Commit bb184414 authored by Neal Norwitz's avatar Neal Norwitz

SF patch #682432, add lookbehind tests

parent 88f115b0
......@@ -548,6 +548,13 @@ tests = [
('a(?:b|(c|e){1,2}?|d)+?(.)', 'ace', SUCCEED, 'g1 + g2', 'ce'),
('^(.+)?B', 'AB', SUCCEED, 'g1', 'A'),
# lookbehind: split by : but not if it is escaped by -.
('(?<!-):(.*?)(?<!-):', 'a:bc-:de:f', SUCCEED, 'g1', 'bc-:de' ),
# escaping with \ as we know it
('(?<!\\\):(.*?)(?<!\\\):', 'a:bc\\:de:f', SUCCEED, 'g1', 'bc\\:de' ),
# terminating with ' and escaping with ? as in edifact
("(?<!\\?)'(.*?)(?<!\\?)'", "a'bc?'de'f", SUCCEED, 'g1', "bc?'de" ),
# Comments using the (?#...) syntax
('w(?# comment', 'w', SYNTAX_ERROR),
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