Commit ba78bc4a authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

printlist(): Replaced the guts with a call to textwrap. Yay!

parent 8b7f131f
......@@ -464,21 +464,10 @@ def printlist(x, width=70, indent=4):
begin each line.
line = ' ' * indent
for one in map(str, x):
w = len(line) + len(one)
if line[-1:] == ' ':
pad = ''
pad = ' '
w += 1
if w > width:
print line
line = ' ' * indent + one
line += pad + one
if len(line) > indent:
print line
from textwrap import fill
blanks = ' ' * indent
print fill(' '.join(map(str, x)), width,
initial_indent=blanks, subsequent_indent=blanks)
class _Set:
def __init__(self, seq=[]):
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