Commit 9a8c8e27 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Having fun on my own time: quicker flat_conjoin; Knights Tour solver

simplified and generalized to rectangular boards.
parent 7eea2714
......@@ -903,33 +903,42 @@ def conjoin(gs):
# conjoin too.
# NOTE WELL: This allows large problems to be solved with only trivial
# demands on stack space. Without explicitly resumable generators, this is
# much harder to achieve.
# much harder to achieve. OTOH, this is much slower (up to a factor of 2)
# than the fancy unrolled recursive conjoin.
def flat_conjoin(gs): # rename to conjoin to run tests with this instead
n = len(gs)
values = [None] * n
iters = [None] * n
_StopIteration = StopIteration # make local because caught a *lot*
i = 0
while i >= 0:
# Need a fresh iterator.
if i >= n:
yield values
# Backtrack.
i -= 1
while 1:
# Descend.
while i < n:
it = iters[i] = gs[i]().next
values[i] = it()
i += 1
except _StopIteration:
iters[i] = gs[i]().next
assert i == n
yield values
# Need next value from current iterator.
# Backtrack until an older iterator can be resumed.
i -= 1
while i >= 0:
values[i] = iters[i]()
except StopIteration:
# Backtrack.
i -= 1
# Start fresh at next level.
# Success! Start fresh at next level.
i += 1
except _StopIteration:
# Continue backtracking.
i -= 1
assert i < 0
# A conjoin-based N-Queens solver.
......@@ -986,31 +995,21 @@ class Queens:
# A conjoin-based Knight's Tour solver. This is pretty sophisticated
# (e.g., when used with flat_conjoin above, and passing hard=1 to the
# constructor, a 200x200 Knight's Tour was found quickly -- note that we're
# creating 10s of thousands of generators then!), so goes on at some length
# creating 10s of thousands of generators then!), and is lengthy.
class Knights:
def __init__(self, n, hard=0):
self.n = n
def __init__(self, m, n, hard=0):
self.m, self.n = m, n
def coords2index(i, j):
return i*n + j
offsets = [( 1, 2), ( 2, 1), ( 2, -1), ( 1, -2),
(-1, -2), (-2, -1), (-2, 1), (-1, 2)]
succs = []
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
s = [coords2index(i+io, j+jo) for io, jo in offsets
if 0 <= i+io < n and
0 <= j+jo < n]
del s
del offsets
# solve() will set up succs[i] to be a list of square #i's
# successors.
succs = self.succs = []
free = [0] * n**2 # 0 if occupied, 1 if visited
nexits = free[:] # number of free successors
# Remove i0 from each of its successor's successor lists, i.e.
# successors can't go back to i0 again. Return 0 if we can
# detect this makes a solution impossible, else return 1.
def decrexits(i0):
def remove_from_successors(i0, len=len):
# If we remove all exits from a free square, we're dead:
# even if we move to it next, we can't leave it again.
# If we create a square with one exit, we must visit it next;
......@@ -1021,159 +1020,170 @@ class Knights:
# the other one a dead end.
ne0 = ne1 = 0
for i in succs[i0]:
if free[i]:
e = nexits[i] - 1
nexits[i] = e
if e == 0:
ne0 += 1
elif e == 1:
ne1 += 1
s = succs[i]
e = len(s)
if e == 0:
ne0 += 1
elif e == 1:
ne1 += 1
return ne0 == 0 and ne1 < 2
def increxits(i0):
# Put i0 back in each of its successor's successor lists.
def add_to_successors(i0):
for i in succs[i0]:
if free[i]:
nexits[i] += 1
# Generate the first move.
def first():
if n < 1:
if m < 1 or n < 1:
# Initialize board structures.
for i in xrange(n**2):
free[i] = 1
nexits[i] = len(succs[i])
# Since we're looking for a cycle, it doesn't matter where we
# start. Starting in a corner makes the 2nd move easy.
corner = coords2index(0, 0)
free[corner] = 0
corner = self.coords2index(0, 0)
self.lastij = corner
yield corner
free[corner] = 1
# Generate the second moves.
def second():
corner = coords2index(0, 0)
corner = self.coords2index(0, 0)
assert self.lastij == corner # i.e., we started in the corner
if n < 3:
if m < 3 or n < 3:
assert nexits[corner] == len(succs[corner]) == 2
assert coords2index(1, 2) in succs[corner]
assert coords2index(2, 1) in succs[corner]
assert len(succs[corner]) == 2
assert self.coords2index(1, 2) in succs[corner]
assert self.coords2index(2, 1) in succs[corner]
# Only two choices. Whichever we pick, the other must be the
# square picked on move n**2, as it's the only way to get back
# square picked on move m*n, as it's the only way to get back
# to (0, 0). Save its index in so that moves before
# the last know it must be kept free.
for i, j in (1, 2), (2, 1):
this, final = coords2index(i, j), coords2index(3-i, 3-j)
assert free[this] and free[final]
this = self.coords2index(i, j)
final = self.coords2index(3-i, 3-j) = final
nexits[final] += 1 # it has an exit back to 0,0
free[this] = 0
self.lastij = this
yield this
free[this] = 1
nexits[final] -= 1
# Generate moves 3 thru n**2-1.
def advance():
# Generate moves 3 thru m*n-1.
def advance(len=len):
# If some successor has only one exit, must take it.
# Else favor successors with fewer exits.
candidates = []
for i in succs[self.lastij]:
if free[i]:
e = nexits[i]
assert e > 0, "else decrexits() pruning flawed"
if e == 1:
candidates = [(e, i)]
candidates.append((e, i))
e = len(succs[i])
assert e > 0, "else remove_from_successors() pruning flawed"
if e == 1:
candidates = [(e, i)]
candidates.append((e, i))
for e, i in candidates:
if i !=
if decrexits(i):
free[i] = 0
if remove_from_successors(i):
self.lastij = i
yield i
free[i] = 1
# Generate moves 3 thru n**2-1. Alternative version using a
# Generate moves 3 thru m*n-1. Alternative version using a
# stronger (but more expensive) heuristic to order successors.
# Since the # of backtracking levels is n**2, a poor move early on
# can take eons to undo. Smallest n for which this matters a lot is
# n==52.
def advance_hard(midpoint=(n-1)/2.0):
# Since the # of backtracking levels is m*n, a poor move early on
# can take eons to undo. Smallest square board for which this
# matters a lot is 52x52.
def advance_hard(vmid=(m-1)/2.0, hmid=(n-1)/2.0, len=len):
# If some successor has only one exit, must take it.
# Else favor successors with fewer exits.
# Break ties via max distance from board centerpoint (favor
# corners and edges whenever possible).
candidates = []
for i in succs[self.lastij]:
if free[i]:
e = nexits[i]
assert e > 0, "else decrexits() pruning flawed"
if e == 1:
candidates = [(e, 0, i)]
i1, j1 = divmod(i, n)
d = (i1 - midpoint)**2 + (j1 - midpoint)**2
candidates.append((e, -d, i))
e = len(succs[i])
assert e > 0, "else remove_from_successors() pruning flawed"
if e == 1:
candidates = [(e, 0, i)]
i1, j1 = self.index2coords(i)
d = (i1 - vmid)**2 + (j1 - hmid)**2
candidates.append((e, -d, i))
for e, d, i in candidates:
if i !=
if decrexits(i):
free[i] = 0
if remove_from_successors(i):
self.lastij = i
yield i
free[i] = 1
# Generate the last move.
def last():
assert in succs[self.lastij]
if n <= 1:
self.rowgenerators = [first]
if m*n < 4:
self.squaregenerators = [first]
self.rowgenerators = [first, second] + \
[hard and advance_hard or advance] * (n**2 - 3) + \
self.squaregenerators = [first, second] + \
[hard and advance_hard or advance] * (m*n - 3) + \
def coords2index(self, i, j):
assert 0 <= i < self.m
assert 0 <= j < self.n
return i * self.n + j
def index2coords(self, index):
assert 0 <= index < self.m * self.n
return divmod(index, self.n)
def _init_board(self):
succs = self.succs
del succs[:]
m, n = self.m, self.n
c2i = self.coords2index
offsets = [( 1, 2), ( 2, 1), ( 2, -1), ( 1, -2),
(-1, -2), (-2, -1), (-2, 1), (-1, 2)]
rangen = range(n)
for i in range(m):
for j in rangen:
s = [c2i(i+io, j+jo) for io, jo in offsets
if 0 <= i+io < m and
0 <= j+jo < n]
# Generate solutions.
def solve(self):
for x in conjoin(self.rowgenerators):
for x in conjoin(self.squaregenerators):
yield x
def printsolution(self, x):
n = self.n
assert len(x) == n**2
w = len(str(n**2 + 1))
m, n = self.m, self.n
assert len(x) == m*n
w = len(str(m*n))
format = "%" + str(w) + "d"
squares = [[None] * n for i in range(n)]
squares = [[None] * n for i in range(m)]
k = 1
for i in x:
i1, j1 = divmod(i, n)
i1, j1 = self.index2coords(i)
squares[i1][j1] = format % k
k += 1
sep = "+" + ("-" * w + "+") * n
print sep
for i in range(n):
for i in range(m):
row = squares[i]
print "|" + "|".join(row) + "|"
print sep
......@@ -1269,7 +1279,7 @@ Solution 2
And run a Knight's Tour on a 10x10 board. Note that there are about
20,000 solutions even on a 6x6 board, so don't dare run this to exhaustion.
>>> k = Knights(10)
>>> k = Knights(10, 10)
>>> LIMIT = 2
>>> count = 0
>>> for x in k.solve():
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