Commit b30bb2bf authored by Martin v. Löwis's avatar Martin v. Löwis

Add 2.5 libraries.

parent 1a341ddd
......@@ -150,6 +150,22 @@ class Book:
# Library Doc list of books:
# each 'book' : (Dir, Title, First page, Content page, Index page)
supported_libraries = {
Book('.', 'Main page', 'index'),
Book('.', 'Global Module Index', 'modindex'),
Book('whatsnew', "What's New", 'index', 'contents'),
Book('lib','Library Reference','lib','contents','genindex'),
Book('ref','Language Reference','ref','contents','genindex'),
Book('mac','Macintosh Reference','mac','contents','genindex'),
Book('ext','Extending and Embedding','ext','contents'),
Book('api','Python/C API','api','contents','genindex'),
Book('doc','Documenting Python','doc','contents'),
Book('inst','Installing Python Modules', 'inst', 'index'),
Book('dist','Distributing Python Modules', 'dist', 'index', 'genindex'),
Book('.', 'Main page', 'index'),
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