Commit 94f87542 authored by Georg Brandl's avatar Georg Brandl

Back out accidentally pushed changeset b51218966201.

parent 4c3c3557
......@@ -584,16 +584,6 @@ form.
instead (see also :ref:`search-vs-match`).
.. function:: fullmatch(pattern, string, flags=0)
If the whole *string* matches the regular expression *pattern*, return a
corresponding :ref:`match object <match-objects>`. Return ``None`` if the
string does not match the pattern; note that this is different from a
zero-length match.
.. versionadded:: 3.4
.. function:: split(pattern, string, maxsplit=0, flags=0)
Split *string* by the occurrences of *pattern*. If capturing parentheses are
......@@ -788,24 +778,6 @@ attributes:
:meth:`` instead (see also :ref:`search-vs-match`).
.. method:: regex.fullmatch(string[, pos[, endpos]])
If the whole *string* matches this regular expression, return a corresponding
:ref:`match object <match-objects>`. Return ``None`` if the string does not
match the pattern; note that this is different from a zero-length match.
The optional *pos* and *endpos* parameters have the same meaning as for the
:meth:`` method.
>>> pattern = re.compile("o[gh]")
>>> pattern.fullmatch("dog") # No match as "o" is not at the start of "dog".
>>> pattern.fullmatch("ogre") # No match as not the full string matches.
>>> pattern.fullmatch("doggie", 1, 3) # Matches within given limits.
<_sre.SRE_Match object at ...>
.. versionadded:: 3.4
.. method:: regex.split(string, maxsplit=0)
Identical to the :func:`split` function, using the compiled pattern.
......@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ resulting RE will match the second character.
This module exports the following functions:
match Match a regular expression pattern to the beginning of a string.
fullmatch Match a regular expression pattern to all of a string.
search Search a string for the presence of a pattern.
sub Substitute occurrences of a pattern found in a string.
subn Same as sub, but also return the number of substitutions made.
......@@ -124,7 +123,7 @@ import sre_compile
import sre_parse
# public symbols
__all__ = [ "match", "fullmatch", "search", "sub", "subn", "split", "findall",
__all__ = [ "match", "search", "sub", "subn", "split", "findall",
"compile", "purge", "template", "escape", "A", "I", "L", "M", "S", "X",
"UNICODE", "error" ]
......@@ -155,11 +154,6 @@ def match(pattern, string, flags=0):
a match object, or None if no match was found."""
return _compile(pattern, flags).match(string)
def fullmatch(pattern, string, flags=0):
"""Try to apply the pattern to all of the string, returning
a match object, or None if no match was found."""
return _compile(pattern, flags).fullmatch(string)
def search(pattern, string, flags=0):
"""Scan through string looking for a match to the pattern, returning
a match object, or None if no match was found."""
......@@ -1061,30 +1061,6 @@ class ReTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(, "")
self.assertEqual(, "y")
def test_fullmatch(self):
# Issue 16203: Proposal: add re.fullmatch() method.
self.assertEqual(re.fullmatch(r"a", "a").span(), (0, 1))
self.assertEqual(re.fullmatch(r"a|ab", "ab").span(), (0, 2))
self.assertEqual(re.fullmatch(r".*?$", "abc").span(), (0, 3))
self.assertEqual(re.fullmatch(r".*?", "abc").span(), (0, 3))
self.assertEqual(re.fullmatch(r"a.*?b", "ab").span(), (0, 2))
self.assertEqual(re.fullmatch(r"a.*?b", "abb").span(), (0, 3))
self.assertEqual(re.fullmatch(r"a.*?b", "axxb").span(), (0, 4))
self.assertEqual(re.fullmatch(r"abc$", "abc\n"), None)
self.assertEqual(re.fullmatch(r"abc\Z", "abc\n"), None)
self.assertEqual(re.fullmatch(r"(?m)abc$", "abc\n"), None)
self.assertEqual(re.fullmatch(r"ab(?=c)cd", "abcd").span(), (0, 4))
self.assertEqual(re.fullmatch(r"ab(?<=b)cd", "abcd").span(), (0, 4))
self.assertEqual(re.fullmatch(r"(?=a|ab)ab", "ab").span(), (0, 2))
re.compile(r"bc").fullmatch("abcd", pos=1, endpos=3).span(), (1, 3))
re.compile(r".*?$").fullmatch("abcd", pos=1, endpos=3).span(), (1, 3))
re.compile(r".*?").fullmatch("abcd", pos=1, endpos=3).span(), (1, 3))
def run_re_tests():
from test.re_tests import tests, SUCCEED, FAIL, SYNTAX_ERROR
if verbose:
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ typedef struct {
SRE_REPEAT *repeat;
/* hooks */
int match_all;
typedef struct {
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