Commit 83da926b authored by Anthony Shaw's avatar Anthony Shaw Committed by Brett Cannon

bpo-35488: Add tests for ** glob matching in pathlib (GH-11171)

parent a5b76167
......@@ -35,28 +35,28 @@ class _BaseFlavourTest(object):
def test_parse_parts_common(self):
check = self._check_parse_parts
sep = self.flavour.sep
# Unanchored parts
# Unanchored parts.
check([], ('', '', []))
check(['a'], ('', '', ['a']))
check(['a/'], ('', '', ['a']))
check(['a', 'b'], ('', '', ['a', 'b']))
# Expansion
# Expansion.
check(['a/b'], ('', '', ['a', 'b']))
check(['a/b/'], ('', '', ['a', 'b']))
check(['a', 'b/c', 'd'], ('', '', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']))
# Collapsing and stripping excess slashes
# Collapsing and stripping excess slashes.
check(['a', 'b//c', 'd'], ('', '', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']))
check(['a', 'b/c/', 'd'], ('', '', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']))
# Eliminating standalone dots
# Eliminating standalone dots.
check(['.'], ('', '', []))
check(['.', '.', 'b'], ('', '', ['b']))
check(['a', '.', 'b'], ('', '', ['a', 'b']))
check(['a', '.', '.'], ('', '', ['a']))
# The first part is anchored
# The first part is anchored.
check(['/a/b'], ('', sep, [sep, 'a', 'b']))
check(['/a', 'b'], ('', sep, [sep, 'a', 'b']))
check(['/a/', 'b'], ('', sep, [sep, 'a', 'b']))
# Ignoring parts before an anchored part
# Ignoring parts before an anchored part.
check(['a', '/b', 'c'], ('', sep, [sep, 'b', 'c']))
check(['a', '/b', '/c'], ('', sep, [sep, 'c']))
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class PosixFlavourTest(_BaseFlavourTest, unittest.TestCase):
check(['//a', 'b'], ('', '//', ['//', 'a', 'b']))
check(['///a', 'b'], ('', '/', ['/', 'a', 'b']))
check(['////a', 'b'], ('', '/', ['/', 'a', 'b']))
# Paths which look like NT paths aren't treated specially
# Paths which look like NT paths aren't treated specially.
check(['c:a'], ('', '', ['c:a']))
check(['c:\\a'], ('', '', ['c:\\a']))
check(['\\a'], ('', '', ['\\a']))
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class PosixFlavourTest(_BaseFlavourTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(f('//a'), ('', '//', 'a'))
self.assertEqual(f('///a'), ('', '/', 'a'))
self.assertEqual(f('///a/b'), ('', '/', 'a/b'))
# Paths which look like NT paths aren't treated specially
# Paths which look like NT paths aren't treated specially.
self.assertEqual(f('c:/a/b'), ('', '', 'c:/a/b'))
self.assertEqual(f('\\/a/b'), ('', '', '\\/a/b'))
self.assertEqual(f('\\a\\b'), ('', '', '\\a\\b'))
......@@ -102,34 +102,34 @@ class NTFlavourTest(_BaseFlavourTest, unittest.TestCase):
def test_parse_parts(self):
check = self._check_parse_parts
# First part is anchored
# First part is anchored.
check(['c:'], ('c:', '', ['c:']))
check(['c:/'], ('c:', '\\', ['c:\\']))
check(['/'], ('', '\\', ['\\']))
check(['c:a'], ('c:', '', ['c:', 'a']))
check(['c:/a'], ('c:', '\\', ['c:\\', 'a']))
check(['/a'], ('', '\\', ['\\', 'a']))
# UNC paths
# UNC paths.
check(['//a/b'], ('\\\\a\\b', '\\', ['\\\\a\\b\\']))
check(['//a/b/'], ('\\\\a\\b', '\\', ['\\\\a\\b\\']))
check(['//a/b/c'], ('\\\\a\\b', '\\', ['\\\\a\\b\\', 'c']))
# Second part is anchored, so that the first part is ignored
# Second part is anchored, so that the first part is ignored.
check(['a', 'Z:b', 'c'], ('Z:', '', ['Z:', 'b', 'c']))
check(['a', 'Z:/b', 'c'], ('Z:', '\\', ['Z:\\', 'b', 'c']))
# UNC paths
# UNC paths.
check(['a', '//b/c', 'd'], ('\\\\b\\c', '\\', ['\\\\b\\c\\', 'd']))
# Collapsing and stripping excess slashes
# Collapsing and stripping excess slashes.
check(['a', 'Z://b//c/', 'd/'], ('Z:', '\\', ['Z:\\', 'b', 'c', 'd']))
# UNC paths
# UNC paths.
check(['a', '//b/c//', 'd'], ('\\\\b\\c', '\\', ['\\\\b\\c\\', 'd']))
# Extended paths
# Extended paths.
check(['//?/c:/'], ('\\\\?\\c:', '\\', ['\\\\?\\c:\\']))
check(['//?/c:/a'], ('\\\\?\\c:', '\\', ['\\\\?\\c:\\', 'a']))
check(['//?/c:/a', '/b'], ('\\\\?\\c:', '\\', ['\\\\?\\c:\\', 'b']))
# Extended UNC paths (format is "\\?\UNC\server\share")
# Extended UNC paths (format is "\\?\UNC\server\share").
check(['//?/UNC/b/c'], ('\\\\?\\UNC\\b\\c', '\\', ['\\\\?\\UNC\\b\\c\\']))
check(['//?/UNC/b/c/d'], ('\\\\?\\UNC\\b\\c', '\\', ['\\\\?\\UNC\\b\\c\\', 'd']))
# Second part has a root but not drive
# Second part has a root but not drive.
check(['a', '/b', 'c'], ('', '\\', ['\\', 'b', 'c']))
check(['Z:/a', '/b', 'c'], ('Z:', '\\', ['Z:\\', 'b', 'c']))
check(['//?/Z:/a', '/b', 'c'], ('\\\\?\\Z:', '\\', ['\\\\?\\Z:\\', 'b', 'c']))
......@@ -143,41 +143,41 @@ class NTFlavourTest(_BaseFlavourTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(f('\\a\\b'), ('', '\\', 'a\\b'))
self.assertEqual(f('c:a\\b'), ('c:', '', 'a\\b'))
self.assertEqual(f('c:\\a\\b'), ('c:', '\\', 'a\\b'))
# Redundant slashes in the root are collapsed
# Redundant slashes in the root are collapsed.
self.assertEqual(f('\\\\a'), ('', '\\', 'a'))
self.assertEqual(f('\\\\\\a/b'), ('', '\\', 'a/b'))
self.assertEqual(f('c:\\\\a'), ('c:', '\\', 'a'))
self.assertEqual(f('c:\\\\\\a/b'), ('c:', '\\', 'a/b'))
# Valid UNC paths
# Valid UNC paths.
self.assertEqual(f('\\\\a\\b'), ('\\\\a\\b', '\\', ''))
self.assertEqual(f('\\\\a\\b\\'), ('\\\\a\\b', '\\', ''))
self.assertEqual(f('\\\\a\\b\\c\\d'), ('\\\\a\\b', '\\', 'c\\d'))
# These are non-UNC paths (according to and test_ntpath)
# These are non-UNC paths (according to and test_ntpath).
# However, says such paths are invalid, so it's
# difficult to know what the right semantics are
# difficult to know what the right semantics are.
self.assertEqual(f('\\\\\\a\\b'), ('', '\\', 'a\\b'))
self.assertEqual(f('\\\\a'), ('', '\\', 'a'))
# Tests for the pure classes
# Tests for the pure classes.
class _BasePurePathTest(object):
# keys are canonical paths, values are list of tuples of arguments
# supposed to produce equal paths
# Keys are canonical paths, values are list of tuples of arguments
# supposed to produce equal paths.
equivalences = {
'a/b': [
('a', 'b'), ('a/', 'b'), ('a', 'b/'), ('a/', 'b/'),
('a/b/',), ('a//b',), ('a//b//',),
# empty components get removed
# Empty components get removed.
('', 'a', 'b'), ('a', '', 'b'), ('a', 'b', ''),
'/b/c/d': [
('a', '/b/c', 'd'), ('a', '///b//c', 'd/'),
('/a', '/b/c', 'd'),
# empty components get removed
# Empty components get removed.
('/', 'b', '', 'c/d'), ('/', '', 'b/c/d'), ('', '/b/c/d'),
......@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ class _BasePurePathTest(object):
self.assertEqual(pp, P('/c'))
def test_div_common(self):
# Basically the same as joinpath()
# Basically the same as joinpath().
P = self.cls
p = P('a/b')
pp = p / 'c'
......@@ -257,18 +257,18 @@ class _BasePurePathTest(object):
self.assertEqual(str(p), expected.replace('/', self.sep))
def test_str_common(self):
# Canonicalized paths roundtrip
# Canonicalized paths roundtrip.
for pathstr in ('a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', '/', '/a/b', '/a/b/c'):
self._check_str(pathstr, (pathstr,))
# Special case for the empty path
# Special case for the empty path.
self._check_str('.', ('',))
# Other tests for str() are in test_equivalences()
# Other tests for str() are in test_equivalences().
def test_as_posix_common(self):
P = self.cls
for pathstr in ('a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', '/', '/a/b', '/a/b/c'):
self.assertEqual(P(pathstr).as_posix(), pathstr)
# Other tests for as_posix() are in test_equivalences()
# Other tests for as_posix() are in test_equivalences().
def test_as_bytes_common(self):
sep = os.fsencode(self.sep)
......@@ -287,12 +287,12 @@ class _BasePurePathTest(object):
p = self.cls(pathstr)
clsname = p.__class__.__name__
r = repr(p)
# The repr() is in the form ClassName("forward-slashes path")
# The repr() is in the form ClassName("forward-slashes path").
self.assertTrue(r.startswith(clsname + '('), r)
self.assertTrue(r.endswith(')'), r)
inner = r[len(clsname) + 1 : -1]
self.assertEqual(eval(inner), p.as_posix())
# The repr() roundtrips
# The repr() roundtrips.
q = eval(r, pathlib.__dict__)
self.assertIs(q.__class__, p.__class__)
self.assertEqual(q, p)
......@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ class _BasePurePathTest(object):
P = self.cls
self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('a').match, '')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('a').match, '.')
# Simple relative pattern
# Simple relative pattern.
......@@ -323,31 +323,34 @@ class _BasePurePathTest(object):
# Wilcard relative pattern
# Wilcard relative pattern.
# Multi-part relative pattern
# Multi-part relative pattern.
# Absolute pattern
# Absolute pattern.
# Multi-part absolute pattern
# Multi-part absolute pattern.
# Multi-part glob-style pattern.
def test_ordering_common(self):
# Ordering is tuple-alike
# Ordering is tuple-alike.
def assertLess(a, b):
self.assertLess(a, b)
self.assertGreater(b, a)
......@@ -375,15 +378,15 @@ class _BasePurePathTest(object):
P() < {}
def test_parts_common(self):
# `parts` returns a tuple
# `parts` returns a tuple.
sep = self.sep
P = self.cls
p = P('a/b')
parts =
self.assertEqual(parts, ('a', 'b'))
# The object gets reused
# The object gets reused.
# When the path is absolute, the anchor is a separate part
# When the path is absolute, the anchor is a separate part.
p = P('/a/b')
parts =
self.assertEqual(parts, (sep, 'a', 'b'))
......@@ -562,14 +565,14 @@ class _BasePurePathTest(object):
self.assertEqual(P('/a/b').with_suffix('.gz'), P('/a/b.gz'))
self.assertEqual(P('a/').with_suffix('.gz'), P('a/b.gz'))
self.assertEqual(P('/a/').with_suffix('.gz'), P('/a/b.gz'))
# Stripping suffix
# Stripping suffix.
self.assertEqual(P('a/').with_suffix(''), P('a/b'))
self.assertEqual(P('/a/b').with_suffix(''), P('/a/b'))
# Path doesn't have a "filename" component
# Path doesn't have a "filename" component.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('').with_suffix, '.gz')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('.').with_suffix, '.gz')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('/').with_suffix, '.gz')
# Invalid suffix
# Invalid suffix.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('a/b').with_suffix, 'gz')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('a/b').with_suffix, '/')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('a/b').with_suffix, '.')
......@@ -593,9 +596,9 @@ class _BasePurePathTest(object):
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to('a/'), P('b'))
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('a/b')), P())
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to('a/b'), P())
# With several args
# With several args.
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to('a', 'b'), P())
# Unrelated paths
# Unrelated paths.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('c'))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('a/b/c'))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('a/c'))
......@@ -608,7 +611,7 @@ class _BasePurePathTest(object):
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to('/a/'), P('b'))
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('/a/b')), P())
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to('/a/b'), P())
# Unrelated paths
# Unrelated paths.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('/c'))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('/a/b/c'))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('/a/c'))
......@@ -635,7 +638,7 @@ class PurePosixPathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
P = self.cls
self.assertEqual(P('/a/b').root, '/')
self.assertEqual(P('///a/b').root, '/')
# POSIX special case for two leading slashes
# POSIX special case for two leading slashes.
self.assertEqual(P('//a/b').root, '//')
def test_eq(self):
......@@ -693,7 +696,7 @@ class PurePosixPathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(pp, P('/c'))
def test_div(self):
# Basically the same as joinpath()
# Basically the same as joinpath().
P = self.cls
p = P('//a')
pp = p / 'b'
......@@ -750,7 +753,7 @@ class PureWindowsPathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertNotEqual(P('c:a/b'), P('d:a/b'))
self.assertNotEqual(P('c:a/b'), P('c:/a/b'))
self.assertNotEqual(P('/a/b'), P('c:/a/b'))
# Case-insensitivity
# Case-insensitivity.
self.assertEqual(P('a/B'), P('A/b'))
self.assertEqual(P('C:a/B'), P('c:A/b'))
self.assertEqual(P('//Some/SHARE/a/B'), P('//somE/share/A/b'))
......@@ -773,7 +776,7 @@ class PureWindowsPathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
def test_match_common(self):
P = self.cls
# Absolute patterns
# Absolute patterns.
......@@ -785,18 +788,18 @@ class PureWindowsPathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
# UNC patterns
# UNC patterns.
# Case-insensitivity
# Case-insensitivity.
def test_ordering_common(self):
# Case-insensitivity
# Case-insensitivity.
def assertOrderedEqual(a, b):
self.assertLessEqual(a, b)
self.assertGreaterEqual(b, a)
......@@ -983,12 +986,12 @@ class PureWindowsPathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/b').with_suffix('.gz'), P('c:/a/b.gz'))
self.assertEqual(P('c:a/').with_suffix('.gz'), P('c:a/b.gz'))
self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/').with_suffix('.gz'), P('c:/a/b.gz'))
# Path doesn't have a "filename" component
# Path doesn't have a "filename" component.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('').with_suffix, '.gz')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('.').with_suffix, '.gz')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('/').with_suffix, '.gz')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('//My/Share').with_suffix, '.gz')
# Invalid suffix
# Invalid suffix.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('c:a/b').with_suffix, 'gz')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('c:a/b').with_suffix, '/')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('c:a/b').with_suffix, '\\')
......@@ -1011,7 +1014,7 @@ class PureWindowsPathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to('c:foO/'), P('Bar'))
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('c:foO/baR')), P())
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to('c:foO/baR'), P())
# Unrelated paths
# Unrelated paths.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P())
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, '')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('d:'))
......@@ -1033,7 +1036,7 @@ class PureWindowsPathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to('c:/foO/'), P('Bar'))
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('c:/foO/baR')), P())
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to('c:/foO/baR'), P())
# Unrelated paths
# Unrelated paths.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('C:/Baz'))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('C:/Foo/Bar/Baz'))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('C:/Foo/Baz'))
......@@ -1043,7 +1046,7 @@ class PureWindowsPathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('/'))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('/Foo'))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('//C/Foo'))
# UNC paths
# UNC paths.
p = P('//Server/Share/Foo/Bar')
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('//sErver/sHare')), P('Foo/Bar'))
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to('//sErver/sHare'), P('Foo/Bar'))
......@@ -1053,7 +1056,7 @@ class PureWindowsPathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to('//sErver/sHare/Foo/'), P('Bar'))
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('//sErver/sHare/Foo/Bar')), P())
self.assertEqual(p.relative_to('//sErver/sHare/Foo/Bar'), P())
# Unrelated paths
# Unrelated paths.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('/Server/Share/Foo'))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('c:/Server/Share/Foo'))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('//z/Share/Foo'))
......@@ -1061,7 +1064,7 @@ class PureWindowsPathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
def test_is_absolute(self):
P = self.cls
# Under NT, only paths with both a drive and a root are absolute
# Under NT, only paths with both a drive and a root are absolute.
......@@ -1074,7 +1077,7 @@ class PureWindowsPathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
# UNC paths are absolute by definition
# UNC paths are absolute by definition.
......@@ -1103,7 +1106,7 @@ class PureWindowsPathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(pp, P('C:/x/y'))
def test_div(self):
# Basically the same as joinpath()
# Basically the same as joinpath().
P = self.cls
p = P('C:/a/b')
self.assertEqual(p / 'x/y', P('C:/a/b/x/y'))
......@@ -1136,9 +1139,9 @@ class PureWindowsPathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIs(True, P('lpt1').is_reserved())
self.assertIs(True, P('').is_reserved())
self.assertIs(False, P('bar.lpt9').is_reserved())
# Only the last component matters
# Only the last component matters.
self.assertIs(False, P('c:/NUL/con/baz').is_reserved())
# UNC paths are never reserved
# UNC paths are never reserved.
self.assertIs(False, P('//my/share/nul/con/aux').is_reserved())
class PurePathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -1168,10 +1171,10 @@ class PurePathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Tests for the concrete classes
# Tests for the concrete classes.
# Make sure any symbolic links in the base test path are resolved
# Make sure any symbolic links in the base test path are resolved.
BASE = os.path.realpath(TESTFN)
join = lambda *x: os.path.join(BASE, *x)
rel_join = lambda *x: os.path.join(TESTFN, *x)
......@@ -1242,16 +1245,16 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
f.write(b"this is file D\n")
os.chmod(join('dirE'), 0)
if support.can_symlink():
# Relative symlinks
# Relative symlinks.
os.symlink('fileA', join('linkA'))
os.symlink('non-existing', join('brokenLink'))
self.dirlink('dirB', join('linkB'))
self.dirlink(os.path.join('..', 'dirB'), join('dirA', 'linkC'))
# This one goes upwards, creating a loop
# This one goes upwards, creating a loop.
self.dirlink(os.path.join('..', 'dirB'), join('dirB', 'linkD'))
if == 'nt':
# Workaround for
# Workaround for
def dirlink(self, src, dest):
os.symlink(src, dest, target_is_directory=True)
......@@ -1361,7 +1364,7 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
p = self.cls(BASE)
(p / 'fileA').write_bytes(b'abcdefg')
self.assertEqual((p / 'fileA').read_bytes(), b'abcdefg')
# check that trying to write str does not truncate the file
# Check that trying to write str does not truncate the file.
self.assertRaises(TypeError, (p / 'fileA').write_bytes, 'somestr')
self.assertEqual((p / 'fileA').read_bytes(), b'abcdefg')
......@@ -1370,7 +1373,7 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
(p / 'fileA').write_text('äbcdefg', encoding='latin-1')
self.assertEqual((p / 'fileA').read_text(
encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore'), 'bcdefg')
# check that trying to write bytes does not truncate the file
# Check that trying to write bytes does not truncate the file.
self.assertRaises(TypeError, (p / 'fileA').write_text, b'somebytes')
self.assertEqual((p / 'fileA').read_text(encoding='latin-1'), 'äbcdefg')
......@@ -1386,7 +1389,7 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
def test_iterdir_symlink(self):
# __iter__ on a symlink to a directory
# __iter__ on a symlink to a directory.
P = self.cls
p = P(BASE, 'linkB')
paths = set(p.iterdir())
......@@ -1394,12 +1397,12 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
self.assertEqual(paths, expected)
def test_iterdir_nodir(self):
# __iter__ on something that is not a directory
# __iter__ on something that is not a directory.
p = self.cls(BASE, 'fileA')
with self.assertRaises(OSError) as cm:
# ENOENT or EINVAL under Windows, ENOTDIR otherwise
# (see issue #12802)
# (see issue #12802).
self.assertIn(cm.exception.errno, (errno.ENOTDIR,
errno.ENOENT, errno.EINVAL))
......@@ -1450,7 +1453,7 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
def test_rglob_symlink_loop(self):
# Don't get fooled by symlink loops (Issue #26012)
# Don't get fooled by symlink loops (Issue #26012).
P = self.cls
p = P(BASE)
given = set(p.rglob('*'))
......@@ -1466,7 +1469,7 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
self.assertEqual(given, {p / x for x in expect})
def test_glob_dotdot(self):
# ".." is not special in globs
# ".." is not special in globs.
P = self.cls
p = P(BASE)
self.assertEqual(set(p.glob("..")), { P(BASE, "..") })
......@@ -1478,7 +1481,7 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
q = p.resolve(strict)
self.assertEqual(q, expected)
# this can be used to check both relative and absolute resolutions
# This can be used to check both relative and absolute resolutions.
_check_resolve_relative = _check_resolve_absolute = _check_resolve
......@@ -1497,7 +1500,7 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
p = P(BASE, '..', 'foo', 'in', 'spam')
os.path.abspath(os.path.join('foo', 'in', 'spam')))
# These are all relative symlinks
# These are all relative symlinks.
p = P(BASE, 'dirB', 'fileB')
self._check_resolve_relative(p, p)
p = P(BASE, 'linkA')
......@@ -1520,7 +1523,7 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
# In Posix, if linkY points to dirB, 'dirA/linkY/..'
# resolves to 'dirB/..' first before resolving to parent of dirB.
self._check_resolve_relative(p, P(BASE, 'foo', 'in', 'spam'), False)
# Now create absolute symlinks
# Now create absolute symlinks.
d = support._longpath(tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='-dirD', dir=os.getcwd()))
self.addCleanup(support.rmtree, d)
os.symlink(os.path.join(d), join('dirA', 'linkX'))
......@@ -1562,7 +1565,7 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
with p:
# I/O operation on closed path
# I/O operation on closed path.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, next, it)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, next, it2)
......@@ -1573,22 +1576,22 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
def test_chmod(self):
p = self.cls(BASE) / 'fileA'
mode = p.stat().st_mode
# Clear writable bit
# Clear writable bit.
new_mode = mode & ~0o222
self.assertEqual(p.stat().st_mode, new_mode)
# Set writable bit
# Set writable bit.
new_mode = mode | 0o222
self.assertEqual(p.stat().st_mode, new_mode)
# XXX also need a test for lchmod
# XXX also need a test for lchmod.
def test_stat(self):
p = self.cls(BASE) / 'fileA'
st = p.stat()
self.assertEqual(p.stat(), st)
# Change file mode by flipping write bit
# Change file mode by flipping write bit.
p.chmod(st.st_mode ^ 0o222)
self.addCleanup(p.chmod, st.st_mode)
self.assertNotEqual(p.stat(), st)
......@@ -1644,12 +1647,12 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
P = self.cls(BASE)
p = P / 'fileA'
size = p.stat().st_size
# Renaming to another path
# Renaming to another path.
q = P / 'dirA' / 'fileAA'
self.assertEqual(q.stat().st_size, size)
# Renaming to a str of a relative path
# Renaming to a str of a relative path.
r = rel_join('fileAAA')
self.assertEqual(os.stat(r).st_size, size)
......@@ -1659,12 +1662,12 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
P = self.cls(BASE)
p = P / 'fileA'
size = p.stat().st_size
# Replacing a non-existing path
# Replacing a non-existing path.
q = P / 'dirA' / 'fileAA'
self.assertEqual(q.stat().st_size, size)
# Replacing another (existing) path
# Replacing another (existing) path.
r = rel_join('dirB', 'fileB')
self.assertEqual(os.stat(r).st_size, size)
......@@ -1682,12 +1685,12 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
# Rewind the mtime sufficiently far in the past to work around
# filesystem-specific timestamp granularity.
os.utime(str(p), (old_mtime - 10, old_mtime - 10))
# The file mtime should be refreshed by calling touch() again
# The file mtime should be refreshed by calling touch() again.
st = p.stat()
self.assertGreaterEqual(st.st_mtime_ns, old_mtime_ns)
self.assertGreaterEqual(st.st_mtime, old_mtime)
# Now with exist_ok=False
# Now with exist_ok=False.
p = P / 'newfileB'
p.touch(mode=0o700, exist_ok=False)
......@@ -1713,7 +1716,7 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errno, errno.EEXIST)
def test_mkdir_parents(self):
# Creating a chain of directories
# Creating a chain of directories.
p = self.cls(BASE, 'newdirB', 'newdirC')
with self.assertRaises(OSError) as cm:
......@@ -1725,16 +1728,16 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
with self.assertRaises(OSError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errno, errno.EEXIST)
# test `mode` arg
mode = stat.S_IMODE(p.stat().st_mode) # default mode
# Test `mode` arg.
mode = stat.S_IMODE(p.stat().st_mode) # Default mode.
p = self.cls(BASE, 'newdirD', 'newdirE')
p.mkdir(0o555, parents=True)
if != 'nt':
# the directory's permissions follow the mode argument
# The directory's permissions follow the mode argument.
self.assertEqual(stat.S_IMODE(p.stat().st_mode), 0o7555 & mode)
# the parent's permissions follow the default process settings
# The parent's permissions follow the default process settings.
self.assertEqual(stat.S_IMODE(p.parent.stat().st_mode), mode)
def test_mkdir_exist_ok(self):
......@@ -1767,11 +1770,11 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
self.assertEqual(p.stat().st_ctime, st_ctime_first)
def test_mkdir_exist_ok_root(self):
# Issue #25803: A drive root could raise PermissionError on Windows
# Issue #25803: A drive root could raise PermissionError on Windows.
self.cls('/').resolve().mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
@only_nt # XXX: not sure how to test this on POSIX
@only_nt # XXX: not sure how to test this on POSIX.
def test_mkdir_with_unknown_drive(self):
p = self.cls(d + ':\\')
......@@ -1819,9 +1822,9 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
# function is called at most 5 times (dirCPC/dir1/dir2,
# dirCPC/dir1, dirCPC, dirCPC/dir1, dirCPC/dir1/dir2).
if pattern.pop():
os.mkdir(path, mode) # from another process
os.mkdir(path, mode) # From another process.
os.mkdir(path, mode) # our real call
os.mkdir(path, mode) # Our real call.
pattern = [bool(pattern_num & (1 << n)) for n in range(5)]
concurrently_created = set()
......@@ -1839,18 +1842,18 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
def test_symlink_to(self):
P = self.cls(BASE)
target = P / 'fileA'
# Symlinking a path target
# Symlinking a path target.
link = P / 'dirA' / 'linkAA'
self.assertEqual(link.stat(), target.stat())
self.assertNotEqual(link.lstat(), target.stat())
# Symlinking a str target
# Symlinking a str target.
link = P / 'dirA' / 'linkAAA'
self.assertEqual(link.stat(), target.stat())
self.assertNotEqual(link.lstat(), target.stat())
# Symlinking to a directory
# Symlinking to a directory.
target = P / 'dirB'
link = P / 'dirA' / 'linkAAAA'
link.symlink_to(target, target_is_directory=True)
......@@ -1888,7 +1891,7 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
def test_is_mount(self):
P = self.cls(BASE)
R = self.cls('/') # TODO: Work out windows
R = self.cls('/') # TODO: Work out Windows.
self.assertFalse((P / 'fileA').is_mount())
self.assertFalse((P / 'dirA').is_mount())
self.assertFalse((P / 'non-existing').is_mount())
......@@ -1982,7 +1985,7 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
self.assertIs((P / 'fileA\x00').is_char_device(), False)
def test_is_char_device_true(self):
# Under Unix, /dev/null should generally be a char device
# Under Unix, /dev/null should generally be a char device.
P = self.cls('/dev/null')
if not P.exists():
self.skipTest("/dev/null required")
......@@ -2009,14 +2012,14 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
def _check_complex_symlinks(self, link0_target):
# Test solving a non-looping chain of symlinks (issue #19887)
# Test solving a non-looping chain of symlinks (issue #19887).
P = self.cls(BASE)
self.dirlink(os.path.join('link0', 'link0'), join('link1'))
self.dirlink(os.path.join('link1', 'link1'), join('link2'))
self.dirlink(os.path.join('link2', 'link2'), join('link3'))
self.dirlink(link0_target, join('link0'))
# Resolve absolute paths
# Resolve absolute paths.
p = (P / 'link0').resolve()
self.assertEqual(p, P)
self.assertEqual(str(p), BASE)
......@@ -2030,7 +2033,7 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
self.assertEqual(p, P)
self.assertEqual(str(p), BASE)
# Resolve relative paths
# Resolve relative paths.
old_path = os.getcwd()
......@@ -2122,7 +2125,7 @@ class PosixPathTest(_BasePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
def test_resolve_loop(self):
# Loops with relative symlinks
# Loops with relative symlinks.
os.symlink('linkX/inside', join('linkX'))
self._check_symlink_loop(BASE, 'linkX')
os.symlink('linkY', join('linkY'))
......@@ -2131,7 +2134,7 @@ class PosixPathTest(_BasePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
self._check_symlink_loop(BASE, 'linkZ')
# Non-strict
self._check_symlink_loop(BASE, 'linkZ', 'foo', strict=False)
# Loops with absolute symlinks
# Loops with absolute symlinks.
os.symlink(join('linkU/inside'), join('linkU'))
self._check_symlink_loop(BASE, 'linkU')
os.symlink(join('linkV'), join('linkV'))
......@@ -2166,7 +2169,7 @@ class PosixPathTest(_BasePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
pwdent = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())
username = pwdent.pw_name
userhome = pwdent.pw_dir.rstrip('/') or '/'
# find arbitrary different user (if exists)
# Find arbitrary different user (if exists).
for pwdent in pwd.getpwall():
othername = pwdent.pw_name
otherhome = pwdent.pw_dir.rstrip('/')
......@@ -2279,11 +2282,11 @@ class WindowsPathTest(_BasePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(p5.expanduser(), p5)
self.assertEqual(p6.expanduser(), p6)
# test the first lookup key in the env vars
# Test the first lookup key in the env vars.
env['HOME'] = 'C:\\Users\\alice'
# test that HOMEPATH is available instead
# Test that HOMEPATH is available instead.
env.pop('HOME', None)
env['HOMEPATH'] = 'C:\\Users\\alice'
Add a test to pathlib's Path.match() to verify it does not support glob-style ** recursive pattern matching.
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