Commit 6ca33771 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Add a new environment for whole-paragraph (or longer) notes & warnings.

parent 615e2505
......@@ -1010,6 +1010,25 @@ This \UNIX\ is also followed by a space.
\subsection{Miscellaneous Text Markup \label{misc-text-markup}}
In addition to the inline markup, some additional ``block'' markup
is defined to make it easier to bring attention to various bits of
text. The markup described here serves this purpose, and is
intended to be used when marking one or more paragraphs or other
block constructs (such as \env{verbatim} environments).
Label some paragraphs as being worthy of additional attention from
the reader. What sort of attention is warrented can be indicated
by specifying the \var{type} of the notice. The only values
defined for \var{type} are \code{note} and \code{warning}; these
are equivalent in intent to the inline markup of the same name.
If \var{type} is omitted, \code{note} is used. Additional values
may be defined in the future.
\subsection{Module-specific Markup \label{module-markup}}
The markup described in this section is used to provide information
......@@ -236,17 +236,36 @@ sub do_cmd_textbf{
return use_wrappers(@_[0], '<b>', '</b>'); }
sub do_cmd_textit{
return use_wrappers(@_[0], '<i>', '</i>'); }
# This can be changed/overridden for translations:
%NoticeNames = ('note' => 'Note:',
'warning' => 'Warning:',
sub do_cmd_note{
my $label = $NoticeNames{'note'};
return use_wrappers(
"<span class=\"note\"><b class=\"label\">Note:</b>\n",
"<span class=\"note\"><b class=\"label\">$label</b>\n",
'</span>'); }
sub do_cmd_warning{
my $label = $NoticeNames{'warning'};
return use_wrappers(
"<span class=\"warning\"><b class=\"label\">Warning:</b>\n",
"<span class=\"warning\"><b class=\"label\">$label</b>\n",
'</span>'); }
sub do_env_notice{
local($_) = @_;
my $notice = next_optional_argument();
if (!$notice) {
$notice = 'note';
my $label = $NoticeNames{$notice};
return ("<div class=\"$notice\"><b class=\"label\">$label</b>\n"
. $_
. '</div>');
sub do_cmd_moreargs{
return '...' . @_[0]; }
sub do_cmd_unspecified{
......@@ -919,8 +919,13 @@
\newcommand{\note}[1]{\strong{Note:} #1}
\newcommand{\warning}[1]{\strong{Warning:} #1}
\par\strong{\csname py@noticelabel@#1\endcsname}
\newcommand{\note}[1]{\strong{\py@noticelabel@note} #1}
\newcommand{\warning}[1]{\strong{\py@noticelabel@warning} #1}
% Deprecation stuff.
% Should be extended to allow an index / list of deprecated stuff. But
Markdown is supported
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