Commit a2c877c3 authored by Victor Stinner's avatar Victor Stinner Committed by GitHub

bpo-30106: Fix test_asyncore.test_quick_connect() (#1234)

test_quick_connect() runs a thread up to 50 seconds, whereas the
socket is connected in 0.2 second and then the thread is expected to
end in less than 3 second. On Linux, the thread ends quickly because
select() seems to always return quickly. On FreeBSD, sometimes
select() fails with timeout and so the thread runs much longer than

Fix the thread timeout to fix a race condition in the test.
parent 35f3d240
......@@ -781,8 +781,9 @@ class BaseTestAPI:
self.skipTest("test specific to AF_INET and AF_INET6")
server = BaseServer(, self.addr)
# run the thread 500 ms: the socket should be connected in 200 ms
t = threading.Thread(target=lambda: asyncore.loop(timeout=0.1,
with socket.socket(, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
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