Commit 5afa1dfb authored by Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar Kurt B. Kaiser

M Add support for getting calltip from subprocess,

                   refactor a bit and clean up.

M       Cosmetic changes, delete blank lines, add # on some
                   blank lines.

M           Add more debugging capability

M           Add support for getting calltip from subprocess
                   Move import statements
parent 853ddd5c
# - An IDLE extension that provides "Call Tips" - ie, a floating window that
# displays parameter information as you open parens.
""" - An IDLE Extension to Jog Your Memory
Call Tips are floating windows which display function/method parameter
information as you open the parameter parenthesis, and which disappear when you
type the closing parenthesis. Future plans include extending the functionality
to include class attributes.
import sys
import string
import types
import CallTipWindow
import __main__
class CallTips:
menudefs = [
def __init__(self, editwin):
def __init__(self, editwin=None):
if editwin == None: # subprocess and test
self.editwin = None
self.editwin = editwin
self.text = editwin.text
self.calltip = None
if hasattr(self.text, "make_calltip_window"):
self._make_calltip_window = self.text.make_calltip_window
self._make_calltip_window = self._make_tk_calltip_window
def close(self):
self._make_calltip_window = None
# Makes a Tk based calltip window. Used by IDLE, but not Pythonwin.
# See __init__ above for how this is used.
def _make_tk_calltip_window(self):
import CallTipWindow
# See __init__ for usage
return CallTipWindow.CallTip(self.text)
def _remove_calltip_window(self):
......@@ -34,7 +42,8 @@ class CallTips:
def paren_open_event(self, event):
arg_text = get_arg_text(self.get_object_at_cursor())
name = self.get_name_at_cursor()
arg_text = self.fetch_tip(name)
if arg_text:
self.calltip_start = self.text.index("insert")
self.calltip = self._make_calltip_window()
......@@ -53,7 +62,8 @@ class CallTips:
# or off the calltip line, then cancel the tip.
# (Later need to be smarter about multi-line, etc)
if"insert", "<=", self.calltip_start) or \"insert", ">", self.calltip_start + " lineend"):"insert", ">", self.calltip_start
+ " lineend"):
return "" #so the event is handled normally.
......@@ -61,29 +71,34 @@ class CallTips:
return "" #so the event is handled normally.
def get_object_at_cursor(self,
wordchars="._" + string.ascii_letters + string.digits):
# Usage of ascii_letters is necessary to avoid UnicodeErrors
# if chars contains non-ASCII.
# XXX - This needs to be moved to a better place
# so the "." attribute lookup code can also use it.
text = self.text
chars = text.get("insert linestart", "insert")
i = len(chars)
while i and chars[i-1] in wordchars:
i = i-1
word = chars[i:]
if word:
# How is this for a hack!
import sys, __main__
__IDCHARS = "._" + string.ascii_letters + string.digits
def get_name_at_cursor(self):
idchars = self.__IDCHARS
str = self.text.get("insert linestart", "insert")
i = len(str)
while i and str[i-1] in idchars:
i -= 1
return str[i:]
def fetch_tip(self, name):
interp = self.editwin and self.editwin.flist.pyshell.interp
rpcclt = interp and interp.rpcclt
if rpcclt:
return rpcclt.remotecall("exec", "get_the_calltip",
(name,), {})
entity = self.get_entity(name)
return get_arg_text(entity)
def get_entity(self, name):
if name:
namespace = sys.modules.copy()
return eval(word, namespace)
return eval(name, namespace)
return None # Can't find an object.
return None
def _find_constructor(class_ob):
# Given a class object, return a function object used for the
......@@ -142,7 +157,6 @@ def get_arg_text(ob):
if argText:
argText += "\n"
argText += doc[:pos]
return argText
......@@ -168,17 +182,21 @@ if __name__=='__main__':
def t5(self, a, *args): "(a, ...)"
def t6(self, a, b=None, *args, **kw): "(a, b=None, ..., ***)"
def test( tests ):
def test(tests):
ct = CallTips()
for t in tests:
expected = t.__doc__ + "\n" + t.__doc__
if get_arg_text(t) != expected:
name = t.__name__
arg_text = ct.fetch_tip(name)
if arg_text != expected:
print "%s - expected %s, but got %s" % (t, `expected`, `get_arg_text(t)`)
print "%s - expected %s, but got %s" % (t, expected,
print "%d of %d tests failed" % (len(failed), len(tests))
tc = TC()
tests = t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, \
TC, tc.t1, tc.t2, tc.t3, tc.t4, tc.t5, tc.t6
tests = (t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6,
TC, tc.t1, tc.t2, tc.t3, tc.t4, tc.t5, tc.t6)
......@@ -414,7 +414,6 @@ class ModifiedInterpreter(InteractiveInterpreter):
if self.tkconsole.executing:
if self.save_warnings_filters is not None:
warnings.filters[:] = self.save_warnings_filters
......@@ -425,7 +424,6 @@ class ModifiedInterpreter(InteractiveInterpreter):
self.active_seq = self.rpcclt.asynccall("exec", "runcode",
(code,), {})
......@@ -444,7 +442,6 @@ class ModifiedInterpreter(InteractiveInterpreter):
......@@ -480,14 +477,14 @@ class PyShell(OutputWindow):
flist = PyShellFileList(root)
OutputWindow.__init__(self, flist, None, None)
import __builtin__
__builtin__.quit = __builtin__.exit = "To exit, type Ctrl-D."
self.config(usetabs=1, indentwidth=8, context_use_ps1=1)
text = self.text
text.bind("<<newline-and-indent>>", self.enter_callback)
......@@ -499,7 +496,7 @@ class PyShell(OutputWindow):
text.bind("<<toggle-debugger>>", self.toggle_debugger)
text.bind("<<open-python-shell>>", self.flist.open_shell)
text.bind("<<toggle-jit-stack-viewer>>", self.toggle_jit_stack_viewer)
self.save_stdout = sys.stdout
self.save_stderr = sys.stderr
self.save_stdin = sys.stdin
......@@ -510,9 +507,9 @@ class PyShell(OutputWindow):
sys.stdout = self.stdout
sys.stderr = self.stderr
sys.stdin = self
self.history = self.History(self.text)
if use_subprocess:
......@@ -177,9 +177,12 @@ class SocketIO:
def remotecall(self, oid, methodname, args, kwargs):
self.debug("remotecall:", oid, methodname, args, kwargs)
seq = self.asynccall(oid, methodname, args, kwargs)
return self.asyncreturn(seq)
ret = self.asyncreturn(seq)
self.debug("return:", ret)
return ret
def asynccall(self, oid, methodname, args, kwargs):
self.debug("asyncall:", oid, methodname, args, kwargs)
request = ("call", (oid, methodname, args, kwargs))
seq = self.putrequest(request)
return seq
import sys
import time
import socket
import CallTips
import RemoteDebugger
import RemoteObjectBrowser
import StackViewer
import rpc
import __main__
def main():
"""Start the Python execution server in a subprocess
In Idle, RPCServer is instantiated with handlerclass MyHandler, which
inherits register/unregister methods from RPCHandler via the mix-in class
In the Python subprocess, RPCServer is instantiated with handlerclass
MyHandler, which inherits register/unregister methods from RPCHandler via
the mix-in class SocketIO.
When the RPCServer is instantiated, the TCPServer initialization creates an
instance of run.MyHandler and calls its handle() method. handle()
instantiates a run.Executive, passing it a reference to the MyHandler
object. That reference is saved as an attribute of the Executive instance.
The Executive methods have access to the reference and can pass it on to
entities that they command (e.g. RemoteDebugger.Debugger.start_debugger()).
The latter, in turn, can call MyHandler(SocketIO) register/unregister
methods via the reference to register and unregister themselves.
When the RPCServer svr is instantiated, the TCPServer initialization
creates an instance of run.MyHandler and calls its handle() method.
handle() instantiates a run.Executive object, passing it a reference to the
MyHandler object. That reference is saved as attribute rpchandler of the
Executive instance. The Executive methods have access to the reference and
can pass it on to entities that they command
(e.g. RemoteDebugger.Debugger.start_debugger()). The latter, in turn, can
call MyHandler(SocketIO) register/unregister methods via the reference to
register and unregister themselves.
port = 8833
......@@ -55,28 +63,28 @@ class Executive:
def __init__(self, rpchandler):
self.rpchandler = rpchandler
import __main__
self.locals = __main__.__dict__
self.calltip = CallTips.CallTips()
def runcode(self, code):
exec code in self.locals
def start_the_debugger(self, gui_adap_oid):
import RemoteDebugger
return RemoteDebugger.start_debugger(self.rpchandler, gui_adap_oid)
def stop_the_debugger(self, idb_adap_oid):
"Unregister the Idb Adapter. Link objects and Idb then subject to GC"
def get_the_calltip(self, name):
return self.calltip.fetch_tip(name)
def stackviewer(self, flist_oid=None):
if not hasattr(sys, "last_traceback"):
return None
flist = None
if flist_oid is not None:
flist = self.rpchandler.get_remote_proxy(flist_oid)
import RemoteObjectBrowser
import StackViewer
tb = sys.last_traceback
while tb and tb.tb_frame.f_globals["__name__"] in ["rpc", "run"]:
tb = tb.tb_next
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