Commit 694f7010 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Rewritten by Ka-Ping Yee.

parent ba885ffa
#! /usr/local/bin/python
# Convert the Python FAQ to HTML
import string
import regex
import regsub
import sys
import os
chapterprog = regex.compile('^\([1-9][0-9]*\)\. ')
questionprog = regex.compile('^\([1-9][0-9]*\)\.\([1-9][0-9]*\)\. ')
newquestionprog = regex.compile('^Q\. ')
blankprog = regex.compile('^[ \t]*$')
indentedorblankprog = regex.compile('^\([ \t]+\|[ \t]*$\)')
underlineprog = regex.compile('^==*$')
eightblanksprog = regex.compile('^\( \| *\t\)')
mailheaderprog = regex.compile('^\(Subject\|Newsgroups\|Followup-To\|From\|Reply-To\|Approved\|Archive-name\|Version\|Last-modified\): +')
urlprog = regex.compile('<URL:\([^>]*\)>')
ampprog = regex.compile('&')
aprog = regex.compile('^A\. +')
qprog = regex.compile('>Q\. +')
qrefprog = regex.compile('question +\([0-9]\.[0-9]+\)')
versionprog = regex.compile('^Version: ')
emailprog = regex.compile('<\([^>@:]+@[^>@:]+\)>')
def main():
print 'Reading lines...'
lines = open(FAQ, 'r').readlines()
print 'Renumbering in memory...'
oldlines = lines[:]
after_blank = 1
chapter = 0
question = 0
chapters = ['<OL>']
questions = ['<OL>']
for i in range(len(lines)):
line = lines[i]
if after_blank:
n = chapterprog.match(line)
if n >= 0:
chapter = chapter + 1
if chapter != 1:
question = 0
lines[i] = '<H2>' + line[n:-1] + '</H2>\n'
chapters.append('<LI> ' + line[n:])
questions.append('<LI> ' + line[n:])
afterblank = 0
n = underlineprog.match(line)
if n >= 0:
lines[i] = ''
n = questionprog.match(line)
if n < 0: n = newquestionprog.match(line) - 3
if n >= 0:
question = question + 1
number = '%d.%d'%(chapter, question)
lines[i] = '<A NAME="' + number + '"><H3>' + line[n:]
questions.append('<LI><A HREF="#' + \
number + '">' + line[n:])
# Add up to 4 continuations of the question
n = len(number)
for j in range(i+1, i+5):
if blankprog.match(lines[j]) >= 0:
lines[j-1] = lines[j-1] + '</H3></A>'
questions[-1] = \
questions[-1][:-1] + '</A>\n'
questions.append(' '*(n+2) + lines[j])
afterblank = 0
afterblank = (blankprog.match(line) >= 0)
print 'Inserting list of chapters...'
for i in range(len(lines)):
line = lines[i]
if regex.match(
'^This FAQ is divided in the following chapters',
line) >= 0:
i = i+1
while 1:
line = lines[i]
if indentedorblankprog.match(line) < 0:
del lines[i]
lines[i:i] = chapters
print '*** Can\'t find header for list of chapters'
print '*** Chapters found:'
for line in chapters: print line,
print 'Inserting list of questions...'
for i in range(len(lines)):
line = lines[i]
if regex.match('^Here.s an overview of the questions',
line) >= 0:
i = i+1
while 1:
line = lines[i]
if indentedorblankprog.match(line) < 0:
del lines[i]
lines[i:i] = questions
print '*** Can\'t find header for list of questions'
print '*** Questions found:'
for line in questions: print line,
# final cleanup
print "Final cleanup..."
doingpre = 0
for i in range(len(lines)):
# set lines indented by >= 8 spaces using PRE
# blank lines either terminate PRE or separate paragraphs
n = eightblanksprog.match(lines[i])
if n < 0: n = mailheaderprog.match(lines[i])
if n >= 0:
if versionprog.match(lines[i]) > 0:
version = string.split(lines[i])[1]
if doingpre == 0:
lines[i] = '<PRE>\n' + lines[i]
doingpre = 1
n = blankprog.match(lines[i])
if n >= 0:
# print '*** ', lines[i-1], doingpre
if doingpre == 1:
lines[i] = '</PRE><P>\n'
doingpre = 0
lines[i] = '<P>\n'
# & -> &amp;
n =[i])
if n >= 0:
lines[i] = regsub.gsub(ampprog, '&amp;', lines[i])
# no continue - there might be other changes to the line...
# zap all the 'Q.' and 'A.' leaders - what happened to the
# last couple?
n =[i])
if n >= 0:
lines[i] = regsub.sub(qprog, '>', lines[i])
# no continue - there might be other changes to the line...
n =[i])
if n >= 0:
lines[i] = regsub.sub(aprog, '', lines[i])
# no continue - there might be other changes to the line...
# patch up hard refs to questions
n =[i])
if n >= 0:
lines[i] = regsub.sub(qrefprog,
'<A HREF="#\\1">question \\1</A>', lines[i])
# no continue - there might be other changes to the line...
# make <URL:...> into actual links
n =[i])
if n >= 0:
lines[i] = regsub.gsub(urlprog, '<A HREF="\\1">\\1</A>', lines[i])
# no continue - there might be other changes to the line...
# make <user@host.domain> into <mailto:...> links
n =[i])
if n >= 0:
lines[i] = regsub.gsub(emailprog,
'<A HREF="mailto:\\1">\\1</A>', lines[i])
# no continue - there might be other changes to the line...
lines[0:0] = ['<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Python Frequently Asked Questions v',
'(This file was generated using\n',
'<A HREF=""></A>.)<P>\n']
print 'Writing html file...'
f = open(FAQ + '.html', 'w')
for line in lines:
print 'Done.'
# A somewhat-generalized FAQ-to-HTML converter (by Ka-Ping Yee, 10 Sept 96)
# Reads a text file given on standard input or named as first argument, and
# generates HTML 2.0 on standard output. Recognizes these constructions:
# HTML element pattern at the beginning of a line
# section heading (<number><period>)+<space>
# numbered list element <1-2 spaces>(<number><period>)+<space>
# unnumbered list element <0-2 spaces><hyphen or asterisk><space>
# preformatted section <more than two spaces>
# Heading level is determined by the number of (<number><period>) segments.
# Blank lines force a separation of elements; if none of the above four
# types is indicated, a new paragraph begins. A line beginning with many
# spaces is interpreted as a continuation (instead of preformatted) after
# a list element. Headings are anchored; paragraphs starting with "Q." are
# emphasized, and those marked with "A." get their first sentence emphasized.
# Hyperlinks are created from references to:
# URLs, explicitly marked using <URL:scheme://host...>
# other questions, of the form "question <number>(<period><number>)*"
# sections, of the form "section <number>".
import sys, string, regex, regsub, regex_syntax
# --------------------------------------------------------- regular expressions
orditemprog = regex.compile(' ?([1-9][0-9]*\.)+ +')
itemprog = regex.compile(' ? ?[-*] +')
headingprog = regex.compile('([1-9][0-9]*\.)+ +')
prefmtprog = regex.compile(' ')
blankprog = regex.compile('^[ \t\r\n]$')
questionprog = regex.compile(' *Q\. +')
answerprog = regex.compile(' *A\. +')
sentprog = regex.compile('(([^.:;?!(]|[.:;?!][^ \t\r\n])+[.:;?!]?)')
mailhdrprog = regex.compile('^(Subject|Newsgroups|Followup-To|From|Reply-To'
'|Approved|Archive-Name|Version|Last-Modified): +', regex.casefold)
urlprog = regex.compile('&lt;URL:([^&]+)&gt;')
addrprog = regex.compile('&lt;([^>@:]+@[^&@:]+)&gt;')
qrefprog = regex.compile('question +([1-9](\.[0-9]+)*)')
srefprog = regex.compile('section +([1-9][0-9]*)')
entityprog = regex.compile('[&<>]')
# ------------------------------------------------------------ global variables
body = []
ollev = ullev = 0
element = content = secnum = version = ''
# ----------------------------------------------------- for making nested lists
def dnol():
global body, ollev
ollev = ollev + 1
if body[-1] == '</li>': del body[-1]
def upol():
global body, ollev
ollev = ollev - 1
body.append(ollev and '</ol></li>' or '</ol>')
# --------------------------------- output one element and convert its contents
def spew(clearol=0, clearul=0):
global content, body, ollev, ullev
if content:
if > -1:
content = regsub.gsub('&', '&amp;', content)
content = regsub.gsub('<', '&lt;', content)
content = regsub.gsub('>', '&gt;', content)
n = questionprog.match(content)
if n > 0:
content = '<em>' + content[n:] + '</em>'
if ollev: # question reference in index
fragid = regsub.gsub('^ +|\.? +$', '', secnum)
content = '<a href="#%s">%s</a>' % (fragid, content)
if element[0] == 'h': # heading in the main text
fragid = regsub.gsub('^ +|\.? +$', '', secnum)
content = secnum + '<a name="%s">%s</a>' % (fragid, content)
n = answerprog.match(content)
if n > 0: # answer paragraph
content = regsub.sub(sentprog, '<strong>\\1</strong>', content[n:])
body.append('<' + element + '>' + content)
body.append('</' + element + '>')
content = ''
while clearol and ollev: upol()
if clearul and ullev: body.append('</ul>'); ullev = 0
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- main program
faq = len(sys.argv)>1 and sys.argv[1] and open(sys.argv[1]) or sys.stdin
lines = faq.readlines()
for line in lines:
if line[2:9] == '=======': # <hr> will appear *before*
body.append('<hr>') # the underlined heading
n = orditemprog.match(line)
if n > 0: # make ordered list item
spew(0, 'clear ul')
secnum = line[:n]
level = string.count(secnum, '.')
while level > ollev: dnol()
while level < ollev: upol()
element, content = 'li', line[n:]
n = itemprog.match(line)
if n > 0: # make unordered list item
spew('clear ol', 0)
if ullev == 0: body.append('<ul>'); ullev = 1
element, content = 'li', line[n:]
n = headingprog.match(line)
if n > 0: # make heading element
spew('clear ol', 'clear ul')
secnum = line[:n]
element, content = 'h%d' % string.count(secnum, '.'), line[n:]
n = 0
if not secnum: # haven't hit body yet
n = mailhdrprog.match(line)
v = version and -1 or regex.match('Version: ', line)
if v > 0 and not version: version = line[v:]
if n <= 0 and element != 'li': # not pre if after a list item
n = prefmtprog.match(line)
if n > 0: # make preformatted element
if element == 'pre':
content = content + line
spew('clear ol', 'clear ul')
element, content = 'pre', line
if blankprog.match(line) > 0: # force a new element
element = ''
elif element: # continue current element
content = content + line
else: # no element; make paragraph
spew('clear ol', 'clear ul')
element, content = 'p', line
spew() # output last element
body = string.joinfields(body, '')
body = regsub.gsub(urlprog, '<a href="\\1">\\1</a>', body)
body = regsub.gsub(addrprog, '<a href="mailto:\\1">\\1</a>', body)
body = regsub.gsub(qrefprog, '<a href="#\\1">question \\1</a>', body)
body = regsub.gsub(srefprog, '<a href="#\\1">section \\1</a>', body)
print '<!doctype html public "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"><html>'
print '<head><title>Python Frequently-Asked Questions v' + version
print "</title></head><body>(This file was generated using Ping's"
print '<a href=""></a>.)'
print body + '</body></html>'
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