Commit 5c4f53cb authored by Mark Hammond's avatar Mark Hammond

Was quite broken and incomplete. Now passes the test suite, but is still incomplete.

parent c8738eba
from winreg import hives, createKey, openKey, flags, deleteKey, regtypes
import sys, traceback
import time
import array
def testHives():
......@@ -127,6 +128,13 @@ def testSetStringValue():
del hives["HKCU"].getValues()[ "Blah" ]
assert not hives["HKCU"].getValues().has_key( "Blah" )
# Ensure Unicode works as we expect
hives["HKCU"].setValue( u"Blah", u"abc" )
assert hives["HKCU"].getValueData( "Blah" )=="abc"
assert hives["HKCU"].getValues().has_key( u"Blah" )
del hives["HKCU"].getValues()[ u"Blah" ]
assert not hives["HKCU"].getValues().has_key( u"Blah" )
def testDeleteValue():
hives["HKCU"].setValue( "Blah", "abc" )
assert hives["HKCU"].getValues().has_key( "Blah" )
......@@ -175,17 +183,18 @@ def testSetIntValue():
assert key.getValues()[ "abcd" ][1]==5
key.deleteValue( "abcd" )
key.deleteKey( "HKLM\\Software\\a\\b")
key.deleteKey( "HKLM\\Software\\a")
deleteKey( "HKLM\\Software\\a\\b")
deleteKey( "HKLM\\Software\\a")
def testSetBinaryValue():
key=createKey( "HKLM\\Software\\a\\b")
key.setValue( "abcd", array.array( 'c', "PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP") )
key.setValue( "abcde", array.array( 'c', "PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP"),
regtypes["REG_BINARY"] )
assert key.getValues()["abcd"]==key.getValues()["abcde"]
key.deleteKey( "HKLM\\Software\\a\\b")
key.deleteKey( "HKLM\\Software\\a")
assert key.getValues()["abcd"][1]==key.getValues()["abcde"][1]
key = None # Remove our reference.
deleteKey( "HKLM\\Software\\a\\b")
deleteKey( "HKLM\\Software\\a")
def testSetNone(): pass
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