Commit b1d060bf authored by Yury Selivanov's avatar Yury Selivanov

inspect: Fix getcallargs() to raise correct TypeError

... for missing keyword-only arguments. Patch by Jeremiah Lowin.
Closes #20816.
parent 00abf385
......@@ -1208,7 +1208,7 @@ def getcallargs(*func_and_positional, **named):
missing = 0
for kwarg in kwonlyargs:
if kwarg not in arg2value:
if kwarg in kwonlydefaults:
if kwonlydefaults and kwarg in kwonlydefaults:
arg2value[kwarg] = kwonlydefaults[kwarg]
missing += 1
......@@ -1206,6 +1206,14 @@ class TestGetcallargsFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqualException(f3, '1, 2')
self.assertEqualException(f3, '1, 2, a=1, b=2')
# issue #20816: getcallargs() fails to iterate over non-existent
# kwonlydefaults and raises a wrong TypeError
def f5(*, a): pass
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'missing 1 required keyword-only'):
class TestGetcallargsMethods(TestGetcallargsFunctions):
def setUp(self):
......@@ -83,6 +83,9 @@ Library
- Issue #19748: On AIX, time.mktime() now raises an OverflowError for year
outsize range [1902; 2037].
- Issue #20816: Fix inspect.getcallargs() to raise correct TypeError for
missing keyword-only arguments. Patch by Jeremiah Lowin.
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