Commit 6f8f55f5 authored by Serhiy Storchaka's avatar Serhiy Storchaka

Issue #23563: Optimized utility functions in urllib.parse.

parent e1c2965a
......@@ -869,12 +869,12 @@ def splittype(url):
"""splittype('type:opaquestring') --> 'type', 'opaquestring'."""
global _typeprog
if _typeprog is None:
_typeprog = re.compile('^([^/:]+):')
_typeprog = re.compile('([^/:]+):(.*)', re.DOTALL)
match = _typeprog.match(url)
if match:
scheme =
return scheme.lower(), url[len(scheme) + 1:]
scheme, data = match.groups()
return scheme.lower(), data
return None, url
_hostprog = None
......@@ -882,38 +882,25 @@ def splithost(url):
"""splithost('//host[:port]/path') --> 'host[:port]', '/path'."""
global _hostprog
if _hostprog is None:
_hostprog = re.compile('^//([^/?]*)(.*)$')
_hostprog = re.compile('//([^/?]*)(.*)', re.DOTALL)
match = _hostprog.match(url)
if match:
host_port =
path =
if path and not path.startswith('/'):
host_port, path = match.groups()
if path and path[0] != '/':
path = '/' + path
return host_port, path
return None, url
_userprog = None
def splituser(host):
"""splituser('user[:passwd]@host[:port]') --> 'user[:passwd]', 'host[:port]'."""
global _userprog
if _userprog is None:
_userprog = re.compile('^(.*)@(.*)$')
user, delim, host = host.rpartition('@')
return (user if delim else None), host
match = _userprog.match(host)
if match: return, 2)
return None, host
_passwdprog = None
def splitpasswd(user):
"""splitpasswd('user:passwd') -> 'user', 'passwd'."""
global _passwdprog
if _passwdprog is None:
_passwdprog = re.compile('^([^:]*):(.*)$',re.S)
match = _passwdprog.match(user)
if match: return, 2)
return user, None
user, delim, passwd = user.partition(':')
return user, (passwd if delim else None)
# splittag('/path#tag') --> '/path', 'tag'
_portprog = None
......@@ -921,7 +908,7 @@ def splitport(host):
"""splitport('host:port') --> 'host', 'port'."""
global _portprog
if _portprog is None:
_portprog = re.compile('^(.*):([0-9]*)$')
_portprog = re.compile('(.*):([0-9]*)$', re.DOTALL)
match = _portprog.match(host)
if match:
......@@ -930,20 +917,15 @@ def splitport(host):
return host, port
return host, None
_nportprog = None
def splitnport(host, defport=-1):
"""Split host and port, returning numeric port.
Return given default port if no ':' found; defaults to -1.
Return numerical port if a valid number are found after ':'.
Return None if ':' but not a valid number."""
global _nportprog
if _nportprog is None:
_nportprog = re.compile('^(.*):(.*)$')
match = _nportprog.match(host)
if match:
host, port =, 2)
if port:
host, delim, port = host.rpartition(':')
if not delim:
host = port
elif port:
nport = int(port)
except ValueError:
......@@ -951,26 +933,18 @@ def splitnport(host, defport=-1):
return host, nport
return host, defport
_queryprog = None
def splitquery(url):
"""splitquery('/path?query') --> '/path', 'query'."""
global _queryprog
if _queryprog is None:
_queryprog = re.compile('^(.*)\?([^?]*)$')
match = _queryprog.match(url)
if match: return, 2)
path, delim, query = url.rpartition('?')
if delim:
return path, query
return url, None
_tagprog = None
def splittag(url):
"""splittag('/path#tag') --> '/path', 'tag'."""
global _tagprog
if _tagprog is None:
_tagprog = re.compile('^(.*)#([^#]*)$')
match = _tagprog.match(url)
if match: return, 2)
path, delim, tag = url.rpartition('#')
if delim:
return path, tag
return url, None
def splitattr(url):
......@@ -979,13 +953,7 @@ def splitattr(url):
words = url.split(';')
return words[0], words[1:]
_valueprog = None
def splitvalue(attr):
"""splitvalue('attr=value') --> 'attr', 'value'."""
global _valueprog
if _valueprog is None:
_valueprog = re.compile('^([^=]*)=(.*)$')
match = _valueprog.match(attr)
if match: return, 2)
return attr, None
attr, delim, value = attr.partition('=')
return attr, (value if delim else None)
......@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #23563: Optimized utility functions in urllib.parse.
- Issue #7830: Flatten nested functools.partial.
- Issue #20204: Added the __module__ attribute to _tkinter classes.
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