Commit 8620b0f7 authored by Ross Lagerwall's avatar Ross Lagerwall

Merge with remote.

parents 5d403d53 32a0c7a9
......@@ -604,8 +604,6 @@ than raw I/O does.
*raw* stream. If the *buffer_size* is not given, it defaults to
A third argument, *max_buffer_size*, is supported, but unused and deprecated.
:class:`BufferedWriter` provides or overrides these methods in addition to
those from :class:`BufferedIOBase` and :class:`IOBase`:
......@@ -631,8 +629,6 @@ than raw I/O does.
in the first argument. If the *buffer_size* is omitted it defaults to
A third argument, *max_buffer_size*, is supported, but unused and deprecated.
:class:`BufferedRandom` is capable of anything :class:`BufferedReader` or
:class:`BufferedWriter` can do.
......@@ -647,9 +643,6 @@ than raw I/O does.
writeable respectively. If the *buffer_size* is omitted it defaults to
A fourth argument, *max_buffer_size*, is supported, but unused and
:class:`BufferedRWPair` implements all of :class:`BufferedIOBase`\'s methods
except for :meth:`~BufferedIOBase.detach`, which raises
......@@ -477,6 +477,18 @@ new, more precise information::
'<function C.D.meth at 0x7f46b9fe31e0>'
PEP 412: Key-Sharing Dictionary
:pep:`412` - Key-Sharing Dictionary
PEP written and implemented by Mark Shannon.
Dictionaries used for the storage of objects' attributes are now able to
share part of their internal storage between each other (namely, the part
which stores the keys and their respective hashes). This reduces the memory
consumption of programs creating many instances of non-builtin types.
Using importlib as the Implementation of Import
:issue:`2377` - Replace __import__ w/ importlib.__import__
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Python implementation of the io module.
import os
import abc
import codecs
import warnings
import errno
# Import _thread instead of threading to reduce startup cost
......@@ -1065,19 +1064,13 @@ class BufferedWriter(_BufferedIOMixin):
_warning_stack_offset = 2
def __init__(self, raw,
buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, max_buffer_size=None):
def __init__(self, raw, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE):
if not raw.writable():
raise IOError('"raw" argument must be writable.')
_BufferedIOMixin.__init__(self, raw)
if buffer_size <= 0:
raise ValueError("invalid buffer size")
if max_buffer_size is not None:
warnings.warn("max_buffer_size is deprecated", DeprecationWarning,
self.buffer_size = buffer_size
self._write_buf = bytearray()
self._write_lock = Lock()
......@@ -1167,15 +1160,11 @@ class BufferedRWPair(BufferedIOBase):
# XXX The usefulness of this (compared to having two separate IO
# objects) is questionable.
def __init__(self, reader, writer,
buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, max_buffer_size=None):
def __init__(self, reader, writer, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE):
The arguments are two RawIO instances.
if max_buffer_size is not None:
warnings.warn("max_buffer_size is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, 2)
if not reader.readable():
raise IOError('"reader" argument must be readable.')
......@@ -1232,13 +1221,10 @@ class BufferedRandom(BufferedWriter, BufferedReader):
_warning_stack_offset = 3
def __init__(self, raw,
buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, max_buffer_size=None):
def __init__(self, raw, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE):
BufferedReader.__init__(self, raw, buffer_size)
BufferedWriter.__init__(self, raw, buffer_size, max_buffer_size)
BufferedWriter.__init__(self, raw, buffer_size)
def seek(self, pos, whence=0):
if whence not in valid_seek_flags:
......@@ -1579,7 +1579,6 @@ class ArgumentParser(_AttributeHolder, _ActionsContainer):
......@@ -1588,14 +1587,6 @@ class ArgumentParser(_AttributeHolder, _ActionsContainer):
if version is not None:
import warnings
"""The "version" argument to ArgumentParser is deprecated. """
"""Please use """
""""add_argument(..., action='version', version="N", ...)" """
"""instead""", DeprecationWarning)
superinit = super(ArgumentParser, self).__init__
......@@ -1609,7 +1600,6 @@ class ArgumentParser(_AttributeHolder, _ActionsContainer):
self.prog = prog
self.usage = usage
self.epilog = epilog
self.version = version
self.formatter_class = formatter_class
self.fromfile_prefix_chars = fromfile_prefix_chars
self.add_help = add_help
......@@ -1624,7 +1614,7 @@ class ArgumentParser(_AttributeHolder, _ActionsContainer):
return string
self.register('type', None, identity)
# add help and version arguments if necessary
# add help argument if necessary
# (using explicit default to override global argument_default)
default_prefix = '-' if '-' in prefix_chars else prefix_chars[0]
if self.add_help:
......@@ -1632,12 +1622,6 @@ class ArgumentParser(_AttributeHolder, _ActionsContainer):
default_prefix+'h', default_prefix*2+'help',
action='help', default=SUPPRESS,
help=_('show this help message and exit'))
if self.version:
default_prefix+'v', default_prefix*2+'version',
action='version', default=SUPPRESS,
help=_("show program's version number and exit"))
# add parent arguments and defaults
for parent in parents:
......@@ -1657,7 +1641,6 @@ class ArgumentParser(_AttributeHolder, _ActionsContainer):
......@@ -2320,16 +2303,6 @@ class ArgumentParser(_AttributeHolder, _ActionsContainer):
# determine help from format above
return formatter.format_help()
def format_version(self):
import warnings
'The format_version method is deprecated -- the "version" '
'argument to ArgumentParser is no longer supported.',
formatter = self._get_formatter()
return formatter.format_help()
def _get_formatter(self):
return self.formatter_class(prog=self.prog)
......@@ -2346,14 +2319,6 @@ class ArgumentParser(_AttributeHolder, _ActionsContainer):
file = _sys.stdout
self._print_message(self.format_help(), file)
def print_version(self, file=None):
import warnings
'The print_version method is deprecated -- the "version" '
'argument to ArgumentParser is no longer supported.',
self._print_message(self.format_version(), file)
def _print_message(self, message, file=None):
if message:
if file is None:
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ __version__ = '1.0'
import struct
import functools
......@@ -405,7 +405,38 @@ def get_mixed_type_key(obj):
return NotImplemented
class _IPAddressBase:
class _TotalOrderingMixin:
# Helper that derives the other comparison operations from
# __lt__ and __eq__
def __eq__(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError
def __ne__(self, other):
equal = self.__eq__(other)
if equal is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not equal
def __lt__(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError
def __le__(self, other):
less = self.__lt__(other)
if less is NotImplemented or not less:
return self.__eq__(other)
return less
def __gt__(self, other):
less = self.__lt__(other)
if less is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
equal = self.__eq__(other)
if equal is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not (less or equal)
def __ge__(self, other):
less = self.__lt__(other)
if less is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not less
class _IPAddressBase(_TotalOrderingMixin):
"""The mother class."""
......@@ -465,7 +496,6 @@ class _IPAddressBase:
prefixlen = self._prefixlen
return self._string_from_ip_int(self._ip_int_from_prefix(prefixlen))
class _BaseAddress(_IPAddressBase):
"""A generic IP object.
......@@ -493,24 +523,6 @@ class _BaseAddress(_IPAddressBase):
except AttributeError:
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, other):
eq = self.__eq__(other)
if eq is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not eq
def __le__(self, other):
gt = self.__gt__(other)
if gt is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not gt
def __ge__(self, other):
lt = self.__lt__(other)
if lt is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not lt
def __lt__(self, other):
if self._version != other._version:
raise TypeError('%s and %s are not of the same version' % (
......@@ -522,17 +534,6 @@ class _BaseAddress(_IPAddressBase):
return self._ip < other._ip
return False
def __gt__(self, other):
if self._version != other._version:
raise TypeError('%s and %s are not of the same version' % (
self, other))
if not isinstance(other, _BaseAddress):
raise TypeError('%s and %s are not of the same type' % (
self, other))
if self._ip != other._ip:
return self._ip > other._ip
return False
# Shorthand for Integer addition and subtraction. This is not
# meant to ever support addition/subtraction of addresses.
def __add__(self, other):
......@@ -625,31 +626,6 @@ class _BaseNetwork(_IPAddressBase):
return self.netmask < other.netmask
return False
def __gt__(self, other):
if self._version != other._version:
raise TypeError('%s and %s are not of the same version' % (
self, other))
if not isinstance(other, _BaseNetwork):
raise TypeError('%s and %s are not of the same type' % (
self, other))
if self.network_address != other.network_address:
return self.network_address > other.network_address
if self.netmask != other.netmask:
return self.netmask > other.netmask
return False
def __le__(self, other):
gt = self.__gt__(other)
if gt is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not gt
def __ge__(self, other):
lt = self.__lt__(other)
if lt is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not lt
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self._version == other._version and
......@@ -658,12 +634,6 @@ class _BaseNetwork(_IPAddressBase):
except AttributeError:
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, other):
eq = self.__eq__(other)
if eq is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not eq
def __hash__(self):
return hash(int(self.network_address) ^ int(self.netmask))
......@@ -1292,11 +1262,27 @@ class IPv4Interface(IPv4Address):
def __eq__(self, other):
address_equal = IPv4Address.__eq__(self, other)
if not address_equal or address_equal is NotImplemented:
return address_equal
return (IPv4Address.__eq__(self, other) and ==
return ==
except AttributeError:
# An interface with an associated network is NOT the
# same as an unassociated address. That's why the hash
# takes the extra info into account.
return False
def __lt__(self, other):
address_less = IPv4Address.__lt__(self, other)
if address_less is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return <
except AttributeError:
# We *do* allow addresses and interfaces to be sorted. The
# unassociated address is considered less than all interfaces.
return False
def __hash__(self):
return self._ip ^ self._prefixlen ^ int(
......@@ -1928,11 +1914,27 @@ class IPv6Interface(IPv6Address):
def __eq__(self, other):
address_equal = IPv6Address.__eq__(self, other)
if not address_equal or address_equal is NotImplemented:
return address_equal
return (IPv6Address.__eq__(self, other) and ==
return ==
except AttributeError:
# An interface with an associated network is NOT the
# same as an unassociated address. That's why the hash
# takes the extra info into account.
return False
def __lt__(self, other):
address_less = IPv6Address.__lt__(self, other)
if address_less is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return <
except AttributeError:
# We *do* allow addresses and interfaces to be sorted. The
# unassociated address is considered less than all interfaces.
return False
def __hash__(self):
return self._ip ^ self._prefixlen ^ int(
......@@ -1323,20 +1323,21 @@ class TestParserDefaultSuppress(ParserTestCase):
class TestParserDefault42(ParserTestCase):
"""Test actions with a parser-level default of 42"""
parser_signature = Sig(argument_default=42, version='1.0')
parser_signature = Sig(argument_default=42)
argument_signatures = [
Sig('--version', action='version', version='1.0'),
Sig('foo', nargs='?'),
Sig('bar', nargs='*'),
Sig('--baz', action='store_true'),
failures = ['-x']
successes = [
('', NS(foo=42, bar=42, baz=42)),
('a', NS(foo='a', bar=42, baz=42)),
('a b', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'], baz=42)),
('--baz', NS(foo=42, bar=42, baz=True)),
('a --baz', NS(foo='a', bar=42, baz=True)),
('--baz a b', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'], baz=True)),
('', NS(foo=42, bar=42, baz=42, version=42)),
('a', NS(foo='a', bar=42, baz=42, version=42)),
('a b', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'], baz=42, version=42)),
('--baz', NS(foo=42, bar=42, baz=True, version=42)),
('a --baz', NS(foo='a', bar=42, baz=True, version=42)),
('--baz a b', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'], baz=True, version=42)),
......@@ -2896,10 +2897,9 @@ class TestHelpFormattingMetaclass(type):
parser_text = sfile.getvalue()
self._test(tester, parser_text)
# add tests for {format,print}_{usage,help,version}
# add tests for {format,print}_{usage,help}
for func_suffix, std_name in [('usage', 'stdout'),
('help', 'stdout'),
('version', 'stderr')]:
('help', 'stdout')]:
AddTests(cls, func_suffix, std_name)
bases = TestCase,
......@@ -2910,8 +2910,9 @@ class TestHelpBiggerOptionals(HelpTestCase):
"""Make sure that argument help aligns when options are longer"""
parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG', description='DESCRIPTION',
epilog='EPILOG', version='0.1')
argument_signatures = [
Sig('-v', '--version', action='version', version='0.1'),
Sig('-x', action='store_true', help='X HELP'),
Sig('--y', help='Y HELP'),
Sig('foo', help='FOO HELP'),
......@@ -2946,8 +2947,9 @@ class TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups(HelpTestCase):
"""Make sure that argument help aligns when options are longer"""
parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG', description='DESCRIPTION',
epilog='EPILOG', version='0.1')
argument_signatures = [
Sig('-v', '--version', action='version', version='0.1'),
Sig('-x', action='store_true', help='X HELP'),
Sig('--y', help='Y HELP'),
Sig('foo', help='FOO HELP'),
......@@ -3114,9 +3116,9 @@ HHAAHHH
class TestHelpWrappingLongNames(HelpTestCase):
"""Make sure that text after long names starts on the next line"""
parser_signature = Sig(usage='USAGE', description= 'D D' * 30,
version='V V'*30)
parser_signature = Sig(usage='USAGE', description= 'D D' * 30)
argument_signatures = [
Sig('-v', '--version', action='version', version='V V' * 30),
Sig('-x', metavar='X' * 25, help='XH XH' * 20),
Sig('y', metavar='y' * 25, help='YH YH' * 20),
......@@ -3719,8 +3721,9 @@ class TestHelpNoHelpOptional(HelpTestCase):
class TestHelpVersionOptional(HelpTestCase):
"""Test that the --version argument can be suppressed help messages"""
parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG', version='1.0')
parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG')
argument_signatures = [
Sig('-v', '--version', action='version', version='1.0'),
Sig('--foo', help='foo help'),
Sig('spam', help='spam help'),
......@@ -3953,8 +3956,8 @@ class TestHelpVersionAction(HelpTestCase):
class TestHelpSubparsersOrdering(HelpTestCase):
"""Test ordering of subcommands in help matches the code"""
parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG',
description='display some subcommands',
description='display some subcommands')
argument_signatures = [Sig('-v', '--version', action='version', version='0.1')]
subparsers_signatures = [Sig(name=name)
for name in ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')]
......@@ -3982,8 +3985,8 @@ class TestHelpSubparsersOrdering(HelpTestCase):
class TestHelpSubparsersWithHelpOrdering(HelpTestCase):
"""Test ordering of subcommands in help matches the code"""
parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG',
description='display some subcommands',
description='display some subcommands')
argument_signatures = [Sig('-v', '--version', action='version', version='0.1')]
subcommand_data = (('a', 'a subcommand help'),
('b', 'b subcommand help'),
......@@ -4280,32 +4283,28 @@ class TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions(TestCase):
self._get_error(parser.parse_args, args_str.split()).stdout)
def assertPrintVersionExit(self, parser, args_str):
self._get_error(parser.parse_args, args_str.split()).stderr)
def assertArgumentParserError(self, parser, *args):
self.assertRaises(ArgumentParserError, parser.parse_args, args)
def test_version(self):
parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(version='1.0')
parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='1.0')
self.assertPrintHelpExit(parser, '-h')
self.assertPrintHelpExit(parser, '--help')
self.assertPrintVersionExit(parser, '-v')
self.assertPrintVersionExit(parser, '--version')
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, parser, 'format_version')
def test_version_format(self):
parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(prog='PPP', version='%(prog)s 3.5')
parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(prog='PPP')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 3.5')
msg = self._get_error(parser.parse_args, ['-v']).stderr
self.assertEqual('PPP 3.5\n', msg)
def test_version_no_help(self):
parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(add_help=False, version='1.0')
parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(add_help=False)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='1.0')
self.assertArgumentParserError(parser, '-h')
self.assertArgumentParserError(parser, '--help')
self.assertPrintVersionExit(parser, '-v')
self.assertPrintVersionExit(parser, '--version')
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, parser, 'format_version')
def test_version_action(self):
parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(prog='XXX')
......@@ -4325,12 +4324,13 @@ class TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions(TestCase):
parser.add_argument('-x', action='help')
parser.add_argument('-y', action='version')
self.assertPrintHelpExit(parser, '-x')
self.assertPrintVersionExit(parser, '-y')
self.assertArgumentParserError(parser, '-v')
self.assertArgumentParserError(parser, '--version')
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, parser, 'format_version')
def test_help_version_extra_arguments(self):
parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(version='1.0')
parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='1.0')
parser.add_argument('-x', action='store_true')
......@@ -4342,8 +4342,7 @@ class TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions(TestCase):
format = '%s %%s %s' % (prefix, suffix)
self.assertPrintHelpExit(parser, format % '-h')
self.assertPrintHelpExit(parser, format % '--help')
self.assertPrintVersionExit(parser, format % '-v')
self.assertPrintVersionExit(parser, format % '--version')
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, parser, 'format_version')
# ======================
......@@ -4398,7 +4397,7 @@ class TestStrings(TestCase):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
string = (
"ArgumentParser(prog='PROG', usage=None, description=None, "
"version=None, formatter_class=%r, conflict_handler='error', "
"formatter_class=%r, conflict_handler='error', "
"add_help=True)" % argparse.HelpFormatter)
self.assertStringEqual(parser, string)
......@@ -4760,12 +4759,6 @@ class TestImportStar(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(sorted(items), sorted(argparse.__all__))
def test_main():
# silence warnings about version argument - these are expected
with support.check_warnings(
('The "version" argument to ArgumentParser is deprecated.',
('The (format|print)_version method is deprecated',
# Remove global references to avoid looking like we have refleaks.
RFile.seen = {}
......@@ -1255,9 +1255,8 @@ class BufferedWriterTest(unittest.TestCase, CommonBufferedTests):
self.assertRaises(IOError, bufio.tell)
self.assertRaises(IOError, bufio.write, b"abcdef")
def test_max_buffer_size_deprecation(self):
with support.check_warnings(("max_buffer_size is deprecated",
def test_max_buffer_size_removal(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):, 8, 12)
......@@ -1313,9 +1312,8 @@ class BufferedRWPairTest(unittest.TestCase):
pair =, self.MockRawIO())
self.assertRaises(self.UnsupportedOperation, pair.detach)
def test_constructor_max_buffer_size_deprecation(self):
with support.check_warnings(("max_buffer_size is deprecated",
def test_constructor_max_buffer_size_removal(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):, self.MockRawIO(), 8, 12)
def test_constructor_with_not_readable(self):
......@@ -415,6 +415,93 @@ class FactoryFunctionErrors(ErrorReporting):
self.assertFactoryError(ipaddress.ip_network, "network")
class ComparisonTests(unittest.TestCase):
v4addr = ipaddress.IPv4Address(1)
v4net = ipaddress.IPv4Network(1)
v4intf = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(1)
v6addr = ipaddress.IPv6Address(1)
v6net = ipaddress.IPv6Network(1)
v6intf = ipaddress.IPv6Interface(1)
v4_addresses = [v4addr, v4intf]
v4_objects = v4_addresses + [v4net]
v6_addresses = [v6addr, v6intf]
v6_objects = v6_addresses + [v6net]
objects = v4_objects + v6_objects
def test_foreign_type_equality(self):
# __eq__ should never raise TypeError directly
other = object()
for obj in self.objects:
self.assertNotEqual(obj, other)
self.assertFalse(obj == other)
self.assertEqual(obj.__eq__(other), NotImplemented)
self.assertEqual(obj.__ne__(other), NotImplemented)
def test_mixed_type_equality(self):
# Ensure none of the internal objects accidentally
# expose the right set of attributes to become "equal"
for lhs in self.objects:
for rhs in self.objects:
if lhs is rhs:
self.assertNotEqual(lhs, rhs)
def test_containment(self):
for obj in self.v4_addresses:
self.assertIn(obj, self.v4net)
for obj in self.v6_addresses:
self.assertIn(obj, self.v6net)
for obj in self.v4_objects + [self.v6net]:
self.assertNotIn(obj, self.v6net)
for obj in self.v6_objects + [self.v4net]:
self.assertNotIn(obj, self.v4net)
def test_mixed_type_ordering(self):
for lhs in self.objects:
for rhs in self.objects:
if isinstance(lhs, type(rhs)) or isinstance(rhs, type(lhs)):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: lhs < rhs)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: lhs > rhs)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: lhs <= rhs)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: lhs >= rhs)
def test_mixed_type_key(self):
# with get_mixed_type_key, you can sort addresses and network.
v4_ordered = [self.v4addr, self.v4net, self.v4intf]
v6_ordered = [self.v6addr, self.v6net, self.v6intf]
self.assertEqual(v4_ordered + v6_ordered,
self.assertEqual(NotImplemented, ipaddress.get_mixed_type_key(object))
def test_incompatible_versions(self):
# These should always raise TypeError
v4addr = ipaddress.ip_address('')
v4net = ipaddress.ip_network('')
v6addr = ipaddress.ip_address('::1')
v6net = ipaddress.ip_address('::1')
self.assertRaises(TypeError, v4addr.__lt__, v6addr)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, v4addr.__gt__, v6addr)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, v4net.__lt__, v6net)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, v4net.__gt__, v6net)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, v6addr.__lt__, v4addr)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, v6addr.__gt__, v4addr)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, v6net.__lt__, v4net)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, v6net.__gt__, v4net)
class IpaddrUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
......@@ -495,67 +582,6 @@ class IpaddrUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testEqualityChecks(self):
# __eq__ should never raise TypeError directly
other = object()
def assertEqualityNotImplemented(instance):
self.assertEqual(instance.__eq__(other), NotImplemented)
self.assertEqual(instance.__ne__(other), NotImplemented)
self.assertFalse(instance == other)
self.assertTrue(instance != other)
def testBadVersionComparison(self):
# These should always raise TypeError
v4addr = ipaddress.ip_address('')
v4net = ipaddress.ip_network('')
v6addr = ipaddress.ip_address('::1')
v6net = ipaddress.ip_address('::1')
self.assertRaises(TypeError, v4addr.__lt__, v6addr)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, v4addr.__gt__, v6addr)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, v4net.__lt__, v6net)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, v4net.__gt__, v6net)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, v6addr.__lt__, v4addr)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, v6addr.__gt__, v4addr)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, v6net.__lt__, v4net)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, v6net.__gt__, v4net)
def testMixedTypeComparison(self):
v4addr = ipaddress.ip_address('')
v4net = ipaddress.ip_network('')
v6addr = ipaddress.ip_address('::1')
v6net = ipaddress.ip_network('::1/128')
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: v4addr < v4net)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: v4addr > v4net)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: v4net < v4addr)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: v4net > v4addr)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: v6addr < v6net)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: v6addr > v6net)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: v6net < v6addr)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: v6net > v6addr)
# with get_mixed_type_key, you can sort addresses and network.
self.assertEqual([v4addr, v4net],
sorted([v4net, v4addr],
self.assertEqual([v6addr, v6net],
sorted([v6net, v6addr],
self.assertEqual(NotImplemented, ipaddress.get_mixed_type_key(object))
def testIpFromInt(self):
......@@ -1049,6 +1075,16 @@ class IpaddrUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(ipaddress.ip_address('::1') <=
def testInterfaceComparison(self):
self.assertTrue(ipaddress.ip_interface('') <=
self.assertTrue(ipaddress.ip_interface('') <=
self.assertTrue(ipaddress.ip_interface('::1') <=
self.assertTrue(ipaddress.ip_interface('::1') <=
def testNetworkComparison(self):
# ip1 and ip2 have the same network address
ip1 = ipaddress.IPv4Network('')
......@@ -154,6 +154,22 @@ class XMLRPCTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, m.dump_int,
xmlrpclib.MININT-1, dummy_write)
def test_dump_double(self):
xmlrpclib.dumps((float(2 ** 34),))
xmlrpclib.dumps((float(xmlrpclib.MAXINT + 42),
float(xmlrpclib.MININT - 42)))
def dummy_write(s):
m = xmlrpclib.Marshaller()
m.dump_double(xmlrpclib.MAXINT, dummy_write)
m.dump_double(xmlrpclib.MININT, dummy_write)
m.dump_double(xmlrpclib.MAXINT + 42, dummy_write)
m.dump_double(xmlrpclib.MININT - 42, dummy_write)
def test_dump_none(self):
value = alist + [None]
arg1 = (alist + [None],)
......@@ -48,19 +48,16 @@ Sample use, programmatically
r.write_results(show_missing=True, coverdir="/tmp")
__all__ = ['Trace', 'CoverageResults']
import io
import linecache
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import token
import tokenize
import inspect
import gc
import dis
import pickle
from warnings import warn as _warn
from time import monotonic as _time
except ImportError:
......@@ -23,6 +23,14 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #13248: Remove obsolete argument "max_buffer_size" of BufferedWriter
and BufferedRWPair, from the io module.
- Issue #13248: Remove obsolete argument "version" of argparse.ArgumentParser.
- Issue #14814: implement more consistent ordering and sorting behaviour
for ipaddress objects
- Issue #14814: ipaddress network objects correctly return NotImplemented
when compared to arbitrary objects instead of raising TypeError
......@@ -1759,15 +1759,6 @@ PyTypeObject PyBufferedReader_Type = {
static int
if (PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_DeprecationWarning,
"max_buffer_size is deprecated", 1) < 0)
return 0;
return 1;
* class BufferedWriter
......@@ -1776,7 +1767,7 @@ PyDoc_STRVAR(bufferedwriter_doc,
"The constructor creates a BufferedWriter for the given writeable raw\n"
"stream. If the buffer_size is not given, it defaults to\n"
"DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE. max_buffer_size isn't used anymore.\n"
static void
......@@ -1789,23 +1780,18 @@ _bufferedwriter_reset_buf(buffered *self)
static int
bufferedwriter_init(buffered *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
/* TODO: properly deprecate max_buffer_size */
char *kwlist[] = {"raw", "buffer_size", "max_buffer_size", NULL};
char *kwlist[] = {"raw", "buffer_size", NULL};
Py_ssize_t buffer_size = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
Py_ssize_t max_buffer_size = -234;
PyObject *raw;
self->ok = 0;
self->detached = 0;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|nn:BufferedReader", kwlist,
&raw, &buffer_size, &max_buffer_size)) {
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|n:BufferedReader", kwlist,
&raw, &buffer_size)) {
return -1;
if (max_buffer_size != -234 && !complain_about_max_buffer_size())
return -1;
if (_PyIOBase_check_writable(raw, Py_True) == NULL)
return -1;
......@@ -2186,16 +2172,12 @@ bufferedrwpair_init(rwpair *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
PyObject *reader, *writer;
Py_ssize_t buffer_size = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
Py_ssize_t max_buffer_size = -234;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO|nn:BufferedRWPair", &reader, &writer,
&buffer_size, &max_buffer_size)) {
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO|n:BufferedRWPair", &reader, &writer,
&buffer_size)) {
return -1;
if (max_buffer_size != -234 && !complain_about_max_buffer_size())
return -1;
if (_PyIOBase_check_readable(reader, Py_True) == NULL)
return -1;
if (_PyIOBase_check_writable(writer, Py_True) == NULL)
......@@ -2420,28 +2402,24 @@ PyDoc_STRVAR(bufferedrandom_doc,
"The constructor creates a reader and writer for a seekable stream,\n"
"raw, given in the first argument. If the buffer_size is omitted it\n"
"defaults to DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE. max_buffer_size isn't used anymore.\n"
"defaults to DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE.\n"
static int
bufferedrandom_init(buffered *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
char *kwlist[] = {"raw", "buffer_size", "max_buffer_size", NULL};
char *kwlist[] = {"raw", "buffer_size", NULL};
Py_ssize_t buffer_size = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
Py_ssize_t max_buffer_size = -234;
PyObject *raw;
self->ok = 0;
self->detached = 0;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|nn:BufferedReader", kwlist,
&raw, &buffer_size, &max_buffer_size)) {
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|n:BufferedReader", kwlist,
&raw, &buffer_size)) {
return -1;
if (max_buffer_size != -234 && !complain_about_max_buffer_size())
return -1;
if (_PyIOBase_check_seekable(raw, Py_True) == NULL)
return -1;
if (_PyIOBase_check_readable(raw, Py_True) == NULL)
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ ccbench, a Python concurrency benchmark.
import time
import os
import sys
import functools
import itertools
import threading
import subprocess
......@@ -46,38 +46,38 @@ class LifeBoard:
self.state = {}
self.scr = scr
Y, X = self.scr.getmaxyx()
self.X, self.Y = X-2, Y-2-1
self.X, self.Y = X - 2, Y - 2 - 1
self.char = char
# Draw a border around the board
border_line = '+'+(self.X*'-')+'+'
border_line = '+' + (self.X * '-') + '+'
self.scr.addstr(0, 0, border_line)
self.scr.addstr(self.Y+1, 0, border_line)
self.scr.addstr(self.Y + 1, 0, border_line)
for y in range(0, self.Y):
self.scr.addstr(1+y, 0, '|')
self.scr.addstr(1+y, self.X+1, '|')
self.scr.addstr(1 + y, 0, '|')
self.scr.addstr(1 + y, self.X + 1, '|')
def set(self, y, x):
"""Set a cell to the live state"""
if x<0 or self.X<=x or y<0 or self.Y<=y:
raise ValueError("Coordinates out of range %i,%i"% (y, x))
self.state[x,y] = 1
if x < 0 or self.X <= x or y < 0 or self.Y <= y:
raise ValueError("Coordinates out of range %i,%i" % (y, x))
self.state[x, y] = 1
def toggle(self, y, x):
"""Toggle a cell's state between live and dead"""
if x < 0 or self.X <= x or y < 0 or self.Y <= y:
raise ValueError("Coordinates out of range %i,%i"% (y, x))
raise ValueError("Coordinates out of range %i,%i" % (y, x))
if (x, y) in self.state:
del self.state[x, y]
self.scr.addch(y+1, x+1, ' ')
self.scr.addch(y + 1, x + 1, ' ')
self.state[x, y] = 1
if curses.has_colors():
# Let's pick a random color!
self.scr.attrset(curses.color_pair(random.randrange(1, 7)))
self.scr.addch(y+1, x+1, self.char)
self.scr.addch(y + 1, x + 1, self.char)
......@@ -88,43 +88,46 @@ class LifeBoard:
def display(self, update_board=True):
"""Display the whole board, optionally computing one generation"""
M,N = self.X, self.Y
M, N = self.X, self.Y
if not update_board:
for i in range(0, M):
for j in range(0, N):
if (i,j) in self.state:
self.scr.addch(j+1, i+1, self.char)
if (i, j) in self.state:
self.scr.addch(j + 1, i + 1, self.char)
self.scr.addch(j+1, i+1, ' ')
self.scr.addch(j + 1, i + 1, ' ')
d = {}
self.boring = 1
for i in range(0, M):
L = range( max(0, i-1), min(M, i+2) )
L = range(max(0, i - 1), min(M, i + 2))
for j in range(0, N):
s = 0
live = (i,j) in self.state
for k in range( max(0, j-1), min(N, j+2) ):
live = (i, j) in self.state
for k in range(max(0, j - 1), min(N, j + 2)):
for l in L:
if (l,k) in self.state:
if (l, k) in self.state:
s += 1
s -= live
if s == 3:
# Birth
d[i,j] = 1
d[i, j] = 1
if curses.has_colors():
# Let's pick a random color!
random.randrange(1, 7)))
self.scr.addch(j+1, i+1, self.char)
self.scr.addch(j + 1, i + 1, self.char)
if not live: self.boring = 0
elif s == 2 and live: d[i,j] = 1 # Survival
if not live:
self.boring = 0
elif s == 2 and live:
# Survival
d[i, j] = 1
elif live:
# Death
self.scr.addch(j+1, i+1, ' ')
self.scr.addch(j + 1, i + 1, ' ')
self.boring = 0
self.state = d
......@@ -135,16 +138,17 @@ class LifeBoard:
for i in range(0, self.X):
for j in range(0, self.Y):
if random.random() > 0.5:
self.set(j, i)
def erase_menu(stdscr, menu_y):
"Clear the space where the menu resides"
stdscr.move(menu_y, 0)
stdscr.move(menu_y+1, 0)
stdscr.move(menu_y + 1, 0)
def display_menu(stdscr, menu_y):
"Display the menu of possible keystroke commands"
erase_menu(stdscr, menu_y)
......@@ -154,15 +158,16 @@ def display_menu(stdscr, menu_y):
stdscr.addstr(menu_y, 4,
'Use the cursor keys to move, and space or Enter to toggle a cell.')
stdscr.addstr(menu_y+1, 4,
stdscr.addstr(menu_y + 1, 4,
'E)rase the board, R)andom fill, S)tep once or C)ontinuously, Q)uit')
def keyloop(stdscr):
# Clear the screen and display the menu of keys
stdscr_y, stdscr_x = stdscr.getmaxyx()
menu_y = (stdscr_y-3)-1
menu_y = (stdscr_y - 3) - 1
display_menu(stdscr, menu_y)
# If color, then initialize the color pairs
......@@ -179,16 +184,16 @@ def keyloop(stdscr):
# Allocate a subwindow for the Life board and create the board object
subwin = stdscr.subwin(stdscr_y-3, stdscr_x, 0, 0)
subwin = stdscr.subwin(stdscr_y - 3, stdscr_x, 0, 0)
board = LifeBoard(subwin, char=ord('*'))
# xpos, ypos are the cursor's position
xpos, ypos = board.X//2, board.Y//2
xpos, ypos = board.X // 2, board.Y // 2
# Main loop:
while True:
stdscr.move(1+ypos, 1+xpos) # Move the cursor
stdscr.move(1 + ypos, 1 + xpos) # Move the cursor
c = stdscr.getch() # Get a keystroke
if 0 < c < 256:
c = chr(c)
......@@ -224,15 +229,21 @@ def keyloop(stdscr):
elif c in 'Ss':
else: pass # Ignore incorrect keys
elif c == curses.KEY_UP and ypos > 0: ypos -= 1
elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN and ypos < board.Y-1: ypos += 1
elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT and xpos > 0: xpos -= 1
elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT and xpos < board.X-1: xpos += 1
# Ignore incorrect keys
elif c == curses.KEY_UP and ypos > 0:
ypos -= 1
elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN and ypos + 1 < board.Y:
ypos += 1
elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT and xpos > 0:
xpos -= 1
elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT and xpos + 1 < board.X:
xpos += 1
elif c == curses.KEY_MOUSE:
mouse_id, mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_z, button_state = curses.getmouse()
if (mouse_x > 0 and mouse_x < board.X+1 and
mouse_y > 0 and mouse_y < board.Y+1):
if (mouse_x > 0 and mouse_x < board.X + 1 and
mouse_y > 0 and mouse_y < board.Y + 1):
xpos = mouse_x - 1
ypos = mouse_y - 1
board.toggle(ypos, xpos)
......@@ -812,7 +812,6 @@ class SheetGUI:
def test_basic():
"Basic non-gui self-test."
import os
a = Sheet()
for x in range(1, 11):
for y in range(1, 11):
......@@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ import time
import getopt
import token
import tokenize
import operator
__version__ = '1.5'
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file should be kept compatible with both Python 2.6 and Python >= 3.0.
import functools
import hashlib
import itertools
import os
import platform
"Usage: <path to source file>"
import sys
import math
import ast
import tokenize
import io
import sys, time, operator, platform
import sys
import time
import platform
from CommandLine import *
......@@ -962,8 +964,6 @@ python -s p25.pybench -c p21.pybench = reportfile
except IOError as reason:
print('* Error opening/writing reportfile')
except IOError as reason:
print('* Error opening/writing reportfile %s: %s' % (
......@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import sys
import zipfile
from textwrap import dedent
from operator import itemgetter
SCRIPT = sys.argv[0]
VERSION = "3.2"
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