Commit 6e2e3b9e authored by Victor Stinner's avatar Victor Stinner

Issue #12423: Fix os.abort() documentation

The Python signal handler for SIGABRT is not called on os.abort() (only if the
signal is raised manually or sent by another process). Patch by Kamil Kisiel.
parent f6cbdc22
......@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@, and we'll be glad to correct the problem.
* Robert Kern
* Jim Kerr
* Jan Kim
* Kamil Kisiel
* Greg Kochanski
* Guido Kollerie
* Peter A. Koren
......@@ -1582,8 +1582,9 @@ to be ignored.
Generate a :const:`SIGABRT` signal to the current process. On Unix, the default
behavior is to produce a core dump; on Windows, the process immediately returns
an exit code of ``3``. Be aware that programs which use :func:`signal.signal`
to register a handler for :const:`SIGABRT` will behave differently.
an exit code of ``3``. Be aware that calling this function will not call the
Python signal handler registered for :const:`SIGABRT` with
Availability: Unix, Windows.
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