Commit 96fbd87f authored by Stefan Krah's avatar Stefan Krah

In the 32-bit build, dec_hash() raised InvalidOperation if the operand

had a coefficient with MAX_PREC=425000000 digits and a negative exponent.
Increasing the context limits above the official values fixes the issue
and is safe (in this case!).
parent 558a8046
......@@ -4338,6 +4338,11 @@ _dec_hash(PyDecObject *v)
tmp->exp = 0;
maxctx.prec = MPD_MAX_PREC + 21;
maxctx.emax = MPD_MAX_EMAX + 21;
maxctx.emin = MPD_MIN_EMIN - 21;
mpd_qmul(tmp, tmp, exp_hash, &maxctx, &status);
mpd_qrem(tmp, tmp, &p, &maxctx, &status);
......@@ -4346,11 +4351,14 @@ _dec_hash(PyDecObject *v)
result = (result == -1) ? -2 : result;
if (status != 0) {
status |= MPD_Invalid_operation;
if (dec_addstatus(context, status)) {
result = -1;
goto finish;
if (status & MPD_Malloc_error) {
goto malloc_error;
else {
"dec_hash: internal error: please report");
result = -1;
# These tests require gmpy and test the limits of the 32-bit build. The
# limits of the 64-bit build are so large that they cannot be tested
# on accessible hardware.
import sys
from decimal import *
from gmpy import mpz
_PyHASH_MODULUS = sys.hash_info.modulus
# hash values to use for positive and negative infinities, and nans
_PyHASH_INF = sys.hash_info.inf
_PyHASH_NAN = sys.hash_info.nan
# _PyHASH_10INV is the inverse of 10 modulo the prime _PyHASH_MODULUS
def xhash(coeff, exp):
sign = 1
if coeff < 0:
sign = -1
coeff = -coeff
if exp >= 0:
exp_hash = pow(10, exp, _PyHASH_MODULUS)
exp_hash = pow(_PyHASH_10INV, -exp, _PyHASH_MODULUS)
hash_ = coeff * exp_hash % _PyHASH_MODULUS
ans = hash_ if sign == 1 else -hash_
return -2 if ans == -1 else ans
x = mpz(10) ** 425000000 - 1
coeff = int(x)
d = Decimal('9' * 425000000 + 'e-849999999')
h1 = xhash(coeff, -849999999)
h2 = hash(d)
assert h2 == h1
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