Create an archive file (eg. \code{zip} or \code{tar}). \var{base_name}
is the name of the file to create, minus any format-specific extension;
\var{format} is the archive format: one of \code{zip}, \code{tar},
\code{ztar}, or \code{gztar}.
\var{root_dir} is a directory that will be the root directory of the
archive; ie. we typically \code{chdir} into \var{root_dir} before
creating the archive. \var{base_dir} is the directory where we start
archiving from; ie. \var{base_dir} will be the common prefix of all files and
directories in the archive. \var{root_dir} and \var{base_dir} both default
to the current directory. Returns the name of the archive file.
\warning{This should be changed to support bz2 files}
\begin{funcdesc}{make_tarball}{base_name, base_dir\optional{, compress=\code{'gzip'}, verbose=\code{0}, dry_run=\code{0}}}'Create an (optional compressed) archive as a tar file from all files in and under \var{base_dir}. \var{compress} must be \code{'gzip'} (the default),
\code{'compress'}, \code{'bzip2'}, or \code{None}. Both \code{'tar'}
and the compression utility named by \var{'compress'} must be on the
default program search path, so this is probably \UNIX-specific. The
output tar file will be named \file{\var{base_dir}.tar}, possibly plus
the appropriate compression extension (\file{.gz}, \file{.bz2} or
\file{.Z}). Return the output filename.
\warning{This should be replaced with calls to the \module{tarfile} module.}