitsWindowResizedErr lockPortBitsWindowResizedErr
-8981 lockPortBitsWindowMovedErr lockPortBitsWindowMovedErr
-8980 lockPortBitsBadSurfaceErr lockPortBitsBadSurfaceErr
-8979 codecNeedToFlushChainErr codecNeedToFlushChainErr
-8978 codecDisabledErr codec disabled itself -- pass codecFlagReenable to reset
-8977 codecNoMemoryPleaseWaitErr codecNoMemoryPleaseWaitErr
-8976 codecNothingToBlitErr codecNothingToBlitErr
-8975 codecCantQueueErr codecCantQueueErr
......@@ -214,6 +488,29 @@
-8962 codecUnimpErr codecUnimpErr
-8961 noCodecErr noCodecErr
-8960 codecErr codecErr
-8852 kIllegalClockValueErr kIllegalClockValueErr
-8851 kUTCOverflowErr kUTCOverflowErr
-8850 kUTCUnderflowErr kUTCUnderflowErr
-8809 kATSULastErr The last ATSUI error code.
-8808 kATSULineBreakInWord This is not an error code but is returned by ATSUBreakLine to
-8807 kATSUCoordinateOverflowErr Used to indicate the coordinates provided to an ATSUI routine caused
-8806 kATSUNoFontScalerAvailableErr Used when no font scaler is available for the font passed
-8805 kATSUNoFontCmapAvailableErr Used when no CMAP table can be accessed or synthesized for the
-8804 kATSULowLevelErr Used when an error was encountered within the low level ATS
-8803 kATSUQuickDrawTextErr Used when QuickDraw Text encounters an error rendering or measuring
-8802 kATSUNoStyleRunsAssignedErr Used when an attempt was made to measure, highlight or draw
-8801 kATSUNotSetErr Used when the client attempts to retrieve an attribute,
-8800 kATSUInvalidCacheErr Used when an attempt was made to read in style data
-8799 kATSUInvalidAttributeTagErr Used when an attempt was made to use a tag value that
-8798 kATSUInvalidAttributeSizeErr Used when an attempt was made to use an attribute with a
-8797 kATSUInvalidAttributeValueErr Used when an attempt was made to use an attribute with
-8796 kATSUInvalidFontErr Used when an attempt was made to use an invalid font ID.
-8795 kATSUNoCorrespondingFontErr This value is retrned by font ID conversion
-8794 kATSUFontsNotMatched This value is returned by ATSUMatchFontsToText()
-8793 kATSUFontsMatched This is not an error code but is returned by
-8792 kATSUInvalidTextRangeErr An attempt was made to extract information
-8791 kATSUInvalidStyleErr An attempt was made to use a ATSUStyle which
-8790 kATSUInvalidTextLayoutErr An attempt was made to use a ATSUTextLayout
-8785 kTECOutputBufferFullStatus output buffer has no room for conversion of next input text element (partial conversion)
-8784 kTECNeedFlushStatus kTECNeedFlushStatus
-8783 kTECUsedFallbacksStatus kTECUsedFallbacksStatus
......@@ -247,6 +544,81 @@
-8740 kTextUndefinedElementErr text conversion errors
-8739 kTextMalformedInputErr in DBCS, for example, high byte followed by invalid low byte
-8738 kTextUnsupportedEncodingErr specified encoding not supported for this operation
-7127 dcmBufferOverflowErr data is larger than buffer size
-7126 dcmIterationCompleteErr no more item in iterator
-7124 dcmBadFeatureErr invalid AccessMethod feature
-7122 dcmNoAccessMethodErr no such AccessMethod
-7121 dcmProtectedErr need keyword to use dictionary
-7119 dcmBadPropertyErr no such property exist
-7118 dcmBadFindMethodErr no such find method supported
-7117 dcmBadDataSizeErr too big data size
-7116 dcmTooManyKeyErr too many key field
-7115 dcmBadKeyErr bad key information
-7113 dcmNoFieldErr no such field exist
-7112 dcmBadFieldTypeErr no such field type supported
-7111 dcmBadFieldInfoErr incomplete information
-7110 dcmNecessaryFieldErr lack required/identify field
-7109 dcmDupRecordErr same record already exist
-7108 dcmNoRecordErr no such record
-7107 dcmBlockFullErr dictionary block full
-7105 dcmDictionaryBusyErr dictionary is busy
-7104 dcmDictionaryNotOpenErr dictionary not opened
-7103 dcmPermissionErr invalid permission
-7102 dcmBadDictionaryErr invalid dictionary
-7101 dcmNotDictionaryErr not dictionary
-7100 dcmParamErr bad parameter
-7000 laEngineNotFoundErr can't find the engine
-6999 laPropertyErr Error in properties
-6998 kUSBUnknownDeviceErr device ref not recognised
-6997 laPropertyIsReadOnlyErr the property is read only
-6996 laPropertyUnknownErr the property is unknown to this environment
-6995 laPropertyValueErr Invalid property value
-6994 laDictionaryTooManyErr too many dictionaries
-6993 laDictionaryUnknownErr can't use this dictionary with this environment
-6992 laDictionaryNotOpenedErr the dictionary is not opened
-6991 laTextOverFlowErr text is too long
-6990 laFailAnalysisErr analysis failed
-6989 laNoMoreMorphemeErr nothing to read
-6988 laInvalidPathErr path is not correct
-6987 kUSBNotHandled Notification was not handled (same as NotFound)
-6986 laEnvironmentNotFoundErr can't fint the specified environment
-6985 laEnvironmentBusyErr specified environment is used
-6984 laTooSmallBufferErr output buffer is too small to store any result
-6983 kUSBFlagsError Unused flags not zeroed
-6982 kUSBAbortedError Pipe aborted
-6981 kUSBNoBandwidthError Not enough bandwidth available
-6980 kUSBPipeIdleError Pipe is Idle, it will not accept transactions
-6979 kUSBPipeStalledError Pipe has stalled, error needs to be cleared
-6978 kUSBUnknownInterfaceErr Interface ref not recognised
-6977 kUSBDeviceBusy Device is already being configured
-6976 kUSBDevicePowerProblem Device has a power problem
-6975 kUSBInvalidBuffer bad buffer, usually nil
-6974 kUSBDeviceSuspended Device is suspended
-6973 kUSBDeviceNotSuspended device is not suspended for resume
-6972 kUSBDeviceDisconnected Disconnected during suspend or reset
-6971 kUSBTimedOut Transaction timed out.
-6970 kUSBQueueAborted Pipe zero stall cleared.
-6969 kUSBPortDisabled The port you are attached to is disabled, use USBDeviceReset.
-6950 kUSBBadDispatchTable Improper driver dispatch table
-6949 kUSBUnknownNotification Notification type not defined
-6948 kUSBQueueFull Internal queue maxxed
-6916 kUSBLinkErr kUSBLinkErr
-6915 kUSBCRCErr Pipe stall, bad CRC
-6914 kUSBBitstufErr Pipe stall, bitstuffing
-6913 kUSBDataToggleErr Pipe stall, Bad data toggle
-6912 kUSBEndpointStallErr Device didn't understand
-6911 kUSBNotRespondingErr Pipe stall, No device, device hung
-6910 kUSBPIDCheckErr Pipe stall, PID CRC error
-6909 kUSBWrongPIDErr Pipe stall, Bad or wrong PID
-6908 kUSBOverRunErr Packet too large or more data than buffer
-6907 kUSBUnderRunErr Less data than buffer
-6906 kUSBRes1Err kUSBRes1Err
-6905 kUSBRes2Err kUSBRes2Err
-6904 kUSBBufOvrRunErr Host hardware failure on data in, PCI busy?
-6903 kUSBBufUnderRunErr Host hardware failure on data out, PCI busy?
-6902 kUSBNotSent1Err Transaction not sent
-6901 kUSBNotSent2Err Transaction not sent
-6232 kDMFoundErr Did not proceed because we found an item
-6231 kDMMainDisplayCannotMoveErr Trying to move main display (or a display mirrored to it)
-6230 kDMDisplayAlreadyInstalledErr Attempt to add an already installed display.
-6229 kDMDisplayNotFoundErr Could not find item (will someday remove).
......@@ -254,15 +626,36 @@
-6227 kDMSWNotInitializedErr Required software not initialized (eg windowmanager or display mgr).
-6226 kSysSWTooOld Missing critical pieces of System Software.
-6225 kDMMirroringNotOn Returned by all calls that need mirroring to be on to do their thing.
-6224 kDMCantBlock Mirroring is already on, cant Block now (call DMUnMirror() first).
-6224 kDMCantBlock Mirroring is already on, cant Block now (call DMUnMirror() first).
-6223 kDMMirroringBlocked DMBlockMirroring() has been called.
-6222 kDMWrongNumberOfDisplays Can only handle 2 displays for now.
-6221 kDMMirroringOnAlready Returned by all calls that need mirroring to be off to do their thing.
-6220 kDMGenErr Unexpected Error
-6150 kQTSSUnknownErr kQTSSUnknownErr
-5753 collectionVersionErr collectionVersionErr
-5752 collectionIndexRangeErr collectionIndexRangeErr
-5751 collectionItemNotFoundErr collectionItemNotFoundErr
-5750 collectionItemLockedErr collectionItemLockedErr
-5699 kNavMissingKindStringErr kNavMissingKindStringErr
-5698 kNavInvalidCustomControlMessageErr kNavInvalidCustomControlMessageErr
-5697 kNavCustomControlMessageFailedErr kNavCustomControlMessageFailedErr
-5696 kNavInvalidSystemConfigErr kNavInvalidSystemConfigErr
-5640 dialogNoTimeoutErr dialogNoTimeoutErr
-5623 menuInvalidErr menu is invalid
-5622 menuItemNotFoundErr specified menu item wasn't found
-5621 menuUsesSystemDefErr GetMenuDefinition failed because the menu uses the system MDEF
-5620 menuNotFoundErr specified menu or menu ID wasn't found
-5610 errWindowNotFound returned from FindWindowOfClass
-5609 errFloatingWindowsNotInitialized called HideFloatingWindows or ShowFloatingWindows without calling InitFloatingWindows
-5608 errWindowsAlreadyInitialized tried to call InitFloatingWindows twice, or called InitWindows and then floating windows
-5607 errUserWantsToDragWindow if returned from TrackWindowProxyDrag, you should call DragWindow on the window
-5606 errCorruptWindowDescription tried to load a corrupt window description (size or version fields incorrect)
-5605 errUnrecognizedWindowClass tried to create a window with a bad WindowClass
-5604 errWindowPropertyNotFound tried to get a nonexistent property
-5603 errInvalidWindowProperty tried to access a property tag with private creator
-5602 errWindowDoesNotHaveProxy tried to do something requiring a proxy to a window which doesnt have a proxy
-5601 errUnsupportedWindowAttributesForClass tried to create a window with WindowAttributes not supported by the WindowClass
-5600 errInvalidWindowPtr tried to pass a bad WindowRef argument
-5553 gestaltLocationErr gestalt function ptr wasn't in sysheap
-5552 gestaltDupSelectorErr tried to add an entry that already existed
-5551 gestaltUndefSelectorErr undefined selector was passed to Gestalt
......@@ -270,6 +663,29 @@
-5502 envVersTooBig Version bigger than call can handle
-5501 envBadVers Version non-positive
-5500 envNotPresent returned by glue.
-5421 qtsAddressBusyErr qtsAddressBusyErr
-5420 qtsConnectionFailedErr qtsConnectionFailedErr
-5408 qtsTimeoutErr qtsTimeoutErr
-5407 qtsUnknownValueErr qtsUnknownValueErr
-5406 qtsTooMuchDataErr qtsTooMuchDataErr
-5405 qtsUnsupportedFeatureErr qtsUnsupportedFeatureErr
-5404 qtsUnsupportedRateErr qtsUnsupportedRateErr
-5403 qtsUnsupportedDataTypeErr qtsUnsupportedDataTypeErr
-5402 qtsBadDataErr something is wrong with the data
-5401 qtsBadStateErr qtsBadStateErr
-5400 qtsBadSelectorErr qtsBadSelectorErr
-5388 errIAEndOfTextRun errIAEndOfTextRun
-5387 errIATextExtractionErr errIATextExtractionErr
-5386 errIAInvalidDocument errIAInvalidDocument
-5385 errIACanceled errIACanceled
-5384 errIABufferTooSmall errIABufferTooSmall
-5383 errIANoMoreItems errIANoMoreItems
-5382 errIAParamErr errIAParamErr
-5381 errIAAllocationErr errIAAllocationErr
-5380 errIAUnknownErr errIAUnknownErr
-5362 hrUnableToResizeHandleErr hrUnableToResizeHandleErr
-5361 hrMiscellaneousExceptionErr hrMiscellaneousExceptionErr
-5360 hrHTMLRenderingLibNotInstalledErr hrHTMLRenderingLibNotInstalledErr
-5253 errCannotUndo errCannotUndo
-5252 errNonContiuousAttribute errNonContiuousAttribute
-5251 errUnknownElement errUnknownElement
......@@ -284,37 +700,19 @@
-5242 errNotInImagingMode errNotInImagingMode
-5241 errMarginWilllNotFit errMarginWilllNotFit
-5240 errUnknownAttributeTag errUnknownAttributeTag
-5229 textParserNoMoreTokensErr textParserNoMoreTokensErr
-5228 textParserNoSuchTokenFoundErr textParserNoSuchTokenFoundErr
-5227 textParserBadTextEncodingErr textParserBadTextEncodingErr
-5226 textParserBadTextLanguageErr textParserBadTextLanguageErr
-5225 textParserNoMoreTextErr textParserNoMoreTextErr
-5224 textParserParamErr textParserParamErr
-5223 textParserBadParserObjectErr textParserBadParserObjectErr
-5222 textParserBadTokenValueErr textParserBadTokenValueErr
-5221 textParserObjectNotFoundErr textParserObjectNotFoundErr
-5220 textParserBadParamErr textParserBadParamErr
-5212 numberFortmattingNotADigitErr numberFortmattingNotADigitErr
-5211 numberFormattingBadCurrencyPositionErr numberFormattingBadCurrencyPositionErr
-5210 numberFormattingUnOrdredCurrencyRangeErr numberFormattingUnOrdredCurrencyRangeErr
-5209 numberFormattingBadTokenErr numberFormattingBadTokenErr
-5207 numberFormattingBadFormatErr numberFormattingBadFormatErr
-5206 numberFormattingEmptyFormatErr numberFormattingEmptyFormatErr
-5205 numberFormattingDelimiterMissingErr numberFormattingDelimiterMissingErr
-5204 numberFormattingLiteralMissingErr numberFormattingLiteralMissingErr
-5203 numberFormattingSpuriousCharErr numberFormattingSpuriousCharErr
-5202 numberFormattingBadNumberFormattingObjectErr numberFormattingBadNumberFormattingObjectErr
-5201 numberFormattingOverflowInDestinationErr numberFormattingOverflowInDestinationErr
-5200 numberFormattingNotANumberErr numberFormattingNotANumberErr
-5063 afpSameNodeErr Display Manager error codes (-6220...-6269)
-5062 afpAlreadyMounted afpAlreadyMounted
-5061 afpCantMountMoreSrvre afpCantMountMoreSrvre
-5063 afpSameNodeErr An Attempt was made to connect to a file server running on the same machine
-5062 afpAlreadyMounted The volume is already mounted
-5061 afpCantMountMoreSrvre The Maximum number of server connections has been reached
-5060 afpBadDirIDType afpBadDirIDType
-5044 afpInsideTrashErr the folder being shared is inside the trash folder
-5043 afpInsideSharedErr the folder being shared is inside a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into a shared folder
-5042 afpPwdExpiredErr the password being used is too old: this requires the user to change the password before log-in can continue
-5041 afpPwdTooShortErr the password being set is too short: there is a minimum length that must be met or exceeded
-5040 afpPwdSameErr someone tried to change their password to the same password on a mantadory password change
-5048 afpCallNotAllowed The server knows what you wanted to do, but won't let you do it just now
-5047 afpAlreadyLoggedInErr User has been authenticated but is already logged in from another machine (and that's not allowed on this server)
-5046 afpPwdPolicyErr Password does not conform to servers password policy
-5045 afpPwdNeedsChangeErr The password needs to be changed
-5044 afpInsideTrashErr The folder being shared is inside the trash folder OR the shared folder is being moved into the trash folder
-5043 afpInsideSharedErr The folder being shared is inside a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into a shared folder
-5042 afpPwdExpiredErr The password being used is too old: this requires the user to change the password before log-in can continue
-5041 afpPwdTooShortErr The password being set is too short: there is a minimum length that must be met or exceeded
-5040 afpPwdSameErr Someone tried to change their password to the same password on a mantadory password change
-5039 afpBadIDErr afpBadIDErr
-5038 afpSameObjectErr afpSameObjectErr
-5037 afpCatalogChanged afpCatalogChanged
......@@ -324,37 +722,105 @@
-5033 afpContainsSharedErr the folder being shared contains a shared folder
-5032 afpObjectLocked Object is M/R/D/W inhibited
-5031 afpVolLocked Volume is Read-Only
-5030 afpIconTypeError afpIconTypeError
-5029 afpDirNotFound afpDirNotFound
-5028 numberFormattingBadOptionsErr numberFormattingBadOptionsErr
-5027 afpServerGoingDown afpServerGoingDown
-5026 afpTooManyFilesOpen afpTooManyFilesOpen
-5025 afpObjectTypeErr afpObjectTypeErr
-5024 afpCallNotSupported afpCallNotSupported
-5023 afpUserNotAuth afpUserNotAuth
-5022 afpSessClosed afpSessClosed
-5021 afpRangeOverlap afpRangeOverlap
-5020 afpRangeNotLocked afpRangeNotLocked
-5019 afpParmErr afpParmErr
-5018 afpObjectNotFound afpObjectNotFound
-5017 afpObjectExists afpObjectExists
-5016 afpNoServer afpNoServer
-5015 afpNoMoreLocks afpNoMoreLocks
-5014 afpMiscErr afpMiscErr
-5013 afpLockErr afpLockErr
-5012 afpItemNotFound afpItemNotFound
-5011 afpFlatVol afpFlatVol
-5010 afpFileBusy afpFileBusy
-5009 afpEofError afpEofError
-5008 afpDiskFull afpDiskFull
-5007 afpDirNotEmpty afpDirNotEmpty
-5006 afpDenyConflict afpDenyConflict
-5005 afpCantMove afpCantMove
-5004 afpBitmapErr afpBitmapErr
-5003 afpBadVersNum afpBadVersNum
-5002 afpBadUAM afpBadUAM
-5001 afpAuthContinue afpAuthContinue
-5000 afpAccessDenied afpAccessDenied
-5030 afpIconTypeError Icon size specified different from existing icon size
-5029 afpDirNotFound Unknown directory specified
-5028 afpCantRename AFPRename cannot rename volume
-5027 afpServerGoingDown Server is shutting down
-5026 afpTooManyFilesOpen Maximum open file count reached
-5025 afpObjectTypeErr File/Directory specified where Directory/File expected
-5024 afpCallNotSupported Unsupported AFP call was made
-5023 afpUserNotAuth No AFPLogin call has successfully been made for this session
-5022 afpSessClosed Session closed
-5021 afpRangeOverlap Some or all of range already locked by same user
-5020 afpRangeNotLocked Tried to unlock range that was not locked by user
-5019 afpParmErr A specified parameter was out of allowable range
-5018 afpObjectNotFound Specified file or directory does not exist
-5017 afpObjectExists Specified destination file or directory already exists
-5016 afpNoServer Server not responding
-5015 afpNoMoreLocks Maximum lock limit reached
-5014 afpMiscErr Unexpected error encountered during execution
-5013 afpLockErr Some or all of requested range is locked by another user
-5012 afpItemNotFound Unknown UserName/UserID or missing comment/APPL entry
-5011 afpFlatVol Cannot create directory on specified volume
-5010 afpFileBusy Cannot delete an open file
-5009 afpEofError Read beyond logical end-of-file
-5008 afpDiskFull Insufficient free space on volume for operation
-5007 afpDirNotEmpty Cannot delete non-empty directory
-5006 afpDenyConflict Specified open/deny modes conflict with current open modes
-5005 afpCantMove Move destination is offspring of source, or root was specified
-5004 afpBitmapErr Bitmap contained bits undefined for call
-5003 afpBadVersNum Unknown AFP protocol version number specified
-5002 afpBadUAM Unknown user authentication method specified
-5001 afpAuthContinue Further information required to complete AFPLogin call
-5000 afpAccessDenied Insufficient access privileges for operation
-4999 illegalScrapFlavorSizeErr illegalScrapFlavorSizeErr
-4998 illegalScrapFlavorTypeErr illegalScrapFlavorTypeErr
-4997 illegalScrapFlavorFlagsErr illegalScrapFlavorFlagsErr
-4996 scrapFlavorSizeMismatchErr scrapFlavorSizeMismatchErr
-4995 scrapFlavorFlagsMismatchErr scrapFlavorFlagsMismatchErr
-4994 nilScrapFlavorDataErr nilScrapFlavorDataErr
-4993 noScrapPromiseKeeperErr noScrapPromiseKeeperErr
-4992 scrapPromiseNotKeptErr scrapPromiseNotKeptErr
-4991 processStateIncorrectErr processStateIncorrectErr
-4990 badScrapRefErr badScrapRefErr
-4989 duplicateScrapFlavorErr duplicateScrapFlavorErr
-4988 internalScrapErr internalScrapErr
-4960 coreFoundationUnknownErr coreFoundationUnknownErr
-4276 badRoutingSizeErr badRoutingSizeErr
-4275 routingNotFoundErr routingNotFoundErr
-4274 duplicateRoutingErr duplicateRoutingErr
-4273 invalidFolderTypeErr invalidFolderTypeErr
-4272 noMoreFolderDescErr noMoreFolderDescErr
-4271 duplicateFolderDescErr duplicateFolderDescErr
-4270 badFolderDescErr badFolderDescErr
-4217 cmCantGamutCheckError Gammut checking not supported by this ColorWorld
-4216 cmNamedColorNotFound NamedColor not found
-4215 cmCantCopyModifiedV1Profile Illegal to copy version 1 profiles that have been modified
-4214 cmRangeOverFlow Color conversion warning that some output color values over/underflowed and were clipped
-4213 cmInvalidProfileComment Bad Profile comment during drawpicture
-4212 cmNoGDevicesError Begin/End Matching -- no gdevices available
-4211 cmInvalidDstMap Destination pix/bit map was invalid
-4210 cmInvalidSrcMap Source pix/bit map was invalid
-4209 cmInvalidColorSpace Profile colorspace does not match bitmap type
-4208 cmErrIncompatibleProfile Other ColorSync Errors
-4207 cmSearchError cmSearchError
-4206 cmInvalidSearch Bad Search Handle
-4205 cmInvalidProfileLocation Operation not supported for this profile location
-4204 cmInvalidProfile A Profile must contain a 'cs1 ' tag to be valid
-4203 cmFatalProfileErr cmFatalProfileErr
-4202 cmCantDeleteElement cmCantDeleteElement
-4201 cmIndexRangeErr Tag index out of range
-4199 kNSLNotInitialized kNSLNotInitialized
-4198 kNSLInsufficientSysVer kNSLInsufficientSysVer
-4197 kNSLInsufficientOTVer kNSLInsufficientOTVer
-4196 kNSLNoElementsInList kNSLNoElementsInList
-4195 kNSLBadReferenceErr kNSLBadReferenceErr
-4194 kNSLBadServiceTypeErr kNSLBadServiceTypeErr
-4193 kNSLBadDataTypeErr kNSLBadDataTypeErr
-4192 kNSLBadNetConnection kNSLBadNetConnection
-4191 kNSLNoSupportForService kNSLNoSupportForService
-4190 kNSLInvalidPluginSpec kNSLInvalidPluginSpec
-4189 kNSLRequestBufferAlreadyInList kNSLRequestBufferAlreadyInList
-4188 kNSLNoContextAvailable (ContinueLookup function ptr invalid)
-4187 kNSLBufferTooSmallForData (Client buffer too small for data from plugin)
-4186 kNSLCannotContinueLookup (Can't continue lookup; error or bad state)
-4185 kNSLBadClientInfoPtr (nil ClientAsyncInfoPtr; no reference available)
-4184 kNSLNullListPtr (client is trying to add items to a nil list)
-4183 kNSLBadProtocolTypeErr (client is trying to add a null protocol type)
-4182 kNSLPluginLoadFailed (manager unable to load one of the plugins)
-4181 kNSLNoPluginsFound (manager didn't find any valid plugins to load)
-4180 kNSLSearchAlreadyInProgress (you can only have one ongoing search per clientRef)
-4179 kNSLNoPluginsForSearch (no plugins will respond to search request; bad protocol(s)?)
-4178 kNSLNullNeighborhoodPtr (client passed a null neighborhood ptr)
-4177 kNSLSomePluginsFailedToLoad (one or more plugins failed to load, but at least one did load; this error isn't fatal)
-4176 kNSLErrNullPtrError kNSLErrNullPtrError
-4175 kNSLNotImplementedYet kNSLNotImplementedYet
-4174 kNSLUILibraryNotAvailable The NSL UI Library needs to be in the Extensions Folder
-4173 kNSLNoCarbonLib kNSLNoCarbonLib
-4172 kNSLBadURLSyntax URL contains illegal characters
-4171 kNSLSchedulerError A custom thread routine encountered an error
-4170 kNSL68kContextNotSupported no 68k allowed
-4009 noHelpForItem noHelpForItem
-4008 badProfileError badProfileError
-4007 colorSyncNotInstalled colorSyncNotInstalled
......@@ -365,6 +831,98 @@
-4002 pickerResourceError pickerResourceError
-4001 requiredFlagsDontMatch requiredFlagsDontMatch
-4000 firstPickerError firstPickerError
-3285 kOTPortLostConnection
-3284 kOTUserRequestedErr
-3283 kOTConfigurationChangedErr
-3282 kOTBadConfigurationErr
-3281 kOTPortWasEjectedErr
-3280 kOTPortHasDiedErr
-3279 kOTClientNotInittedErr
-3278 kENOMSGErr
-3277 kESRCHErr
-3275 kENODATAErr
-3274 kENOSTRErr
-3273 kECANCELErr
-3272 kEBADMSGErr
-3271 kENOSRErr
-3270 kETIMEErr
-3269 kEPROTOErr fill out missing codes
-3264 kEHOSTUNREACHErr No route to host
-3263 kEHOSTDOWNErr Host is down
-3260 kECONNREFUSEDErr Connection refused
-3259 kETIMEDOUTErr Connection timed out
-3258 kETOOMANYREFSErr Too many references: can't splice
-3257 kESHUTDOWNErr Can't send after socket shutdown
-3256 kENOTCONNErr Socket is not connected
-3255 kEISCONNErr Socket is already connected
-3254 kENOBUFSErr No buffer space available
-3253 kECONNRESETErr Connection reset by peer
-3252 kECONNABORTEDErr Software caused connection abort
-3251 kENETRESETErr Network dropped connection on reset
-3250 kENETUNREACHErr Network is unreachable
-3249 kENETDOWNErr Network is down
-3248 kEADDRNOTAVAILErr Can't assign requested address
-3247 kEADDRINUSEErr Address already in use
-3244 kEOPNOTSUPPErr Operation not supported on socket
-3243 kESOCKTNOSUPPORTErr Socket type not supported
-3242 kEPROTONOSUPPORTErr Protocol not supported
-3241 kENOPROTOOPTErr Protocol not available
-3240 kEPROTOTYPEErr Protocol wrong type for socket
-3239 kEMSGSIZEErr Message too long
-3238 kEDESTADDRREQErr Destination address required
-3237 kENOTSOCKErr Socket operation on non-socket
-3236 kEALREADYErr
-3234 kEWOULDBLOCKErr Call would block, so was aborted
-3233 kERANGEErr Message size too large for STREAM
-3231 kEPIPEErr Broken pipe
-3224 kENOTTYErr Not a character device
-3221 kEINVALErr Invalid argument
-3218 kENODEVErr No such device
-3216 kOTDuplicateFoundErr OT generic duplicate found error
-3215 kEBUSYErr Device or resource busy
-3213 kEFAULTErr Bad address
-3212 kEACCESErr Permission denied
-3211 kOTOutOfMemoryErr OT ran out of memory, may be a temporary
-3210 kEAGAINErr Try operation again later
-3208 kEBADFErr Bad file number
-3205 kENXIOErr No such device or address
-3204 kEIOErr I/O error
-3203 kEINTRErr Interrupted system service
-3202 kENORSRCErr No such resource
-3201 kOTNotFoundErr OT generic not found error
-3200 kEPERMErr Permission denied
-3180 kOTCanceledErr XTI2OSStatus(TCANCELED) The command was cancelled
-3179 kOTBadSyncErr XTI2OSStatus(TBADSYNC) A synchronous call at interrupt time
-3178 kOTProtocolErr XTI2OSStatus(TPROTO) An unspecified provider error occurred
-3177 kOTQFullErr XTI2OSStatus(TQFULL)
-3176 kOTResAddressErr XTI2OSStatus(TRESADDR)
-3175 kOTResQLenErr XTI2OSStatus(TRESQLEN)
-3174 kOTProviderMismatchErr XTI2OSStatus(TPROVMISMATCH) Tried to accept on incompatible endpoint
-3173 kOTIndOutErr XTI2OSStatus(TINDOUT) Accept failed because of pending listen
-3172 kOTAddressBusyErr XTI2OSStatus(TADDRBUSY) Address requested is already in use
-3171 kOTBadQLenErr XTI2OSStatus(TBADQLEN) A Bind to an in-use addr with qlen > 0
-3170 kOTBadNameErr XTI2OSStatus(TBADNAME) A bad endpoint name was supplied
-3169 kOTNoStructureTypeErr XTI2OSStatus(TNOSTRUCTYPE) Bad structure type requested for OTAlloc
-3168 kOTStateChangeErr XTI2OSStatus(TSTATECHNG) State is changing - try again later
-3167 kOTNotSupportedErr XTI2OSStatus(TNOTSUPPORT) Command is not supported
-3166 kOTNoReleaseErr XTI2OSStatus(TNOREL) No orderly release indication available
-3165 kOTBadFlagErr XTI2OSStatus(TBADFLAG) A Bad flag value was supplied
-3164 kOTNoUDErrErr XTI2OSStatus(TNOUDERR) No Unit Data Error indication available
-3163 kOTNoDisconnectErr XTI2OSStatus(TNODIS) No disconnect indication available
-3162 kOTNoDataErr XTI2OSStatus(TNODATA) No data available for reading
-3161 kOTFlowErr XTI2OSStatus(TFLOW) Provider is flow-controlled
-3160 kOTBufferOverflowErr XTI2OSStatus(TBUFOVFLW) Passed buffer not big enough
-3159 kOTBadDataErr XTI2OSStatus(TBADDATA) An illegal amount of data was specified
-3158 kOTLookErr XTI2OSStatus(TLOOK) An event occurred - call Look()
-3157 kOTSysErrorErr XTI2OSStatus(TSYSERR) A system error occurred
-3156 kOTBadSequenceErr XTI2OSStatus(TBADSEQ) Sequence specified does not exist
-3155 kOTOutStateErr XTI2OSStatus(TOUTSTATE) Call issued in wrong state
-3154 kOTNoAddressErr XTI2OSStatus(TNOADDR) No address was specified
-3153 kOTBadReferenceErr XTI2OSStatus(TBADF) Bad provider reference
-3152 kOTAccessErr XTI2OSStatus(TACCES) Missing access permission
-3151 kOTBadOptionErr XTI2OSStatus(TBADOPT) A Bad option was specified
-3150 kOTBadAddressErr XTI2OSStatus(TBADADDR) A Bad address was specified
-3109 sktClosedErr sktClosedErr
-3108 recNotFnd recNotFnd
-3107 atpBadRsp atpBadRsp
......@@ -379,11 +937,13 @@
-3030 noTranslationPathErr noTranslationPathErr
-3026 couldNotParseSourceFileErr Source document does not contain source type
-3025 invalidTranslationPathErr Source type to destination type not a valid path
-3004 unresolvedComponentDLLErr unresolvedComponentDLLErr
-3003 componentDontRegister componentDontRegister
-3002 componentNotCaptured componentNotCaptured
-3001 validInstancesExist validInstancesExist
-3000 invalidComponentID invalidComponentID
-2899 cfragLastErrCode The last value in the range of CFM errors.
-2831 cfragOutputLengthErr An output parameter is too small to hold the value.
-2830 cfragAbortClosureErr Used by notification handlers to abort a closure.
-2829 cfragClosureIDErr The closure ID was not valid.
-2828 cfragContainerIDErr The fragment container ID was not valid.
......@@ -420,8 +980,32 @@
-2762 errASParameterNotForEvent errASParameterNotForEvent
-2761 errASIllegalFormalParameter errASIllegalFormalParameter
-2760 errASTerminologyNestingTooDeep errASTerminologyNestingTooDeep
-2755 OSAControlFlowError Signaled when illegal control flow occurs in an application (no catcher for throw, non-lexical loop exit, etc.)
-2754 OSAInconsistentDeclarations Signaled when a variable is declared inconsistently in the same scope, such as both local and global
-2753 OSAUndefinedVariable Signaled when a variable is accessed that has no value
-2752 OSADuplicateHandler Signaled when more than one handler is defined with the same name in a scope where the language doesn't allow it
-2751 OSADuplicateProperty Signaled when a formal parameter, local variable, or instance variable is specified more than once.
-2750 OSADuplicateParameter Signaled when a formal parameter, local variable, or instance variable is specified more than once
-2742 OSATokenTooLong Signaled when a name or number is too long to be parsed
-2741 OSASyntaxTypeError Signaled when another form of syntax was expected. (e.g. "expected a <type> but found <this>")
-2740 OSASyntaxError Signaled when a syntax error occurs. (e.g. "Syntax error" or "<this> can't go after <that>")
-2721 errASCantCompareMoreThan32k Parser/Compiler errors:
-2720 errASCantConsiderAndIgnore errASCantConsiderAndIgnore
-2710 errOSACantCreate errOSACantCreate
-2709 errOSACantGetTerminology errOSACantGetTerminology
-2708 errOSADataBlockTooLarge Signaled when an intrinsic limitation is exceeded for the size of a value or data structure.
-2707 errOSAInternalTableOverflow Signaled when a runtime internal data structure overflows
-2706 errOSAStackOverflow Signaled when the runtime stack overflows
-2705 errOSACorruptTerminology Signaled when an application's terminology resource is not readable
-2704 errOSAAppNotHighLevelEventAware Signaled when an application can't respond to AppleEvents
-2703 errOSACantLaunch Signaled when application can't be launched or when it is remote and program linking is not enabled
-2702 errOSANumericOverflow Signaled when integer or real value is too large to be represented
-2701 errOSADivideByZero Signaled when there is an attempt to divide by zero
-2700 errOSAGeneralError Signaled by user scripts or applications when no actual error code is to be returned.
-2582 noIconDataAvailableErr The necessary icon data is not available
-2581 noSuchIconErr The requested icon could not be found
-2580 invalidIconRefErr The icon ref is not valid
-2557 nrCallNotSupported This call is not available or supported on this machine
-2556 nrTransactionAborted transaction was aborted
-2555 nrExitedIteratorScope outer scope of iterator was exited
-2554 nrIterationDone iteration operation is done
......@@ -444,6 +1028,7 @@
-2537 nrNotEnoughMemoryErr nrNotEnoughMemoryErr
-2536 nrLockedErr nrLockedErr
-2526 mmInternalError mmInternalError
-2524 tsmDefaultIsNotInputMethodErr Current Input source is KCHR or uchr, not Input Method (GetDefaultInputMethod)
-2523 tsmNoStem No stem exists for the token
-2522 tsmNoMoreTokens No more tokens are available for the source text
-2521 tsmNoHandler No Callback Handler exists for callback
......@@ -458,7 +1043,7 @@
-2512 tsmUseInputWindowErr not TSM aware because we are using input window
-2511 tsmDocumentOpenErr there are open documents
-2510 tsmTextServiceNotFoundErr no text service found
-2509 tsmCantOpenComponentErr cant open the component
-2509 tsmCantOpenComponentErr cant open the component
-2508 tsmNoOpenTSErr no open text service
-2507 tsmDocNotActiveErr document is NOT active
-2506 tsmTSMDocBusyErr document is still active
......@@ -491,14 +1076,55 @@
-2402 kernelCanceledErr kernelCanceledErr
-2401 kernelIncompleteErr kernelIncompleteErr
-2209 badCallOrderErr Usually due to a status call being called prior to being setup first
-2208 noDMAErr Cant do DMA digitizing (i.e. can't go to requested dest
-2207 badDepthErr Cant digitize into this depth
-2206 notExactSizeErr Cant do exact size requested
-2208 noDMAErr Cant do DMA digitizing (i.e. can't go to requested dest
-2207 badDepthErr Cant digitize into this depth
-2206 notExactSizeErr Cant do exact size requested
-2205 noMoreKeyColorsErr all key indexes in use
-2204 notExactMatrixErr warning of bad matrix, digitizer did its best
-2203 matrixErr bad matrix, digitizer did nothing
-2202 qtParamErr bad input parameter (out of range, etc)
-2201 digiUnimpErr feature unimplemented
-2157 qtActionNotHandledErr qtActionNotHandledErr
-2149 notEnoughDataErr notEnoughDataErr
-2148 urlDataHFTPURLErr urlDataHFTPURLErr
-2147 urlDataHFTPServerDisconnectedErr urlDataHFTPServerDisconnectedErr
-2146 urlDataHFTPNoPasswordErr urlDataHFTPNoPasswordErr
-2145 urlDataHFTPNeedPasswordErr urlDataHFTPNeedPasswordErr
-2144 urlDataHFTPBadNameListErr urlDataHFTPBadNameListErr
-2143 urlDataHFTPNoNetDriverErr urlDataHFTPNoNetDriverErr
-2142 urlDataHFTPFilenameErr urlDataHFTPFilenameErr
-2141 urlDataHFTPPermissionsErr urlDataHFTPPermissionsErr
-2140 urlDataHFTPQuotaErr urlDataHFTPQuotaErr
-2139 urlDataHFTPNoDirectoryErr urlDataHFTPNoDirectoryErr
-2138 urlDataHFTPDataConnectionErr urlDataHFTPDataConnectionErr
-2137 urlDataHFTPServerErr urlDataHFTPServerErr
-2136 urlDataHFTPBadPasswordErr urlDataHFTPBadPasswordErr
-2135 urlDataHFTPBadUserErr urlDataHFTPBadUserErr
-2134 urlDataHFTPShutdownErr urlDataHFTPShutdownErr
-2133 urlDataHFTPProtocolErr urlDataHFTPProtocolErr
-2132 urlDataHHTTPRedirectErr urlDataHHTTPRedirectErr
-2131 urlDataHHTTPURLErr urlDataHHTTPURLErr
-2130 urlDataHHTTPNoNetDriverErr urlDataHHTTPNoNetDriverErr
-2129 urlDataHHTTPProtocolErr urlDataHHTTPProtocolErr
-2127 qtNetworkAlreadyAllocatedErr qtNetworkAlreadyAllocatedErr
-2126 notAllowedToSaveMovieErr notAllowedToSaveMovieErr
-2125 fileOffsetTooBigErr fileOffsetTooBigErr
-2124 ASDEntryNotFoundErr ASDEntryNotFoundErr
-2123 ASDBadForkErr ASDBadForkErr
-2122 ASDBadHeaderErr ASDBadHeaderErr
-2121 AAPNotFoundErr AAPNotFoundErr
-2120 AAPNotCreatedErr AAPNotCreatedErr
-2119 qfcbNotCreatedErr qfcbNotCreatedErr
-2118 qfcbNotFoundErr qfcbNotFoundErr
-2117 wackBadMetaDataErr wackBadMetaDataErr
-2116 wackForkNotFoundErr wackForkNotFoundErr
-2115 wackBadFileErr wackBadFileErr
-2114 unknownFormatErr unknownFormatErr
-2113 pathNotVerifiedErr pathNotVerifiedErr
-2112 noPathMappingErr noPathMappingErr
-2111 emptyPathErr emptyPathErr
-2110 pathTooLongErr pathTooLongErr
-2109 cannotBeLeafAtomErr cannotBeLeafAtomErr
-2108 invalidAtomTypeErr invalidAtomTypeErr
-2107 invalidAtomContainerErr invalidAtomContainerErr
-2106 invalidAtomErr invalidAtomErr
......@@ -507,12 +1133,43 @@
-2103 atomsNotOfSameTypeErr atomsNotOfSameTypeErr
-2102 notLeafAtomErr notLeafAtomErr
-2101 cannotFindAtomErr cannotFindAtomErr
-2097 unsupportedProcessorErr unsupportedProcessorErr
-2096 unsupportedOSErr unsupportedOSErr
-2095 qtmlUninitialized qtmlUninitialized
-2094 qtmlDllEntryNotFoundErr Windows specific errors (when qtml is loading)
-2093 qtmlDllLoadErr Windows specific errors (when qtml is loading)
-2092 componentDllEntryNotFoundErr Windows specific errors (when component is loading)
-2091 componentDllLoadErr Windows specific errors (when component is loading)
-2090 videoOutputInUseErr videoOutputInUseErr
-2089 noExportProcAvailableErr noExportProcAvailableErr
-2087 tuneParseOSErr tuneParseOSErr
-2086 tunePlayerFullOSErr tunePlayerFullOSErr
-2085 noteChannelNotAllocatedOSErr noteChannelNotAllocatedOSErr
-2084 illegalNoteChannelOSErr illegalNoteChannelOSErr
-2083 synthesizerOSErr synthesizerOSErr
-2082 synthesizerNotRespondingOSErr synthesizerNotRespondingOSErr
-2081 midiManagerAbsentOSErr midiManagerAbsentOSErr
-2080 illegalControllerOSErr illegalControllerOSErr
-2079 illegalInstrumentOSErr illegalInstrumentOSErr
-2078 illegalKnobValueOSErr illegalKnobValueOSErr
-2077 illegalKnobOSErr illegalKnobOSErr
-2076 illegalChannelOSErr illegalChannelOSErr
-2075 illegalPartOSErr illegalPartOSErr
-2074 illegalVoiceAllocationOSErr illegalVoiceAllocationOSErr
-2073 cantReceiveFromSynthesizerOSErr cantReceiveFromSynthesizerOSErr
-2072 cantSendToSynthesizerOSErr cantSendToSynthesizerOSErr
-2071 notImplementedMusicOSErr notImplementedMusicOSErr
-2070 internalComponentErr internalComponentErr
-2069 invalidSpriteIDErr invalidSpriteIDErr
-2068 invalidImageIndexErr invalidImageIndexErr
-2067 invalidSpriteIndexErr invalidSpriteIndexErr
-2066 gWorldsNotSameDepthAndSizeErr gWorldsNotSameDepthAndSizeErr
-2065 invalidSpritePropertyErr invalidSpritePropertyErr
-2064 invalidSpriteWorldPropertyErr invalidSpriteWorldPropertyErr
-2063 missingRequiredParameterErr missingRequiredParameterErr
-2062 movieTextNotFoundErr movieTextNotFoundErr
-2061 sourceNotFoundErr sourceNotFoundErr
-2060 noSourceTreeFoundErr noSourceTreeFoundErr
-2059 samplesAlreadyInMediaErr samplesAlreadyInMediaErr
-2058 auxiliaryExportDataUnavailable auxiliaryExportDataUnavailable
-2057 unsupportedAuxiliaryImportData unsupportedAuxiliaryImportData
......@@ -640,6 +1297,28 @@
-1702 errAECorruptData errAECorruptData
-1701 errAEDescNotFound errAEDescNotFound
-1700 errAECoercionFail bad parameter data or unable to coerce the data supplied
-1424 errFSIteratorNotSupported The iterator's flags or container are not supported by this call
-1423 errFSIteratorNotFound Passed FSIterator is not an open iterator
-1422 errFSBadIteratorFlags Flags passed to FSOpenIterator are bad
-1421 errFSForkExists Named fork already exists.
-1420 errFSRefsDifferent FSCompareFSRefs; refs are for different objects
-1419 errFSBadSearchParams Something wrong with CatalogSearch searchParams
-1418 errFSBadItemCount maximumItems was zero
-1417 errFSNoMoreItems Iteration ran out of items to return
-1413 errFSBadAllocFlags Invalid bits set in allocationFlags
-1412 errFSBadPosMode Newline bits set in positionMode
-1411 errFSMissingName A Unicode name parameter was NULL or nameLength parameter was zero
-1410 errFSNameTooLong File/fork name is too long to create/rename
-1409 errFSForkNotFound Named fork does not exist
-1407 errFSNotAFolder Expected a folder, got a file
-1406 errFSMissingCatInfo A CatalogInfo parameter was NULL
-1405 errFSBadInfoBitmap A CatalogInfoBitmap or VolumeInfoBitmap has reserved or invalid bits set
-1404 errFSBadForkRef A ForkRefNum parameter was bad
-1403 errFSBadBuffer A buffer parameter was bad
-1402 errFSBadForkName Fork name parameter is bad
-1401 errFSBadFSRef FSRef parameter is bad
-1400 errFSUnknownCall selector is not recognized by this filesystem
-1327 badFCBErr FCBRecPtr is not valid
-1311 volVMBusyErr can't eject because volume is in use by VM
-1310 fsDataTooBigErr file or volume is too big for system
-1309 fileBoundsErr file's EOF, offset, mark or size is too big
......@@ -687,13 +1366,19 @@
-1025 nbpNoConfirm nbpNoConfirm
-1024 nbpBuffOvr Buffer overflow in LookupName
-1000 noMaskFoundErr Icon Utilties Error
-985 kFMFontContainerAccessErr kFMFontContainerAccessErr
-984 kFMFontTableAccessErr kFMFontTableAccessErr
-983 kFMIterationScopeModifiedErr kFMIterationScopeModifiedErr
-982 kFMInvalidFontErr kFMInvalidFontErr
-981 kFMInvalidFontFamilyErr kFMInvalidFontFamilyErr
-980 kFMIterationCompleted kFMIterationCompleted
-932 guestNotAllowedErr destination port requires authentication
-931 badLocNameErr location name malformed
-930 badServiceMethodErr illegal service type, or not supported
-928 noUserRecErr Invalid user reference number
-927 authFailErr unable to authenticate user at destination
-926 noInformErr PPCStart failed because destination did not have inform pending
-925 networkErr An error has occured in the network, not too likely
-925 networkErr An error has occurred in the network, not too likely
-924 noUserRefErr unable to create a new userRefNum
-923 notLoggedInErr The default userRefNum does not yet exist
-922 noDefaultUserErr user hasn't typed in owners name in Network Setup Control Pannel
......@@ -712,9 +1397,11 @@
-906 destPortErr Port does not exist at destination
-905 localOnlyErr Network activity is currently disabled
-904 noGlobalsErr The system is hosed, better re-boot
-903 noPortErr Unable to open port or bad portRefNum
-903 noPortErr Unable to open port or bad portRefNum. If you're calling
-902 nameTypeErr Invalid or inappropriate locationKindSelector in locationName
-900 notInitErr PPCToolBox not initialized
-876 appVersionTooOld The application's creator and version are incompatible with the current version of Mac OS.
-875 wrongApplicationPlatform The application could not launch because the required platform is not available
-863 hmCloseViewActive Returned from HMRemoveBalloon if CloseView was active
-862 hmNoBalloonUp Returned from HMRemoveBalloon if no balloon was visible when call was made
-861 hmOperationUnsupported Returned from HMShowBalloon call if bad method passed to routine
......@@ -741,7 +1428,7 @@
-800 rcDBNull rcDBNull
-626 noMMUErr no MMU present
-625 cannotDeferErr unable to defer additional functions
-624 interruptsMaskedErr dont call with interrupts masked
-624 interruptsMaskedErr dont call with interrupts masked
-623 notLockedErr specified range of memory is not locked
-622 cannotMakeContiguousErr cannot make specified range contiguous
-621 notHeldErr specified range of memory is not held
......@@ -760,6 +1447,7 @@
-602 appModeErr memory mode is 32-bit, but app not 32-bit clean
-601 memFragErr not enough room to launch app w/special requirements
-600 procNotFound no eligible process with specified descriptor
-503 driverHardwareGoneErr disk driver's hardware was disconnected
-502 hwParamErr bad selector for _HWPriv
-501 teScrapSizeErr scrap item too big for text edit record
-500 rgnTooBigErr rgnTooBigErr
......@@ -775,6 +1463,14 @@
-452 notRegisteredSectionErr not a registered SectionRecord
-451 badSectionErr not a valid SectionRecord
-450 editionMgrInitErr edition manager not inited by this app
-438 fsmUnknownFSMMessageErr unknown message passed to FSM
-437 fsmNoAlternateStackErr no alternate stack for HFS CI
-436 fsmBadFSDVersionErr FSM version incompatible with FSD
-435 fsmDuplicateFSIDErr FSID already exists on InstallFS
-434 fsmBadFSDLenErr FSD size incompatible with current FSM vers
-433 fsmBadFFSNameErr Name length not 1 <= length <= 31
-432 fsmBusyFFSErr File system is busy, cannot be removed
-431 fsmFFSNotFoundErr Foreign File system does not exist - new Pack2 could return this error too
-417 btKeyAttrErr There is no such a key attribute.
-416 btKeyLenErr Maximum key length is too long or equal to zero.
-415 btRecNotFnd Record cannot be found.
......@@ -791,8 +1487,8 @@
-346 smBadsPtrErr Bad pointer was passed to sCalcsPointer
-345 smsGetDrvrErr Error occurred during _sGetDriver.
-344 smNoMoresRsrcs No more sResources
-343 smDisDrvrNamErr Error occured during _sDisDrvrName.
-342 smGetDrvrNamErr Error occured during _sGetDrvrName.
-343 smDisDrvrNamErr Error occurred during _sDisDrvrName.
-342 smGetDrvrNamErr Error occurred during _sGetDrvrName.
-341 smCkStatusErr Status of slot = fail.
-340 smBlkMoveErr _BlockMove error
-339 smNewPErr _NewPtr error
......@@ -808,14 +1504,14 @@
-320 smBusErrTO BusError time out.
-319 smBadBoardId BoardId was wrong; re-init the PRAM record.
-318 smReservedSlot slot is reserved, VM should not use this address space.
-317 smInitTblVErr An error occured while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table.
-317 smInitTblVErr An error occurred while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table.
-316 smInitStatVErr The InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init.
-315 smNoBoardId No Board Id.
-314 smGetPRErr Error occured during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus).
-314 smGetPRErr Error occurred during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus).
-313 smNoBoardSRsrc No Board sResource.
-312 smDisposePErr _DisposePointer error
-311 smFHBlkDispErr Error occured during _sDisposePtr (Dispose of FHeader block).
-310 smFHBlockRdErr Error occured during _sGetFHeader.
-311 smFHBlkDispErr Error occurred during _sDisposePtr (Dispose of FHeader block).
-310 smFHBlockRdErr Error occurred during _sGetFHeader.
-309 smBLFieldBad ByteLanes field was bad.
-308 smUnExBusErr Unexpected BusError
-307 smResrvErr Fatal reserved error. Resreved field <> 0.
......@@ -826,7 +1522,7 @@
-302 smFormatErr FHeader Format is not Apple's
-301 smCRCFail CRC check failed for declaration data
-300 smEmptySlot No card in slot
-299 nmTypErr wrong queue type
-299 nmTypErr Notification Manager:wrong queue type
-293 smPriInitErr Error; Cards could not be initialized.
-292 smPRAMInitErr Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.
-291 smSRTInitErr Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.
......@@ -864,6 +1560,7 @@
-222 siNoBufferSpecified returned by synchronous SPBRecord if nil buffer passed
-221 siBadSoundInDevice invalid index passed to SoundInGetIndexedDevice
-220 siNoSoundInHardware no Sound Input hardware
-213 siVBRCompressionNotSupported vbr audio compression not supported for this operation
-212 noMoreRealTime not enough CPU cycles left to add another task
-211 channelNotBusy channelNotBusy
-210 buffersTooSmall can not operate in the memory allowed
......@@ -889,6 +1586,16 @@
-188 resourceInMemory Resource already in memory
-186 CantDecompress resource bent ("the bends") - can't decompress a compressed resource
-185 badExtResource extended resource has a bad format.
-182 cmNoCurrentProfile Responder error
-181 cmUnsupportedDataType Responder error
-180 cmCantDeleteProfile Responder error
-179 cmCantXYZ CMM cant handle XYZ space
-178 cmCantConcatenateError Profile can't be concatenated
-177 cmProfilesIdentical Profiles the same
-176 cmProfileNotFound Responder error
-175 cmMethodNotFound CMM not present
-171 cmMethodError cmMethodError
-170 cmProfileError cmProfileError
-157 cDepthErr invalid pixel depth
-156 cResErr invalid resolution for MakeITable
-155 cDevErr invalid type of graphics device
......@@ -902,7 +1609,7 @@
-147 rgnOverflowErr rgnOverflowErr
-145 noMemForPictPlaybackErr noMemForPictPlaybackErr
-128 userCanceledErr userCanceledErr
-127 hMenuFindErr could not find HMenu's parent in MenuKey
-127 hMenuFindErr could not find HMenu's parent in MenuKey (wrong error code - obsolete)
-126 mBarNFnd system error code for MBDF not found
-125 updPixMemErr insufficient memory to update a pixmap
-124 volGoneErr Server volume has been disconnected.
......@@ -1001,10 +1708,10 @@
-19 readErr I/O System Errors
-18 statusErr I/O System Errors
-17 controlErr I/O System Errors
-13 dsExtensionsDisabled say Extensions Disabled
-12 dsHD20Installed say HD20 Startup
-11 dsDisassemblerInstalled say Disassembler Installed
-10 dsMacsBugInstalled say MacsBug Installed
-13 dsExtensionsDisabled say Extensions Disabled
-12 dsHD20Installed say HD20 Startup
-11 dsDisassemblerInstalled say Disassembler Installed
-10 dsMacsBugInstalled say MacsBug Installed
-8 seNoDB no debugger installed to handle debugger command
-5 SlpTypeErr invalid queue element
-4 unimpErr unimplemented core routine
......@@ -1026,7 +1733,7 @@
12 ENOMEM Cannot allocate memory
13 EACCES Permission denied
14 EFAULT Bad address
15 ENOTBLK Block device required
15 ECANCELED Operation cancelled
16 EBUSY Device busy
17 EEXIST File exists
18 EXDEV Cross-device link
......@@ -1037,7 +1744,6 @@
23 ENFILE Too many open files in system
24 EMFILE Too many open files
25 ENOTTY Inappropriate ioctl for device
26 ETXTBSY Text file busy
27 EFBIG File too large
28 ENOSPC No space left on device
29 ESPIPE Illegal seek
......@@ -1056,7 +1762,7 @@
42 ENOPROTOOPT Protocol not available
43 EPROTONOSUPPORT Protocol not supported
44 ESOCKTNOSUPPORT Socket type not supported
45 EOPNOTSUPP Operation not supported on socket
45 EOPNOTSUPP Operation not supported
46 EPFNOSUPPORT Protocol family not supported
47 EAFNOSUPPORT Address family not supported by protocol family
48 EADDRINUSE Address already in use
......@@ -1071,28 +1777,13 @@
57 ENOTCONN Socket is not connected
58 ESHUTDOWN Can't send after socket shutdown
59 ETOOMANYREFS Too many references: can't splice
60 ETIMEDOUT Connection timed out
60 ETIMEDOUT Operation timed out
61 ECONNREFUSED Connection refused
62 ELOOP Too many levels of symbolic links
63 ENAMETOOLONG File name too long
64 EHOSTDOWN Host is down
65 EHOSTUNREACH No route to host
66 ENOTEMPTY Directory not empty
67 EPROCLIM Too many processes
68 EUSERS Too many users
69 EDQUOT Disc quota exceeded
70 ESTALE Stale NFS file handle
71 EREMOTE Too many levels of remote in path
72 EBADRPC RPC struct is bad
73 ERPCMISMATCH RPC version wrong
74 EPROGUNAVAIL RPC prog. not avail
75 EPROGMISMATCH Program version wrong
76 EPROCUNAVAIL Bad procedure for program
67 ELOOK Internal mapping for kOTLookErr, don't return to client
77 ENOLCK No locks available
78 ENOSYS Function not implemented
79 EFTYPE Inappropriate file type or format
136 EINPROGRESS Operation now in progress
137 EALREADY Operation already in progress
138 ENOTSOCK Socket operation on non-socket
139 EDESTADDRREQ Destination address required
140 EMSGSIZE Message too long
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