Commit af410b51 authored by Georg Brandl's avatar Georg Brandl

bug [ 1234979 ] Lock.acquire treats only 1 as True

parent 8b687cf6
......@@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ Core and builtins
Extension Modules
- Bug #1234979: For the argument of thread.Lock.acquire, the Windows
implemented treated all integer values except 1 as false.
- Bug #1194181: bz2.BZ2File didn't handle mode 'U' correctly.
- Patch #1212117: os.stat().st_flags is now accessible as a attribute
......@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ int PyThread_acquire_lock(PyThread_type_lock aLock, int waitflag)
dprintf(("%ld: PyThread_acquire_lock(%p, %d) called\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident(),aLock, waitflag));
success = aLock && EnterNonRecursiveMutex((PNRMUTEX) aLock, (waitflag == 1 ? INFINITE : 0)) == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ;
success = aLock && EnterNonRecursiveMutex((PNRMUTEX) aLock, (waitflag ? INFINITE : 0)) == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ;
dprintf(("%ld: PyThread_acquire_lock(%p, %d) -> %d\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident(),aLock, waitflag, success));
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