Commit 9aa8fd0b authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Handle .icns and .plist files for applets.

Also, for now (until we learn to parse .plist files) we make a special case
for the IDE, setting the creator to "Pide".
parent 96f9e086
......@@ -268,7 +268,18 @@ def process_common_macho(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname, is_update
if shortname[-4:] == '.app':
# Strip the .app suffix
shortname = shortname[:-4]
plistname = shortname + '.plist'
# And deduce the .plist and .icns names
plistname = None
icnsname = None
if rsrcname and rsrcname[-5:] == '.rsrc':
tmp = rsrcname[:-5]
plistname = tmp + '.plist'
if os.path.exists(plistname):
icnsname = tmp + '.icns'
if not os.path.exists(icnsname):
icnsname = None
plistname = None
# Start with copying the .app framework
if not is_update:
exceptlist = ["Contents/Info.plist",
......@@ -277,10 +288,17 @@ def process_common_macho(template, progress, code, rsrcname, destname, is_update
copyapptree(template, destname, exceptlist)
# Now either use the .plist file or the default
if plistname and os.path.exists(plistname):
if plistname:
shutil.copy2(plistname, os.path.join(destname, 'Contents/Info.plist'))
# XXXX Wrong. This should be parsed from plist file
# icnsname = 'PythonApplet.icns'
if icnsname:
icnsdest = os.path.split(icnsname)[1]
icnsdest = os.path.join(destname,
os.path.join('Contents/Resources', icnsdest))
shutil.copy2(icnsname, icnsdest)
# XXXX Wrong. This should be parsed from plist file. Also a big hack:-)
if shortname == 'PythonIDE':
ownertype = 'Pide'
ownertype = 'PytA'
# XXXX Should copy .icns file
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