Commit 69cc487d authored by Victor Stinner's avatar Victor Stinner

Revert change 0eb8c182131e:

"""Issue #23517: datetime.timedelta constructor now rounds microseconds to
nearest with ties going away from zero (ROUND_HALF_UP), as Python 2 and Python
older than 3.3, instead of rounding to nearest with ties going to nearest even
integer (ROUND_HALF_EVEN)."""

datetime.timedelta uses rounding mode ROUND_HALF_EVEN again.
parent 1638bdfa
......@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ class timedelta:
# secondsfrac isn't referenced again
if isinstance(microseconds, float):
microseconds = _round_half_up(microseconds + usdouble)
microseconds = round(microseconds + usdouble)
seconds, microseconds = divmod(microseconds, 1000000)
days, seconds = divmod(seconds, 24*3600)
d += days
......@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ class timedelta:
days, seconds = divmod(seconds, 24*3600)
d += days
s += seconds
microseconds = _round_half_up(microseconds + usdouble)
microseconds = round(microseconds + usdouble)
assert isinstance(s, int)
assert isinstance(microseconds, int)
assert abs(s) <= 3 * 24 * 3600
......@@ -663,14 +663,16 @@ class TestTimeDelta(HarmlessMixedComparison, unittest.TestCase):
# Single-field rounding.
eq(td(milliseconds=0.4/1000), td(0)) # rounds to 0
eq(td(milliseconds=-0.4/1000), td(0)) # rounds to 0
eq(td(milliseconds=0.5/1000), td(microseconds=1))
eq(td(milliseconds=-0.5/1000), td(microseconds=-1))
eq(td(milliseconds=0.5/1000), td(microseconds=0))
eq(td(milliseconds=-0.5/1000), td(microseconds=-0))
eq(td(milliseconds=0.6/1000), td(microseconds=1))
eq(td(milliseconds=-0.6/1000), td(microseconds=-1))
eq(td(seconds=0.5/10**6), td(microseconds=1))
eq(td(seconds=-0.5/10**6), td(microseconds=-1))
eq(td(seconds=1/2**7), td(microseconds=7813))
eq(td(seconds=-1/2**7), td(microseconds=-7813))
eq(td(milliseconds=1.5/1000), td(microseconds=2))
eq(td(milliseconds=-1.5/1000), td(microseconds=-2))
eq(td(seconds=0.5/10**6), td(microseconds=0))
eq(td(seconds=-0.5/10**6), td(microseconds=-0))
eq(td(seconds=1/2**7), td(microseconds=7812))
eq(td(seconds=-1/2**7), td(microseconds=-7812))
# Rounding due to contributions from more than one field.
us_per_hour = 3600e6
......@@ -683,6 +685,10 @@ class TestTimeDelta(HarmlessMixedComparison, unittest.TestCase):
eq(td(hours=-.2/us_per_hour), td(0))
eq(td(days=-.4/us_per_day, hours=-.2/us_per_hour), td(microseconds=-1))
# Test for a patch in Issue 8860
eq(td(microseconds=0.5), 0.5*td(microseconds=1.0))
eq(td(microseconds=0.5)//td.resolution, 0.5*td.resolution//td.resolution)
def test_massive_normalization(self):
td = timedelta(microseconds=-1)
self.assertEqual((td.days, td.seconds, td.microseconds),
......@@ -24,11 +24,6 @@ Library
zero (ROUND_HALF_UP), as Python 2 and Python older than 3.3, instead of
rounding towards -Infinity (ROUND_FLOOR).
- Issue #23517: datetime.timedelta constructor now rounds microseconds to
nearest with ties going away from zero (ROUND_HALF_UP), as Python 2 and
Python older than 3.3, instead of rounding to nearest with ties going to
nearest even integer (ROUND_HALF_EVEN).
- Issue #23552: Timeit now warns when there is substantial (4x) variance
between best and worst times. Patch from Serhiy Storchaka.
......@@ -2149,9 +2149,29 @@ delta_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
if (leftover_us) {
/* Round to nearest whole # of us, and add into x. */
double whole_us = round(leftover_us);
int x_is_odd;
PyObject *temp;
whole_us = _PyTime_RoundHalfUp(leftover_us);
whole_us = round(leftover_us);
if (fabs(whole_us - leftover_us) == 0.5) {
/* We're exactly halfway between two integers. In order
* to do round-half-to-even, we must determine whether x
* is odd. Note that x is odd when it's last bit is 1. The
* code below uses bitwise and operation to check the last
* bit. */
temp = PyNumber_And(x, one); /* temp <- x & 1 */
if (temp == NULL) {
goto Done;
x_is_odd = PyObject_IsTrue(temp);
if (x_is_odd == -1) {
goto Done;
whole_us = 2.0 * round((leftover_us + x_is_odd) * 0.5) - x_is_odd;
temp = PyLong_FromLong((long)whole_us);
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