Commit 979c74b9 authored by Skip Montanaro's avatar Skip Montanaro

added a bit about the change to the thread ticker

parent 472c5229
......@@ -95,6 +95,15 @@ Core and builtins
show signed values (e.g. hex(-1) currently returns "0xffffffff";
in Python 2.4 it will return "-0x1").
- The bits manipulated under the cover by sys.setcheckinterval() have
been changed. Both the check interval and the ticker used to be
per-thread values. They are now just a pair of global variables. In
addition, the default check interval was boosted from 10 to 100
bytecode instructions. This may have some effect on systems relied on
the old default value. In particular, in multi-threaded applications
which try to be highly responsive, response time will increase by some
(perhaps imperceptible) amount.
- When multiplying very large integers, a version of the so-called
Karatsuba algorithm is now used. This is most effective if the
inputs have roughly the same size. If they both have about N digits,
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