Commit ba09633e authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

ANSI-fication of the sources.

parent 45cfbccc
......@@ -48,9 +48,7 @@ static PyStringObject *nullstring;
future these routines may try to do even more sharing of objects.
PyObject *
PyString_FromStringAndSize(str, size)
const char *str;
int size;
PyString_FromStringAndSize(const char *str, int size)
register PyStringObject *op;
......@@ -100,8 +98,7 @@ PyString_FromStringAndSize(str, size)
PyObject *
const char *str;
PyString_FromString(const char *str)
register size_t size = strlen(str);
register PyStringObject *op;
......@@ -247,15 +244,13 @@ PyObject *PyString_AsEncodedString(PyObject *str,
static void
PyObject *op;
string_dealloc(PyObject *op)
register PyObject *op;
PyString_Size(register PyObject *op)
if (!PyString_Check(op)) {
......@@ -265,8 +260,7 @@ PyString_Size(op)
/*const*/ char *
register PyObject *op;
PyString_AsString(register PyObject *op)
if (!PyString_Check(op)) {
......@@ -278,10 +272,7 @@ PyString_AsString(op)
/* Methods */
static int
string_print(op, fp, flags)
PyStringObject *op;
FILE *fp;
int flags;
string_print(PyStringObject *op, FILE *fp, int flags)
int i;
char c;
......@@ -312,8 +303,7 @@ string_print(op, fp, flags)
static PyObject *
register PyStringObject *op;
string_repr(register PyStringObject *op)
size_t newsize = 2 + 4 * op->ob_size * sizeof(char);
PyObject *v;
......@@ -359,16 +349,13 @@ string_repr(op)
static int
PyStringObject *a;
string_length(PyStringObject *a)
return a->ob_size;
static PyObject *
string_concat(a, bb)
register PyStringObject *a;
register PyObject *bb;
string_concat(register PyStringObject *a, register PyObject *bb)
register unsigned int size;
register PyStringObject *op;
......@@ -411,9 +398,7 @@ string_concat(a, bb)
static PyObject *
string_repeat(a, n)
register PyStringObject *a;
register int n;
string_repeat(register PyStringObject *a, register int n)
register int i;
register int size;
......@@ -446,9 +431,8 @@ string_repeat(a, n)
/* String slice a[i:j] consists of characters a[i] ... a[j-1] */
static PyObject *
string_slice(a, i, j)
register PyStringObject *a;
register int i, j; /* May be negative! */
string_slice(register PyStringObject *a, register int i, register int j)
/* j -- may be negative! */
if (i < 0)
i = 0;
......@@ -466,8 +450,7 @@ string_slice(a, i, j)
static int
string_contains(a, el)
PyObject *a, *el;
string_contains(PyObject *a, PyObject *el)
register char *s, *end;
register char c;
......@@ -489,9 +472,7 @@ PyObject *a, *el;
static PyObject *
string_item(a, i)
PyStringObject *a;
register int i;
string_item(PyStringObject *a, register int i)
int c;
PyObject *v;
......@@ -517,8 +498,7 @@ string_item(a, i)
static int
string_compare(a, b)
PyStringObject *a, *b;
string_compare(PyStringObject *a, PyStringObject *b)
int len_a = a->ob_size, len_b = b->ob_size;
int min_len = (len_a < len_b) ? len_a : len_b;
......@@ -534,8 +514,7 @@ string_compare(a, b)
static long
PyStringObject *a;
string_hash(PyStringObject *a)
register int len;
register unsigned char *p;
......@@ -565,10 +544,7 @@ string_hash(a)
static int
string_buffer_getreadbuf(self, index, ptr)
PyStringObject *self;
int index;
const void **ptr;
string_buffer_getreadbuf(PyStringObject *self, int index, const void **ptr)
if ( index != 0 ) {
......@@ -580,10 +556,7 @@ string_buffer_getreadbuf(self, index, ptr)
static int
string_buffer_getwritebuf(self, index, ptr)
PyStringObject *self;
int index;
const void **ptr;
string_buffer_getwritebuf(PyStringObject *self, int index, const void **ptr)
"Cannot use string as modifiable buffer");
......@@ -591,9 +564,7 @@ string_buffer_getwritebuf(self, index, ptr)
static int
string_buffer_getsegcount(self, lenp)
PyStringObject *self;
int *lenp;
string_buffer_getsegcount(PyStringObject *self, int *lenp)
if ( lenp )
*lenp = self->ob_size;
......@@ -601,10 +572,7 @@ string_buffer_getsegcount(self, lenp)
static int
string_buffer_getcharbuf(self, index, ptr)
PyStringObject *self;
int index;
const char **ptr;
string_buffer_getcharbuf(PyStringObject *self, int index, const char **ptr)
if ( index != 0 ) {
......@@ -641,10 +609,7 @@ static PyBufferProcs string_as_buffer = {
static PyObject *
split_whitespace(s, len, maxsplit)
char *s;
int len;
int maxsplit;
split_whitespace(char *s, int len, int maxsplit)
int i, j, err;
PyObject* item;
......@@ -699,9 +664,7 @@ splits are done. If sep is not specified, any whitespace string\n\
is a separator.";
static PyObject *
string_split(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_split(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
int len = PyString_GET_SIZE(self), n, i, j, err;
int maxsplit = -1;
......@@ -771,9 +734,7 @@ Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the\n\
sequence. The separator between elements is S.";
static PyObject *
string_join(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_join(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
char *sep = PyString_AS_STRING(self);
int seplen = PyString_GET_SIZE(self);
......@@ -896,10 +857,7 @@ string_join(self, args)
static long
string_find_internal(self, args, dir)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
int dir;
string_find_internal(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args, int dir)
const char *s = PyString_AS_STRING(self), *sub;
int len = PyString_GET_SIZE(self);
......@@ -961,9 +919,7 @@ arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.\n\
Return -1 on failure.";
static PyObject *
string_find(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_find(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
long result = string_find_internal(self, args, +1);
if (result == -2)
......@@ -978,9 +934,7 @@ static char index__doc__[] =
Like S.find() but raise ValueError when the substring is not found.";
static PyObject *
string_index(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_index(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
long result = string_find_internal(self, args, +1);
if (result == -2)
......@@ -1004,9 +958,7 @@ arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.\n\
Return -1 on failure.";
static PyObject *
string_rfind(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_rfind(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
long result = string_find_internal(self, args, -1);
if (result == -2)
......@@ -1021,9 +973,7 @@ static char rindex__doc__[] =
Like S.rfind() but raise ValueError when the substring is not found.";
static PyObject *
string_rindex(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_rindex(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
long result = string_find_internal(self, args, -1);
if (result == -2)
......@@ -1038,10 +988,7 @@ string_rindex(self, args)
static PyObject *
do_strip(self, args, striptype)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
int striptype;
do_strip(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args, int striptype)
char *s = PyString_AS_STRING(self);
int len = PyString_GET_SIZE(self), i, j;
......@@ -1080,9 +1027,7 @@ Return a copy of the string S with leading and trailing\n\
whitespace removed.";
static PyObject *
string_strip(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_strip(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
return do_strip(self, args, BOTHSTRIP);
......@@ -1094,9 +1039,7 @@ static char lstrip__doc__[] =
Return a copy of the string S with leading whitespace removed.";
static PyObject *
string_lstrip(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_lstrip(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
return do_strip(self, args, LEFTSTRIP);
......@@ -1108,9 +1051,7 @@ static char rstrip__doc__[] =
Return a copy of the string S with trailing whitespace removed.";
static PyObject *
string_rstrip(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_rstrip(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
return do_strip(self, args, RIGHTSTRIP);
......@@ -1122,9 +1063,7 @@ static char lower__doc__[] =
Return a copy of the string S converted to lowercase.";
static PyObject *
string_lower(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_lower(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
char *s = PyString_AS_STRING(self), *s_new;
int i, n = PyString_GET_SIZE(self);
......@@ -1154,9 +1093,7 @@ static char upper__doc__[] =
Return a copy of the string S converted to uppercase.";
static PyObject *
string_upper(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_upper(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
char *s = PyString_AS_STRING(self), *s_new;
int i, n = PyString_GET_SIZE(self);
......@@ -1224,9 +1161,7 @@ Return a copy of the string S with only its first character\n\
static PyObject *
string_capitalize(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_capitalize(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
char *s = PyString_AS_STRING(self), *s_new;
int i, n = PyString_GET_SIZE(self);
......@@ -1266,9 +1201,7 @@ S[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are\n\
interpreted as in slice notation.";
static PyObject *
string_count(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_count(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
const char *s = PyString_AS_STRING(self), *sub;
int len = PyString_GET_SIZE(self), n;
......@@ -1324,9 +1257,7 @@ Return a copy of the string S with uppercase characters\n\
converted to lowercase and vice versa.";
static PyObject *
string_swapcase(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_swapcase(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
char *s = PyString_AS_STRING(self), *s_new;
int i, n = PyString_GET_SIZE(self);
......@@ -1363,9 +1294,7 @@ remaining characters have been mapped through the given\n\
translation table, which must be a string of length 256.";
static PyObject *
string_translate(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_translate(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
register char *input, *output;
register const char *table;
......@@ -1483,11 +1412,7 @@ string_translate(self, args)
MEM, the function returns -1.
static int
mymemfind(mem, len, pat, pat_len)
char *mem;
int len;
char *pat;
int pat_len;
mymemfind(char *mem, int len, char *pat, int pat_len)
register int ii;
......@@ -1510,11 +1435,7 @@ mymemfind(mem, len, pat, pat_len)
mem=11111 and pat==11 also return 2.
static int
mymemcnt(mem, len, pat, pat_len)
char *mem;
int len;
char *pat;
int pat_len;
mymemcnt(char *mem, int len, char *pat, int pat_len)
register int offset = 0;
int nfound = 0;
......@@ -1550,16 +1471,11 @@ mymemcnt(mem, len, pat, pat_len)
NULL if an error occurred.
static char *
mymemreplace(str, len, pat, pat_len, sub, sub_len, count, out_len)
char *str;
int len; /* input string */
char *pat;
int pat_len; /* pattern string to find */
char *sub;
int sub_len; /* substitution string */
int count; /* number of replacements */
int *out_len;
mymemreplace(char *str, int len, /* input string */
char *pat, int pat_len, /* pattern string to find */
char *sub, int sub_len, /* substitution string */
int count, /* number of replacements */
int *out_len)
char *out_s;
char *new_s;
......@@ -1622,9 +1538,7 @@ old replaced by new. If the optional argument maxsplit is\n\
given, only the first maxsplit occurrences are replaced.";
static PyObject *
string_replace(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_replace(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
const char *str = PyString_AS_STRING(self), *sub, *repl;
char *new_s;
......@@ -1687,9 +1601,7 @@ optional start, test S beginning at that position. With optional end, stop\n\
comparing S at that position.";
static PyObject *
string_startswith(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_startswith(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
const char* str = PyString_AS_STRING(self);
int len = PyString_GET_SIZE(self);
......@@ -1741,9 +1653,7 @@ optional start, test S beginning at that position. With optional end, stop\n\
comparing S at that position.";
static PyObject *
string_endswith(self, args)
PyStringObject *self;
PyObject *args;
string_endswith(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
const char* str = PyString_AS_STRING(self);
int len = PyString_GET_SIZE(self);
......@@ -2013,7 +1923,8 @@ Return 1 if there are only whitespace characters in S,\n\
static PyObject*
string_isspace(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
register const unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) PyString_AS_STRING(self);
register const unsigned char *p
= (unsigned char *) PyString_AS_STRING(self);
register const unsigned char *e;
if (!PyArg_NoArgs(args))
......@@ -2046,7 +1957,8 @@ and there is at least one character in S, 0 otherwise.";
static PyObject*
string_isalpha(PyUnicodeObject *self, PyObject *args)
register const unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) PyString_AS_STRING(self);
register const unsigned char *p
= (unsigned char *) PyString_AS_STRING(self);
register const unsigned char *e;
if (!PyArg_NoArgs(args))
......@@ -2079,7 +1991,8 @@ and there is at least one character in S, 0 otherwise.";
static PyObject*
string_isalnum(PyUnicodeObject *self, PyObject *args)
register const unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) PyString_AS_STRING(self);
register const unsigned char *p
= (unsigned char *) PyString_AS_STRING(self);
register const unsigned char *e;
if (!PyArg_NoArgs(args))
......@@ -2112,7 +2025,8 @@ Return 1 if there are only digit characters in S,\n\
static PyObject*
string_isdigit(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
register const unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) PyString_AS_STRING(self);
register const unsigned char *p
= (unsigned char *) PyString_AS_STRING(self);
register const unsigned char *e;
if (!PyArg_NoArgs(args))
......@@ -2145,7 +2059,8 @@ at least one cased character in S, 0 otherwise.";
static PyObject*
string_islower(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
register const unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) PyString_AS_STRING(self);
register const unsigned char *p
= (unsigned char *) PyString_AS_STRING(self);
register const unsigned char *e;
int cased;
......@@ -2181,7 +2096,8 @@ at least one cased character in S, 0 otherwise.";
static PyObject*
string_isupper(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
register const unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) PyString_AS_STRING(self);
register const unsigned char *p
= (unsigned char *) PyString_AS_STRING(self);
register const unsigned char *e;
int cased;
......@@ -2218,7 +2134,8 @@ ones. Return 0 otherwise.";
static PyObject*
string_istitle(PyStringObject *self, PyObject *args)
register const unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) PyString_AS_STRING(self);
register const unsigned char *p
= (unsigned char *) PyString_AS_STRING(self);
register const unsigned char *e;
int cased, previous_is_cased;
......@@ -2375,9 +2292,7 @@ string_methods[] = {
static PyObject *
string_getattr(s, name)
PyStringObject *s;
char *name;
string_getattr(PyStringObject *s, char *name)
return Py_FindMethod(string_methods, (PyObject*)s, name);
......@@ -2409,9 +2324,7 @@ PyTypeObject PyString_Type = {
PyString_Concat(pv, w)
register PyObject **pv;
register PyObject *w;
PyString_Concat(register PyObject **pv, register PyObject *w)
register PyObject *v;
if (*pv == NULL)
......@@ -2427,9 +2340,7 @@ PyString_Concat(pv, w)
PyString_ConcatAndDel(pv, w)
register PyObject **pv;
register PyObject *w;
PyString_ConcatAndDel(register PyObject **pv, register PyObject *w)
PyString_Concat(pv, w);
......@@ -2444,9 +2355,7 @@ PyString_ConcatAndDel(pv, w)
already be known to some other part of the code... */
_PyString_Resize(pv, newsize)
PyObject **pv;
int newsize;
_PyString_Resize(PyObject **pv, int newsize)
register PyObject *v;
register PyStringObject *sv;
......@@ -2480,10 +2389,7 @@ _PyString_Resize(pv, newsize)
/* Helpers for formatstring */
static PyObject *
getnextarg(args, arglen, p_argidx)
PyObject *args;
int arglen;
int *p_argidx;
getnextarg(PyObject *args, int arglen, int *p_argidx)
int argidx = *p_argidx;
if (argidx < arglen) {
......@@ -2505,13 +2411,8 @@ getnextarg(args, arglen, p_argidx)
#define F_ZERO (1<<4)
static int
formatfloat(buf, buflen, flags, prec, type, v)
char *buf;
size_t buflen;
int flags;
int prec;
int type;
PyObject *v;
formatfloat(char *buf, size_t buflen, int flags,
int prec, int type, PyObject *v)
/* fmt = '%#.' + `prec` + `type`
worst case length = 3 + 10 (len of INT_MAX) + 1 = 14 (use 20)*/
......@@ -2541,13 +2442,8 @@ formatfloat(buf, buflen, flags, prec, type, v)
static int
formatint(buf, buflen, flags, prec, type, v)
char *buf;
size_t buflen;
int flags;
int prec;
int type;
PyObject *v;
formatint(char *buf, size_t buflen, int flags,
int prec, int type, PyObject *v)
/* fmt = '%#.' + `prec` + 'l' + `type`
worst case length = 3 + 10 (len of INT_MAX) + 1 + 1 = 15 (use 20)*/
......@@ -2570,10 +2466,7 @@ formatint(buf, buflen, flags, prec, type, v)
static int
formatchar(buf, buflen, v)
char *buf;
size_t buflen;
PyObject *v;
formatchar(char *buf, size_t buflen, PyObject *v)
/* presume that the buffer is at least 2 characters long */
if (PyString_Check(v)) {
......@@ -2600,9 +2493,7 @@ formatchar(buf, buflen, v)
#define FORMATBUFLEN (size_t)120
PyObject *
PyString_Format(format, args)
PyObject *format;
PyObject *args;
PyString_Format(PyObject *format, PyObject *args)
char *fmt, *res;
int fmtcnt, rescnt, reslen, arglen, argidx;
......@@ -3001,8 +2892,7 @@ PyString_Format(format, args)
static PyObject *interned;
PyObject **p;
PyString_InternInPlace(PyObject **p)
register PyStringObject *s = (PyStringObject *)(*p);
PyObject *t;
......@@ -3037,8 +2927,7 @@ PyString_InternInPlace(p)
PyObject *
const char *cp;
PyString_InternFromString(const char *cp)
PyObject *s = PyString_FromString(cp);
if (s == NULL)
......@@ -3050,7 +2939,7 @@ PyString_InternFromString(cp)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < UCHAR_MAX + 1; i++) {
......@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ int tuple_zero_allocs;
PyObject *
register int size;
PyTuple_New(register int size)
register int i;
register PyTupleObject *op;
......@@ -99,8 +98,7 @@ PyTuple_New(size)
register PyObject *op;
PyTuple_Size(register PyObject *op)
if (!PyTuple_Check(op)) {
......@@ -111,9 +109,7 @@ PyTuple_Size(op)
PyObject *
PyTuple_GetItem(op, i)
register PyObject *op;
register int i;
PyTuple_GetItem(register PyObject *op, register int i)
if (!PyTuple_Check(op)) {
......@@ -127,10 +123,7 @@ PyTuple_GetItem(op, i)
PyTuple_SetItem(op, i, newitem)
register PyObject *op;
register int i;
PyObject *newitem;
PyTuple_SetItem(register PyObject *op, register int i, PyObject *newitem)
register PyObject *olditem;
register PyObject **p;
......@@ -155,8 +148,7 @@ PyTuple_SetItem(op, i, newitem)
/* Methods */
static void
register PyTupleObject *op;
tupledealloc(register PyTupleObject *op)
register int i;
register int len = op->ob_size;
......@@ -182,10 +174,7 @@ done:
static int
tupleprint(op, fp, flags)
PyTupleObject *op;
FILE *fp;
int flags;
tupleprint(PyTupleObject *op, FILE *fp, int flags)
int i;
fprintf(fp, "(");
......@@ -202,8 +191,7 @@ tupleprint(op, fp, flags)
static PyObject *
PyTupleObject *v;
tuplerepr(PyTupleObject *v)
PyObject *s, *comma;
int i;
......@@ -222,8 +210,7 @@ tuplerepr(v)
static int
tuplecompare(v, w)
register PyTupleObject *v, *w;
tuplecompare(register PyTupleObject *v, register PyTupleObject *w)
register int len =
(v->ob_size < w->ob_size) ? v->ob_size : w->ob_size;
......@@ -237,8 +224,7 @@ tuplecompare(v, w)
static long
PyTupleObject *v;
tuplehash(PyTupleObject *v)
register long x, y;
register int len = v->ob_size;
......@@ -258,16 +244,13 @@ tuplehash(v)
static int
PyTupleObject *a;
tuplelength(PyTupleObject *a)
return a->ob_size;
static int
tuplecontains(a, el)
PyTupleObject *a;
PyObject *el;
tuplecontains(PyTupleObject *a, PyObject *el)
int i, cmp;
......@@ -282,9 +265,7 @@ tuplecontains(a, el)
static PyObject *
tupleitem(a, i)
register PyTupleObject *a;
register int i;
tupleitem(register PyTupleObject *a, register int i)
if (i < 0 || i >= a->ob_size) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "tuple index out of range");
......@@ -295,9 +276,7 @@ tupleitem(a, i)
static PyObject *
tupleslice(a, ilow, ihigh)
register PyTupleObject *a;
register int ilow, ihigh;
tupleslice(register PyTupleObject *a, register int ilow, register int ihigh)
register PyTupleObject *np;
register int i;
......@@ -324,9 +303,7 @@ tupleslice(a, ilow, ihigh)
PyObject *
PyTuple_GetSlice(op, i, j)
PyObject *op;
int i, j;
PyTuple_GetSlice(PyObject *op, int i, int j)
if (op == NULL || !PyTuple_Check(op)) {
......@@ -336,9 +313,7 @@ PyTuple_GetSlice(op, i, j)
static PyObject *
tupleconcat(a, bb)
register PyTupleObject *a;
register PyObject *bb;
tupleconcat(register PyTupleObject *a, register PyObject *bb)
register int size;
register int i;
......@@ -370,9 +345,7 @@ tupleconcat(a, bb)
static PyObject *
tuplerepeat(a, n)
PyTupleObject *a;
int n;
tuplerepeat(PyTupleObject *a, int n)
int i, j;
int size;
......@@ -467,10 +440,7 @@ PyTypeObject PyTuple_Type = {
front, otherwise it will grow or shrink at the end. */
_PyTuple_Resize(pv, newsize, last_is_sticky)
PyObject **pv;
int newsize;
int last_is_sticky;
_PyTuple_Resize(PyObject **pv, int newsize, int last_is_sticky)
register PyTupleObject *v;
register PyTupleObject *sv;
......@@ -582,7 +552,7 @@ _PyTuple_Resize(pv, newsize, last_is_sticky)
int i;
......@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ staticforward PyTypeObject Xxtype;
#define is_xxobject(v) ((v)->ob_type == &Xxtype)
static xxobject *
PyObject *arg;
newxxobject(PyObject *arg)
xxobject *xp;
xp = PyObject_NEW(xxobject, &Xxtype);
......@@ -46,33 +45,28 @@ newxxobject(arg)
/* Xx methods */
static void
xxobject *xp;
xx_dealloc(xxobject *xp)
static PyObject *
xx_demo(self, args)
xxobject *self;
PyObject *args;
xx_demo(xxobject *self, PyObject *args)
if (!PyArg_NoArgs(args))
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":demo"))
return NULL;
return Py_None;
static PyMethodDef xx_methods[] = {
{"demo", (PyCFunction)xx_demo},
{"demo", (PyCFunction)xx_demo, METH_VARARGS},
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
static PyObject *
xx_getattr(xp, name)
xxobject *xp;
char *name;
xx_getattr(xxobject *xp, char *name)
if (xp->x_attr != NULL) {
PyObject *v = PyDict_GetItemString(xp->x_attr, name);
......@@ -85,10 +79,7 @@ xx_getattr(xp, name)
static int
xx_setattr(xp, name, v)
xxobject *xp;
char *name;
PyObject *v;
xx_setattr(xxobject *xp, char *name, PyObject *v)
if (xp->x_attr == NULL) {
xp->x_attr = PyDict_New();
......@@ -99,7 +90,7 @@ xx_setattr(xp, name, v)
int rv = PyDict_DelItemString(xp->x_attr, name);
if (rv < 0)
"delete non-existing xx attribute");
"delete non-existing xx attribute");
return rv;
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