Commit aef1283b authored by Christian Heimes's avatar Christian Heimes Committed by GitHub

bpo-32819: Simplify and improve ssl.match_hostname (#5620)

ssl.match_hostname() has been simplified and no longer depends on re and
ipaddress module for wildcard and IP addresses. Error reporting for invalid
wildcards has been improved.
Signed-off-by: default avatarChristian Heimes <>
parent c29c03a3
import ipaddress
import re
import sys
import os
from collections import namedtuple
......@@ -160,6 +158,7 @@ if sys.platform == "win32":
from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, create_connection
from socket import SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE
import socket as _socket
import base64 # for DER-to-PEM translation
import errno
import warnings
......@@ -183,55 +182,75 @@ CertificateError = SSLCertVerificationError
def _dnsname_match(dn, hostname):
"""Matching according to RFC 6125, section 6.4.3
- Hostnames are compared lower case.
- For IDNA, both dn and hostname must be encoded as IDN A-label (ACE).
- Partial wildcards like 'www*', multiple wildcards, sole
wildcard or wildcards in labels other then the left-most label are not
supported and a CertificateError is raised.
- A wildcard must match at least one character.
pats = []
if not dn:
return False
leftmost, *remainder = dn.split(r'.')
wildcards = dn.count('*')
# speed up common case w/o wildcards
if not wildcards:
return dn.lower() == hostname.lower()
if wildcards > 1:
raise CertificateError(
"too many wildcards in certificate DNS name: {!r}.".format(dn))
wildcards = leftmost.count('*')
if wildcards == 1 and len(leftmost) > 1:
dn_leftmost, sep, dn_remainder = dn.partition('.')
if '*' in dn_remainder:
# Only match wildcard in leftmost segment.
raise CertificateError(
"wildcard can only be present in the leftmost segment: " + repr(dn))
"wildcard can only be present in the leftmost label: "
if wildcards > 1:
# Issue #17980: avoid denials of service by refusing more
# than one wildcard per fragment. A survey of established
# policy among SSL implementations showed it to be a
# reasonable choice.
if not sep:
# no right side
raise CertificateError(
"too many wildcards in certificate DNS name: " + repr(dn))
"sole wildcard without additional labels are not support: "
# speed up common case w/o wildcards
if not wildcards:
return dn.lower() == hostname.lower()
if dn_leftmost != '*':
# no partial wildcard matching
raise CertificateError(
"partial wildcards in leftmost label are not supported: "
# RFC 6125, section 6.4.3, subitem 1.
# The client SHOULD NOT attempt to match a presented identifier in which
# the wildcard character comprises a label other than the left-most label.
if leftmost == '*':
# When '*' is a fragment by itself, it matches a non-empty dotless
# fragment.
elif leftmost.startswith('xn--') or hostname.startswith('xn--'):
# RFC 6125, section 6.4.3, subitem 3.
# The client SHOULD NOT attempt to match a presented identifier
# where the wildcard character is embedded within an A-label or
# U-label of an internationalized domain name.
# Otherwise, '*' matches any dotless string, e.g. www*
pats.append(re.escape(leftmost).replace(r'\*', '[^.]*'))
hostname_leftmost, sep, hostname_remainder = hostname.partition('.')
if not hostname_leftmost or not sep:
# wildcard must match at least one char
return False
return dn_remainder.lower() == hostname_remainder.lower()
# add the remaining fragments, ignore any wildcards
for frag in remainder:
pat = re.compile(r'\A' + r'\.'.join(pats) + r'\Z', re.IGNORECASE)
return pat.match(hostname)
def _inet_paton(ipname):
"""Try to convert an IP address to packed binary form
Supports IPv4 addresses on all platforms and IPv6 on platforms with IPv6
# inet_aton() also accepts strings like '1'
if ipname.count('.') == 3:
return _socket.inet_aton(ipname)
except OSError:
return _socket.inet_pton(_socket.AF_INET6, ipname)
except OSError:
raise ValueError("{!r} is neither an IPv4 nor an IP6 "
except AttributeError:
# AF_INET6 not available
raise ValueError("{!r} is not an IPv4 address.".format(ipname))
def _ipaddress_match(ipname, host_ip):
......@@ -241,14 +260,19 @@ def _ipaddress_match(ipname, host_ip):
(section 1.7.2 - "Out of Scope").
# OpenSSL may add a trailing newline to a subjectAltName's IP address
ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ipname.rstrip())
ip = _inet_paton(ipname.rstrip())
return ip == host_ip
def match_hostname(cert, hostname):
"""Verify that *cert* (in decoded format as returned by
SSLSocket.getpeercert()) matches the *hostname*. RFC 2818 and RFC 6125
rules are followed, but IP addresses are not accepted for *hostname*.
rules are followed.
The function matches IP addresses rather than dNSNames if hostname is a
valid ipaddress string. IPv4 addresses are supported on all platforms.
IPv6 addresses are supported on platforms with IPv6 support (AF_INET6
and inet_pton).
CertificateError is raised on failure. On success, the function
returns nothing.
......@@ -258,7 +282,7 @@ def match_hostname(cert, hostname):
"SSL socket or SSL context with either "
host_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(hostname)
host_ip = _inet_paton(hostname)
except ValueError:
# Not an IP address (common case)
host_ip = None
......@@ -622,8 +622,10 @@ class BasicSocketTests(unittest.TestCase):
fail(cert, '')
# -- IPv6 matching --
if hasattr(socket, 'AF_INET6'):
cert = {'subject': ((('commonName', ''),),),
'subjectAltName': (('DNS', ''),
'subjectAltName': (
('DNS', ''),
('IP Address', '2001:0:0:0:0:0:0:CAFE\n'),
('IP Address', '2003:0:0:0:0:0:0:BABA\n'))}
ok(cert, '2001::cafe')
......@@ -665,14 +667,45 @@ class BasicSocketTests(unittest.TestCase):
# Issue #17980: avoid denials of service by refusing more than one
# wildcard per fragment.
cert = {'subject': ((('commonName', 'a*'),),)}
fail(cert, '')
cert = {'subject': ((('commonName', 'a**'),),)}
fail(cert, '')
cert = {'subject': ((('commonName', 'a*b*.com'),),)}
with self.assertRaises(ssl.CertificateError) as cm:
ssl.match_hostname(cert, '')
self.assertIn("too many wildcards", str(cm.exception))
cert = {'subject': ((('commonName', 'a*'),),)}
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
"partial wildcards in leftmost label are not supported"):
ssl.match_hostname(cert, '')
cert = {'subject': ((('commonName', 'www.*'),),)}
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
"wildcard can only be present in the leftmost label"):
ssl.match_hostname(cert, '')
cert = {'subject': ((('commonName', 'a*b*'),),)}
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
"too many wildcards"):
ssl.match_hostname(cert, '')
cert = {'subject': ((('commonName', '*'),),)}
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
"sole wildcard without additional labels are not support"):
ssl.match_hostname(cert, 'host')
cert = {'subject': ((('commonName', '*.com'),),)}
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
r"hostname 'com' doesn't match '\*.com'"):
ssl.match_hostname(cert, 'com')
# extra checks for _inet_paton()
for invalid in ['1', '', '1.2.3', '', '']:
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
for ipaddr in ['', '']:
if hasattr(socket, 'AF_INET6'):
for ipaddr in ['::1', '2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334']:
def test_server_side(self):
# server_hostname doesn't work for server sockets
ssl.match_hostname() has been simplified and no longer depends on re and
ipaddress module for wildcard and IP addresses. Error reporting for invalid
wildcards has been improved.
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