Commit b8174073 authored by Jeremy Hylton's avatar Jeremy Hylton

flesh out __all__

remove debugging code in if __debug__:

add get_children() method on SymbolTable
parent c1823453
......@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ from _symtable import USE, DEF_GLOBAL, DEF_LOCAL, DEF_PARAM, \
import weakref
__all__ = ["symtable", "SymbolTable", "newSymbolTable"]
__all__ = ["symtable", "SymbolTable", "newSymbolTable", "Class",
"Function", "Symbol"]
def symtable(code, filename, compile_type):
raw = _symtable.symtable(code, filename, compile_type)
......@@ -117,6 +118,10 @@ class SymbolTable:
for st in self._table.children
if == name]
def get_children(self):
return [newSymbolTable(st, self._filename)
for st in self._table.children]
class Function(SymbolTable):
# Default values for instance variables
......@@ -236,19 +241,6 @@ class Symbol:
raise ValueError, "name is bound to multiple namespaces"
return self.__namespaces[0]
if __debug__:
class Foo:
version = 1
class Foo:
version = 2
class Foo:
version = 3
def execfunc(x):
exec x in y
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os, sys
src = open(sys.argv[0]).read()
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