Commit baf06034 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

New version, with contributions from Sjoerd Mullender and Mark Hammond.

Sjoerd writes:

This version of freeze creates one file per Python module, instead of
one humongous file for all Python modules.
bkfile: new module to used to write files with backups.  No new file
is produced if the new contents is identical to the old.
New option "-x excluded-module" for modulefinder test program.
New option "-i filename" for freeze main program to include a list of
options in place of the -i option.
parent 6c74fea0
......@@ -77,10 +77,12 @@ such as /usr/joe/python/Tools/freeze/
What do I do next?
Freeze creates three files: frozen.c, config.c and Makefile. To
produce the frozen version of your program, you can simply type
"make". This should produce a binary file. If the filename argument
to Freeze was "", the binary will be called "hello".
Freeze creates a number of files: frozen.c, config.c and Makefile,
plus one file for each Python module that gets included named
M_<module>.c. To produce the frozen version of your program, you can
simply type "make". This should produce a binary file. If the
filename argument to Freeze was "", the binary will be called
Note: you can use the -o option to freeze to specify an alternative
directory where these files are created. This makes it easier to
_orig_open = open
class _BkFile:
def __init__(self, file, mode, bufsize):
import os
self.__filename = file
self.__backup = file + '~'
except os.error:
os.rename(file, self.__backup)
except os.error:
self.__backup = None
self.__file = _orig_open(file, mode, bufsize)
self.closed = self.__file.closed
self.fileno = self.__file.fileno
self.flush = self.__file.flush
self.isatty = self.__file.isatty
self.mode = self.__file.mode = =
self.readinto = self.__file.readinto
self.readline = self.__file.readline
self.readlines = self.__file.readlines =
self.softspace = self.__file.softspace
self.tell = self.__file.tell
self.truncate = self.__file.truncate
self.write = self.__file.write
self.writelines = self.__file.writelines
def close(self):
if self.__backup is None:
import cmp
# don't use cmp.cmp because of NFS bugs :-( and
# anyway, the stat mtime values differ so do_cmp will
# most likely be called anyway
if cmp.do_cmp(self.__backup, self.__filename):
import os
os.rename(self.__backup, self.__filename)
def open(file, mode = 'r', bufsize = -1):
if 'w' not in mode:
return _orig_open(file, mode, bufsize)
return _BkFile(file, mode, bufsize)
......@@ -9,11 +9,13 @@ options anyway (eg, to enable or disable specific functionality)
So my basic stragtegy is:
* Have a Windows INI file which "describes" an extension module.
* Have some Windows INI files which "describe" one or more extension modules.
(Freeze comes with a default one for all known modules - but you can specify
your own).
* This description can include:
- The MSVC .dsp file for the extension. The .c source file names
are extraced from there.
- Specific compiler options
- Specific compiler/linker options
- Flag to indicate if Unicode compilation is expected.
At the moment the name and location of this INI file is hardcoded,
......@@ -52,31 +54,52 @@ class CExtension:
def GetLinkerLibs(self):
return self.linkerLibs
def checkextensions(unknown, ignored):
def checkextensions(unknown, extra_inis):
# Create a table of frozen extensions
mapFileName = os.path.join( os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0], "extensions_win32.ini")
defaultMapName = os.path.join( os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0], "extensions_win32.ini")
if not os.path.isfile(defaultMapName):
sys.stderr.write("WARNING: %s can not be found - standard extensions may not be found" % mapFileName)
# must go on end, so other inis can override.
ret = []
for mod in unknown:
defn = get_extension_defn( mod, mapFileName )
for ini in extra_inis:
# print "Looking for", mod, "in", win32api.GetFullPathName(ini),"...",
defn = get_extension_defn( mod, ini )
if defn is not None:
# print "Yay - found it!"
ret.append( defn )
# print "Nope!"
else: # For not broken!
sys.stderr.write("No definition of module %s in any specified map file.\n" % (mod))
return ret
def get_extension_defn(moduleName, mapFileName):
if win32api is None: return None
dsp = win32api.GetProfileVal(moduleName, "dsp", "", mapFileName)
if dsp=="":
sys.stderr.write("No definition of module %s in map file '%s'\n" % (moduleName, mapFileName))
return None
# We allow environment variables in the file name
dsp = win32api.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(dsp)
# If the path to the .DSP file is not absolute, assume it is relative
# to the description file.
if not os.path.isabs(dsp):
dsp = os.path.join( os.path.split(mapFileName)[0], dsp)
# Parse it to extract the source files.
sourceFiles = parse_dsp(dsp)
if sourceFiles is None:
return None
module = CExtension(moduleName, sourceFiles)
# Put the path to the DSP into the environment so entries can reference it.
os.environ['dsp_path'] = os.path.split(dsp)[0]
os.environ['ini_path'] = os.path.split(mapFileName)[0]
cl_options = win32api.GetProfileVal(moduleName, "cl", "", mapFileName)
if cl_options:
......@@ -90,7 +113,7 @@ def get_extension_defn(moduleName, mapFileName):
libs = string.split(win32api.GetProfileVal(moduleName, "libs", "", mapFileName))
for lib in libs:
for exc in exclude:
if exc in module.sourceFiles:
......@@ -112,6 +112,6 @@ Unicode = 1
; Pythonwin
cl=/I %PYTHONEX%\win32\src
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
usage: freeze [options...] script [module]...
-p prefix: This is the prefix used when you ran ``make install''
in the Python build directory.
(If you never ran this, freeze won't work.)
......@@ -22,6 +21,8 @@ Options:
-e extension: A directory containing additional .o files that
may be used to resolve modules. This directory
should also have a Setup file describing the .o files.
On Windows, the name of a .INI file describing one
or more extensions is passed.
More than one -e option may be given.
-o dir: Directory where the output files are created; default '.'.
......@@ -41,15 +42,20 @@ Options:
-h: Print this help message.
-w: Toggle Windows (NT or 95) behavior.
(For debugging only -- on a win32 platform, win32 behaviour
is automatic.)
-x module Exclude the specified module.
-i filename: Include a file with additional command line options. Used
to prevent command lines growing beyond the capabilities of
the shell/OS. All arguments specified in filename
are read and the -i option replaced with the parsed
params (note - quoting args in this file is NOT supported)
-s subsystem: Specify the subsystem (For Windows only.);
'console' (default), 'windows', 'service' or 'com_dll'
-w: Toggle Windows (NT or 95) behavior.
(For debugging only -- on a win32 platform, win32 behaviour
is automatic.)
......@@ -87,6 +93,7 @@ import makeconfig
import makefreeze
import makemakefile
import parsesetup
import bkfile
# Main program
......@@ -105,8 +112,8 @@ def main():
win = sys.platform[:3] == 'win'
# default the exclude list for each platform
## if win: exclude = exclude + [
## 'dos', 'dospath', 'mac', 'macpath', 'MACFS', 'posix', 'os2']
if win: exclude = exclude + [
'dos', 'dospath', 'mac', 'macpath', 'macfs', 'MACFS', 'posix', 'os2']
# modules that are imported by the Python runtime
implicits = ["site", "exceptions"]
......@@ -118,7 +125,20 @@ def main():
makefile = 'Makefile'
subsystem = 'console'
# parse command line
# parse command line by first replacing any "-i" options with the file contents.
pos = 1
while pos < len(sys.argv)-1: # last option can not be "-i", so this ensures "pos+1" is in range!
if sys.argv[pos] == '-i':
options = string.split(open(sys.argv[pos+1]).read())
except IOError, why:
usage("File name '%s' specified with the -i option can not be read - %s" % (sys.argv[pos+1], why) )
# Replace the '-i' and the filename with the read params.
sys.argv[pos:pos+2] = options
pos = pos + len(options) - 1 # Skip the name and the included args.
pos = pos + 1
# Now parse the command line with the extras inserted.
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'a:de:hmo:p:P:qs:wx:l:')
except getopt.error, msg:
......@@ -197,13 +217,15 @@ def main():
includes = ['-I' + incldir, '-I' + config_h_dir]
# sanity check of directories and files
for dir in [prefix, exec_prefix, binlib, incldir] + extensions:
check_dirs = [prefix, exec_prefix, binlib, incldir]
if not win: check_dirs = check_dirs + extensions # These are not directories on Windows.
for dir in check_dirs:
if not os.path.exists(dir):
usage('needed directory %s not found' % dir)
if not os.path.isdir(dir):
usage('%s: not a directory' % dir)
if win:
files = supp_sources
files = supp_sources + extensions # extensions are files on Windows.
files = [config_c_in, makefile_in] + supp_sources
for file in supp_sources:
......@@ -260,7 +282,9 @@ def main():
print "Created output directory", odir
except os.error, msg:
usage('%s: mkdir failed (%s)' % (odir, str(msg)))
base = ''
if odir:
base = os.path.join(odir, '')
frozen_c = os.path.join(odir, frozen_c)
config_c = os.path.join(odir, config_c)
target = os.path.join(odir, target)
......@@ -323,21 +347,7 @@ def main():
dict = mf.modules
# generate output for frozen modules
backup = frozen_c + '~'
os.rename(frozen_c, backup)
except os.error:
backup = None
outfp = open(frozen_c, 'w')
makefreeze.makefreeze(outfp, dict, debug, custom_entry_point)
if backup:
if cmp.cmp(backup, frozen_c):
sys.stderr.write('%s not changed, not written\n' % frozen_c)
os.rename(backup, frozen_c)
files = makefreeze.makefreeze(base, dict, debug, custom_entry_point)
# look for unfrozen modules (builtin and of unknown origin)
builtins = []
......@@ -387,7 +397,7 @@ def main():
# Create a module definition for the bootstrap C code.
xtras = [frozenmain_c, os.path.basename(frozen_c),
frozendllmain_c, extensions_c]
frozendllmain_c, extensions_c] + files
maindefn = checkextensions_win32.CExtension( '__main__', xtras )
frozen_extensions.append( maindefn )
outfp = open(makefile, 'w')
......@@ -403,22 +413,12 @@ def main():
# generate config.c and Makefile
infp = open(config_c_in)
backup = config_c + '~'
os.rename(config_c, backup)
except os.error:
backup = None
outfp = open(config_c, 'w')
outfp =, 'w')
makeconfig.makeconfig(infp, outfp, builtins)
if backup:
if cmp.cmp(backup, config_c):
sys.stderr.write('%s not changed, not written\n' % config_c)
os.rename(backup, config_c)
cflags = defines + includes + ['$(OPT)']
libs = [os.path.join(binlib, 'libpython$(VERSION).a')]
......@@ -431,31 +431,14 @@ def main():
somevars['CFLAGS'] = string.join(cflags) # override
files = ['$(OPT)', '$(LDFLAGS)', base_config_c, base_frozen_c] + \
supp_sources + addfiles + libs + \
files + supp_sources + addfiles + libs + \
['$(MODLIBS)', '$(LIBS)', '$(SYSLIBS)']
backup = makefile + '~'
if os.path.exists(makefile):
except os.error:
os.rename(makefile, backup)
except os.error:
backup = None
outfp = open(makefile, 'w')
outfp =, 'w')
makemakefile.makemakefile(outfp, somevars, files, base_target)
if backup:
if not cmp.cmp(backup, makefile):
print 'previous Makefile saved as', backup
sys.stderr.write('%s not changed, not written\n' % makefile)
os.rename(backup, makefile)
# Done!
import marshal
import string
import bkfile
# Write a file containing frozen code for the modules in the dictionary.
......@@ -30,15 +31,19 @@ main(argc, argv)
def makefreeze(outfp, dict, debug=0, entry_point = None):
def makefreeze(base, dict, debug=0, entry_point = None):
if entry_point is None: entry_point = default_entry_point
done = []
files = []
mods = dict.keys()
for mod in mods:
m = dict[mod]
mangled = string.join(string.split(mod, "."), "__")
if m.__code__:
file = 'M_' + mangled + '.c'
outfp = + file, 'w')
if debug:
print "freezing", mod, "..."
str = marshal.dumps(m.__code__)
......@@ -48,13 +53,19 @@ def makefreeze(outfp, dict, debug=0, entry_point = None):
size = -size
done.append((mod, mangled, size))
writecode(outfp, mangled, str)
if debug:
print "generating table of frozen modules"
outfp = + 'frozen.c', 'w')
for mod, mangled, size in done:
outfp.write('extern unsigned char M_%s[];\n' % mangled)
for mod, mangled, size in done:
outfp.write('\t{"%s", M_%s, %d},\n' % (mod, mangled, size))
return files
......@@ -62,9 +73,13 @@ def makefreeze(outfp, dict, debug=0, entry_point = None):
# The array is called M_<mod>.
def writecode(outfp, mod, str):
outfp.write('static unsigned char M_%s[] = {' % mod)
outfp.write('unsigned char M_%s[] = {' % mod)
for i in range(0, len(str), 16):
for c in str[i:i+16]:
outfp.write('%d,' % ord(c))
## def writecode(outfp, mod, str):
## outfp.write('unsigned char M_%s[%d] = "%s";\n' % (mod, len(str),
## string.join(map(lambda s: `s`[1:-1], string.split(str, '"')), '\\"')))
......@@ -359,6 +359,8 @@ class ModuleFinder:
keys = self.badmodules.keys()
for key in keys:
# ... but not if they were explicitely excluded.
if key not in self.excludes:
print "?", key
......@@ -366,7 +368,7 @@ def test():
# Parse command line
import getopt
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "dmp:q")
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "dmp:qx:")
except getopt.error, msg:
print msg
......@@ -375,6 +377,7 @@ def test():
debug = 1
domods = 0
addpath = []
exclude = []
for o, a in opts:
if o == '-d':
debug = debug + 1
......@@ -384,6 +387,8 @@ def test():
addpath = addpath + string.split(a, os.pathsep)
if o == '-q':
debug = 0
if o == '-x':
# Provide default arguments
if not args:
......@@ -401,7 +406,7 @@ def test():
print " ", `item`
# Create the module finder and turn its crank
mf = ModuleFinder(path, debug)
mf = ModuleFinder(path, debug, exclude)
for arg in args[1:]:
if arg == '-m':
domods = 1
......@@ -50,13 +50,29 @@ def makemakefile(outfp, vars, files, target):
sys.stdout = save
def realwork(vars, moddefns, target):
print "# Makefile for Windows (NT or 95) generated by script"
print "# Makefile for Microsoft Visual C++ generated by script"
print 'target = %s' % target
print 'pythonhome = "%s"' % vars['prefix']
# XXX The following line is fishy and may need manual fixing
print 'pythonlib = "%s"' % (vars['exec_prefix'] +
print 'DEBUG=0 # Set to 1 to use the _d versions of Python.'
print '!IF $(DEBUG)'
print 'debug_suffix=_d'
print 'c_debug=/Zi /Od /DDEBUG /D_DEBUG'
print 'l_debug=/DEBUG'
print 'temp_dir=Build\\Debug'
print '!ELSE'
print 'debug_suffix='
print 'c_debug=/Ox'
print 'l_debug='
print 'temp_dir=Build\\Release'
print '!ENDIF'
print '# The following line assumes you have built Python using the standard instructions'
print '# Otherwise fix the following line to point to the library.'
print 'pythonlib = "$(pythonhome)/pcbuild/python15$(debug_suffix).lib"'
# We only ever write one "entry point" symbol - either
# "main" or "WinMain". Therefore, there is no need to
......@@ -69,21 +85,27 @@ def realwork(vars, moddefns, target):
target_link_flags = "-dll"
target_ext = ".dll"
print "cdl = /MD" # XXX - Should this come from vars? User may have specific requirements...
print "# As the target uses Python15.dll, we must use this compiler option!"
print "cdl = /MD"
print "all: $(target)$(debug_suffix)%s" % (target_ext)
print "all: $(target)%s" % (target_ext)
print '$(temp_dir):'
print ' if not exist $(temp_dir)\. mkdir $(temp_dir)'
objects = []
libs = ["shell32.lib", "comdlg32.lib", "wsock32.lib", "user32.lib"]
libs = ["shell32.lib", "comdlg32.lib", "wsock32.lib", "user32.lib", "oleaut32.lib"]
for moddefn in moddefns:
print "# Module",
for file in moddefn.sourceFiles:
base = os.path.basename(file)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(base)
objects.append(base + ".obj")
print '%s.obj: "%s"' % (base, file)
print "\t@$(CC) -c -nologo $(cdl) /D BUILD_FREEZE",
print '$(temp_dir)\%s.obj: "%s"' % (base, file)
print "\t@$(CC) -c -nologo /Fo$* $(cdl) $(c_debug) /D BUILD_FREEZE",
print "-I$(pythonhome)/Include -I$(pythonhome)/PC \\"
print "\t\t$(cflags) $(cdebug) $(cinclude) \\"
extra = moddefn.GetCompilerOptions()
......@@ -102,20 +124,20 @@ def realwork(vars, moddefns, target):
print ; print
print "OBJS=",
for obj in objects: print '"%s"' % (obj),
for obj in objects: print '"$(temp_dir)\%s"' % (obj),
print ; print
print "LIBS=",
for lib in libs: print '"%s"' % (lib),
print ; print
print "$(target)%s: $(OBJS)" % (target_ext)
print "\tlink -out:$(target)%s %s" % (target_ext, target_link_flags),
print "$(target)$(debug_suffix)%s: $(temp_dir) $(OBJS)" % (target_ext)
print "\tlink -out:$(target)$(debug_suffix)%s %s" % (target_ext, target_link_flags),
print "\t$(OBJS) \\"
print "\t$(LIBS) \\"
print "\t$(ADDN_LINK_FILES) \\"
print "\t\t$(pythonlib) $(lcustom)\\"
print "\t\t$(resources)"
print "\t$(pythonlib) $(lcustom) $(l_debug)\\"
print "\t$(resources)"
print "clean:"
print "\t-rm -f *.obj"
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