Commit 95fefc7a authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

These modules now live under the Carbon package.

Added a few new toolbox modules.
Noted machine dependencies for some modules.
Moved waste to undoc.tex.
parent 945bf5f6
......@@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ and return values, and for additional description you are referred to
Macintosh} or similar works.
These modules all live in a package called \module{Carbon}. Despite the
name Carbon they are also available under classic PPC MacPython.
The normal use pattern is
from Carbon import AE
\strong{Warning!} These modules are not yet documented. If you
wish to contribute documentation of any of these modules, please get
......@@ -24,78 +31,117 @@ in touch with \email{}.
%\section{Argument Handling for Toolbox Modules}
\section{\module{AE} --- Apple Events}
\section{\module{Carbon.AE} --- Apple Events}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the Apple Events toolbox}
\section{\module{Cm} --- Component Manager}
\section{\module{Carbon.App} --- Appearance Manager}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the Appearance Manager}
\section{\module{Carbon.CF} --- Core Foundation}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the Core Foundation}
This module is only available under Carbon MacPython. The
\code{CFBase}, \code{CFArray}, \code{CFData}, \code{CFDictionary},
\code{CFString} and \code{CFURL} objects are supported, some
only partially.
\section{\module{Carbon.Cm} --- Component Manager}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the Component Manager}
\section{\module{Ctl} --- Control Manager}
\section{\module{Carbon.Ctl} --- Control Manager}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the Control Manager}
\section{\module{Dlg} --- Dialog Manager}
\section{\module{Carbon.Dlg} --- Dialog Manager}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the Dialog Manager}
\section{\module{Evt} --- Event Manager}
\section{\module{Carbon.Evt} --- Event Manager}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the Event Manager}
\section{\module{Fm} --- Font Manager}
\section{\module{Carbon.Fm} --- Font Manager}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the Font Manager}
\section{\module{List} --- List Manager}
\section{\module{Carbon.Help} --- Help Manager}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the Balloon Help Manager}
This module is only available under MacOS9 and earlier in
classic PPC MacPython.
\section{\module{Carbon.List} --- List Manager}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the List Manager}
\section{\module{Menu} --- Menu Manager}
\section{\module{Carbon.Menu} --- Menu Manager}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the Menu Manager}
\section{\module{Qd} --- QuickDraw}
\section{\module{Carbon.Mlte} --- MultiLingual Text Editor}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the MultiLingual Text Editor}
\section{\module{Carbon.Qd} --- QuickDraw}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the QuickDraw toolbox}
\section{\module{Qt} --- QuickTime}
\section{\module{Carbon.Qdoffs} --- QuickDraw Offscreen}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the QuickDraw Offscreen APIs}
\section{\module{Carbon.Qt} --- QuickTime}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the QuickTime toolbox}
\section{\module{Res} --- Resource Manager and Handles}
\section{\module{Carbon.Res} --- Resource Manager and Handles}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the Resource Manager and Handles}
\section{\module{Scrap} --- Scrap Manager}
\section{\module{Carbon.Scrap} --- Scrap Manager}
\modulesynopsis{The Scrap Manager provides basic services for
implementing cut \&\ paste and clipboard operations.}
This module is only fully available on MacOS9 and earlier under classic PPC
MacPython. Very limited functionality is available under Carbon MacPython.
Manager}{Apple's documentation for the Scrap Manager gives
......@@ -104,31 +150,19 @@ in touch with \email{}.
\section{\module{Snd} --- Sound Manager}
\section{\module{Carbon.Snd} --- Sound Manager}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the Sound Manager }
\section{\module{TE} --- TextEdit}
\section{\module{Carbon.TE} --- TextEdit}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to TextEdit}
\section{\module{waste} --- non-Apple \program{TextEdit} replacement}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the ``WorldScript-Aware Styled Text Engine.''}
\seetitle[]{About WASTE}{Information
about the WASTE widget and library, including
documentation and downloads.}
\section{\module{Win} --- Window Manager}
\section{\module{Carbon.Win} --- Window Manager}
\modulesynopsis{Interface to the Window Manager}
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