Commit 93f65a17 authored by Steven Bethard's avatar Steven Bethard

Merged revisions 72306 via svnmerge from


  r72306 | steven.bethard | 2009-05-04 18:31:22 -0700 (Mon, 04 May 2009) | 1 line

  Update bdist_msi so that the generated MSIs for pure Python modules can install to any version of Python, like the generated EXEs from bdist_wininst. (Previously, you had to create a new MSI for each version of Python.)
parent f877feb8
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Martin v. Löwis
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Martin v. Lwis
# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
# The bdist_wininst command proper
# based on bdist_wininst
......@@ -117,6 +117,12 @@ class bdist_msi(Command):
boolean_options = ['keep-temp', 'no-target-compile', 'no-target-optimize',
all_versions = ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3', '2.4',
'2.5', '2.6', '2.7', '2.8', '2.9',
'3.0', '3.1', '3.2', '3.3', '3.4',
'3.5', '3.6', '3.7', '3.8', '3.9']
other_version = 'X'
def initialize_options(self):
self.bdist_dir = None
self.plat_name = None
......@@ -128,6 +134,7 @@ class bdist_msi(Command):
self.skip_build = 0
self.install_script = None
self.pre_install_script = None
self.versions = None
def finalize_options(self):
if self.bdist_dir is None:
......@@ -135,13 +142,14 @@ class bdist_msi(Command):
self.bdist_dir = os.path.join(bdist_base, 'msi')
short_version = get_python_version()
if self.target_version:
self.versions = [self.target_version]
if not self.skip_build and self.distribution.has_ext_modules()\
and self.target_version != short_version:
raise DistutilsOptionError(
"target version can only be %s, or the '--skip_build'"
" option must be specified" % (short_version,))
self.target_version = short_version
self.versions = list(self.all_versions)
('dist_dir', 'dist_dir'),
......@@ -222,8 +230,11 @@ class bdist_msi(Command):
# Prefix ProductName with Python x.y, so that
# it sorts together with the other Python packages
# in Add-Remove-Programs (APR)
product_name = "Python %s %s" % (self.target_version,
fullname = self.distribution.get_fullname()
if self.target_version:
product_name = "Python %s %s" % (self.target_version, fullname)
product_name = "Python %s" % (fullname)
self.db = msilib.init_database(installer_name, schema,
product_name, msilib.gen_uuid(),
sversion, author)
......@@ -244,7 +255,8 @@ class bdist_msi(Command):
if hasattr(self.distribution, 'dist_files'):
self.distribution.dist_files.append(('bdist_msi', self.target_version, fullname))
tup = 'bdist_msi', self.target_version or 'any', fullname
if not self.keep_temp:
remove_tree(self.bdist_dir, dry_run=self.dry_run)
......@@ -252,66 +264,121 @@ class bdist_msi(Command):
def add_files(self):
db = self.db
cab = msilib.CAB("distfiles")
f = Feature(db, "default", "Default Feature", "Everything", 1, directory="TARGETDIR")
rootdir = os.path.abspath(self.bdist_dir)
root = Directory(db, cab, None, rootdir, "TARGETDIR", "SourceDir")
f = Feature(db, "Python", "Python", "Everything",
0, 1, directory="TARGETDIR")
items = [(f, root, '')]
for version in self.versions + [self.other_version]:
target = "TARGETDIR" + version
name = default = "Python" + version
desc = "Everything"
if version is self.other_version:
title = "Python from another location"
level = 2
title = "Python %s from registry" % version
level = 1
f = Feature(db, name, title, desc, 1, level, directory=target)
dir = Directory(db, cab, root, rootdir, target, default)
items.append((f, dir, version))
todo = [root]
while todo:
dir = todo.pop()
for file in os.listdir(dir.absolute):
afile = os.path.join(dir.absolute, file)
if os.path.isdir(afile):
newdir = Directory(db, cab, dir, file, file, "%s|%s" % (dir.make_short(file), file))
key = dir.add_file(file)
if file==self.install_script:
if self.install_script_key:
raise DistutilsOptionError(
"Multiple files with name %s" % file)
self.install_script_key = '[#%s]' % key
seen = {}
for feature, dir, version in items:
todo = [dir]
while todo:
dir = todo.pop()
for file in os.listdir(dir.absolute):
afile = os.path.join(dir.absolute, file)
if os.path.isdir(afile):
short = "%s|%s" % (dir.make_short(file), file)
default = file + version
newdir = Directory(db, cab, dir, file, default, short)
if not dir.component:
dir.start_component(dir.logical, feature, 0)
if afile not in seen:
key = seen[afile] = dir.add_file(file)
if file==self.install_script:
if self.install_script_key:
raise DistutilsOptionError(
"Multiple files with name %s" % file)
self.install_script_key = '[#%s]' % key
key = seen[afile]
add_data(self.db, "DuplicateFile",
[(key + version, dir.component, key, None, dir.logical)])
def add_find_python(self):
"""Adds code to the installer to compute the location of Python.
in both the execute and UI sequences; PYTHONDIR will be set from
PYTHON.USER if defined, else from PYTHON.MACHINE.
PYTHON is PYTHONDIR\python.exe"""
install_path = r"SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\%s\InstallPath" % self.target_version
add_data(self.db, "RegLocator",
[("python.machine", 2, install_path, None, 2),
("python.user", 1, install_path, None, 2)])
add_data(self.db, "AppSearch",
[("PYTHON.MACHINE", "python.machine"),
("PYTHON.USER", "python.user")])
add_data(self.db, "CustomAction",
[("PythonFromMachine", 51+256, "PYTHONDIR", "[PYTHON.MACHINE]"),
("PythonFromUser", 51+256, "PYTHONDIR", "[PYTHON.USER]"),
("PythonExe", 51+256, "PYTHON", "[PYTHONDIR]\\python.exe"),
("InitialTargetDir", 51+256, "TARGETDIR", "[PYTHONDIR]")])
add_data(self.db, "InstallExecuteSequence",
[("PythonFromMachine", "PYTHON.MACHINE", 401),
("PythonFromUser", "PYTHON.USER", 402),
("PythonExe", None, 403),
("InitialTargetDir", 'TARGETDIR=""', 404),
add_data(self.db, "InstallUISequence",
[("PythonFromMachine", "PYTHON.MACHINE", 401),
("PythonFromUser", "PYTHON.USER", 402),
("PythonExe", None, 403),
("InitialTargetDir", 'TARGETDIR=""', 404),
def add_scripts(self):
if self.install_script:
Properties PYTHON.MACHINE.X.Y and PYTHON.USER.X.Y will be set from the
registry for each version of Python.
Properties TARGETDIRX.Y will be set from PYTHON.USER.X.Y if defined,
Properties PYTHONX.Y will be set to TARGETDIRX.Y\\python.exe"""
start = 402
for ver in self.versions:
install_path = r"SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\%s\InstallPath" % ver
machine_reg = "python.machine." + ver
user_reg = "python.user." + ver
machine_prop = "PYTHON.MACHINE." + ver
user_prop = "PYTHON.USER." + ver
machine_action = "PythonFromMachine" + ver
user_action = "PythonFromUser" + ver
exe_action = "PythonExe" + ver
target_dir_prop = "TARGETDIR" + ver
exe_prop = "PYTHON" + ver
add_data(self.db, "RegLocator",
[(machine_reg, 2, install_path, None, 2),
(user_reg, 1, install_path, None, 2)])
add_data(self.db, "AppSearch",
[(machine_prop, machine_reg),
(user_prop, user_reg)])
add_data(self.db, "CustomAction",
[("install_script", 50, "PYTHON", self.install_script_key)])
[(machine_action, 51+256, target_dir_prop, "[" + machine_prop + "]"),
(user_action, 51+256, target_dir_prop, "[" + user_prop + "]"),
(exe_action, 51+256, exe_prop, "[" + target_dir_prop + "]\\python.exe"),
add_data(self.db, "InstallExecuteSequence",
[("install_script", "NOT Installed", 6800)])
[(machine_action, machine_prop, start),
(user_action, user_prop, start + 1),
(exe_action, None, start + 2),
add_data(self.db, "InstallUISequence",
[(machine_action, machine_prop, start),
(user_action, user_prop, start + 1),
(exe_action, None, start + 2),
add_data(self.db, "Condition",
[("Python" + ver, 0, "NOT TARGETDIR" + ver)])
start += 4
assert start < 500
def add_scripts(self):
if self.install_script:
start = 6800
for ver in self.versions + [self.other_version]:
install_action = "install_script." + ver
exe_prop = "PYTHON" + ver
add_data(self.db, "CustomAction",
[(install_action, 50, exe_prop, self.install_script_key)])
add_data(self.db, "InstallExecuteSequence",
[(install_action, "&Python%s=3" % ver, start)])
start += 1
# XXX pre-install scripts are currently refused in finalize_options()
# but if this feature is completed, it will also need to add
# entries for each version as the above code does
if self.pre_install_script:
scriptfn = os.path.join(self.bdist_dir, "preinstall.bat")
f = open(scriptfn, "w")
......@@ -375,7 +442,7 @@ class bdist_msi(Command):
[("PrepareDlg", "Not Privileged or Windows9x or Installed", 140),
("WhichUsersDlg", "Privileged and not Windows9x and not Installed", 141),
# In the user interface, assume all-users installation if privileged.
("SelectDirectoryDlg", "Not Installed", 1230),
("SelectFeaturesDlg", "Not Installed", 1230),
# XXX no support for resume installations yet
#("ResumeDlg", "Installed AND (RESUME OR Preselected)", 1240),
("MaintenanceTypeDlg", "Installed AND NOT RESUME AND NOT Preselected", 1250),
......@@ -498,33 +565,49 @@ class bdist_msi(Command):
c.event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg")
# Target directory selection
seldlg = PyDialog(db, "SelectDirectoryDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title,
# Feature (Python directory) selection
seldlg = PyDialog(db, "SelectFeaturesDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title,
"Next", "Next", "Cancel")
seldlg.title("Select Destination Directory")
seldlg.title("Select Python Installations")
version = sys.version[:3]+" "
seldlg.text("Hint", 15, 30, 300, 40, 3,
"The destination directory should contain a Python %sinstallation" % version)
seldlg.text("Hint", 15, 30, 300, 20, 3,
"Select the Python locations where %s should be installed."
% self.distribution.get_fullname())
seldlg.back("< Back", None, active=0)
c ="Next >", "Cancel")
c.event("SetTargetPath", "TARGETDIR", ordering=1)
c.event("SpawnWaitDialog", "WaitForCostingDlg", ordering=2)
c.event("EndDialog", "Return", ordering=3)
c = seldlg.cancel("Cancel", "DirectoryCombo")
order = 1
c.event("[TARGETDIR]", "[SourceDir]", ordering=order)
for version in self.versions + [self.other_version]:
order += 1
c.event("[TARGETDIR]", "[TARGETDIR%s]" % version,
"FEATURE_SELECTED AND &Python%s=3" % version,
c.event("SpawnWaitDialog", "WaitForCostingDlg", ordering=order + 1)
c.event("EndDialog", "Return", ordering=order + 2)
c = seldlg.cancel("Cancel", "Features")
c.event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg")
seldlg.control("DirectoryCombo", "DirectoryCombo", 15, 70, 272, 80, 393219,
"TARGETDIR", None, "DirectoryList", None)
seldlg.control("DirectoryList", "DirectoryList", 15, 90, 308, 136, 3, "TARGETDIR",
None, "PathEdit", None)
seldlg.control("PathEdit", "PathEdit", 15, 230, 306, 16, 3, "TARGETDIR", None, "Next", None)
c = seldlg.pushbutton("Up", 306, 70, 18, 18, 3, "Up", None)
c.event("DirectoryListUp", "0")
c = seldlg.pushbutton("NewDir", 324, 70, 30, 18, 3, "New", None)
c.event("DirectoryListNew", "0")
c = seldlg.control("Features", "SelectionTree", 15, 60, 300, 120, 3,
"FEATURE", None, "PathEdit", None)
c.event("[FEATURE_SELECTED]", "1")
ver = self.other_version
install_other_cond = "FEATURE_SELECTED AND &Python%s=3" % ver
dont_install_other_cond = "FEATURE_SELECTED AND &Python%s<>3" % ver
c = seldlg.text("Other", 15, 200, 300, 15, 3,
"Provide an alternate Python location")
c.condition("Enable", install_other_cond)
c.condition("Show", install_other_cond)
c.condition("Disable", dont_install_other_cond)
c.condition("Hide", dont_install_other_cond)
c = seldlg.control("PathEdit", "PathEdit", 15, 215, 300, 16, 1,
"TARGETDIR" + ver, None, "Next", None)
c.condition("Enable", install_other_cond)
c.condition("Show", install_other_cond)
c.condition("Disable", dont_install_other_cond)
c.condition("Hide", dont_install_other_cond)
# Disk cost
......@@ -640,7 +723,10 @@ class bdist_msi(Command):
def get_installer_filename(self, fullname):
# Factored out to allow overriding in subclasses
base_name = "%s.%s-py%s.msi" % (fullname, self.plat_name,
if self.target_version:
base_name = "%s.%s-py%s.msi" % (fullname, self.plat_name,
base_name = "%s.%s.msi" % (fullname, self.plat_name)
installer_name = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, base_name)
return installer_name
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