Commit a32f9a24 authored by Antoine Pitrou's avatar Antoine Pitrou

Merged revisions 77798 via svnmerge from


  r77798 | antoine.pitrou | 2010-01-27 21:59:50 +0100 (mer., 27 janv. 2010) | 8 lines

  Issue #7610: Reworked implementation of the internal
  :class:`zipfile.ZipExtFile` class used to represent files stored inside
  an archive.  The new implementation is significantly faster and can
  be wrapped in a :class:`io.BufferedReader` object for more speedups.
  It also solves an issue where interleaved calls to `read()` and
  `readline()` give wrong results.  Patch by Nir Aides.
parent 176d6c40
......@@ -168,6 +168,45 @@ class TestsWithSourceFile(unittest.TestCase):
for f in (TESTFN2, TemporaryFile(), io.BytesIO()):
self.zip_random_open_test(f, zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
def test_univeral_readaheads(self):
f = io.BytesIO()
data = b'a\r\n' * 16 * 1024
zipfp = zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
zipfp.writestr(TESTFN, data)
data2 = b''
zipfp = zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'r')
zipopen =, 'rU')
for line in zipopen:
data2 += line
self.assertEqual(data, data2.replace(b'\n', b'\r\n'))
def zip_readline_read_test(self, f, compression):
self.make_test_archive(f, compression)
# Read the ZIP archive
zipfp = zipfile.ZipFile(f, "r")
zipopen =
data = b''
while True:
read = zipopen.readline()
if not read:
data += read
read =
if not read:
data += read
def zip_readline_test(self, f, compression):
self.make_test_archive(f, compression)
......@@ -195,6 +234,11 @@ class TestsWithSourceFile(unittest.TestCase):
for line, zipline in zip(self.line_gen,
self.assertEqual(zipline, line + '\n')
def test_readline_read_stored(self):
# Issue #7610: calls to readline() interleaved with calls to read().
for f in (TESTFN2, TemporaryFile(), io.BytesIO()):
self.zip_readline_read_test(f, zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
def test_readline_stored(self):
for f in (TESTFN2, TemporaryFile(), io.BytesIO()):
self.zip_readline_test(f, zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
......@@ -223,6 +267,12 @@ class TestsWithSourceFile(unittest.TestCase):
for f in (TESTFN2, TemporaryFile(), io.BytesIO()):
self.zip_random_open_test(f, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
@skipUnless(zlib, "requires zlib")
def test_readline_read_deflated(self):
# Issue #7610: calls to readline() interleaved with calls to read().
for f in (TESTFN2, TemporaryFile(), io.BytesIO()):
self.zip_readline_read_test(f, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
@skipUnless(zlib, "requires zlib")
def test_readline_deflated(self):
for f in (TESTFN2, TemporaryFile(), io.BytesIO()):
......@@ -1067,6 +1117,29 @@ class UniversalNewlineTests(unittest.TestCase):
zipdata =, "rU").read()
self.assertEqual(self.arcdata[sep], zipdata)
def readline_read_test(self, f, compression):
self.make_test_archive(f, compression)
# Read the ZIP archive
zipfp = zipfile.ZipFile(f, "r")
for sep, fn in self.arcfiles.items():
zipopen =, "rU")
data = b''
while True:
read = zipopen.readline()
if not read:
data += read
read =
if not read:
data += read
self.assertEqual(data, self.arcdata['\n'])
def readline_test(self, f, compression):
self.make_test_archive(f, compression)
......@@ -1101,6 +1174,11 @@ class UniversalNewlineTests(unittest.TestCase):
for f in (TESTFN2, TemporaryFile(), io.BytesIO()):
self.read_test(f, zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
def test_readline_read_stored(self):
# Issue #7610: calls to readline() interleaved with calls to read().
for f in (TESTFN2, TemporaryFile(), io.BytesIO()):
self.readline_read_test(f, zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
def test_readline_stored(self):
for f in (TESTFN2, TemporaryFile(), io.BytesIO()):
self.readline_test(f, zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
......@@ -1118,6 +1196,12 @@ class UniversalNewlineTests(unittest.TestCase):
for f in (TESTFN2, TemporaryFile(), io.BytesIO()):
self.read_test(f, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
@skipUnless(zlib, "requires zlib")
def test_readline_read_deflated(self):
# Issue #7610: calls to readline() interleaved with calls to read().
for f in (TESTFN2, TemporaryFile(), io.BytesIO()):
self.readline_read_test(f, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
@skipUnless(zlib, "requires zlib")
def test_readline_deflated(self):
for f in (TESTFN2, TemporaryFile(), io.BytesIO()):
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ XXX references to utf-8 need further investigation.
import struct, os, time, sys, shutil
import binascii, io, stat
import io
import re
import zlib # We may need its compression method
......@@ -443,205 +445,172 @@ class _ZipDecrypter:
return c
class ZipExtFile:
class ZipExtFile(io.BufferedIOBase):
"""File-like object for reading an archive member.
Is returned by
def __init__(self, fileobj, zipinfo, decrypt=None):
self.fileobj = fileobj
self.decrypter = decrypt
self.bytes_read = 0
self.rawbuffer = b''
self.readbuffer = b''
self.linebuffer = b''
self.eof = False
self.univ_newlines = False
self.nlSeps = (b"\n", )
self.lastdiscard = b''
self.compress_type = zipinfo.compress_type
self.compress_size = zipinfo.compress_size
self.closed = False
self.mode = "r" = zipinfo.filename
# Max size supported by decompressor.
MAX_N = 1 << 31 - 1
# read from compressed files in 64k blocks
self.compreadsize = 64*1024
if self.compress_type == ZIP_DEFLATED:
self.dc = zlib.decompressobj(-15)
# Read from compressed files in 4k blocks.
def set_univ_newlines(self, univ_newlines):
self.univ_newlines = univ_newlines
# Search for universal newlines or line chunks.
PATTERN = re.compile(br'^(?P<chunk>[^\r\n]+)|(?P<newline>\n|\r\n?)')
# pick line separator char(s) based on universal newlines flag
self.nlSeps = (b"\n", )
if self.univ_newlines:
self.nlSeps = (b"\r\n", b"\r", b"\n")
def __init__(self, fileobj, mode, zipinfo, decrypter=None):
self._fileobj = fileobj
self._decrypter = decrypter
def __iter__(self):
return self
self._decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(-15)
self._unconsumed = b''
def __next__(self):
nextline = self.readline()
if not nextline:
raise StopIteration()
self._readbuffer = b''
self._offset = 0
return nextline
self._universal = 'U' in mode
self.newlines = None
def close(self):
self.closed = True
def _checkfornewline(self):
nl, nllen = -1, -1
if self.linebuffer:
# ugly check for cases where half of an \r\n pair was
# read on the last pass, and the \r was discarded. In this
# case we just throw away the \n at the start of the buffer.
if (self.lastdiscard, self.linebuffer[:1]) == (b'\r', b'\n'):
self.linebuffer = self.linebuffer[1:]
for sep in self.nlSeps:
nl = self.linebuffer.find(sep)
if nl >= 0:
nllen = len(sep)
return nl, nllen
return nl, nllen
def readline(self, size = -1):
"""Read a line with approx. size. If size is negative,
read a whole line.
if size < 0:
size = sys.maxsize
elif size == 0:
return b''
self._compress_type = zipinfo.compress_type
self._compress_size = zipinfo.compress_size
self._compress_left = zipinfo.compress_size
# check for a newline already in buffer
nl, nllen = self._checkfornewline()
# Adjust read size for encrypted files since the first 12 bytes
# are for the encryption/password information.
if self._decrypter is not None:
self._compress_left -= 12
if nl >= 0:
# the next line was already in the buffer
nl = min(nl, size)
# no line break in buffer - try to read more
size -= len(self.linebuffer)
while nl < 0 and size > 0:
buf =, 100))
if not buf:
self.linebuffer += buf
size -= len(buf)
# check for a newline in buffer
nl, nllen = self._checkfornewline()
# we either ran out of bytes in the file, or
# met the specified size limit without finding a newline,
# so return current buffer
if nl < 0:
s = self.linebuffer
self.linebuffer = b''
return s
buf = self.linebuffer[:nl]
self.lastdiscard = self.linebuffer[nl:nl + nllen]
self.linebuffer = self.linebuffer[nl + nllen:]
# line is always returned with \n as newline char (except possibly
# for a final incomplete line in the file, which is handled above).
return buf + b"\n"
def readlines(self, sizehint = -1):
"""Return a list with all (following) lines. The sizehint parameter
is ignored in this implementation.
self.mode = mode = zipinfo.filename
def readline(self, limit=-1):
"""Read and return a line from the stream.
If limit is specified, at most limit bytes will be read.
result = []
while True:
line = self.readline()
if not line: break
return result
def read(self, size = None):
# act like file obj and return empty string if size is 0
if size == 0:
return b''
# determine read size
bytesToRead = self.compress_size - self.bytes_read
# adjust read size for encrypted files since the first 12 bytes
# are for the encryption/password information
if self.decrypter is not None:
bytesToRead -= 12
if size is not None and size >= 0:
if self.compress_type == ZIP_STORED:
lr = len(self.readbuffer)
bytesToRead = min(bytesToRead, size - lr)
elif self.compress_type == ZIP_DEFLATED:
if len(self.readbuffer) > size:
# the user has requested fewer bytes than we've already
# pulled through the decompressor; don't read any more
bytesToRead = 0
# user will use up the buffer, so read some more
lr = len(self.rawbuffer)
bytesToRead = min(bytesToRead, self.compreadsize - lr)
# avoid reading past end of file contents
if bytesToRead + self.bytes_read > self.compress_size:
bytesToRead = self.compress_size - self.bytes_read
# try to read from file (if necessary)
if bytesToRead > 0:
data =
self.bytes_read += len(data)
self.rawbuffer += data
print(repr(self.fileobj), repr(self.rawbuffer),
if not self._universal and limit < 0:
# Shortcut common case - newline found in buffer.
i = self._readbuffer.find(b'\n', self._offset) + 1
if i > 0:
line = self._readbuffer[self._offset: i]
self._offset = i
return line
if not self._universal:
return io.BufferedIOBase.readline(self, limit)
line = b''
while limit < 0 or len(line) < limit:
readahead = self.peek(2)
if readahead == b'':
return line
# Search for universal newlines or line chunks.
# The pattern returns either a line chunk or a newline, but not
# both. Combined with peek(2), we are assured that the sequence
# '\r\n' is always retrieved completely and never split into
# separate newlines - '\r', '\n' due to coincidental readaheads.
match =
newline ='newline')
if newline is not None:
if self.newlines is None:
self.newlines = []
if newline not in self.newlines:
self._offset += len(newline)
return line + b'\n'
chunk ='chunk')
if limit >= 0:
chunk = chunk[: limit - len(line)]
self._offset += len(chunk)
line += chunk
return line
def peek(self, n=1):
"""Returns buffered bytes without advancing the position."""
if n > len(self._readbuffer) - self._offset:
chunk =
self._offset -= len(chunk)
# Return up to 512 bytes to reduce allocation overhead for tight loops.
return self._readbuffer[self._offset: self._offset + 512]
def readable(self):
return True
def read(self, n=-1):
"""Read and return up to n bytes.
If the argument is omitted, None, or negative, data is read and returned until EOF is reached..
# handle contents of raw buffer
if self.rawbuffer:
newdata = self.rawbuffer
self.rawbuffer = b''
# decrypt new data if we were given an object to handle that
if newdata and self.decrypter is not None:
newdata = bytes(map(self.decrypter, newdata))
# decompress newly read data if necessary
if newdata and self.compress_type == ZIP_DEFLATED:
newdata = self.dc.decompress(newdata)
self.rawbuffer = self.dc.unconsumed_tail
if self.eof and len(self.rawbuffer) == 0:
# we're out of raw bytes (both from the file and
# the local buffer); flush just to make sure the
# decompressor is done
newdata += self.dc.flush()
# prevent decompressor from being used again
self.dc = None
self.readbuffer += newdata
# return what the user asked for
if size is None or len(self.readbuffer) <= size:
data = self.readbuffer
self.readbuffer = b''
buf = b''
while n < 0 or n is None or n > len(buf):
data = self.read1(n)
if len(data) == 0:
return buf
buf += data
return buf
def read1(self, n):
"""Read up to n bytes with at most one read() system call."""
# Simplify algorithm (branching) by transforming negative n to large n.
if n < 0 or n is None:
n = self.MAX_N
# Bytes available in read buffer.
len_readbuffer = len(self._readbuffer) - self._offset
# Read from file.
if self._compress_left > 0 and n > len_readbuffer + len(self._unconsumed):
nbytes = n - len_readbuffer - len(self._unconsumed)
nbytes = max(nbytes, self.MIN_READ_SIZE)
nbytes = min(nbytes, self._compress_left)
data =
self._compress_left -= len(data)
if data and self._decrypter is not None:
data = bytes(map(self._decrypter, data))
if self._compress_type == ZIP_STORED:
self._readbuffer = self._readbuffer[self._offset:] + data
self._offset = 0
data = self.readbuffer[:size]
self.readbuffer = self.readbuffer[size:]
# Prepare deflated bytes for decompression.
self._unconsumed += data
# Handle unconsumed data.
if len(self._unconsumed) > 0 and n > len_readbuffer:
data = self._decompressor.decompress(
max(n - len_readbuffer, self.MIN_READ_SIZE)
self._unconsumed = self._decompressor.unconsumed_tail
if len(self._unconsumed) == 0 and self._compress_left == 0:
data += self._decompressor.flush()
self._readbuffer = self._readbuffer[self._offset:] + data
self._offset = 0
# Read from buffer.
data = self._readbuffer[self._offset: self._offset + n]
self._offset += len(data)
return data
class ZipFile:
""" Class with methods to open, read, write, close, list zip files.
......@@ -925,16 +894,7 @@ class ZipFile:
if h[11] != check_byte:
raise RuntimeError("Bad password for file", name)
# build and return a ZipExtFile
if zd is None:
zef = ZipExtFile(zef_file, zinfo)
zef = ZipExtFile(zef_file, zinfo, zd)
# set universal newlines on ZipExtFile if necessary
if "U" in mode:
return zef
return ZipExtFile(zef_file, mode, zinfo, zd)
def extract(self, member, path=None, pwd=None):
"""Extract a member from the archive to the current working directory,
......@@ -225,7 +225,6 @@ C-API
- Issue #1419652: Change the first argument to PyImport_AppendInittab() to
``const char *`` as the string is stored beyond the call.
- Issue #2422: When compiled with the ``--with-valgrind`` option, the
pymalloc allocator will be automatically disabled when running under
Valgrind. This gives improved memory leak detection when running
......@@ -234,6 +233,13 @@ C-API
- Issue #7610: Reworked implementation of the internal
:class:`zipfile.ZipExtFile` class used to represent files stored inside
an archive. The new implementation is significantly faster and can
be wrapped in a :class:`io.BufferedReader` object for more speedups.
It also solves an issue where interleaved calls to `read()` and
`readline()` give wrong results. Patch by Nir Aides.
- Issue #6963: Added "maxtasksperchild" argument to multiprocessing.Pool,
allowing for a maximum number of tasks within the pool to be completed by
the worker before that worker is terminated, and a new one created to
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