Commit 76344460 authored by Guilherme Polo's avatar Guilherme Polo

Merged revisions 69050 via svnmerge from


  r69050 | guilherme.polo | 2009-01-28 11:09:03 -0200 (Wed, 28 Jan 2009) | 2 lines

  Added the ttk module. See issue #2983: Ttk support for Tkinter.
parent 0b157477
......@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ Graphical User Interfaces with Tk
Tk/Tcl has long been an integral part of Python. It provides a robust and
platform independent windowing toolkit, that is available to Python programmers
using the :mod:`tkinter` package, and its extension, the :mod:`tkinter.tix`
using the :mod:`tkinter` package, and its extension, the :mod:`tkinter.tix` and
the :mod:`tkinter.ttk` modules.
The :mod:`tkinter` package is a thin object-oriented layer on top of Tcl/Tk. To
use :mod:`tkinter`, you don't need to write Tcl code, but you will need to
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ alternatives, see the :ref:`other-gui-packages` section.
.. toctree::
:mod:`tkinter.ttk` --- Tk themed widgets
.. module:: tkinter.ttk
:synopsis: Tk themed widget set
.. sectionauthor:: Guilherme Polo <>
.. index:: single: ttk
The :mod:`tkinter.ttk` module provides access to the Tk themed widget set,
which has been introduced in Tk 8.5. If you do not have Python compiled against
Tk 8.5 you may still use this module as long as you have Tile installed, but
then you will miss some features provided by the new Tk, like anti-aliased font
rendering under X11, window transparency (on X11 you will need a composition
window manager) and others.
The basic idea of :mod:`tkinter.ttk` is to separate, to the extent possible,
the code implementing a widget's behavior from the code implementing its
.. seealso::
`Tk Widget Styling Support <>`_
The document which brought up theming support for Tk
Using Ttk
Basically, to start using Ttk, you have to import its module::
from tkinter import ttk
But if you already have some code that does::
from tkinter import *
You may optionally want to use::
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *
And then several :mod:`tkinter.ttk` widgets (:class:`Button`,
:class:`Checkbutton`, :class:`Entry`, :class:`Frame`, :class:`Label`,
:class:`LabelFrame`, :class:`Menubutton`, :class:`PanedWindow`,
:class:`Radiobutton`, :class:`Scale` and :class:`Scrollbar`) will
automatically substitute the Tk widgets.
This has the direct benefit of using the new widgets which gives better
look & feel across platforms, but you should be aware that they are not
totally compatible. The main difference you will find out is that widget
options such as "fg", "bg" and others related to widget styling are no
longer present in Ttk widgets, instead you will have to use :class:`ttk.Style`
to achieve the same (or better) styling.
.. seealso::
`Converting existing applications to use the Tile widgets <>`_
A text which talks in Tcl terms about differences typically found when
moving applications to use the new widgets.
Ttk Widgets
Ttk comes with 17 widgets, where 11 of these already existed in tkinter:
:class:`Button`, :class:`Checkbutton`, :class:`Entry`, :class:`Frame`,
:class:`Label`, :class:`LabelFrame`, :class:`Menubutton`, :class:`PanedWindow`,
:class:`Radiobutton`, :class:`Scale` and :class:`Scrollbar`. The others 6 are
new: :class:`Combobox`, :class:`Notebook`, :class:`Progressbar`,
:class:`Separator`, :class:`Sizegrip` and :class:`Treeview`. And all them are
subclasses of :class:`Widget`.
Like it was told before, you will notice changes in look & feel as well in the
styling code. To demonstrate the latter, a very simple example is shown below.
Tk code::
l1 = tkinter.Label(text="Test", fg="black", bg="white")
l2 = tkinter.Label(text="Test", fg="black", bg="white")
Ttk code::
style = ttk.Style()
style.configure("BW.TLabel", foreground="black", background="white")
l1 = ttk.Label(text="Test", style="BW.TLabel")
l2 = ttk.Label(text="Test", style="BW.TLabel")
For more information about TtkStyling_ read the :class:`Style` class
:class:`ttk.Widget` defines standard options and methods supported by Tk
themed widgets and is not supposed to be directly instantiated.
Standard Options
All the :mod:`ttk` Widgets accepts the following options:
| Option | Description |
| class | Specifies the window class. The class is used when querying |
| | the option database for the window's other options, to |
| | determine the default bindtags for the window, and to select |
| | the widget's default layout and style. This is a read-only |
| | which may only be specified when the window is created |
| cursor | Specifies the mouse cursor to be used for the widget. If set |
| | to the empty string (the default), the cursor is inherited |
| | for the parent widget. |
| takefocus | Determines whether the window accepts the focus during |
| | keyboard traversal. 0, 1 or an empty is return. If 0 is |
| | returned, it means that the window should be skipped entirely|
| | during keyboard traversal. If 1, it means that the window |
| | should receive the input focus as long as it is viewable. And|
| | an empty string means that the traversal scripts make the |
| | decision about whether or not to focus on the window. |
| style | May be used to specify a custom widget style. |
Scrollable Widget Options
The following options are supported by widgets that are controlled by a
| option | description |
| xscrollcommand | Used to comunicate with horizontal scrollbars. |
| | |
| | When the view in the widget's window change, the widget |
| | will generate a Tcl command based on the scrollcommand. |
| | |
| | Usually this option consists of the method |
| | :meth:`Scrollbar.set` of some scrollbar. This will cause|
| | the scrollbar to be updated whenever the view in the |
| | window changes. |
| yscrollcommand | Used to comunicate with vertical scrollbars. |
| | For some more information, see above. |
Label Options
The following options are supported by labels, buttons and other button-like
| option | description |
| text | Specifies a text string to be displayed inside the widget.|
| textvariable | Specifies a name whose value will be used in place of the |
| | text option resource. |
| underline | If set, specifies the index (0-based) of a character to |
| | underline in the text string. The underline character is |
| | used for mnemonic activation. |
| image | Specifies an image to display. This is a list of 1 or more|
| | elements. The first element is the default image name. The|
| | rest of the list if a sequence of statespec/value pairs as|
| | defined by :meth:``, specifying different images |
| | to use when the widget is in a particular state or a |
| | combination of states. All images in the list should have |
| | the same size. |
| compound | Specifies how to display the image relative to the text, |
| | in the case both text and images options are present. |
| | Valid values are: |
| | |
| | * text: display text only |
| | * image: display image only |
| | * top, bottom, left, right: display image above, below, |
| | left of, or right of the text, respectively. |
| | * none: the default. display the image if present, |
| | otherwise the text. |
| width | If greater than zero, specifies how much space, in |
| | character widths, to allocate for the text label, if less |
| | than zero, specifies a minimum width. If zero or |
| | unspecified, the natural width of the text label is used. |
Compatibility Options
| option | description |
| state | May be set to "normal" or "disabled" to control the "disabled" |
| | state bit. This is a write-only option: setting it changes the |
| | widget state, but the :meth:`Widget.state` method does not |
| | affect this option. |
Widget States
The widget state is a bitmap of independent state flags.
| flag | description |
| active | The mouse cursor is over the widget and pressing a mouse |
| | button will cause some action to occur |
| disabled | Widget is disabled under program control |
| focus | Widget has keyboard focus |
| pressed | Widget is being pressed |
| selected | "On", "true", or "current" for things like Checkbuttons and |
| | radiobuttons |
| background | Windows and Mac have a notion of an "active" or foreground |
| | window. The *background* state is set for widgets in a |
| | background window, and cleared for those in the foreground |
| | window |
| readonly | Widget should not allow user modification |
| alternate | A widget-specific alternate display format |
| invalid | The widget's value is invalid |
A state specification is a sequence of state names, optionally prefixed with
an exclamation point indicating that the bit is off.
Besides the methods described below, the class :class:`ttk.Widget` supports the
methods :meth:`tkinter.Widget.cget` and :meth:`tkinter.Widget.configure`.
.. class:: Widget
.. method:: identify(x, y)
Returns the name of the element at position *x* *y*, or the empty string
if the point does not lie within any element.
*x* and *y* are pixel coordinates relative to the widget.
.. method:: instate(statespec[, callback=None[, *args[, **kw]]])
Test the widget's state. If a callback is not specified, returns True
if the widget state matches *statespec* and False otherwise. If callback
is specified then it is called with args if widget state matches
.. method:: state([statespec=None])
Modify or inquire widget state. If *statespec* is specified, sets the
widget state according to it and return a new *statespec* indicating
which flags were changed. If *statespec* is not specified, returns
the currently-enabled state flags.
*statespec* will usually be a list or a tuple.
The :class:`ttk.Combobox` widget combines a text field with a pop-down list of
values. This widget is a subclass of :class:`Entry`.
Besides the methods inherited from :class:`Widget`: :meth:`Widget.cget`,
:meth:`Widget.configure`, :meth:`Widget.identify`, :meth:`Widget.instate`
and :meth:`Widget.state`, and the following inherited from :class:`Entry`:
:meth:`Entry.bbox`, :meth:`Entry.delete`, :meth:`Entry.icursor`,
:meth:`Entry.index`, :meth:`Entry.inset`, :meth:`Entry.selection`,
:meth:`Entry.xview`, it has some other methods, described at
This widget accepts the following specific options:
| option | description |
| exportselection | Boolean value. If set, the widget selection is linked |
| | to the Window Manager selection (which can be returned |
| | by invoking Misc.selection_get, for example). |
| justify | Specifies how the text is aligned within the widget. |
| | One of "left", "center", or "right". |
| height | Specifies the height of the pop-down listbox, in rows. |
| postcommand | A script (possibly registered with Misc.register) that |
| | is called immediately before displaying the values. It |
| | may specify which values to display. |
| state | One of "normal", "readonly", or "disabled". In the |
| | "readonly" state, the value may not be edited directly,|
| | and the user can only selection of the values from the |
| | dropdown list. In the "normal" state, the text field is|
| | directly editable. In the "disabled" state, no |
| | interaction is possible. |
| textvariable | Specifies a name whose value is linked to the widget |
| | value. Whenever the value associated with that name |
| | changes, the widget value is updated, and vice versa. |
| | See :class:`tkinter.StringVar`. |
| values | Specifies the list of values to display in the |
| | drop-down listbox. |
| width | Specifies an integer value indicating the desired width|
| | of the entry window, in average-size characters of the |
| | widget's font. |
Virtual events
The combobox widgets generates a **<<ComboboxSelected>>** virtual event
when the user selects an element from the list of values.
.. class:: Combobox
.. method:: current([newindex=None])
If *newindex* is specified, sets the combobox value to the element
position *newindex*. Otherwise, returns the index of the current value or
-1 if the current value is not in the values list.
.. method:: get()
Returns the current value of the combobox.
.. method:: set(value)
Sets the value of the combobox to *value*.
Ttk Notebook widget manages a collection of windows and displays a single
one at a time. Each child window is associated with a tab, which the user
may select to change the currently-displayed window.
This widget accepts the following specific options:
| option | description |
| height | If present and greater than zero, specifies the desired height |
| | of the pane area (not including internal padding or tabs). |
| | Otherwise, the maximum height of all panes is used. |
| padding | Specifies the amount of extra space to add around the outside |
| | of the notebook. The padding is a list up to four length |
| | specifications left top right bottom. If fewer than four |
| | elements are specified, bottom defaults to top, right defaults |
| | to left, and top defaults to left. |
| width | If present and greater than zero, specified the desired width |
| | of the pane area (not including internal padding). Otherwise, |
| | the maximum width of all panes is used. |
Tab Options
There are also specific options for tabs:
| option | description |
| state | Either "normal", "disabled" or "hidden". If "disabled", then |
| | the tab is not selectable. If "hidden", then the tab is not |
| | shown. |
| sticky | Specifies how the child window is positioned within the pane |
| | area. Value is a string containing zero or more of the |
| | characters "n", "s", "e" or "w". Each letter refers to a |
| | side (north, south, east or west) that the child window will |
| | stick to, as per the :meth:`grid` geometry manager. |
| padding | Specifies the amount of extra space to add between the |
| | notebook and this pane. Syntax is the same as for the option |
| | padding used by this widget. |
| text | Specifies a text to be displayed in the tab. |
| image | Specifies an image to display in the tab. See the option |
| | image described in :class:`Widget`. |
| compound | Specifies how to display the image relative to the text, in |
| | the case both options text and image are present. See |
| | `Label Options`_ for legal values. |
| underline | Specifies the index (0-based) of a character to underline in |
| | the text string. The underlined character is used for |
| | mnemonic activation if :meth:`Notebook.enable_traversal` is |
| | called. |
Tab Identifiers
The tab_id present in several methods of :class:`ttk.Notebook` may take any
of the following forms:
* An integer between zero and the number of tabs
* The name of a child window
* A positional specification of the form "@x,y", which identifies the tab
* The literal string "current", which identifies the currently-selected tab
* The literal string "end", which returns the number of tabs (only valid for
Virtual Events
This widget generates a **<<NotebookTabChanged>>** virtual event after a new
tab is selected.
.. class:: Notebook
.. method:: add(child, **kw)
Adds a new tab to the notebook.
If window is currently managed by the notebook but hidden, it is
restored to its previous position.
See `Tab Options`_ for the list of available options.
.. method:: forget(tab_id)
Removes the tab specified by *tab_id*, unmaps and unmanages the
associated window.
.. method:: hide(tab_id)
Hides the tab specified by *tab_id*.
The tab will not be displayed, but the associated window remains
managed by the notebook and its configuration remembered. Hidden tabs
may be restored with the add command.
.. method:: identify(x, y)
Returns the name of the tab element at position *x*, *y*, or the empty
string if none.
.. method:: index(tab_id)
Returns the numeric index of the tab specified by *tab_id*, or the total
number of tabs if *tab_id* is the string "end".
.. method:: insert(pos, child, **kw)
Inserts a pane at the specified position.
*pos* is either the string end, an integer index, or the name of a
managed child. If *child* is already managed by the notebook, moves it to
the specified position.
See `Tab Options`_ for the list of available options.
.. method:: select([tab_id])
Selects the specified *tab_id*.
The associated child window will be displayed, and the
previously-selected window (if different) is unmapped. If *tab_id* is
omitted, returns the widget name of the currently selected pane.
.. method:: tab(tab_id[, option=None[, **kw]])
Query or modify the options of the specific *tab_id*.
If *kw* is not given, returns a dict of the tab option values. If
*option* is specified, returns the value of that *option*. Otherwise,
sets the options to the corresponding values.
.. method:: tabs()
Returns a list of windows managed by the notebook.
.. method:: enable_traversal()
Enable keyboard traversal for a toplevel window containing this notebook.
This will extend the bindings for the toplevel window containing the
notebook as follows:
* Control-Tab: selects the tab following the currently selected one
* Shift-Control-Tab: selects the tab preceding the currently selected one
* Alt-K: where K is the mnemonic (underlined) character of any tab, will
select that tab.
Multiple notebooks in a single toplevel may be enabled for traversal,
including nested notebooks. However, notebook traversal only works
properly if all panes have as master the notebook they are in.
The :class:`ttk.Progressbar` widget shows the status of a long-running
operation. It can operate in two modes: determinate mode shows the amount
completed relative to the total amount of work to be done, and indeterminate
mode provides an animated display to let the user know that something is
This widget accepts the following specific options:
| option | description |
| orient | One of "horizontal" or "vertical". Specifies the orientation |
| | of the progress bar. |
| length | Specifies the length of the long axis of the progress bar |
| | (width if horizontal, height if vertical). |
| mode | One of "determinate" or "indeterminate". |
| maximum | A number specifying the maximum value. Defaults to 100. |
| value | The current value of the progress bar. In "determinate" mode, |
| | this represents the amount of work completed. In |
| | "indeterminate" mode, it is interpreted as modulo maximum; |
| | that is, the progress bar completes one "cycle" when its value|
| | increases by maximum. |
| variable | A name which is linked to the option value. If specified, the |
| | value of the progressbar is automatically set to the value of |
| | this name whenever the latter is modified. |
| phase | Read-only option. The widget periodically increments the value|
| | of this option whenever its value is greater than 0 and, in |
| | determinate mode, less than maximum. This option may be used |
| | by the current theme to provide additional animation effects. |
.. class:: Progressbar
.. method:: start([interval])
Begin autoincrement mode: schedules a recurring timer even that calls
:meth:`Progressbar.step` every *interval* milliseconds. If omitted,
*interval* defaults to 50 milliseconds.
.. method:: step([amount])
Increments progressbar's value by *amount*.
*amount* defaults to 1.0 if omitted.
.. method:: stop()
Stop autoincrement mode: cancels any recurring timer event initiated by
:meth:`Progressbar.start` for this progressbar.
The :class:`ttk.Separator` widget displays a horizontal or vertical separator
It has no other method besides the ones inherited from :class:`ttk.Widget`.
This widget accepts the following specific option:
| option | description |
| orient | One of "horizontal" or "vertical". Specifies the orientation of|
| | the separator. |
The :class:`ttk.Sizegrip` widget (also known as grow box) allows the user to
resize the containing toplevel window by pressing and dragging the grip.
This widget has no specific options neither specific methods, besides the
ones inherited from :class:`ttk.Widget`.
Platform-specific notes
* On Mac OSX, toplevel windows automatically include a built-in size grip
by default. Adding a Sizegrip there is harmless, since the built-in
grip will just mask the widget.
* If the containing toplevel's position was specified relative to the right
or bottom of the screen (e.g. ....), the Sizegrip widget will not resize
the window.
* This widget supports only "southeast" resizing.
The :class:`ttk.Treeview` widget displays a hierarchical collection of items.
Each item has a textual label, an optional image, and an optional list of data
values. The data values are displayed in successive columns after the tree
The order in which data values are displayed may be controlled by setting
the widget option displaycolumns. The tree widget can also display column
headings. Columns may be accessed by number or symbolic names listed in the
widget option columns. See `Column Identifiers`_.
Each item is identified by an unique name. The widget will generate item IDs
if they are not supplied by the caller. There is a distinguished root item,
named {}. The root item itself is not displayed; its children appear at the
top level of the hierarchy.
Each item also has a list of tags, which can be used to associate even bindings
with individual items and control the appearance of the item.
The Treeview widget supports horizontal and vertical scrolling, according to
the options described in `Scrollable Widget Options`_ and the methods
:meth:`Treeview.xview` and :meth:`Treeview.yview`.
This widget accepts the following specific option:
| option | description |
| columns | A list of column identifiers, specifying the number of |
| | columns and their names. |
| displaycolumns | A list of column identifiers (either symbolic or |
| | integer indices) specifying which data columns are |
| | displayed and the order in which they appear, or the |
| | string "#all". |
| height | Specifies the number of rows which should be visible. |
| | Note: the requested width is determined from the sum |
| | of the column widths. |
| padding | Specifies the internal padding for the widget. The |
| | padding is a list of up to four length specifications. |
| selectmode | Controls how the built-in class bindings manage the |
| | selection. One of "extended", "browse" or "none". |
| | If set to "extended" (the default), multiple items may |
| | be selected. If "browse", only a single item will be |
| | selected at a time. If "none", the selection will not |
| | be changed. |
| | |
| | Note that the application code and tag bindings can set|
| | the selection however they wish, regardless the value |
| | of this option. |
| show | A list containing zero or more of the following values,|
| | specifying which elements of the tree to display. |
| | |
| | * tree: display tree labels in column #0. |
| | * headings: display the heading row. |
| | |
| | The default is "tree headings", i.e., show all |
| | elements. |
| | |
| | **Note**: Column #0 always refer to the tree column, |
| | even if show="tree" is not specified. |
Item Options
The following item options may be specified for items in the insert and item
widget commands.
| option | description |
| text | The textual label to display for the item. |
| image | A Tk Image, displayed to the left of the label. |
| values | The list of values associated with the item. |
| | |
| | Each item should have the same number of values as the widget |
| | option columns. If there are fewer values than columns, the |
| | remaining values are assumed empty. If there are more values |
| | than columns, the extra values are ignored. |
| open | True/False value indicating whether the item's children should|
| | be displayed or hidden. |
| tags | A list of tags associated with this item. |
Tag Options
The following options may be specified on tags:
| option | description |
| foreground | Specifies the text foreground color. |
| background | Specifies the cell or item background color. |
| font | Specifies the font to use when drawing text. |
| image | Specifies the item image, in case the item's image option |
| | is empty. |
Column Identifiers
Column identifiers take any of the following forms:
* A symbolic name from the list of columns option.
* An integer n, specifying the nth data column.
* A string of the form #n, where n is an integer, specifying the nth display
* Item's option values may be displayed in a different order than the order
in which they are stored.
* Column #0 always refers to the tree column, even if show="tree" is not
A data column number is an index into an item's option values list; a display
column number is the column number in the tree where the values are displayed.
Tree labels are displayed in column #0. If option displaycolumns is not set,
then data column n is displayed in column #n+1. Again, **column #0 always
refers to the tree column**.
Virtual Events
The Treeview widget generates the following virtual events.
| event | description |
| <<TreeviewSelect>> | Generated whenever the selection changes. |
| <<TreeviewOpen>> | Generated just before settings the focus item to |
| | open=True. |
| <<TreeviewClose>> | Generated just after setting the focus item to |
| | open=False. |
The :meth:`Treeview.focus` and :meth:`Treeview.selection` methods can be used
to determine the affected item or items.
.. class:: Treeview
.. method:: bbox(item[, column=None])
Returns the bounding box (relative to the treeview widget's window) of
the specified *item* in the form (x, y, width, height).
If *column* is specified, returns the bounding box of that cell. If the
*item* is not visible (i.e., if it is a descendant of a closed item or is
scrolled offscreen), returns an empty string.
.. method:: get_children([item])
Returns the list of children belonging to *item*.
If *item* is not specified, returns root children.
.. method:: set_children(item, *newchildren)
Replaces item's child with *newchildren*.
Children present in item that are not present in *newchildren* are
detached from tree. No items in *newchildren* may be an ancestor of
item. Note that not specifying *newchildren* results in detaching
*item*'s children.
.. method:: column(column[, option=None[, **kw]])
Query or modify the options for the specified *column*.
If *kw* is not given, returns a dict of the column option values. If
*option* is specified then the value for that *option* is returned.
Otherwise, sets the options to the corresponding values.
The valid options/values are:
* id
Returns the column name, this is a read-only option.
* anchor: One of the standard Tk anchor values.
Specifies how the text in this column should be aligned with respect
to the cell.
* minwidth: width
The minimum width of the column in pixels. The treeview widget will
not make the column any smaller than the specified by this option when
the widget is resized or the user drags a column.
* stretch: True/False
Specifies wheter or not the column's width should be adjusted when
the widget is resized.
* width: width
The width of the column in pixels.
To configure the tree column, call this with column = "#0"
.. method:: delete(*items)
Delete all specified *items* and all their descendants.
The root item may not be deleted.
.. method:: detach(*items)
Unlinks all of the specified *items* from the tree.
The items and all of their descendants are still present, and may be
reinserted at another point in the tree, but will not be displayed.
The root item may not be detached.
.. method:: exists(item)
Returns True if the specified *item* is present in the three,
False otherwise.
.. method:: focus([item=None])
If *item* is specified, sets the focus item to *item*. Otherwise, returns
the current focus item, or '' if there is none.
.. method:: heading(column[, option=None[, **kw]])
Query or modify the heading options for the specified *column*.
If *kw* is not given, returns a dict of the heading option values. If
*option* is specified then the value for that *option* is returned.
Otherwise, sets the options to the corresponding values.
The valid options/values are:
* text: text
The text to display in the column heading.
* image: imageName
Specifies an image to display to the right of the column heading.
* anchor: anchor
Specifies how the heading text should be aligned. One of the standard
Tk anchor values.
* command: callback
A callback to be invoked when the heading label is pressed.
To configure the tree column heading, call this with column = "#0"
.. method:: identify(component, x, y)
Returns a description of the specified *component* under the point given
by *x* and *y*, or the empty string if no such *component* is present at
that position.
.. method:: identify_row(y)
Returns the item ID of the item at position *y*.
.. method:: identify_column(x)
Returns the data column identifier of the cell at position *x*.
The tree column has ID #0.
.. method:: identify_region(x, y)
Returns one of:
| region | meaning |
| heading | Tree heading area. |
| separator | Space between two columns headings. |
| tree | The tree area. |
| cell | A data cell. |
Availability: Tk 8.6.
.. method:: identify_element(x, y)
Returns the element at position x, y.
Availability: Tk 8.6.
.. method:: index(item)
Returns the integer index of *item* within its parent's list of children.
.. method:: insert(parent, index[, iid=None[, **kw]])
Creates a new item and return the item identifier of the newly created
*parent* is the item ID of the parent item, or the empty string to create
a new top-level item. *index* is an integer, or the value "end",
specifying where in the list of parent's children to insert the new item.
If *index* is less than or equal to zero, the new node is inserted at
the beginning, if *index* is greater than or equal to the current number
of children, it is inserted at the end. If *iid* is specified, it is used
as the item identifier, *iid* must not already exist in the tree.
Otherwise, a new unique identifier is generated.
See `Item Options`_ for the list of available points.
.. method:: item(item[, option[, **kw]])
Query or modify the options for the specified *item*.
If no options are given, a dict with options/values for the item is
If *option* is specified then the value for that option is returned.
Otherwise, sets the options to the corresponding values as given by *kw*.
.. method:: move(item, parent, index)
Moves *item* to position *index* in *parent*'s list of children.
It is illegal to move an item under one of its descendants. If index is
less than or equal to zero, item is moved to the beginning, if greater
than or equal to the number of children, it is moved to the end. If item
was detached it is reattached.
.. method:: next(item)
Returns the identifier of *item*'s next sibling, or '' if *item* is the
last child of its parent.
.. method:: parent(item)
Returns the ID of the parent of *item*, or '' if *item* is at the top
level of the hierarchy.
.. method:: prev(item)
Returns the identifier of *item*'s previous sibling, or '' if *item* is
the first child of its parent.
.. method:: reattach(item, parent, index)
An alias for :meth:`Treeview.move`.
.. method:: see(item)
Ensure that *item* is visible.
Sets all of *item*'s ancestors open option to True, and scrolls the
widget if necessary so that *item* is within the visible portion of
the tree.
.. method:: selection([selop=None[, items=None]])
If *selop* is not specified, returns selected items. Otherwise, it will
act according to the following selection methods.
.. method:: selection_set(items)
*items* becomes the new selection.
.. method:: selection_add(items)
Add *items* to the selection.
.. method:: selection_remove(items)
Remove *items* from the selection.
.. method:: selection_toggle(items)
Toggle the selection state of each item in *items*.
.. method:: set(item[, column=None[, value=None]])
With one argument, returns a dictionary of column/value pairs for the
specified *item*. With two arguments, returns the current value of the
specified *column*. With three arguments, sets the value of given
*column* in given *item* to the specified *value*.
.. method:: tag_bind(tagname[, sequence=None[, callback=None]])
Bind a callback for the given event *sequence* to the tag *tagname*.
When an event is delivered to an item, the *callbacks* for each of the
item's tags option are called.
.. method:: tag_configure(tagname[, option=None[, **kw]])
Query or modify the options for the specified *tagname*.
If *kw* is not given, returns a dict of the option settings for
*tagname*. If *option* is specified, returns the value for that *option*
for the specified *tagname*. Otherwise, sets the options to the
corresponding values for the given *tagname*.
.. method:: tag_has(tagname[, item])
If *item* is specified, returns 1 or 0 depending on whether the specified
*item* has the given *tagname*. Otherwise, returns a list of all items
which have the specified tag.
Availability: Tk 8.6
.. method:: xview(*args)
Query or modify horizontal position of the treeview.
.. method:: yview(*args)
Query or modify vertical position of the treeview.
.. _TtkStyling:
Ttk Styling
Each widget in :mod:`ttk` is assigned a style, which specifies the set of
elements making up the widget and how they are arranged, along with dynamic
and default settings for element options. By default the style name is the
same as the widget's class name, but it may be overriden by the widget's style
option. If you don't know the class name of a widget, use the method
:meth:`Misc.winfo_class` (somewidget.winfo_class()).
.. seealso::
`Tcl'2004 conference presentation <>`_
This document explains how the theme engine works
.. class:: Style
This class is used to manipulate the style database.
.. method:: configure(style, query_opt=None, **kw)
Query or sets the default value of the specified option(s) in *style*.
Each key in *kw* is an option and each value is a string identifying
the value for that option.
For example, to change every default button to be a flat button with
some padding and a different background color you could do::
from tkinter import ttk
import tkinter
root = tkinter.Tk()
ttk.Style().configure("TButton", padding=6, relief="flat",
btn = ttk.Button(text="Sample")
.. method:: map(style, query_opt=None, **kw)
Query or sets dynamic values of the specified option(s) in *style*.
Each key in kw is an option and each value should be a list or a
tuple (usually) containing statespecs grouped in tuples, or list, or
something else of your preference. A statespec is compound of one or more
states and then a value.
An example may make it more understandable::
import tkinter
from tkinter import ttk
root = tkinter.Tk()
style = ttk.Style()"C.TButton",
foreground=[('pressed', 'red'), ('active', 'blue')],
background=[('pressed', '!disabled', 'black'), ('active', 'white')]
colored_btn = ttk.Button(text="Test", style="C.TButton").pack()
There is a thing to note in this previous short example:
* The order of the (states, value) sequences for an option does matter,
if you changed the order to [('active', 'blue'), ('pressed', 'red')]
in the foreground option, for example, you would get a blue foreground
when the widget were in active or pressed states.
.. method:: lookup(style, option[, state=None[, default=None]])
Returns the value specified for *option* in *style*.
If *state* is specified, it is expected to be a sequence of one or more
states. If the *default* argument is set, it is used as a fallback value
in case no specification for option is found.
To check what font a Button uses by default, you would do::
from tkinter import ttk
print ttk.Style().lookup("TButton", "font")
.. method:: layout(style[, layoutspec=None])
Define the widget layout for given *style*. If *layoutspec* is omitted,
return the layout specification for given style.
*layoutspec*, if specified, is expected to be a list, or some other
sequence type (excluding string), where each item should be a tuple and
the first item is the layout name and the second item should have the
format described described in `Layouts`_.
To understand the format, check this example below (it is not intended
to do anything useful)::
from tkinter import ttk
import tkinter
root = tkinter.Tk()
style = ttk.Style()
style.layout("TMenubutton", [
("Menubutton.background", None),
("Menubutton.button", {"children":
[("Menubutton.focus", {"children":
[("Menubutton.padding", {"children":
[("Menubutton.label", {"side": "left", "expand": 1})]
mbtn = ttk.Menubutton(text='Text')
.. method:: element_create(elementname, etype, *args, **kw)
Create a new element in the current theme of given *etype* which is
expected to be either "image", "from" or "vsapi". The latter is only
available in Tk 8.6a for Windows XP and Vista and is not described here.
If "image" is used, *args* should contain the default image name followed
by statespec/value pairs (this is the imagespec), *kw* may have the
following options:
* border=padding
padding is a list of up to four integers, specifying the left, top,
right, and bottom borders, respectively.
* height=height
Specifies a minimum height for the element. If less than zero, the
base image's height is used as a default.
* padding=padding
Specifies the element's interior padding. Defaults to border's value
if not specified.
* sticky=spec
Specifies how the image is placed within the final parcel. spec
contains zero or more characters “n”, “s”, “w”, or “e”.
* width=width
Specifies a minimum width for the element. If less than zero, the
base image's width is used as a default.
But if "from" is used, then :meth:`element_create` will clone an existing
element. *args* is expected to contain a themename, which is from where
the element will be cloned, and optionally an element to clone from.
If this element to clone from is not specified, an empty element will
be used. *kw* is discarded here.
.. method:: element_names()
Returns the list of elements defined in the current theme.
.. method:: element_options(elementname)
Returns the list of *elementname*'s options.
.. method:: theme_create(themename[, parent=None[, settings=None]])
Create a new theme.
It is an error if *themename* already exists. If *parent* is specified,
the new theme will inherit styles, elements and layouts from the parent
theme. If *settings* are present they are expected to have the same
syntax used for :meth:`theme_settings`.
.. method:: theme_settings(themename, settings)
Temporarily sets the current theme to *themename*, apply specified
*settings* and then restore the previous theme.
Each key in *settings* is a style and each value may contain the keys
'configure', 'map', 'layout' and 'element create' and they are expected
to have the same format as specified by the methods
:meth:`Style.configure`, :meth:``, :meth:`Style.layout` and
:meth:`Style.element_create` respectively.
As an example, lets change the Combobox for the default theme a bit::
from tkinter import ttk
import tkinter
root = tkinter.Tk()
style = ttk.Style()
style.theme_settings("default", {
"TCombobox": {
"configure": {"padding": 5},
"map": {
"background": [("active", "green2"),
("!disabled", "green4")],
"fieldbackground": [("!disabled", "green3")],
"foreground": [("focus", "OliveDrab1"),
("!disabled", "OliveDrab2")]
combo = ttk.Combobox().pack()
.. method:: theme_names()
Returns a list of all known themes.
.. method:: theme_use([themename])
If *themename* is not given, returns the theme in use, otherwise, set
the current theme to *themename*, refreshes all widgets and emits a
<<ThemeChanged>> event.
A layout can be just None, if takes no options, or a dict of options specifying
how to arrange the element. The layout mechanism uses a simplified
version of the pack geometry manager: given an initial cavity, each element is
allocated a parcel. Valid options/values are:
* side: whichside
Specifies which side of the cavity to place the the element; one of
top, right, bottom or left. If omitted, the element occupies the
entire cavity.
* sticky: nswe
Specifies where the element is placed inside its allocated parcel.
* unit: 0 or 1
If set to 1, causes the element and all of its descendants to be treated as
a single element for the purposes of :meth:`Widget.identify` et al. It's
used for things like scrollbar thumbs with grips.
* children: [sublayout... ]
Specifies a list of elements to place inside the element. Each
element is a tuple (or other sequence type) where the first item is
the layout name, and the other is a `Layout`_.
.. _Layout: `Layouts`_
from test import support
from tkinter.test import runtktests
def test_main(enable_gui=False):
if enable_gui:
if support.use_resources is None:
support.use_resources = ['gui']
elif 'gui' not in support.use_resources:
if __name__ == '__main__':
from test import support
from tkinter.test import runtktests
def test_main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
Writing new tests
New tests should always use only one Tk window at once, like all the
current tests do. This means that you have to destroy the current window
before creating another one, and clean up after the test. The motivation
behind this is that some tests may depend on having its window focused
while it is running to work properly, and it may be hard to force focus
on your window across platforms (right now only test_traversal at
test_ttk.test_widgets.NotebookTest depends on this).
Use this module to get and run all tk tests.
tkinter tests should live in a package inside the directory where this file
lives, like test_tkinter.
Extensions also should live in packages following the same rule as above.
import os
import sys
import unittest
this_dir_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
def is_package(path):
for name in os.listdir(path):
if name in ('', '__init__.pyc', '__init.pyo'):
return True
return False
def get_tests_modules(basepath=this_dir_path, gui=True):
"""This will import and yield modules whose names start with test_
and are inside packages found in the path starting at basepath."""
py_ext = '.py'
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(basepath):
for dirname in list(dirnames):
if dirname[0] == '.':
if is_package(dirpath) and filenames:
pkg_name = dirpath[len(basepath) + len(os.sep):].replace('/', '.')
filenames = filter(
lambda x: x.startswith('test_') and x.endswith(py_ext),
for name in filenames:
yield __import__(
"%s.%s.%s" % (
if gui:
def get_tests(text=True, gui=True):
"""Yield all the tests in the modules found by get_tests_modules.
If nogui is True, only tests that do not require a GUI will be
attrs = []
if text:
if gui:
for module in get_tests_modules(gui=gui):
for attr in attrs:
for test in getattr(module, attr, ()):
yield test
if __name__ == "__main__": = ['gui']*get_tests())
import tkinter
def get_tk_root():
root = tkinter._default_root
except AttributeError:
# it is possible to disable default root in Tkinter, although
# I haven't seen people doing it (but apparently someone did it
# here).
root = None
if root is None:
# create a new master only if there isn't one already
root = tkinter.Tk()
return root
def simulate_mouse_click(widget, x, y):
"""Generate proper events to click at the x, y position (tries to act
like an X server)."""
widget.event_generate('<Enter>', x=0, y=0)
widget.event_generate('<Motion>', x=x, y=y)
widget.event_generate('<ButtonPress-1>', x=x, y=y)
widget.event_generate('<ButtonRelease-1>', x=x, y=y)
import sys
import unittest
import tkinter
from tkinter import ttk
from import requires, run_unittest
import as support
class LabeledScaleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_widget_destroy(self):
# automatically created variable
x = ttk.LabeledScale()
var = x._variable._name
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, var)
# manually created variable
myvar = tkinter.DoubleVar()
name = myvar._name
x = ttk.LabeledScale(variable=myvar)
self.failUnlessEqual(, myvar.get())
del myvar
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, name)
# checking that the tracing callback is properly removed
myvar = tkinter.IntVar()
# LabeledScale will start tracing myvar
x = ttk.LabeledScale(variable=myvar)
# Unless the tracing callback was removed, creating a new
# LabeledScale with the same var will cause an error now. This
# happens because the variable will be set to (possibly) a new
# value which causes the tracing callback to be called and then
# it tries calling instance attributes not yet defined.
if hasattr(sys, 'last_type'):
self.failIf(sys.last_type == tkinter.TclError)
def test_initialization(self):
# master passing
x = ttk.LabeledScale()
self.failUnlessEqual(x.master, tkinter._default_root)
master = tkinter.Frame()
x = ttk.LabeledScale(master)
self.failUnlessEqual(x.master, master)
# variable initialization/passing
passed_expected = ((2.5, 2), ('0', 0), (0, 0), (10, 10),
(-1, -1), (sys.maxsize + 1, sys.maxsize + 1))
for pair in passed_expected:
x = ttk.LabeledScale(from_=pair[0])
self.failUnlessEqual(x.value, pair[1])
x = ttk.LabeledScale(from_='2.5')
self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, x._variable.get)
x = ttk.LabeledScale(from_=None)
self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, x._variable.get)
# variable should have its default value set to the from_ value
myvar = tkinter.DoubleVar(value=20)
x = ttk.LabeledScale(variable=myvar)
self.failUnlessEqual(x.value, 0)
# check that it is really using a DoubleVar
x = ttk.LabeledScale(variable=myvar, from_=0.5)
self.failUnlessEqual(x.value, 0.5)
self.failUnlessEqual(x._variable._name, myvar._name)
# widget positionment
def check_positions(scale, scale_pos, label, label_pos):
self.failUnlessEqual(scale.pack_info()['side'], scale_pos)
self.failUnlessEqual(label.place_info()['anchor'], label_pos)
x = ttk.LabeledScale(compound='top')
check_positions(x.scale, 'bottom', x.label, 'n')
x = ttk.LabeledScale(compound='bottom')
check_positions(x.scale, 'top', x.label, 's')
x = ttk.LabeledScale(compound='unknown') # invert default positions
check_positions(x.scale, 'top', x.label, 's')
x = ttk.LabeledScale() # take default positions
check_positions(x.scale, 'bottom', x.label, 'n')
# extra, and invalid, kwargs
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, ttk.LabeledScale, a='b')
def test_horizontal_range(self):
lscale = ttk.LabeledScale(from_=0, to=10)
linfo_1 = lscale.label.place_info()
prev_xcoord = lscale.scale.coords()[0]
self.failUnlessEqual(prev_xcoord, int(linfo_1['x']))
# change range to: from -5 to 5. This should change the x coord of
# the scale widget, since 0 is at the middle of the new
# range.
lscale.scale.configure(from_=-5, to=5)
# The following update is needed since the test doesn't use mainloop,
# at the same time this shouldn't affect test outcome
curr_xcoord = lscale.scale.coords()[0]
self.failUnless(prev_xcoord != curr_xcoord)
# the label widget should have been repositioned too
linfo_2 = lscale.label.place_info()
self.failUnlessEqual(lscale.label['text'], 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(curr_xcoord, int(linfo_2['x']))
# change the range back
lscale.scale.configure(from_=0, to=10)
self.failUnless(prev_xcoord != curr_xcoord)
self.failUnlessEqual(prev_xcoord, int(linfo_1['x']))
def test_variable_change(self):
x = ttk.LabeledScale()
curr_xcoord = x.scale.coords()[0]
newval = x.value + 1
x.value = newval
# The following update is needed since the test doesn't use mainloop,
# at the same time this shouldn't affect test outcome
self.failUnlessEqual(x.label['text'], newval)
self.failUnless(x.scale.coords()[0] > curr_xcoord)
# value outside range
x.value = x.scale['to'] + 1 # no changes shouldn't happen
self.failUnlessEqual(x.label['text'], newval)
def test_resize(self):
x = ttk.LabeledScale()
x.pack(expand=True, fill='both')
width, height = x.master.winfo_width(), x.master.winfo_height()
width, height = width * 2, height * 2
x.value = 3
x.master.wm_geometry("%dx%d" % (width, height))
x.master.wm_geometry("%dx%d" % (width, height))
class OptionMenuTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.root = support.get_tk_root()
self.textvar = tkinter.StringVar(self.root)
def tearDown(self):
del self.textvar
def test_widget_destroy(self):
var = tkinter.StringVar()
optmenu = ttk.OptionMenu(None, var)
name = var._name
self.failUnlessEqual(, var.get())
del var
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, name)
def test_initialization(self):
ttk.OptionMenu, None, self.textvar, invalid='thing')
optmenu = ttk.OptionMenu(None, self.textvar, 'b', 'a', 'b')
self.failUnlessEqual(optmenu._variable.get(), 'b')
def test_menu(self):
items = ('a', 'b', 'c')
default = 'a'
optmenu = ttk.OptionMenu(None, self.textvar, default, *items)
found_default = False
for i in range(len(items)):
value = optmenu['menu'].entrycget(i, 'value')
self.failUnlessEqual(value, items[i])
if value == default:
found_default = True
# default shouldn't be in menu if it is not part of values
default = 'd'
optmenu = ttk.OptionMenu(None, self.textvar, default, *items)
curr = None
i = 0
while True:
last, curr = curr, optmenu['menu'].entryconfigure(i, 'value')
if last == curr:
# no more menu entries
self.failIf(curr == default)
i += 1
self.failUnlessEqual(i, len(items))
# check that variable is updated correctly
self.failUnlessEqual(optmenu._variable.get(), items[0])
# changing to an invalid index shouldn't change the variable
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, optmenu['menu'].invoke, -1)
self.failUnlessEqual(optmenu._variable.get(), items[0])
# specifying a callback
success = []
def cb_test(item):
self.failUnlessEqual(item, items[1])
optmenu = ttk.OptionMenu(None, self.textvar, 'a', command=cb_test,
if not success:"Menu callback not invoked")
tests_gui = (LabeledScaleTest, OptionMenuTest)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import unittest
from tkinter import ttk
class MockTclObj(object):
typename = 'test'
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
def __str__(self):
return str(self.val)
class MockStateSpec(object):
typename = 'StateSpec'
def __init__(self, *args):
self.val = args
def __str__(self):
return ' '.join(self.val)
class InternalFunctionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_format_optdict(self):
def check_against(fmt_opts, result):
for i in range(0, len(fmt_opts), 2):
self.failUnlessEqual(result.pop(fmt_opts[i]), fmt_opts[i + 1])
if result:"result still got elements: %s" % result)
# passing an empty dict should return an empty object (tuple here)
# check list formatting
ttk._format_optdict({'fg': 'blue', 'padding': [1, 2, 3, 4]}),
{'-fg': 'blue', '-padding': '1 2 3 4'})
# check tuple formatting (same as list)
ttk._format_optdict({'test': (1, 2, '', 0)}),
{'-test': '1 2 {} 0'})
# check untouched values
ttk._format_optdict({'test': {'left': 'as is'}}),
{'-test': {'left': 'as is'}})
# check script formatting and untouched value(s)
{'test': [1, -1, '', '2m', 0], 'nochange1': 3,
'nochange2': 'abc def'}, script=True),
{'-test': '{1 -1 {} 2m 0}', '-nochange1': 3,
'-nochange2': 'abc def' })
opts = {'αβγ': True, 'á': False}
orig_opts = opts.copy()
# check if giving unicode keys is fine
check_against(ttk._format_optdict(opts), {'-αβγ': True, '-á': False})
# opts should remain unchanged
self.failUnlessEqual(opts, orig_opts)
# passing values with spaces inside a tuple/list
{'option': ('one two', 'three')}),
{'-option': '{one two} three'})
# ignore an option
amount_opts = len(ttk._format_optdict(opts, ignore=('á'))) / 2
self.failUnlessEqual(amount_opts, len(opts) - 1)
# ignore non-existing options
amount_opts = len(ttk._format_optdict(opts, ignore=('á', 'b'))) / 2
self.failUnlessEqual(amount_opts, len(opts) - 1)
# ignore every option
self.failIf(ttk._format_optdict(opts, ignore=list(opts.keys())))
def test_format_mapdict(self):
opts = {'a': [('b', 'c', 'val'), ('d', 'otherval'), ('', 'single')]}
result = ttk._format_mapdict(opts)
self.failUnlessEqual(len(result), len(list(opts.keys())) * 2)
self.failUnlessEqual(result, ('-a', '{b c} val d otherval {} single'))
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_mapdict(opts, script=True),
('-a', '{{b c} val d otherval {} single}'))
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_mapdict({2: []}), ('-2', ''))
opts = {'üñíćódè': [('á', 'vãl')]}
result = ttk._format_mapdict(opts)
self.failUnlessEqual(result, ('-üñíćódè', 'á vãl'))
# empty states
valid = {'opt': [('', '', 'hi')]}
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_mapdict(valid), ('-opt', '{ } hi'))
# when passing multiple states, they all must be strings
invalid = {'opt': [(1, 2, 'valid val')]}
self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, ttk._format_mapdict, invalid)
invalid = {'opt': [([1], '2', 'valid val')]}
self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, ttk._format_mapdict, invalid)
# but when passing a single state, it can be anything
valid = {'opt': [[1, 'value']]}
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_mapdict(valid), ('-opt', '1 value'))
# special attention to single states which evalute to False
for stateval in (None, 0, False, '', set()): # just some samples
valid = {'opt': [(stateval, 'value')]}
('-opt', '{} value'))
# values must be iterable
opts = {'a': None}
self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, ttk._format_mapdict, opts)
# items in the value must have size >= 2
self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, ttk._format_mapdict,
{'a': [('invalid', )]})
def test_format_elemcreate(self):
self.failUnless(ttk._format_elemcreate(None), (None, ()))
## Testing type = image
# image type expects at least an image name, so this should raise
# IndexError since it tries to access the index 0 of an empty tuple
self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, ttk._format_elemcreate, 'image')
# don't format returned values as a tcl script
# minimum acceptable for image type
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('image', False, 'test'),
("test ", ()))
# specifiyng a state spec
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('image', False, 'test',
('', 'a')), ("test {} a", ()))
# state spec with multiple states
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('image', False, 'test',
('a', 'b', 'c')), ("test {a b} c", ()))
# state spec and options
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('image', False, 'test',
('a', 'b'), a='x', b='y'), ("test a b", ("-a", "x", "-b", "y")))
# format returned values as a tcl script
# state spec with multiple states and an option with a multivalue
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('image', True, 'test',
('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), x=[2, 3]), ("{test {a b c} d}", "-x {2 3}"))
## Testing type = vsapi
# vsapi type expects at least a class name and a part_id, so this
# should raise an ValueError since it tries to get two elements from
# an empty tuple
self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, ttk._format_elemcreate, 'vsapi')
# don't format returned values as a tcl script
# minimum acceptable for vsapi
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('vsapi', False, 'a', 'b'),
("a b ", ()))
# now with a state spec with multiple states
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('vsapi', False, 'a', 'b',
('a', 'b', 'c')), ("a b {a b} c", ()))
# state spec and option
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('vsapi', False, 'a', 'b',
('a', 'b'), opt='x'), ("a b a b", ("-opt", "x")))
# format returned values as a tcl script
# state spec with a multivalue and an option
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('vsapi', True, 'a', 'b',
('a', 'b', [1, 2]), opt='x'), ("{a b {a b} {1 2}}", "-opt x"))
# Testing type = from
# from type expects at least a type name
self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, ttk._format_elemcreate, 'from')
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('from', False, 'a'),
('a', ()))
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('from', False, 'a', 'b'),
('a', ('b', )))
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('from', True, 'a', 'b'),
('{a}', 'b'))
def test_format_layoutlist(self):
def sample(indent=0, indent_size=2):
return ttk._format_layoutlist(
[('a', {'other': [1, 2, 3], 'children':
[('b', {'children':
[('c', {'children':
[('d', {'nice': 'opt'})], 'something': (1, 2)
})], indent=indent, indent_size=indent_size)[0]
def sample_expected(indent=0, indent_size=2):
spaces = lambda amount=0: ' ' * (amount + indent)
return (
"%sa -other {1 2 3} -children {\n"
"%sb -children {\n"
"%sc -something {1 2} -children {\n"
"%sd -nice opt\n"
"%s}" % (spaces(), spaces(indent_size),
spaces(2 * indent_size), spaces(3 * indent_size),
spaces(2 * indent_size), spaces(indent_size), spaces()))
# empty layout
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_layoutlist([])[0], '')
# _format_layoutlist always expects the second item (in every item)
# to act like a dict (except when the value evalutes to False).
ttk._format_layoutlist, [('a', 'b')])
smallest = ttk._format_layoutlist([('a', None)], indent=0)
ttk._format_layoutlist([('a', '')], indent=0))
self.failUnlessEqual(smallest[0], 'a')
# testing indentation levels
self.failUnlessEqual(sample(), sample_expected())
for i in range(4):
self.failUnlessEqual(sample(i), sample_expected(i))
self.failUnlessEqual(sample(i, i), sample_expected(i, i))
# invalid layout format, different kind of exceptions will be
# raised by internal functions
# plain wrong format
self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, ttk._format_layoutlist,
['bad', 'format'])
# will try to use iteritems in the 'bad' string
self.failUnlessRaises(AttributeError, ttk._format_layoutlist,
[('name', 'bad')])
# bad children formatting
self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, ttk._format_layoutlist,
[('name', {'children': {'a': None}})])
def test_script_from_settings(self):
# empty options
{'configure': None, 'map': None, 'element create': None}}))
# empty layout
ttk._script_from_settings({'name': {'layout': None}}),
"ttk::style layout name {\nnull\n}")
configdict = {'αβγ': True, 'á': False}
ttk._script_from_settings({'name': {'configure': configdict}}))
mapdict = {'üñíćódè': [('á', 'vãl')]}
ttk._script_from_settings({'name': {'map': mapdict}}))
# invalid image element
ttk._script_from_settings, {'name': {'element create': ['image']}})
# minimal valid image
{'element create': ['image', 'name']}}))
image = {'thing': {'element create':
['image', 'name', ('state1', 'state2', 'val')]}}
"ttk::style element create thing image {name {state1 state2} val} ")
image['thing']['element create'].append({'opt': 30})
"ttk::style element create thing image {name {state1 state2} val} "
"-opt 30")
image['thing']['element create'][-1]['opt'] = [MockTclObj(3),
"ttk::style element create thing image {name {state1 state2} val} "
"-opt {3 2m}")
def test_dict_from_tcltuple(self):
fakettuple = ('-a', '{1 2 3}', '-something', 'foo')
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._dict_from_tcltuple(fakettuple, False),
{'-a': '{1 2 3}', '-something': 'foo'})
{'a': '{1 2 3}', 'something': 'foo'})
# passing a tuple with a single item should return an empty dict,
# since it tries to break the tuple by pairs.
self.failIf(ttk._dict_from_tcltuple(('single', )))
sspec = MockStateSpec('a', 'b')
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._dict_from_tcltuple(('-a', (sspec, 'val'))),
{'a': [('a', 'b', 'val')]})
[MockTclObj('1'), 2, MockTclObj('3m')])),
{'padding': [1, 2, '3m']})
def test_list_from_statespec(self):
def test_it(sspec, value, res_value, states):
(sspec, value)), [states + (res_value, )])
states_even = tuple('state%d' % i for i in range(6))
statespec = MockStateSpec(*states_even)
test_it(statespec, 'val', 'val', states_even)
test_it(statespec, MockTclObj('val'), 'val', states_even)
states_odd = tuple('state%d' % i for i in range(5))
statespec = MockStateSpec(*states_odd)
test_it(statespec, 'val', 'val', states_odd)
test_it(('a', 'b', 'c'), MockTclObj('val'), 'val', ('a', 'b', 'c'))
def test_list_from_layouttuple(self):
# empty layout tuple
# shortest layout tuple
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._list_from_layouttuple(('name', )),
[('name', {})])
# not so interesting ltuple
sample_ltuple = ('name', '-option', 'value')
[('name', {'option': 'value'})])
# empty children
('something', '-children', ())),
[('something', {'children': []})]
# more interesting ltuple
ltuple = (
'name', '-option', 'niceone', '-children', (
('otherone', '-children', (
('child', )), '-otheropt', 'othervalue'
[('name', {'option': 'niceone', 'children':
[('otherone', {'otheropt': 'othervalue', 'children':
[('child', {})]
# bad tuples
self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, ttk._list_from_layouttuple,
('name', 'no_minus'))
self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, ttk._list_from_layouttuple,
('name', 'no_minus', 'value'))
self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, ttk._list_from_layouttuple,
('something', '-children')) # no children
self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, ttk._list_from_layouttuple,
('something', '-children', 'value')) # invalid children
def test_val_or_dict(self):
def func(opt, val=None):
if val is None:
return "test val"
return (opt, val)
options = {'test': None}
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._val_or_dict(options, func), "test val")
options = {'test': 3}
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._val_or_dict(options, func), options)
def test_convert_stringval(self):
tests = (
(0, 0), ('09', 9), ('a', 'a'), ('áÚ', 'áÚ'), ([], '[]'),
(None, 'None')
for orig, expected in tests:
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._convert_stringval(orig), expected)
class TclObjsToPyTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_unicode(self):
adict = {'opt': 'välúè'}
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk.tclobjs_to_py(adict), {'opt': 'välúè'})
adict['opt'] = MockTclObj(adict['opt'])
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk.tclobjs_to_py(adict), {'opt': 'välúè'})
def test_multivalues(self):
adict = {'opt': [1, 2, 3, 4]}
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk.tclobjs_to_py(adict), {'opt': [1, 2, 3, 4]})
adict['opt'] = [1, 'xm', 3]
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk.tclobjs_to_py(adict), {'opt': [1, 'xm', 3]})
adict['opt'] = (MockStateSpec('a', 'b'), 'válũè')
{'opt': [('a', 'b', 'válũè')]})
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk.tclobjs_to_py({'x': ['y z']}),
{'x': ['y z']})
def test_nosplit(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(ttk.tclobjs_to_py({'text': 'some text'}),
{'text': 'some text'})
tests_nogui = (InternalFunctionsTest, TclObjsToPyTest)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from import run_unittest
import unittest
import tkinter
from tkinter import ttk
from import requires, run_unittest
import as support
class StyleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.root = support.get_tk_root() = ttk.Style(self.root)
def tearDown(self):
# As tests have shown, these tests are likely to deliver
# <<ThemeChanged>> events after the root is destroyed, so
# lets let them happen now.
def test_configure(self):
style =
style.configure('TButton', background='yellow')
self.failUnlessEqual(style.configure('TButton', 'background'),
self.failUnless(isinstance(style.configure('TButton'), dict))
def test_map(self):
style ='TButton', background=[('active', 'background', 'blue')])
self.failUnlessEqual('TButton', 'background'),
[('active', 'background', 'blue')])
self.failUnless(isinstance('TButton'), dict))
def test_lookup(self):
style =
style.configure('TButton', background='yellow')'TButton', background=[('active', 'background', 'blue')])
self.failUnlessEqual(style.lookup('TButton', 'background'), 'yellow')
self.failUnlessEqual(style.lookup('TButton', 'background',
['active', 'background']), 'blue')
self.failUnlessEqual(style.lookup('TButton', 'optionnotdefined',
default='iknewit'), 'iknewit')
def test_layout(self):
style =
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, style.layout, 'NotALayout')
tv_style = style.layout('Treeview')
# "erase" Treeview layout
style.layout('Treeview', '')
[('null', {'sticky': 'nswe'})]
# restore layout
style.layout('Treeview', tv_style)
self.failUnlessEqual(style.layout('Treeview'), tv_style)
# should return a list
self.failUnless(isinstance(style.layout('TButton'), list))
# correct layout, but "option" doesn't exist as option
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, style.layout, 'Treeview',
[('name', {'option': 'inexistant'})])
def test_theme_use(self):
curr_theme =
new_theme = None
for theme in
if theme != curr_theme:
new_theme = theme
# just one theme available, can't go on with tests
self.failIf(curr_theme == new_theme)
self.failIf(new_theme !=
tests_gui = (StyleTest, )
if __name__ == "__main__":
import unittest
import tkinter
from tkinter import ttk
from import requires, run_unittest
import as support
from tkinter.test.test_ttk.test_functions import MockTclObj, MockStateSpec
class WidgetTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests methods available in every ttk widget."""
def setUp(self):
self.widget = ttk.Button()
def tearDown(self):
def test_identify(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(self.widget.identify(5, 5), "label")
self.failUnlessEqual(self.widget.identify(-1, -1), "")
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.widget.identify, None, 5)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.widget.identify, 5, None)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.widget.identify, 5, '')
def test_widget_state(self):
# XXX not sure about the portability of all these tests
self.failUnlessEqual(self.widget.state(), ())
self.failUnlessEqual(self.widget.instate(['!disabled']), True)
# changing from !disabled to disabled
self.failUnlessEqual(self.widget.state(['disabled']), ('!disabled', ))
# no state change
self.failUnlessEqual(self.widget.state(['disabled']), ())
# change back to !disable but also active
self.failUnlessEqual(self.widget.state(['!disabled', 'active']),
('!active', 'disabled'))
# no state changes, again
self.failUnlessEqual(self.widget.state(['!disabled', 'active']), ())
self.failUnlessEqual(self.widget.state(['active', '!disabled']), ())
def test_cb(arg1, **kw):
return arg1, kw
test_cb, "hi", **{"msg": "there"}),
('hi', {'msg': 'there'}))
# attempt to set invalid statespec
currstate = self.widget.state()
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.widget.instate,
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.widget.instate,
['disabled', 'badstate'])
# verify that widget didn't change its state
self.failUnlessEqual(currstate, self.widget.state())
# ensuring that passing None as state doesn't modify current state
self.widget.state(['active', '!disabled'])
self.failUnlessEqual(self.widget.state(), ('active', ))
class ButtonTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_invoke(self):
success = []
btn = ttk.Button(command=lambda: success.append(1))
class CheckbuttonTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_invoke(self):
success = []
def cb_test():
return "cb test called"
cbtn = ttk.Checkbutton(command=cb_test)
# the variable automatically created by ttk.Checkbutton is actually
# undefined till we invoke the Checkbutton
self.failUnlessEqual(cbtn.state(), ('alternate', ))
res = cbtn.invoke()
self.failUnlessEqual(res, "cb test called")
cbtn['command'] = ''
res = cbtn.invoke()
self.failUnlessEqual(res, '')
self.failIf(len(success) > 1)
class ComboboxTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.combo = ttk.Combobox()
def tearDown(self):
def _show_drop_down_listbox(self):
width = self.combo.winfo_width()
self.combo.event_generate('<ButtonPress-1>', x=width - 5, y=5)
self.combo.event_generate('<ButtonRelease-1>', x=width - 5, y=5)
def test_virtual_event(self):
success = []
self.combo['values'] = [1]
lambda evt: success.append(True))
height = self.combo.winfo_height()
def test_postcommand(self):
success = []
self.combo['postcommand'] = lambda: success.append(True)
# testing postcommand removal
self.combo['postcommand'] = ''
self.failUnlessEqual(len(success), 1)
def test_values(self):
def check_get_current(getval, currval):
self.failUnlessEqual(self.combo.get(), getval)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.combo.current(), currval)
check_get_current('', -1)
self.combo['values'] = ['a', 1, 'c']
check_get_current('c', 2)
check_get_current('a', 0)
check_get_current('d', -1)
# testing values with empty string
self.combo['values'] = (1, 2, '', 3)
check_get_current('', 2)
# testing values with empty string set through configure
self.combo.configure(values=[1, '', 2])
self.failUnlessEqual(self.combo['values'], ('1', '', '2'))
# out of range
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.combo.current,
# it expects an integer (or something that can be converted to int)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.combo.current, '')
# testing creating combobox with empty string in values
combo2 = ttk.Combobox(values=[1, 2, ''])
self.failUnlessEqual(combo2['values'], ('1', '2', ''))
class EntryTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.entry = ttk.Entry()
def tearDown(self):
def test_bbox(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.entry.bbox(0)), 4)
for item in self.entry.bbox(0):
self.failUnless(isinstance(item, int))
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.entry.bbox, 'noindex')
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.entry.bbox, None)
def test_identify(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(self.entry.identify(5, 5), "textarea")
self.failUnlessEqual(self.entry.identify(-1, -1), "")
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.entry.identify, None, 5)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.entry.identify, 5, None)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.entry.identify, 5, '')
def test_validation_options(self):
success = []
test_invalid = lambda: success.append(True)
self.entry['validate'] = 'none'
self.entry['validatecommand'] = lambda: False
self.entry['invalidcommand'] = test_invalid
self.entry['invalidcommand'] = ''
self.failUnlessEqual(len(success), 1)
self.entry['invalidcommand'] = test_invalid
self.entry['validatecommand'] = lambda: True
self.failUnlessEqual(len(success), 1)
self.entry['validatecommand'] = ''
self.failUnlessEqual(len(success), 1)
self.entry['validatecommand'] = True
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.entry.validate)
def test_validation(self):
validation = []
def validate(to_insert):
if not 'a' <= to_insert.lower() <= 'z':
return False
return True
self.entry['validate'] = 'key'
self.entry['validatecommand'] = self.entry.register(validate), '%S'
self.entry.insert('end', 1)
self.entry.insert('end', 'a')
self.failUnlessEqual(validation, [False, True])
self.failUnlessEqual(self.entry.get(), 'a')
def test_revalidation(self):
def validate(content):
for letter in content:
if not 'a' <= letter.lower() <= 'z':
return False
return True
self.entry['validatecommand'] = self.entry.register(validate), '%P'
self.entry.insert('end', 'avocado')
self.failUnlessEqual(self.entry.validate(), True)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.entry.state(), ())
self.entry.delete(0, 'end')
self.failUnlessEqual(self.entry.get(), '')
self.entry.insert('end', 'a1b')
self.failUnlessEqual(self.entry.validate(), False)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.entry.state(), ('invalid', ))
self.failUnlessEqual(self.entry.validate(), True)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.entry.state(), ())
class PanedwindowTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.paned = ttk.Panedwindow()
def tearDown(self):
def test_add(self):
# attempt to add a child that is not a direct child of the paned window
label = ttk.Label(self.paned)
child = ttk.Label(label)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.add, child)
# another attempt
label = ttk.Label()
child = ttk.Label(label)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.add, child)
good_child = ttk.Label()
# re-adding a child is not accepted
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.add, good_child)
other_child = ttk.Label(self.paned)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.paned.pane(0), self.paned.pane(1))
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.pane, 2)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.pane, 0)
def test_forget(self):
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.forget, None)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.forget, 0)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.forget, 0)
def test_insert(self):
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.insert, None, 0)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.insert, 0, None)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.insert, 0, 0)
child = ttk.Label()
child2 = ttk.Label()
child3 = ttk.Label()
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.insert, 0, child)
self.paned.insert('end', child2)
self.paned.insert(0, child)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.paned.panes(), (str(child), str(child2)))
self.paned.insert(0, child2)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.paned.panes(), (str(child2), str(child)))
self.paned.insert('end', child3)
(str(child2), str(child), str(child3)))
# reinserting a child should move it to its current position
panes = self.paned.panes()
self.paned.insert('end', child3)
self.failUnlessEqual(panes, self.paned.panes())
# moving child3 to child2 position should result in child2 ending up
# in previous child position and child ending up in previous child3
# position
self.paned.insert(child2, child3)
(str(child3), str(child2), str(child)))
def test_pane(self):
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.pane, 0)
child = ttk.Label()
self.failUnless(isinstance(self.paned.pane(0), dict))
self.failUnlessEqual(self.paned.pane(0, weight=None), 0)
# newer form for querying a single option
self.failUnlessEqual(self.paned.pane(0, 'weight'), 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.paned.pane(0), self.paned.pane(str(child)))
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.pane, 0,
def test_sashpos(self):
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.sashpos, None)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.sashpos, '')
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.sashpos, 0)
child = ttk.Label(self.paned, text='a')
self.paned.add(child, weight=1)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.sashpos, 0)
child2 = ttk.Label(self.paned, text='b')
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.paned.sashpos, 1)
self.paned.pack(expand=True, fill='both')
curr_pos = self.paned.sashpos(0)
self.paned.sashpos(0, 1000)
self.failUnless(curr_pos != self.paned.sashpos(0))
self.failUnless(isinstance(self.paned.sashpos(0), int))
class RadiobuttonTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_invoke(self):
success = []
def cb_test():
return "cb test called"
myvar = tkinter.IntVar()
cbtn = ttk.Radiobutton(command=cb_test, variable=myvar, value=0)
cbtn2 = ttk.Radiobutton(command=cb_test, variable=myvar, value=1)
res = cbtn.invoke()
self.failUnlessEqual(res, "cb test called")
self.failUnlessEqual(cbtn['value'], myvar.get())
cbtn2['command'] = ''
res = cbtn2.invoke()
self.failUnlessEqual(res, '')
self.failIf(len(success) > 1)
self.failUnlessEqual(cbtn2['value'], myvar.get())
self.failUnlessEqual(str(cbtn['variable']), str(cbtn2['variable']))
class ScaleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.scale = ttk.Scale()
def tearDown(self):
def test_custom_event(self):
failure = [1, 1, 1] # will need to be empty
funcid = self.scale.bind('<<RangeChanged>>', lambda evt: failure.pop())
self.scale['from'] = 10
self.scale['from_'] = 10
self.scale['to'] = 3
failure = [1, 1, 1]
self.scale.configure(from_=2, to=5)
self.scale.configure(from_=0, to=-2)
def test_get(self):
scale_width = self.scale.winfo_width()
self.failUnlessEqual(self.scale.get(scale_width, 0), self.scale['to'])
self.failUnlessEqual(self.scale.get(0, 0), self.scale['from'])
self.failUnlessEqual(self.scale.get(), self.scale['value'])
self.scale['value'] = 30
self.failUnlessEqual(self.scale.get(), self.scale['value'])
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.scale.get, '', 0)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.scale.get, 0, '')
def test_set(self):
# set restricts the max/min values according to the current range
max = self.scale['to']
new_max = max + 10
self.failUnlessEqual(self.scale.get(), max)
min = self.scale['from']
self.scale.set(min - 1)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.scale.get(), min)
# changing directly the variable doesn't impose this limitation tho
var = tkinter.DoubleVar()
self.scale['variable'] = var
var.set(max + 5)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.scale.get(), var.get())
self.failUnlessEqual(self.scale.get(), max + 5)
del var
# the same happens with the value option
self.scale['value'] = max + 10
self.failUnlessEqual(self.scale.get(), max + 10)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.scale.get(), self.scale['value'])
# nevertheless, note that the max/min values we can get specifying
# x, y coords are the ones according to the current range
self.failUnlessEqual(self.scale.get(0, 0), min)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.scale.get(self.scale.winfo_width(), 0), max)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.scale.set, None)
class NotebookTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.nb = ttk.Notebook()
self.child1 = ttk.Label()
self.child2 = ttk.Label()
self.nb.add(self.child1, text='a')
self.nb.add(self.child2, text='b')
def tearDown(self):
def test_tab_identifiers(self):
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, self.child1)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.index('end'), 1)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.index('end'), 1)
self.nb.add(self.child1, text='a')
for i in range(5, 100, 5):
if'@%d, 5' % i, text=None) == 'a':
else:"Tab with text 'a' not found")
def test_add_and_hidden(self):
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.hide, -1)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.hide, 'hi')
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.hide, None)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.add, None)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.add, ttk.Label(),
tabs = self.nb.tabs()
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.tabs(), tabs)
child = ttk.Label()
self.nb.add(child, text='c')
tabs = self.nb.tabs()
curr = self.nb.index('current')
# verify that the tab gets readded at its previous position
child2_index = self.nb.index(self.child2)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.tabs(), tabs)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.index(self.child2), child2_index)
self.failUnless(str(self.child2) == self.nb.tabs()[child2_index])
# but the tab next to it (not hidden) is the one selected now
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.index('current'), curr + 1)
def test_forget(self):
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.forget, -1)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.forget, 'hi')
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.forget, None)
tabs = self.nb.tabs()
child1_index = self.nb.index(self.child1)
self.failIf(str(self.child1) in self.nb.tabs())
self.failUnlessEqual(len(tabs) - 1, len(self.nb.tabs()))
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.index(self.child1), 1)
self.failIf(child1_index == self.nb.index(self.child1))
def test_index(self):
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.index, -1)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.index, None)
self.failUnless(isinstance(self.nb.index('end'), int))
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.index(self.child1), 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.index(self.child2), 1)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.index('end'), 2)
def test_insert(self):
# moving tabs
tabs = self.nb.tabs()
self.nb.insert(1, tabs[0])
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.tabs(), (tabs[1], tabs[0]))
self.nb.insert(self.child1, self.child2)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.tabs(), tabs)
self.nb.insert('end', self.child1)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.tabs(), (tabs[1], tabs[0]))
self.nb.insert('end', 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.tabs(), tabs)
# bad moves
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.insert, 2, tabs[0])
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.insert, -1, tabs[0])
# new tab
child3 = ttk.Label()
self.nb.insert(1, child3)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.tabs(), (tabs[0], str(child3), tabs[1]))
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.tabs(), tabs)
self.nb.insert(self.child1, child3)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.tabs(), (str(child3), ) + tabs)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.insert, 2, child3)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.insert, -1, child3)
# bad inserts
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.insert, 'end', None)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.insert, None, 0)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError, self.nb.insert, None, None)
def test_select(self):
success = []
tab_changed = []
self.child1.bind('<Unmap>', lambda evt: success.append(True))
lambda evt: tab_changed.append(True))
self.failUnlessEqual(, str(self.child1))
self.failUnlessEqual(, str(self.child2))
def test_tab(self):
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, -1)
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, 'notab')
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, None)
self.failUnless(isinstance(, dict))
self.failUnlessEqual(, text=None), 'a')
# newer form for querying a single option
self.failUnlessEqual(, 'text'), 'a'), text='abc')
self.failUnlessEqual(, text=None), 'abc')
self.failUnlessEqual(, 'text'), 'abc')
def test_tabs(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.nb.tabs()), 2)
self.failUnlessEqual(self.nb.tabs(), ())
def test_traversal(self):
support.simulate_mouse_click(self.nb, 5, 5)
self.failUnlessEqual(, str(self.child2))
self.failUnlessEqual(, str(self.child1))
self.failUnlessEqual(, str(self.child2)), text='a', underline=0)
self.failUnlessEqual(, str(self.child1))
class TreeviewTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self): = ttk.Treeview()
def tearDown(self):
def test_bbox(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(''), '')
item_id ='', 'end')
children =
bbox =[0])
self.failUnlessEqual(len(bbox), 4)
self.failUnless(isinstance(bbox, tuple))
for item in bbox:
if not isinstance(item, int):"Invalid bounding box: %s" % bbox)
# compare width in bboxes['columns'] = ['test']'test', width=50)
bbox_column0 =[0], 0)
root_width ='#0', width=None)
self.failUnlessEqual(bbox_column0[0], bbox[0] + root_width)
# verify that bbox of a closed item is the empty string
child1 =, 'end')
self.failUnlessEqual(, '')
def test_children(self):
# no children yet, should get an empty tuple
self.failUnlessEqual(, ())
item_id ='', 'end')
self.failUnless(isinstance(, tuple))
self.failUnlessEqual([0], item_id)
# add item_id and child3 as children of child2
child2 ='', 'end')
child3 ='', 'end'), item_id, child3)
self.failUnlessEqual(, (item_id, child3))
# child3 has child2 as parent, thus trying to set child2 as a children
# of child3 should result in an error
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, child3, child2)
# remove child2 children
self.failUnlessEqual(, ())
# remove root's children'')
self.failUnlessEqual(, ())
def test_column(self):
# return a dict with all options/values
self.failUnless(isinstance('#0'), dict))
# return a single value of the given option
self.failUnless(isinstance('#0', width=None), int))
# set a new value for an option'#0', width=10)
# testing new way to get option value
self.failUnlessEqual('#0', 'width'), 10)
self.failUnlessEqual('#0', width=None), 10)
# check read-only option
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, '#0', id='X')
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, 'invalid')
invalid_kws = [
{'unknown_option': 'some value'}, {'stretch': 'wrong'},
{'anchor': 'wrong'}, {'width': 'wrong'}, {'minwidth': 'wrong'}
for kw in invalid_kws:
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, '#0',
def test_delete(self):
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, '#0')
item_id ='', 'end')
item2 =, 'end')
self.failUnlessEqual(, (item_id, ))
self.failUnlessEqual(, (item2, ))
# reattach should fail
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, item_id, '', 'end')
# test multiple item delete
item1 ='', 'end')
item2 ='', 'end')
self.failUnlessEqual(, (item1, item2)), item2)
def test_detach_reattach(self):
item_id ='', 'end')
item2 =, 'end')
# calling detach without items is valid, although it does nothing
prev = # this should do nothing
self.failUnlessEqual(, (item_id, ))
self.failUnlessEqual(, (item2, ))
# detach item with children
# reattach item with children, '', 'end')
self.failUnlessEqual(, (item_id, ))
self.failUnlessEqual(, (item2, ))
# move a children to the root, '', 'end')
self.failUnlessEqual(, (item_id, item2))
self.failUnlessEqual(, ())
# bad values
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, 'nonexistant', '', 'end')
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, 'nonexistant')
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, item2, 'otherparent', 'end')
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, item2, '', 'invalid')
# multiple detach, item2)
self.failUnlessEqual(, ())
self.failUnlessEqual(, ())
def test_exists(self):
self.failUnlessEqual('something'), False)
self.failUnlessEqual(''), True)
self.failUnlessEqual({}), False)
# the following will make a equivalent to
#, "exists") which should result in an error
# in the tcl interpreter since tk requires an item.
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, None)
def test_focus(self):
# nothing is focused right now
self.failUnlessEqual(, '')
item1 ='', 'end')
self.failUnlessEqual(, item1)
self.failUnlessEqual(, '')
# try focusing inexistant item
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, 'hi')
def test_heading(self):
# check a dict is returned
self.failUnless(isinstance('#0'), dict))
# check a value is returned'#0', text='hi')
self.failUnlessEqual('#0', 'text'), 'hi')
self.failUnlessEqual('#0', text=None), 'hi')
# invalid option
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, '#0',
# invalid value
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, '#0',
def test_heading_callback(self):
def simulate_heading_click(x, y):
support.simulate_mouse_click(, x, y)
success = [] # no success for now'#0', command=lambda: success.append(True))'#0', width=100)
# assuming that the coords (5, 5) fall into heading #0
simulate_heading_click(5, 5)
if not success:"The command associated to the treeview heading wasn't "
success = []
commands ='#0', command=str('#0', command=None)))
simulate_heading_click(5, 5)
if not success:"The command associated to the treeview heading wasn't "
# XXX The following raises an error in a tcl interpreter, but not in
# Python'#0', command='I dont exist')
#simulate_heading_click(5, 5)
def test_index(self):
# item 'what' doesn't exist
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, 'what')
self.failUnlessEqual(''), 0)
item1 ='', 'end')
item2 ='', 'end')
c1 =, 'end')
c2 =, 'end')
self.failUnlessEqual(, 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(, 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(, 1)
self.failUnlessEqual(, 1), '', 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(, 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(, 1)
# check that index still works even after its parent and siblings
# have been detached
self.failUnlessEqual(, 1)
self.failUnlessEqual(, 0)
# but it fails after item has been deleted
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, c2)
def test_insert_item(self):
# parent 'none' doesn't exist
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, 'none', 'end')
# open values
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, '', 'end',
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, '', 'end',
self.failIf('', 'end', open=True)))
self.failIf('', 'end', open=False)))
# invalid index
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, '', 'middle')
# trying to duplicate item id is invalid
itemid ='', 'end', 'first-item')
self.failUnlessEqual(itemid, 'first-item')
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, '', 'end',
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, '', 'end',
# unicode values
value = '\xe1ba'
item ='', 'end', values=(value, ))
self.failUnlessEqual(, 'values'), (value, ))
self.failUnlessEqual(, values=None), (value, )), values=list(, values=None)))
self.failUnlessEqual(, values=None), (value, ))
self.failUnless(isinstance(, dict))
# erase item values, values='')
self.failIf(, values=None))
# item tags
item ='', 'end', tags=[1, 2, value])
self.failUnlessEqual(, tags=None), ('1', '2', value)), tags=[])
self.failIf(, tags=None)), tags=(1, 2))
self.failUnlessEqual(, tags=None), ('1', '2'))
# values with spaces
item ='', 'end', values=('a b c',
'%s %s' % (value, value)))
self.failUnlessEqual(, values=None),
('a b c', '%s %s' % (value, value)))
# text
self.failUnlessEqual('', 'end', text="Label here"), text=None),
"Label here")
self.failUnlessEqual('', 'end', text=value), text=None),
def test_set(self):['columns'] = ['A', 'B']
item ='', 'end', values=['a', 'b'])
self.failUnlessEqual(, {'A': 'a', 'B': 'b'}), 'B', 'a')
self.failUnlessEqual(, values=None), ('a', 'a'))['columns'] = ['B']
self.failUnlessEqual(, {'B': 'a'}), 'B', 'b')
self.failUnlessEqual(, column='B'), 'b')
self.failUnlessEqual(, values=None), ('b', 'a')), 'B', 123)
self.failUnlessEqual(, 'B'), 123)
self.failUnlessEqual(, values=None), (123, 'a'))
self.failUnlessEqual(, {'B': 123})
# inexistant column
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, item, 'A')
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, item, 'A', 'b')
# inexistant item
self.failUnlessRaises(tkinter.TclError,, 'notme')
def test_tag_bind(self):
events = []
item1 ='', 'end', tags=['call'])
item2 ='', 'end', tags=['call'])'call', '<ButtonPress-1>',
lambda evt: events.append(1))'call', '<ButtonRelease-1>',
lambda evt: events.append(2))
pos_y = set()
found = set()
for i in range(0, 100, 10):
if len(found) == 2: # item1 and item2 already found
item_id =
if item_id and item_id not in found:
self.failUnlessEqual(len(pos_y), 2) # item1 and item2 y pos
for y in pos_y:
support.simulate_mouse_click(, 0, y)
# by now there should be 4 things in the events list, since each
# item had a bind for two events that were simulated above
self.failUnlessEqual(len(events), 4)
for evt in zip(events[::2], events[1::2]):
self.failUnlessEqual(evt, (1, 2))
def test_tag_configure(self):
# Just testing parameter passing for now
'test', sky='blue')'test', foreground='blue')
self.failUnlessEqual('test', 'foreground'),
self.failUnlessEqual('test', foreground=None),
self.failUnless(isinstance('test'), dict))
tests_gui = (
WidgetTest, ButtonTest, CheckbuttonTest, RadiobuttonTest,
ComboboxTest, EntryTest, PanedwindowTest, ScaleTest, NotebookTest,
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""Ttk wrapper.
This module provides classes to allow using Tk themed widget set.
Ttk is based on a revised and enhanced version of
TIP #48 ( specified style engine.
Its basic idea is to separate, to the extent possible, the code
implementing a widget's behavior from the code implementing its
appearance. Widget class bindings are primarily responsible for
maintaining the widget state and invoking callbacks, all aspects
of the widgets appearance lies at Themes.
__version__ = "0.3.1"
__author__ = "Guilherme Polo <>"
__all__ = ["Button", "Checkbutton", "Combobox", "Entry", "Frame", "Label",
"Labelframe", "LabelFrame", "Menubutton", "Notebook", "Panedwindow",
"PanedWindow", "Progressbar", "Radiobutton", "Scale", "Scrollbar",
"Separator", "Sizegrip", "Style", "Treeview",
# Extensions
"LabeledScale", "OptionMenu",
# functions
import tkinter
_flatten = tkinter._flatten
# Verify if Tk is new enough to not need Tile checking
_REQUIRE_TILE = True if tkinter.TkVersion < 8.5 else False
def _loadttk(loadtk):
# This extends the default tkinter.Tk._loadtk method so we can be
# sure that ttk is available for use, or not.
def _wrapper(self):
import os
tilelib = os.environ.get('TILE_LIBRARY')
if tilelib:
# append custom tile path to the the list of directories that
# Tcl uses when attempting to resolve packages with the package
# command'global auto_path; '
'lappend auto_path {%s}' % tilelib)'package require tile') # TclError may be raised here
return _wrapper
# Store the original tkinter.Tk._loadtk before replacing it just in case
# someone wants to restore it.
__loadtk__ = tkinter.Tk._loadtk
tkinter.Tk._loadtk = _loadttk(tkinter.Tk._loadtk)
def _format_optdict(optdict, script=False, ignore=None):
"""Formats optdict to a tuple to pass it to
E.g. (script=False):
{'foreground': 'blue', 'padding': [1, 2, 3, 4]} returns:
('-foreground', 'blue', '-padding', '1 2 3 4')"""
format = "%s" if not script else "{%s}"
opts = []
for opt, value in optdict.items():
if ignore and opt in ignore:
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
v = []
for val in value:
if isinstance(val, str):
v.append(str(val) if val else '{}')
# format v according to the script option, but also check for
# space in any value in v in order to group them correctly
value = format % ' '.join(
('{%s}' if ' ' in val else '%s') % val for val in v)
if script and value == '':
value = '{}' # empty string in Python is equivalent to {} in Tcl
opts.append(("-%s" % opt, value))
# Remember: _flatten skips over None
return _flatten(opts)
def _format_mapdict(mapdict, script=False):
"""Formats mapdict to pass it to
E.g. (script=False):
{'expand': [('active', 'selected', 'grey'), ('focus', [1, 2, 3, 4])]}
('-expand', '{active selected} grey focus {1, 2, 3, 4}')"""
# if caller passes a Tcl script to, all the values need to
# be grouped into words (arguments to a command in Tcl dialect)
format = "%s" if not script else "{%s}"
opts = []
for opt, value in mapdict.items():
opt_val = []
# each value in mapdict is expected to be a sequence, where each item
# is another sequence containing a state (or several) and a value
for statespec in value:
state, val = statespec[:-1], statespec[-1]
if len(state) > 1: # group multiple states
state = "{%s}" % ' '.join(state)
else: # single state
# if it is empty (something that evaluates to False), then
# format it to Tcl code to denote the "normal" state
state = state[0] or '{}'
if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): # val needs to be grouped
val = "{%s}" % ' '.join(map(str, val))
opt_val.append("%s %s" % (state, val))
opts.append(("-%s" % opt, format % ' '.join(opt_val)))
return _flatten(opts)
def _format_elemcreate(etype, script=False, *args, **kw):
"""Formats args and kw according to the given element factory etype."""
spec = None
opts = ()
if etype in ("image", "vsapi"):
if etype == "image": # define an element based on an image
# first arg should be the default image name
iname = args[0]
# next args, if any, are statespec/value pairs which is almost
# a mapdict, but we just need the value
imagespec = _format_mapdict({None: args[1:]})[1]
spec = "%s %s" % (iname, imagespec)
# define an element whose visual appearance is drawn using the
# Microsoft Visual Styles API which is responsible for the
# themed styles on Windows XP and Vista.
# Availability: Tk 8.6, Windows XP and Vista.
class_name, part_id = args[:2]
statemap = _format_mapdict({None: args[2:]})[1]
spec = "%s %s %s" % (class_name, part_id, statemap)
opts = _format_optdict(kw, script)
elif etype == "from": # clone an element
# it expects a themename and optionally an element to clone from,
# otherwise it will clone {} (empty element)
spec = args[0] # theme name
if len(args) > 1: # elementfrom specified
opts = (args[1], )
if script:
spec = '{%s}' % spec
opts = ' '.join(map(str, opts))
return spec, opts
def _format_layoutlist(layout, indent=0, indent_size=2):
"""Formats a layout list so we can pass the result to ttk::style
layout and ttk::style settings. Note that the layout doesn't has to
be a list necessarily.
[("Menubutton.background", None),
("Menubutton.button", {"children":
[("Menubutton.focus", {"children":
[("Menubutton.padding", {"children":
[("Menubutton.label", {"side": "left", "expand": 1})]
("Menubutton.indicator", {"side": "right"})
Menubutton.button -children {
Menubutton.focus -children {
Menubutton.padding -children {
Menubutton.label -side left -expand 1
Menubutton.indicator -side right"""
script = []
for layout_elem in layout:
elem, opts = layout_elem
opts = opts or {}
fopts = ' '.join(map(str, _format_optdict(opts, True, "children")))
head = "%s%s%s" % (' ' * indent, elem, (" %s" % fopts) if fopts else '')
if "children" in opts:
script.append(head + " -children {")
indent += indent_size
newscript, indent = _format_layoutlist(opts['children'], indent,
indent -= indent_size
script.append('%s}' % (' ' * indent))
return '\n'.join(script), indent
def _script_from_settings(settings):
"""Returns an appropriate script, based on settings, according to
theme_settings definition to be used by theme_settings and
script = []
# a script will be generated according to settings passed, which
# will then be evaluated by Tcl
for name, opts in settings.items():
# will format specific keys according to Tcl code
if opts.get('configure'): # format 'configure'
s = ' '.join(map(str, _format_optdict(opts['configure'], True)))
script.append("ttk::style configure %s %s;" % (name, s))
if opts.get('map'): # format 'map'
s = ' '.join(map(str, _format_mapdict(opts['map'], True)))
script.append("ttk::style map %s %s;" % (name, s))
if 'layout' in opts: # format 'layout' which may be empty
if not opts['layout']:
s = 'null' # could be any other word, but this one makes sense
s, _ = _format_layoutlist(opts['layout'])
script.append("ttk::style layout %s {\n%s\n}" % (name, s))
if opts.get('element create'): # format 'element create'
eopts = opts['element create']
etype = eopts[0]
# find where args end, and where kwargs start
argc = 1 # etype was the first one
while argc < len(eopts) and not hasattr(eopts[argc], 'items'):
argc += 1
elemargs = eopts[1:argc]
elemkw = eopts[argc] if argc < len(eopts) and eopts[argc] else {}
spec, opts = _format_elemcreate(etype, True, *elemargs, **elemkw)
script.append("ttk::style element create %s %s %s %s" % (
name, etype, spec, opts))
return '\n'.join(script)
def _dict_from_tcltuple(ttuple, cut_minus=True):
"""Break tuple in pairs, format it properly, then build the return
dict. If cut_minus is True, the supposed '-' prefixing options will
be removed.
ttuple is expected to contain an even number of elements."""
opt_start = 1 if cut_minus else 0
retdict = {}
it = iter(ttuple)
for opt, val in zip(it, it):
retdict[str(opt)[opt_start:]] = val
return tclobjs_to_py(retdict)
def _list_from_statespec(stuple):
"""Construct a list from the given statespec tuple according to the
accepted statespec accepted by _format_mapdict."""
nval = []
for val in stuple:
typename = getattr(val, 'typename', None)
if typename is None:
else: # this is a Tcl object
val = str(val)
if typename == 'StateSpec':
val = val.split()
it = iter(nval)
return [_flatten(spec) for spec in zip(it, it)]
def _list_from_layouttuple(ltuple):
"""Construct a list from the tuple returned by ttk::layout, this is
somewhat the reverse of _format_layoutlist."""
res = []
indx = 0
while indx < len(ltuple):
name = ltuple[indx]
opts = {}
res.append((name, opts))
indx += 1
while indx < len(ltuple): # grab name's options
opt, val = ltuple[indx:indx + 2]
if not opt.startswith('-'): # found next name
opt = opt[1:] # remove the '-' from the option
indx += 2
if opt == 'children':
val = _list_from_layouttuple(val)
opts[opt] = val
return res
def _val_or_dict(options, func, *args):
"""Format options then call func with args and options and return
the appropriate result.
If no option is specified, a dict is returned. If a option is
specified with the None value, the value for that option is returned.
Otherwise, the function just sets the passed options and the caller
shouldn't be expecting a return value anyway."""
options = _format_optdict(options)
res = func(*(args + options))
if len(options) % 2: # option specified without a value, return its value
return res
return _dict_from_tcltuple(res)
def _convert_stringval(value):
"""Converts a value to, hopefully, a more appropriate Python object."""
value = str(value)
value = int(value)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return value
def tclobjs_to_py(adict):
"""Returns adict with its values converted from Tcl objects to Python
for opt, val in adict.items():
if val and hasattr(val, '__len__') and not isinstance(val, str):
if getattr(val[0], 'typename', None) == 'StateSpec':
val = _list_from_statespec(val)
val = list(map(_convert_stringval, val))
elif hasattr(val, 'typename'): # some other (single) Tcl object
val = _convert_stringval(val)
adict[opt] = val
return adict
class Style(object):
"""Manipulate style database."""
_name = "ttk::style"
def __init__(self, master=None):
if master is None:
if tkinter._support_default_root:
master = tkinter._default_root or tkinter.Tk()
raise RuntimeError("No master specified and tkinter is "
"configured to not support default master")
self.master = master =
def configure(self, style, query_opt=None, **kw):
"""Query or sets the default value of the specified option(s) in
Each key in kw is an option and each value is either a string or
a sequence identifying the value for that option."""
if query_opt is not None:
kw[query_opt] = None
return _val_or_dict(kw,, self._name, "configure", style)
def map(self, style, query_opt=None, **kw):
"""Query or sets dynamic values of the specified option(s) in
Each key in kw is an option and each value should be a list or a
tuple (usually) containing statespecs grouped in tuples, or list,
or something else of your preference. A statespec is compound of
one or more states and then a value."""
if query_opt is not None:
return _list_from_statespec(, "map", style, '-%s' % query_opt))
return _dict_from_tcltuple(, "map", style, *(_format_mapdict(kw))))
def lookup(self, style, option, state=None, default=None):
"""Returns the value specified for option in style.
If state is specified it is expected to be a sequence of one
or more states. If the default argument is set, it is used as
a fallback value in case no specification for option is found."""
state = ' '.join(state) if state else ''
return, "lookup", style, '-%s' % option,
state, default)
def layout(self, style, layoutspec=None):
"""Define the widget layout for given style. If layoutspec is
omitted, return the layout specification for given style.
layoutspec is expected to be a list or an object different than
None that evaluates to False if you want to "turn off" that style.
If it is a list (or tuple, or something else), each item should be
a tuple where the first item is the layout name and the second item
should have the format described below:
A layout can contain the value None, if takes no options, or
a dict of options specifying how to arrange the element.
The layout mechanism uses a simplified version of the pack
geometry manager: given an initial cavity, each element is
allocated a parcel. Valid options/values are:
side: whichside
Specifies which side of the cavity to place the
element; one of top, right, bottom or left. If
omitted, the element occupies the entire cavity.
sticky: nswe
Specifies where the element is placed inside its
allocated parcel.
children: [sublayout... ]
Specifies a list of elements to place inside the
element. Each element is a tuple (or other sequence)
where the first item is the layout name, and the other
is a LAYOUT."""
lspec = None
if layoutspec:
lspec = _format_layoutlist(layoutspec)[0]
elif layoutspec is not None: # will disable the layout ({}, '', etc)
lspec = "null" # could be any other word, but this may make sense
# when calling layout(style) later
return _list_from_layouttuple(, "layout", style, lspec))
def element_create(self, elementname, etype, *args, **kw):
"""Create a new element in the current theme of given etype."""
spec, opts = _format_elemcreate(etype, False, *args, **kw), "element", "create", elementname, etype,
spec, *opts)
def element_names(self):
"""Returns the list of elements defined in the current theme."""
return, "element", "names")
def element_options(self, elementname):
"""Return the list of elementname's options."""
return, "element", "options", elementname)
def theme_create(self, themename, parent=None, settings=None):
"""Creates a new theme.
It is an error if themename already exists. If parent is
specified, the new theme will inherit styles, elements and
layouts from the specified parent theme. If settings are present,
they are expected to have the same syntax used for theme_settings."""
script = _script_from_settings(settings) if settings else ''
if parent:, "theme", "create", themename,
"-parent", parent, "-settings", script)
else:, "theme", "create", themename,
"-settings", script)
def theme_settings(self, themename, settings):
"""Temporarily sets the current theme to themename, apply specified
settings and then restore the previous theme.
Each key in settings is a style and each value may contain the
keys 'configure', 'map', 'layout' and 'element create' and they
are expected to have the same format as specified by the methods
configure, map, layout and element_create respectively."""
script = _script_from_settings(settings), "theme", "settings", themename, script)
def theme_names(self):
"""Returns a list of all known themes."""
return, "theme", "names")
def theme_use(self, themename=None):
"""If themename is None, returns the theme in use, otherwise, set
the current theme to themename, refreshes all widgets and emits
a <<ThemeChanged>> event."""
if themename is None:
# Starting on Tk 8.6, checking this global is no longer needed
# since it allows doing, "theme", "use")
return"return $ttk::currentTheme")
# using "ttk::setTheme" instead of "ttk::style theme use" causes
# the variable currentTheme to be updated, also, ttk::setTheme calls
# "ttk::style theme use" in order to change theme."ttk::setTheme", themename)
class Widget(tkinter.Widget):
"""Base class for Tk themed widgets."""
def __init__(self, master, widgetname, kw=None):
"""Constructs a Ttk Widget with the parent master.
class, cursor, takefocus, style
xscrollcommand, yscrollcommand
text, textvariable, underline, image, compound, width
active, disabled, focus, pressed, selected, background,
readonly, alternate, invalid
tkinter.Widget.__init__(self, master, widgetname, kw=kw)
def identify(self, x, y):
"""Returns the name of the element at position x, y, or the empty
string if the point does not lie within any element.
x and y are pixel coordinates relative to the widget."""
return, "identify", x, y)
def instate(self, statespec, callback=None, *args, **kw):
"""Test the widget's state.
If callback is not specified, returns True if the widget state
matches statespec and False otherwise. If callback is specified,
then it will be invoked with *args, **kw if the widget state
matches statespec. statespec is expected to be a sequence."""
ret =, "instate", ' '.join(statespec))
if ret and callback:
return callback(*args, **kw)
return bool(ret)
def state(self, statespec=None):
"""Modify or inquire widget state.
Widget state is returned if statespec is None, otherwise it is
set according to the statespec flags and then a new state spec
is returned indicating which flags were changed. statespec is
expected to be a sequence."""
if statespec is not None:
statespec = ' '.join(statespec)
return, "state", statespec)))
class Button(Widget):
"""Ttk Button widget, displays a textual label and/or image, and
evaluates a command when pressed."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Button widget with the parent master.
class, compound, cursor, image, state, style, takefocus,
text, textvariable, underline, width
command, default, width
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::button", kw)
def invoke(self):
"""Invokes the command associated with the button."""
return, "invoke")
class Checkbutton(Widget):
"""Ttk Checkbutton widget which is either in on- or off-state."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Checkbutton widget with the parent master.
class, compound, cursor, image, state, style, takefocus,
text, textvariable, underline, width
command, offvalue, onvalue, variable
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::checkbutton", kw)
def invoke(self):
"""Toggles between the selected and deselected states and
invokes the associated command. If the widget is currently
selected, sets the option variable to the offvalue option
and deselects the widget; otherwise, sets the option variable
to the option onvalue.
Returns the result of the associated command."""
return, "invoke")
class Entry(Widget, tkinter.Entry):
"""Ttk Entry widget displays a one-line text string and allows that
string to be edited by the user."""
def __init__(self, master=None, widget=None, **kw):
"""Constructs a Ttk Entry widget with the parent master.
class, cursor, style, takefocus, xscrollcommand
exportselection, invalidcommand, justify, show, state,
textvariable, validate, validatecommand, width
none, key, focus, focusin, focusout, all
Widget.__init__(self, master, widget or "ttk::entry", kw)
def bbox(self, index):
"""Return a tuple of (x, y, width, height) which describes the
bounding box of the character given by index."""
return, "bbox", index)
def identify(self, x, y):
"""Returns the name of the element at position x, y, or the
empty string if the coordinates are outside the window."""
return, "identify", x, y)
def validate(self):
"""Force revalidation, independent of the conditions specified
by the validate option. Returns False if validation fails, True
if it succeeds. Sets or clears the invalid state accordingly."""
return bool(, "validate"))
class Combobox(Entry):
"""Ttk Combobox widget combines a text field with a pop-down list of
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Combobox widget with the parent master.
class, cursor, style, takefocus
exportselection, justify, height, postcommand, state,
textvariable, values, width
# The "values" option may need special formatting, so leave to
# _format_optdict the responsability to format it
if "values" in kw:
kw["values"] = _format_optdict({'v': kw["values"]})[1]
Entry.__init__(self, master, "ttk::combobox", **kw)
def __setitem__(self, item, value):
if item == "values":
value = _format_optdict({item: value})[1]
Entry.__setitem__(self, item, value)
def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
"""Custom Combobox configure, created to properly format the values
if "values" in kw:
kw["values"] = _format_optdict({'v': kw["values"]})[1]
return Entry.configure(self, cnf, **kw)
def current(self, newindex=None):
"""If newindex is supplied, sets the combobox value to the
element at position newindex in the list of values. Otherwise,
returns the index of the current value in the list of values
or -1 if the current value does not appear in the list."""
return, "current", newindex)
def set(self, value):
"""Sets the value of the combobox to value.""", "set", value)
class Frame(Widget):
"""Ttk Frame widget is a container, used to group other widgets
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Frame with parent master.
class, cursor, style, takefocus
borderwidth, relief, padding, width, height
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::frame", kw)
class Label(Widget):
"""Ttk Label widget displays a textual label and/or image."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Label with parent master.
class, compound, cursor, image, style, takefocus, text,
textvariable, underline, width
anchor, background, font, foreground, justify, padding,
relief, text, wraplength
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::label", kw)
class Labelframe(Widget):
"""Ttk Labelframe widget is a container used to group other widgets
together. It has an optional label, which may be a plain text string
or another widget."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Labelframe with parent master.
class, cursor, style, takefocus
labelanchor, text, underline, padding, labelwidget, width,
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::labelframe", kw)
LabelFrame = Labelframe # tkinter name compatibility
class Menubutton(Widget):
"""Ttk Menubutton widget displays a textual label and/or image, and
displays a menu when pressed."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Menubutton with parent master.
class, compound, cursor, image, state, style, takefocus,
text, textvariable, underline, width
direction, menu
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::menubutton", kw)
class Notebook(Widget):
"""Ttk Notebook widget manages a collection of windows and displays
a single one at a time. Each child window is associated with a tab,
which the user may select to change the currently-displayed window."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Notebook with parent master.
class, cursor, style, takefocus
height, padding, width
state, sticky, padding, text, image, compound, underline
The tab_id argument found in several methods may take any of
the following forms:
* An integer between zero and the number of tabs
* The name of a child window
* A positional specification of the form "@x,y", which
defines the tab
* The string "current", which identifies the
currently-selected tab
* The string "end", which returns the number of tabs (only
valid for method index)
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::notebook", kw)
def add(self, child, **kw):
"""Adds a new tab to the notebook.
If window is currently managed by the notebook but hidden, it is
restored to its previous position.""", "add", child, *(_format_optdict(kw)))
def forget(self, tab_id):
"""Removes the tab specified by tab_id, unmaps and unmanages the
associated window.""", "forget", tab_id)
def hide(self, tab_id):
"""Hides the tab specified by tab_id.
The tab will not be displayed, but the associated window remains
managed by the notebook and its configuration remembered. Hidden
tabs may be restored with the add command.""", "hide", tab_id)
def identify(self, x, y):
"""Returns the name of the tab element at position x, y, or the
empty string if none."""
return, "identify", x, y)
def index(self, tab_id):
"""Returns the numeric index of the tab specified by tab_id, or
the total number of tabs if tab_id is the string "end"."""
return, "index", tab_id)
def insert(self, pos, child, **kw):
"""Inserts a pane at the specified position.
pos is either the string end, an integer index, or the name of
a managed child. If child is already managed by the notebook,
moves it to the specified position.""", "insert", pos, child, *(_format_optdict(kw)))
def select(self, tab_id=None):
"""Selects the specified tab.
The associated child window will be displayed, and the
previously-selected window (if different) is unmapped. If tab_id
is omitted, returns the widget name of the currently selected
return, "select", tab_id)
def tab(self, tab_id, option=None, **kw):
"""Query or modify the options of the specific tab_id.
If kw is not given, returns a dict of the tab option values. If option
is specified, returns the value of that option. Otherwise, sets the
options to the corresponding values."""
if option is not None:
kw[option] = None
return _val_or_dict(kw,, self._w, "tab", tab_id)
def tabs(self):
"""Returns a list of windows managed by the notebook."""
return, "tabs") or ()
def enable_traversal(self):
"""Enable keyboard traversal for a toplevel window containing
this notebook.
This will extend the bindings for the toplevel window containing
this notebook as follows:
Control-Tab: selects the tab following the currently selected
Shift-Control-Tab: selects the tab preceding the currently
selected one
Alt-K: where K is the mnemonic (underlined) character of any
tab, will select that tab.
Multiple notebooks in a single toplevel may be enabled for
traversal, including nested notebooks. However, notebook traversal
only works properly if all panes are direct children of the
# The only, and good, difference I see is about mnemonics, which works
# after calling this method. Control-Tab and Shift-Control-Tab always
# works (here at least)."ttk::notebook::enableTraversal", self._w)
class Panedwindow(Widget, tkinter.PanedWindow):
"""Ttk Panedwindow widget displays a number of subwindows, stacked
either vertically or horizontally."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Panedwindow with parent master.
class, cursor, style, takefocus
orient, width, height
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::panedwindow", kw)
forget = tkinter.PanedWindow.forget # overrides Pack.forget
def insert(self, pos, child, **kw):
"""Inserts a pane at the specified positions.
pos is either the string end, and integer index, or the name
of a child. If child is already managed by the paned window,
moves it to the specified position.""", "insert", pos, child, *(_format_optdict(kw)))
def pane(self, pane, option=None, **kw):
"""Query or modify the options of the specified pane.
pane is either an integer index or the name of a managed subwindow.
If kw is not given, returns a dict of the pane option values. If
option is specified then the value for that option is returned.
Otherwise, sets the options to the correspoding values."""
if option is not None:
kw[option] = None
return _val_or_dict(kw,, self._w, "pane", pane)
def sashpos(self, index, newpos=None):
"""If newpos is specified, sets the position of sash number index.
May adjust the positions of adjacent sashes to ensure that
positions are monotonically increasing. Sash positions are further
constrained to be between 0 and the total size of the widget.
Returns the new position of sash number index."""
return, "sashpos", index, newpos)
PanedWindow = Panedwindow # tkinter name compatibility
class Progressbar(Widget):
"""Ttk Progressbar widget shows the status of a long-running
operation. They can operate in two modes: determinate mode shows the
amount completed relative to the total amount of work to be done, and
indeterminate mode provides an animated display to let the user know
that something is happening."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Progressbar with parent master.
class, cursor, style, takefocus
orient, length, mode, maximum, value, variable, phase
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::progressbar", kw)
def start(self, interval=None):
"""Begin autoincrement mode: schedules a recurring timer event
that calls method step every interval milliseconds.
interval defaults to 50 milliseconds (20 steps/second) if ommited.""", "start", interval)
def step(self, amount=None):
"""Increments the value option by amount.
amount defaults to 1.0 if omitted.""", "step", amount)
def stop(self):
"""Stop autoincrement mode: cancels any recurring timer event
initiated by start.""", "stop")
class Radiobutton(Widget):
"""Ttk Radiobutton widgets are used in groups to show or change a
set of mutually-exclusive options."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Radiobutton with parent master.
class, compound, cursor, image, state, style, takefocus,
text, textvariable, underline, width
command, value, variable
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::radiobutton", kw)
def invoke(self):
"""Sets the option variable to the option value, selects the
widget, and invokes the associated command.
Returns the result of the command, or an empty string if
no command is specified."""
return, "invoke")
class Scale(Widget, tkinter.Scale):
"""Ttk Scale widget is typically used to control the numeric value of
a linked variable that varies uniformly over some range."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Scale with parent master.
class, cursor, style, takefocus
command, from, length, orient, to, value, variable
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::scale", kw)
def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
"""Modify or query scale options.
Setting a value for any of the "from", "from_" or "to" options
generates a <<RangeChanged>> event."""
if cnf:
Widget.configure(self, **kw)
if any(['from' in kw, 'from_' in kw, 'to' in kw]):
def get(self, x=None, y=None):
"""Get the current value of the value option, or the value
corresponding to the coordinates x, y if they are specified.
x and y are pixel coordinates relative to the scale widget
return, 'get', x, y)
class Scrollbar(Widget, tkinter.Scrollbar):
"""Ttk Scrollbar controls the viewport of a scrollable widget."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Scrollbar with parent master.
class, cursor, style, takefocus
command, orient
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::scrollbar", kw)
class Separator(Widget):
"""Ttk Separator widget displays a horizontal or vertical separator
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Separator with parent master.
class, cursor, style, takefocus
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::separator", kw)
class Sizegrip(Widget):
"""Ttk Sizegrip allows the user to resize the containing toplevel
window by pressing and dragging the grip."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Sizegrip with parent master.
class, cursor, state, style, takefocus
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::sizegrip", kw)
class Treeview(Widget):
"""Ttk Treeview widget displays a hierarchical collection of items.
Each item has a textual label, an optional image, and an optional list
of data values. The data values are displayed in successive columns
after the tree label."""
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
"""Construct a Ttk Treeview with parent master.
class, cursor, style, takefocus, xscrollcommand,
columns, displaycolumns, height, padding, selectmode, show
text, image, values, open, tags
foreground, background, font, image
Widget.__init__(self, master, "ttk::treeview", kw)
def bbox(self, item, column=None):
"""Returns the bounding box (relative to the treeview widget's
window) of the specified item in the form x y width height.
If column is specified, returns the bounding box of that cell.
If the item is not visible (i.e., if it is a descendant of a
closed item or is scrolled offscreen), returns an empty string."""
return, "bbox", item, column)
def get_children(self, item=None):
"""Returns a tuple of children belonging to item.
If item is not specified, returns root children."""
return, "children", item or '') or ()
def set_children(self, item, *newchildren):
"""Replaces item's child with newchildren.
Children present in item that are not present in newchildren
are detached from tree. No items in newchildren may be an
ancestor of item.""", "children", item, newchildren)
def column(self, column, option=None, **kw):
"""Query or modify the options for the specified column.
If kw is not given, returns a dict of the column option values. If
option is specified then the value for that option is returned.
Otherwise, sets the options to the corresponding values."""
if option is not None:
kw[option] = None
return _val_or_dict(kw,, self._w, "column", column)
def delete(self, *items):
"""Delete all specified items and all their descendants. The root
item may not be deleted.""", "delete", items)
def detach(self, *items):
"""Unlinks all of the specified items from the tree.
The items and all of their descendants are still present, and may
be reinserted at another point in the tree, but will not be
displayed. The root item may not be detached.""", "detach", items)
def exists(self, item):
"""Returns True if the specified item is present in the three,
False otherwise."""
return bool(, "exists", item))
def focus(self, item=None):
"""If item is specified, sets the focus item to item. Otherwise,
returns the current focus item, or '' if there is none."""
return, "focus", item)
def heading(self, column, option=None, **kw):
"""Query or modify the heading options for the specified column.
If kw is not given, returns a dict of the heading option values. If
option is specified then the value for that option is returned.
Otherwise, sets the options to the corresponding values.
Valid options/values are:
text: text
The text to display in the column heading
image: image_name
Specifies an image to display to the right of the column
anchor: anchor
Specifies how the heading text should be aligned. One of
the standard Tk anchor values
command: callback
A callback to be invoked when the heading label is
To configure the tree column heading, call this with column = "#0" """
cmd = kw.get('command')
if cmd and not isinstance(cmd, str):
# callback not registered yet, do it now
kw['command'] = self.master.register(cmd, self._substitute)
if option is not None:
kw[option] = None
return _val_or_dict(kw,, self._w, 'heading', column)
def identify(self, component, x, y):
"""Returns a description of the specified component under the
point given by x and y, or the empty string if no such component
is present at that position."""
return, "identify", component, x, y)
def identify_row(self, y):
"""Returns the item ID of the item at position y."""
return self.identify("row", 0, y)
def identify_column(self, x):
"""Returns the data column identifier of the cell at position x.
The tree column has ID #0."""
return self.identify("column", x, 0)
def identify_region(self, x, y):
"""Returns one of:
heading: Tree heading area.
separator: Space between two columns headings;
tree: The tree area.
cell: A data cell.
* Availability: Tk 8.6"""
return self.identify("region", x, y)
def identify_element(self, x, y):
"""Returns the element at position x, y.
* Availability: Tk 8.6"""
return self.identify("element", x, y)
def index(self, item):
"""Returns the integer index of item within its parent's list
of children."""
return, "index", item)
def insert(self, parent, index, iid=None, **kw):
"""Creates a new item and return the item identifier of the newly
created item.
parent is the item ID of the parent item, or the empty string
to create a new top-level item. index is an integer, or the value
end, specifying where in the list of parent's children to insert
the new item. If index is less than or equal to zero, the new node
is inserted at the beginning, if index is greater than or equal to
the current number of children, it is inserted at the end. If iid
is specified, it is used as the item identifier, iid must not
already exist in the tree. Otherwise, a new unique identifier
is generated."""
opts = _format_optdict(kw)
if iid:
res =, "insert", parent, index,
"-id", iid, *opts)
res =, "insert", parent, index, *opts)
return res
def item(self, item, option=None, **kw):
"""Query or modify the options for the specified item.
If no options are given, a dict with options/values for the item
is returned. If option is specified then the value for that option
is returned. Otherwise, sets the options to the corresponding
values as given by kw."""
if option is not None:
kw[option] = None
return _val_or_dict(kw,, self._w, "item", item)
def move(self, item, parent, index):
"""Moves item to position index in parent's list of children.
It is illegal to move an item under one of its descendants. If
index is less than or equal to zero, item is moved to the
beginning, if greater than or equal to the number of children,
it is moved to the end. If item was detached it is reattached.""", "move", item, parent, index)
reattach = move # A sensible method name for reattaching detached items
def next(self, item):
"""Returns the identifier of item's next sibling, or '' if item
is the last child of its parent."""
return, "next", item)
def parent(self, item):
"""Returns the ID of the parent of item, or '' if item is at the
top level of the hierarchy."""
return, "parent", item)
def prev(self, item):
"""Returns the identifier of item's previous sibling, or '' if
item is the first child of its parent."""
return, "prev", item)
def see(self, item):
"""Ensure that item is visible.
Sets all of item's ancestors open option to True, and scrolls
the widget if necessary so that item is within the visible
portion of the tree.""", "see", item)
def selection(self, selop=None, items=None):
"""If selop is not specified, returns selected items."""
return, "selection", selop, items)
def selection_set(self, items):
"""items becomes the new selection."""
self.selection("set", items)
def selection_add(self, items):
"""Add items to the selection."""
self.selection("add", items)
def selection_remove(self, items):
"""Remove items from the selection."""
self.selection("remove", items)
def selection_toggle(self, items):
"""Toggle the selection state of each item in items."""
self.selection("toggle", items)
def set(self, item, column=None, value=None):
"""With one argument, returns a dictionary of column/value pairs
for the specified item. With two arguments, returns the current
value of the specified column. With three arguments, sets the
value of given column in given item to the specified value."""
res =, "set", item, column, value)
if column is None and value is None:
return _dict_from_tcltuple(res, False)
return res
def tag_bind(self, tagname, sequence=None, callback=None):
"""Bind a callback for the given event sequence to the tag tagname.
When an event is delivered to an item, the callbacks for each
of the item's tags option are called."""
self._bind((self._w, "tag", "bind", tagname), sequence, callback, add=0)
def tag_configure(self, tagname, option=None, **kw):
"""Query or modify the options for the specified tagname.
If kw is not given, returns a dict of the option settings for tagname.
If option is specified, returns the value for that option for the
specified tagname. Otherwise, sets the options to the corresponding
values for the given tagname."""
if option is not None:
kw[option] = None
return _val_or_dict(kw,, self._w, "tag", "configure",
def tag_has(self, tagname, item=None):
"""If item is specified, returns 1 or 0 depending on whether the
specified item has the given tagname. Otherwise, returns a list of
all items which have the specified tag.
* Availability: Tk 8.6"""
return, "tag", "has", tagname, item)
def xview(self, *args):
"""Query or modify horizontal position of the treeview."""
return, "xview", *args)
def yview(self, *args):
"""Query or modify vertical position of the treeview."""
return, "yview", *args)
# Extensions
class LabeledScale(Frame):
"""A Ttk Scale widget with a Ttk Label widget indicating its
current value.
The Ttk Scale can be accessed through instance.scale, and Ttk Label
can be accessed through instance.label"""
def __init__(self, master=None, variable=None, from_=0, to=10, **kw):
"""Construct an horizontal LabeledScale with parent master, a
variable to be associated with the Ttk Scale widget and its range.
If variable is not specified, a tkinter.IntVar is created.
compound: 'top' or 'bottom'
Specifies how to display the label relative to the scale.
Defaults to 'top'.
self._label_top = kw.pop('compound', 'top') == 'top'
Frame.__init__(self, master, **kw)
self._variable = variable or tkinter.IntVar(master)
self._last_valid = from_
self.label = Label(self)
self.scale = Scale(self, variable=self._variable, from_=from_, to=to)
self.scale.bind('<<RangeChanged>>', self._adjust)
# position scale and label according to the compound option
scale_side = 'bottom' if self._label_top else 'top'
label_side = 'top' if scale_side == 'bottom' else 'bottom'
self.scale.pack(side=scale_side, fill='x')
tmp = Label(self).pack(side=label_side) # place holder'n' if label_side == 'top' else 's')
# update the label as scale or variable changes
self.__tracecb = self._variable.trace_variable('w', self._adjust)
self.bind('<Configure>', self._adjust)
self.bind('<Map>', self._adjust)
def destroy(self):
"""Destroy this widget and possibly its associated variable."""
self._variable.trace_vdelete('w', self.__tracecb)
except AttributeError:
# widget has been destroyed already
del self._variable
def _adjust(self, *args):
"""Adjust the label position according to the scale."""
def adjust_label():
self.update_idletasks() # "force" scale redraw
x, y = self.scale.coords()
if self._label_top:
y = self.scale.winfo_y() - self.label.winfo_reqheight()
y = self.scale.winfo_reqheight() + self.label.winfo_reqheight()
self.label.place_configure(x=x, y=y)
from_, to = self.scale['from'], self.scale['to']
if to < from_:
from_, to = to, from_
newval = self._variable.get()
if not from_ <= newval <= to:
# value outside range, set value back to the last valid one
self.value = self._last_valid
self._last_valid = newval
self.label['text'] = newval
def _get_value(self):
"""Return current scale value."""
return self._variable.get()
def _set_value(self, val):
"""Set new scale value."""
value = property(_get_value, _set_value)
class OptionMenu(Menubutton):
"""Themed OptionMenu, based after tkinter's OptionMenu, which allows
the user to select a value from a menu."""
def __init__(self, master, variable, default=None, *values, **kwargs):
"""Construct a themed OptionMenu widget with master as the parent,
the resource textvariable set to variable, the initially selected
value specified by the default parameter, the menu values given by
*values and additional keywords.
style: stylename
Menubutton style.
direction: 'above', 'below', 'left', 'right', or 'flush'
Menubutton direction.
command: callback
A callback that will be invoked after selecting an item.
kw = {'textvariable': variable, 'style': kwargs.pop('style', None),
'direction': kwargs.pop('direction', None)}
Menubutton.__init__(self, master, **kw)
self['menu'] = tkinter.Menu(self, tearoff=False)
self._variable = variable
self._callback = kwargs.pop('command', None)
if kwargs:
raise tkinter.TclError('unknown option -%s' % (
self.set_menu(default, *values)
def __getitem__(self, item):
if item == 'menu':
return self.nametowidget(Menubutton.__getitem__(self, item))
return Menubutton.__getitem__(self, item)
def set_menu(self, default=None, *values):
"""Build a new menu of radiobuttons with *values and optionally
a default value."""
menu = self['menu']
menu.delete(0, 'end')
for val in values:
command=tkinter._setit(self._variable, val, self._callback))
if default:
def destroy(self):
"""Destroy this widget and its associated variable."""
del self._variable
......@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ Core and Builtins
- Added the ttk module. See issue #2983: Ttk support for Tkinter.
- Removed isSequenceType(), isMappingType, and isNumberType() from the
operator module; use the abstract base classes instead. Also removed
the repeat() function; use mul() instead.
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