Commit a05ac607 authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Regenerated with CW Pro 5.2, which has MacOS 8.6 and Appearance 1.1 support.

parent 608b3fa8
# Generated from 'Moes:Codewarrior Pro 4:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:Appearance.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:Appearance.h'
def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x
_AppearanceDispatch = 0xAA74
......@@ -7,79 +7,485 @@ gestaltAppearanceExists = 0
gestaltAppearanceCompatMode = 1
gestaltAppearanceVersion = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('apvr')
kAppearanceEventClass = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('appr')
kAEThemeSwitch = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('thme')
appearanceBadBrushIndexErr = -30560
appearanceProcessRegisteredErr = -30561
appearanceProcessNotRegisteredErr = -30562
appearanceBadTextColorIndexErr = -30563
appearanceThemeHasNoAccents = -30564
appearanceBadCursorIndexErr = -30565
kThemeActiveDialogBackgroundBrush = 1
kThemeInactiveDialogBackgroundBrush = 2
kThemeActiveAlertBackgroundBrush = 3
kThemeInactiveAlertBackgroundBrush = 4
kThemeActiveModelessDialogBackgroundBrush = 5
kThemeInactiveModelessDialogBackgroundBrush = 6
kThemeActiveUtilityWindowBackgroundBrush = 7
kThemeInactiveUtilityWindowBackgroundBrush = 8
kThemeListViewSortColumnBackgroundBrush = 9
kThemeListViewBackgroundBrush = 10
kThemeIconLabelBackgroundBrush = 11
kThemeListViewSeparatorBrush = 12
kThemeChasingArrowsBrush = 13
kThemeDragHiliteBrush = 14
kThemeDocumentWindowBackgroundBrush = 15
kThemeFinderWindowBackgroundBrush = 16
kThemeActiveDialogTextColor = 1
kThemeInactiveDialogTextColor = 2
kThemeActiveAlertTextColor = 3
kThemeInactiveAlertTextColor = 4
kThemeActiveModelessDialogTextColor = 5
kThemeInactiveModelessDialogTextColor = 6
kThemeActiveWindowHeaderTextColor = 7
kThemeInactiveWindowHeaderTextColor = 8
kThemeActivePlacardTextColor = 9
kThemeInactivePlacardTextColor = 10
kThemePressedPlacardTextColor = 11
kThemeActivePushButtonTextColor = 12
kThemeInactivePushButtonTextColor = 13
kThemePressedPushButtonTextColor = 14
kThemeActiveBevelButtonTextColor = 15
kThemeInactiveBevelButtonTextColor = 16
kThemePressedBevelButtonTextColor = 17
kThemeActivePopupButtonTextColor = 18
kThemeInactivePopupButtonTextColor = 19
kThemePressedPopupButtonTextColor = 20
kThemeIconLabelTextColor = 21
kThemeListViewTextColor = 22
kThemeActiveDocumentWindowTitleTextColor = 23
kThemeInactiveDocumentWindowTitleTextColor = 24
kThemeActiveMovableModalWindowTitleTextColor = 25
kThemeInactiveMovableModalWindowTitleTextColor = 26
kThemeActiveUtilityWindowTitleTextColor = 27
kThemeInactiveUtilityWindowTitleTextColor = 28
kThemeActivePopupWindowTitleColor = 29
kThemeInactivePopupWindowTitleColor = 30
kThemeActiveRootMenuTextColor = 31
kThemeSelectedRootMenuTextColor = 32
kThemeDisabledRootMenuTextColor = 33
kThemeActiveMenuItemTextColor = 34
kThemeSelectedMenuItemTextColor = 35
kThemeDisabledMenuItemTextColor = 36
kThemeActivePopupLabelTextColor = 37
kThemeInactivePopupLabelTextColor = 38
kThemeStateDisabled = 0
kAEAppearanceChanged = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('thme')
kAESystemFontChanged = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sysf')
kAESmallSystemFontChanged = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ssfn')
kAEViewsFontChanged = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('vfnt')
kThemeDataFileType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('thme')
kThemePlatinumFileType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pltn')
kThemeCustomThemesFileType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('scen')
kThemeSoundTrackFileType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tsnd')
themeInvalidBrushErr = -30560
themeProcessRegisteredErr = -30561
themeProcessNotRegisteredErr = -30562
themeBadTextColorErr = -30563
themeHasNoAccentsErr = -30564
themeBadCursorIndexErr = -30565
themeScriptFontNotFoundErr = -30566
themeMonitorDepthNotSupportedErr = -30567
kThemeBrushDialogBackgroundActive = 1
kThemeBrushDialogBackgroundInactive = 2
kThemeBrushAlertBackgroundActive = 3
kThemeBrushAlertBackgroundInactive = 4
kThemeBrushModelessDialogBackgroundActive = 5
kThemeBrushModelessDialogBackgroundInactive = 6
kThemeBrushUtilityWindowBackgroundActive = 7
kThemeBrushUtilityWindowBackgroundInactive = 8
kThemeBrushListViewSortColumnBackground = 9
kThemeBrushListViewBackground = 10
kThemeBrushIconLabelBackground = 11
kThemeBrushListViewSeparator = 12
kThemeBrushChasingArrows = 13
kThemeBrushDragHilite = 14
kThemeBrushDocumentWindowBackground = 15
kThemeBrushFinderWindowBackground = 16
kThemeBrushScrollBarDelimiterActive = 17
kThemeBrushScrollBarDelimiterInactive = 18
kThemeBrushFocusHighlight = 19
kThemeBrushPopupArrowActive = 20
kThemeBrushPopupArrowPressed = 21
kThemeBrushPopupArrowInactive = 22
kThemeBrushAppleGuideCoachmark = 23
kThemeBrushIconLabelBackgroundSelected = 24
kThemeBrushStaticAreaFill = 25
kThemeBrushActiveAreaFill = 26
kThemeBrushButtonFrameActive = 27
kThemeBrushButtonFrameInactive = 28
kThemeBrushButtonFaceActive = 29
kThemeBrushButtonFaceInactive = 30
kThemeBrushButtonFacePressed = 31
kThemeBrushButtonActiveDarkShadow = 32
kThemeBrushButtonActiveDarkHighlight = 33
kThemeBrushButtonActiveLightShadow = 34
kThemeBrushButtonActiveLightHighlight = 35
kThemeBrushButtonInactiveDarkShadow = 36
kThemeBrushButtonInactiveDarkHighlight = 37
kThemeBrushButtonInactiveLightShadow = 38
kThemeBrushButtonInactiveLightHighlight = 39
kThemeBrushButtonPressedDarkShadow = 40
kThemeBrushButtonPressedDarkHighlight = 41
kThemeBrushButtonPressedLightShadow = 42
kThemeBrushButtonPressedLightHighlight = 43
kThemeBrushBevelActiveLight = 44
kThemeBrushBevelActiveDark = 45
kThemeBrushBevelInactiveLight = 46
kThemeBrushBevelInactiveDark = 47
kThemeBrushBlack = -1
kThemeBrushWhite = -2
kThemeTextColorDialogActive = 1
kThemeTextColorDialogInactive = 2
kThemeTextColorAlertActive = 3
kThemeTextColorAlertInactive = 4
kThemeTextColorModelessDialogActive = 5
kThemeTextColorModelessDialogInactive = 6
kThemeTextColorWindowHeaderActive = 7
kThemeTextColorWindowHeaderInactive = 8
kThemeTextColorPlacardActive = 9
kThemeTextColorPlacardInactive = 10
kThemeTextColorPlacardPressed = 11
kThemeTextColorPushButtonActive = 12
kThemeTextColorPushButtonInactive = 13
kThemeTextColorPushButtonPressed = 14
kThemeTextColorBevelButtonActive = 15
kThemeTextColorBevelButtonInactive = 16
kThemeTextColorBevelButtonPressed = 17
kThemeTextColorPopupButtonActive = 18
kThemeTextColorPopupButtonInactive = 19
kThemeTextColorPopupButtonPressed = 20
kThemeTextColorIconLabel = 21
kThemeTextColorListView = 22
kThemeTextColorDocumentWindowTitleActive = 23
kThemeTextColorDocumentWindowTitleInactive = 24
kThemeTextColorMovableModalWindowTitleActive = 25
kThemeTextColorMovableModalWindowTitleInactive = 26
kThemeTextColorUtilityWindowTitleActive = 27
kThemeTextColorUtilityWindowTitleInactive = 28
kThemeTextColorPopupWindowTitleActive = 29
kThemeTextColorPopupWindowTitleInactive = 30
kThemeTextColorRootMenuActive = 31
kThemeTextColorRootMenuSelected = 32
kThemeTextColorRootMenuDisabled = 33
kThemeTextColorMenuItemActive = 34
kThemeTextColorMenuItemSelected = 35
kThemeTextColorMenuItemDisabled = 36
kThemeTextColorPopupLabelActive = 37
kThemeTextColorPopupLabelInactive = 38
kThemeTextColorTabFrontActive = 39
kThemeTextColorTabNonFrontActive = 40
kThemeTextColorTabNonFrontPressed = 41
kThemeTextColorTabFrontInactive = 42
kThemeTextColorTabNonFrontInactive = 43
kThemeTextColorIconLabelSelected = 44
kThemeTextColorBevelButtonStickyActive = 45
kThemeTextColorBevelButtonStickyInactive = 46
kThemeTextColorBlack = -1
kThemeTextColorWhite = -2
kThemeStateInactive = 0
kThemeStateActive = 1
kThemeStatePressed = 2
kThemeStateDisabled = 0
kThemeStatePressedUp = 2
kThemeStatePressedDown = 3
kThemeArrowCursor = 0
kThemeCopyArrowCursor = 1
kThemeAliasArrowCursor = 2
kThemeContextualMenuArrowCursor = 3
kThemeIBeamCursor = 4
kThemeCrossCursor = 5
kThemePlusCursor = 6
kThemeWatchCursor = 7
kThemeClosedHandCursor = 8
kThemeOpenHandCursor = 9
kThemePointingHandCursor = 10
kThemeCountingUpHandCursor = 11
kThemeCountingDownHandCursor = 12
kThemeCountingUpAndDownHandCursor = 13
kThemeSpinningCursor = 14
kThemeResizeLeftCursor = 15
kThemeResizeRightCursor = 16
kThemeResizeLeftRightCursor = 17
kThemeMenuBarNormal = 0
kThemeMenuBarSelected = 1
kThemeMenuActive = 0
kThemeMenuSelected = 1
kThemeMenuInactive = 3
kThemeMenuDisabled = 3
kThemeMenuTypePullDown = 0
kThemeMenuTypePopUp = 1
kThemeMenuTypeHierarchical = 2
kThemeMenuTypeInactive = 0x0100
kThemeMenuItemPlain = 0
kThemeMenuItemHierarchical = 1
kThemeMenuItemScrollUpArrow = 2
kThemeMenuItemScrollDownArrow = 3
kThemeMenuItemAtTop = 0x0100
kThemeMenuItemAtBottom = 0x0200
kThemeMenuItemHierBackground = 0x0400
kThemeMenuItemPopUpBackground = 0x0800
kThemeMenuItemHasIcon = 0x8000
kThemeBackgroundTabPane = 1
kThemeBackgroundPlacard = 2
kThemeBackgroundWindowHeader = 3
kThemeBackgroundListViewWindowHeader = 4
kThemeNameTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('name')
kThemeAppearanceFileNameTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('thme')
kThemeVariantNameTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('varn')
kThemeSystemFontTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('lgsf')
kThemeSmallSystemFontTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('smsf')
kThemeViewsFontTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('vfnt')
kThemeViewsFontSizeTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('vfsz')
kThemeDesktopPatternNameTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('patn')
kThemeDesktopPatternTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('patt')
kThemeDesktopPictureNameTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dpnm')
kThemeDesktopPictureAliasTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dpal')
kThemeDesktopPictureAlignmentTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dpan')
kThemeHighlightColorNameTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('hcnm')
kThemeHighlightColorTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('hcol')
kThemeExamplePictureIDTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('epic')
kThemeSoundsEnabledTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('snds')
kThemeSoundTrackNameTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sndt')
kThemeSoundMaskTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('smsk')
kThemeUserDefinedTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('user')
kThemeScrollBarArrowStyleTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sbar')
kThemeScrollBarThumbStyleTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sbth')
kThemeSmoothFontEnabledTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('smoo')
kThemeSmoothFontMinSizeTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('smos')
kThemeDblClickCollapseTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('coll')
kThemeCheckBoxClassicX = 0
kThemeCheckBoxCheckMark = 1
kThemeScrollBarArrowsSingle = 0
kThemeScrollBarArrowsLowerRight = 1
kThemeScrollBarThumbNormal = 0
kThemeScrollBarThumbProportional = 1
kThemeSystemFont = 0
kThemeSmallSystemFont = 1
kThemeSmallEmphasizedSystemFont = 2
kThemeViewsFont = 3
kThemeTabNonFront = 0
kThemeTabNonFrontPressed = 1
kThemeTabNonFrontInactive = 2
kThemeTabFront = 3
kThemeTabFrontInactive = 4
kThemeTabNorth = 0
kThemeTabSouth = 1
kThemeTabEast = 2
kThemeTabWest = 3
kThemeSmallTabHeight = 16
kThemeLargeTabHeight = 21
kThemeTabPaneOverlap = 3
kThemeSmallTabHeightMax = 19
kThemeLargeTabHeightMax = 24
kThemeScrollBar = 0
kThemeSmallScrollBar = 1
kThemeSlider = 2
kThemeProgressBar = 3
kThemeIndeterminateBar = 4
kThemeTrackActive = 0
kThemeTrackDisabled = 1
kThemeTrackNothingToScroll = 2
kThemeLeftOutsideArrowPressed = 0x01
kThemeLeftInsideArrowPressed = 0x02
kThemeLeftTrackPressed = 0x04
kThemeThumbPressed = 0x08
kThemeRightTrackPressed = 0x10
kThemeRightInsideArrowPressed = 0x20
kThemeRightOutsideArrowPressed = 0x40
kThemeTopOutsideArrowPressed = kThemeLeftOutsideArrowPressed
kThemeTopInsideArrowPressed = kThemeLeftInsideArrowPressed
kThemeTopTrackPressed = kThemeLeftTrackPressed
kThemeBottomTrackPressed = kThemeRightTrackPressed
kThemeBottomInsideArrowPressed = kThemeRightInsideArrowPressed
kThemeBottomOutsideArrowPressed = kThemeRightOutsideArrowPressed
kThemeThumbPlain = 0
kThemeThumbUpward = 1
kThemeThumbDownward = 2
kThemeWindowHasFullZoom = kThemeWindowHasHorizontalZoom + kThemeWindowHasVerticalZoom
kThemeDocumentWindow = 0
kThemeDialogWindow = 1
kThemeMovableDialogWindow = 2
kThemeAlertWindow = 3
kThemeMovableAlertWindow = 4
kThemePlainDialogWindow = 5
kThemeShadowDialogWindow = 6
kThemePopupWindow = 7
kThemeUtilityWindow = 8
kThemeUtilitySideWindow = 9
kThemeWidgetCloseBox = 0
kThemeWidgetZoomBox = 1
kThemeWidgetCollapseBox = 2
kThemeArrowLeft = 0
kThemeArrowDown = 1
kThemeArrowRight = 2
kThemeArrowUp = 3
kThemeArrow3pt = 0
kThemeArrow5pt = 1
kThemeArrow7pt = 2
kThemeArrow9pt = 3
kThemePushButton = 0
kThemeCheckBox = 1
kThemeRadioButton = 2
kThemeBevelButton = 3
kThemeArrowButton = 4
kThemePopupButton = 5
kThemeDisclosureButton = 6
kThemeIncDecButton = 7
kThemeSmallBevelButton = 8
kThemeMediumBevelButton = 3
kThemeLargeBevelButton = 9
kThemeButtonOff = 0
kThemeButtonOn = 1
kThemeButtonMixed = 2
kThemeDisclosureRight = 0
kThemeDisclosureDown = 1
kThemeDisclosureLeft = 2
kThemeAdornmentNone = 0
kThemeNoSounds = 0
kThemeDragSoundNone = 0
kThemeDragSoundMoveWindow = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wmov')
kThemeDragSoundGrowWindow = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wgro')
kThemeDragSoundMoveUtilWindow = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('umov')
kThemeDragSoundGrowUtilWindow = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ugro')
kThemeDragSoundMoveDialog = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dmov')
kThemeDragSoundMoveAlert = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('amov')
kThemeDragSoundMoveIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('imov')
kThemeDragSoundSliderThumb = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('slth')
kThemeDragSoundSliderGhost = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('slgh')
kThemeDragSoundScrollBarThumb = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sbth')
kThemeDragSoundScrollBarGhost = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sbgh')
kThemeDragSoundScrollBarArrowDecreasing = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sbad')
kThemeDragSoundScrollBarArrowIncreasing = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sbai')
kThemeDragSoundDragging = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('drag')
kThemeSoundNone = 0
kThemeSoundMenuOpen = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mnuo')
kThemeSoundMenuClose = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mnuc')
kThemeSoundMenuItemHilite = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mnui')
kThemeSoundMenuItemRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mnus')
kThemeSoundWindowClosePress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wclp')
kThemeSoundWindowCloseEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wcle')
kThemeSoundWindowCloseExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wclx')
kThemeSoundWindowCloseRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wclr')
kThemeSoundWindowZoomPress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wzmp')
kThemeSoundWindowZoomEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wzme')
kThemeSoundWindowZoomExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wzmx')
kThemeSoundWindowZoomRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wzmr')
kThemeSoundWindowCollapsePress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wcop')
kThemeSoundWindowCollapseEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wcoe')
kThemeSoundWindowCollapseExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wcox')
kThemeSoundWindowCollapseRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wcor')
kThemeSoundWindowDragBoundary = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wdbd')
kThemeSoundUtilWinClosePress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('uclp')
kThemeSoundUtilWinCloseEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ucle')
kThemeSoundUtilWinCloseExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('uclx')
kThemeSoundUtilWinCloseRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('uclr')
kThemeSoundUtilWinZoomPress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('uzmp')
kThemeSoundUtilWinZoomEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('uzme')
kThemeSoundUtilWinZoomExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('uzmx')
kThemeSoundUtilWinZoomRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('uzmr')
kThemeSoundUtilWinCollapsePress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ucop')
kThemeSoundUtilWinCollapseEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ucoe')
kThemeSoundUtilWinCollapseExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ucox')
kThemeSoundUtilWinCollapseRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ucor')
kThemeSoundUtilWinDragBoundary = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('udbd')
kThemeSoundWindowOpen = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wopn')
kThemeSoundWindowClose = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wcls')
kThemeSoundWindowZoomIn = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wzmi')
kThemeSoundWindowZoomOut = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wzmo')
kThemeSoundWindowCollapseUp = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wcol')
kThemeSoundWindowCollapseDown = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wexp')
kThemeSoundWindowActivate = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wact')
kThemeSoundUtilWindowOpen = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('uopn')
kThemeSoundUtilWindowClose = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ucls')
kThemeSoundUtilWindowZoomIn = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('uzmi')
kThemeSoundUtilWindowZoomOut = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('uzmo')
kThemeSoundUtilWindowCollapseUp = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ucol')
kThemeSoundUtilWindowCollapseDown = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('uexp')
kThemeSoundUtilWindowActivate = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('uact')
kThemeSoundDialogOpen = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dopn')
kThemeSoundDialogClose = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dlgc')
kThemeSoundAlertOpen = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('aopn')
kThemeSoundAlertClose = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('altc')
kThemeSoundPopupWindowOpen = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pwop')
kThemeSoundPopupWindowClose = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pwcl')
kThemeSoundButtonPress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('btnp')
kThemeSoundButtonEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('btne')
kThemeSoundButtonExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('btnx')
kThemeSoundButtonRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('btnr')
kThemeSoundDefaultButtonPress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dbtp')
kThemeSoundDefaultButtonEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dbte')
kThemeSoundDefaultButtonExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dbtx')
kThemeSoundDefaultButtonRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dbtr')
kThemeSoundCancelButtonPress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cbtp')
kThemeSoundCancelButtonEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cbte')
kThemeSoundCancelButtonExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cbtx')
kThemeSoundCancelButtonRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cbtr')
kThemeSoundCheckboxPress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('chkp')
kThemeSoundCheckboxEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('chke')
kThemeSoundCheckboxExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('chkx')
kThemeSoundCheckboxRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('chkr')
kThemeSoundRadioPress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('radp')
kThemeSoundRadioEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rade')
kThemeSoundRadioExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('radx')
kThemeSoundRadioRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('radr')
kThemeSoundScrollArrowPress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sbap')
kThemeSoundScrollArrowEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sbae')
kThemeSoundScrollArrowExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sbax')
kThemeSoundScrollArrowRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sbar')
kThemeSoundScrollEndOfTrack = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sbte')
kThemeSoundScrollTrackPress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sbtp')
kThemeSoundSliderEndOfTrack = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('slte')
kThemeSoundSliderTrackPress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sltp')
kThemeSoundBalloonOpen = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('blno')
kThemeSoundBalloonClose = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('blnc')
kThemeSoundBevelPress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('bevp')
kThemeSoundBevelEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('beve')
kThemeSoundBevelExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('bevx')
kThemeSoundBevelRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('bevr')
kThemeSoundLittleArrowUpPress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('laup')
kThemeSoundLittleArrowDnPress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ladp')
kThemeSoundLittleArrowEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('lare')
kThemeSoundLittleArrowExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('larx')
kThemeSoundLittleArrowUpRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('laur')
kThemeSoundLittleArrowDnRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ladr')
kThemeSoundPopupPress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('popp')
kThemeSoundPopupEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pope')
kThemeSoundPopupExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('popx')
kThemeSoundPopupRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('popr')
kThemeSoundDisclosurePress = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dscp')
kThemeSoundDisclosureEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dsce')
kThemeSoundDisclosureExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dscx')
kThemeSoundDisclosureRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dscr')
kThemeSoundTabPressed = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tabp')
kThemeSoundTabEnter = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tabe')
kThemeSoundTabExit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tabx')
kThemeSoundTabRelease = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tabr')
kThemeSoundDragTargetHilite = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dthi')
kThemeSoundDragTargetUnhilite = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dtuh')
kThemeSoundDragTargetDrop = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dtdr')
kThemeSoundEmptyTrash = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ftrs')
kThemeSoundSelectItem = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fsel')
kThemeSoundNewItem = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fnew')
kThemeSoundReceiveDrop = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fdrp')
kThemeSoundCopyDone = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fcpd')
kThemeSoundResolveAlias = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fral')
kThemeSoundLaunchApp = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('flap')
kThemeSoundDiskInsert = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dski')
kThemeSoundDiskEject = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dske')
kThemeSoundFinderDragOnIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fdon')
kThemeSoundFinderDragOffIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fdof')
kThemePopupTabNormalPosition = 0
kThemePopupTabCenterOnWindow = 1
kThemePopupTabCenterOnOffset = 2
appearanceBadBrushIndexErr = themeInvalidBrushErr
appearanceProcessRegisteredErr = themeProcessRegisteredErr
appearanceProcessNotRegisteredErr = themeProcessNotRegisteredErr
appearanceBadTextColorIndexErr = themeBadTextColorErr
appearanceThemeHasNoAccents = themeHasNoAccentsErr
appearanceBadCursorIndexErr = themeBadCursorIndexErr
kThemeActiveDialogBackgroundBrush = kThemeBrushDialogBackgroundActive
kThemeInactiveDialogBackgroundBrush = kThemeBrushDialogBackgroundInactive
kThemeActiveAlertBackgroundBrush = kThemeBrushAlertBackgroundActive
kThemeInactiveAlertBackgroundBrush = kThemeBrushAlertBackgroundInactive
kThemeActiveModelessDialogBackgroundBrush = kThemeBrushModelessDialogBackgroundActive
kThemeInactiveModelessDialogBackgroundBrush = kThemeBrushModelessDialogBackgroundInactive
kThemeActiveUtilityWindowBackgroundBrush = kThemeBrushUtilityWindowBackgroundActive
kThemeInactiveUtilityWindowBackgroundBrush = kThemeBrushUtilityWindowBackgroundInactive
kThemeListViewSortColumnBackgroundBrush = kThemeBrushListViewSortColumnBackground
kThemeListViewBackgroundBrush = kThemeBrushListViewBackground
kThemeIconLabelBackgroundBrush = kThemeBrushIconLabelBackground
kThemeListViewSeparatorBrush = kThemeBrushListViewSeparator
kThemeChasingArrowsBrush = kThemeBrushChasingArrows
kThemeDragHiliteBrush = kThemeBrushDragHilite
kThemeDocumentWindowBackgroundBrush = kThemeBrushDocumentWindowBackground
kThemeFinderWindowBackgroundBrush = kThemeBrushFinderWindowBackground
kThemeActiveScrollBarDelimiterBrush = kThemeBrushScrollBarDelimiterActive
kThemeInactiveScrollBarDelimiterBrush = kThemeBrushScrollBarDelimiterInactive
kThemeFocusHighlightBrush = kThemeBrushFocusHighlight
kThemeActivePopupArrowBrush = kThemeBrushPopupArrowActive
kThemePressedPopupArrowBrush = kThemeBrushPopupArrowPressed
kThemeInactivePopupArrowBrush = kThemeBrushPopupArrowInactive
kThemeAppleGuideCoachmarkBrush = kThemeBrushAppleGuideCoachmark
kThemeActiveDialogTextColor = kThemeTextColorDialogActive
kThemeInactiveDialogTextColor = kThemeTextColorDialogInactive
kThemeActiveAlertTextColor = kThemeTextColorAlertActive
kThemeInactiveAlertTextColor = kThemeTextColorAlertInactive
kThemeActiveModelessDialogTextColor = kThemeTextColorModelessDialogActive
kThemeInactiveModelessDialogTextColor = kThemeTextColorModelessDialogInactive
kThemeActiveWindowHeaderTextColor = kThemeTextColorWindowHeaderActive
kThemeInactiveWindowHeaderTextColor = kThemeTextColorWindowHeaderInactive
kThemeActivePlacardTextColor = kThemeTextColorPlacardActive
kThemeInactivePlacardTextColor = kThemeTextColorPlacardInactive
kThemePressedPlacardTextColor = kThemeTextColorPlacardPressed
kThemeActivePushButtonTextColor = kThemeTextColorPushButtonActive
kThemeInactivePushButtonTextColor = kThemeTextColorPushButtonInactive
kThemePressedPushButtonTextColor = kThemeTextColorPushButtonPressed
kThemeActiveBevelButtonTextColor = kThemeTextColorBevelButtonActive
kThemeInactiveBevelButtonTextColor = kThemeTextColorBevelButtonInactive
kThemePressedBevelButtonTextColor = kThemeTextColorBevelButtonPressed
kThemeActivePopupButtonTextColor = kThemeTextColorPopupButtonActive
kThemeInactivePopupButtonTextColor = kThemeTextColorPopupButtonInactive
kThemePressedPopupButtonTextColor = kThemeTextColorPopupButtonPressed
kThemeIconLabelTextColor = kThemeTextColorIconLabel
kThemeListViewTextColor = kThemeTextColorListView
kThemeActiveDocumentWindowTitleTextColor = kThemeTextColorDocumentWindowTitleActive
kThemeInactiveDocumentWindowTitleTextColor = kThemeTextColorDocumentWindowTitleInactive
kThemeActiveMovableModalWindowTitleTextColor = kThemeTextColorMovableModalWindowTitleActive
kThemeInactiveMovableModalWindowTitleTextColor = kThemeTextColorMovableModalWindowTitleInactive
kThemeActiveUtilityWindowTitleTextColor = kThemeTextColorUtilityWindowTitleActive
kThemeInactiveUtilityWindowTitleTextColor = kThemeTextColorUtilityWindowTitleInactive
kThemeActivePopupWindowTitleColor = kThemeTextColorPopupWindowTitleActive
kThemeInactivePopupWindowTitleColor = kThemeTextColorPopupWindowTitleInactive
kThemeActiveRootMenuTextColor = kThemeTextColorRootMenuActive
kThemeSelectedRootMenuTextColor = kThemeTextColorRootMenuSelected
kThemeDisabledRootMenuTextColor = kThemeTextColorRootMenuDisabled
kThemeActiveMenuItemTextColor = kThemeTextColorMenuItemActive
kThemeSelectedMenuItemTextColor = kThemeTextColorMenuItemSelected
kThemeDisabledMenuItemTextColor = kThemeTextColorMenuItemDisabled
kThemeActivePopupLabelTextColor = kThemeTextColorPopupLabelActive
kThemeInactivePopupLabelTextColor = kThemeTextColorPopupLabelInactive
kAEThemeSwitch = kAEAppearanceChanged
kThemeNoAdornment = kThemeAdornmentNone
kThemeDefaultAdornment = kThemeAdornmentDefault
kThemeFocusAdornment = kThemeAdornmentFocus
kThemeRightToLeftAdornment = kThemeAdornmentRightToLeft
kThemeDrawIndicatorOnly = kThemeAdornmentDrawIndicatorOnly
kThemeBrushPassiveAreaFill = kThemeBrushStaticAreaFill
# Generated from 'flap:Metrowerks:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:Balloons.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:Balloons.h'
def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x
kTopLeftTipPointsLeftVariant = 0
# Generated from 'flap:Metrowerks:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:Components.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:Components.h'
def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x
kAppleManufacturer = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('appl')
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ kAnyComponentSubType = 0
kAnyComponentManufacturer = 0
kAnyComponentFlagsMask = 0
cmpWantsRegisterMessage = 1L << 31
cmpIsComponentAlias = 1L << 28
kComponentOpenSelect = -1
kComponentCloseSelect = -2
kComponentCanDoSelect = -3
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ kControlKeyFilterBlockKey = 0
kControlKeyFilterPassKey = 1
kControlKeyScriptBehaviorAllowAnyScript = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('any ')
kControlKeyScriptBehaviorPrefersRoman = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('prmn')
kControlKeyScriptBehaviorRequiresRoman = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rrmn')
kControlKeyScriptBehaviorRequiresRoman = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rrmn') /* switches the keyboard to roman and prevents the user from changing it.*/
kControlFontBigSystemFont = -1
kControlFontSmallSystemFont = -2
kControlFontSmallBoldSystemFont = -3
......@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ kControlEditTextLockedTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('lock')
kControlEditTextFixedTextTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ftxt')
kControlEditTextValidationProcTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('vali')
kControlEditTextInlinePreUpdateProcTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('prup')
kControlEditTextInlinePostUpdateProcTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('poup')
kControlEditTextInlinePostUpdateProcTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('poup') /* ...The refCon parameter will contain the ControlHandle.*/
kControlStaticTextProc = 288
kControlStaticTextStyleTag = kControlFontStyleTag
kControlStaticTextTextTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('text')
# Generated from 'moes:Metrowerks:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:Dialogs.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:Dialogs.h'
def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x
gestaltDialogMgrAttr = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dlog')
dialogNoTimeoutErr = -5640
kControlDialogItem = 4
kButtonDialogItem = kControlDialogItem | 0
kCheckBoxDialogItem = kControlDialogItem | 1
......@@ -59,3 +62,4 @@ kDialogFontUseJustMask = 0x0040
kDialogFontUseAllMask = 0x00FF
kDialogFontAddFontSizeMask = 0x0100
kDialogFontUseFontNameMask = 0x0200
kDialogFontAddToMetaFontMask = 0x0400
# Generated from 'flap:CodeWarrior Pro 4:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:Drag.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:Drag.h'
def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x
from TextEdit import *
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ flavorTypeDirectory = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('diry')
kFlavorTypeClippingName = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('clnm')
kFlavorTypeClippingFilename = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('clfn')
kFlavorTypeDragToTrashOnly = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fdtt')
kFlavorTypeFinderNoTrackingBehavior = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fntb')
kFlavorTypeFinderNoTrackingBehavior = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fntb') /* Finder completely ignores any drag containing this flavor*/
kDragTrackingEnterHandler = 1
kDragTrackingEnterWindow = 2
kDragTrackingInWindow = 3
# Generated from 'flap:Metrowerks:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:Events.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:Events.h'
nullEvent = 0
mouseDown = 1
# Generated from 'flap:Metrowerks:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:Fonts.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:Fonts.h'
systemFont = 0
applFont = 1
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:Icons.h'
kGenericDocumentIconResource = -4000
kGenericStationeryIconResource = -3985
kGenericEditionFileIconResource = -3989
kGenericApplicationIconResource = -3996
kGenericDeskAccessoryIconResource = -3991
kGenericFolderIconResource = -3999
kPrivateFolderIconResource = -3994
kFloppyIconResource = -3998
kTrashIconResource = -3993
kGenericRAMDiskIconResource = -3988
kGenericCDROMIconResource = -3987
kDesktopIconResource = -3992
kOpenFolderIconResource = -3997
kGenericHardDiskIconResource = -3995
kGenericFileServerIconResource = -3972
kGenericSuitcaseIconResource = -3970
kGenericMoverObjectIconResource = -3969
kGenericPreferencesIconResource = -3971
kGenericQueryDocumentIconResource = -16506
kGenericExtensionIconResource = -16415
kSystemFolderIconResource = -3983
kHelpIconResource = -20271
kAppleMenuFolderIconResource = -3982
genericDocumentIconResource = kGenericDocumentIconResource
genericStationeryIconResource = kGenericStationeryIconResource
genericEditionFileIconResource = kGenericEditionFileIconResource
genericApplicationIconResource = kGenericApplicationIconResource
genericDeskAccessoryIconResource = kGenericDeskAccessoryIconResource
genericFolderIconResource = kGenericFolderIconResource
privateFolderIconResource = kPrivateFolderIconResource
floppyIconResource = kFloppyIconResource
trashIconResource = kTrashIconResource
genericRAMDiskIconResource = kGenericRAMDiskIconResource
genericCDROMIconResource = kGenericCDROMIconResource
desktopIconResource = kDesktopIconResource
openFolderIconResource = kOpenFolderIconResource
genericHardDiskIconResource = kGenericHardDiskIconResource
genericFileServerIconResource = kGenericFileServerIconResource
genericSuitcaseIconResource = kGenericSuitcaseIconResource
genericMoverObjectIconResource = kGenericMoverObjectIconResource
genericPreferencesIconResource = kGenericPreferencesIconResource
genericQueryDocumentIconResource = kGenericQueryDocumentIconResource
genericExtensionIconResource = kGenericExtensionIconResource
systemFolderIconResource = kSystemFolderIconResource
appleMenuFolderIconResource = kAppleMenuFolderIconResource
kStartupFolderIconResource = -3981
kOwnedFolderIconResource = -3980
kDropFolderIconResource = -3979
kSharedFolderIconResource = -3978
kMountedFolderIconResource = -3977
kControlPanelFolderIconResource = -3976
kPrintMonitorFolderIconResource = -3975
kPreferencesFolderIconResource = -3974
kExtensionsFolderIconResource = -3973
kFontsFolderIconResource = -3968
kFullTrashIconResource = -3984
startupFolderIconResource = kStartupFolderIconResource
ownedFolderIconResource = kOwnedFolderIconResource
dropFolderIconResource = kDropFolderIconResource
sharedFolderIconResource = kSharedFolderIconResource
mountedFolderIconResource = kMountedFolderIconResource
controlPanelFolderIconResource = kControlPanelFolderIconResource
printMonitorFolderIconResource = kPrintMonitorFolderIconResource
preferencesFolderIconResource = kPreferencesFolderIconResource
extensionsFolderIconResource = kExtensionsFolderIconResource
fontsFolderIconResource = kFontsFolderIconResource
fullTrashIconResource = kFullTrashIconResource
kHuge1BitMask = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ich#')
kHuge4BitData = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ich4')
kHuge8BitData = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ich8')
kHuge32BitData = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ih32')
kHuge8BitMask = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('h8mk')
kLarge1BitMask = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ICN#')
kLarge4BitData = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('icl4')
kLarge8BitData = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('icl8')
kLarge32BitData = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('il32')
kLarge8BitMask = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('l8mk')
kSmall1BitMask = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ics#')
kSmall4BitData = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ics4')
kSmall8BitData = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ics8')
kSmall32BitData = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('is32')
kSmall8BitMask = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('s8mk')
kMini1BitMask = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('icm#')
kMini4BitData = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('icm4')
kMini8BitData = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('icm8')
large1BitMask = kLarge1BitMask
large4BitData = kLarge4BitData
large8BitData = kLarge8BitData
small1BitMask = kSmall1BitMask
small4BitData = kSmall4BitData
small8BitData = kSmall8BitData
mini1BitMask = kMini1BitMask
mini4BitData = kMini4BitData
mini8BitData = kMini8BitData
kAlignNone = 0x00
kAlignVerticalCenter = 0x01
kAlignTop = 0x02
kAlignBottom = 0x03
kAlignHorizontalCenter = 0x04
kAlignAbsoluteCenter = kAlignVerticalCenter | kAlignHorizontalCenter
kAlignCenterTop = kAlignTop | kAlignHorizontalCenter
kAlignCenterBottom = kAlignBottom | kAlignHorizontalCenter
kAlignLeft = 0x08
kAlignCenterLeft = kAlignVerticalCenter | kAlignLeft
kAlignTopLeft = kAlignTop | kAlignLeft
kAlignBottomLeft = kAlignBottom | kAlignLeft
kAlignRight = 0x0C
kAlignCenterRight = kAlignVerticalCenter | kAlignRight
kAlignTopRight = kAlignTop | kAlignRight
kAlignBottomRight = kAlignBottom | kAlignRight
atNone = kAlignNone
atVerticalCenter = kAlignVerticalCenter
atTop = kAlignTop
atBottom = kAlignBottom
atHorizontalCenter = kAlignHorizontalCenter
atAbsoluteCenter = kAlignAbsoluteCenter
atCenterTop = kAlignCenterTop
atCenterBottom = kAlignCenterBottom
atLeft = kAlignLeft
atCenterLeft = kAlignCenterLeft
atTopLeft = kAlignTopLeft
atBottomLeft = kAlignBottomLeft
atRight = kAlignRight
atCenterRight = kAlignCenterRight
atTopRight = kAlignTopRight
atBottomRight = kAlignBottomRight
kTransformNone = 0x00
kTransformDisabled = 0x01
kTransformOffline = 0x02
kTransformOpen = 0x03
kTransformLabel1 = 0x0100
kTransformLabel2 = 0x0200
kTransformLabel3 = 0x0300
kTransformLabel4 = 0x0400
kTransformLabel5 = 0x0500
kTransformLabel6 = 0x0600
kTransformLabel7 = 0x0700
kTransformSelected = 0x4000
kTransformSelectedDisabled = kTransformSelected | kTransformDisabled
kTransformSelectedOffline = kTransformSelected | kTransformOffline
kTransformSelectedOpen = kTransformSelected | kTransformOpen
ttNone = kTransformNone
ttDisabled = kTransformDisabled
ttOffline = kTransformOffline
ttOpen = kTransformOpen
ttLabel1 = kTransformLabel1
ttLabel2 = kTransformLabel2
ttLabel3 = kTransformLabel3
ttLabel4 = kTransformLabel4
ttLabel5 = kTransformLabel5
ttLabel6 = kTransformLabel6
ttLabel7 = kTransformLabel7
ttSelected = kTransformSelected
ttSelectedDisabled = kTransformSelectedDisabled
ttSelectedOffline = kTransformSelectedOffline
ttSelectedOpen = kTransformSelectedOpen
kSelectorLarge1Bit = 0x00000001
kSelectorLarge4Bit = 0x00000002
kSelectorLarge8Bit = 0x00000004
kSelectorLarge32Bit = 0x00000008
kSelectorLarge8BitMask = 0x00000010
kSelectorSmall1Bit = 0x00000100
kSelectorSmall4Bit = 0x00000200
kSelectorSmall8Bit = 0x00000400
kSelectorSmall32Bit = 0x00000800
kSelectorSmall8BitMask = 0x00001000
kSelectorMini1Bit = 0x00010000
kSelectorMini4Bit = 0x00020000
kSelectorMini8Bit = 0x00040000
kSelectorHuge1Bit = 0x01000000
kSelectorHuge4Bit = 0x02000000
kSelectorHuge8Bit = 0x04000000
kSelectorHuge32Bit = 0x08000000
kSelectorHuge8BitMask = 0x10000000
kSelectorAllLargeData = 0x000000FF
kSelectorAllSmallData = 0x0000FF00
kSelectorAllMiniData = 0x00FF0000
kSelectorAll1BitData = kSelectorLarge1Bit | kSelectorSmall1Bit | kSelectorMini1Bit | kSelectorHuge1Bit
kSelectorAll4BitData = kSelectorLarge4Bit | kSelectorSmall4Bit | kSelectorMini4Bit | kSelectorHuge4Bit
kSelectorAll8BitData = kSelectorLarge8Bit | kSelectorSmall8Bit | kSelectorMini8Bit | kSelectorHuge8Bit
kSelectorAll32BitData = kSelectorLarge32Bit | kSelectorSmall32Bit | kSelectorHuge32Bit
svLarge1Bit = kSelectorLarge1Bit
svLarge4Bit = kSelectorLarge4Bit
svLarge8Bit = kSelectorLarge8Bit
svSmall1Bit = kSelectorSmall1Bit
svSmall4Bit = kSelectorSmall4Bit
svSmall8Bit = kSelectorSmall8Bit
svMini1Bit = kSelectorMini1Bit
svMini4Bit = kSelectorMini4Bit
svMini8Bit = kSelectorMini8Bit
svAllLargeData = kSelectorAllLargeData
svAllSmallData = kSelectorAllSmallData
svAllMiniData = kSelectorAllMiniData
svAll1BitData = kSelectorAll1BitData
svAll4BitData = kSelectorAll4BitData
svAll8BitData = kSelectorAll8BitData
svAllAvailableData = kSelectorAllAvailableData
kSystemIconsCreator = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('macs')
kClipboardIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('CLIP')
kClippingUnknownTypeIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('clpu')
kClippingPictureTypeIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('clpp')
kClippingTextTypeIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('clpt')
kClippingSoundTypeIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('clps')
kDesktopIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('desk')
kFinderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('FNDR')
kFontSuitcaseIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('FFIL')
kFullTrashIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ftrh')
kGenericApplicationIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('APPL')
kGenericCDROMIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cddr')
kGenericControlPanelIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('APPC')
kGenericControlStripModuleIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sdev')
kGenericComponentIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('thng')
kGenericDeskAccessoryIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('APPD')
kGenericDocumentIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('docu')
kGenericEditionFileIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('edtf')
kGenericExtensionIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('INIT')
kGenericFileServerIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('srvr')
kGenericFontIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ffil')
kGenericFontScalerIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sclr')
kGenericFloppyIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('flpy')
kGenericHardDiskIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('hdsk')
kGenericRemovableMediaIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rmov')
kGenericMoverObjectIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('movr')
kGenericPCCardIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pcmc')
kGenericPreferencesIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pref')
kGenericQueryDocumentIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('qery')
kGenericRAMDiskIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ramd')
kGenericSharedLibaryIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('shlb')
kGenericStationeryIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sdoc')
kGenericSuitcaseIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('suit')
kGenericWORMIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('worm')
kInternationResourcesIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ifil')
kKeyboardLayoutIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('kfil')
kSoundFileIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sfil')
kSystemSuitcaseIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('zsys')
kTrashIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('trsh')
kTrueTypeFontIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tfil')
kTrueTypeFlatFontIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sfnt')
kTrueTypeMultiFlatFontIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ttcf')
kInternetLocationHTTPIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ilht')
kInternetLocationFTPIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ilft')
kInternetLocationAppleShareIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ilaf')
kInternetLocationAppleTalkZoneIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ilat')
kInternetLocationFileIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ilfi')
kInternetLocationMailIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ilma')
kInternetLocationNewsIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ilnw')
kInternetLocationGenericIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ilge')
kGenericFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fldr')
kDropFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dbox')
kMountedFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mntd')
kOpenFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ofld')
kOwnedFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ownd')
kPrivateFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('prvf')
kSharedFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('shfl')
kSharingPrivsNotApplicableIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('shna')
kSharingPrivsReadOnlyIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('shro')
kSharingPrivsReadWriteIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('shrw')
kSharingPrivsUnknownIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('shuk')
kSharingPrivsWritableIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('writ')
kUserFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ufld')
kWorkgroupFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wfld')
kGuestUserIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('gusr')
kUserIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('user')
kOwnerIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('susr')
kGroupIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('grup')
kAppleExtrasFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('aex')
kAppleMenuFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('amnu')
kApplicationsFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('apps')
kApplicationSupportFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('asup')
kAssistantsFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ast')
kContextualMenuItemsFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cmnu')
kControlPanelDisabledFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ctrD')
kControlPanelFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ctrl')
kControlStripModulesFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sdv')
kDocumentsFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('docs')
kExtensionsDisabledFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('extD')
kExtensionsFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('extn')
kFavoritesFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('favs')
kFontsFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('font')
kHelpFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('hlp')
kInternetFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('int')
kInternetPlugInFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('net')
kMacOSReadMeFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mor')
kPreferencesFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('prf')
kPrinterDescriptionFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ppdf')
kPrinterDriverFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('prd')
kPrintMonitorFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('prnt')
kRecentApplicationsFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rapp')
kRecentDocumentsFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rdoc')
kRecentServersFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rsrv')
kScriptingAdditionsFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('scr')
kSharedLibrariesFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('lib')
kScriptsFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('scr')
kShutdownItemsDisabledFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('shdD')
kShutdownItemsFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('shdf')
kSpeakableItemsFolder = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('spki')
kStartupItemsDisabledFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('strD')
kStartupItemsFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('strt')
kSystemExtensionDisabledFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('macD')
kSystemFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('macs')
kTextEncodingsFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tex')
kAppearanceFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('appr')
kUtilitiesFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('uti')
kVoicesFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fvoc')
kColorSyncFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('prof')
kInternetSearchSitesFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('issf')
kAppleScriptBadgeIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('scrp')
kLockedBadgeIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('lbdg')
kMountedBadgeIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mbdg')
kSharedBadgeIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sbdg')
kAliasBadgeIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('abdg')
kAlertNoteIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('note')
kAlertCautionIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('caut')
kAlertStopIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('stop')
kAppleTalkIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('atlk')
kAppleTalkZoneIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('atzn')
kAFPServerIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('afps')
kFTPServerIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ftps')
kIPFileServerIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('isrv')
kAppleLogoIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('capl')
kAppleMenuIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sapl')
kBackwardArrowIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('baro')
kFavoriteItemsIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('favr')
kForwardArrowIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('faro')
kGridIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('grid')
kHelpIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('help')
kKeepArrangedIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('arng')
kLockedIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('lock')
kNoFilesIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('nfil')
kNoFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('nfld')
kNoWriteIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('nwrt')
kProtectedApplicationFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('papp')
kProtectedSystemFolderIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('psys')
kRecentItemsIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rcnt')
kShortcutIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('shrt')
kSortAscendingIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('asnd')
kSortDescendingIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dsnd')
kUnlockedIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ulck')
kConnectToIcon = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cnct')
invalidIconRefErr = -2580
noSuchIconErr = -2581
noIconDataAvailableErr = -2582
kIconServicesNormalUsageFlag = 0
kIconFamilyType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('icns')
# Generated from 'flap:Metrowerks:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:Lists.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:Lists.h'
def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x
listNotifyNothing = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('nada')
# Generated from 'flap:Metrowerks:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:Menus.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:Menus.h'
def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x
kMenuStdMenuProc = 63
kMenuStdMenuBarProc = 63
kMenuNoModifiers = 0
kMenuNoIcon = 0
kMenuIconType = 1
kMenuShrinkIconType = 2
kMenuSmallIconType = 3
kMenuColorIconType = 4
kMenuIconSuiteType = 5
kMenuIconRefType = 6
gestaltMenuMgrAttr = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('menu')
gestaltMenuMgrPresent = 1
menuPropertyInvalid = -5603
menuPropertyNotFoundErr = -5604
noMark = 0
kMenuDrawMsg = 0
kMenuChooseMsg = 1
......@@ -30,6 +24,16 @@ hierMenu = -1
mPopUpMsg = 3
mctAllItems = -98
mctLastIDIndic = -99
kMenuStdMenuProc = 63
kMenuStdMenuBarProc = 63
kMenuNoModifiers = 0
kMenuNoIcon = 0
kMenuIconType = 1
kMenuShrinkIconType = 2
kMenuSmallIconType = 3
kMenuColorIconType = 4
kMenuIconSuiteType = 5
kMenuIconRefType = 6
gestaltContextualMenuAttr = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cmnu')
gestaltContextualMenuUnusedBit = 0
gestaltContextualMenuTrapAvailable = 1
# Generated from 'Moes:Codewarrior Pro 4:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:QDOffscreen.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:QDOffscreen.h'
def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x
pixPurgeBit = 0
# Generated from 'flap:CodeWarrior Pro 4:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:QuickDraw.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:QuickDraw.h'
def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x
......@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ allDevicesBit = 2
singleDevices = 1 << singleDevicesBit
dontMatchSeeds = 1 << dontMatchSeedsBit
allDevices = 1 << allDevicesBit
kPrinterFontStatus = 0
kPrinterScalingStatus = 1
kNoConstraint = 0
kVerticalConstraint = 1
kHorizontalConstraint = 2
......@@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ kUYVY422PixelFormat = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('UYVY')
kYUV211PixelFormat = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('Y211')
kCursorImageMajorVersion = 0x0001
kCursorImageMinorVersion = 0x0000
# Generated from 'flap:CodeWarrior Pro 4:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:QuickDrawText.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:QuickDrawText.h'
def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x
# Generated from 'flap:Metrowerks:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:Movies.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:Movies.h'
def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x
MovieFileType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('MooV')
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ VisualMediaCharacteristic = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('eyes')
AudioMediaCharacteristic = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ears')
kCharacteristicCanSendVideo = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('vsnd')
kCharacteristicProvidesActions = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('actn')
kCharacteristicNonLinear = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('nonl')
kUserDataMovieControllerType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ctyp')
kUserDataName = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('name')
kUserDataTextFullName = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('nam')
......@@ -118,7 +119,6 @@ kActionQTVRShowDefaultView = 4099
kActionQTVRGoToNodeID = 4100
kActionMusicPlayNote = 5120
kActionMusicSetController = 5121
kActionMusicPlayTune = 5122
kActionCase = 6144
kActionWhile = 6145
kActionGoToURL = 6146
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ kLastSpriteAction = kActionSpriteStretch
kFirstQTVRAction = kActionQTVRSetPanAngle
kLastQTVRAction = kActionQTVRGoToNodeID
kFirstMusicAction = kActionMusicPlayNote
kLastMusicAction = kActionMusicPlayTune
kLastMusicAction = kActionMusicSetController
kFirstSystemAction = kActionCase
kLastSystemAction = kActionPopAndGotoLabeledTime
kFirstSpriteTrackAction = kActionSpriteTrackSetVariable
......@@ -241,6 +241,8 @@ kOperatorModulo = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mod ')
kOperatorIntegerDivide = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('idiv')
kOperatorAbsoluteValue = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('abs ')
kOperatorNegate = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('neg ')
kMediaPropertyNonLinearAtomType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('nonl')
kMediaPropertyHasActions = 105
loopTimeBase = 1
palindromeLoopTimeBase = 2
maintainTimeBaseZero = 4
......@@ -372,6 +374,7 @@ kSpriteWorldInvisible = 1L << 4
kParentAtomIsContainer = 0
kEffectNameAtom = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('name')
kEffectTypeAtom = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('type')
kEffectManufacturerAtom = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('manu')
pdActionConfirmDialog = 1
pdActionSetAppleMenu = 2
pdActionSetEditMenu = 3
......@@ -383,6 +386,7 @@ pdActionSetDialogTitle = 8
pdActionGetSubPanelMenu = 9
pdActionActivateSubPanel = 10
pdActionConductStopAlert = 11
pdActionModelessCallback = 12
elOptionsIncludeNoneInList = 0x00000001
pdOptionsCollectOneValue = 0x00000001
pdOptionsAllowOptionalInterpolations = 0x00000002
......@@ -573,6 +577,7 @@ mcActionExecuteOneActionForQTEvent = 64
mcActionAdjustCursor = 65
mcActionUseTrackForTimeTable = 66
mcActionClickAndHoldPoint = 67
mcActionShowMessageString = 68
mcFlagSuppressMovieFrame = 1 << 0
mcFlagSuppressStepButtons = 1 << 1
mcFlagSuppressSpeakerButton = 1 << 2
# Generated from 'flap:Metrowerks:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:Resources.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:Resources.h'
resSysHeap = 64
resPurgeable = 32
# Generated from 'flap:Metrowerks:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:Sound.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:Sound.h'
def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x
soundListRsrc = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('snd ')
......@@ -115,10 +115,12 @@ siAsync = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('asyn')
siAVDisplayBehavior = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('avdb')
siChannelAvailable = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('chav')
siCompressionAvailable = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cmav')
siCompressionChannels = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cpct')
siCompressionFactor = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cmfa')
siCompressionHeader = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cmhd')
siCompressionNames = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cnam')
siCompressionParams = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('evaw')
siCompressionSampleRate = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cprt')
siCompressionType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('comp')
siContinuous = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cont')
siDecompressionParams = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wave')
......@@ -186,6 +188,7 @@ siUserInterruptProc = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('user')
kNoSource = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('none')
kCDSource = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cd ')
kExtMicSource = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('emic')
kSoundInSource = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sinj')
kRCAInSource = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('irca')
kTVFMTunerSource = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tvfm')
kDAVInSource = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('idav')
......@@ -248,6 +251,8 @@ kALawCompression = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('alaw')
kMicrosoftADPCMFormat = 0x6D730002
kDVIIntelIMAFormat = 0x6D730011
kDVAudioFormat = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dvca')
kQDesignCompression = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('QDMC')
kQUALCOMMCompression = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('Qclp')
kOffsetBinary = k8BitOffsetBinaryFormat
kTwosComplement = k16BitBigEndianFormat
kLittleEndianFormat = k16BitLittleEndianFormat
......@@ -276,6 +281,7 @@ siCDQuality = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cd ')
siBestQuality = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('best')
siBetterQuality = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('betr')
siGoodQuality = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('good')
siNoneQuality = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('none')
siDeviceIsConnected = 1
siDeviceNotConnected = 0
siDontKnowIfConnected = -1
# Generated from 'flap:Metrowerks:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:TextEdit.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:TextEdit.h'
teJustLeft = 0
teJustCenter = 1
# Generated from 'flap:Metrowerks:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Headers:Universal Headers:MacWindows.h'
# Generated from 'SWDev:Codewarrior Pro 5:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:MacOS Support:Universal:Interfaces:CIncludes:MacWindows.h'
def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x
kAlertWindowClass = 1L
kMovableAlertWindowClass = 2L
kModalWindowClass = 3L
kMovableModalWindowClass = 4L
kFloatingWindowClass = 5L
kDocumentWindowClass = 6L
kWindowNoAttributes = 0L
gestaltWindowMgrAttr = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wind')
errInvalidWindowPtr = -5600
errUnsupportedWindowAttributesForClass = -5601
errWindowDoesNotHaveProxy = -5602
errInvalidWindowProperty = -5603
errWindowPropertyNotFound = -5604
errUnrecognizedWindowClass = -5605
errCorruptWindowDescription = -5606
errUserWantsToDragWindow = -5607
errWindowsAlreadyInitialized = -5608
errFloatingWindowsNotInitialized = -5609
kWindowDefProcType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('WDEF')
kStandardWindowDefinition = 0
kRoundWindowDefinition = 1
......@@ -76,6 +94,15 @@ kWindowStaggerParentWindow = 0xB80A
kWindowCenterParentWindowScreen = 0x680A
kWindowAlertPositionParentWindowScreen = 0x700A
kWindowStaggerParentWindowScreen = 0x780A
kWindowCenterOnMainScreen = 0x00000001
kWindowCenterOnParentWindow = 0x00000002
kWindowCenterOnParentWindowScreen = 0x00000003
kWindowCascadeOnMainScreen = 0x00000004
kWindowCascadeOnParentWindow = 0x00000005
kWIndowCascadeOnParentWindowScreen = 0x00000006
kWindowAlertPositionOnMainScreen = 0x00000007
kWindowAlertPositionOnParentWindow = 0x00000008
kWindowAlertPositionOnParentWindowScreen = 0x00000009
kWindowTitleBarRgn = 0
kWindowTitleTextRgn = 1
kWindowCloseBoxRgn = 2
......@@ -83,6 +110,7 @@ kWindowZoomBoxRgn = 3
kWindowDragRgn = 5
kWindowGrowRgn = 6
kWindowCollapseBoxRgn = 7
kWindowTitleProxyIconRgn = 8
kWindowStructureRgn = 32
kWindowContentRgn = 33
dialogKind = 2
......@@ -100,6 +128,7 @@ inGoAway = 6
inZoomIn = 7
inZoomOut = 8
inCollapseBox = 11
inProxyIcon = 12
wNoHit = 0
wInContent = 1
wInDrag = 2
......@@ -108,6 +137,7 @@ wInGoAway = 4
wInZoomIn = 5
wInZoomOut = 6
wInCollapseBox = 9
wInProxyIcon = 10
kWindowMsgDraw = 0
kWindowMsgHitTest = 1
kWindowMsgCalculateShape = 2
......@@ -117,6 +147,12 @@ kWindowMsgDrawGrowOutline = 5
kWindowMsgDrawGrowBox = 6
kWindowMsgGetFeatures = 7
kWindowMsgGetRegion = 8
kWindowMsgDragHilite = 9
kWindowMsgModified = 10
kWindowMsgDrawInCurrentPort = 11
kWindowMsgSetupProxyDragImage = 12
kWindowMsgStateChanged = 13
kWindowMsgMeasureTitle = 14
wDraw = 0
wHit = 1
wCalcRgns = 2
......@@ -130,4 +166,11 @@ wFrameColor = 1
wTextColor = 2
wHiliteColor = 3
wTitleBarColor = 4
kLastWindowOfClass = 0
kWindowDefinitionVersionOne = 1
kWindowDefinitionVersionTwo = 2
kStoredWindowSystemTag = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('appl')
kStoredBasicWindowDescriptionID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sbas')
kStoredWindowPascalTitleID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('s255')
kWindowZoomTransitionEffect = 1
kWindowShowTransitionAction = 1
kWindowHideTransitionAction = 2
......@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ extern PyObject *WinObj_WhichWindow(WindowPtr);
#include <Appearance.h>
/* Exported by Qdmodule.c: */
extern PyObject *QdRGB_New(RGBColor *);
extern int QdRGB_Convert(PyObject *, RGBColor *);
#define resNotFound -192 /* Can't include <Errors.h> because of Python's "errors.h" */
static PyObject *App_Error;
......@@ -70,6 +70,10 @@ RGBColor = OpaqueType("RGBColor", "QdRGB")
includestuff = includestuff + """
#include <%s>""" % MACHEADERFILE + """
/* Exported by Qdmodule.c: */
extern PyObject *QdRGB_New(RGBColor *);
extern int QdRGB_Convert(PyObject *, RGBColor *);
#define resNotFound -192 /* Can't include <Errors.h> because of Python's "errors.h" */
......@@ -305,6 +305,12 @@ static PyObject *CmpInstObj_getattr(self, name)
#define CmpInstObj_setattr NULL
#define CmpInstObj_compare NULL
#define CmpInstObj_repr NULL
#define CmpInstObj_hash NULL
PyTypeObject ComponentInstance_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -316,6 +322,12 @@ PyTypeObject ComponentInstance_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) CmpInstObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) CmpInstObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) CmpInstObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) CmpInstObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) CmpInstObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* --------------- End object type ComponentInstance ---------------- */
......@@ -654,6 +666,12 @@ static PyObject *CmpObj_getattr(self, name)
#define CmpObj_setattr NULL
#define CmpObj_compare NULL
#define CmpObj_repr NULL
#define CmpObj_hash NULL
PyTypeObject Component_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -665,6 +683,12 @@ PyTypeObject Component_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) CmpObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) CmpObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) CmpObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) CmpObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) CmpObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* ------------------- End object type Component -------------------- */
......@@ -337,6 +337,27 @@ static PyObject *CtlObj_SetUpControlBackground(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *CtlObj_SetUpControlTextColor(_self, _args)
ControlObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
SInt16 inDepth;
Boolean inIsColorDevice;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hb",
return NULL;
_err = SetUpControlTextColor(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *CtlObj_DragControl(_self, _args)
ControlObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -561,6 +582,182 @@ static PyObject *CtlObj_SetControlMaximum(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *CtlObj_GetControlViewSize(_self, _args)
ControlObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
SInt32 _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = GetControlViewSize(_self->ob_itself);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *CtlObj_SetControlViewSize(_self, _args)
ControlObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
SInt32 newViewSize;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *CtlObj_GetControl32BitValue(_self, _args)
ControlObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
SInt32 _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = GetControl32BitValue(_self->ob_itself);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *CtlObj_SetControl32BitValue(_self, _args)
ControlObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
SInt32 newValue;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *CtlObj_GetControl32BitMaximum(_self, _args)
ControlObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
SInt32 _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = GetControl32BitMaximum(_self->ob_itself);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *CtlObj_SetControl32BitMaximum(_self, _args)
ControlObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
SInt32 newMaximum;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *CtlObj_GetControl32BitMinimum(_self, _args)
ControlObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
SInt32 _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = GetControl32BitMinimum(_self->ob_itself);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *CtlObj_SetControl32BitMinimum(_self, _args)
ControlObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
SInt32 newMinimum;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "l",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *CtlObj_IsValidControlHandle(_self, _args)
ControlObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = IsValidControlHandle(_self->ob_itself);
_res = Py_BuildValue("b",
return _res;
static PyObject *CtlObj_RemoveControlProperty(_self, _args)
ControlObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
OSType propertyCreator;
OSType propertyTag;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
PyMac_GetOSType, &propertyCreator,
PyMac_GetOSType, &propertyTag))
return NULL;
_err = RemoveControlProperty(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *CtlObj_GetControlRegion(_self, _args)
ControlObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
ControlPartCode inPart;
RgnHandle outRegion;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hO&",
ResObj_Convert, &outRegion))
return NULL;
_err = GetControlRegion(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *CtlObj_GetControlVariant(_self, _args)
ControlObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -1051,6 +1248,8 @@ static PyMethodDef CtlObj_methods[] = {
"() -> None"},
{"SetUpControlBackground", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_SetUpControlBackground, 1,
"(SInt16 inDepth, Boolean inIsColorDevice) -> None"},
{"SetUpControlTextColor", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_SetUpControlTextColor, 1,
"(SInt16 inDepth, Boolean inIsColorDevice) -> None"},
{"DragControl", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_DragControl, 1,
"(Point startPoint, Rect limitRect, Rect slopRect, DragConstraint axis) -> None"},
{"TestControl", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_TestControl, 1,
......@@ -1077,6 +1276,28 @@ static PyMethodDef CtlObj_methods[] = {
"() -> (SInt16 _rv)"},
{"SetControlMaximum", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_SetControlMaximum, 1,
"(SInt16 newMaximum) -> None"},
{"GetControlViewSize", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_GetControlViewSize, 1,
"() -> (SInt32 _rv)"},
{"SetControlViewSize", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_SetControlViewSize, 1,
"(SInt32 newViewSize) -> None"},
{"GetControl32BitValue", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_GetControl32BitValue, 1,
"() -> (SInt32 _rv)"},
{"SetControl32BitValue", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_SetControl32BitValue, 1,
"(SInt32 newValue) -> None"},
{"GetControl32BitMaximum", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_GetControl32BitMaximum, 1,
"() -> (SInt32 _rv)"},
{"SetControl32BitMaximum", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_SetControl32BitMaximum, 1,
"(SInt32 newMaximum) -> None"},
{"GetControl32BitMinimum", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_GetControl32BitMinimum, 1,
"() -> (SInt32 _rv)"},
{"SetControl32BitMinimum", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_SetControl32BitMinimum, 1,
"(SInt32 newMinimum) -> None"},
{"IsValidControlHandle", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_IsValidControlHandle, 1,
"() -> (Boolean _rv)"},
{"RemoveControlProperty", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_RemoveControlProperty, 1,
"(OSType propertyCreator, OSType propertyTag) -> None"},
{"GetControlRegion", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_GetControlRegion, 1,
"(ControlPartCode inPart, RgnHandle outRegion) -> None"},
{"GetControlVariant", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_GetControlVariant, 1,
"() -> (ControlVariant _rv)"},
{"SetControlReference", (PyCFunction)CtlObj_SetControlReference, 1,
......@@ -59,20 +59,20 @@ class MyScanner(Scanner):
# Unavailable in CW Pro 3 libraries
# Unavailable in Jack's CW Pro 5.1 libraries
## # Unavailable in CW Pro 3 libraries
## 'SetUpControlTextColor',
## # Unavailable in Jack's CW Pro 5.1 libraries
## 'GetControlRegion',
## 'RemoveControlProperty',
## 'IsValidControlHandle',
## 'SetControl32BitMinimum',
## 'GetControl32BitMinimum',
## 'SetControl32BitMaximum',
## 'GetControl32BitMaximum',
## 'SetControl32BitValue',
## 'GetControl32BitValue',
## 'SetControlViewSize',
## 'GetControlViewSize',
# Generally Bad News
......@@ -587,6 +587,106 @@ static PyObject *DlgObj_SizeDialogItem(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *DlgObj_AppendDialogItemList(_self, _args)
DialogObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
SInt16 ditlID;
DITLMethod method;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hh",
return NULL;
_err = AppendDialogItemList(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *DlgObj_SetDialogTimeout(_self, _args)
DialogObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
SInt16 inButtonToPress;
UInt32 inSecondsToWait;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hl",
return NULL;
_err = SetDialogTimeout(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *DlgObj_GetDialogTimeout(_self, _args)
DialogObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
SInt16 outButtonToPress;
UInt32 outSecondsToWait;
UInt32 outSecondsRemaining;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = GetDialogTimeout(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("hll",
return _res;
static PyObject *DlgObj_SetModalDialogEventMask(_self, _args)
DialogObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
EventMask inMask;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_err = SetModalDialogEventMask(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *DlgObj_GetModalDialogEventMask(_self, _args)
DialogObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
EventMask outMask;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = GetModalDialogEventMask(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("h",
return _res;
static PyObject *DlgObj_GetDialogWindow(_self, _args)
DialogObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -703,6 +803,16 @@ static PyMethodDef DlgObj_methods[] = {
"(SInt16 inItemNo, SInt16 inHoriz, SInt16 inVert) -> None"},
{"SizeDialogItem", (PyCFunction)DlgObj_SizeDialogItem, 1,
"(SInt16 inItemNo, SInt16 inWidth, SInt16 inHeight) -> None"},
{"AppendDialogItemList", (PyCFunction)DlgObj_AppendDialogItemList, 1,
"(SInt16 ditlID, DITLMethod method) -> None"},
{"SetDialogTimeout", (PyCFunction)DlgObj_SetDialogTimeout, 1,
"(SInt16 inButtonToPress, UInt32 inSecondsToWait) -> None"},
{"GetDialogTimeout", (PyCFunction)DlgObj_GetDialogTimeout, 1,
"() -> (SInt16 outButtonToPress, UInt32 outSecondsToWait, UInt32 outSecondsRemaining)"},
{"SetModalDialogEventMask", (PyCFunction)DlgObj_SetModalDialogEventMask, 1,
"(EventMask inMask) -> None"},
{"GetModalDialogEventMask", (PyCFunction)DlgObj_GetModalDialogEventMask, 1,
"() -> (EventMask outMask)"},
{"GetDialogWindow", (PyCFunction)DlgObj_GetDialogWindow, 1,
"() -> (DialogPtr _rv)"},
{"GetDialogDefaultItem", (PyCFunction)DlgObj_GetDialogDefaultItem, 1,
......@@ -727,6 +837,12 @@ static PyObject *DlgObj_getattr(self, name)
#define DlgObj_setattr NULL
#define DlgObj_compare NULL
#define DlgObj_repr NULL
#define DlgObj_hash NULL
PyTypeObject Dialog_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -738,6 +854,12 @@ PyTypeObject Dialog_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) DlgObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) DlgObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) DlgObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) DlgObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) DlgObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* --------------------- End object type Dialog --------------------- */
......@@ -1048,11 +1170,11 @@ static PyObject *Dlg_SetDialogFont(_self, _args)
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
SInt16 value;
SInt16 fontNum;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
......@@ -1173,7 +1295,7 @@ static PyMethodDef Dlg_methods[] = {
{"GetAlertStage", (PyCFunction)Dlg_GetAlertStage, 1,
"() -> (SInt16 _rv)"},
{"SetDialogFont", (PyCFunction)Dlg_SetDialogFont, 1,
"(SInt16 value) -> None"},
"(SInt16 fontNum) -> None"},
{"ResetAlertStage", (PyCFunction)Dlg_ResetAlertStage, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"NewFeaturesDialog", (PyCFunction)Dlg_NewFeaturesDialog, 1,
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class MyScanner(Scanner):
# Can't find these in the CW Pro 3 libraries
## # Can't find these in the CW Pro 3 libraries
......@@ -87,5 +87,9 @@ class MyScanner(Scanner):
[("ExistingDialogPtr", "*", "*")]),
def writeinitialdefs(self):
self.defsfile.write("def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ DialogItemType = Type("DialogItemType", "h")
DialogItemIndexZeroBased = Type("DialogItemIndexZeroBased", "h")
AlertType = Type("AlertType", "h")
StringPtr = Str255
EventMask = Type("EventMask", "h")
includestuff = includestuff + """
#include <Dialogs.h>
......@@ -336,6 +336,42 @@ static PyObject *Fm_GetAppFont(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *Fm_SetAntiAliasedTextEnabled(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
Boolean inEnable;
SInt16 inMinFontSize;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "bh",
return NULL;
_err = SetAntiAliasedTextEnabled(inEnable,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Fm_IsAntiAliasedTextEnabled(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
SInt16 outMinFontSize;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = IsAntiAliasedTextEnabled(&outMinFontSize);
_res = Py_BuildValue("bh",
return _res;
static PyMethodDef Fm_methods[] = {
{"InitFonts", (PyCFunction)Fm_InitFonts, 1,
"() -> None"},
......@@ -371,6 +407,10 @@ static PyMethodDef Fm_methods[] = {
"() -> (short _rv)"},
{"GetAppFont", (PyCFunction)Fm_GetAppFont, 1,
"() -> (short _rv)"},
{"SetAntiAliasedTextEnabled", (PyCFunction)Fm_SetAntiAliasedTextEnabled, 1,
"(Boolean inEnable, SInt16 inMinFontSize) -> None"},
{"IsAntiAliasedTextEnabled", (PyCFunction)Fm_IsAntiAliasedTextEnabled, 1,
"() -> (Boolean _rv, SInt16 outMinFontSize)"},
......@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ class MyScanner(Scanner):
return [
"FMInput_ptr", # Not needed for now
"FMOutPtr", # Ditto
"void_ptr", # Don't know how to do this right now
"FontInfo", # Ditto
def makerepairinstructions(self):
......@@ -604,6 +604,687 @@ static PyObject *Icn_PlotCIconHandle(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_IconServicesTerminate(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_IconRefToIconFamily(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
IconRef theIconRef;
IconSelectorValue whichIcons;
IconFamilyHandle iconFamily;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
ResObj_Convert, &theIconRef,
return NULL;
_err = IconRefToIconFamily(theIconRef,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
ResObj_New, iconFamily);
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_IconFamilyToIconSuite(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
IconFamilyHandle iconFamily;
IconSelectorValue whichIcons;
IconSuiteRef iconSuite;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
ResObj_Convert, &iconFamily,
return NULL;
_err = IconFamilyToIconSuite(iconFamily,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
ResObj_New, iconSuite);
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_IconSuiteToIconFamily(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
IconSuiteRef iconSuite;
IconSelectorValue whichIcons;
IconFamilyHandle iconFamily;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
ResObj_Convert, &iconSuite,
return NULL;
_err = IconSuiteToIconFamily(iconSuite,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
ResObj_New, iconFamily);
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_SetIconFamilyData(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
IconFamilyHandle iconFamily;
OSType iconType;
Handle h;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
ResObj_Convert, &iconFamily,
PyMac_GetOSType, &iconType,
ResObj_Convert, &h))
return NULL;
_err = SetIconFamilyData(iconFamily,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_GetIconFamilyData(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
IconFamilyHandle iconFamily;
OSType iconType;
Handle h;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
ResObj_Convert, &iconFamily,
PyMac_GetOSType, &iconType,
ResObj_Convert, &h))
return NULL;
_err = GetIconFamilyData(iconFamily,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_GetIconRefOwners(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
IconRef theIconRef;
UInt16 owners;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
ResObj_Convert, &theIconRef))
return NULL;
_err = GetIconRefOwners(theIconRef,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("h",
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_AcquireIconRef(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
IconRef theIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
ResObj_Convert, &theIconRef))
return NULL;
_err = AcquireIconRef(theIconRef);
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_ReleaseIconRef(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
IconRef theIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
ResObj_Convert, &theIconRef))
return NULL;
_err = ReleaseIconRef(theIconRef);
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_GetIconRefFromFile(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
FSSpec theFile;
IconRef theIconRef;
SInt16 theLabel;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
PyMac_GetFSSpec, &theFile))
return NULL;
_err = GetIconRefFromFile(&theFile,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&h",
ResObj_New, theIconRef,
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_GetIconRef(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
SInt16 vRefNum;
OSType creator;
OSType iconType;
IconRef theIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hO&O&",
PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
PyMac_GetOSType, &iconType))
return NULL;
_err = GetIconRef(vRefNum,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
ResObj_New, theIconRef);
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_GetIconRefFromFolder(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
SInt16 vRefNum;
SInt32 parentFolderID;
SInt32 folderID;
SInt8 attributes;
SInt8 accessPrivileges;
IconRef theIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hllbb",
return NULL;
_err = GetIconRefFromFolder(vRefNum,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
ResObj_New, theIconRef);
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_RegisterIconRefFromIconFamily(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
OSType creator;
OSType iconType;
IconFamilyHandle iconFamily;
IconRef theIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&",
PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
PyMac_GetOSType, &iconType,
ResObj_Convert, &iconFamily))
return NULL;
_err = RegisterIconRefFromIconFamily(creator,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
ResObj_New, theIconRef);
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_RegisterIconRefFromResource(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
OSType creator;
OSType iconType;
FSSpec resourceFile;
SInt16 resourceID;
IconRef theIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&O&h",
PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
PyMac_GetOSType, &iconType,
PyMac_GetFSSpec, &resourceFile,
return NULL;
_err = RegisterIconRefFromResource(creator,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
ResObj_New, theIconRef);
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_UnregisterIconRef(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
OSType creator;
OSType iconType;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
PyMac_GetOSType, &iconType))
return NULL;
_err = UnregisterIconRef(creator,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_UpdateIconRef(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
IconRef theIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
ResObj_Convert, &theIconRef))
return NULL;
_err = UpdateIconRef(theIconRef);
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_OverrideIconRefFromResource(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
IconRef theIconRef;
FSSpec resourceFile;
SInt16 resourceID;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&h",
ResObj_Convert, &theIconRef,
PyMac_GetFSSpec, &resourceFile,
return NULL;
_err = OverrideIconRefFromResource(theIconRef,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_OverrideIconRef(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
IconRef oldIconRef;
IconRef newIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
ResObj_Convert, &oldIconRef,
ResObj_Convert, &newIconRef))
return NULL;
_err = OverrideIconRef(oldIconRef,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_RemoveIconRefOverride(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
IconRef theIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
ResObj_Convert, &theIconRef))
return NULL;
_err = RemoveIconRefOverride(theIconRef);
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_CompositeIconRef(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
IconRef backgroundIconRef;
IconRef foregroundIconRef;
IconRef compositeIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
ResObj_Convert, &backgroundIconRef,
ResObj_Convert, &foregroundIconRef))
return NULL;
_err = CompositeIconRef(backgroundIconRef,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
ResObj_New, compositeIconRef);
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_IsIconRefComposite(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
IconRef compositeIconRef;
IconRef backgroundIconRef;
IconRef foregroundIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
ResObj_Convert, &compositeIconRef))
return NULL;
_err = IsIconRefComposite(compositeIconRef,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&O&",
ResObj_New, backgroundIconRef,
ResObj_New, foregroundIconRef);
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_IsValidIconRef(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
IconRef theIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
ResObj_Convert, &theIconRef))
return NULL;
_rv = IsValidIconRef(theIconRef);
_res = Py_BuildValue("b",
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_PlotIconRef(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
Rect theRect;
IconAlignmentType align;
IconTransformType transform;
IconServicesUsageFlags theIconServicesUsageFlags;
IconRef theIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hhlO&",
PyMac_GetRect, &theRect,
ResObj_Convert, &theIconRef))
return NULL;
_err = PlotIconRef(&theRect,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_PtInIconRef(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
Point testPt;
Rect iconRect;
IconAlignmentType align;
IconServicesUsageFlags theIconServicesUsageFlags;
IconRef theIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&hlO&",
PyMac_GetPoint, &testPt,
PyMac_GetRect, &iconRect,
ResObj_Convert, &theIconRef))
return NULL;
_rv = PtInIconRef(&testPt,
_res = Py_BuildValue("b",
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_RectInIconRef(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
Rect testRect;
Rect iconRect;
IconAlignmentType align;
IconServicesUsageFlags iconServicesUsageFlags;
IconRef theIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&hlO&",
PyMac_GetRect, &testRect,
PyMac_GetRect, &iconRect,
ResObj_Convert, &theIconRef))
return NULL;
_rv = RectInIconRef(&testRect,
_res = Py_BuildValue("b",
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_IconRefToRgn(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
RgnHandle theRgn;
Rect iconRect;
IconAlignmentType align;
IconServicesUsageFlags iconServicesUsageFlags;
IconRef theIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&hlO&",
ResObj_Convert, &theRgn,
PyMac_GetRect, &iconRect,
ResObj_Convert, &theIconRef))
return NULL;
_err = IconRefToRgn(theRgn,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_GetIconSizesFromIconRef(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
IconSelectorValue iconSelectorInput;
IconSelectorValue iconSelectorOutputPtr;
IconServicesUsageFlags iconServicesUsageFlags;
IconRef theIconRef;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "llO&",
ResObj_Convert, &theIconRef))
return NULL;
_err = GetIconSizesFromIconRef(iconSelectorInput,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_FlushIconRefs(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
OSType creator;
OSType iconType;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
PyMac_GetOSType, &creator,
PyMac_GetOSType, &iconType))
return NULL;
_err = FlushIconRefs(creator,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_FlushIconRefsByVolume(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
SInt16 vRefNum;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_err = FlushIconRefsByVolume(vRefNum);
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_SetCustomIconsEnabled(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
SInt16 vRefNum;
Boolean enableCustomIcons;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hb",
return NULL;
_err = SetCustomIconsEnabled(vRefNum,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Icn_GetCustomIconsEnabled(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
SInt16 vRefNum;
Boolean customIconsEnabled;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_err = GetCustomIconsEnabled(vRefNum,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("b",
return _res;
static PyMethodDef Icn_methods[] = {
{"GetCIcon", (PyCFunction)Icn_GetCIcon, 1,
"(SInt16 iconID) -> (CIconHandle _rv)"},
......@@ -655,6 +1336,68 @@ static PyMethodDef Icn_methods[] = {
"(Rect theRect, IconAlignmentType align, IconTransformType transform, Handle theSICN) -> None"},
{"PlotCIconHandle", (PyCFunction)Icn_PlotCIconHandle, 1,
"(Rect theRect, IconAlignmentType align, IconTransformType transform, CIconHandle theCIcon) -> None"},
{"IconServicesTerminate", (PyCFunction)Icn_IconServicesTerminate, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"IconRefToIconFamily", (PyCFunction)Icn_IconRefToIconFamily, 1,
"(IconRef theIconRef, IconSelectorValue whichIcons) -> (IconFamilyHandle iconFamily)"},
{"IconFamilyToIconSuite", (PyCFunction)Icn_IconFamilyToIconSuite, 1,
"(IconFamilyHandle iconFamily, IconSelectorValue whichIcons) -> (IconSuiteRef iconSuite)"},
{"IconSuiteToIconFamily", (PyCFunction)Icn_IconSuiteToIconFamily, 1,
"(IconSuiteRef iconSuite, IconSelectorValue whichIcons) -> (IconFamilyHandle iconFamily)"},
{"SetIconFamilyData", (PyCFunction)Icn_SetIconFamilyData, 1,
"(IconFamilyHandle iconFamily, OSType iconType, Handle h) -> None"},
{"GetIconFamilyData", (PyCFunction)Icn_GetIconFamilyData, 1,
"(IconFamilyHandle iconFamily, OSType iconType, Handle h) -> None"},
{"GetIconRefOwners", (PyCFunction)Icn_GetIconRefOwners, 1,
"(IconRef theIconRef) -> (UInt16 owners)"},
{"AcquireIconRef", (PyCFunction)Icn_AcquireIconRef, 1,
"(IconRef theIconRef) -> None"},
{"ReleaseIconRef", (PyCFunction)Icn_ReleaseIconRef, 1,
"(IconRef theIconRef) -> None"},
{"GetIconRefFromFile", (PyCFunction)Icn_GetIconRefFromFile, 1,
"(FSSpec theFile) -> (IconRef theIconRef, SInt16 theLabel)"},
{"GetIconRef", (PyCFunction)Icn_GetIconRef, 1,
"(SInt16 vRefNum, OSType creator, OSType iconType) -> (IconRef theIconRef)"},
{"GetIconRefFromFolder", (PyCFunction)Icn_GetIconRefFromFolder, 1,
"(SInt16 vRefNum, SInt32 parentFolderID, SInt32 folderID, SInt8 attributes, SInt8 accessPrivileges) -> (IconRef theIconRef)"},
{"RegisterIconRefFromIconFamily", (PyCFunction)Icn_RegisterIconRefFromIconFamily, 1,
"(OSType creator, OSType iconType, IconFamilyHandle iconFamily) -> (IconRef theIconRef)"},
{"RegisterIconRefFromResource", (PyCFunction)Icn_RegisterIconRefFromResource, 1,
"(OSType creator, OSType iconType, FSSpec resourceFile, SInt16 resourceID) -> (IconRef theIconRef)"},
{"UnregisterIconRef", (PyCFunction)Icn_UnregisterIconRef, 1,
"(OSType creator, OSType iconType) -> None"},
{"UpdateIconRef", (PyCFunction)Icn_UpdateIconRef, 1,
"(IconRef theIconRef) -> None"},
{"OverrideIconRefFromResource", (PyCFunction)Icn_OverrideIconRefFromResource, 1,
"(IconRef theIconRef, FSSpec resourceFile, SInt16 resourceID) -> None"},
{"OverrideIconRef", (PyCFunction)Icn_OverrideIconRef, 1,
"(IconRef oldIconRef, IconRef newIconRef) -> None"},
{"RemoveIconRefOverride", (PyCFunction)Icn_RemoveIconRefOverride, 1,
"(IconRef theIconRef) -> None"},
{"CompositeIconRef", (PyCFunction)Icn_CompositeIconRef, 1,
"(IconRef backgroundIconRef, IconRef foregroundIconRef) -> (IconRef compositeIconRef)"},
{"IsIconRefComposite", (PyCFunction)Icn_IsIconRefComposite, 1,
"(IconRef compositeIconRef) -> (IconRef backgroundIconRef, IconRef foregroundIconRef)"},
{"IsValidIconRef", (PyCFunction)Icn_IsValidIconRef, 1,
"(IconRef theIconRef) -> (Boolean _rv)"},
{"PlotIconRef", (PyCFunction)Icn_PlotIconRef, 1,
"(Rect theRect, IconAlignmentType align, IconTransformType transform, IconServicesUsageFlags theIconServicesUsageFlags, IconRef theIconRef) -> None"},
{"PtInIconRef", (PyCFunction)Icn_PtInIconRef, 1,
"(Point testPt, Rect iconRect, IconAlignmentType align, IconServicesUsageFlags theIconServicesUsageFlags, IconRef theIconRef) -> (Boolean _rv)"},
{"RectInIconRef", (PyCFunction)Icn_RectInIconRef, 1,
"(Rect testRect, Rect iconRect, IconAlignmentType align, IconServicesUsageFlags iconServicesUsageFlags, IconRef theIconRef) -> (Boolean _rv)"},
{"IconRefToRgn", (PyCFunction)Icn_IconRefToRgn, 1,
"(RgnHandle theRgn, Rect iconRect, IconAlignmentType align, IconServicesUsageFlags iconServicesUsageFlags, IconRef theIconRef) -> None"},
{"GetIconSizesFromIconRef", (PyCFunction)Icn_GetIconSizesFromIconRef, 1,
"(IconSelectorValue iconSelectorInput, IconServicesUsageFlags iconServicesUsageFlags, IconRef theIconRef) -> (IconSelectorValue iconSelectorOutputPtr)"},
{"FlushIconRefs", (PyCFunction)Icn_FlushIconRefs, 1,
"(OSType creator, OSType iconType) -> None"},
{"FlushIconRefsByVolume", (PyCFunction)Icn_FlushIconRefsByVolume, 1,
"(SInt16 vRefNum) -> None"},
{"SetCustomIconsEnabled", (PyCFunction)Icn_SetCustomIconsEnabled, 1,
"(SInt16 vRefNum, Boolean enableCustomIcons) -> None"},
{"GetCustomIconsEnabled", (PyCFunction)Icn_GetCustomIconsEnabled, 1,
"(SInt16 vRefNum) -> (Boolean customIconsEnabled)"},
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ class MyScanner(Scanner):
return [
def makerepairinstructions(self):
......@@ -24,10 +24,13 @@ from macsupport import *
CIconHandle = OpaqueByValueType("CIconHandle", "ResObj")
IconSuiteRef = OpaqueByValueType("IconSuiteRef", "ResObj")
IconCacheRef = OpaqueByValueType("IconCacheRef", "ResObj")
IconRef = OpaqueByValueType("IconRef", "ResObj")
IconFamilyHandle = OpaqueByValueType("IconFamilyHandle", "ResObj")
RgnHandle = OpaqueByValueType("RgnHandle", "ResObj")
IconAlignmentType = Type("IconAlignmentType", "h")
IconTransformType = Type("IconTransformType", "h")
IconSelectorValue = Type("IconSelectorValue", "l")
IconServicesUsageFlags = Type("IconServicesUsageFlags", "l")
RGBColor = OpaqueType("RGBColor", "QdRGB")
#WindowPeek = OpaqueByValueType("WindowPeek", OBJECTPREFIX)
......@@ -104,6 +104,106 @@ static PyObject *MenuObj_DisposeMenu(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_CalcMenuSize(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_CountMItems(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = CountMItems(_self->ob_itself);
_res = Py_BuildValue("h",
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_GetMenuFont(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
SInt16 outFontID;
UInt16 outFontSize;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = GetMenuFont(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("hh",
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_SetMenuFont(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
SInt16 inFontID;
UInt16 inFontSize;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hh",
return NULL;
_err = SetMenuFont(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_GetMenuExcludesMarkColumn(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = GetMenuExcludesMarkColumn(_self->ob_itself);
_res = Py_BuildValue("b",
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_SetMenuExcludesMarkColumn(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
Boolean excludesMark;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
return NULL;
_err = SetMenuExcludesMarkColumn(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_MacAppendMenu(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -139,22 +239,6 @@ static PyObject *MenuObj_InsertResMenu(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_MacInsertMenu(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short beforeID;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_AppendResMenu(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -206,6 +290,144 @@ static PyObject *MenuObj_DeleteMenuItem(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_InsertFontResMenu(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short afterItem;
short scriptFilter;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hh",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_InsertIntlResMenu(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
ResType theType;
short afterItem;
short scriptFilter;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hh",
PyMac_GetOSType, &theType,
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_AppendMenuItemText(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
Str255 inString;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
PyMac_GetStr255, inString))
return NULL;
_err = AppendMenuItemText(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_InsertMenuItemText(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
Str255 inString;
UInt16 afterItem;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&h",
PyMac_GetStr255, inString,
return NULL;
_err = InsertMenuItemText(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_PopUpMenuSelect(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
long _rv;
short top;
short left;
short popUpItem;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hhh",
return NULL;
_rv = PopUpMenuSelect(_self->ob_itself,
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_MacInsertMenu(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short beforeID;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_CheckItem(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short item;
Boolean checked;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hb",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_SetMenuItemText(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -391,19 +613,6 @@ static PyObject *MenuObj_GetItemStyle(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_CalcMenuSize(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_DisableItem(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -436,121 +645,24 @@ static PyObject *MenuObj_EnableItem(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_PopUpMenuSelect(_self, _args)
static PyObject *MenuObj_SetMenuItemCommandID(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
long _rv;
short top;
short left;
short popUpItem;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hhh",
OSErr _err;
SInt16 inItem;
UInt32 inCommandID;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hl",
return NULL;
_rv = PopUpMenuSelect(_self->ob_itself,
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_CheckItem(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short item;
Boolean checked;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hb",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_CountMItems(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = CountMItems(_self->ob_itself);
_res = Py_BuildValue("h",
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_InsertFontResMenu(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short afterItem;
short scriptFilter;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hh",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_InsertIntlResMenu(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
ResType theType;
short afterItem;
short scriptFilter;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&hh",
PyMac_GetOSType, &theType,
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_SetMenuItemCommandID(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
SInt16 inItem;
UInt32 inCommandID;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hl",
return NULL;
_err = SetMenuItemCommandID(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
_err = SetMenuItemCommandID(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
......@@ -908,6 +1020,104 @@ static PyObject *MenuObj_GetMenuItemKeyGlyph(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_MacEnableMenuItem(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
UInt16 item;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_DisableMenuItem(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
UInt16 item;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_IsMenuItemEnabled(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
UInt16 item;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_rv = IsMenuItemEnabled(_self->ob_itself,
_res = Py_BuildValue("b",
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_EnableMenuItemIcon(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
UInt16 item;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_DisableMenuItemIcon(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
UInt16 item;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_IsMenuItemIconEnabled(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
UInt16 item;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_rv = IsMenuItemIconEnabled(_self->ob_itself,
_res = Py_BuildValue("b",
return _res;
static PyObject *MenuObj_as_Resource(_self, _args)
MenuObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -972,18 +1182,42 @@ static PyObject *MenuObj_InsertMenuItem(_self, _args)
static PyMethodDef MenuObj_methods[] = {
{"DisposeMenu", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_DisposeMenu, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"CalcMenuSize", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_CalcMenuSize, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"CountMItems", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_CountMItems, 1,
"() -> (short _rv)"},
{"GetMenuFont", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_GetMenuFont, 1,
"() -> (SInt16 outFontID, UInt16 outFontSize)"},
{"SetMenuFont", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_SetMenuFont, 1,
"(SInt16 inFontID, UInt16 inFontSize) -> None"},
{"GetMenuExcludesMarkColumn", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_GetMenuExcludesMarkColumn, 1,
"() -> (Boolean _rv)"},
{"SetMenuExcludesMarkColumn", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_SetMenuExcludesMarkColumn, 1,
"(Boolean excludesMark) -> None"},
{"MacAppendMenu", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_MacAppendMenu, 1,
"(Str255 data) -> None"},
{"InsertResMenu", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_InsertResMenu, 1,
"(ResType theType, short afterItem) -> None"},
{"MacInsertMenu", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_MacInsertMenu, 1,
"(short beforeID) -> None"},
{"AppendResMenu", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_AppendResMenu, 1,
"(ResType theType) -> None"},
{"MacInsertMenuItem", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_MacInsertMenuItem, 1,
"(Str255 itemString, short afterItem) -> None"},
{"DeleteMenuItem", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_DeleteMenuItem, 1,
"(short item) -> None"},
{"InsertFontResMenu", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_InsertFontResMenu, 1,
"(short afterItem, short scriptFilter) -> None"},
{"InsertIntlResMenu", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_InsertIntlResMenu, 1,
"(ResType theType, short afterItem, short scriptFilter) -> None"},
{"AppendMenuItemText", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_AppendMenuItemText, 1,
"(Str255 inString) -> None"},
{"InsertMenuItemText", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_InsertMenuItemText, 1,
"(Str255 inString, UInt16 afterItem) -> None"},
{"PopUpMenuSelect", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_PopUpMenuSelect, 1,
"(short top, short left, short popUpItem) -> (long _rv)"},
{"MacInsertMenu", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_MacInsertMenu, 1,
"(short beforeID) -> None"},
{"CheckItem", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_CheckItem, 1,
"(short item, Boolean checked) -> None"},
{"SetMenuItemText", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_SetMenuItemText, 1,
"(short item, Str255 itemString) -> None"},
{"GetMenuItemText", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_GetMenuItemText, 1,
......@@ -1004,22 +1238,10 @@ static PyMethodDef MenuObj_methods[] = {
"(short item, StyleParameter chStyle) -> None"},
{"GetItemStyle", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_GetItemStyle, 1,
"(short item) -> (Style chStyle)"},
{"CalcMenuSize", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_CalcMenuSize, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"DisableItem", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_DisableItem, 1,
"(short item) -> None"},
{"EnableItem", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_EnableItem, 1,
"(short item) -> None"},
{"PopUpMenuSelect", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_PopUpMenuSelect, 1,
"(short top, short left, short popUpItem) -> (long _rv)"},
{"CheckItem", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_CheckItem, 1,
"(short item, Boolean checked) -> None"},
{"CountMItems", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_CountMItems, 1,
"() -> (short _rv)"},
{"InsertFontResMenu", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_InsertFontResMenu, 1,
"(short afterItem, short scriptFilter) -> None"},
{"InsertIntlResMenu", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_InsertIntlResMenu, 1,
"(ResType theType, short afterItem, short scriptFilter) -> None"},
{"SetMenuItemCommandID", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_SetMenuItemCommandID, 1,
"(SInt16 inItem, UInt32 inCommandID) -> None"},
{"GetMenuItemCommandID", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_GetMenuItemCommandID, 1,
......@@ -1056,6 +1278,18 @@ static PyMethodDef MenuObj_methods[] = {
"(SInt16 inItem, SInt16 inGlyph) -> None"},
{"GetMenuItemKeyGlyph", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_GetMenuItemKeyGlyph, 1,
"(SInt16 inItem) -> (SInt16 outGlyph)"},
{"MacEnableMenuItem", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_MacEnableMenuItem, 1,
"(UInt16 item) -> None"},
{"DisableMenuItem", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_DisableMenuItem, 1,
"(UInt16 item) -> None"},
{"IsMenuItemEnabled", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_IsMenuItemEnabled, 1,
"(UInt16 item) -> (Boolean _rv)"},
{"EnableMenuItemIcon", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_EnableMenuItemIcon, 1,
"(UInt16 item) -> None"},
{"DisableMenuItemIcon", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_DisableMenuItemIcon, 1,
"(UInt16 item) -> None"},
{"IsMenuItemIconEnabled", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_IsMenuItemIconEnabled, 1,
"(UInt16 item) -> (Boolean _rv)"},
{"as_Resource", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_as_Resource, 1,
"Return this Menu as a Resource"},
{"AppendMenu", (PyCFunction)MenuObj_AppendMenu, 1,
......@@ -1078,6 +1312,12 @@ static PyObject *MenuObj_getattr(self, name)
#define MenuObj_setattr NULL
#define MenuObj_compare NULL
#define MenuObj_repr NULL
#define MenuObj_hash NULL
PyTypeObject Menu_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -1089,22 +1329,29 @@ PyTypeObject Menu_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) MenuObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) MenuObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) MenuObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) MenuObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) MenuObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* ---------------------- End object type Menu ---------------------- */
static PyObject *Menu_GetMBarHeight(_self, _args)
static PyObject *Menu_InitProcMenu(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
short resID;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_rv = GetMBarHeight();
_res = Py_BuildValue("h",
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
......@@ -1156,21 +1403,6 @@ static PyObject *Menu_MacGetMenu(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_MacDeleteMenu(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short menuID;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_MenuKey(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -1187,122 +1419,120 @@ static PyObject *Menu_MenuKey(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_HiliteMenu(_self, _args)
static PyObject *Menu_MenuSelect(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short menuID;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
long _rv;
Point startPt;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
PyMac_GetPoint, &startPt))
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
_rv = MenuSelect(startPt);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_GetMenuHandle(_self, _args)
static PyObject *Menu_MenuChoice(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
MenuHandle _rv;
short menuID;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
long _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = GetMenuHandle(menuID);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
MenuObj_New, _rv);
_rv = MenuChoice();
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_FlashMenuBar(_self, _args)
static PyObject *Menu_MenuEvent(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short menuID;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
UInt32 _rv;
EventRecord inEvent;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
PyMac_GetEventRecord, &inEvent))
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
_rv = MenuEvent(&inEvent);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_MenuChoice(_self, _args)
static PyObject *Menu_GetMBarHeight(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
long _rv;
short _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = MenuChoice();
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
_rv = GetMBarHeight();
_res = Py_BuildValue("h",
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_DeleteMCEntries(_self, _args)
static PyObject *Menu_MacDrawMenuBar(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short menuID;
short menuItem;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hh",
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_MacDrawMenuBar(_self, _args)
static PyObject *Menu_InvalMenuBar(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_InvalMenuBar(_self, _args)
static PyObject *Menu_HiliteMenu(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
short menuID;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_InitProcMenu(_self, _args)
static PyObject *Menu_GetNewMBar(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short resID;
Handle _rv;
short menuBarID;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
_rv = GetNewMBar(menuBarID);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
ResObj_New, _rv);
return _res;
......@@ -1335,6 +1565,80 @@ static PyObject *Menu_SetMenuBar(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_GetMenuHandle(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
MenuHandle _rv;
short menuID;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_rv = GetMenuHandle(menuID);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
MenuObj_New, _rv);
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_MacDeleteMenu(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short menuID;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_ClearMenuBar(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_SetMenuFlash(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short count;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_FlashMenuBar(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short menuID;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_SystemEdit(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -1366,78 +1670,91 @@ static PyObject *Menu_SystemMenu(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_GetNewMBar(_self, _args)
static PyObject *Menu_IsMenuBarVisible(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Handle _rv;
short menuBarID;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
Boolean _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = GetNewMBar(menuBarID);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
ResObj_New, _rv);
_rv = IsMenuBarVisible();
_res = Py_BuildValue("b",
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_ClearMenuBar(_self, _args)
static PyObject *Menu_ShowMenuBar(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_SetMenuFlash(_self, _args)
static PyObject *Menu_HideMenuBar(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short count;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_MenuSelect(_self, _args)
static PyObject *Menu_DeleteMCEntries(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
long _rv;
Point startPt;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
PyMac_GetPoint, &startPt))
short menuID;
short menuItem;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hh",
return NULL;
_rv = MenuSelect(startPt);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_MenuEvent(_self, _args)
static PyObject *Menu_InitContextualMenus(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
UInt32 _rv;
OSStatus _err;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = InitContextualMenus();
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Menu_IsShowContextualMenuClick(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
EventRecord inEvent;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
PyMac_GetEventRecord, &inEvent))
return NULL;
_rv = MenuEvent(&inEvent);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
_rv = IsShowContextualMenuClick(&inEvent);
_res = Py_BuildValue("b",
return _res;
......@@ -1518,52 +1835,62 @@ static PyObject *Menu_DrawMenuBar(_self, _args)
static PyMethodDef Menu_methods[] = {
{"GetMBarHeight", (PyCFunction)Menu_GetMBarHeight, 1,
"() -> (short _rv)"},
{"InitProcMenu", (PyCFunction)Menu_InitProcMenu, 1,
"(short resID) -> None"},
{"InitMenus", (PyCFunction)Menu_InitMenus, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"NewMenu", (PyCFunction)Menu_NewMenu, 1,
"(short menuID, Str255 menuTitle) -> (MenuHandle _rv)"},
{"MacGetMenu", (PyCFunction)Menu_MacGetMenu, 1,
"(short resourceID) -> (MenuHandle _rv)"},
{"MacDeleteMenu", (PyCFunction)Menu_MacDeleteMenu, 1,
"(short menuID) -> None"},
{"MenuKey", (PyCFunction)Menu_MenuKey, 1,
"(CharParameter ch) -> (long _rv)"},
{"HiliteMenu", (PyCFunction)Menu_HiliteMenu, 1,
"(short menuID) -> None"},
{"GetMenuHandle", (PyCFunction)Menu_GetMenuHandle, 1,
"(short menuID) -> (MenuHandle _rv)"},
{"FlashMenuBar", (PyCFunction)Menu_FlashMenuBar, 1,
"(short menuID) -> None"},
{"MenuSelect", (PyCFunction)Menu_MenuSelect, 1,
"(Point startPt) -> (long _rv)"},
{"MenuChoice", (PyCFunction)Menu_MenuChoice, 1,
"() -> (long _rv)"},
{"DeleteMCEntries", (PyCFunction)Menu_DeleteMCEntries, 1,
"(short menuID, short menuItem) -> None"},
{"MenuEvent", (PyCFunction)Menu_MenuEvent, 1,
"(EventRecord inEvent) -> (UInt32 _rv)"},
{"GetMBarHeight", (PyCFunction)Menu_GetMBarHeight, 1,
"() -> (short _rv)"},
{"MacDrawMenuBar", (PyCFunction)Menu_MacDrawMenuBar, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"InvalMenuBar", (PyCFunction)Menu_InvalMenuBar, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"InitProcMenu", (PyCFunction)Menu_InitProcMenu, 1,
"(short resID) -> None"},
{"HiliteMenu", (PyCFunction)Menu_HiliteMenu, 1,
"(short menuID) -> None"},
{"GetNewMBar", (PyCFunction)Menu_GetNewMBar, 1,
"(short menuBarID) -> (Handle _rv)"},
{"GetMenuBar", (PyCFunction)Menu_GetMenuBar, 1,
"() -> (Handle _rv)"},
{"SetMenuBar", (PyCFunction)Menu_SetMenuBar, 1,
"(Handle menuList) -> None"},
{"GetMenuHandle", (PyCFunction)Menu_GetMenuHandle, 1,
"(short menuID) -> (MenuHandle _rv)"},
{"MacDeleteMenu", (PyCFunction)Menu_MacDeleteMenu, 1,
"(short menuID) -> None"},
{"ClearMenuBar", (PyCFunction)Menu_ClearMenuBar, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"SetMenuFlash", (PyCFunction)Menu_SetMenuFlash, 1,
"(short count) -> None"},
{"FlashMenuBar", (PyCFunction)Menu_FlashMenuBar, 1,
"(short menuID) -> None"},
{"SystemEdit", (PyCFunction)Menu_SystemEdit, 1,
"(short editCmd) -> (Boolean _rv)"},
{"SystemMenu", (PyCFunction)Menu_SystemMenu, 1,
"(long menuResult) -> None"},
{"GetNewMBar", (PyCFunction)Menu_GetNewMBar, 1,
"(short menuBarID) -> (Handle _rv)"},
{"ClearMenuBar", (PyCFunction)Menu_ClearMenuBar, 1,
{"IsMenuBarVisible", (PyCFunction)Menu_IsMenuBarVisible, 1,
"() -> (Boolean _rv)"},
{"ShowMenuBar", (PyCFunction)Menu_ShowMenuBar, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"SetMenuFlash", (PyCFunction)Menu_SetMenuFlash, 1,
"(short count) -> None"},
{"MenuSelect", (PyCFunction)Menu_MenuSelect, 1,
"(Point startPt) -> (long _rv)"},
{"MenuEvent", (PyCFunction)Menu_MenuEvent, 1,
"(EventRecord inEvent) -> (UInt32 _rv)"},
{"HideMenuBar", (PyCFunction)Menu_HideMenuBar, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"DeleteMCEntries", (PyCFunction)Menu_DeleteMCEntries, 1,
"(short menuID, short menuItem) -> None"},
{"InitContextualMenus", (PyCFunction)Menu_InitContextualMenus, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"IsShowContextualMenuClick", (PyCFunction)Menu_IsShowContextualMenuClick, 1,
"(EventRecord inEvent) -> (Boolean _rv)"},
{"OpenDeskAcc", (PyCFunction)Menu_OpenDeskAcc, 1,
"(Str255 name) -> None"},
{"as_Menu", (PyCFunction)Menu_as_Menu, 1,
......@@ -32,8 +32,12 @@ class MyScanner(Scanner):
def makeblacklistnames(self):
return [
"IsShowContextualMenuClick", # Can't find it in the library
"InitContextualMenus", # ditto
## "IsShowContextualMenuClick", # Can't find it in the library
## "InitContextualMenus", # ditto
"GetMenuItemProperty", # difficult for the moment
def makeblacklisttypes(self):
......@@ -223,6 +223,12 @@ static PyObject *GrafObj_getattr(self, name)
#define GrafObj_setattr NULL
#define GrafObj_compare NULL
#define GrafObj_repr NULL
#define GrafObj_hash NULL
PyTypeObject GrafPort_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -234,6 +240,12 @@ PyTypeObject GrafPort_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) GrafObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) GrafObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) GrafObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) GrafObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) GrafObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* -------------------- End object type GrafPort -------------------- */
......@@ -312,6 +324,12 @@ static PyObject *BMObj_getattr(self, name)
#define BMObj_setattr NULL
#define BMObj_compare NULL
#define BMObj_repr NULL
#define BMObj_hash NULL
PyTypeObject BitMap_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -323,6 +341,12 @@ PyTypeObject BitMap_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) BMObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) BMObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) BMObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) BMObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) BMObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* --------------------- End object type BitMap --------------------- */
......@@ -387,6 +411,12 @@ static PyObject *QDGA_getattr(self, name)
#define QDGA_setattr NULL
#define QDGA_compare NULL
#define QDGA_repr NULL
#define QDGA_hash NULL
staticforward PyTypeObject QDGlobalsAccess_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -398,6 +428,12 @@ staticforward PyTypeObject QDGlobalsAccess_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) QDGA_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) QDGA_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) QDGA_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) QDGA_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) QDGA_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* ---------------- End object type QDGlobalsAccess ----------------- */
......@@ -137,6 +137,12 @@ static PyObject *GWorldObj_getattr(self, name)
#define GWorldObj_setattr NULL
#define GWorldObj_compare NULL
#define GWorldObj_repr NULL
#define GWorldObj_hash NULL
PyTypeObject GWorld_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -148,6 +154,12 @@ PyTypeObject GWorld_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) GWorldObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) GWorldObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) GWorldObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) GWorldObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) GWorldObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* --------------------- End object type GWorld --------------------- */
......@@ -405,6 +417,22 @@ static PyObject *Qdoffs_SetPixelsState(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *Qdoffs_GetPixRowBytes(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
long _rv;
PixMapHandle pm;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
ResObj_Convert, &pm))
return NULL;
_rv = GetPixRowBytes(pm);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *Qdoffs_NewScreenBuffer(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -545,6 +573,8 @@ static PyMethodDef Qdoffs_methods[] = {
"(PixMapHandle pm) -> (GWorldFlags _rv)"},
{"SetPixelsState", (PyCFunction)Qdoffs_SetPixelsState, 1,
"(PixMapHandle pm, GWorldFlags state) -> None"},
{"GetPixRowBytes", (PyCFunction)Qdoffs_GetPixRowBytes, 1,
"(PixMapHandle pm) -> (long _rv)"},
{"NewScreenBuffer", (PyCFunction)Qdoffs_NewScreenBuffer, 1,
"(Rect globalRect, Boolean purgeable) -> (GDHandle gdh, PixMapHandle offscreenPixMap)"},
{"DisposeScreenBuffer", (PyCFunction)Qdoffs_DisposeScreenBuffer, 1,
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class MyScanner(Scanner):
return [
'DisposeGWorld', # Implied when the object is deleted
'NewGWorldFromHBITMAP', # Don't know what the args do
'GetGDeviceAttributes', # Doesn't seem to exist
'GetGDeviceAttributes', # Windows-only
def makeblacklisttypes(self):
......@@ -1021,6 +1021,12 @@ static PyObject *MovieCtlObj_getattr(self, name)
#define MovieCtlObj_setattr NULL
#define MovieCtlObj_compare NULL
#define MovieCtlObj_repr NULL
#define MovieCtlObj_hash NULL
PyTypeObject MovieController_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -1032,6 +1038,12 @@ PyTypeObject MovieController_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) MovieCtlObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) MovieCtlObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) MovieCtlObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) MovieCtlObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) MovieCtlObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* ---------------- End object type MovieController ----------------- */
......@@ -1446,6 +1458,12 @@ static PyObject *TimeBaseObj_getattr(self, name)
#define TimeBaseObj_setattr NULL
#define TimeBaseObj_compare NULL
#define TimeBaseObj_repr NULL
#define TimeBaseObj_hash NULL
PyTypeObject TimeBase_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -1457,6 +1475,12 @@ PyTypeObject TimeBase_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) TimeBaseObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) TimeBaseObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) TimeBaseObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) TimeBaseObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) TimeBaseObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* -------------------- End object type TimeBase -------------------- */
......@@ -1735,6 +1759,12 @@ static PyObject *UserDataObj_getattr(self, name)
#define UserDataObj_setattr NULL
#define UserDataObj_compare NULL
#define UserDataObj_repr NULL
#define UserDataObj_hash NULL
PyTypeObject UserData_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -1746,6 +1776,12 @@ PyTypeObject UserData_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) UserDataObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) UserDataObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) UserDataObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) UserDataObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) UserDataObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* -------------------- End object type UserData -------------------- */
......@@ -2806,6 +2842,12 @@ static PyObject *MediaObj_getattr(self, name)
#define MediaObj_setattr NULL
#define MediaObj_compare NULL
#define MediaObj_repr NULL
#define MediaObj_hash NULL
PyTypeObject Media_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -2817,6 +2859,12 @@ PyTypeObject Media_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) MediaObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) MediaObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) MediaObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) MediaObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) MediaObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* --------------------- End object type Media ---------------------- */
......@@ -3974,6 +4022,12 @@ static PyObject *TrackObj_getattr(self, name)
#define TrackObj_setattr NULL
#define TrackObj_compare NULL
#define TrackObj_repr NULL
#define TrackObj_hash NULL
PyTypeObject Track_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -3985,6 +4039,12 @@ PyTypeObject Track_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) TrackObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) TrackObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) TrackObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) TrackObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) TrackObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* --------------------- End object type Track ---------------------- */
......@@ -6109,6 +6169,12 @@ static PyObject *MovieObj_getattr(self, name)
#define MovieObj_setattr NULL
#define MovieObj_compare NULL
#define MovieObj_repr NULL
#define MovieObj_hash NULL
PyTypeObject Movie_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -6120,11 +6186,35 @@ PyTypeObject Movie_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) MovieObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) MovieObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) MovieObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) MovieObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) MovieObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* --------------------- End object type Movie ---------------------- */
static PyObject *Qt_CheckQuickTimeRegistration(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
void * registrationKey;
long flags;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "sl",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Qt_EnterMovies(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -6858,6 +6948,25 @@ static PyObject *Qt_VideoMediaGetStatistics(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *Qt_VideoMediaGetStallCount(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
ComponentResult _rv;
MediaHandler mh;
unsigned long stalls;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
CmpInstObj_Convert, &mh))
return NULL;
_rv = VideoMediaGetStallCount(mh,
_res = Py_BuildValue("ll",
return _res;
static PyObject *Qt_TextMediaAddTextSample(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -7667,6 +7776,8 @@ static PyObject *Qt_MoviesTask(_self, _args)
static PyMethodDef Qt_methods[] = {
{"CheckQuickTimeRegistration", (PyCFunction)Qt_CheckQuickTimeRegistration, 1,
"(void * registrationKey, long flags) -> None"},
{"EnterMovies", (PyCFunction)Qt_EnterMovies, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"ExitMovies", (PyCFunction)Qt_ExitMovies, 1,
......@@ -7739,6 +7850,8 @@ static PyMethodDef Qt_methods[] = {
"(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)"},
{"VideoMediaGetStatistics", (PyCFunction)Qt_VideoMediaGetStatistics, 1,
"(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv)"},
{"VideoMediaGetStallCount", (PyCFunction)Qt_VideoMediaGetStallCount, 1,
"(MediaHandler mh) -> (ComponentResult _rv, unsigned long stalls)"},
{"TextMediaAddTextSample", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextMediaAddTextSample, 1,
"(MediaHandler mh, Ptr text, unsigned long size, short fontNumber, short fontSize, Style textFace, short textJustification, long displayFlags, TimeValue scrollDelay, short hiliteStart, short hiliteEnd, TimeValue duration) -> (ComponentResult _rv, RGBColor textColor, RGBColor backColor, Rect textBox, RGBColor rgbHiliteColor, TimeValue sampleTime)"},
{"TextMediaAddTESample", (PyCFunction)Qt_TextMediaAddTESample, 1,
......@@ -57,38 +57,10 @@ class MyScanner(Scanner):
# Missing in CW11 quicktime library
# "SpriteMediaGetDisplayedSampleNumber",
# "SpriteMediaGetIndImageDescription",
# "SpriteMediaCountImages",
# "SpriteMediaCountSprites",
# "SpriteMediaHitTestSprites",
# "SpriteMediaGetProperty",
# "SpriteMediaSetProperty",
# "TextMediaSetTextSampleData",
# "TextMediaHiliteTextSample",
# "TextMediaFindNextText",
# "TextMediaAddHiliteSample",
# "TextMediaAddTESample",
# "TextMediaAddTextSample",
# "VideoMediaGetStatistics",
# "VideoMediaResetStatistics",
# "EndFullScreen",
# "NewMovieFromDataRef",
# "MCPtInController",
# "MCRemoveAMovie",
# "MCRemoveAllMovies",
# "MCInvalidate",
# "InvalidateMovieRegion",
# "GetMovieCompositeBufferFlags",
# "SetMovieCompositeBufferFlags",
# "SetTrackSoundLocalizationSettings",
# "GetTrackSoundLocalizationSettings",
# "GetMovieNaturalBoundsRect",
"MakeTrackTimeTable", # Uses long * return?
"MakeMediaTimeTable", # ditto
"VideoMediaGetStallCount", # Undefined in CW Pro 3 library
## "VideoMediaGetStallCount", # Undefined in CW Pro 3 library
def makeblacklisttypes(self):
......@@ -549,6 +549,12 @@ ResObj_setattr(self, name, value)
#define ResObj_compare NULL
#define ResObj_repr NULL
#define ResObj_hash NULL
PyTypeObject Resource_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -560,6 +566,12 @@ PyTypeObject Resource_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) ResObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) ResObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) ResObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) ResObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) ResObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* -------------------- End object type Resource -------------------- */
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from scantools import Scanner
from bgenlocations import TOOLBOXDIR
LONG = "Scrap"
SHORT = "Scrap"
SHORT = "scrap"
def main():
input = "Scrap.h"
......@@ -272,6 +272,48 @@ static PyObject *SndCh_SndChannelStatus(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *SndCh_SndGetInfo(_self, _args)
SndChannelObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
OSType selector;
void * infoPtr;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&w",
PyMac_GetOSType, &selector,
return NULL;
_err = SndGetInfo(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *SndCh_SndSetInfo(_self, _args)
SndChannelObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
OSType selector;
void * infoPtr;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&w",
PyMac_GetOSType, &selector,
return NULL;
_err = SndSetInfo(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyMethodDef SndCh_methods[] = {
{"SndDoCommand", (PyCFunction)SndCh_SndDoCommand, 1,
"(SndCommand cmd, Boolean noWait) -> None"},
......@@ -287,6 +329,10 @@ static PyMethodDef SndCh_methods[] = {
"(Boolean quietNow) -> None"},
{"SndChannelStatus", (PyCFunction)SndCh_SndChannelStatus, 1,
"(short theLength) -> (SCStatus theStatus)"},
{"SndGetInfo", (PyCFunction)SndCh_SndGetInfo, 1,
"(OSType selector, void * infoPtr) -> None"},
{"SndSetInfo", (PyCFunction)SndCh_SndSetInfo, 1,
"(OSType selector, void * infoPtr) -> None"},
......@@ -301,6 +347,12 @@ static PyObject *SndCh_getattr(self, name)
#define SndCh_setattr NULL
#define SndCh_compare NULL
#define SndCh_repr NULL
#define SndCh_hash NULL
staticforward PyTypeObject SndChannel_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -312,6 +364,12 @@ staticforward PyTypeObject SndChannel_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) SndCh_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) SndCh_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) SndCh_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) SndCh_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) SndCh_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* ------------------- End object type SndChannel ------------------- */
......@@ -423,6 +481,12 @@ static int SPBObj_setattr(self, name, value)
else return -1;
#define SPBObj_compare NULL
#define SPBObj_repr NULL
#define SPBObj_hash NULL
staticforward PyTypeObject SPB_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -434,6 +498,12 @@ staticforward PyTypeObject SPB_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) SPBObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) SPBObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) SPBObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) SPBObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) SPBObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* ---------------------- End object type SPB ----------------------- */
......@@ -859,6 +929,98 @@ static PyObject *Snd_GetSoundHeaderOffset(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *Snd_GetCompressionInfo(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
short compressionID;
OSType format;
short numChannels;
short sampleSize;
CompressionInfo cp__out__;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hO&hh",
PyMac_GetOSType, &format,
return NULL;
_err = GetCompressionInfo(compressionID,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("s#",
(char *)&cp__out__, (int)sizeof(CompressionInfo));
cp__error__: ;
return _res;
static PyObject *Snd_SetSoundPreference(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
OSType theType;
Str255 name;
Handle settings;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
PyMac_GetOSType, &theType,
ResObj_Convert, &settings))
return NULL;
_err = SetSoundPreference(theType,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
PyMac_BuildStr255, name);
return _res;
static PyObject *Snd_GetSoundPreference(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
OSType theType;
Str255 name;
Handle settings;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
PyMac_GetOSType, &theType,
ResObj_Convert, &settings))
return NULL;
_err = GetSoundPreference(theType,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
PyMac_BuildStr255, name);
return _res;
static PyObject *Snd_GetCompressionName(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
OSType compressionType;
Str255 compressionName;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
PyMac_GetOSType, &compressionType))
return NULL;
_err = GetCompressionName(compressionType,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
PyMac_BuildStr255, compressionName);
return _res;
static PyObject *Snd_SPBVersion(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -1220,6 +1382,14 @@ static PyMethodDef Snd_methods[] = {
"(long level) -> None"},
{"GetSoundHeaderOffset", (PyCFunction)Snd_GetSoundHeaderOffset, 1,
"(SndListHandle sndHandle) -> (long offset)"},
{"GetCompressionInfo", (PyCFunction)Snd_GetCompressionInfo, 1,
"(short compressionID, OSType format, short numChannels, short sampleSize) -> (CompressionInfo cp)"},
{"SetSoundPreference", (PyCFunction)Snd_SetSoundPreference, 1,
"(OSType theType, Handle settings) -> (Str255 name)"},
{"GetSoundPreference", (PyCFunction)Snd_GetSoundPreference, 1,
"(OSType theType, Handle settings) -> (Str255 name)"},
{"GetCompressionName", (PyCFunction)Snd_GetCompressionName, 1,
"(OSType compressionType) -> (Str255 compressionName)"},
{"SPBVersion", (PyCFunction)Snd_SPBVersion, 1,
"() -> (NumVersion _rv)"},
{"SPBSignInDevice", (PyCFunction)Snd_SPBSignInDevice, 1,
......@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ class SoundScanner(Scanner):
# These do not work for cfm68k:
## 'SndGetInfo',
## 'SndSetInfo',
## 'GetCompressionInfo',
## 'GetCompressionName',
## 'GetSoundPreference',
## 'SetSoundPreference',
# And old calls that are no longer supported
......@@ -722,6 +722,24 @@ static PyObject *TEObj_TEFeatureFlag(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *TEObj_TEGetHiliteRgn(_self, _args)
TEObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSErr _err;
RgnHandle region;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
ResObj_Convert, &region))
return NULL;
_err = TEGetHiliteRgn(region,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyMethodDef TEObj_methods[] = {
{"TESetText", (PyCFunction)TEObj_TESetText, 1,
"(Buffer text) -> None"},
......@@ -793,6 +811,8 @@ static PyMethodDef TEObj_methods[] = {
"(long rangeStart, long rangeEnd) -> (long _rv)"},
{"TEFeatureFlag", (PyCFunction)TEObj_TEFeatureFlag, 1,
"(short feature, short action) -> (short _rv)"},
{"TEGetHiliteRgn", (PyCFunction)TEObj_TEGetHiliteRgn, 1,
"(RgnHandle region) -> None"},
......@@ -845,6 +865,12 @@ static PyObject *TEObj_getattr(self, name)
#define TEObj_setattr NULL
#define TEObj_compare NULL
#define TEObj_repr NULL
#define TEObj_hash NULL
PyTypeObject TE_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -856,6 +882,12 @@ PyTypeObject TE_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) TEObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) TEObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) TEObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) TEObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) TEObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* ----------------------- End object type TE ----------------------- */
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class MyScanner(Scanner):
return [
## "TEGetHiliteRgn",
def makeblacklisttypes(self):
......@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ extern PyObject *WinObj_WhichWindow(WindowPtr);
#include <Windows.h>
extern PyObject *QdRGB_New(RGBColor *);
extern int QdRGB_Convert(PyObject *, RGBColor *);
#define resNotFound -192 /* Can't include <Errors.h> because of Python's "errors.h" */
......@@ -112,6 +115,72 @@ static PyObject *WinObj_MacCloseWindow(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_GetWindowOwnerCount(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
UInt32 outCount;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = GetWindowOwnerCount(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_CloneWindow(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = CloneWindow(_self->ob_itself);
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_GetWindowClass(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
WindowClass outClass;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = GetWindowClass(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_GetWindowAttributes(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
WindowAttributes outAttributes;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = GetWindowAttributes(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_SetWinColor(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -128,6 +197,76 @@ static PyObject *WinObj_SetWinColor(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_SetWindowContentColor(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
RGBColor color;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = SetWindowContentColor(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
QdRGB_New, &color);
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_GetWindowContentColor(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
RGBColor color;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = GetWindowContentColor(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
QdRGB_New, &color);
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_GetWindowContentPattern(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
PixPatHandle outPixPat;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
ResObj_Convert, &outPixPat))
return NULL;
_err = GetWindowContentPattern(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_SetWindowContentPattern(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
PixPatHandle pixPat;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
ResObj_Convert, &pixPat))
return NULL;
_err = SetWindowContentPattern(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_ClipAbove(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -289,44 +428,6 @@ static PyObject *WinObj_HiliteWindow(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_GetWindowFeatures(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
UInt32 outFeatures;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = GetWindowFeatures(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_GetWindowRegion(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
WindowRegionCode inRegionCode;
RgnHandle ioWinRgn;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hO&",
ResObj_Convert, &ioWinRgn))
return NULL;
_err = GetWindowRegion(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_SetWRefCon(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -401,6 +502,44 @@ static PyObject *WinObj_GetWVariant(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_GetWindowFeatures(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
UInt32 outFeatures;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = GetWindowFeatures(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_GetWindowRegion(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
WindowRegionCode inRegionCode;
RgnHandle ioWinRgn;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hO&",
ResObj_Convert, &ioWinRgn))
return NULL;
_err = GetWindowRegion(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_BeginUpdate(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -427,6 +566,78 @@ static PyObject *WinObj_EndUpdate(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_InvalWindowRgn(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
RgnHandle region;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
ResObj_Convert, &region))
return NULL;
_err = InvalWindowRgn(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_InvalWindowRect(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
Rect bounds;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
PyMac_GetRect, &bounds))
return NULL;
_err = InvalWindowRect(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_ValidWindowRgn(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
RgnHandle region;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
ResObj_Convert, &region))
return NULL;
_err = ValidWindowRgn(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_ValidWindowRect(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
Rect bounds;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
PyMac_GetRect, &bounds))
return NULL;
_err = ValidWindowRect(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_DrawGrowIcon(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -464,10 +675,365 @@ static PyObject *WinObj_GetWTitle(_self, _args)
Str255 title;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
PyMac_BuildStr255, title);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
PyMac_BuildStr255, title);
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_SetWindowProxyFSSpec(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
FSSpec inFile;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
PyMac_GetFSSpec, &inFile))
return NULL;
_err = SetWindowProxyFSSpec(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_GetWindowProxyFSSpec(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
FSSpec outFile;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = GetWindowProxyFSSpec(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
PyMac_BuildFSSpec, outFile);
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_SetWindowProxyAlias(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
AliasHandle alias;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
ResObj_Convert, &alias))
return NULL;
_err = SetWindowProxyAlias(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_GetWindowProxyAlias(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
AliasHandle alias;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = GetWindowProxyAlias(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
ResObj_New, alias);
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_SetWindowProxyCreatorAndType(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
OSType fileCreator;
OSType fileType;
SInt16 vRefNum;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&h",
PyMac_GetOSType, &fileCreator,
PyMac_GetOSType, &fileType,
return NULL;
_err = SetWindowProxyCreatorAndType(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_GetWindowProxyIcon(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
IconRef outIcon;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = GetWindowProxyIcon(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
ResObj_New, outIcon);
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_SetWindowProxyIcon(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
IconRef icon;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
ResObj_Convert, &icon))
return NULL;
_err = SetWindowProxyIcon(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_RemoveWindowProxy(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = RemoveWindowProxy(_self->ob_itself);
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_TrackWindowProxyDrag(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
Point startPt;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
PyMac_GetPoint, &startPt))
return NULL;
_err = TrackWindowProxyDrag(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_IsWindowModified(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = IsWindowModified(_self->ob_itself);
_res = Py_BuildValue("b",
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_SetWindowModified(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
Boolean modified;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
return NULL;
_err = SetWindowModified(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_IsWindowPathSelectClick(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
EventRecord event;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = IsWindowPathSelectClick(_self->ob_itself,
_res = Py_BuildValue("bO&",
PyMac_BuildEventRecord, &event);
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_HiliteWindowFrameForDrag(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
Boolean hilited;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
return NULL;
_err = HiliteWindowFrameForDrag(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_TransitionWindow(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
WindowTransitionEffect effect;
WindowTransitionAction action;
Rect rect;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "llO&",
PyMac_GetRect, &rect))
return NULL;
_err = TransitionWindow(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_MacMoveWindow(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short hGlobal;
short vGlobal;
Boolean front;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hhb",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_SizeWindow(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short w;
short h;
Boolean fUpdate;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hhb",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_GrowWindow(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
long _rv;
Point startPt;
Rect bBox;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
PyMac_GetPoint, &startPt,
PyMac_GetRect, &bBox))
return NULL;
_rv = GrowWindow(_self->ob_itself,
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_DragWindow(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Point startPt;
Rect boundsRect;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
PyMac_GetPoint, &startPt,
PyMac_GetRect, &boundsRect))
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_ZoomWindow(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short partCode;
Boolean front;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hb",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
......@@ -505,117 +1071,172 @@ static PyObject *WinObj_CollapseWindow(_self, _args)
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
Boolean inCollapseIt;
Boolean collapse;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
return NULL;
_err = CollapseWindow(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_MacMoveWindow(_self, _args)
static PyObject *WinObj_RepositionWindow(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short hGlobal;
short vGlobal;
Boolean front;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hhb",
return NULL;
OSStatus _err;
WindowPtr parentWindow;
WindowPositionMethod method;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&l",
WinObj_Convert, &parentWindow,
return NULL;
_err = RepositionWindow(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_SizeWindow(_self, _args)
static PyObject *WinObj_SetWindowBounds(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short w;
short h;
Boolean fUpdate;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hhb",
OSStatus _err;
WindowRegionCode regionCode;
Rect globalBounds;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hO&",
PyMac_GetRect, &globalBounds))
return NULL;
_err = SetWindowBounds(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_ZoomWindow(_self, _args)
static PyObject *WinObj_GetWindowBounds(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short partCode;
Boolean front;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hb",
OSStatus _err;
WindowRegionCode regionCode;
Rect globalBounds;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_err = GetWindowBounds(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
PyMac_BuildRect, &globalBounds);
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_MoveWindowStructure(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
short hGlobal;
short vGlobal;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "hh",
return NULL;
_err = MoveWindowStructure(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_GrowWindow(_self, _args)
static PyObject *WinObj_IsWindowInStandardState(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
long _rv;
Point startPt;
Rect bBox;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
PyMac_GetPoint, &startPt,
PyMac_GetRect, &bBox))
Boolean _rv;
Point idealSize;
Rect idealStandardState;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = GrowWindow(_self->ob_itself,
_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
_rv = IsWindowInStandardState(_self->ob_itself,
_res = Py_BuildValue("bO&O&",
PyMac_BuildPoint, idealSize,
PyMac_BuildRect, &idealStandardState);
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_DragWindow(_self, _args)
static PyObject *WinObj_ZoomWindowIdeal(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Point startPt;
Rect boundsRect;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&O&",
PyMac_GetPoint, &startPt,
PyMac_GetRect, &boundsRect))
OSStatus _err;
SInt16 partCode;
Point ioIdealSize;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_res = Py_None;
_err = ZoomWindowIdeal(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
PyMac_BuildPoint, ioIdealSize);
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_GetWindowIdealUserState(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
Rect userState;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = GetWindowIdealUserState(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
PyMac_BuildRect, &userState);
return _res;
static PyObject *WinObj_SetWindowIdealUserState(_self, _args)
WindowObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
Rect userState;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = SetWindowIdealUserState(_self->ob_itself,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
PyMac_BuildRect, &userState);
return _res;
......@@ -1047,8 +1668,24 @@ static PyObject *WinObj_ShowWindow(_self, _args)
static PyMethodDef WinObj_methods[] = {
{"MacCloseWindow", (PyCFunction)WinObj_MacCloseWindow, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"GetWindowOwnerCount", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWindowOwnerCount, 1,
"() -> (UInt32 outCount)"},
{"CloneWindow", (PyCFunction)WinObj_CloneWindow, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"GetWindowClass", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWindowClass, 1,
"() -> (WindowClass outClass)"},
{"GetWindowAttributes", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWindowAttributes, 1,
"() -> (WindowAttributes outAttributes)"},
{"SetWinColor", (PyCFunction)WinObj_SetWinColor, 1,
"(WCTabHandle newColorTable) -> None"},
{"SetWindowContentColor", (PyCFunction)WinObj_SetWindowContentColor, 1,
"() -> (RGBColor color)"},
{"GetWindowContentColor", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWindowContentColor, 1,
"() -> (RGBColor color)"},
{"GetWindowContentPattern", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWindowContentPattern, 1,
"(PixPatHandle outPixPat) -> None"},
{"SetWindowContentPattern", (PyCFunction)WinObj_SetWindowContentPattern, 1,
"(PixPatHandle pixPat) -> None"},
{"ClipAbove", (PyCFunction)WinObj_ClipAbove, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"SaveOld", (PyCFunction)WinObj_SaveOld, 1,
......@@ -1071,10 +1708,6 @@ static PyMethodDef WinObj_methods[] = {
"() -> None"},
{"HiliteWindow", (PyCFunction)WinObj_HiliteWindow, 1,
"(Boolean fHilite) -> None"},
{"GetWindowFeatures", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWindowFeatures, 1,
"() -> (UInt32 outFeatures)"},
{"GetWindowRegion", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWindowRegion, 1,
"(WindowRegionCode inRegionCode, RgnHandle ioWinRgn) -> None"},
{"SetWRefCon", (PyCFunction)WinObj_SetWRefCon, 1,
"(long data) -> None"},
{"GetWRefCon", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWRefCon, 1,
......@@ -1085,32 +1718,88 @@ static PyMethodDef WinObj_methods[] = {
"() -> (PicHandle _rv)"},
{"GetWVariant", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWVariant, 1,
"() -> (short _rv)"},
{"GetWindowFeatures", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWindowFeatures, 1,
"() -> (UInt32 outFeatures)"},
{"GetWindowRegion", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWindowRegion, 1,
"(WindowRegionCode inRegionCode, RgnHandle ioWinRgn) -> None"},
{"BeginUpdate", (PyCFunction)WinObj_BeginUpdate, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"EndUpdate", (PyCFunction)WinObj_EndUpdate, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"InvalWindowRgn", (PyCFunction)WinObj_InvalWindowRgn, 1,
"(RgnHandle region) -> None"},
{"InvalWindowRect", (PyCFunction)WinObj_InvalWindowRect, 1,
"(Rect bounds) -> None"},
{"ValidWindowRgn", (PyCFunction)WinObj_ValidWindowRgn, 1,
"(RgnHandle region) -> None"},
{"ValidWindowRect", (PyCFunction)WinObj_ValidWindowRect, 1,
"(Rect bounds) -> None"},
{"DrawGrowIcon", (PyCFunction)WinObj_DrawGrowIcon, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"SetWTitle", (PyCFunction)WinObj_SetWTitle, 1,
"(Str255 title) -> None"},
{"GetWTitle", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWTitle, 1,
"() -> (Str255 title)"},
{"IsWindowCollapsable", (PyCFunction)WinObj_IsWindowCollapsable, 1,
"() -> (Boolean _rv)"},
{"IsWindowCollapsed", (PyCFunction)WinObj_IsWindowCollapsed, 1,
{"SetWindowProxyFSSpec", (PyCFunction)WinObj_SetWindowProxyFSSpec, 1,
"(FSSpec inFile) -> None"},
{"GetWindowProxyFSSpec", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWindowProxyFSSpec, 1,
"() -> (FSSpec outFile)"},
{"SetWindowProxyAlias", (PyCFunction)WinObj_SetWindowProxyAlias, 1,
"(AliasHandle alias) -> None"},
{"GetWindowProxyAlias", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWindowProxyAlias, 1,
"() -> (AliasHandle alias)"},
{"SetWindowProxyCreatorAndType", (PyCFunction)WinObj_SetWindowProxyCreatorAndType, 1,
"(OSType fileCreator, OSType fileType, SInt16 vRefNum) -> None"},
{"GetWindowProxyIcon", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWindowProxyIcon, 1,
"() -> (IconRef outIcon)"},
{"SetWindowProxyIcon", (PyCFunction)WinObj_SetWindowProxyIcon, 1,
"(IconRef icon) -> None"},
{"RemoveWindowProxy", (PyCFunction)WinObj_RemoveWindowProxy, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"TrackWindowProxyDrag", (PyCFunction)WinObj_TrackWindowProxyDrag, 1,
"(Point startPt) -> None"},
{"IsWindowModified", (PyCFunction)WinObj_IsWindowModified, 1,
"() -> (Boolean _rv)"},
{"CollapseWindow", (PyCFunction)WinObj_CollapseWindow, 1,
"(Boolean inCollapseIt) -> None"},
{"SetWindowModified", (PyCFunction)WinObj_SetWindowModified, 1,
"(Boolean modified) -> None"},
{"IsWindowPathSelectClick", (PyCFunction)WinObj_IsWindowPathSelectClick, 1,
"() -> (Boolean _rv, EventRecord event)"},
{"HiliteWindowFrameForDrag", (PyCFunction)WinObj_HiliteWindowFrameForDrag, 1,
"(Boolean hilited) -> None"},
{"TransitionWindow", (PyCFunction)WinObj_TransitionWindow, 1,
"(WindowTransitionEffect effect, WindowTransitionAction action, Rect rect) -> None"},
{"MacMoveWindow", (PyCFunction)WinObj_MacMoveWindow, 1,
"(short hGlobal, short vGlobal, Boolean front) -> None"},
{"SizeWindow", (PyCFunction)WinObj_SizeWindow, 1,
"(short w, short h, Boolean fUpdate) -> None"},
{"ZoomWindow", (PyCFunction)WinObj_ZoomWindow, 1,
"(short partCode, Boolean front) -> None"},
{"GrowWindow", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GrowWindow, 1,
"(Point startPt, Rect bBox) -> (long _rv)"},
{"DragWindow", (PyCFunction)WinObj_DragWindow, 1,
"(Point startPt, Rect boundsRect) -> None"},
{"ZoomWindow", (PyCFunction)WinObj_ZoomWindow, 1,
"(short partCode, Boolean front) -> None"},
{"IsWindowCollapsable", (PyCFunction)WinObj_IsWindowCollapsable, 1,
"() -> (Boolean _rv)"},
{"IsWindowCollapsed", (PyCFunction)WinObj_IsWindowCollapsed, 1,
"() -> (Boolean _rv)"},
{"CollapseWindow", (PyCFunction)WinObj_CollapseWindow, 1,
"(Boolean collapse) -> None"},
{"RepositionWindow", (PyCFunction)WinObj_RepositionWindow, 1,
"(WindowPtr parentWindow, WindowPositionMethod method) -> None"},
{"SetWindowBounds", (PyCFunction)WinObj_SetWindowBounds, 1,
"(WindowRegionCode regionCode, Rect globalBounds) -> None"},
{"GetWindowBounds", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWindowBounds, 1,
"(WindowRegionCode regionCode) -> (Rect globalBounds)"},
{"MoveWindowStructure", (PyCFunction)WinObj_MoveWindowStructure, 1,
"(short hGlobal, short vGlobal) -> None"},
{"IsWindowInStandardState", (PyCFunction)WinObj_IsWindowInStandardState, 1,
"() -> (Boolean _rv, Point idealSize, Rect idealStandardState)"},
{"ZoomWindowIdeal", (PyCFunction)WinObj_ZoomWindowIdeal, 1,
"(SInt16 partCode) -> (Point ioIdealSize)"},
{"GetWindowIdealUserState", (PyCFunction)WinObj_GetWindowIdealUserState, 1,
"() -> (Rect userState)"},
{"SetWindowIdealUserState", (PyCFunction)WinObj_SetWindowIdealUserState, 1,
"() -> (Rect userState)"},
{"HideWindow", (PyCFunction)WinObj_HideWindow, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"MacShowWindow", (PyCFunction)WinObj_MacShowWindow, 1,
......@@ -1181,6 +1870,12 @@ static PyObject *WinObj_getattr(self, name)
#define WinObj_setattr NULL
#define WinObj_compare NULL
#define WinObj_repr NULL
#define WinObj_hash NULL
PyTypeObject Window_Type = {
0, /*ob_size*/
......@@ -1192,6 +1887,12 @@ PyTypeObject Window_Type = {
0, /*tp_print*/
(getattrfunc) WinObj_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/
(setattrfunc) WinObj_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/
(cmpfunc) WinObj_compare, /*tp_compare*/
(reprfunc) WinObj_repr, /*tp_repr*/
(PyNumberMethods *)0, /* tp_as_number */
(PySequenceMethods *)0, /* tp_as_sequence */
(PyMappingMethods *)0, /* tp_as_mapping */
(hashfunc) WinObj_hash, /*tp_hash*/
/* --------------------- End object type Window --------------------- */
......@@ -1307,6 +2008,108 @@ static PyObject *Win_NewCWindow(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *Win_CreateNewWindow(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
WindowClass windowClass;
WindowAttributes attributes;
Rect bounds;
WindowPtr outWindow;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "llO&",
PyMac_GetRect, &bounds))
return NULL;
_err = CreateNewWindow(windowClass,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
WinObj_WhichWindow, outWindow);
return _res;
static PyObject *Win_CreateWindowFromResource(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
SInt16 resID;
WindowPtr outWindow;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "h",
return NULL;
_err = CreateWindowFromResource(resID,
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
WinObj_WhichWindow, outWindow);
return _res;
static PyObject *Win_ShowFloatingWindows(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = ShowFloatingWindows();
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Win_HideFloatingWindows(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = HideFloatingWindows();
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Win_AreFloatingWindowsVisible(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = AreFloatingWindowsVisible();
_res = Py_BuildValue("b",
return _res;
static PyObject *Win_FrontNonFloatingWindow(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
WindowPtr _rv;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_rv = FrontNonFloatingWindow();
_res = Py_BuildValue("O&",
WinObj_New, _rv);
return _res;
static PyObject *Win_SetDeskCPat(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -1345,15 +2148,15 @@ static PyObject *Win_MacFindWindow(_self, _args)
PyObject *_res = NULL;
short _rv;
Point thePoint;
WindowPtr theWindow;
WindowPtr window;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
PyMac_GetPoint, &thePoint))
return NULL;
_rv = MacFindWindow(thePoint,
_res = Py_BuildValue("hO&",
WinObj_WhichWindow, theWindow);
WinObj_WhichWindow, window);
return _res;
......@@ -1412,6 +2215,37 @@ static PyObject *Win_GetCWMgrPort(_self, _args)
return _res;
static PyObject *Win_IsValidWindowPtr(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
Boolean _rv;
GrafPtr grafPort;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
GrafObj_Convert, &grafPort))
return NULL;
_rv = IsValidWindowPtr(grafPort);
_res = Py_BuildValue("b",
return _res;
static PyObject *Win_InitFloatingWindows(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, ""))
return NULL;
_err = InitFloatingWindows();
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
return _res;
static PyObject *Win_InvalRect(_self, _args)
PyObject *_self;
PyObject *_args;
......@@ -1478,11 +2312,11 @@ static PyObject *Win_CollapseAllWindows(_self, _args)
PyObject *_res = NULL;
OSStatus _err;
Boolean inCollapseEm;
Boolean collapse;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "b",
return NULL;
_err = CollapseAllWindows(inCollapseEm);
_err = CollapseAllWindows(collapse);
if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
_res = Py_None;
......@@ -1564,12 +2398,24 @@ static PyMethodDef Win_methods[] = {
"(short windowID, WindowPtr behind) -> (WindowPtr _rv)"},
{"NewCWindow", (PyCFunction)Win_NewCWindow, 1,
"(Rect boundsRect, Str255 title, Boolean visible, short procID, WindowPtr behind, Boolean goAwayFlag, long refCon) -> (WindowPtr _rv)"},
{"CreateNewWindow", (PyCFunction)Win_CreateNewWindow, 1,
"(WindowClass windowClass, WindowAttributes attributes, Rect bounds) -> (WindowPtr outWindow)"},
{"CreateWindowFromResource", (PyCFunction)Win_CreateWindowFromResource, 1,
"(SInt16 resID) -> (WindowPtr outWindow)"},
{"ShowFloatingWindows", (PyCFunction)Win_ShowFloatingWindows, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"HideFloatingWindows", (PyCFunction)Win_HideFloatingWindows, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"AreFloatingWindowsVisible", (PyCFunction)Win_AreFloatingWindowsVisible, 1,
"() -> (Boolean _rv)"},
{"FrontNonFloatingWindow", (PyCFunction)Win_FrontNonFloatingWindow, 1,
"() -> (WindowPtr _rv)"},
{"SetDeskCPat", (PyCFunction)Win_SetDeskCPat, 1,
"(PixPatHandle deskPixPat) -> None"},
{"CheckUpdate", (PyCFunction)Win_CheckUpdate, 1,
"() -> (Boolean _rv, EventRecord theEvent)"},
{"MacFindWindow", (PyCFunction)Win_MacFindWindow, 1,
"(Point thePoint) -> (short _rv, WindowPtr theWindow)"},
"(Point thePoint) -> (short _rv, WindowPtr window)"},
{"FrontWindow", (PyCFunction)Win_FrontWindow, 1,
"() -> (WindowPtr _rv)"},
{"InitWindows", (PyCFunction)Win_InitWindows, 1,
......@@ -1578,6 +2424,10 @@ static PyMethodDef Win_methods[] = {
"() -> (GrafPtr wPort)"},
{"GetCWMgrPort", (PyCFunction)Win_GetCWMgrPort, 1,
"() -> (CGrafPtr wMgrCPort)"},
{"IsValidWindowPtr", (PyCFunction)Win_IsValidWindowPtr, 1,
"(GrafPtr grafPort) -> (Boolean _rv)"},
{"InitFloatingWindows", (PyCFunction)Win_InitFloatingWindows, 1,
"() -> None"},
{"InvalRect", (PyCFunction)Win_InvalRect, 1,
"(Rect badRect) -> None"},
{"InvalRgn", (PyCFunction)Win_InvalRgn, 1,
......@@ -1587,7 +2437,7 @@ static PyMethodDef Win_methods[] = {
{"ValidRgn", (PyCFunction)Win_ValidRgn, 1,
"(RgnHandle goodRgn) -> None"},
{"CollapseAllWindows", (PyCFunction)Win_CollapseAllWindows, 1,
"(Boolean inCollapseEm) -> None"},
"(Boolean collapse) -> None"},
{"PinRect", (PyCFunction)Win_PinRect, 1,
"(Rect theRect, Point thePt) -> (long _rv)"},
{"GetGrayRgn", (PyCFunction)Win_GetGrayRgn, 1,
......@@ -37,12 +37,18 @@ class MyScanner(Scanner):
return [
'DisposeWindow', # Implied when the object is deleted
'SetWindowProperty', # For the moment
def makeblacklisttypes(self):
return [
'Collection', # For now, to be done later
'DragReference', # Ditto, dragmodule doesn't export it yet.
def makerepairinstructions(self):
......@@ -34,12 +34,26 @@ PicHandle = OpaqueByValueType("PicHandle", "ResObj")
WCTabHandle = OpaqueByValueType("WCTabHandle", "ResObj")
AuxWinHandle = OpaqueByValueType("AuxWinHandle", "ResObj")
PixPatHandle = OpaqueByValueType("PixPatHandle", "ResObj")
AliasHandle = OpaqueByValueType("AliasHandle", "ResObj")
IconRef = OpaqueByValueType("IconRef", "ResObj")
WindowRegionCode = Type("WindowRegionCode", "h")
WindowClass = Type("WindowClass", "l")
WindowAttributes = Type("WindowAttributes", "l")
WindowPositionMethod = Type("WindowPositionMethod", "l")
WindowTransitionEffect = Type("WindowTransitionEffect", "l")
WindowTransitionAction = Type("WindowTransitionAction", "l")
WindowRegionCode = Type("WindowRegionCode", "h")
RGBColor = OpaqueType("RGBColor", "QdRGB")
PropertyCreator = OSTypeType("PropertyCreator")
PropertyTag = OSTypeType("PropertyTag")
includestuff = includestuff + """
#include <%s>""" % MACHEADERFILE + """
extern PyObject *QdRGB_New(RGBColor *);
extern int QdRGB_Convert(PyObject *, RGBColor *);
#define resNotFound -192 /* Can't include <Errors.h> because of Python's "errors.h" */
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