Commit a9f7d624 authored by Eric Smith's avatar Eric Smith

Backport of PEP 3101, Advanced String Formatting, from py3k.

 - Adding PyObject_Format.
 - Adding string.Format class.
 - Adding __format__ for str, unicode, int, long, float, datetime.
 - Adding builtin format.
 - Adding ''.format and u''.format.
 - str/unicode fixups for formatters.

The files in Objects/stringlib that implement PEP 3101 (stringdefs.h,
unicodedefs.h, formatter.h, string_format.h) are identical in trunk
and py3k.  Any changes from here on should be made to trunk, and
changes will propogate to py3k).
parent e139688d
......@@ -529,6 +529,13 @@ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*/
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_Format(PyObject* obj,
PyObject *format_spec);
Takes an arbitrary object and returns the result of
calling obj.__format__(format_spec).
/* Iterators */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_GetIter(PyObject *);
PyObject *
string__format__(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
PyObject *
string_long__format__(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
PyObject *
string_int__format__(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
PyObject *
string_float__format__(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
PyObject *
unicode__format__(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
PyObject *
unicode_long__format__(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
PyObject *
unicode_int__format__(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
PyObject *
unicode_float__format__(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
......@@ -527,3 +527,115 @@ try:
letters = lowercase + uppercase
except ImportError:
pass # Use the original versions
# the Formatter class
# see PEP 3101 for details and purpose of this class
# The hard parts are reused from the C implementation. They're
# exposed here via the sys module. sys was chosen because it's always
# available and doesn't have to be dynamically loaded.
# The overall parser is implemented in str._formatter_parser.
# The field name parser is implemented in str._formatter_field_name_split
class Formatter(object):
def format(self, format_string, *args, **kwargs):
return self.vformat(format_string, args, kwargs)
def vformat(self, format_string, args, kwargs):
used_args = set()
result = self._vformat(format_string, args, kwargs, used_args, 2)
self.check_unused_args(used_args, args, kwargs)
return result
def _vformat(self, format_string, args, kwargs, used_args, recursion_depth):
if recursion_depth < 0:
raise ValueError('Max string recursion exceeded')
result = []
for literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion in \
# output the literal text
if literal_text:
# if there's a field, output it
if field_name is not None:
# this is some markup, find the object and do
# the formatting
# given the field_name, find the object it references
# and the argument it came from
obj, arg_used = self.get_field(field_name, args, kwargs)
# do any conversion on the resulting object
obj = self.convert_field(obj, conversion)
# expand the format spec, if needed
format_spec = self._vformat(format_spec, args, kwargs,
used_args, recursion_depth-1)
# format the object and append to the result
result.append(self.format_field(obj, format_spec))
return ''.join(result)
def get_value(self, key, args, kwargs):
if isinstance(key, (int, long)):
return args[key]
return kwargs[key]
def check_unused_args(self, used_args, args, kwargs):
def format_field(self, value, format_spec):
return format(value, format_spec)
def convert_field(self, value, conversion):
# do any conversion on the resulting object
if conversion == 'r':
return repr(value)
elif conversion == 's':
return str(value)
elif conversion is None:
return value
raise ValueError("Unknown converion specifier {0!s}".format(conversion))
# returns an iterable that contains tuples of the form:
# (literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion)
# literal_text can be zero length
# field_name can be None, in which case there's no
# object to format and output
# if field_name is not None, it is looked up, formatted
# with format_spec and conversion and then used
def parse(self, format_string):
return format_string._formatter_parser()
# given a field_name, find the object it references.
# field_name: the field being looked up, e.g. ""
# or "lookup[3]"
# used_args: a set of which args have been used
# args, kwargs: as passed in to vformat
def get_field(self, field_name, args, kwargs):
first, rest = field_name._formatter_field_name_split()
obj = self.get_value(first, args, kwargs)
# loop through the rest of the field_name, doing
# getattr or getitem as needed
for is_attr, i in rest:
if is_attr:
obj = getattr(obj, i)
obj = obj[i]
return obj, first
......@@ -2012,6 +2012,101 @@ class TestSorted(unittest.TestCase):
data = 'The quick Brown fox Jumped over The lazy Dog'.split()
self.assertRaises(TypeError, sorted, data, None, lambda x,y: 0)
def test_format(self):
# Test the basic machinery of the format() builtin. Don't test
# the specifics of the various formatters
self.assertEqual(format(3, ''), '3')
# Returns some classes to use for various tests. There's
# an old-style version, and a new-style version
def classes_new():
class A(object):
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
def __format__(self, format_spec):
return str(self.x) + format_spec
class DerivedFromA(A):
class Simple(object): pass
class DerivedFromSimple(Simple):
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
def __format__(self, format_spec):
return str(self.x) + format_spec
class DerivedFromSimple2(DerivedFromSimple): pass
return A, DerivedFromA, DerivedFromSimple, DerivedFromSimple2
# In 3.0, classes_classic has the same meaning as classes_new
def classes_classic():
class A:
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
def __format__(self, format_spec):
return str(self.x) + format_spec
class DerivedFromA(A):
class Simple: pass
class DerivedFromSimple(Simple):
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
def __format__(self, format_spec):
return str(self.x) + format_spec
class DerivedFromSimple2(DerivedFromSimple): pass
return A, DerivedFromA, DerivedFromSimple, DerivedFromSimple2
def class_test(A, DerivedFromA, DerivedFromSimple, DerivedFromSimple2):
self.assertEqual(format(A(3), 'spec'), '3spec')
self.assertEqual(format(DerivedFromA(4), 'spec'), '4spec')
self.assertEqual(format(DerivedFromSimple(5), 'abc'), '5abc')
self.assertEqual(format(DerivedFromSimple2(10), 'abcdef'),
def empty_format_spec(value):
# test that:
# format(x, '') == str(x)
# format(x) == str(x)
self.assertEqual(format(value, ""), str(value))
self.assertEqual(format(value), str(value))
# for builtin types, format(x, "") == str(x)
# TypeError because self.__format__ returns the wrong type
class BadFormatResult:
def __format__(self, format_spec):
return 1.0
self.assertRaises(TypeError, format, BadFormatResult(), "")
# TypeError because format_spec is not unicode or str
self.assertRaises(TypeError, format, object(), 4)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, format, object(), object())
# tests for object.__format__ really belong elsewhere, but
# there's no good place to put them
x = object().__format__('')
self.assert_(x.startswith('<object object at'))
# first argument to object.__format__ must be string
self.assertRaises(TypeError, object().__format__, 3)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, object().__format__, object())
self.assertRaises(TypeError, object().__format__, None)
# make sure we can take a subclass of str as a format spec
class DerivedFromStr(str): pass
self.assertEqual(format(0, DerivedFromStr('10')), ' 0')
def test_main(verbose=None):
test_classes = (BuiltinTest, TestSorted)
......@@ -854,6 +854,32 @@ class TestDate(HarmlessMixedComparison, unittest.TestCase):
# A naive object replaces %z and %Z w/ empty strings.
self.assertEqual(t.strftime("'%z' '%Z'"), "'' ''")
def test_format(self):
dt = self.theclass(2007, 9, 10)
self.assertEqual(dt.__format__(''), str(dt))
# check that a derived class's __str__() gets called
class A(self.theclass):
def __str__(self):
return 'A'
a = A(2007, 9, 10)
self.assertEqual(a.__format__(''), 'A')
# check that a derived class's strftime gets called
class B(self.theclass):
def strftime(self, format_spec):
return 'B'
b = B(2007, 9, 10)
self.assertEqual(b.__format__(''), str(dt))
for fmt in ["m:%m d:%d y:%y",
"m:%m d:%d y:%y H:%H M:%M S:%S",
"%z %Z",
self.assertEqual(dt.__format__(fmt), dt.strftime(fmt))
self.assertEqual(a.__format__(fmt), dt.strftime(fmt))
self.assertEqual(b.__format__(fmt), 'B')
def test_resolution_info(self):
self.assert_(isinstance(self.theclass.min, self.theclass))
self.assert_(isinstance(self.theclass.max, self.theclass))
......@@ -1136,6 +1162,32 @@ class TestDateTime(TestDate):
# str is ISO format with the separator forced to a blank.
self.assertEqual(str(t), "0002-03-02 00:00:00")
def test_format(self):
dt = self.theclass(2007, 9, 10, 4, 5, 1, 123)
self.assertEqual(dt.__format__(''), str(dt))
# check that a derived class's __str__() gets called
class A(self.theclass):
def __str__(self):
return 'A'
a = A(2007, 9, 10, 4, 5, 1, 123)
self.assertEqual(a.__format__(''), 'A')
# check that a derived class's strftime gets called
class B(self.theclass):
def strftime(self, format_spec):
return 'B'
b = B(2007, 9, 10, 4, 5, 1, 123)
self.assertEqual(b.__format__(''), str(dt))
for fmt in ["m:%m d:%d y:%y",
"m:%m d:%d y:%y H:%H M:%M S:%S",
"%z %Z",
self.assertEqual(dt.__format__(fmt), dt.strftime(fmt))
self.assertEqual(a.__format__(fmt), dt.strftime(fmt))
self.assertEqual(b.__format__(fmt), 'B')
def test_more_ctime(self):
# Test fields that TestDate doesn't touch.
import time
......@@ -1767,6 +1819,30 @@ class TestTime(HarmlessMixedComparison, unittest.TestCase):
# A naive object replaces %z and %Z with empty strings.
self.assertEqual(t.strftime("'%z' '%Z'"), "'' ''")
def test_format(self):
t = self.theclass(1, 2, 3, 4)
self.assertEqual(t.__format__(''), str(t))
# check that a derived class's __str__() gets called
class A(self.theclass):
def __str__(self):
return 'A'
a = A(1, 2, 3, 4)
self.assertEqual(a.__format__(''), 'A')
# check that a derived class's strftime gets called
class B(self.theclass):
def strftime(self, format_spec):
return 'B'
b = B(1, 2, 3, 4)
self.assertEqual(b.__format__(''), str(t))
for fmt in ['%H %M %S',
self.assertEqual(t.__format__(fmt), t.strftime(fmt))
self.assertEqual(a.__format__(fmt), t.strftime(fmt))
self.assertEqual(b.__format__(fmt), 'B')
def test_str(self):
self.assertEqual(str(self.theclass(1, 2, 3, 4)), "01:02:03.000004")
self.assertEqual(str(self.theclass(10, 2, 3, 4000)), "10:02:03.004000")
......@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ Instead, you can get the same information from the list type:
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -106,6 +106,92 @@ class ModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(string.capwords('ABC-DEF-GHI', '-'), 'Abc-Def-Ghi')
self.assertEqual(string.capwords('ABC-def DEF-ghi GHI'), 'Abc-def Def-ghi Ghi')
def test_formatter(self):
fmt = string.Formatter()
self.assertEqual(fmt.format("foo"), "foo")
self.assertEqual(fmt.format("foo{0}", "bar"), "foobar")
self.assertEqual(fmt.format("foo{1}{0}-{1}", "bar", 6), "foo6bar-6")
self.assertEqual(fmt.format("-{arg!r}-", arg='test'), "-'test'-")
# override get_value ############################################
class NamespaceFormatter(string.Formatter):
def __init__(self, namespace={}):
self.namespace = namespace
def get_value(self, key, args, kwds):
if isinstance(key, str):
# Check explicitly passed arguments first
return kwds[key]
except KeyError:
return self.namespace[key]
string.Formatter.get_value(key, args, kwds)
fmt = NamespaceFormatter({'greeting':'hello'})
self.assertEqual(fmt.format("{greeting}, world!"), 'hello, world!')
# override format_field #########################################
class CallFormatter(string.Formatter):
def format_field(self, value, format_spec):
return format(value(), format_spec)
fmt = CallFormatter()
self.assertEqual(fmt.format('*{0}*', lambda : 'result'), '*result*')
# override convert_field ########################################
class XFormatter(string.Formatter):
def convert_field(self, value, conversion):
if conversion == 'x':
return None
return super(XFormatter, self).convert_field(value, conversion)
fmt = XFormatter()
self.assertEqual(fmt.format("{0!r}:{0!x}", 'foo', 'foo'), "'foo':None")
# override parse ################################################
class BarFormatter(string.Formatter):
# returns an iterable that contains tuples of the form:
# (literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion)
def parse(self, format_string):
for field in format_string.split('|'):
if field[0] == '+':
# it's markup
field_name, _, format_spec = field[1:].partition(':')
yield '', field_name, format_spec, None
yield field, None, None, None
fmt = BarFormatter()
self.assertEqual(fmt.format('*|+0:^10s|*', 'foo'), '* foo *')
# test all parameters used
class CheckAllUsedFormatter(string.Formatter):
def check_unused_args(self, used_args, args, kwargs):
# Track which arguments actuallly got used
unused_args = set(kwargs.keys())
unused_args.update(range(0, len(args)))
for arg in used_args:
if unused_args:
raise ValueError("unused arguments")
fmt = CheckAllUsedFormatter()
self.assertEqual(fmt.format("{0}", 10), "10")
self.assertEqual(fmt.format("{0}{i}", 10, i=100), "10100")
self.assertEqual(fmt.format("{0}{i}{1}", 10, 20, i=100), "1010020")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, fmt.format, "{0}{i}{1}", 10, 20, i=100, j=0)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, fmt.format, "{0}", 10, 20)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, fmt.format, "{0}", 10, 20, i=100)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, fmt.format, "{i}", 10, 20, i=100)
class BytesAliasTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_builtin(self):
......@@ -266,6 +266,257 @@ class TypesTests(unittest.TestCase):
except TypeError: pass
else:"char buffer (at C level) not working")
def test_int__format__(self):
def test(i, format_spec, result):
# just make sure I'm not accidentally checking longs
assert type(i) == int
assert type(format_spec) == str
self.assertEqual(i.__format__(format_spec), result)
self.assertEqual(i.__format__(unicode(format_spec)), result)
test(123456789, 'd', '123456789')
test(123456789, 'd', '123456789')
test(1, 'c', '\01')
# sign and aligning are interdependent
test(1, "-", '1')
test(-1, "-", '-1')
test(1, "-3", ' 1')
test(-1, "-3", ' -1')
test(1, "+3", ' +1')
test(-1, "+3", ' -1')
test(1, " 3", ' 1')
test(-1, " 3", ' -1')
test(1, " ", ' 1')
test(-1, " ", '-1')
# hex
test(3, "x", "3")
test(3, "X", "3")
test(1234, "x", "4d2")
test(-1234, "x", "-4d2")
test(1234, "8x", " 4d2")
test(-1234, "8x", " -4d2")
test(1234, "x", "4d2")
test(-1234, "x", "-4d2")
test(-3, "x", "-3")
test(-3, "X", "-3")
test(int('be', 16), "x", "be")
test(int('be', 16), "X", "BE")
test(-int('be', 16), "x", "-be")
test(-int('be', 16), "X", "-BE")
# octal
test(3, "o", "3")
test(-3, "o", "-3")
test(65, "o", "101")
test(-65, "o", "-101")
test(1234, "o", "2322")
test(-1234, "o", "-2322")
test(1234, "-o", "2322")
test(-1234, "-o", "-2322")
test(1234, " o", " 2322")
test(-1234, " o", "-2322")
test(1234, "+o", "+2322")
test(-1234, "+o", "-2322")
# binary
test(3, "b", "11")
test(-3, "b", "-11")
test(1234, "b", "10011010010")
test(-1234, "b", "-10011010010")
test(1234, "-b", "10011010010")
test(-1234, "-b", "-10011010010")
test(1234, " b", " 10011010010")
test(-1234, " b", "-10011010010")
test(1234, "+b", "+10011010010")
test(-1234, "+b", "-10011010010")
# make sure these are errors
# precision disallowed
self.assertRaises(ValueError, 3 .__format__, "1.3")
# sign not allowed with 'c'
self.assertRaises(ValueError, 3 .__format__, "+c")
# format spec must be string
self.assertRaises(TypeError, 3 .__format__, None)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, 3 .__format__, 0)
# ensure that only int and float type specifiers work
for format_spec in ([chr(x) for x in range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)] +
[chr(x) for x in range(ord('A'), ord('Z')+1)]):
if not format_spec in 'bcdoxXeEfFgGn%':
self.assertRaises(ValueError, 0 .__format__, format_spec)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, 1 .__format__, format_spec)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, (-1) .__format__, format_spec)
# ensure that float type specifiers work; format converts
# the int to a float
for format_spec in 'eEfFgGn%':
for value in [0, 1, -1, 100, -100, 1234567890, -1234567890]:
def test_long__format__(self):
def test(i, format_spec, result):
# make sure we're not accidentally checking ints
assert type(i) == long
assert type(format_spec) == str
self.assertEqual(i.__format__(format_spec), result)
self.assertEqual(i.__format__(unicode(format_spec)), result)
test(10**100, 'd', '1' + '0' * 100)
test(10**100+100, 'd', '1' + '0' * 97 + '100')
test(123456789L, 'd', '123456789')
test(123456789L, 'd', '123456789')
# sign and aligning are interdependent
test(1L, "-", '1')
test(-1L, "-", '-1')
test(1L, "-3", ' 1')
test(-1L, "-3", ' -1')
test(1L, "+3", ' +1')
test(-1L, "+3", ' -1')
test(1L, " 3", ' 1')
test(-1L, " 3", ' -1')
test(1L, " ", ' 1')
test(-1L, " ", '-1')
test(1L, 'c', '\01')
# hex
test(3L, "x", "3")
test(3L, "X", "3")
test(1234L, "x", "4d2")
test(-1234L, "x", "-4d2")
test(1234L, "8x", " 4d2")
test(-1234L, "8x", " -4d2")
test(1234L, "x", "4d2")
test(-1234L, "x", "-4d2")
test(-3L, "x", "-3")
test(-3L, "X", "-3")
test(long('be', 16), "x", "be")
test(long('be', 16), "X", "BE")
test(-long('be', 16), "x", "-be")
test(-long('be', 16), "X", "-BE")
# octal
test(3L, "o", "3")
test(-3L, "o", "-3")
test(65L, "o", "101")
test(-65L, "o", "-101")
test(1234L, "o", "2322")
test(-1234L, "o", "-2322")
test(1234L, "-o", "2322")
test(-1234L, "-o", "-2322")
test(1234L, " o", " 2322")
test(-1234L, " o", "-2322")
test(1234L, "+o", "+2322")
test(-1234L, "+o", "-2322")
# binary
test(3L, "b", "11")
test(-3L, "b", "-11")
test(1234L, "b", "10011010010")
test(-1234L, "b", "-10011010010")
test(1234L, "-b", "10011010010")
test(-1234L, "-b", "-10011010010")
test(1234L, " b", " 10011010010")
test(-1234L, " b", "-10011010010")
test(1234L, "+b", "+10011010010")
test(-1234L, "+b", "-10011010010")
# make sure these are errors
# precision disallowed
self.assertRaises(ValueError, 3L .__format__, "1.3")
# sign not allowed with 'c'
self.assertRaises(ValueError, 3L .__format__, "+c")
# format spec must be string
self.assertRaises(TypeError, 3L .__format__, None)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, 3L .__format__, 0)
# ensure that only int and float type specifiers work
for format_spec in ([chr(x) for x in range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)] +
[chr(x) for x in range(ord('A'), ord('Z')+1)]):
if not format_spec in 'bcdoxXeEfFgGn%':
self.assertRaises(ValueError, 0L .__format__, format_spec)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, 1L .__format__, format_spec)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, (-1L) .__format__, format_spec)
# ensure that float type specifiers work; format converts
# the long to a float
for format_spec in 'eEfFgGn%':
for value in [0L, 1L, -1L, 100L, -100L, 1234567890L, -1234567890L]:
def test_float__format__(self):
# these should be rewritten to use both format(x, spec) and
# x.__format__(spec)
def test(f, format_spec, result):
assert type(f) == float
assert type(format_spec) == str
self.assertEqual(f.__format__(format_spec), result)
self.assertEqual(f.__format__(unicode(format_spec)), result)
test(0.0, 'f', '0.000000')
# the default is 'g', except for empty format spec
test(0.0, '', '0.0')
test(0.01, '', '0.01')
test(0.01, 'g', '0.01')
test( 1.0, ' g', ' 1')
test(-1.0, ' g', '-1')
test( 1.0, '+g', '+1')
test(-1.0, '+g', '-1')
test(1.1234e200, 'g', '1.1234e+200')
test(1.1234e200, 'G', '1.1234E+200')
test(1.0, 'f', '1.000000')
test(-1.0, 'f', '-1.000000')
test( 1.0, ' f', ' 1.000000')
test(-1.0, ' f', '-1.000000')
test( 1.0, '+f', '+1.000000')
test(-1.0, '+f', '-1.000000')
test(1.1234e200, 'f', '1.1234e+200')
test(1.1234e200, 'F', '1.1234e+200')
test( 1.0, 'e', '1.000000e+00')
test(-1.0, 'e', '-1.000000e+00')
test( 1.0, 'E', '1.000000E+00')
test(-1.0, 'E', '-1.000000E+00')
test(1.1234e20, 'e', '1.123400e+20')
test(1.1234e20, 'E', '1.123400E+20')
# % formatting
test(-1.0, '%', '-100.000000%')
# format spec must be string
self.assertRaises(TypeError, 3.0.__format__, None)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, 3.0.__format__, 0)
# other format specifiers shouldn't work on floats,
# in particular int specifiers
for format_spec in ([chr(x) for x in range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)] +
[chr(x) for x in range(ord('A'), ord('Z')+1)]):
if not format_spec in 'eEfFgGn%':
self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, 0.0, format_spec)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, 1.0, format_spec)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, -1.0, format_spec)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, 1e100, format_spec)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, -1e100, format_spec)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, 1e-100, format_spec)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, -1e-100, format_spec)
def test_main():
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -281,6 +281,8 @@ PYTHON_OBJS= \
Python/getopt.o \
Python/pystrcmp.o \
Python/pystrtod.o \
Python/formatter_unicode.o \
Python/formatter_string.o \
......@@ -515,6 +517,20 @@ Python/importdl.o: $(srcdir)/Python/importdl.c
Objects/unicodectype.o: $(srcdir)/Objects/unicodectype.c \
Objects/unicodeobject.o: $(srcdir)/Objects/unicodeobject.c \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/string_format.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/unicodedefs.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/fastsearch.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/count.h \
$(srcdir)/Objects/stringlib/find.h \
Python/formatter_unicode.o: $(srcdir)/Python/formatter_unicode.c \
Python/formatter_string.o: $(srcdir)/Python/formatter_string.c \
# Header files
......@@ -2469,6 +2469,32 @@ date_strftime(PyDateTime_Date *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kw)
return result;
static PyObject *
date_format(PyDateTime_Date *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *format;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:__format__", &format))
return NULL;
/* Check for str or unicode */
if (PyString_Check(format)) {
/* If format is zero length, return str(self) */
if (PyString_GET_SIZE(format) == 0)
return PyObject_Str((PyObject *)self);
} else if (PyUnicode_Check(format)) {
/* If format is zero length, return str(self) */
if (PyUnicode_GET_SIZE(format) == 0)
return PyObject_Unicode((PyObject *)self);
} else {
"__format__ expects str or unicode, not %.200s",
return NULL;
return PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "strftime", "O", format);
/* ISO methods. */
static PyObject *
......@@ -2633,6 +2659,9 @@ static PyMethodDef date_methods[] = {
{"strftime", (PyCFunction)date_strftime, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS,
PyDoc_STR("format -> strftime() style string.")},
{"__format__", (PyCFunction)date_format, METH_VARARGS,
PyDoc_STR("Formats self with strftime.")},
{"timetuple", (PyCFunction)date_timetuple, METH_NOARGS,
PyDoc_STR("Return time tuple, compatible with time.localtime().")},
......@@ -3418,6 +3447,9 @@ static PyMethodDef time_methods[] = {
{"strftime", (PyCFunction)time_strftime, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS,
PyDoc_STR("format -> strftime() style string.")},
{"__format__", (PyCFunction)date_format, METH_VARARGS,
PyDoc_STR("Formats self with strftime.")},
{"utcoffset", (PyCFunction)time_utcoffset, METH_NOARGS,
PyDoc_STR("Return self.tzinfo.utcoffset(self).")},
......@@ -348,6 +348,138 @@ int PyObject_AsWriteBuffer(PyObject *obj,
return 0;
PyObject *
PyObject_Format(PyObject* obj, PyObject *format_spec)
static PyObject * str__format__ = NULL;
PyObject *empty = NULL;
PyObject *result = NULL;
int spec_is_unicode;
int result_is_unicode;
/* Initialize cached value */
if (str__format__ == NULL) {
/* Initialize static variable needed by _PyType_Lookup */
str__format__ = PyString_InternFromString("__format__");
if (str__format__ == NULL)
goto done;
/* If no format_spec is provided, use an empty string */
if (format_spec == NULL) {
empty = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, 0);
format_spec = empty;
/* Check the format_spec type, and make sure it's str or unicode */
if (PyUnicode_Check(format_spec))
spec_is_unicode = 1;
else if (PyString_Check(format_spec))
spec_is_unicode = 0;
else {
"format expects arg 2 to be string "
"or unicode, not %.100s", Py_TYPE(format_spec)->tp_name);
goto done;
/* Make sure the type is initialized. float gets initialized late */
if (Py_TYPE(obj)->tp_dict == NULL)
if (PyType_Ready(Py_TYPE(obj)) < 0)
goto done;
/* Check for a __format__ method and call it. */
if (PyInstance_Check(obj)) {
/* We're an instance of a classic class */
PyObject *bound_method = PyObject_GetAttr(obj,
if (bound_method != NULL) {
result = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(bound_method,
} else {
PyObject *self_as_str;
PyObject *format_method;
/* Per the PEP, convert to str (or unicode,
depending on the type of the format
specifier). For new-style classes, this
logic is done by object.__format__(). */
if (spec_is_unicode)
self_as_str = PyObject_Unicode(obj);
self_as_str = PyObject_Str(obj);
if (self_as_str == NULL)
goto done;
/* Then call str.__format__ on that result */
format_method = PyObject_GetAttr(self_as_str,
if (format_method == NULL) {
goto done;
result = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(format_method,
if (result == NULL)
goto done;
} else {
/* Not an instance of a classic class, use the code
from py3k */
/* Find the (unbound!) __format__ method (a borrowed
reference) */
PyObject *method = _PyType_Lookup(Py_TYPE(obj),
if (method == NULL) {
"Type %.100s doesn't define __format__",
goto done;
/* And call it, binding it to the value */
result = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(method, obj,
format_spec, NULL);
if (result == NULL)
goto done;
/* Check the result type, and make sure it's str or unicode */
if (PyUnicode_Check(result))
result_is_unicode = 1;
else if (PyString_Check(result))
result_is_unicode = 0;
else {
"%.100s.__format__ must return string or "
"unicode, not %.100s", Py_TYPE(obj)->tp_name,
result = NULL;
goto done;
/* Convert to unicode, if needed. Required if spec is unicode
and result is str */
if (spec_is_unicode && !result_is_unicode) {
PyObject *tmp = PyObject_Unicode(result);
/* This logic works whether or not tmp is NULL */
result = tmp;
return result;
/* Operations on numbers */
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <ctype.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "formatter_string.h"
#if !defined(__STDC__)
extern double fmod(double, double);
......@@ -1434,6 +1435,46 @@ float_getzero(PyObject *v, void *closure)
return PyFloat_FromDouble(0.0);
static PyObject *
float__format__(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *format_spec;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:__format__", &format_spec))
return NULL;
if (PyString_Check(format_spec))
return string_float__format__(self, args);
if (PyUnicode_Check(format_spec)) {
/* Convert format_spec to a str */
PyObject *result = NULL;
PyObject *newargs = NULL;
PyObject *string_format_spec = NULL;
string_format_spec = PyObject_Str(format_spec);
if (string_format_spec == NULL)
goto done;
newargs = Py_BuildValue("(O)", string_format_spec);
if (newargs == NULL)
goto done;
result = string_float__format__(self, newargs);
return result;
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "__format__ requires str or unicode");
return NULL;
"float.__format__(format_spec) -> string\n"
"Formats the float according to format_spec.");
static PyMethodDef float_methods[] = {
{"conjugate", (PyCFunction)float_float, METH_NOARGS,
"Returns self, the complex conjugate of any float."},
......@@ -1446,6 +1487,8 @@ static PyMethodDef float_methods[] = {
METH_O|METH_CLASS, float_getformat_doc},
{"__setformat__", (PyCFunction)float_setformat,
METH_VARARGS|METH_CLASS, float_setformat_doc},
{"__format__", (PyCFunction)float__format__,
METH_VARARGS, float__format__doc},
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "Python.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "formatter_string.h"
static PyObject *int_int(PyIntObject *v);
......@@ -1108,12 +1109,47 @@ _PyInt_Format(PyIntObject *v, int base, int newstyle)
return PyString_FromStringAndSize(p, &buf[sizeof(buf)] - p);
static PyObject *
int__format__(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *format_spec;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:__format__", &format_spec))
return NULL;
if (PyString_Check(format_spec))
return string_int__format__(self, args);
if (PyUnicode_Check(format_spec)) {
/* Convert format_spec to a str */
PyObject *result = NULL;
PyObject *newargs = NULL;
PyObject *string_format_spec = NULL;
string_format_spec = PyObject_Str(format_spec);
if (string_format_spec == NULL)
goto done;
newargs = Py_BuildValue("(O)", string_format_spec);
if (newargs == NULL)
goto done;
result = string_int__format__(self, newargs);
return result;
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "__format__ requires str or unicode");
return NULL;
static PyMethodDef int_methods[] = {
{"conjugate", (PyCFunction)int_int, METH_NOARGS,
"Returns self, the complex conjugate of any int."},
{"__trunc__", (PyCFunction)int_int, METH_NOARGS,
"Truncating an Integral returns itself."},
{"__getnewargs__", (PyCFunction)int_getnewargs, METH_NOARGS},
{"__format__", (PyCFunction)int__format__, METH_VARARGS},
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "Python.h"
#include "longintrepr.h"
#include "formatter_string.h"
#include <ctype.h>
......@@ -3380,12 +3381,47 @@ long_getN(PyLongObject *v, void *context) {
return PyLong_FromLong((intptr_t)context);
static PyObject *
long__format__(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *format_spec;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:__format__", &format_spec))
return NULL;
if (PyString_Check(format_spec))
return string_long__format__(self, args);
if (PyUnicode_Check(format_spec)) {
/* Convert format_spec to a str */
PyObject *result = NULL;
PyObject *newargs = NULL;
PyObject *string_format_spec = NULL;
string_format_spec = PyObject_Str(format_spec);
if (string_format_spec == NULL)
goto done;
newargs = Py_BuildValue("(O)", string_format_spec);
if (newargs == NULL)
goto done;
result = string_long__format__(self, newargs);
return result;
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "__format__ requires str or unicode");
return NULL;
static PyMethodDef long_methods[] = {
{"conjugate", (PyCFunction)long_long, METH_NOARGS,
"Returns self, the complex conjugate of any long."},
{"__trunc__", (PyCFunction)long_long, METH_NOARGS,
"Truncating an Integral returns itself."},
{"__getnewargs__", (PyCFunction)long_getnewargs, METH_NOARGS},
{"__format__", (PyCFunction)long__format__, METH_VARARGS},
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
/* this is sort of a hack. there's at least one place (formatting
floats) where some stringlib code takes a different path if it's
compiled as unicode. */
#define STRINGLIB_OBJECT PyStringObject
#define STRINGLIB_CHAR char
#define STRINGLIB_TYPE_NAME "string"
#define STRINGLIB_EMPTY nullstring
#define STRINGLIB_ISDECIMAL(x) ((x >= '0') && (x <= '9'))
#define STRINGLIB_TODECIMAL(x) (STRINGLIB_ISDECIMAL(x) ? (x - '0') : -1)
#define STRINGLIB_TOUPPER toupper
#define STRINGLIB_TOLOWER tolower
#define STRINGLIB_FILL memset
#define STRINGLIB_NEW PyString_FromStringAndSize
#define STRINGLIB_RESIZE _PyString_Resize
#define STRINGLIB_CHECK PyString_Check
#define STRINGLIB_CMP memcmp
#define STRINGLIB_TOSTR PyObject_Str
/* this is sort of a hack. there's at least one place (formatting
floats) where some stringlib code takes a different path if it's
compiled as unicode. */
#define STRINGLIB_OBJECT PyUnicodeObject
#define STRINGLIB_TYPE_NAME "unicode"
#define STRINGLIB_EMPTY unicode_empty
#define STRINGLIB_NEW PyUnicode_FromUnicode
#define STRINGLIB_RESIZE PyUnicode_Resize
#define STRINGLIB_CHECK PyUnicode_Check
#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000
#define STRINGLIB_TOSTR PyObject_Unicode
#define STRINGLIB_TOSTR PyObject_Str
/* STRINGLIB_CMP was defined as:
STRINGLIB_CMP(const Py_UNICODE* str, const Py_UNICODE* other, Py_ssize_t len)
if (str[0] != other[0])
return 1;
return memcmp((void*) str, (void*) other, len * sizeof(Py_UNICODE));
but unfortunately that gives a error if the function isn't used in a file that
includes this file. So, reluctantly convert it to a macro instead. */
#define STRINGLIB_CMP(str, other, len) \
(((str)[0] != (other)[0]) ? \
1 : \
memcmp((void*) (str), (void*) (other), (len) * sizeof(Py_UNICODE)))
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
#include "Python.h"
#include "formatter_string.h"
#include <ctype.h>
......@@ -771,15 +773,7 @@ PyString_AsStringAndSize(register PyObject *obj,
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Methods */
#define STRINGLIB_CHAR char
#define STRINGLIB_CMP memcmp
#define STRINGLIB_NEW PyString_FromStringAndSize
#define STRINGLIB_EMPTY nullstring
#include "stringlib/stringdefs.h"
#include "stringlib/fastsearch.h"
#include "stringlib/count.h"
......@@ -3910,6 +3904,19 @@ string_getnewargs(PyStringObject *v)
return Py_BuildValue("(s#)", v->ob_sval, Py_SIZE(v));
#include "stringlib/string_format.h"
"S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> unicode\n\
"S.__format__(format_spec) -> unicode\n\
static PyMethodDef
string_methods[] = {
......@@ -3954,6 +3961,10 @@ string_methods[] = {
{"rjust", (PyCFunction)string_rjust, METH_VARARGS, rjust__doc__},
{"center", (PyCFunction)string_center, METH_VARARGS, center__doc__},
{"zfill", (PyCFunction)string_zfill, METH_VARARGS, zfill__doc__},
{"format", (PyCFunction) do_string_format, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, format__doc__},
{"__format__", (PyCFunction) string__format__, METH_VARARGS, p_format__doc__},
{"_formatter_field_name_split", (PyCFunction) formatter_field_name_split, METH_NOARGS},
{"_formatter_parser", (PyCFunction) formatter_parser, METH_NOARGS},
{"encode", (PyCFunction)string_encode, METH_VARARGS, encode__doc__},
{"decode", (PyCFunction)string_decode, METH_VARARGS, decode__doc__},
{"expandtabs", (PyCFunction)string_expandtabs, METH_VARARGS,
......@@ -3210,11 +3210,57 @@ object_reduce_ex(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
return _common_reduce(self, proto);
from PEP 3101, this code implements:
class object:
def __format__(self, format_spec):
if isinstance(format_spec, str):
return format(str(self), format_spec)
elif isinstance(format_spec, unicode):
return format(unicode(self), format_spec)
static PyObject *
object_format(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *format_spec;
PyObject *self_as_str = NULL;
PyObject *result = NULL;
PyObject *format_meth = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:__format__", &format_spec))
return NULL;
if (PyUnicode_Check(format_spec)) {
self_as_str = PyObject_Unicode(self);
} else if (PyString_Check(format_spec)) {
self_as_str = PyObject_Str(self);
} else {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "argument to __format__ must be unicode or str");
return NULL;
if (self_as_str != NULL) {
/* find the format function */
format_meth = PyObject_GetAttrString(self_as_str, "__format__");
if (format_meth != NULL) {
/* and call it */
result = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(format_meth, format_spec, NULL);
return result;
static PyMethodDef object_methods[] = {
{"__reduce_ex__", object_reduce_ex, METH_VARARGS,
PyDoc_STR("helper for pickle")},
{"__reduce__", object_reduce, METH_VARARGS,
PyDoc_STR("helper for pickle")},
{"__format__", object_format, METH_VARARGS,
PyDoc_STR("default object formatter")},
#include "Python.h"
#include "formatter_unicode.h"
#include "unicodeobject.h"
#include "ucnhash.h"
......@@ -5059,21 +5061,8 @@ int PyUnicode_EncodeDecimal(Py_UNICODE *s,
/* --- Helpers ------------------------------------------------------------ */
#define STRINGLIB_NEW PyUnicode_FromUnicode
STRINGLIB_CMP(const Py_UNICODE* str, const Py_UNICODE* other, Py_ssize_t len)
if (str[0] != other[0])
return 1;
return memcmp((void*) str, (void*) other, len * sizeof(Py_UNICODE));
#include "stringlib/unicodedefs.h"
#define STRINGLIB_EMPTY unicode_empty
#include "stringlib/fastsearch.h"
......@@ -7802,6 +7791,19 @@ unicode_endswith(PyUnicodeObject *self,
/* Implements do_string_format, which is unicode because of stringlib */
#include "stringlib/string_format.h"
"S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> unicode\n\
"S.__format__(format_spec) -> unicode\n\
static PyObject *
unicode_getnewargs(PyUnicodeObject *v)
......@@ -7855,6 +7857,10 @@ static PyMethodDef unicode_methods[] = {
{"isalpha", (PyCFunction) unicode_isalpha, METH_NOARGS, isalpha__doc__},
{"isalnum", (PyCFunction) unicode_isalnum, METH_NOARGS, isalnum__doc__},
{"zfill", (PyCFunction) unicode_zfill, METH_VARARGS, zfill__doc__},
{"format", (PyCFunction) do_string_format, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, format__doc__},
{"__format__", (PyCFunction) unicode__format__, METH_VARARGS, p_format__doc__},
{"_formatter_field_name_split", (PyCFunction) formatter_field_name_split, METH_NOARGS},
{"_formatter_parser", (PyCFunction) formatter_parser, METH_NOARGS},
#if 0
{"capwords", (PyCFunction) unicode_capwords, METH_NOARGS, capwords__doc__},
......@@ -338,6 +338,24 @@ PyDoc_STRVAR(filter_doc,
"function is None, return the items that are true. If sequence is a tuple\n"
"or string, return the same type, else return a list.");
static PyObject *
builtin_format(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *value;
PyObject *format_spec = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|O:format", &value, &format_spec))
return NULL;
return PyObject_Format(value, format_spec);
"format(value[, format_spec]) -> string\n\
Returns value.__format__(format_spec)\n\
format_spec defaults to \"\"");
static PyObject *
builtin_chr(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
......@@ -2359,6 +2377,7 @@ static PyMethodDef builtin_methods[] = {
{"eval", builtin_eval, METH_VARARGS, eval_doc},
{"execfile", builtin_execfile, METH_VARARGS, execfile_doc},
{"filter", builtin_filter, METH_VARARGS, filter_doc},
{"format", builtin_format, METH_VARARGS, format_doc},
{"getattr", builtin_getattr, METH_VARARGS, getattr_doc},
{"globals", (PyCFunction)builtin_globals, METH_NOARGS, globals_doc},
{"hasattr", builtin_hasattr, METH_VARARGS, hasattr_doc},
/* Implements the string (as opposed to unicode) version of the
built-in formatters for string, int, float. That is, the versions
of int.__float__, etc., that take and return string objects */
#include "Python.h"
#include "formatter_string.h"
#include "../Objects/stringlib/stringdefs.h"
#define FORMAT_STRING string__format__
#define FORMAT_LONG string_long__format__
#define FORMAT_INT string_int__format__
#define FORMAT_FLOAT string_float__format__
#include "../Objects/stringlib/formatter.h"
/* Implements the unicode (as opposed to string) version of the
built-in formatter for unicode. That is, unicode.__format__(). */
#include "Python.h"
#include "formatter_unicode.h"
#include "../Objects/stringlib/unicodedefs.h"
#define FORMAT_STRING unicode__format__
/* don't define FORMAT_LONG and FORMAT_FLOAT, since we can live
with only the string versions of those. The builtin format()
will convert them to unicode. */
#include "../Objects/stringlib/formatter.h"
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