Commit 5c214703 authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Documented MacOS module.

parent dfcb3715
......@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ to Python and how to embed it in other applications.
......@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ to Python and how to embed it in other applications.
\section{Built-in Module \sectcode{MacOS}}
\renewcommand{\indexsubitem}{(in module MacOS)}
This module provides access to MacOS specific functionality in the
python interpreter, such as how the interpreter eventloop functions
and the like. Use with care.
Note the capitalisation of the module name, this is a historical
This exception is raised on MacOS generated errors, either from
functions in this module or from other mac-specific modules like the
toolbox interfaces. The arguments are the integer error code (the
\var{OSErr} value) and a textual description of the error code.
Pass a python function that will be called upon reception of a
high-level event. The previous handler is returned. The handler
function is called with the event as argument.
Note that your event handler is currently only called dependably if
your main event loop is in \var{stdwin}.
Read a high-level event. The return value is a tuple \code{(sender,
refcon, data)}.
\begin{funcdesc}{SetScheduleTimes}{fgi\, fgy \optional{\, bgi\, bgy}}
Controls how often the interpreter checks the event queue and how
long it will yield the processor to other processes. \var{fgi}
specifies after how many clicks (one click is one 60th of a second)
the interpreter should check the event queue, and \var{fgy} specifies
for how many clicks the CPU should be yielded when in the
foreground. The optional \var{bgi} and \var{bgy} allow you to specify
different values to use when python runs in the background, otherwise
the background values will be set the the same as the foreground
values. The function returns nothing.
The default values, which are based on nothing at all, are 12, 6, 1
and 12 respectively.
Enable or disable the python event loop, based on the value of
\var{onoff}. The old value is returned. If the event loop is disabled
no time is granted to other applications, checking for command-period
is not performed and it is impossible to switch applications. This
should only be used by programs providing their own complete event
Note that based on the compiler used to build python it is still
possible to loose events even with the python event loop disabled. If
you have a \code{sys.stdout} window its handler will often also look
in the event queue. Making sure nothing is ever printed works around
Pass the event record \code{ev} back to the python event loop, or
possibly to the handler for the \code{sys.stdout} window (based on the
compiler used to build python). This allows python programs that do
their own event handling to still have some command-period and
window-switching capability.
Return the textual description of MacOS error code \var{errno}.
\section{Built-in Module \sectcode{MacOS}}
\renewcommand{\indexsubitem}{(in module MacOS)}
This module provides access to MacOS specific functionality in the
python interpreter, such as how the interpreter eventloop functions
and the like. Use with care.
Note the capitalisation of the module name, this is a historical
This exception is raised on MacOS generated errors, either from
functions in this module or from other mac-specific modules like the
toolbox interfaces. The arguments are the integer error code (the
\var{OSErr} value) and a textual description of the error code.
Pass a python function that will be called upon reception of a
high-level event. The previous handler is returned. The handler
function is called with the event as argument.
Note that your event handler is currently only called dependably if
your main event loop is in \var{stdwin}.
Read a high-level event. The return value is a tuple \code{(sender,
refcon, data)}.
\begin{funcdesc}{SetScheduleTimes}{fgi\, fgy \optional{\, bgi\, bgy}}
Controls how often the interpreter checks the event queue and how
long it will yield the processor to other processes. \var{fgi}
specifies after how many clicks (one click is one 60th of a second)
the interpreter should check the event queue, and \var{fgy} specifies
for how many clicks the CPU should be yielded when in the
foreground. The optional \var{bgi} and \var{bgy} allow you to specify
different values to use when python runs in the background, otherwise
the background values will be set the the same as the foreground
values. The function returns nothing.
The default values, which are based on nothing at all, are 12, 6, 1
and 12 respectively.
Enable or disable the python event loop, based on the value of
\var{onoff}. The old value is returned. If the event loop is disabled
no time is granted to other applications, checking for command-period
is not performed and it is impossible to switch applications. This
should only be used by programs providing their own complete event
Note that based on the compiler used to build python it is still
possible to loose events even with the python event loop disabled. If
you have a \code{sys.stdout} window its handler will often also look
in the event queue. Making sure nothing is ever printed works around
Pass the event record \code{ev} back to the python event loop, or
possibly to the handler for the \code{sys.stdout} window (based on the
compiler used to build python). This allows python programs that do
their own event handling to still have some command-period and
window-switching capability.
Return the textual description of MacOS error code \var{errno}.
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