Commit bec2330f authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Regenerated again, now clases are sorted by code, and with synonyms after

the primary name.
parent d7f5a2f8
......@@ -244,27 +244,21 @@ class CodeWarrior_suite_Events:
return _arguments['----']
class ToolServer_worksheet(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""ToolServer worksheet - a ToolServer worksheet """
want = 'TOOL'
class single_class_browser(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""single class browser - a single class browser """
want = '1BRW'
class inherits(aetools.NProperty):
"""inherits - all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class. """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'TXTD'
ToolServer_worksheets = ToolServer_worksheet
class build_progress_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""build progress document - a build progress document """
want = 'PRGS'
build_progress_documents = build_progress_document
single_class_browsers = single_class_browser
class catalog_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""catalog document - a browser catalog document """
want = 'CTLG'
class single_class_hierarchy(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""single class hierarchy - a single class hierarchy document """
want = '1HIR'
catalog_documents = catalog_document
single_class_hierarchies = single_class_hierarchy
class class_browser(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""class browser - a class browser """
......@@ -272,11 +266,17 @@ class class_browser(aetools.ComponentItem):
class_browsers = class_browser
class class_hierarchies(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""class hierarchies - more than one class hierarchy document """
want = 'HIER'
class file_compare_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""file compare document - a file compare document """
want = 'COMP'
file_compare_documents = file_compare_document
class_hierarchy = class_hierarchies
class catalog_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""catalog document - a browser catalog document """
want = 'CTLG'
catalog_documents = catalog_document
class editor_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""editor document - an editor document """
......@@ -284,11 +284,17 @@ class editor_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
editor_documents = editor_document
class file_compare_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""file compare document - a file compare document """
want = 'COMP'
class class_hierarchy(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""class hierarchy - a class hierarchy document """
want = 'HIER'
file_compare_documents = file_compare_document
class_hierarchies = class_hierarchy
class project_inspector(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""project inspector - the project inspector """
want = 'INSP'
project_inspectors = project_inspector
class message_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""message document - a message document """
......@@ -296,6 +302,12 @@ class message_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
message_documents = message_document
class build_progress_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""build progress document - a build progress document """
want = 'PRGS'
build_progress_documents = build_progress_document
class project_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""project document - a project document """
want = 'PRJD'
......@@ -307,24 +319,6 @@ class current_target(aetools.NProperty):
project_documents = project_document
class project_inspector(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""project inspector - the project inspector """
want = 'INSP'
project_inspectors = project_inspector
class single_class_browser(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""single class browser - a single class browser """
want = '1BRW'
single_class_browsers = single_class_browser
class single_class_hierarchies(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""single class hierarchies - more than one single class hierarchy document """
want = '1HIR'
single_class_hierarchy = single_class_hierarchies
class subtarget(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""subtarget - a target that is prerequisite for another target """
want = 'SBTG'
......@@ -339,26 +333,6 @@ class target(aetools.NProperty):
subtargets = subtarget
class symbol_browser(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""symbol browser - a symbol browser """
want = 'SYMB'
symbol_browsers = symbol_browser
class target(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""target - a target in a project """
want = 'TRGT'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'itxt'
class project_document(aetools.NProperty):
"""project document - the project document that contains this target """
which = 'PrjD'
want = 'PRJD'
# element 'SBTG' as ['indx', 'test', 'rang']
# element 'SRCF' as ['indx', 'test', 'rang']
class target_file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""target file - a source or header file in a target """
want = 'SRCF'
......@@ -429,6 +403,32 @@ class weak_link(aetools.NProperty):
target_files = target_file
class symbol_browser(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""symbol browser - a symbol browser """
want = 'SYMB'
symbol_browsers = symbol_browser
class ToolServer_worksheet(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""ToolServer worksheet - a ToolServer worksheet """
want = 'TOOL'
ToolServer_worksheets = ToolServer_worksheet
class target(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""target - a target in a project """
want = 'TRGT'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'itxt'
class project_document(aetools.NProperty):
"""project document - the project document that contains this target """
which = 'PrjD'
want = 'PRJD'
# element 'SBTG' as ['indx', 'test', 'rang']
# element 'SRCF' as ['indx', 'test', 'rang']
targets = target
class text_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
......@@ -448,24 +448,18 @@ class selection(aetools.NProperty):
# element 'ctxt' as ['rang']
text_documents = text_document
ToolServer_worksheet._superclassnames = ['text_document']
ToolServer_worksheet._privpropdict = {
single_class_browser._superclassnames = ['text_document']
single_class_browser._privpropdict = {
'inherits' : inherits,
ToolServer_worksheet._privelemdict = {
single_class_browser._privelemdict = {
import Standard_Suite
build_progress_document._superclassnames = ['document']
build_progress_document._privpropdict = {
'inherits' : inherits,
build_progress_document._privelemdict = {
catalog_document._superclassnames = ['text_document']
catalog_document._privpropdict = {
single_class_hierarchy._superclassnames = ['document']
single_class_hierarchy._privpropdict = {
'inherits' : inherits,
catalog_document._privelemdict = {
single_class_hierarchy._privelemdict = {
class_browser._superclassnames = ['text_document']
class_browser._privpropdict = {
......@@ -473,10 +467,17 @@ class_browser._privpropdict = {
class_browser._privelemdict = {
class_hierarchies._superclassnames = []
class_hierarchies._privpropdict = {
file_compare_document._superclassnames = ['text_document']
file_compare_document._privpropdict = {
'inherits' : inherits,
file_compare_document._privelemdict = {
class_hierarchies._privelemdict = {
catalog_document._superclassnames = ['text_document']
catalog_document._privpropdict = {
'inherits' : inherits,
catalog_document._privelemdict = {
editor_document._superclassnames = ['text_document']
editor_document._privpropdict = {
......@@ -484,11 +485,17 @@ editor_document._privpropdict = {
editor_document._privelemdict = {
file_compare_document._superclassnames = ['text_document']
file_compare_document._privpropdict = {
class_hierarchy._superclassnames = ['document']
class_hierarchy._privpropdict = {
'inherits' : inherits,
file_compare_document._privelemdict = {
class_hierarchy._privelemdict = {
project_inspector._superclassnames = ['document']
project_inspector._privpropdict = {
'inherits' : inherits,
project_inspector._privelemdict = {
message_document._superclassnames = ['text_document']
message_document._privpropdict = {
......@@ -496,6 +503,12 @@ message_document._privpropdict = {
message_document._privelemdict = {
build_progress_document._superclassnames = ['document']
build_progress_document._privpropdict = {
'inherits' : inherits,
build_progress_document._privelemdict = {
project_document._superclassnames = ['document']
project_document._privpropdict = {
'current_target' : current_target,
......@@ -504,23 +517,6 @@ project_document._privpropdict = {
project_document._privelemdict = {
'target' : target,
project_inspector._superclassnames = ['document']
project_inspector._privpropdict = {
'inherits' : inherits,
project_inspector._privelemdict = {
single_class_browser._superclassnames = ['text_document']
single_class_browser._privpropdict = {
'inherits' : inherits,
single_class_browser._privelemdict = {
single_class_hierarchies._superclassnames = []
single_class_hierarchies._privpropdict = {
single_class_hierarchies._privelemdict = {
subtarget._superclassnames = ['target']
subtarget._privpropdict = {
'inherits' : inherits,
......@@ -529,21 +525,6 @@ subtarget._privpropdict = {
subtarget._privelemdict = {
symbol_browser._superclassnames = ['text_document']
symbol_browser._privpropdict = {
'inherits' : inherits,
symbol_browser._privelemdict = {
target._superclassnames = []
target._privpropdict = {
'name' : name,
'project_document' : project_document,
target._privelemdict = {
'subtarget' : subtarget,
'target_file' : target_file,
target_file._superclassnames = []
target_file._privpropdict = {
'code_size' : code_size,
......@@ -565,6 +546,27 @@ target_file._privpropdict = {
target_file._privelemdict = {
symbol_browser._superclassnames = ['text_document']
symbol_browser._privpropdict = {
'inherits' : inherits,
symbol_browser._privelemdict = {
ToolServer_worksheet._superclassnames = ['text_document']
ToolServer_worksheet._privpropdict = {
'inherits' : inherits,
ToolServer_worksheet._privelemdict = {
target._superclassnames = []
target._privpropdict = {
'name' : name,
'project_document' : project_document,
target._privelemdict = {
'subtarget' : subtarget,
'target_file' : target_file,
text_document._superclassnames = ['document']
text_document._privpropdict = {
'inherits' : inherits,
......@@ -624,12 +626,12 @@ _Enum_PERM = {
_classdeclarations = {
'1BRW' : single_class_browser,
'1HIR' : single_class_hierarchies,
'1HIR' : single_class_hierarchy,
'BROW' : class_browser,
'COMP' : file_compare_document,
'CTLG' : catalog_document,
'EDIT' : editor_document,
'HIER' : class_hierarchies,
'HIER' : class_hierarchy,
'INSP' : project_inspector,
'MSSG' : message_document,
'PRGS' : build_progress_document,
......@@ -790,30 +790,6 @@ class Metrowerks_Shell_Suite_Events:
return _arguments['----']
class Access_Paths(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Access Paths - Contains the definitions of a project\xd5s access (search) paths. """
want = 'PATH'
class Always_Full_Search(aetools.NProperty):
"""Always Full Search - To force the compiler to search for system includes like it searches for user includes. """
which = 'PA02'
want = 'bool'
class Convert_Paths(aetools.NProperty):
"""Convert Paths - Enables conversion of DOS & Unix-style relative paths when searching for files. """
which = 'PA04'
want = 'bool'
class Require_Framework_Includes(aetools.NProperty):
"""Require Framework Includes - Causes the IDE to only look in the framework access paths if a Mac OS X framework style include (i.e. <Carbon/Carbon.h> ) is used. """
which = 'PA05'
want = 'bool'
class System_Paths(aetools.NProperty):
"""System Paths - To add an access path for the include files. (Not supported in Pascal) """
which = 'PA03'
want = 'PInf'
class User_Paths(aetools.NProperty):
"""User Paths - To add an access path for the source files. """
which = 'PA01'
want = 'PInf'
class Browser_Coloring(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Browser Coloring - Colors for Browser symbols. """
want = 'BRKW'
......@@ -858,26 +834,6 @@ class Typedefs_Color(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'BW08'
want = 'cRGB'
class Build_Extras(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Build Extras - """
want = 'LXTR'
class Browser_Active(aetools.NProperty):
"""Browser Active - Allow the collection of browser information. """
which = 'EX09'
want = 'bool'
class Cache_Subproject_Data(aetools.NProperty):
"""Cache Subproject Data - """
which = 'EX31'
want = 'bool'
class Dump_Browser_Info(aetools.NProperty):
"""Dump Browser Info - """
which = 'EX30'
want = 'bool'
class Modification_Date_Caching(aetools.NProperty):
"""Modification Date Caching - """
which = 'EX04'
want = 'bool'
class Build_Settings(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Build Settings - Build Settings preferences. """
want = 'BSTG'
......@@ -910,6 +866,24 @@ class Success_Sound(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'BX02'
want = 'TEXT'
class base_class(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""base class - A base class or super class of a class """
want = 'BsCl'
class access(aetools.NProperty):
"""access - """
which = 'Acce'
want = 'Acce'
class class_(aetools.NProperty):
"""class - The class object corresponding to this base class """
which = 'Clas'
want = 'obj '
class virtual(aetools.NProperty):
"""virtual - """
which = 'Virt'
want = 'bool'
base_classes = base_class
class Custom_Keywords(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Custom Keywords - """
want = 'CUKW'
......@@ -930,6 +904,48 @@ class Custom_Color_4(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'GH08'
want = 'cRGB'
class browser_catalog(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""browser catalog - The browser symbol catalog for the current project """
want = 'Cata'
# element 'Clas' as ['indx', 'name']
class class_(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""class - A class, struct, or record type in the current project. """
want = 'Clas'
class all_subclasses(aetools.NProperty):
"""all subclasses - the classes directly or indirectly derived from this class """
which = 'SubA'
want = 'Clas'
class declaration_end_offset(aetools.NProperty):
"""declaration end offset - End of class declaration """
which = 'DcEn'
want = 'long'
class declaration_file(aetools.NProperty):
"""declaration file - Source file containing the class declaration """
which = 'DcFl'
want = 'fss '
class declaration_start_offset(aetools.NProperty):
"""declaration start offset - Start of class declaration source code """
which = 'DcSt'
want = 'long'
class language(aetools.NProperty):
"""language - Implementation language of this class """
which = 'Lang'
want = 'Lang'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'TEXT'
class subclasses(aetools.NProperty):
"""subclasses - the immediate subclasses of this class """
which = 'SubC'
want = 'Clas'
# element 'BsCl' as ['indx']
# element 'DtMb' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'MbFn' as ['indx', 'name']
classes = class_
class Debugger_Display(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Debugger Display - Debugger Display preferences """
want = 'DbDS'
......@@ -1066,6 +1082,16 @@ class Do_Nothing_To_Projects(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'Dw02'
want = 'bool'
class data_member(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""data member - A class data member or field """
want = 'DtMb'
class static(aetools.NProperty):
"""static - """
which = 'Stat'
want = 'bool'
data_members = data_member
class Editor(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Editor - """
want = 'EDTR'
......@@ -1133,10 +1159,6 @@ class Use_Multiple_Undo(aetools.NProperty):
class Environment_Variable(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Environment Variable - Environment variable for host OS """
want = 'EnvV'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'TEXT'
class value(aetools.NProperty):
"""value - Value of the environment variable """
which = 'Valu'
......@@ -1162,6 +1184,58 @@ class messageKind(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'ErrT'
want = 'ErrT'
class Function_Information(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Function Information - Describes the location of any function or global data definition within the current project. """
want = 'FDef'
class File_Mappings(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""File Mappings - Mappings of extensions & file types to compilers """
want = 'FLMP'
class Mappings(aetools.NProperty):
"""Mappings - """
which = 'FMps'
want = 'FMap'
class File_Mapping(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""File Mapping - """
want = 'FMap'
class Compiler(aetools.NProperty):
"""Compiler - """
which = 'TA07'
want = 'TEXT'
class Extension(aetools.NProperty):
"""Extension - """
which = 'TA02'
want = 'TEXT'
class File_Type(aetools.NProperty):
"""File Type - """
which = 'PR04'
want = 'TEXT'
class Ignored_by_Make(aetools.NProperty):
"""Ignored by Make - """
which = 'TA06'
want = 'bool'
class Launchable(aetools.NProperty):
"""Launchable - """
which = 'TA05'
want = 'bool'
class Precompiled(aetools.NProperty):
"""Precompiled - """
which = 'TA03'
want = 'bool'
class Resource_File(aetools.NProperty):
"""Resource File - """
which = 'TA04'
want = 'bool'
class Global_Source_Trees(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Global Source Trees - Globally-defined source tree roots """
want = 'GSTs'
class Source_Trees(aetools.NProperty):
"""Source Trees - List of source tree roots """
which = 'ST01'
want = 'SrcT'
class Extras(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Extras - """
want = 'GXTR'
......@@ -1202,85 +1276,67 @@ class Use_ToolServer_Menu(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'EX18'
want = 'bool'
class File_Mapping(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""File Mapping - """
want = 'FMap'
class Compiler(aetools.NProperty):
"""Compiler - """
which = 'TA07'
want = 'TEXT'
class Extension(aetools.NProperty):
"""Extension - """
which = 'TA02'
want = 'TEXT'
class File_Type(aetools.NProperty):
"""File Type - """
which = 'PR04'
want = 'TEXT'
class Ignored_by_Make(aetools.NProperty):
"""Ignored by Make - """
which = 'TA06'
class Build_Extras(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Build Extras - """
want = 'LXTR'
class Browser_Active(aetools.NProperty):
"""Browser Active - Allow the collection of browser information. """
which = 'EX09'
want = 'bool'
class Launchable(aetools.NProperty):
"""Launchable - """
which = 'TA05'
class Cache_Subproject_Data(aetools.NProperty):
"""Cache Subproject Data - """
which = 'EX31'
want = 'bool'
class Precompiled(aetools.NProperty):
"""Precompiled - """
which = 'TA03'
class Dump_Browser_Info(aetools.NProperty):
"""Dump Browser Info - """
which = 'EX30'
want = 'bool'
class Resource_File(aetools.NProperty):
"""Resource File - """
which = 'TA04'
class Modification_Date_Caching(aetools.NProperty):
"""Modification Date Caching - """
which = 'EX04'
want = 'bool'
class File_Mappings(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""File Mappings - Mappings of extensions & file types to compilers """
want = 'FLMP'
class Mappings(aetools.NProperty):
"""Mappings - """
which = 'FMps'
want = 'FMap'
class member_function(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""member function - A class member function or method. """
want = 'MbFn'
class implementation_end_offset(aetools.NProperty):
"""implementation end offset - end of member function definition """
which = 'DfEn'
want = 'long'
class implementation_file(aetools.NProperty):
"""implementation file - Source file containing the member function definition """
which = 'DfFl'
want = 'fss '
class implementation_start_offset(aetools.NProperty):
"""implementation start offset - start of member function definition source code """
which = 'DfSt'
want = 'long'
class Font(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Font - """
want = 'mFNT'
class Auto_Indent(aetools.NProperty):
"""Auto Indent - Indent new lines automatically. """
which = 'FN01'
member_functions = member_function
class Access_Paths(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Access Paths - Contains the definitions of a project\xd5s access (search) paths. """
want = 'PATH'
class Always_Full_Search(aetools.NProperty):
"""Always Full Search - To force the compiler to search for system includes like it searches for user includes. """
which = 'PA02'
want = 'bool'
class Tab_Indents_Selection(aetools.NProperty):
"""Tab Indents Selection - Tab indents selection when multiple lines are selected """
which = 'FN03'
class Convert_Paths(aetools.NProperty):
"""Convert Paths - Enables conversion of DOS & Unix-style relative paths when searching for files. """
which = 'PA04'
want = 'bool'
class Tab_Inserts_Spaces(aetools.NProperty):
"""Tab Inserts Spaces - Insert spaces instead of tab character """
which = 'FN04'
class Require_Framework_Includes(aetools.NProperty):
"""Require Framework Includes - Causes the IDE to only look in the framework access paths if a Mac OS X framework style include (i.e. <Carbon/Carbon.h> ) is used. """
which = 'PA05'
want = 'bool'
class Tab_Size(aetools.NProperty):
"""Tab Size - """
which = 'FN02'
want = 'shor'
class Text_Font(aetools.NProperty):
"""Text Font - The font used in editing windows. """
which = 'ptxf'
want = 'TEXT'
class Text_Size(aetools.NProperty):
"""Text Size - The size of the text in an editing window. """
which = 'ptps'
want = 'shor'
class Function_Information(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Function Information - Describes the location of any function or global data definition within the current project. """
want = 'FDef'
class Global_Source_Trees(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Global Source Trees - Globally-defined source tree roots """
want = 'GSTs'
class Source_Trees(aetools.NProperty):
"""Source Trees - List of source tree roots """
which = 'ST01'
want = 'SrcT'
class System_Paths(aetools.NProperty):
"""System Paths - To add an access path for the include files. (Not supported in Pascal) """
which = 'PA03'
want = 'PInf'
class User_Paths(aetools.NProperty):
"""User Paths - To add an access path for the source files. """
which = 'PA01'
want = 'PInf'
class Path_Information(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Path Information - Contains all of the parameters that describe an access path. """
......@@ -1322,46 +1378,6 @@ class Plugin_Diagnostics_Level(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'PX01'
want = 'PXdg'
class ProjectFile(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""ProjectFile - A file contained in a project """
want = 'SrcF'
class codesize(aetools.NProperty):
"""codesize - The size of this file\xd5s code. """
which = 'CSiz'
want = 'long'
class datasize(aetools.NProperty):
"""datasize - The size of this file\xd5s data. """
which = 'DSiz'
want = 'long'
class filetype(aetools.NProperty):
"""filetype - What kind of file is this ? """
which = 'SrcT'
want = 'SrcT'
class includes(aetools.NProperty):
"""includes - """
which = 'IncF'
want = 'fss '
class initialize_before(aetools.NProperty):
"""initialize before - Initialize the shared library before the main application. """
which = 'Bfor'
want = 'bool'
class symbols(aetools.NProperty):
"""symbols - Are debugging symbols generated for this file ? """
which = 'SymG'
want = 'bool'
class up_to_date(aetools.NProperty):
"""up to date - Has the file been compiled since its last modification ? """
which = 'UpTD'
want = 'bool'
class weak_link(aetools.NProperty):
"""weak link - Is this file imported weakly into the project ? [PowerPC only] """
which = 'Weak'
want = 'bool'
class Relative_Path(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Relative Path - Relative path from some root """
want = 'RlPt'
class Runtime_Settings(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Runtime Settings - Runtime settings """
want = 'RSTG'
......@@ -1382,33 +1398,9 @@ class Working_Directory(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'RS03'
want = 'TEXT'
class Segment(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Segment - A segment or group in the project """
want = 'Seg '
class filecount(aetools.NProperty):
"""filecount - """
which = 'NumF'
want = 'shor'
class seg_2d_locked(aetools.NProperty):
"""seg-locked - Is the segment locked ? [68K only] """
which = 'PLck'
want = 'bool'
class seg_2d_preloaded(aetools.NProperty):
"""seg-preloaded - Is the segment preloaded ? [68K only] """
which = 'Prel'
want = 'bool'
class seg_2d_protected(aetools.NProperty):
"""seg-protected - Is the segment protected ? [68K only] """
which = 'Prot'
want = 'bool'
class seg_2d_purgeable(aetools.NProperty):
"""seg-purgeable - Is the segment purgeable ? [68K only] """
which = 'Purg'
want = 'bool'
class seg_2d_system_heap(aetools.NProperty):
"""seg-system heap - Is the segment loaded into the system heap ? [68K only] """
which = 'SysH'
want = 'bool'
class Relative_Path(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Relative Path - Relative path from some root """
want = 'RlPt'
class Shielded_Folder(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Shielded Folder - """
......@@ -1434,18 +1426,6 @@ class Shielded_Items(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'SFis'
want = 'SFit'
class Source_Tree(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Source Tree - User-defined source tree root """
want = 'SrcT'
class path(aetools.NProperty):
"""path - path for the user-defined source tree root """
which = 'Path'
want = 'TEXT'
class path_kind(aetools.NProperty):
"""path kind - kind of path """
which = 'Kind'
want = 'STKd'
class Syntax_Coloring(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Syntax Coloring - """
want = 'SNTX'
......@@ -1466,6 +1446,82 @@ class Syntax_Coloring(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'GH01'
want = 'bool'
class Segment(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Segment - A segment or group in the project """
want = 'Seg '
class filecount(aetools.NProperty):
"""filecount - """
which = 'NumF'
want = 'shor'
class seg_2d_locked(aetools.NProperty):
"""seg-locked - Is the segment locked ? [68K only] """
which = 'PLck'
want = 'bool'
class seg_2d_preloaded(aetools.NProperty):
"""seg-preloaded - Is the segment preloaded ? [68K only] """
which = 'Prel'
want = 'bool'
class seg_2d_protected(aetools.NProperty):
"""seg-protected - Is the segment protected ? [68K only] """
which = 'Prot'
want = 'bool'
class seg_2d_purgeable(aetools.NProperty):
"""seg-purgeable - Is the segment purgeable ? [68K only] """
which = 'Purg'
want = 'bool'
class seg_2d_system_heap(aetools.NProperty):
"""seg-system heap - Is the segment loaded into the system heap ? [68K only] """
which = 'SysH'
want = 'bool'
class ProjectFile(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""ProjectFile - A file contained in a project """
want = 'SrcF'
class codesize(aetools.NProperty):
"""codesize - The size of this file\xd5s code. """
which = 'CSiz'
want = 'long'
class datasize(aetools.NProperty):
"""datasize - The size of this file\xd5s data. """
which = 'DSiz'
want = 'long'
class filetype(aetools.NProperty):
"""filetype - What kind of file is this ? """
which = 'SrcT'
want = 'SrcT'
class includes(aetools.NProperty):
"""includes - """
which = 'IncF'
want = 'fss '
class initialize_before(aetools.NProperty):
"""initialize before - Initialize the shared library before the main application. """
which = 'Bfor'
want = 'bool'
class symbols(aetools.NProperty):
"""symbols - Are debugging symbols generated for this file ? """
which = 'SymG'
want = 'bool'
class up_to_date(aetools.NProperty):
"""up to date - Has the file been compiled since its last modification ? """
which = 'UpTD'
want = 'bool'
class weak_link(aetools.NProperty):
"""weak link - Is this file imported weakly into the project ? [PowerPC only] """
which = 'Weak'
want = 'bool'
class Source_Tree(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Source Tree - User-defined source tree root """
want = 'SrcT'
class path(aetools.NProperty):
"""path - path for the user-defined source tree root """
which = 'Path'
want = 'TEXT'
class path_kind(aetools.NProperty):
"""path kind - kind of path """
which = 'Kind'
want = 'STKd'
class Target_Settings(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Target Settings - Contains the definitions of a project\xd5s target. """
want = 'TARG'
......@@ -1554,99 +1610,33 @@ class VCS_Active(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'VC01'
want = 'bool'
class base_class(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""base class - A base class or super class of a class """
want = 'BsCl'
class access(aetools.NProperty):
"""access - """
which = 'Acce'
want = 'Acce'
class class_(aetools.NProperty):
"""class - The class object corresponding to this base class """
which = 'Clas'
want = 'obj '
class virtual(aetools.NProperty):
"""virtual - """
which = 'Virt'
class Font(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Font - """
want = 'mFNT'
class Auto_Indent(aetools.NProperty):
"""Auto Indent - Indent new lines automatically. """
which = 'FN01'
want = 'bool'
base_classes = base_class
class browser_catalog(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""browser catalog - The browser symbol catalog for the current project """
want = 'Cata'
# element 'Clas' as ['indx', 'name']
class class_(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""class - A class, struct, or record type in the current project. """
want = 'Clas'
class all_subclasses(aetools.NProperty):
"""all subclasses - the classes directly or indirectly derived from this class """
which = 'SubA'
want = 'Clas'
class declaration_end_offset(aetools.NProperty):
"""declaration end offset - End of class declaration """
which = 'DcEn'
want = 'long'
class declaration_file(aetools.NProperty):
"""declaration file - Source file containing the class declaration """
which = 'DcFl'
want = 'fss '
class declaration_start_offset(aetools.NProperty):
"""declaration start offset - Start of class declaration source code """
which = 'DcSt'
want = 'long'
class language(aetools.NProperty):
"""language - Implementation language of this class """
which = 'Lang'
want = 'Lang'
class subclasses(aetools.NProperty):
"""subclasses - the immediate subclasses of this class """
which = 'SubC'
want = 'Clas'
# element 'BsCl' as ['indx']
# element 'DtMb' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'MbFn' as ['indx', 'name']
classes = class_
class data_member(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""data member - A class data member or field """
want = 'DtMb'
class static(aetools.NProperty):
"""static - """
which = 'Stat'
class Tab_Indents_Selection(aetools.NProperty):
"""Tab Indents Selection - Tab indents selection when multiple lines are selected """
which = 'FN03'
want = 'bool'
data_members = data_member
class member_function(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""member function - A class member function or method. """
want = 'MbFn'
class implementation_end_offset(aetools.NProperty):
"""implementation end offset - end of member function definition """
which = 'DfEn'
want = 'long'
class implementation_file(aetools.NProperty):
"""implementation file - Source file containing the member function definition """
which = 'DfFl'
want = 'fss '
class implementation_start_offset(aetools.NProperty):
"""implementation start offset - start of member function definition source code """
which = 'DfSt'
want = 'long'
member_functions = member_function
Access_Paths._superclassnames = []
Access_Paths._privpropdict = {
'Always_Full_Search' : Always_Full_Search,
'Convert_Paths' : Convert_Paths,
'Require_Framework_Includes' : Require_Framework_Includes,
'System_Paths' : System_Paths,
'User_Paths' : User_Paths,
Access_Paths._privelemdict = {
class Tab_Inserts_Spaces(aetools.NProperty):
"""Tab Inserts Spaces - Insert spaces instead of tab character """
which = 'FN04'
want = 'bool'
class Tab_Size(aetools.NProperty):
"""Tab Size - """
which = 'FN02'
want = 'shor'
class Text_Font(aetools.NProperty):
"""Text Font - The font used in editing windows. """
which = 'ptxf'
want = 'TEXT'
class Text_Size(aetools.NProperty):
"""Text Size - The size of the text in an editing window. """
which = 'ptps'
want = 'shor'
Browser_Coloring._superclassnames = []
Browser_Coloring._privpropdict = {
'Browser_Keywords' : Browser_Keywords,
......@@ -1662,15 +1652,6 @@ Browser_Coloring._privpropdict = {
Browser_Coloring._privelemdict = {
Build_Extras._superclassnames = []
Build_Extras._privpropdict = {
'Browser_Active' : Browser_Active,
'Cache_Subproject_Data' : Cache_Subproject_Data,
'Dump_Browser_Info' : Dump_Browser_Info,
'Modification_Date_Caching' : Modification_Date_Caching,
Build_Extras._privelemdict = {
Build_Settings._superclassnames = []
Build_Settings._privpropdict = {
'Build_Before_Running' : Build_Before_Running,
......@@ -1683,6 +1664,14 @@ Build_Settings._privpropdict = {
Build_Settings._privelemdict = {
base_class._superclassnames = []
base_class._privpropdict = {
'access' : access,
'class_' : class_,
'virtual' : virtual,
base_class._privelemdict = {
Custom_Keywords._superclassnames = []
Custom_Keywords._privpropdict = {
'Custom_Color_1' : Custom_Color_1,
......@@ -1690,7 +1679,28 @@ Custom_Keywords._privpropdict = {
'Custom_Color_3' : Custom_Color_3,
'Custom_Color_4' : Custom_Color_4,
Custom_Keywords._privelemdict = {
Custom_Keywords._privelemdict = {
browser_catalog._superclassnames = []
browser_catalog._privpropdict = {
browser_catalog._privelemdict = {
'class_' : class_,
class_._superclassnames = []
class_._privpropdict = {
'all_subclasses' : all_subclasses,
'declaration_end_offset' : declaration_end_offset,
'declaration_file' : declaration_file,
'declaration_start_offset' : declaration_start_offset,
'language' : language,
'name' : name,
'subclasses' : subclasses,
class_._privelemdict = {
'base_class' : base_class,
'data_member' : data_member,
'member_function' : member_function,
Debugger_Display._superclassnames = []
Debugger_Display._privpropdict = {
......@@ -1743,6 +1753,16 @@ Debugger_Windowing._privpropdict = {
Debugger_Windowing._privelemdict = {
data_member._superclassnames = []
data_member._privpropdict = {
'access' : access,
'declaration_end_offset' : declaration_end_offset,
'declaration_start_offset' : declaration_start_offset,
'name' : name,
'static' : static,
data_member._privelemdict = {
Editor._superclassnames = []
Editor._privpropdict = {
'Background_Color' : Background_Color,
......@@ -1779,19 +1799,18 @@ Error_Information._privpropdict = {
Error_Information._privelemdict = {
Extras._superclassnames = []
Extras._privpropdict = {
'Automatic_Toolbar_Help' : Automatic_Toolbar_Help,
'External_Reference' : External_Reference,
'Full_Screen_Zoom' : Full_Screen_Zoom,
'Recent_Editor_Count' : Recent_Editor_Count,
'Recent_Project_Count' : Recent_Project_Count,
'Use_Editor_Extensions' : Use_Editor_Extensions,
'Use_External_Editor' : Use_External_Editor,
'Use_Script_Menu' : Use_Script_Menu,
'Use_ToolServer_Menu' : Use_ToolServer_Menu,
Function_Information._superclassnames = []
Function_Information._privpropdict = {
'disk_file' : disk_file,
'lineNumber' : lineNumber,
Extras._privelemdict = {
Function_Information._privelemdict = {
File_Mappings._superclassnames = []
File_Mappings._privpropdict = {
'Mappings' : Mappings,
File_Mappings._privelemdict = {
File_Mapping._superclassnames = []
File_Mapping._privpropdict = {
......@@ -1805,35 +1824,59 @@ File_Mapping._privpropdict = {
File_Mapping._privelemdict = {
File_Mappings._superclassnames = []
File_Mappings._privpropdict = {
'Mappings' : Mappings,
Global_Source_Trees._superclassnames = []
Global_Source_Trees._privpropdict = {
'Source_Trees' : Source_Trees,
File_Mappings._privelemdict = {
Global_Source_Trees._privelemdict = {
Font._superclassnames = []
Font._privpropdict = {
'Auto_Indent' : Auto_Indent,
'Tab_Indents_Selection' : Tab_Indents_Selection,
'Tab_Inserts_Spaces' : Tab_Inserts_Spaces,
'Tab_Size' : Tab_Size,
'Text_Font' : Text_Font,
'Text_Size' : Text_Size,
Extras._superclassnames = []
Extras._privpropdict = {
'Automatic_Toolbar_Help' : Automatic_Toolbar_Help,
'External_Reference' : External_Reference,
'Full_Screen_Zoom' : Full_Screen_Zoom,
'Recent_Editor_Count' : Recent_Editor_Count,
'Recent_Project_Count' : Recent_Project_Count,
'Use_Editor_Extensions' : Use_Editor_Extensions,
'Use_External_Editor' : Use_External_Editor,
'Use_Script_Menu' : Use_Script_Menu,
'Use_ToolServer_Menu' : Use_ToolServer_Menu,
Font._privelemdict = {
Extras._privelemdict = {
Function_Information._superclassnames = []
Function_Information._privpropdict = {
'disk_file' : disk_file,
'lineNumber' : lineNumber,
Build_Extras._superclassnames = []
Build_Extras._privpropdict = {
'Browser_Active' : Browser_Active,
'Cache_Subproject_Data' : Cache_Subproject_Data,
'Dump_Browser_Info' : Dump_Browser_Info,
'Modification_Date_Caching' : Modification_Date_Caching,
Function_Information._privelemdict = {
Build_Extras._privelemdict = {
Global_Source_Trees._superclassnames = []
Global_Source_Trees._privpropdict = {
'Source_Trees' : Source_Trees,
member_function._superclassnames = []
member_function._privpropdict = {
'access' : access,
'declaration_end_offset' : declaration_end_offset,
'declaration_file' : declaration_file,
'declaration_start_offset' : declaration_start_offset,
'implementation_end_offset' : implementation_end_offset,
'implementation_file' : implementation_file,
'implementation_start_offset' : implementation_start_offset,
'name' : name,
'static' : static,
'virtual' : virtual,
Global_Source_Trees._privelemdict = {
member_function._privelemdict = {
Access_Paths._superclassnames = []
Access_Paths._privpropdict = {
'Always_Full_Search' : Always_Full_Search,
'Convert_Paths' : Convert_Paths,
'Require_Framework_Includes' : Require_Framework_Includes,
'System_Paths' : System_Paths,
'User_Paths' : User_Paths,
Access_Paths._privelemdict = {
Path_Information._superclassnames = []
Path_Information._privpropdict = {
......@@ -1854,30 +1897,6 @@ Plugin_Settings._privpropdict = {
Plugin_Settings._privelemdict = {
ProjectFile._superclassnames = []
ProjectFile._privpropdict = {
'codesize' : codesize,
'datasize' : datasize,
'disk_file' : disk_file,
'filetype' : filetype,
'includes' : includes,
'initialize_before' : initialize_before,
'name' : name,
'symbols' : symbols,
'up_to_date' : up_to_date,
'weak_link' : weak_link,
ProjectFile._privelemdict = {
Relative_Path._superclassnames = []
Relative_Path._privpropdict = {
'format' : format,
'name' : name,
'origin' : origin,
'root' : root,
Relative_Path._privelemdict = {
Runtime_Settings._superclassnames = []
Runtime_Settings._privpropdict = {
'Command_Line_Arguments' : Command_Line_Arguments,
......@@ -1887,17 +1906,14 @@ Runtime_Settings._privpropdict = {
Runtime_Settings._privelemdict = {
Segment._superclassnames = []
Segment._privpropdict = {
'filecount' : filecount,
Relative_Path._superclassnames = []
Relative_Path._privpropdict = {
'format' : format,
'name' : name,
'seg_2d_locked' : seg_2d_locked,
'seg_2d_preloaded' : seg_2d_preloaded,
'seg_2d_protected' : seg_2d_protected,
'seg_2d_purgeable' : seg_2d_purgeable,
'seg_2d_system_heap' : seg_2d_system_heap,
'origin' : origin,
'root' : root,
Segment._privelemdict = {
Relative_Path._privelemdict = {
Shielded_Folder._superclassnames = []
Shielded_Folder._privpropdict = {
......@@ -1913,15 +1929,6 @@ Shielded_Folders._privpropdict = {
Shielded_Folders._privelemdict = {
Source_Tree._superclassnames = []
Source_Tree._privpropdict = {
'format' : format,
'name' : name,
'path' : path,
'path_kind' : path_kind,
Source_Tree._privelemdict = {
Syntax_Coloring._superclassnames = []
Syntax_Coloring._privpropdict = {
'Comment_Color' : Comment_Color,
......@@ -1935,6 +1942,42 @@ Syntax_Coloring._privpropdict = {
Syntax_Coloring._privelemdict = {
Segment._superclassnames = []
Segment._privpropdict = {
'filecount' : filecount,
'name' : name,
'seg_2d_locked' : seg_2d_locked,
'seg_2d_preloaded' : seg_2d_preloaded,
'seg_2d_protected' : seg_2d_protected,
'seg_2d_purgeable' : seg_2d_purgeable,
'seg_2d_system_heap' : seg_2d_system_heap,
Segment._privelemdict = {
ProjectFile._superclassnames = []
ProjectFile._privpropdict = {
'codesize' : codesize,
'datasize' : datasize,
'disk_file' : disk_file,
'filetype' : filetype,
'includes' : includes,
'initialize_before' : initialize_before,
'name' : name,
'symbols' : symbols,
'up_to_date' : up_to_date,
'weak_link' : weak_link,
ProjectFile._privelemdict = {
Source_Tree._superclassnames = []
Source_Tree._privpropdict = {
'format' : format,
'name' : name,
'path' : path,
'path_kind' : path_kind,
Source_Tree._privelemdict = {
Target_Settings._superclassnames = []
Target_Settings._privpropdict = {
'Linker' : Linker,
......@@ -1970,59 +2013,16 @@ VCS_Setup._privpropdict = {
VCS_Setup._privelemdict = {
base_class._superclassnames = []
base_class._privpropdict = {
'access' : access,
'class_' : class_,
'virtual' : virtual,
base_class._privelemdict = {
browser_catalog._superclassnames = []
browser_catalog._privpropdict = {
browser_catalog._privelemdict = {
'class_' : class_,
class_._superclassnames = []
class_._privpropdict = {
'all_subclasses' : all_subclasses,
'declaration_end_offset' : declaration_end_offset,
'declaration_file' : declaration_file,
'declaration_start_offset' : declaration_start_offset,
'language' : language,
'name' : name,
'subclasses' : subclasses,
class_._privelemdict = {
'base_class' : base_class,
'data_member' : data_member,
'member_function' : member_function,
data_member._superclassnames = []
data_member._privpropdict = {
'access' : access,
'declaration_end_offset' : declaration_end_offset,
'declaration_start_offset' : declaration_start_offset,
'name' : name,
'static' : static,
data_member._privelemdict = {
member_function._superclassnames = []
member_function._privpropdict = {
'access' : access,
'declaration_end_offset' : declaration_end_offset,
'declaration_file' : declaration_file,
'declaration_start_offset' : declaration_start_offset,
'implementation_end_offset' : implementation_end_offset,
'implementation_file' : implementation_file,
'implementation_start_offset' : implementation_start_offset,
'name' : name,
'static' : static,
'virtual' : virtual,
Font._superclassnames = []
Font._privpropdict = {
'Auto_Indent' : Auto_Indent,
'Tab_Indents_Selection' : Tab_Indents_Selection,
'Tab_Inserts_Spaces' : Tab_Inserts_Spaces,
'Tab_Size' : Tab_Size,
'Text_Font' : Text_Font,
'Text_Size' : Text_Size,
member_function._privelemdict = {
Font._privelemdict = {
_Enum_Acce = {
'public' : 'Publ', #
......@@ -194,42 +194,6 @@ class offset(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'pOff'
want = 'long'
class document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""document - a document """
want = 'docu'
class file_permissions(aetools.NProperty):
"""file permissions - the file permissions for the document """
which = 'PERM'
want = 'PERM'
class index(aetools.NProperty):
"""index - the number of the document """
which = 'pidx'
want = 'long'
class kind(aetools.NProperty):
"""kind - the kind of document """
which = 'DKND'
want = 'DKND'
class location(aetools.NProperty):
"""location - the file of the document """
which = 'FILE'
want = 'fss '
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the title of the document """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'itxt'
class window(aetools.NProperty):
"""window - the window of the document. """
which = 'cwin'
want = 'cwin'
documents = document
class file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""file - A file """
want = 'file'
files = file
class insertion_point(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""insertion point - An insertion location between two objects """
want = 'cins'
......@@ -237,6 +201,10 @@ class insertion_point(aetools.ComponentItem):
class line(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""line - lines of text """
want = 'clin'
class index(aetools.NProperty):
"""index - index of a line object from the beginning of the document (first line has index 1) """
which = 'pidx'
want = 'long'
# element 'cha ' as ['indx', 'rang', 'rele']
lines = line
......@@ -271,6 +239,10 @@ class document(aetools.NProperty):
"""document - the document that owns this window """
which = 'docu'
want = 'docu'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the title of the window """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'itxt'
class position(aetools.NProperty):
"""position - upper left coordinates of window """
which = 'ppos'
......@@ -285,6 +257,34 @@ class zoomed(aetools.NProperty):
want = 'bool'
windows = window
class document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""document - a document """
want = 'docu'
class file_permissions(aetools.NProperty):
"""file permissions - the file permissions for the document """
which = 'PERM'
want = 'PERM'
class kind(aetools.NProperty):
"""kind - the kind of document """
which = 'DKND'
want = 'DKND'
class location(aetools.NProperty):
"""location - the file of the document """
which = 'FILE'
want = 'fss '
class window(aetools.NProperty):
"""window - the window of the document. """
which = 'cwin'
want = 'cwin'
documents = document
class files(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""files - Every file """
want = 'file'
file = files
application._superclassnames = []
application._privpropdict = {
'user_interaction' : user_interaction,
......@@ -300,22 +300,6 @@ character._privpropdict = {
character._privelemdict = {
document._superclassnames = []
document._privpropdict = {
'file_permissions' : file_permissions,
'index' : index,
'kind' : kind,
'location' : location,
'name' : name,
'window' : window,
document._privelemdict = {
file._superclassnames = []
file._privpropdict = {
file._privelemdict = {
insertion_point._superclassnames = []
insertion_point._privpropdict = {
'length' : length,
......@@ -366,6 +350,22 @@ window._privpropdict = {
window._privelemdict = {
document._superclassnames = []
document._privpropdict = {
'file_permissions' : file_permissions,
'index' : index,
'kind' : kind,
'location' : location,
'name' : name,
'window' : window,
document._privelemdict = {
files._superclassnames = []
files._privpropdict = {
files._privelemdict = {
# Indices of types declared in this module
......@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ _classdeclarations = {
'ctxt' : text,
'cwin' : window,
'docu' : document,
'file' : file,
'file' : files,
_propdeclarations = {
......@@ -47,15 +47,23 @@ import StdSuites
# Set property and element dictionaries now that all classes have been defined
......@@ -92,37 +100,37 @@ getbaseclasses(Font)
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'cha ' : character,
'ctxt' : text,
'cwin' : window,
'file' : file,
'clin' : line,
'csel' : selection_2d_object,
'capp' : application,
'cins' : insertion_point,
'docu' : document,
'1BRW' : single_class_browser,
'PRJD' : project_document,
'SYMB' : symbol_browser,
'EDIT' : editor_document,
'COMP' : file_compare_document,
'BROW' : class_browser,
'SBTG' : subtarget,
'MSSG' : message_document,
'INSP' : project_inspector,
'TXTD' : text_document,
'CTLG' : catalog_document,
'HIER' : class_hierarchy,
'TRGT' : target,
'PRGS' : build_progress_document,
'SRCF' : target_file,
'TOOL' : ToolServer_worksheet,
'1HIR' : single_class_hierarchy,
'FMap' : File_Mapping,
'Cata' : browser_catalog,
'BSTG' : Build_Settings,
......@@ -159,23 +167,15 @@ _classdeclarations = {
'TSTs' : Target_Source_Trees,
'DbDS' : Debugger_Display,
'Clas' : class_,
'1BRW' : single_class_browser,
'PRJD' : project_document,
'SYMB' : symbol_browser,
'EDIT' : editor_document,
'COMP' : file_compare_document,
'BROW' : class_browser,
'SBTG' : subtarget,
'MSSG' : message_document,
'INSP' : project_inspector,
'TXTD' : text_document,
'CTLG' : catalog_document,
'HIER' : class_hierarchy,
'TRGT' : target,
'PRGS' : build_progress_document,
'SRCF' : target_file,
'TOOL' : ToolServer_worksheet,
'1HIR' : single_class_hierarchy,
'cha ' : character,
'ctxt' : text,
'cwin' : window,
'file' : file,
'clin' : line,
'csel' : selection_2d_object,
'capp' : application,
'cins' : insertion_point,
'docu' : document,
......@@ -15,64 +15,13 @@ class Containers_and_folders_Events:
class container(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""container - An item that contains other items """
want = 'ctnr'
class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<Inheritance> - inherits some of its properties from the item class """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'cobj'
class completely_expanded(aetools.NProperty):
"""completely expanded - (NOT AVAILABLE YET) Are the container and all of its children opened as outlines? (can only be set for containers viewed as lists) """
which = 'pexc'
want = 'bool'
class container_window(aetools.NProperty):
"""container window - the container window for this folder """
which = 'cwnd'
want = 'obj '
class entire_contents(aetools.NProperty):
"""entire contents - the entire contents of the container, including the contents of its children """
which = 'ects'
want = 'obj '
class expandable(aetools.NProperty):
"""expandable - (NOT AVAILABLE YET) Is the container capable of being expanded as an outline? """
which = 'pexa'
want = 'bool'
class expanded(aetools.NProperty):
"""expanded - (NOT AVAILABLE YET) Is the container opened as an outline? (can only be set for containers viewed as lists) """
which = 'pexp'
want = 'bool'
# element 'alia' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'appf' as ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']
# element 'cfol' as ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']
# element 'clpf' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'ctnr' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'docf' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'file' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'inlf' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'pack' as ['indx', 'name']
containers = container
class desktop_2d_object(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""desktop-object - Desktop-object is the class of the \xd2desktop\xd3 object """
want = 'cdsk'
# element 'alia' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'appf' as ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']
# element 'cdis' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'cfol' as ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']
# element 'clpf' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'ctnr' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'docf' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'file' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'inlf' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'pack' as ['indx', 'name']
class disk(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""disk - A disk """
want = 'cdis'
class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<Inheritance> - inherits some of its properties from the container class """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'ctnr'
class capacity(aetools.NProperty):
"""capacity - the total number of bytes (free or used) on the disk """
which = 'capa'
......@@ -114,6 +63,21 @@ class startup(aetools.NProperty):
disks = disk
class desktop_2d_object(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""desktop-object - Desktop-object is the class of the \xd2desktop\xd3 object """
want = 'cdsk'
# element 'alia' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'appf' as ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']
# element 'cdis' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'cfol' as ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']
# element 'clpf' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'ctnr' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'docf' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'file' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'inlf' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'pack' as ['indx', 'name']
class folder(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""folder - A folder """
want = 'cfol'
......@@ -130,6 +94,42 @@ class folder(aetools.ComponentItem):
folders = folder
class container(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""container - An item that contains other items """
want = 'ctnr'
class completely_expanded(aetools.NProperty):
"""completely expanded - (NOT AVAILABLE YET) Are the container and all of its children opened as outlines? (can only be set for containers viewed as lists) """
which = 'pexc'
want = 'bool'
class container_window(aetools.NProperty):
"""container window - the container window for this folder """
which = 'cwnd'
want = 'obj '
class entire_contents(aetools.NProperty):
"""entire contents - the entire contents of the container, including the contents of its children """
which = 'ects'
want = 'obj '
class expandable(aetools.NProperty):
"""expandable - (NOT AVAILABLE YET) Is the container capable of being expanded as an outline? """
which = 'pexa'
want = 'bool'
class expanded(aetools.NProperty):
"""expanded - (NOT AVAILABLE YET) Is the container opened as an outline? (can only be set for containers viewed as lists) """
which = 'pexp'
want = 'bool'
# element 'alia' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'appf' as ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']
# element 'cfol' as ['indx', 'name', 'ID ']
# element 'clpf' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'ctnr' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'docf' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'file' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'inlf' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'pack' as ['indx', 'name']
containers = container
class trash_2d_object(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""trash-object - Trash-object is the class of the \xd2trash\xd3 object """
want = 'ctrs'
......@@ -147,18 +147,20 @@ class warns_before_emptying(aetools.NProperty):
# element 'file' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'inlf' as ['indx', 'name']
# element 'pack' as ['indx', 'name']
import Finder_items
container._superclassnames = ['item']
disk._superclassnames = ['container']
import Files
container._privpropdict = {
import Finder_items
disk._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'completely_expanded' : completely_expanded,
'container_window' : container_window,
'entire_contents' : entire_contents,
'expandable' : expandable,
'expanded' : expanded,
'capacity' : capacity,
'ejectable' : ejectable,
'format' : format,
'free_space' : free_space,
'ignore_privileges' : ignore_privileges,
'local_volume' : local_volume,
'startup' : startup,
container._privelemdict = {
disk._privelemdict = {
'alias_file' : Files.alias_file,
'application_file' : Files.application_file,
'clipping' : Files.clipping,
......@@ -187,18 +189,11 @@ desktop_2d_object._privelemdict = {
'item' : Finder_items.item,
'package' : Files.package,
disk._superclassnames = ['container']
disk._privpropdict = {
folder._superclassnames = ['container']
folder._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'capacity' : capacity,
'ejectable' : ejectable,
'format' : format,
'free_space' : free_space,
'ignore_privileges' : ignore_privileges,
'local_volume' : local_volume,
'startup' : startup,
disk._privelemdict = {
folder._privelemdict = {
'alias_file' : Files.alias_file,
'application_file' : Files.application_file,
'clipping' : Files.clipping,
......@@ -210,11 +205,16 @@ disk._privelemdict = {
'item' : Finder_items.item,
'package' : Files.package,
folder._superclassnames = ['container']
folder._privpropdict = {
container._superclassnames = ['item']
container._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'completely_expanded' : completely_expanded,
'container_window' : container_window,
'entire_contents' : entire_contents,
'expandable' : expandable,
'expanded' : expanded,
folder._privelemdict = {
container._privelemdict = {
'alias_file' : Files.alias_file,
'application_file' : Files.application_file,
'clipping' : Files.clipping,
......@@ -19,86 +19,6 @@ class alias_list(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""alias list - A list of aliases. Use \xd4as alias list\xd5 when a list of aliases is needed (instead of a list of file system item references). """
want = 'alst'
class column(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""column - a column of a list view """
want = 'lvcl'
class index(aetools.NProperty):
"""index - the index in the front-to-back ordering within its container """
which = 'pidx'
want = 'long'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the column name """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'elsv'
class sort_direction(aetools.NProperty):
"""sort direction - The direction in which the window is sorted """
which = 'sord'
want = 'sodr'
class visible(aetools.NProperty):
"""visible - is this column visible """
which = 'pvis'
want = 'bool'
class width(aetools.NProperty):
"""width - the width of this column """
which = 'clwd'
want = 'shor'
columns = column
class icon_family(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""icon family - (NOT AVAILABLE YET) A family of icons """
want = 'ifam'
class large_32_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 32 bit icon - the large 32-bit color icon """
which = 'il32'
want = 'il32'
class large_4_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 4 bit icon - the large 4-bit color icon """
which = 'icl4'
want = 'icl4'
class large_8_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 8 bit icon - the large 8-bit color icon """
which = 'icl8'
want = 'icl8'
class large_8_bit_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 8 bit mask - the large 8-bit mask for large 32-bit icons """
which = 'l8mk'
want = 'l8mk'
class large_monochrome_icon_and_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""large monochrome icon and mask - the large black-and-white icon and the mask for large icons """
which = 'ICN#'
want = 'ICN#'
class small_32_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""small 32 bit icon - the small 32-bit color icon """
which = 'is32'
want = 'is32'
class small_4_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""small 4 bit icon - the small 4-bit color icon """
which = 'ics4'
want = 'ics4'
class small_8_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""small 8 bit icon - the small 8-bit color icon """
which = 'ics8'
want = 'ics8'
small_8_bit_mask = small_8_bit_icon
class small_monochrome_icon_and_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""small monochrome icon and mask - the small black-and-white icon and the mask for small icons """
which = 'ics#'
want = 'ics#'
class icon_view_options(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""icon view options - the icon view options """
want = 'icop'
class arrangement(aetools.NProperty):
"""arrangement - the property by which to keep icons arranged """
which = 'iarr'
want = 'earr'
class icon_size(aetools.NProperty):
"""icon size - the size of icons displayed in the icon view """
which = 'lvis'
want = 'shor'
class label(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""label - (NOT AVAILABLE YET) A Finder label (name and color) """
want = 'clbl'
......@@ -106,23 +26,14 @@ class color(aetools.NProperty):
"""color - the color associated with the label """
which = 'colr'
want = 'cRGB'
class list_view_options(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""list view options - the list view options """
want = 'lvop'
class calculates_folder_sizes(aetools.NProperty):
"""calculates folder sizes - Are folder sizes calculated and displayed in the window? """
which = 'sfsz'
want = 'bool'
class sort_column(aetools.NProperty):
"""sort column - the column that the list view is sorted on """
which = 'srtc'
want = 'lvcl'
class uses_relative_dates(aetools.NProperty):
"""uses relative dates - Are relative dates (e.g., today, yesterday) shown in the list view? """
which = 'urdt'
want = 'bool'
# element 'lvcl' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
class index(aetools.NProperty):
"""index - the index in the front-to-back ordering within its container """
which = 'pidx'
want = 'long'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the name associated with the label """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'utxt'
class preferences(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""preferences - (NOT AVAILABLE, SUBJECT TO CHANGE) The Finder Preferences """
......@@ -135,6 +46,10 @@ class button_view_icon_size(aetools.NProperty):
"""button view icon size - the size of icons displayed in Finder button view windows. """
which = 'bisz'
want = 'long'
class calculates_folder_sizes(aetools.NProperty):
"""calculates folder sizes - Are folder sizes calculated and displayed in Finder list view windows? """
which = 'sfsz'
want = 'bool'
class delay_before_springing(aetools.NProperty):
"""delay before springing - the delay before springing open a container in ticks (1/60th of a second) (12 is shortest delay, 60 is longest delay) """
which = 'dela'
......@@ -171,8 +86,10 @@ class shows_version(aetools.NProperty):
"""shows version - Are file versions displayed in default Finder list view windows? """
which = 'svrs'
want = 'bool'
spatial_view_arrangement = arrangement
class spatial_view_arrangement(aetools.NProperty):
"""spatial view arrangement - the method of arrangement of icons in default Finder spatial view windows """
which = 'iarr'
want = 'earr'
class spatial_view_icon_size(aetools.NProperty):
"""spatial view icon size - the size of icons displayed in Finder spatial view windows. """
which = 'iisz'
......@@ -181,6 +98,10 @@ class spring_open_folders(aetools.NProperty):
"""spring open folders - Spring open folders after the specified delay? """
which = 'sprg'
want = 'bool'
class uses_relative_dates(aetools.NProperty):
"""uses relative dates - Are relative dates (e.g., today, yesterday) shown in Finder list view windows? """
which = 'urdt'
want = 'bool'
class uses_simple_menus(aetools.NProperty):
"""uses simple menus - Use simplified Finder menus? """
which = 'usme'
......@@ -202,43 +123,90 @@ class window(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'cwin'
want = 'pwnd'
# element 'clbl' as ['indx', 'name']
class icon_view_options(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""icon view options - the icon view options """
want = 'icop'
arrangement = spatial_view_arrangement
class icon_size(aetools.NProperty):
"""icon size - the size of icons displayed in the icon view """
which = 'lvis'
want = 'shor'
class icon_family(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""icon family - (NOT AVAILABLE YET) A family of icons """
want = 'ifam'
class large_32_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 32 bit icon - the large 32-bit color icon """
which = 'il32'
want = 'il32'
class large_4_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 4 bit icon - the large 4-bit color icon """
which = 'icl4'
want = 'icl4'
class large_8_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 8 bit icon - the large 8-bit color icon """
which = 'icl8'
want = 'icl8'
class large_8_bit_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 8 bit mask - the large 8-bit mask for large 32-bit icons """
which = 'l8mk'
want = 'l8mk'
class large_monochrome_icon_and_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""large monochrome icon and mask - the large black-and-white icon and the mask for large icons """
which = 'ICN#'
want = 'ICN#'
class small_32_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""small 32 bit icon - the small 32-bit color icon """
which = 'is32'
want = 'is32'
class small_4_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""small 4 bit icon - the small 4-bit color icon """
which = 'ics4'
want = 'ics4'
class small_8_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""small 8 bit icon - the small 8-bit color icon """
which = 'ics8'
want = 'ics8'
small_8_bit_mask = small_8_bit_icon
class small_monochrome_icon_and_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""small monochrome icon and mask - the small black-and-white icon and the mask for small icons """
which = 'ics#'
want = 'ics#'
class column(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""column - a column of a list view """
want = 'lvcl'
class sort_direction(aetools.NProperty):
"""sort direction - The direction in which the window is sorted """
which = 'sord'
want = 'sodr'
class visible(aetools.NProperty):
"""visible - is this column visible """
which = 'pvis'
want = 'bool'
class width(aetools.NProperty):
"""width - the width of this column """
which = 'clwd'
want = 'shor'
columns = column
class list_view_options(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""list view options - the list view options """
want = 'lvop'
class sort_column(aetools.NProperty):
"""sort column - the column that the list view is sorted on """
which = 'srtc'
want = 'lvcl'
# element 'lvcl' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
alias_list._superclassnames = []
alias_list._privpropdict = {
alias_list._privelemdict = {
column._superclassnames = []
column._privpropdict = {
'index' : index,
'name' : name,
'sort_direction' : sort_direction,
'visible' : visible,
'width' : width,
column._privelemdict = {
icon_family._superclassnames = []
icon_family._privpropdict = {
'large_32_bit_icon' : large_32_bit_icon,
'large_4_bit_icon' : large_4_bit_icon,
'large_8_bit_icon' : large_8_bit_icon,
'large_8_bit_mask' : large_8_bit_mask,
'large_monochrome_icon_and_mask' : large_monochrome_icon_and_mask,
'small_32_bit_icon' : small_32_bit_icon,
'small_4_bit_icon' : small_4_bit_icon,
'small_8_bit_icon' : small_8_bit_icon,
'small_8_bit_mask' : small_8_bit_mask,
'small_monochrome_icon_and_mask' : small_monochrome_icon_and_mask,
icon_family._privelemdict = {
icon_view_options._superclassnames = []
icon_view_options._privpropdict = {
'arrangement' : arrangement,
'icon_size' : icon_size,
icon_view_options._privelemdict = {
label._superclassnames = []
label._privpropdict = {
'color' : color,
......@@ -247,16 +215,6 @@ label._privpropdict = {
label._privelemdict = {
list_view_options._superclassnames = []
list_view_options._privpropdict = {
'calculates_folder_sizes' : calculates_folder_sizes,
'icon_size' : icon_size,
'sort_column' : sort_column,
'uses_relative_dates' : uses_relative_dates,
list_view_options._privelemdict = {
'column' : column,
preferences._superclassnames = []
preferences._privpropdict = {
'button_view_arrangement' : button_view_arrangement,
......@@ -284,6 +242,48 @@ preferences._privpropdict = {
preferences._privelemdict = {
'label' : label,
icon_view_options._superclassnames = []
icon_view_options._privpropdict = {
'arrangement' : arrangement,
'icon_size' : icon_size,
icon_view_options._privelemdict = {
icon_family._superclassnames = []
icon_family._privpropdict = {
'large_32_bit_icon' : large_32_bit_icon,
'large_4_bit_icon' : large_4_bit_icon,
'large_8_bit_icon' : large_8_bit_icon,
'large_8_bit_mask' : large_8_bit_mask,
'large_monochrome_icon_and_mask' : large_monochrome_icon_and_mask,
'small_32_bit_icon' : small_32_bit_icon,
'small_4_bit_icon' : small_4_bit_icon,
'small_8_bit_icon' : small_8_bit_icon,
'small_8_bit_mask' : small_8_bit_mask,
'small_monochrome_icon_and_mask' : small_monochrome_icon_and_mask,
icon_family._privelemdict = {
column._superclassnames = []
column._privpropdict = {
'index' : index,
'name' : name,
'sort_direction' : sort_direction,
'visible' : visible,
'width' : width,
column._privelemdict = {
list_view_options._superclassnames = []
list_view_options._privpropdict = {
'calculates_folder_sizes' : calculates_folder_sizes,
'icon_size' : icon_size,
'sort_column' : sort_column,
'uses_relative_dates' : uses_relative_dates,
list_view_options._privelemdict = {
'column' : column,
# Indices of types declared in this module
......@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ _propdeclarations = {
'colr' : color,
'cwin' : window,
'dela' : delay_before_springing,
'iarr' : arrangement,
'iarr' : spatial_view_arrangement,
'icl4' : large_4_bit_icon,
'icl8' : large_8_bit_icon,
'ics#' : small_monochrome_icon_and_mask,
......@@ -41,28 +41,6 @@ class target(aetools.NProperty):
Finder_windows = Finder_window
class clipping_window(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""clipping window - The window containing a clipping """
want = 'lwnd'
clipping_windows = clipping_window
class information_window(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""information window - An inspector window (opened by \xd2Show Info\xd3) """
want = 'iwnd'
class current_panel(aetools.NProperty):
"""current panel - the current panel in the information window """
which = 'panl'
want = 'ipnl'
class item(aetools.NProperty):
"""item - the item from which this window was opened """
which = 'cobj'
want = 'obj '
class preferences_window(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""preferences window - (NOT AVAILABLE YET) The Finder Preferences window """
want = 'pwnd'
class window(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""window - A window """
want = 'cwin'
......@@ -132,6 +110,28 @@ class zoomed_full_size(aetools.NProperty):
want = 'bool'
windows = window
class information_window(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""information window - An inspector window (opened by \xd2Show Info\xd3) """
want = 'iwnd'
class current_panel(aetools.NProperty):
"""current panel - the current panel in the information window """
which = 'panl'
want = 'ipnl'
class item(aetools.NProperty):
"""item - the item from which this window was opened """
which = 'cobj'
want = 'obj '
class clipping_window(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""clipping window - The window containing a clipping """
want = 'lwnd'
clipping_windows = clipping_window
class preferences_window(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""preferences window - (NOT AVAILABLE YET) The Finder Preferences window """
want = 'pwnd'
Finder_window._superclassnames = ['window']
Finder_window._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
......@@ -142,27 +142,6 @@ Finder_window._privpropdict = {
Finder_window._privelemdict = {
clipping_window._superclassnames = ['window']
clipping_window._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
clipping_window._privelemdict = {
information_window._superclassnames = ['window']
information_window._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'current_panel' : current_panel,
'item' : item,
information_window._privelemdict = {
preferences_window._superclassnames = ['window']
preferences_window._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'current_panel' : current_panel,
preferences_window._privelemdict = {
window._superclassnames = []
window._privpropdict = {
'bounds' : bounds,
......@@ -184,6 +163,27 @@ window._privpropdict = {
window._privelemdict = {
information_window._superclassnames = ['window']
information_window._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'current_panel' : current_panel,
'item' : item,
information_window._privelemdict = {
clipping_window._superclassnames = ['window']
clipping_window._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
clipping_window._privelemdict = {
preferences_window._superclassnames = ['window']
preferences_window._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'current_panel' : current_panel,
preferences_window._privelemdict = {
# Indices of types declared in this module
......@@ -69,6 +69,11 @@ import StdSuites
......@@ -76,20 +81,11 @@ getbaseclasses(alias_file)
......@@ -97,6 +93,10 @@ getbaseclasses(preferences)
......@@ -144,6 +144,11 @@ getbaseclasses(StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.bounding_rectangle)
_classdeclarations = {
'cobj' : item,
'capp' : application,
'ctrs' : trash_2d_object,
'cdsk' : desktop_2d_object,
'ctnr' : container,
'cfol' : folder,
'cdis' : disk,
'pack' : package,
'file' : file,
'appf' : application_file,
......@@ -151,20 +156,11 @@ _classdeclarations = {
'inlf' : internet_location_file,
'docf' : document_file,
'clpf' : clipping,
'prcs' : process,
'pcap' : application_process,
'pcda' : desk_accessory_process,
'capp' : application,
'pwnd' : preferences_window,
'brow' : Finder_window,
'cwin' : window,
'lwnd' : clipping_window,
'iwnd' : information_window,
'ctrs' : trash_2d_object,
'cdsk' : desktop_2d_object,
'ctnr' : container,
'cfol' : folder,
'cdis' : disk,
'icop' : icon_view_options,
'clbl' : label,
'lvcl' : column,
......@@ -172,6 +168,10 @@ _classdeclarations = {
'alst' : alias_list,
'ifam' : icon_family,
'lvop' : list_view_options,
'prcs' : process,
'pcap' : application_process,
'pcda' : desk_accessory_process,
'capp' : application,
'comp' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.double_integer,
'vers' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.version,
'tr16' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.RGB16_color,
......@@ -16,6 +16,31 @@ class Text_Events(Text_Suite_Events):
class text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""text - independent text view objects """
want = 'ctxt'
class beginning(aetools.NProperty):
"""beginning - Beginning of element """
which = 'bgng'
want = 'obj '
class end(aetools.NProperty):
"""end - Ending of element """
which = 'end '
want = 'obj '
class infront(aetools.NProperty):
"""infront - Immediately before element """
which = 'pBef'
want = 'obj '
class justbehind(aetools.NProperty):
"""justbehind - Immediately after element """
which = 'pAft'
want = 'obj '
class updateLevel(aetools.NProperty):
"""updateLevel - updating level. Can only be incremented or decremented. Do so only in a try block -- if the level is greater than zero, visual text updating will cease. """
which = 'pUpL'
want = 'long'
# element 'stys' as ['indx', 'name']
class styleset(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""styleset - A style \xd2set\xd3 that may be used repeatedly in text objects. """
want = 'stys'
......@@ -45,42 +70,6 @@ class writing_code(aetools.NProperty):
want = 'tsty'
stylesets = styleset
class text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""text - independent text view objects """
want = 'ctxt'
class beginning(aetools.NProperty):
"""beginning - Beginning of element """
which = 'bgng'
want = 'obj '
class end(aetools.NProperty):
"""end - Ending of element """
which = 'end '
want = 'obj '
class infront(aetools.NProperty):
"""infront - Immediately before element """
which = 'pBef'
want = 'obj '
class justbehind(aetools.NProperty):
"""justbehind - Immediately after element """
which = 'pAft'
want = 'obj '
class updateLevel(aetools.NProperty):
"""updateLevel - updating level. Can only be incremented or decremented. Do so only in a try block -- if the level is greater than zero, visual text updating will cease. """
which = 'pUpL'
want = 'long'
# element 'stys' as ['indx', 'name']
styleset._superclassnames = []
styleset._privpropdict = {
'color' : color,
'font' : font,
'name' : name,
'size' : size,
'style' : style,
'writing_code' : writing_code,
styleset._privelemdict = {
text._superclassnames = []
text._privpropdict = {
'beginning' : beginning,
......@@ -92,6 +81,17 @@ text._privpropdict = {
text._privelemdict = {
'styleset' : styleset,
styleset._superclassnames = []
styleset._privpropdict = {
'color' : color,
'font' : font,
'name' : name,
'size' : size,
'style' : style,
'writing_code' : writing_code,
styleset._privelemdict = {
# Indices of types declared in this module
......@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ import StdSuites
......@@ -68,8 +70,6 @@ getbaseclasses(StdSuites.Text_Suite.line)
# Indices of types declared in this module
......@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ getbaseclasses(styleset)
_classdeclarations = {
'cwin' : window,
'capp' : application,
'ctxt' : text,
'stys' : styleset,
'cflo' : StdSuites.Text_Suite.text_flow,
'cha ' : StdSuites.Text_Suite.character,
'tsty' : StdSuites.Text_Suite.text_style_info,
......@@ -84,8 +86,6 @@ _classdeclarations = {
'cwor' : StdSuites.Text_Suite.word,
'cpar' : StdSuites.Text_Suite.paragraph,
'ctxt' : StdSuites.Text_Suite.text,
'ctxt' : text,
'stys' : styleset,
......@@ -740,129 +740,57 @@ class AppleScript_Suite_Events:
return _arguments['----']
class empty_ae_name_(aetools.ComponentItem):
""" - the undefined value """
want = 'undf'
class April(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""April - the month of April """
want = 'apr '
class August(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""August - the month of August """
want = 'aug '
class C_string(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""C string - text followed by a null """
want = 'cstr'
C_strings = C_string
class anything(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""anything - any class or reference """
want = '****'
class December(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""December - the month of December """
want = 'dec '
class pictures(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""pictures - """
want = 'PICT'
class February(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""February - the month of February """
want = 'feb '
picture = pictures
class Friday(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Friday - Friday """
want = 'fri '
class styled_text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""styled text - text with font, size, and style information """
want = 'STXT'
class January(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""January - the month of January """
want = 'jan '
styled_text = styled_text
class July(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""July - the month of July """
want = 'jul '
class strings(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""strings - """
want = 'TEXT'
class June(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""June - the month of June """
want = 'jun '
string = strings
class March(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""March - the month of March """
want = 'mar '
class aliases(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""aliases - """
want = 'alis'
class May(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""May - the month of May """
want = 'may '
alias = aliases
class Monday(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Monday - Monday """
want = 'mon '
class November(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""November - the month of November """
want = 'nov '
class April(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""April - the month of April """
want = 'apr '
class October(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""October - the month of October """
want = 'oct '
class August(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""August - the month of August """
want = 'aug '
class Pascal_string(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Pascal string - text up to 255 characters preceded by a length byte """
want = 'pstr'
class booleans(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""booleans - """
want = 'bool'
Pascal_strings = Pascal_string
boolean = booleans
class RGB_color(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""RGB color - Three integers specifying red, green, blue color values """
class RGB_colors(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""RGB colors - """
want = 'cRGB'
RGB_colors = RGB_color
class Saturday(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Saturday - Saturday """
want = 'sat '
RGB_color = RGB_colors
class September(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""September - the month of September """
want = 'sep '
class Sunday(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Sunday - Sunday """
want = 'sun '
class Thursday(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Thursday - Thursday """
want = 'thu '
class Tuesday(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Tuesday - Tuesday """
want = 'tue '
class Unicode_text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Unicode text - """
want = 'utxt'
Unicode_text = Unicode_text
class Wednesday(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Wednesday - Wednesday """
want = 'wed '
class alias(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""alias - a file on a disk or server. The file must exist when you check the syntax of your script. """
want = 'alis'
class alias_or_string(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""alias or string - an alias or string """
want = 'sf '
aliases = alias
class anything(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""anything - any class or reference """
want = '****'
class app(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""app - Short name for application """
class application(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""application - specifies global properties of AppleScript """
want = 'capp'
application = app
class AppleScript(aetools.NProperty):
"""AppleScript - the top-level script object """
which = 'ascr'
......@@ -916,41 +844,13 @@ class weeks(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'week'
want = 'long'
applications = app
class boolean(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""boolean - A true or false value """
want = 'bool'
booleans = boolean
class centimeters(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""centimeters - a distance measurement in SI centimeters """
want = 'cmtr'
applications = application
centimetres = centimeters
class character(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""character - an individual text character """
want = 'cha '
app = application
characters = character
class class_(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""class - the type of a value """
want = 'pcls'
class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<Inheritance> - inherits some of its properties from this class """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'type'
classes = class_
class constant(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""constant - A constant value """
want = 'enum'
constants = constant
class upper_case(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""upper case - Text with lower case converted to upper case """
want = 'case'
class cubic_centimeters(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""cubic centimeters - a volume measurement in SI cubic centimeters """
......@@ -962,9 +862,31 @@ class cubic_feet(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""cubic feet - a volume measurement in Imperial cubic feet """
want = 'cfet'
class cubic_inches(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""cubic inches - a volume measurement in Imperial cubic inches """
want = 'cuin'
class characters(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""characters - """
want = 'cha '
character = characters
class writing_code_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""writing code info - script code and language code of text run """
want = 'citl'
class language_code(aetools.NProperty):
"""language code - the language code for the text """
which = 'plcd'
want = 'shor'
class script_code(aetools.NProperty):
"""script code - the script code for the text """
which = 'pscd'
want = 'shor'
writing_code_infos = writing_code_info
class text_items(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""text items - """
want = 'citm'
text_item = text_items
class cubic_meters(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""cubic meters - a volume measurement in SI cubic meters """
......@@ -972,47 +894,43 @@ class cubic_meters(aetools.ComponentItem):
cubic_metres = cubic_meters
class cubic_yards(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""cubic yards - a distance measurement in Imperial cubic yards """
want = 'cyrd'
class centimeters(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""centimeters - a distance measurement in SI centimeters """
want = 'cmtr'
class data(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""data - an AppleScript raw data object """
want = 'rdat'
centimetres = centimeters
class date(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""date - Absolute date and time values """
want = 'ldt '
class date_string(aetools.NProperty):
"""date string - the date portion of a date-time value as text """
which = 'dstr'
want = 'TEXT'
class day(aetools.NProperty):
"""day - the day of the month of a date """
which = 'day '
want = 'long'
class month(aetools.NProperty):
"""month - the month of a date """
which = 'mnth'
want = 'mnth'
class time(aetools.NProperty):
"""time - the time since midnight of a date """
which = 'time'
want = 'long'
class time_string(aetools.NProperty):
"""time string - the time portion of a date-time value as text """
which = 'tstr'
want = 'TEXT'
class weekday(aetools.NProperty):
"""weekday - the day of a week of a date """
which = 'wkdy'
want = 'wkdy'
class year(aetools.NProperty):
"""year - the year of a date """
which = 'year'
class item(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""item - An item of any type """
want = 'cobj'
class id(aetools.NProperty):
"""id - the unique ID number of this object """
which = 'ID '
want = 'long'
dates = date
items = item
class C_strings(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""C strings - """
want = 'cstr'
C_string = C_strings
class text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""text - text with language and style information """
want = 'ctxt'
class cubic_inches(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""cubic inches - a volume measurement in Imperial cubic inches """
want = 'cuin'
class cubic_yards(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""cubic yards - a distance measurement in Imperial cubic yards """
want = 'cyrd'
class December(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""December - the month of December """
want = 'dec '
class degrees_Celsius(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""degrees Celsius - a temperature measurement in SI degrees Celsius """
......@@ -1026,27 +944,47 @@ class degrees_Kelvin(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""degrees Kelvin - a temperature measurement in degrees Kelvin """
want = 'degk'
class encoded_string(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""encoded string - text encoded using the Text Encoding Converter """
class reals(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""reals - """
want = 'doub'
real = reals
class encoded_strings(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""encoded strings - """
want = 'encs'
encoded_strings = encoded_string
encoded_string = encoded_strings
class constants(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""constants - """
want = 'enum'
constant = constants
class event(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""event - an AppleEvents event """
class events(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""events - """
want = 'evnt'
events = event
event = events
class February(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""February - the month of February """
want = 'feb '
class feet(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""feet - a distance measurement in Imperial feet """
want = 'feet'
class file_specification(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""file specification - a file specification as used by the operating system """
class Friday(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Friday - Friday """
want = 'fri '
class file_specifications(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""file specifications - """
want = 'fss '
file_specifications = file_specification
file_specification = file_specifications
class gallons(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""gallons - a volume measurement in Imperial gallons """
......@@ -1056,37 +994,49 @@ class grams(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""grams - a mass measurement in SI meters """
want = 'gram'
class handler(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""handler - an AppleScript event or subroutine handler """
class handlers(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""handlers - """
want = 'hand'
handlers = handler
handler = handlers
class inches(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""inches - a distance measurement in Imperial inches """
want = 'inch'
class integer(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""integer - An integral number """
want = 'long'
integers = integer
class international_text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""international text - """
"""international text - text that begins with a writing code """
want = 'itxt'
international_text = international_text
class item(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""item - An item of any type """
want = 'cobj'
class id(aetools.NProperty):
"""id - the unique ID number of this object """
which = 'ID '
want = 'long'
class January(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""January - the month of January """
want = 'jan '
items = item
class July(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""July - the month of July """
want = 'jul '
class June(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""June - the month of June """
want = 'jun '
class reference_forms(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""reference forms - """
want = 'kfrm'
reference_form = reference_forms
class kilograms(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""kilograms - a mass measurement in SI kilograms """
want = 'kgrm'
class kilometers(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""kilometers - a distance measurement in SI kilometers """
want = 'kmtr'
kilometres = kilometers
class keystroke(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""keystroke - a press of a key combination on a Macintosh keyboard """
......@@ -1106,29 +1056,51 @@ class modifiers(aetools.NProperty):
keystrokes = keystroke
class kilograms(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""kilograms - a mass measurement in SI kilograms """
want = 'kgrm'
class kilometers(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""kilometers - a distance measurement in SI kilometers """
want = 'kmtr'
kilometres = kilometers
class pounds(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""pounds - a weight measurement in SI meters """
want = 'lbs '
class linked_list(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""linked list - An ordered collection of items """
want = 'llst'
class length(aetools.NProperty):
"""length - the length of a list """
which = 'leng'
class date(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""date - Absolute date and time values """
want = 'ldt '
class date_string(aetools.NProperty):
"""date string - the date portion of a date-time value as text """
which = 'dstr'
want = 'TEXT'
class day(aetools.NProperty):
"""day - the day of the month of a date """
which = 'day '
want = 'long'
class month(aetools.NProperty):
"""month - the month of a date """
which = 'mnth'
want = 'mnth'
class time(aetools.NProperty):
"""time - the time since midnight of a date """
which = 'time'
want = 'long'
class time_string(aetools.NProperty):
"""time string - the time portion of a date-time value as text """
which = 'tstr'
want = 'TEXT'
class weekday(aetools.NProperty):
"""weekday - the day of a week of a date """
which = 'wkdy'
want = 'wkdy'
class year(aetools.NProperty):
"""year - the year of a date """
which = 'year'
want = 'long'
linked_lists = linked_list
dates = date
class list(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""list - An ordered collection of items """
want = 'list'
class length(aetools.NProperty):
"""length - the length of a list """
which = 'leng'
want = 'long'
class rest(aetools.NProperty):
"""rest - all items of the list excluding first """
which = 'rest'
......@@ -1138,31 +1110,51 @@ class reverse(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'rvse'
want = 'list'
lists = list
class liters(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""liters - a volume measurement in SI liters """
want = 'litr'
litres = liters
class linked_list(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""linked list - An ordered collection of items """
want = 'llst'
linked_lists = linked_list
class integers(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""integers - """
want = 'long'
integer = integers
class list_or_record(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""list or record - a list or record """
want = 'lr '
class list_or_string(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""list or string - a list or string """
want = 'ls '
class list_2c__record_or_text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""list, record or text - a list, record or text """
want = 'lrs '
lists = list
class list_or_string(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""list or string - a list or string """
want = 'ls '
class liters(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""liters - a volume measurement in SI liters """
want = 'litr'
class machines(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""machines - """
want = 'mach'
litres = liters
machine = machines
class machine(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""machine - a computer """
want = 'mach'
class March(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""March - the month of March """
want = 'mar '
machines = machine
class May(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""May - the month of May """
want = 'may '
class meters(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""meters - a distance measurement in SI meters """
......@@ -1174,55 +1166,73 @@ class miles(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""miles - a distance measurement in Imperial miles """
want = 'mile'
class missing_value(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""missing value - unavailable value, such as properties missing from heterogeneous classes in a Whose clause """
want = 'msng'
class months(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""months - """
want = 'mnth'
missing_values = missing_value
month = months
class month(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""month - a month """
want = 'mnth'
class Monday(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Monday - Monday """
want = 'mon '
months = month
class missing_values(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""missing values - """
want = 'msng'
class number(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""number - an integer or real number """
want = 'nmbr'
missing_value = missing_values
class number_or_date(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""number or date - a number or date """
want = 'nd '
class number_2c__date_or_text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""number, date or text - a number, date or text """
want = 'nds '
class numbers(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""numbers - """
want = 'nmbr'
number = numbers
class November(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""November - the month of November """
want = 'nov '
class number_or_string(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""number or string - a number or string """
want = 'ns '
class number_2c__date_or_text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""number, date or text - a number, date or text """
want = 'nds '
class references(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""references - """
want = 'obj '
reference = references
numbers = number
class October(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""October - the month of October """
want = 'oct '
class ounces(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""ounces - a weight measurement in SI meters """
want = 'ozs '
class picture(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""picture - A QuickDraw picture object """
want = 'PICT'
pictures = picture
class class_(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""class - the type of a value """
want = 'pcls'
class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<Inheritance> - inherits some of its properties from this class """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'type'
class pounds(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""pounds - a weight measurement in SI meters """
want = 'lbs '
classes = class_
class preposition(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""preposition - an AppleEvents preposition """
class prepositions(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""prepositions - """
want = 'prep'
prepositions = preposition
preposition = prepositions
class properties(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""properties - """
......@@ -1230,33 +1240,37 @@ class properties(aetools.ComponentItem):
property = properties
class writing_code(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""writing code - codes that identify the language and script system """
want = 'psct'
class Pascal_strings(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Pascal strings - """
want = 'pstr'
Pascal_string = Pascal_strings
class quarts(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""quarts - a volume measurement in Imperial quarts """
want = 'qrts'
class real(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""real - A real number """
want = 'doub'
reals = real
class data(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""data - an AppleScript raw data object """
want = 'rdat'
class record(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""record - A set of labeled items """
class records(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""records - """
want = 'reco'
records = record
class reference(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""reference - an AppleScript reference """
want = 'obj '
class reference_form(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""reference form - an AppleEvents key form """
want = 'kfrm'
record = records
reference_forms = reference_form
class Saturday(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Saturday - Saturday """
want = 'sat '
references = reference
class seconds(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""seconds - more than one second """
want = 'scnd'
class script(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""script - An AppleScript script """
......@@ -1272,15 +1286,19 @@ class parent(aetools.NProperty):
scripts = script
class seconds(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""seconds - more than one second """
want = 'scnd'
class September(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""September - the month of September """
want = 'sep '
class alias_or_string(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""alias or string - an alias or string """
want = 'sf '
class sound(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""sound - a sound object on the clipboard """
class sounds(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""sounds - """
want = 'snd '
sounds = sound
sound = sounds
class square_feet(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""square feet - an area measurement in Imperial square feet """
......@@ -1292,61 +1310,57 @@ class square_kilometers(aetools.ComponentItem):
square_kilometres = square_kilometers
class square_miles(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""square miles - an area measurement in Imperial square miles """
want = 'sqmi'
class square_meters(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""square meters - an area measurement in SI square meters """
want = 'sqrm'
square_metres = square_meters
class square_miles(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""square miles - an area measurement in Imperial square miles """
want = 'sqmi'
class square_yards(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""square yards - an area measurement in Imperial square yards """
want = 'sqyd'
class string(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""string - text in 8-bit Macintosh Roman format """
want = 'TEXT'
strings = string
class styled_Clipboard_text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""styled Clipboard text - """
"""styled Clipboard text - clipboard text with font, size, and style information """
want = 'styl'
styled_Clipboard_text = styled_Clipboard_text
class Sunday(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Sunday - Sunday """
want = 'sun '
class styled_Unicode_text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""styled Unicode text - """
"""styled Unicode text - styled text in the Unicode format """
want = 'sutx'
styled_Unicode_text = styled_Unicode_text
class styled_text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""styled text - """
want = 'STXT'
styled_text = styled_text
class text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""text - text with language and style information """
want = 'ctxt'
class text_item(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""text item - text between delimiters """
want = 'citm'
class Thursday(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Thursday - Thursday """
want = 'thu '
text_items = text_item
class Tuesday(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Tuesday - Tuesday """
want = 'tue '
class type_class(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""type class - the name of a particular class (or any four-character code) """
want = 'type'
class upper_case(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""upper case - Text with lower case converted to upper case """
want = 'case'
class empty_ae_name_(aetools.ComponentItem):
""" - the undefined value """
want = 'undf'
class Unicode_text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Unicode text - text in the Unicode format (cannot be viewed without conversion) """
want = 'utxt'
Unicode_text = Unicode_text
class vector(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""vector - An ordered collection of items """
......@@ -1358,251 +1372,165 @@ class version(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""version - a version value """
want = 'vers'
class weekday(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""weekday - a weekday """
want = 'wkdy'
weekdays = weekday
class writing_code(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""writing code - codes that identify the language and script system """
want = 'psct'
class Wednesday(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Wednesday - Wednesday """
want = 'wed '
class writing_code_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""writing code info - script code and language code of text run """
want = 'citl'
class language_code(aetools.NProperty):
"""language code - the language code for the text """
which = 'plcd'
want = 'shor'
class script_code(aetools.NProperty):
"""script code - the script code for the text """
which = 'pscd'
want = 'shor'
class weekdays(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""weekdays - """
want = 'wkdy'
writing_code_infos = writing_code_info
weekday = weekdays
class yards(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""yards - a distance measurement in Imperial yards """
want = 'yard'
class zone(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""zone - an AppleTalk zone """
class zones(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""zones - """
want = 'zone'
zones = zone
empty_ae_name_._superclassnames = []
empty_ae_name_._privpropdict = {
empty_ae_name_._privelemdict = {
April._superclassnames = []
April._privpropdict = {
April._privelemdict = {
August._superclassnames = []
August._privpropdict = {
August._privelemdict = {
C_string._superclassnames = []
C_string._privpropdict = {
C_string._privelemdict = {
December._superclassnames = []
December._privpropdict = {
December._privelemdict = {
February._superclassnames = []
February._privpropdict = {
February._privelemdict = {
Friday._superclassnames = []
Friday._privpropdict = {
Friday._privelemdict = {
January._superclassnames = []
January._privpropdict = {
January._privelemdict = {
July._superclassnames = []
July._privpropdict = {
July._privelemdict = {
June._superclassnames = []
June._privpropdict = {
June._privelemdict = {
March._superclassnames = []
March._privpropdict = {
March._privelemdict = {
May._superclassnames = []
May._privpropdict = {
May._privelemdict = {
Monday._superclassnames = []
Monday._privpropdict = {
Monday._privelemdict = {
zone = zones
anything._superclassnames = []
anything._privpropdict = {
November._superclassnames = []
November._privpropdict = {
anything._privelemdict = {
November._privelemdict = {
pictures._superclassnames = []
pictures._privpropdict = {
October._superclassnames = []
October._privpropdict = {
pictures._privelemdict = {
October._privelemdict = {
styled_text._superclassnames = []
styled_text._privpropdict = {
Pascal_string._superclassnames = []
Pascal_string._privpropdict = {
styled_text._privelemdict = {
Pascal_string._privelemdict = {
styled_text._superclassnames = []
styled_text._privpropdict = {
RGB_color._superclassnames = []
RGB_color._privpropdict = {
styled_text._privelemdict = {
RGB_color._privelemdict = {
strings._superclassnames = []
strings._privpropdict = {
Saturday._superclassnames = []
Saturday._privpropdict = {
strings._privelemdict = {
Saturday._privelemdict = {
aliases._superclassnames = []
aliases._privpropdict = {
September._superclassnames = []
September._privpropdict = {
aliases._privelemdict = {
September._privelemdict = {
April._superclassnames = []
April._privpropdict = {
Sunday._superclassnames = []
Sunday._privpropdict = {
April._privelemdict = {
Sunday._privelemdict = {
August._superclassnames = []
August._privpropdict = {
Thursday._superclassnames = []
Thursday._privpropdict = {
August._privelemdict = {
Thursday._privelemdict = {
booleans._superclassnames = []
booleans._privpropdict = {
Tuesday._superclassnames = []
Tuesday._privpropdict = {
booleans._privelemdict = {
Tuesday._privelemdict = {
RGB_colors._superclassnames = []
RGB_colors._privpropdict = {
Unicode_text._superclassnames = []
Unicode_text._privpropdict = {
RGB_colors._privelemdict = {
Unicode_text._privelemdict = {
application._superclassnames = []
application._privpropdict = {
'AppleScript' : AppleScript,
'days' : days,
'hours' : hours,
'minutes' : minutes,
'pi' : pi,
'print_depth' : print_depth,
'print_length' : print_length,
'result' : result,
'return_' : return_,
'space' : space,
'tab' : tab,
'text_item_delimiters' : text_item_delimiters,
'weeks' : weeks,
application._privelemdict = {
Unicode_text._superclassnames = []
Unicode_text._privpropdict = {
upper_case._superclassnames = []
upper_case._privpropdict = {
Unicode_text._privelemdict = {
upper_case._privelemdict = {
Wednesday._superclassnames = []
Wednesday._privpropdict = {
cubic_centimeters._superclassnames = []
cubic_centimeters._privpropdict = {
Wednesday._privelemdict = {
cubic_centimeters._privelemdict = {
alias._superclassnames = []
alias._privpropdict = {
cubic_feet._superclassnames = []
cubic_feet._privpropdict = {
alias._privelemdict = {
cubic_feet._privelemdict = {
alias_or_string._superclassnames = []
alias_or_string._privpropdict = {
characters._superclassnames = []
characters._privpropdict = {
alias_or_string._privelemdict = {
characters._privelemdict = {
anything._superclassnames = []
anything._privpropdict = {
writing_code_info._superclassnames = []
writing_code_info._privpropdict = {
'language_code' : language_code,
'script_code' : script_code,
anything._privelemdict = {
writing_code_info._privelemdict = {
app._superclassnames = []
app._privpropdict = {
text_items._superclassnames = []
text_items._privpropdict = {
app._privelemdict = {
text_items._privelemdict = {
boolean._superclassnames = []
boolean._privpropdict = {
cubic_meters._superclassnames = []
cubic_meters._privpropdict = {
boolean._privelemdict = {
cubic_meters._privelemdict = {
centimeters._superclassnames = []
centimeters._privpropdict = {
centimeters._privelemdict = {
character._superclassnames = []
character._privpropdict = {
character._privelemdict = {
class_._superclassnames = ['type_class']
class_._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
class_._privelemdict = {
constant._superclassnames = []
constant._privpropdict = {
item._superclassnames = []
item._privpropdict = {
'id' : id,
constant._privelemdict = {
item._privelemdict = {
cubic_centimeters._superclassnames = []
cubic_centimeters._privpropdict = {
C_strings._superclassnames = []
C_strings._privpropdict = {
cubic_centimeters._privelemdict = {
C_strings._privelemdict = {
cubic_feet._superclassnames = []
cubic_feet._privpropdict = {
text._superclassnames = []
text._privpropdict = {
cubic_feet._privelemdict = {
text._privelemdict = {
cubic_inches._superclassnames = []
cubic_inches._privpropdict = {
cubic_inches._privelemdict = {
cubic_meters._superclassnames = []
cubic_meters._privpropdict = {
cubic_meters._privelemdict = {
cubic_yards._superclassnames = []
cubic_yards._privpropdict = {
cubic_yards._privelemdict = {
data._superclassnames = []
data._privpropdict = {
data._privelemdict = {
date._superclassnames = []
date._privpropdict = {
'date_string' : date_string,
'day' : day,
'month' : month,
'time' : time,
'time_string' : time_string,
'weekday' : weekday,
'year' : year,
December._superclassnames = []
December._privpropdict = {
date._privelemdict = {
December._privelemdict = {
degrees_Celsius._superclassnames = []
degrees_Celsius._privpropdict = {
......@@ -1619,25 +1547,45 @@ degrees_Kelvin._privpropdict = {
degrees_Kelvin._privelemdict = {
encoded_string._superclassnames = []
encoded_string._privpropdict = {
reals._superclassnames = []
reals._privpropdict = {
reals._privelemdict = {
encoded_strings._superclassnames = []
encoded_strings._privpropdict = {
encoded_strings._privelemdict = {
constants._superclassnames = []
constants._privpropdict = {
encoded_string._privelemdict = {
constants._privelemdict = {
event._superclassnames = []
event._privpropdict = {
events._superclassnames = []
events._privpropdict = {
event._privelemdict = {
events._privelemdict = {
February._superclassnames = []
February._privpropdict = {
February._privelemdict = {
feet._superclassnames = []
feet._privpropdict = {
feet._privelemdict = {
file_specification._superclassnames = []
file_specification._privpropdict = {
Friday._superclassnames = []
Friday._privpropdict = {
Friday._privelemdict = {
file_specifications._superclassnames = []
file_specifications._privpropdict = {
file_specification._privelemdict = {
file_specifications._privelemdict = {
gallons._superclassnames = []
gallons._privpropdict = {
......@@ -1649,21 +1597,16 @@ grams._privpropdict = {
grams._privelemdict = {
handler._superclassnames = []
handler._privpropdict = {
handlers._superclassnames = []
handlers._privpropdict = {
handler._privelemdict = {
handlers._privelemdict = {
inches._superclassnames = []
inches._privpropdict = {
inches._privelemdict = {
integer._superclassnames = []
integer._privpropdict = {
integer._privelemdict = {
international_text._superclassnames = []
international_text._privpropdict = {
......@@ -1674,19 +1617,25 @@ international_text._privpropdict = {
international_text._privelemdict = {
item._superclassnames = []
item._privpropdict = {
'id' : id,
January._superclassnames = []
January._privpropdict = {
item._privelemdict = {
January._privelemdict = {
keystroke._superclassnames = []
keystroke._privpropdict = {
'key' : key,
'key_kind' : key_kind,
'modifiers' : modifiers,
July._superclassnames = []
July._privpropdict = {
keystroke._privelemdict = {
July._privelemdict = {
June._superclassnames = []
June._privpropdict = {
June._privelemdict = {
reference_forms._superclassnames = []
reference_forms._privpropdict = {
reference_forms._privelemdict = {
kilograms._superclassnames = []
kilograms._privpropdict = {
......@@ -1698,11 +1647,30 @@ kilometers._privpropdict = {
kilometers._privelemdict = {
linked_list._superclassnames = []
linked_list._privpropdict = {
'length' : length,
keystroke._superclassnames = []
keystroke._privpropdict = {
'key' : key,
'key_kind' : key_kind,
'modifiers' : modifiers,
linked_list._privelemdict = {
keystroke._privelemdict = {
pounds._superclassnames = []
pounds._privpropdict = {
pounds._privelemdict = {
date._superclassnames = []
date._privpropdict = {
'date_string' : date_string,
'day' : day,
'month' : month,
'time' : time,
'time_string' : time_string,
'weekday' : weekday,
'year' : year,
date._privelemdict = {
list._superclassnames = []
list._privpropdict = {
......@@ -1712,30 +1680,51 @@ list._privpropdict = {
list._privelemdict = {
liters._superclassnames = []
liters._privpropdict = {
liters._privelemdict = {
linked_list._superclassnames = []
linked_list._privpropdict = {
'length' : length,
linked_list._privelemdict = {
integers._superclassnames = []
integers._privpropdict = {
integers._privelemdict = {
list_or_record._superclassnames = []
list_or_record._privpropdict = {
list_or_record._privelemdict = {
list_2c__record_or_text._superclassnames = []
list_2c__record_or_text._privpropdict = {
list_2c__record_or_text._privelemdict = {
list_or_string._superclassnames = []
list_or_string._privpropdict = {
list_or_string._privelemdict = {
list_2c__record_or_text._superclassnames = []
list_2c__record_or_text._privpropdict = {
machines._superclassnames = []
machines._privpropdict = {
list_2c__record_or_text._privelemdict = {
machines._privelemdict = {
liters._superclassnames = []
liters._privpropdict = {
March._superclassnames = []
March._privpropdict = {
liters._privelemdict = {
March._privelemdict = {
machine._superclassnames = []
machine._privpropdict = {
May._superclassnames = []
May._privpropdict = {
machine._privelemdict = {
May._privelemdict = {
meters._superclassnames = []
meters._privpropdict = {
......@@ -1747,85 +1736,111 @@ miles._privpropdict = {
miles._privelemdict = {
missing_value._superclassnames = []
missing_value._privpropdict = {
months._superclassnames = []
months._privpropdict = {
missing_value._privelemdict = {
months._privelemdict = {
month._superclassnames = []
month._privpropdict = {
Monday._superclassnames = []
Monday._privpropdict = {
month._privelemdict = {
Monday._privelemdict = {
number._superclassnames = []
number._privpropdict = {
missing_values._superclassnames = []
missing_values._privpropdict = {
number._privelemdict = {
missing_values._privelemdict = {
number_or_date._superclassnames = []
number_or_date._privpropdict = {
number_or_date._privelemdict = {
number_2c__date_or_text._superclassnames = []
number_2c__date_or_text._privpropdict = {
number_2c__date_or_text._privelemdict = {
numbers._superclassnames = []
numbers._privpropdict = {
numbers._privelemdict = {
November._superclassnames = []
November._privpropdict = {
November._privelemdict = {
number_or_string._superclassnames = []
number_or_string._privpropdict = {
number_or_string._privelemdict = {
number_2c__date_or_text._superclassnames = []
number_2c__date_or_text._privpropdict = {
references._superclassnames = []
references._privpropdict = {
number_2c__date_or_text._privelemdict = {
references._privelemdict = {
October._superclassnames = []
October._privpropdict = {
October._privelemdict = {
ounces._superclassnames = []
ounces._privpropdict = {
ounces._privelemdict = {
picture._superclassnames = []
picture._privpropdict = {
picture._privelemdict = {
pounds._superclassnames = []
pounds._privpropdict = {
class_._superclassnames = ['type_class']
class_._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
pounds._privelemdict = {
class_._privelemdict = {
preposition._superclassnames = []
preposition._privpropdict = {
prepositions._superclassnames = []
prepositions._privpropdict = {
preposition._privelemdict = {
prepositions._privelemdict = {
properties._superclassnames = []
properties._privpropdict = {
properties._privelemdict = {
writing_code._superclassnames = []
writing_code._privpropdict = {
writing_code._privelemdict = {
Pascal_strings._superclassnames = []
Pascal_strings._privpropdict = {
Pascal_strings._privelemdict = {
quarts._superclassnames = []
quarts._privpropdict = {
quarts._privelemdict = {
real._superclassnames = []
real._privpropdict = {
data._superclassnames = []
data._privpropdict = {
real._privelemdict = {
data._privelemdict = {
record._superclassnames = []
record._privpropdict = {
records._superclassnames = []
records._privpropdict = {
record._privelemdict = {
records._privelemdict = {
reference._superclassnames = []
reference._privpropdict = {
Saturday._superclassnames = []
Saturday._privpropdict = {
reference._privelemdict = {
Saturday._privelemdict = {
reference_form._superclassnames = []
reference_form._privpropdict = {
seconds._superclassnames = []
seconds._privpropdict = {
reference_form._privelemdict = {
seconds._privelemdict = {
script._superclassnames = []
script._privpropdict = {
......@@ -1834,15 +1849,20 @@ script._privpropdict = {
script._privelemdict = {
seconds._superclassnames = []
seconds._privpropdict = {
September._superclassnames = []
September._privpropdict = {
seconds._privelemdict = {
September._privelemdict = {
alias_or_string._superclassnames = []
alias_or_string._privpropdict = {
alias_or_string._privelemdict = {
sound._superclassnames = []
sound._privpropdict = {
sounds._superclassnames = []
sounds._privpropdict = {
sound._privelemdict = {
sounds._privelemdict = {
square_feet._superclassnames = []
square_feet._privpropdict = {
......@@ -1854,26 +1874,21 @@ square_kilometers._privpropdict = {
square_kilometers._privelemdict = {
square_meters._superclassnames = []
square_meters._privpropdict = {
square_meters._privelemdict = {
square_miles._superclassnames = []
square_miles._privpropdict = {
square_miles._privelemdict = {
square_meters._superclassnames = []
square_meters._privpropdict = {
square_meters._privelemdict = {
square_yards._superclassnames = []
square_yards._privpropdict = {
square_yards._privelemdict = {
string._superclassnames = []
string._privpropdict = {
string._privelemdict = {
styled_Clipboard_text._superclassnames = []
styled_Clipboard_text._privpropdict = {
......@@ -1884,6 +1899,11 @@ styled_Clipboard_text._privpropdict = {
styled_Clipboard_text._privelemdict = {
Sunday._superclassnames = []
Sunday._privpropdict = {
Sunday._privelemdict = {
styled_Unicode_text._superclassnames = []
styled_Unicode_text._privpropdict = {
......@@ -1894,35 +1914,35 @@ styled_Unicode_text._privpropdict = {
styled_Unicode_text._privelemdict = {
styled_text._superclassnames = []
styled_text._privpropdict = {
Thursday._superclassnames = []
Thursday._privpropdict = {
styled_text._privelemdict = {
Thursday._privelemdict = {
styled_text._superclassnames = []
styled_text._privpropdict = {
Tuesday._superclassnames = []
Tuesday._privpropdict = {
styled_text._privelemdict = {
Tuesday._privelemdict = {
text._superclassnames = []
text._privpropdict = {
type_class._superclassnames = []
type_class._privpropdict = {
text._privelemdict = {
type_class._privelemdict = {
text_item._superclassnames = []
text_item._privpropdict = {
empty_ae_name_._superclassnames = []
empty_ae_name_._privpropdict = {
text_item._privelemdict = {
empty_ae_name_._privelemdict = {
type_class._superclassnames = []
type_class._privpropdict = {
Unicode_text._superclassnames = []
Unicode_text._privpropdict = {
type_class._privelemdict = {
Unicode_text._privelemdict = {
upper_case._superclassnames = []
upper_case._privpropdict = {
Unicode_text._superclassnames = []
Unicode_text._privpropdict = {
upper_case._privelemdict = {
Unicode_text._privelemdict = {
vector._superclassnames = []
vector._privpropdict = {
......@@ -1935,32 +1955,25 @@ version._privpropdict = {
version._privelemdict = {
weekday._superclassnames = []
weekday._privpropdict = {
weekday._privelemdict = {
writing_code._superclassnames = []
writing_code._privpropdict = {
Wednesday._superclassnames = []
Wednesday._privpropdict = {
writing_code._privelemdict = {
Wednesday._privelemdict = {
writing_code_info._superclassnames = []
writing_code_info._privpropdict = {
'language_code' : language_code,
'script_code' : script_code,
weekdays._superclassnames = []
weekdays._privpropdict = {
writing_code_info._privelemdict = {
weekdays._privelemdict = {
yards._superclassnames = []
yards._privpropdict = {
yards._privelemdict = {
zone._superclassnames = []
zone._privpropdict = {
zones._superclassnames = []
zones._privpropdict = {
zone._privelemdict = {
zones._privelemdict = {
_Enum_boov = {
'true' : 'true', # the true boolean value
......@@ -2029,25 +2042,25 @@ _Enum_misc = {
_classdeclarations = {
'****' : anything,
'PICT' : picture,
'PICT' : pictures,
'STXT' : styled_text,
'TEXT' : string,
'alis' : alias,
'TEXT' : strings,
'alis' : aliases,
'apr ' : April,
'aug ' : August,
'bool' : boolean,
'cRGB' : RGB_color,
'capp' : app,
'bool' : booleans,
'cRGB' : RGB_colors,
'capp' : application,
'case' : upper_case,
'ccmt' : cubic_centimeters,
'cfet' : cubic_feet,
'cha ' : character,
'cha ' : characters,
'citl' : writing_code_info,
'citm' : text_item,
'citm' : text_items,
'cmet' : cubic_meters,
'cmtr' : centimeters,
'cobj' : item,
'cstr' : C_string,
'cstr' : C_strings,
'ctxt' : text,
'cuin' : cubic_inches,
'cyrd' : cubic_yards,
......@@ -2055,23 +2068,23 @@ _classdeclarations = {
'degc' : degrees_Celsius,
'degf' : degrees_Fahrenheit,
'degk' : degrees_Kelvin,
'doub' : real,
'encs' : encoded_string,
'enum' : constant,
'evnt' : event,
'doub' : reals,
'encs' : encoded_strings,
'enum' : constants,
'evnt' : events,
'feb ' : February,
'feet' : feet,
'fri ' : Friday,
'fss ' : file_specification,
'fss ' : file_specifications,
'galn' : gallons,
'gram' : grams,
'hand' : handler,
'hand' : handlers,
'inch' : inches,
'itxt' : international_text,
'jan ' : January,
'jul ' : July,
'jun ' : June,
'kfrm' : reference_form,
'kfrm' : reference_forms,
'kgrm' : kilograms,
'kmtr' : kilometers,
'kprs' : keystroke,
......@@ -2080,40 +2093,40 @@ _classdeclarations = {
'list' : list,
'litr' : liters,
'llst' : linked_list,
'long' : integer,
'long' : integers,
'lr ' : list_or_record,
'lrs ' : list_2c__record_or_text,
'ls ' : list_or_string,
'mach' : machine,
'mach' : machines,
'mar ' : March,
'may ' : May,
'metr' : meters,
'mile' : miles,
'mnth' : month,
'mnth' : months,
'mon ' : Monday,
'msng' : missing_value,
'msng' : missing_values,
'nd ' : number_or_date,
'nds ' : number_2c__date_or_text,
'nmbr' : number,
'nmbr' : numbers,
'nov ' : November,
'ns ' : number_or_string,
'obj ' : reference,
'obj ' : references,
'oct ' : October,
'ozs ' : ounces,
'pcls' : class_,
'prep' : preposition,
'prep' : prepositions,
'prop' : properties,
'psct' : writing_code,
'pstr' : Pascal_string,
'pstr' : Pascal_strings,
'qrts' : quarts,
'rdat' : data,
'reco' : record,
'reco' : records,
'sat ' : Saturday,
'scnd' : seconds,
'scpt' : script,
'sep ' : September,
'sf ' : alias_or_string,
'snd ' : sound,
'snd ' : sounds,
'sqft' : square_feet,
'sqkm' : square_kilometers,
'sqmi' : square_miles,
......@@ -2130,9 +2143,9 @@ _classdeclarations = {
'vect' : vector,
'vers' : version,
'wed ' : Wednesday,
'wkdy' : weekday,
'wkdy' : weekdays,
'yard' : yards,
'zone' : zone,
'zone' : zones,
_propdeclarations = {
......@@ -29,6 +29,24 @@ class ID(aetools.NProperty):
ADB_addresses = ADB_address
class address_specification(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""address specification - Unique designation of a device or service connected to this computer """
want = 'cadr'
class conduit(aetools.NProperty):
"""conduit - How the addressee is physically connected """
which = 'pcon'
want = 'econ'
class properties(aetools.NProperty):
"""properties - property that allows getting and setting of multiple properties """
which = 'pALL'
want = 'reco'
class protocol(aetools.NProperty):
"""protocol - How to talk to this addressee """
which = 'pprt'
want = 'epro'
address_specifications = address_specification
class AppleTalk_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""AppleTalk address - Addresses a device or service connected via the AppleTalk protocol """
want = 'cat '
......@@ -47,6 +65,26 @@ class AppleTalk_zone(aetools.NProperty):
AppleTalk_addresses = AppleTalk_address
class bus_slot(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""bus slot - Addresses a PC, PCI, or NuBus card """
want = 'cbus'
bus_slots = bus_slot
class device_specification(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""device specification - A device connected to a computer """
want = 'cdev'
class device_address(aetools.NProperty):
"""device address - the address of the device """
which = 'pdva'
want = 'cadr'
class device_type(aetools.NProperty):
"""device type - the kind of device """
which = 'pdvt'
want = 'edvt'
device_specifications = device_specification
class Ethernet_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Ethernet address - Addresses a device by its Ethernet address """
want = 'cen '
......@@ -111,53 +149,15 @@ class Token_Ring_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
Token_Ring_addresses = Token_Ring_address
class USB_Addresses(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""USB Addresses - """
class USB_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""USB address - Addresses a device on the Universal Serial Bus """
want = 'cusb'
USB_address = USB_Addresses
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the USB device name """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'TEXT'
class address_specification(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""address specification - Unique designation of a device or service connected to this computer """
want = 'cadr'
class conduit(aetools.NProperty):
"""conduit - How the addressee is physically connected """
which = 'pcon'
want = 'econ'
class properties(aetools.NProperty):
"""properties - property that allows getting and setting of multiple properties """
which = 'pALL'
want = 'reco'
class protocol(aetools.NProperty):
"""protocol - How to talk to this addressee """
which = 'pprt'
want = 'epro'
address_specifications = address_specification
class bus_slot(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""bus slot - Addresses a PC, PCI, or NuBus card """
want = 'cbus'
bus_slots = bus_slot
class device_specification(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""device specification - A device connected to a computer """
want = 'cdev'
class device_address(aetools.NProperty):
"""device address - the address of the device """
which = 'pdva'
want = 'cadr'
class device_type(aetools.NProperty):
"""device type - the kind of device """
which = 'pdvt'
want = 'edvt'
device_specifications = device_specification
USB_Addresses = USB_address
ADB_address._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
ADB_address._privpropdict = {
'ID' : ID,
......@@ -165,6 +165,14 @@ ADB_address._privpropdict = {
ADB_address._privelemdict = {
address_specification._superclassnames = []
address_specification._privpropdict = {
'conduit' : conduit,
'properties' : properties,
'protocol' : protocol,
address_specification._privelemdict = {
AppleTalk_address._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
AppleTalk_address._privpropdict = {
'AppleTalk_machine' : AppleTalk_machine,
......@@ -174,6 +182,21 @@ AppleTalk_address._privpropdict = {
AppleTalk_address._privelemdict = {
bus_slot._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
bus_slot._privpropdict = {
'ID' : ID,
'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
bus_slot._privelemdict = {
device_specification._superclassnames = []
device_specification._privpropdict = {
'device_address' : device_address,
'device_type' : device_type,
'properties' : properties,
device_specification._privelemdict = {
Ethernet_address._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
Ethernet_address._privpropdict = {
'ID' : ID,
......@@ -222,33 +245,12 @@ Token_Ring_address._privpropdict = {
Token_Ring_address._privelemdict = {
USB_Addresses._superclassnames = []
USB_Addresses._privpropdict = {
USB_Addresses._privelemdict = {
address_specification._superclassnames = []
address_specification._privpropdict = {
'conduit' : conduit,
'properties' : properties,
'protocol' : protocol,
address_specification._privelemdict = {
bus_slot._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
bus_slot._privpropdict = {
'ID' : ID,
USB_address._superclassnames = ['address_specification']
USB_address._privpropdict = {
'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
'name' : name,
bus_slot._privelemdict = {
device_specification._superclassnames = []
device_specification._privpropdict = {
'device_address' : device_address,
'device_type' : device_type,
'properties' : properties,
device_specification._privelemdict = {
USB_address._privelemdict = {
_Enum_econ = {
'ADB' : 'eadb', #
......@@ -337,7 +339,7 @@ _classdeclarations = {
'clt ' : LocalTalk_address,
'cscs' : SCSI_address,
'ctok' : Token_Ring_address,
'cusb' : USB_Addresses,
'cusb' : USB_address,
_propdeclarations = {
......@@ -119,45 +119,17 @@ class writing_code(aetools.NProperty):
drawing_areas = drawing_area
class graphic_group(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""graphic group - Group of graphics """
want = 'cpic'
graphic_groups = graphic_group
class graphic_line(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""graphic line - A graphic line """
want = 'glin'
class arrow_style(aetools.NProperty):
"""arrow style - the arrow style """
which = 'arro'
want = 'arro'
class dash_style(aetools.NProperty):
"""dash style - the dash style """
which = 'pdst'
want = 'tdas'
class end_point(aetools.NProperty):
"""end point - the ending point of the line """
which = 'pend'
want = 'QDpt'
class start_point(aetools.NProperty):
"""start point - the starting point of the line """
which = 'pstp'
want = 'QDpt'
graphic_lines = graphic_line
class graphic_object(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""graphic object - A graphic object """
class graphic_objects(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""graphic objects - """
want = 'cgob'
graphic_objects = graphic_object
graphic_object = graphic_objects
class graphic_shape(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""graphic shape - A graphic shape """
class graphic_shapes(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""graphic shapes - """
want = 'cgsh'
graphic_shapes = graphic_shape
graphic_shape = graphic_shapes
class graphic_text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""graphic text - A series of characters within a drawing area """
......@@ -179,23 +151,11 @@ class uniform_styles(aetools.NProperty):
which = 'ustl'
want = 'tsty'
class oval(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""oval - An oval """
class ovals(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""ovals - """
want = 'covl'
ovals = oval
class pixel(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""pixel - A pixel """
want = 'cpxl'
class pixel_map(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""pixel map - A pixel map """
want = 'cpix'
pixel_maps = pixel_map
pixels = pixel
oval = ovals
class polygon(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""polygon - A polygon """
......@@ -207,11 +167,29 @@ class point_list(aetools.NProperty):
polygons = polygon
class rectangle(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""rectangle - A rectangle """
class graphic_groups(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""graphic groups - """
want = 'cpic'
graphic_group = graphic_groups
class pixel_maps(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""pixel maps - """
want = 'cpix'
pixel_map = pixel_maps
class pixel(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""pixel - A pixel """
want = 'cpxl'
pixels = pixel
class rectangles(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""rectangles - """
want = 'crec'
rectangles = rectangle
rectangle = rectangles
class rounded_rectangle(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""rounded rectangle - A rounded rectangle """
......@@ -226,6 +204,28 @@ class corner_curve_width(aetools.NProperty):
want = 'shor'
rounded_rectangles = rounded_rectangle
class graphic_line(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""graphic line - A graphic line """
want = 'glin'
class arrow_style(aetools.NProperty):
"""arrow style - the arrow style """
which = 'arro'
want = 'arro'
class dash_style(aetools.NProperty):
"""dash style - the dash style """
which = 'pdst'
want = 'tdas'
class end_point(aetools.NProperty):
"""end point - the ending point of the line """
which = 'pend'
want = 'QDpt'
class start_point(aetools.NProperty):
"""start point - the starting point of the line """
which = 'pstp'
want = 'QDpt'
graphic_lines = graphic_line
arc._superclassnames = []
arc._privpropdict = {
'arc_angle' : arc_angle,
......@@ -259,29 +259,15 @@ drawing_area._privpropdict = {
drawing_area._privelemdict = {
graphic_group._superclassnames = []
graphic_group._privpropdict = {
graphic_objects._superclassnames = []
graphic_objects._privpropdict = {
graphic_group._privelemdict = {
graphic_objects._privelemdict = {
graphic_line._superclassnames = []
graphic_line._privpropdict = {
'arrow_style' : arrow_style,
'dash_style' : dash_style,
'end_point' : end_point,
'start_point' : start_point,
graphic_shapes._superclassnames = []
graphic_shapes._privpropdict = {
graphic_line._privelemdict = {
graphic_object._superclassnames = []
graphic_object._privpropdict = {
graphic_object._privelemdict = {
graphic_shape._superclassnames = []
graphic_shape._privpropdict = {
graphic_shape._privelemdict = {
graphic_shapes._privelemdict = {
graphic_text._superclassnames = []
graphic_text._privpropdict = {
......@@ -292,21 +278,10 @@ graphic_text._privpropdict = {
graphic_text._privelemdict = {
oval._superclassnames = []
oval._privpropdict = {
ovals._superclassnames = []
ovals._privpropdict = {
oval._privelemdict = {
pixel._superclassnames = []
pixel._privpropdict = {
'color' : color,
pixel._privelemdict = {
pixel_map._superclassnames = []
pixel_map._privpropdict = {
pixel_map._privelemdict = {
ovals._privelemdict = {
polygon._superclassnames = []
polygon._privpropdict = {
......@@ -314,10 +289,26 @@ polygon._privpropdict = {
polygon._privelemdict = {
rectangle._superclassnames = []
rectangle._privpropdict = {
graphic_groups._superclassnames = []
graphic_groups._privpropdict = {
graphic_groups._privelemdict = {
pixel_maps._superclassnames = []
pixel_maps._privpropdict = {
pixel_maps._privelemdict = {
pixel._superclassnames = []
pixel._privpropdict = {
'color' : color,
pixel._privelemdict = {
rectangles._superclassnames = []
rectangles._privpropdict = {
rectangle._privelemdict = {
rectangles._privelemdict = {
rounded_rectangle._superclassnames = []
rounded_rectangle._privpropdict = {
......@@ -326,6 +317,15 @@ rounded_rectangle._privpropdict = {
rounded_rectangle._privelemdict = {
graphic_line._superclassnames = []
graphic_line._privpropdict = {
'arrow_style' : arrow_style,
'dash_style' : dash_style,
'end_point' : end_point,
'start_point' : start_point,
graphic_line._privelemdict = {
_Enum_arro = {
'no_arrow' : 'arno', # No arrow on line
'arrow_at_start' : 'arst', # Arrow at start of line
......@@ -358,15 +358,15 @@ _Enum_tran = {
_classdeclarations = {
'carc' : arc,
'cdrw' : drawing_area,
'cgob' : graphic_object,
'cgsh' : graphic_shape,
'cgob' : graphic_objects,
'cgsh' : graphic_shapes,
'cgtx' : graphic_text,
'covl' : oval,
'covl' : ovals,
'cpgn' : polygon,
'cpic' : graphic_group,
'cpix' : pixel_map,
'cpic' : graphic_groups,
'cpix' : pixel_maps,
'cpxl' : pixel,
'crec' : rectangle,
'crec' : rectangles,
'crrc' : rounded_rectangle,
'glin' : graphic_line,
......@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ class translation(aetools.NProperty):
drawing_areas = drawing_area
class graphic_group(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""graphic group - Group of graphics """
class graphic_groups(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""graphic groups - """
want = 'cpic'
graphic_groups = graphic_group
graphic_group = graphic_groups
drawing_area._superclassnames = []
drawing_area._privpropdict = {
'rotation' : rotation,
......@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ drawing_area._privpropdict = {
drawing_area._privelemdict = {
graphic_group._superclassnames = []
graphic_group._privpropdict = {
graphic_groups._superclassnames = []
graphic_groups._privpropdict = {
graphic_group._privelemdict = {
graphic_groups._privelemdict = {
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ graphic_group._privelemdict = {
_classdeclarations = {
'cdrw' : drawing_area,
'cpic' : graphic_group,
'cpic' : graphic_groups,
_propdeclarations = {
......@@ -448,11 +448,11 @@ class Standard_Suite_Events(builtin_Suite_Events):
return _arguments['----']
class alias(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""alias - a file on a disk or server. The file must exist when you check the syntax of your script. """
class aliases(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""aliases - """
want = 'alis'
aliases = alias
alias = aliases
class application(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""application - An application program """
......@@ -480,31 +480,11 @@ class version(aetools.NProperty):
applications = application
class document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""document - A document of a scriptable application """
want = 'docu'
class modified(aetools.NProperty):
"""modified - Has the document been modified since the last save? """
which = 'imod'
want = 'bool'
documents = document
class file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""file - a file on a disk or server """
want = 'file'
class stationery(aetools.NProperty):
"""stationery - Is the file a stationery file? """
which = 'pspd'
want = 'bool'
files = file
class insertion_point(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""insertion point - An insertion location between two objects """
class insertion_points(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""insertion points - """
want = 'cins'
insertion_points = insertion_point
insertion_point = insertion_points
class selection_2d_object(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""selection-object - A way to refer to the state of the current of the selection. Use the \xd4select\xd5 command to make a new selection. """
......@@ -559,10 +539,30 @@ class zoomed(aetools.NProperty):
want = 'bool'
windows = window
alias._superclassnames = []
alias._privpropdict = {
class document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""document - A document of a scriptable application """
want = 'docu'
class modified(aetools.NProperty):
"""modified - Has the document been modified since the last save? """
which = 'imod'
want = 'bool'
documents = document
class file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""file - a file on a disk or server """
want = 'file'
class stationery(aetools.NProperty):
"""stationery - Is the file a stationery file? """
which = 'pspd'
want = 'bool'
files = file
aliases._superclassnames = []
aliases._privpropdict = {
alias._privelemdict = {
aliases._privelemdict = {
application._superclassnames = []
application._privpropdict = {
......@@ -574,22 +574,10 @@ application._privpropdict = {
application._privelemdict = {
document._superclassnames = []
document._privpropdict = {
'modified' : modified,
document._privelemdict = {
file._superclassnames = []
file._privpropdict = {
'stationery' : stationery,
file._privelemdict = {
insertion_point._superclassnames = []
insertion_point._privpropdict = {
insertion_points._superclassnames = []
insertion_points._privpropdict = {
insertion_point._privelemdict = {
insertion_points._privelemdict = {
selection_2d_object._superclassnames = []
selection_2d_object._privpropdict = {
......@@ -612,6 +600,18 @@ window._privpropdict = {
window._privelemdict = {
document._superclassnames = []
document._privpropdict = {
'modified' : modified,
document._privelemdict = {
file._superclassnames = []
file._privpropdict = {
'stationery' : stationery,
file._privelemdict = {
class _3c_(aetools.NComparison):
"""< - Less than """
class _3d_(aetools.NComparison):
......@@ -663,9 +663,9 @@ _Enum_styl = {
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'alis' : alias,
'alis' : aliases,
'capp' : application,
'cins' : insertion_point,
'cins' : insertion_points,
'csel' : selection_2d_object,
'cwin' : window,
'docu' : document,
......@@ -39,17 +39,17 @@ class name(aetools.NProperty):
columns = column
class row(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""row - A row """
class rows(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""rows - """
want = 'crow'
rows = row
row = rows
class table(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""table - A table """
class tables(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""tables - """
want = 'ctbl'
tables = table
table = tables
cell._superclassnames = []
cell._privpropdict = {
'formula' : formula,
......@@ -63,15 +63,15 @@ column._privpropdict = {
column._privelemdict = {
row._superclassnames = []
row._privpropdict = {
rows._superclassnames = []
rows._privpropdict = {
row._privelemdict = {
rows._privelemdict = {
table._superclassnames = []
table._privpropdict = {
tables._superclassnames = []
tables._privpropdict = {
table._privelemdict = {
tables._privelemdict = {
_Enum_prtn = {
'read_only' : 'nmod', # Can\xd5t change values or formulas
......@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ _Enum_prtn = {
_classdeclarations = {
'ccel' : cell,
'ccol' : column,
'crow' : row,
'ctbl' : table,
'crow' : rows,
'ctbl' : tables,
_propdeclarations = {
......@@ -15,13 +15,23 @@ class Text_Suite_Events:
class character(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""character - A character """
want = 'cha '
class text_flow(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""text flow - A contiguous block of text. Page layout applications call this a \xd4story.\xd5 """
want = 'cflo'
class _3c_inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<inheritance> - inherits some of its properties from this class """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'ctxt'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the name """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'itxt'
text_flows = text_flow
class character(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""character - A character """
want = 'cha '
class line(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""line - A line of text """
......@@ -72,15 +82,11 @@ class writing_code(aetools.NProperty):
# element 'ctxt' as ['indx']
# element 'cwor' as ['indx']
class text_flow(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""text flow - A contiguous block of text. Page layout applications call this a \xd4story.\xd5 """
want = 'cflo'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the name """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'itxt'
class word(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""word - A word """
want = 'cwor'
text_flows = text_flow
words = word
class text_style_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""text style info - On and Off styles of text run """
......@@ -95,12 +101,13 @@ class on_styles(aetools.NProperty):
want = 'styl'
text_style_infos = text_style_info
class word(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""word - A word """
want = 'cwor'
words = word
text_flow._superclassnames = ['text']
text_flow._privpropdict = {
'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
'name' : name,
text_flow._privelemdict = {
character._superclassnames = ['text']
character._privpropdict = {
'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
......@@ -136,12 +143,11 @@ text._privelemdict = {
'text' : text,
'word' : word,
text_flow._superclassnames = ['text']
text_flow._privpropdict = {
word._superclassnames = ['text']
word._privpropdict = {
'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
'name' : name,
text_flow._privelemdict = {
word._privelemdict = {
text_style_info._superclassnames = []
text_style_info._privpropdict = {
......@@ -150,12 +156,6 @@ text_style_info._privpropdict = {
text_style_info._privelemdict = {
word._superclassnames = ['text']
word._privpropdict = {
'_3c_inheritance_3e_' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
word._privelemdict = {
_Enum_just = {
'left' : 'left', # Align with left margin
'right' : 'rght', # Align with right margin
......@@ -19,13 +19,17 @@ class PostScript_picture(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""PostScript picture - """
want = 'EPS '
class RGB16_color(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""RGB16 color - """
want = 'tr16'
class point(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""point - point coordinates """
want = 'QDpt'
class RGB96_color(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""RGB96 color - """
want = 'tr96'
class string(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""string - a string of characters """
want = 'TEXT'
plain_text = string
plain_text = string
class TIFF_picture(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""TIFF picture - """
......@@ -35,22 +39,34 @@ class application_dictionary(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""application dictionary - """
want = 'aete'
class bounding_rectangle(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""bounding rectangle - bounding rectangle """
want = 'qdrt'
class system_dictionary(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""system dictionary - """
want = 'aeut'
class color_table(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""color table - """
want = 'clrt'
class dash_style(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""dash style - """
want = 'tdas'
class menu_item(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""menu item - """
want = 'cmen'
class menu(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""menu - """
want = 'cmnu'
class double_integer(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""double integer - """
want = 'comp'
class type_element_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""type element info - """
want = 'elin'
class type_event_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""type event info - information about an event """
want = 'evin'
class extended_real(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""extended real - """
want = 'exte'
......@@ -67,14 +83,14 @@ class fixed_rectangle(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""fixed rectangle - """
want = 'frct'
class type_class_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""type class info - information about properties and elements of a class """
want = 'gcli'
class location_reference(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""location reference - """
want = 'insl'
class long_fixed(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""long fixed - """
want = 'lfxd'
class long_fixed_point(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""long fixed point - """
want = 'lfpt'
......@@ -83,6 +99,10 @@ class long_fixed_rectangle(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""long fixed rectangle - """
want = 'lfrc'
class long_fixed(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""long fixed - """
want = 'lfxd'
class long_point(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""long point - """
want = 'lpnt'
......@@ -95,39 +115,25 @@ class machine_location(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""machine location - """
want = 'mLoc'
class menu(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""menu - """
want = 'cmnu'
class menu_item(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""menu item - """
want = 'cmen'
class unsigned_integer(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""unsigned integer - """
want = 'magn'
class null(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""null - """
want = 'null'
class pixel_map_record(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""pixel map record - """
want = 'tpmm'
class plain_text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""plain text - """
want = 'TEXT'
plain_text = plain_text
class point(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""point - point coordinates """
want = 'QDpt'
class type_property_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""type property info - """
want = 'pinf'
class rotation(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""rotation - """
want = 'trot'
class type_parameter_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""type parameter info - """
want = 'pmin'
class scrap_styles(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""scrap styles - """
want = 'styl'
class bounding_rectangle(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""bounding rectangle - bounding rectangle """
want = 'qdrt'
class small_integer(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""small integer - """
......@@ -137,43 +143,37 @@ class small_real(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""small real - """
want = 'sing'
string = plain_text
class scrap_styles(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""scrap styles - """
want = 'styl'
class system_dictionary(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""system dictionary - """
want = 'aeut'
class type_suite_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""type suite info - """
want = 'suin'
class target_id(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""target id - """
want = 'targ'
class type_class_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""type class info - information about properties and elements of a class """
want = 'gcli'
class type_element_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""type element info - """
want = 'elin'
class type_event_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""type event info - information about an event """
want = 'evin'
class dash_style(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""dash style - """
want = 'tdas'
class type_parameter_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""type parameter info - """
want = 'pmin'
class pixel_map_record(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""pixel map record - """
want = 'tpmm'
class type_property_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""type property info - """
want = 'pinf'
class RGB16_color(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""RGB16 color - """
want = 'tr16'
class type_suite_info(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""type suite info - """
want = 'suin'
class RGB96_color(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""RGB96 color - """
want = 'tr96'
class unsigned_integer(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""unsigned integer - """
want = 'magn'
class rotation(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""rotation - """
want = 'trot'
class version(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""version - """
......@@ -183,15 +183,15 @@ PostScript_picture._privpropdict = {
PostScript_picture._privelemdict = {
RGB16_color._superclassnames = []
RGB16_color._privpropdict = {
point._superclassnames = []
point._privpropdict = {
RGB16_color._privelemdict = {
point._privelemdict = {
RGB96_color._superclassnames = []
RGB96_color._privpropdict = {
string._superclassnames = []
string._privpropdict = {
RGB96_color._privelemdict = {
string._privelemdict = {
TIFF_picture._superclassnames = []
TIFF_picture._privpropdict = {
......@@ -203,26 +203,41 @@ application_dictionary._privpropdict = {
application_dictionary._privelemdict = {
bounding_rectangle._superclassnames = []
bounding_rectangle._privpropdict = {
system_dictionary._superclassnames = []
system_dictionary._privpropdict = {
bounding_rectangle._privelemdict = {
system_dictionary._privelemdict = {
color_table._superclassnames = []
color_table._privpropdict = {
color_table._privelemdict = {
dash_style._superclassnames = []
dash_style._privpropdict = {
menu_item._superclassnames = []
menu_item._privpropdict = {
dash_style._privelemdict = {
menu_item._privelemdict = {
menu._superclassnames = []
menu._privpropdict = {
menu._privelemdict = {
double_integer._superclassnames = []
double_integer._privpropdict = {
double_integer._privelemdict = {
type_element_info._superclassnames = []
type_element_info._privpropdict = {
type_element_info._privelemdict = {
type_event_info._superclassnames = []
type_event_info._privpropdict = {
type_event_info._privelemdict = {
extended_real._superclassnames = []
extended_real._privpropdict = {
......@@ -243,16 +258,16 @@ fixed_rectangle._privpropdict = {
fixed_rectangle._privelemdict = {
type_class_info._superclassnames = []
type_class_info._privpropdict = {
type_class_info._privelemdict = {
location_reference._superclassnames = []
location_reference._privpropdict = {
location_reference._privelemdict = {
long_fixed._superclassnames = []
long_fixed._privpropdict = {
long_fixed._privelemdict = {
long_fixed_point._superclassnames = []
long_fixed_point._privpropdict = {
......@@ -263,6 +278,11 @@ long_fixed_rectangle._privpropdict = {
long_fixed_rectangle._privelemdict = {
long_fixed._superclassnames = []
long_fixed._privpropdict = {
long_fixed._privelemdict = {
long_point._superclassnames = []
long_point._privpropdict = {
......@@ -278,50 +298,30 @@ machine_location._privpropdict = {
machine_location._privelemdict = {
menu._superclassnames = []
menu._privpropdict = {
menu._privelemdict = {
menu_item._superclassnames = []
menu_item._privpropdict = {
unsigned_integer._superclassnames = []
unsigned_integer._privpropdict = {
menu_item._privelemdict = {
unsigned_integer._privelemdict = {
null._superclassnames = []
null._privpropdict = {
null._privelemdict = {
pixel_map_record._superclassnames = []
pixel_map_record._privpropdict = {
pixel_map_record._privelemdict = {
plain_text._superclassnames = []
plain_text._privpropdict = {
plain_text._privelemdict = {
plain_text._superclassnames = []
plain_text._privpropdict = {
plain_text._privelemdict = {
point._superclassnames = []
point._privpropdict = {
type_property_info._superclassnames = []
type_property_info._privpropdict = {
point._privelemdict = {
type_property_info._privelemdict = {
rotation._superclassnames = []
rotation._privpropdict = {
type_parameter_info._superclassnames = []
type_parameter_info._privpropdict = {
rotation._privelemdict = {
type_parameter_info._privelemdict = {
scrap_styles._superclassnames = []
scrap_styles._privpropdict = {
bounding_rectangle._superclassnames = []
bounding_rectangle._privpropdict = {
scrap_styles._privelemdict = {
bounding_rectangle._privelemdict = {
small_integer._superclassnames = []
small_integer._privpropdict = {
......@@ -333,50 +333,45 @@ small_real._privpropdict = {
small_real._privelemdict = {
system_dictionary._superclassnames = []
system_dictionary._privpropdict = {
scrap_styles._superclassnames = []
scrap_styles._privpropdict = {
system_dictionary._privelemdict = {
scrap_styles._privelemdict = {
type_suite_info._superclassnames = []
type_suite_info._privpropdict = {
type_suite_info._privelemdict = {
target_id._superclassnames = []
target_id._privpropdict = {
target_id._privelemdict = {
type_class_info._superclassnames = []
type_class_info._privpropdict = {
type_class_info._privelemdict = {
type_element_info._superclassnames = []
type_element_info._privpropdict = {
type_element_info._privelemdict = {
type_event_info._superclassnames = []
type_event_info._privpropdict = {
dash_style._superclassnames = []
dash_style._privpropdict = {
type_event_info._privelemdict = {
dash_style._privelemdict = {
type_parameter_info._superclassnames = []
type_parameter_info._privpropdict = {
pixel_map_record._superclassnames = []
pixel_map_record._privpropdict = {
type_parameter_info._privelemdict = {
pixel_map_record._privelemdict = {
type_property_info._superclassnames = []
type_property_info._privpropdict = {
RGB16_color._superclassnames = []
RGB16_color._privpropdict = {
type_property_info._privelemdict = {
RGB16_color._privelemdict = {
type_suite_info._superclassnames = []
type_suite_info._privpropdict = {
RGB96_color._superclassnames = []
RGB96_color._privpropdict = {
type_suite_info._privelemdict = {
RGB96_color._privelemdict = {
unsigned_integer._superclassnames = []
unsigned_integer._privpropdict = {
rotation._superclassnames = []
rotation._privpropdict = {
unsigned_integer._privelemdict = {
rotation._privelemdict = {
version._superclassnames = []
version._privpropdict = {
......@@ -390,7 +385,7 @@ version._privelemdict = {
_classdeclarations = {
'EPS ' : PostScript_picture,
'QDpt' : point,
'TEXT' : plain_text,
'TEXT' : string,
'TIFF' : TIFF_picture,
'aete' : application_dictionary,
'aeut' : system_dictionary,
"""Suite Disk-Folder-File Suite: Terms and Events for controlling Disks, Folders, and Files
Level 1, version 1
Generated from /System/Library/CoreServices/System
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
import aetools
import MacOS
_code = 'cdis'
class Disk_2d_Folder_2d_File_Suite_Events:
_argmap_move = {
'to' : 'insh',
def move(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""move: Move disk item(s) to a new location.
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument to: The new location for the disk item(s).
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: the reply for the command
_code = 'core'
_subcode = 'move'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_move)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
class alias(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""alias - An alias in the file system """
want = 'alis'
class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<Inheritance> - All of the properties of the superclass. """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'cobj'
class properties(aetools.NProperty):
"""properties - every property of the alias """
which = 'pALL'
want = '****'
class version(aetools.NProperty):
"""version - the version of the application bundle referenced by the alias (visible at the bottom of the "Get Info" window) """
which = 'vers'
want = 'utxt'
# element 'alis' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cfol' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cobj' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'file' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
aliases = alias
class disk(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""disk - A disk in the file system """
want = 'cdis'
class capacity(aetools.NProperty):
"""capacity - the total number of bytes (free or used) on the disk """
which = 'capa'
want = 'magn'
class ejectable(aetools.NProperty):
"""ejectable - Can the media be ejected (floppies, CD's, and so on)? """
which = 'isej'
want = 'bool'
class format(aetools.NProperty):
"""format - the file system format of this disk """
which = 'dfmt'
want = 'edfm'
class free_space(aetools.NProperty):
"""free space - the number of free bytes left on the disk """
which = 'frsp'
want = 'magn'
class ignore_privileges(aetools.NProperty):
"""ignore privileges - Ignore permissions on this disk? """
which = 'igpr'
want = 'bool'
class local_volume(aetools.NProperty):
"""local volume - Is the media a local volume (as opposed to a file server)? """
which = 'isrv'
want = 'bool'
class startup(aetools.NProperty):
"""startup - Is this disk the boot disk? """
which = 'istd'
want = 'bool'
# element 'alis' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cfol' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cobj' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'file' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
disks = disk
class folder(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""folder - A folder in the file system """
want = 'cfol'
# element 'alis' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cfol' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cobj' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'file' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
folders = folder
class item(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""item - An item in the file system """
want = 'cobj'
class POSIX_path(aetools.NProperty):
"""POSIX path - the POSIX file system path of the item """
which = 'posx'
want = 'utxt'
class busy_status(aetools.NProperty):
"""busy status - Is the item busy? """
which = 'busy'
want = 'bool'
class creation_date(aetools.NProperty):
"""creation date - the date on which the item was created """
which = 'ascd'
want = '****'
class displayed_name(aetools.NProperty):
"""displayed name - the name of the item as displayed in the User Interface """
which = 'dnam'
want = 'utxt'
class modification_date(aetools.NProperty):
"""modification date - the date on which the item was last modified """
which = 'asmo'
want = '****'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the name of the item """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'utxt'
class name_extension(aetools.NProperty):
"""name extension - the extension portion of the name """
which = 'extn'
want = 'utxt'
class package_folder(aetools.NProperty):
"""package folder - Is the item a package? """
which = 'pkgf'
want = 'bool'
class path(aetools.NProperty):
"""path - the file system path of the item """
which = 'ppth'
want = 'utxt'
class url(aetools.NProperty):
"""url - the url of the item """
which = 'url '
want = 'utxt'
class visible(aetools.NProperty):
"""visible - Is the item visible? """
which = 'pvis'
want = 'bool'
class volume(aetools.NProperty):
"""volume - the volume on which the item resides """
which = 'volu'
want = 'utxt'
items = item
class file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""file - A file in the file system """
want = 'file'
class creator_type(aetools.NProperty):
"""creator type - the OSType identifying the application that created the file """
which = 'fcrt'
want = 'utxt'
class file_type(aetools.NProperty):
"""file type - the OSType identifying the type of data contained in the file """
which = 'asty'
want = 'utxt'
class physical_size(aetools.NProperty):
"""physical size - the actual space used by the file on disk """
which = 'phys'
want = '****'
class product_version(aetools.NProperty):
"""product version - the version of the product (visible at the top of the "Get Info" window) """
which = 'ver2'
want = 'utxt'
class size(aetools.NProperty):
"""size - the logical size of the file """
which = 'ptsz'
want = '****'
class stationery(aetools.NProperty):
"""stationery - Is the file a stationery pad? """
which = 'pspd'
want = 'bool'
files = file
alias._superclassnames = ['item']
alias._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'properties' : properties,
'version' : version,
alias._privelemdict = {
'alias' : alias,
'file' : file,
'folder' : folder,
'item' : item,
disk._superclassnames = ['item']
disk._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'capacity' : capacity,
'ejectable' : ejectable,
'format' : format,
'free_space' : free_space,
'ignore_privileges' : ignore_privileges,
'local_volume' : local_volume,
'properties' : properties,
'startup' : startup,
disk._privelemdict = {
'alias' : alias,
'file' : file,
'folder' : folder,
'item' : item,
folder._superclassnames = ['item']
folder._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'properties' : properties,
folder._privelemdict = {
'alias' : alias,
'file' : file,
'folder' : folder,
'item' : item,
item._superclassnames = []
item._privpropdict = {
'POSIX_path' : POSIX_path,
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'busy_status' : busy_status,
'creation_date' : creation_date,
'displayed_name' : displayed_name,
'modification_date' : modification_date,
'name' : name,
'name_extension' : name_extension,
'package_folder' : package_folder,
'path' : path,
'properties' : properties,
'url' : url,
'visible' : visible,
'volume' : volume,
item._privelemdict = {
file._superclassnames = ['item']
file._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'creator_type' : creator_type,
'file_type' : file_type,
'physical_size' : physical_size,
'product_version' : product_version,
'properties' : properties,
'size' : size,
'stationery' : stationery,
'version' : version,
file._privelemdict = {
_Enum_edfm = {
'MS_2d_DOS_format' : 'dfms', # MS-DOS format
'Apple_Photo_format' : 'dfph', # Apple Photo format
'ISO_9660_format' : 'df96', # ISO 9660 format
'QuickTake_format' : 'dfqt', # QuickTake format
'AppleShare_format' : 'dfas', # AppleShare format
'High_Sierra_format' : 'dfhs', # High Sierra format
'Mac_OS_Extended_format' : 'dfh+', # Mac OS Extended format
'UDF_format' : 'dfud', # UDF format
'unknown_format' : 'df??', # unknown format
'audio_format' : 'dfau', # audio format
'Mac_OS_format' : 'dfhf', # Mac OS format
'UFS_format' : 'dfuf', # UFS format
'NFS_format' : 'dfnf', # NFS format
'ProDOS_format' : 'dfpr', # ProDOS format
'WebDAV_format' : 'dfwd', # WebDAV format
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'alis' : alias,
'cdis' : disk,
'cfol' : folder,
'cobj' : item,
'file' : file,
_propdeclarations = {
'ascd' : creation_date,
'asmo' : modification_date,
'asty' : file_type,
'busy' : busy_status,
'c@#^' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'capa' : capacity,
'dfmt' : format,
'dnam' : displayed_name,
'extn' : name_extension,
'fcrt' : creator_type,
'frsp' : free_space,
'igpr' : ignore_privileges,
'isej' : ejectable,
'isrv' : local_volume,
'istd' : startup,
'pALL' : properties,
'phys' : physical_size,
'pkgf' : package_folder,
'pnam' : name,
'posx' : POSIX_path,
'ppth' : path,
'pspd' : stationery,
'ptsz' : size,
'pvis' : visible,
'url ' : url,
'ver2' : product_version,
'vers' : version,
'volu' : volume,
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
'edfm' : _Enum_edfm,
"""Suite Folder Actions Suite: Terms and Events for controlling Folder Actions
Level 1, version 1
Generated from /System/Library/CoreServices/System
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
import aetools
import MacOS
_code = 'faco'
class Folder_Actions_Suite_Events:
_argmap_attach_action_to = {
'using' : 'faal',
def attach_action_to(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""attach action to: Attach an action to a folder
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument using: a file containing the script to attach
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: the reply for the command
_code = 'faco'
_subcode = 'atfa'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_attach_action_to)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def attached_scripts(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""attached scripts: List the actions attached to a folder
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: the reply for the command
_code = 'faco'
_subcode = 'lact'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_do_folder_action = {
'with_window_size' : 'fnsz',
'with_item_list' : 'flst',
'folder_action_code' : 'actn',
def do_folder_action(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""do folder action: Event the Finder sends to the Folder Actions FBA
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument with_window_size: the new window size for the folder action message to process
Keyword argument with_item_list: a list of items for the folder action message to process
Keyword argument folder_action_code: the folder action message to process
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: the reply for the command
_code = 'faco'
_subcode = 'fola'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_do_folder_action)
_arguments['----'] = _object
aetools.enumsubst(_arguments, 'actn', _Enum_actn)
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_edit_action_of = {
'using_action_name' : 'snam',
'using_action_number' : 'indx',
def edit_action_of(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""edit action of: Edit as action of a folder
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument using_action_name: ...or the name of the action to edit
Keyword argument using_action_number: the index number of the action to edit...
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: the reply for the command
_code = 'faco'
_subcode = 'edfa'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_edit_action_of)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_remove_action_from = {
'using_action_name' : 'snam',
'using_action_number' : 'indx',
def remove_action_from(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""remove action from: Remove a folder action from a folder
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument using_action_name: ...or the name of the action to remove
Keyword argument using_action_number: the index number of the action to remove...
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: the reply for the command
_code = 'faco'
_subcode = 'rmfa'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_remove_action_from)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
class folder_action(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""folder action - An action attached to a folder in the file system """
want = 'foac'
class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<Inheritance> - All of the properties of the superclass. """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'cobj'
class enabled(aetools.NProperty):
"""enabled - Is the folder action enabled? """
which = 'enaB'
want = 'bool'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the name of the folder action, which is also the name of the folder """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'utxt'
class path(aetools.NProperty):
"""path - the path to the folder to which the folder action applies """
which = 'ppth'
want = '****'
class properties(aetools.NProperty):
"""properties - every property of the folder action """
which = 'pALL'
want = '****'
class volume(aetools.NProperty):
"""volume - the volume on which the folder action resides """
which = 'volu'
want = 'utxt'
# element 'scpt' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
folder_actions = folder_action
class script(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""script - A script invoked by a folder action """
want = 'scpt'
class POSIX_path(aetools.NProperty):
"""POSIX path - the POSIX file system path of the disk """
which = 'posx'
want = 'utxt'
scripts = script
import Standard_Suite
folder_action._superclassnames = ['item']
folder_action._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'enabled' : enabled,
'name' : name,
'path' : path,
'properties' : properties,
'volume' : volume,
folder_action._privelemdict = {
'script' : script,
script._superclassnames = ['item']
script._privpropdict = {
'POSIX_path' : POSIX_path,
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'name' : name,
'path' : path,
'properties' : properties,
script._privelemdict = {
_Enum_actn = {
'items_added' : 'fget', # items added
'items_removed' : 'flos', # items removed
'window_closed' : 'fclo', # window closed
'window_moved' : 'fsiz', # window moved
'window_opened' : 'fopn', # window opened
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'foac' : folder_action,
'scpt' : script,
_propdeclarations = {
'c@#^' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'enaB' : enabled,
'pALL' : properties,
'pnam' : name,
'posx' : POSIX_path,
'ppth' : path,
'volu' : volume,
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
'actn' : _Enum_actn,
"""Suite Hidden Suite: Hidden Terms and Events for controlling the System Events application
Level 1, version 1
Generated from /System/Library/CoreServices/System
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
import aetools
import MacOS
_code = 'tpnm'
from StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite import *
class Hidden_Suite_Events(Type_Names_Suite_Events):
def do_script(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""do script: Execute an OSA script.
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'misc'
_subcode = 'dosc'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
_propdeclarations = {
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
"""Suite Login Items Suite: Terms and Events for controlling the Login Items application
Level 1, version 1
Generated from /System/Library/CoreServices/System
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
import aetools
import MacOS
_code = 'logi'
class Login_Items_Suite_Events:
class login_item(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""login item - an item to be launched or opened at login """
want = 'logi'
class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<Inheritance> - All of the properties of the superclass. """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'cobj'
class hidden(aetools.NProperty):
"""hidden - Is the Login Item hidden when launched? """
which = 'hidn'
want = 'bool'
class kind(aetools.NProperty):
"""kind - the file type of the Login Item """
which = 'kind'
want = 'utxt'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the name of the Login Item """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'utxt'
class path(aetools.NProperty):
"""path - the file system path to the Login Item """
which = 'ppth'
want = 'utxt'
login_items = login_item
import Standard_Suite
login_item._superclassnames = ['item']
login_item._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'hidden' : hidden,
'kind' : kind,
'name' : name,
'path' : path,
login_item._privelemdict = {
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'logi' : login_item,
_propdeclarations = {
'c@#^' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'hidn' : hidden,
'kind' : kind,
'pnam' : name,
'ppth' : path,
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
"""Suite Power Suite: Terms and Events for controlling System power
Level 1, version 1
Generated from /System/Library/CoreServices/System
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
import aetools
import MacOS
_code = 'powr'
class Power_Suite_Events:
def restart(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""restart: Restart the computer
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'fndr'
_subcode = 'rest'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def shut_down(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""shut down: Shut Down the computer
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'fndr'
_subcode = 'shut'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def sleep(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""sleep: Put the computer to sleep
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'fndr'
_subcode = 'slep'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
_propdeclarations = {
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
"""Suite Standard Suite: Common classes and commands for most applications.
Level 1, version 1
Generated from /System/Library/CoreServices/System
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
import aetools
import MacOS
_code = '????'
class Standard_Suite_Events:
_argmap_close = {
'saving_in' : 'kfil',
'saving' : 'savo',
def close(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""close: Close an object.
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument saving_in: The file in which to save the object.
Keyword argument saving: Specifies whether changes should be saved before closing.
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'core'
_subcode = 'clos'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_close)
_arguments['----'] = _object
aetools.enumsubst(_arguments, 'savo', _Enum_savo)
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_count = {
'each' : 'kocl',
def count(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""count: Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object.
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument each: The class of objects to be counted.
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: the reply for the command
_code = 'core'
_subcode = 'cnte'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_count)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def delete(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""delete: Delete an object.
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'core'
_subcode = 'delo'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_duplicate = {
'to' : 'insh',
'with_properties' : 'prdt',
def duplicate(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""duplicate: Copy object(s) and put the copies at a new location.
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument to: The location for the new object(s).
Keyword argument with_properties: Properties to be set in the new duplicated object(s).
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'core'
_subcode = 'clon'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_duplicate)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def exists(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""exists: Verify if an object exists.
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: the reply for the command
_code = 'core'
_subcode = 'doex'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def get(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""get: Get the data for an object.
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: the reply for the command
_code = 'core'
_subcode = 'getd'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_make = {
'at' : 'insh',
'new' : 'kocl',
'with_data' : 'data',
'with_properties' : 'prdt',
def make(self, _no_object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""make: Make a new object.
Keyword argument at: The location at which to insert the object.
Keyword argument new: The class of the new object.
Keyword argument with_data: The initial data for the object.
Keyword argument with_properties: The initial values for properties of the object.
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: the reply for the command
_code = 'core'
_subcode = 'crel'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_make)
if _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_move = {
'to' : 'insh',
def move(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""move: Move object(s) to a new location.
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument to: The new location for the object(s).
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'core'
_subcode = 'move'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_move)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def open(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""open: Open an object.
Required argument: list of objects
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'odoc'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def print_(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""print: Print an object.
Required argument: list of objects
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'pdoc'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_quit = {
'saving' : 'savo',
def quit(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""quit: Quit an application.
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument saving: Specifies whether changes should be saved before quitting.
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'aevt'
_subcode = 'quit'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_quit)
_arguments['----'] = _object
aetools.enumsubst(_arguments, 'savo', _Enum_savo)
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_save = {
'in_' : 'kfil',
'as' : 'fltp',
def save(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""save: Save an object.
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument in_: The file in which to save the object.
Keyword argument as: The file type in which to save the data.
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'core'
_subcode = 'save'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_save)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_set = {
'to' : 'data',
def set(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""set: Set an object's data.
Required argument: the object for the command
Keyword argument to: The new value.
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'core'
_subcode = 'setd'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_set)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.get('errn', 0):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
class application(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""application - An application's top level scripting object. """
want = 'capp'
class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<Inheritance> - All of the properties of the superclass. """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'cobj'
class frontmost(aetools.NProperty):
"""frontmost - Is this the frontmost (active) application? """
which = 'pisf'
want = 'bool'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - The name of the application. """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'utxt'
class version(aetools.NProperty):
"""version - The version of the application. """
which = 'vers'
want = 'utxt'
# element 'cwin' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'docu' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
applications = application
class item(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""item - A scriptable object. """
want = 'cobj'
class class_(aetools.NProperty):
"""class - The class of the object. """
which = 'pcls'
want = 'type'
class properties(aetools.NProperty):
"""properties - All of the object's properties. """
which = 'pALL'
want = 'reco'
items = item
class color(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""color - A color. """
want = 'colr'
colors = color
class window(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""window - A window. """
want = 'cwin'
class bounds(aetools.NProperty):
"""bounds - The bounding rectangle of the window. """
which = 'pbnd'
want = 'qdrt'
class closeable(aetools.NProperty):
"""closeable - Whether the window has a close box. """
which = 'hclb'
want = 'bool'
class document(aetools.NProperty):
"""document - The document whose contents are being displayed in the window. """
which = 'docu'
want = 'docu'
class floating(aetools.NProperty):
"""floating - Whether the window floats. """
which = 'isfl'
want = 'bool'
class id(aetools.NProperty):
"""id - The unique identifier of the window. """
which = 'ID '
want = 'long'
class index(aetools.NProperty):
"""index - The index of the window in the back-to-front window ordering. """
which = 'pidx'
want = 'long'
class miniaturizable(aetools.NProperty):
"""miniaturizable - Whether the window can be miniaturized. """
which = 'ismn'
want = 'bool'
class miniaturized(aetools.NProperty):
"""miniaturized - Whether the window is currently miniaturized. """
which = 'pmnd'
want = 'bool'
class modal(aetools.NProperty):
"""modal - Whether the window is the application's current modal window. """
which = 'pmod'
want = 'bool'
class resizable(aetools.NProperty):
"""resizable - Whether the window can be resized. """
which = 'prsz'
want = 'bool'
class titled(aetools.NProperty):
"""titled - Whether the window has a title bar. """
which = 'ptit'
want = 'bool'
class visible(aetools.NProperty):
"""visible - Whether the window is currently visible. """
which = 'pvis'
want = 'bool'
class zoomable(aetools.NProperty):
"""zoomable - Whether the window can be zoomed. """
which = 'iszm'
want = 'bool'
class zoomed(aetools.NProperty):
"""zoomed - Whether the window is currently zoomed. """
which = 'pzum'
want = 'bool'
windows = window
class document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""document - A document. """
want = 'docu'
class modified(aetools.NProperty):
"""modified - Has the document been modified since the last save? """
which = 'imod'
want = 'bool'
class path(aetools.NProperty):
"""path - The document's path. """
which = 'ppth'
want = 'utxt'
documents = document
application._superclassnames = ['item']
application._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'frontmost' : frontmost,
'name' : name,
'version' : version,
application._privelemdict = {
'document' : document,
'window' : window,
item._superclassnames = []
item._privpropdict = {
'class_' : class_,
'properties' : properties,
item._privelemdict = {
color._superclassnames = ['item']
color._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
color._privelemdict = {
window._superclassnames = ['item']
window._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'bounds' : bounds,
'closeable' : closeable,
'document' : document,
'floating' : floating,
'id' : id,
'index' : index,
'miniaturizable' : miniaturizable,
'miniaturized' : miniaturized,
'modal' : modal,
'name' : name,
'resizable' : resizable,
'titled' : titled,
'visible' : visible,
'zoomable' : zoomable,
'zoomed' : zoomed,
window._privelemdict = {
document._superclassnames = ['item']
document._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'modified' : modified,
'name' : name,
'path' : path,
document._privelemdict = {
class _3c_(aetools.NComparison):
"""< - Less than """
class _3d_(aetools.NComparison):
"""= - Equal """
class _3e_(aetools.NComparison):
"""> - Greater than """
class contains(aetools.NComparison):
"""contains - Contains """
class ends_with(aetools.NComparison):
"""ends with - Ends with """
class starts_with(aetools.NComparison):
"""starts with - Starts with """
class _b2_(aetools.NComparison):
"""\xb2 - Less than or equal to """
class _b3_(aetools.NComparison):
"""\xb3 - Greater than or equal to """
_Enum_savo = {
'ask' : 'ask ', # Ask the user whether or not to save the file.
'yes' : 'yes ', # Save the file.
'no' : 'no ', # Do not save the file.
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'capp' : application,
'cobj' : item,
'colr' : color,
'cwin' : window,
'docu' : document,
_propdeclarations = {
'ID ' : id,
'c@#^' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'docu' : document,
'hclb' : closeable,
'imod' : modified,
'isfl' : floating,
'ismn' : miniaturizable,
'iszm' : zoomable,
'pALL' : properties,
'pbnd' : bounds,
'pcls' : class_,
'pidx' : index,
'pisf' : frontmost,
'pmnd' : miniaturized,
'pmod' : modal,
'pnam' : name,
'ppth' : path,
'prsz' : resizable,
'ptit' : titled,
'pvis' : visible,
'pzum' : zoomed,
'vers' : version,
_compdeclarations = {
'< ' : _3c_,
'<= ' : _b2_,
'= ' : _3d_,
'> ' : _3e_,
'>= ' : _b3_,
'bgwt' : starts_with,
'cont' : contains,
'ends' : ends_with,
_enumdeclarations = {
'savo' : _Enum_savo,
"""Suite System Events Suite: Terms and Events for controlling the System Events application
Level 1, version 1
Generated from /System/Library/CoreServices/System
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
import aetools
import MacOS
_code = 'sevs'
class System_Events_Suite_Events:
class application(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""application - The System Events application """
want = 'capp'
class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<Inheritance> - All of the properties of the superclass. """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'capp'
class folder_actions_enabled(aetools.NProperty):
"""folder actions enabled - Are Folder Actions currently being processed? """
which = 'faen'
want = 'bool'
class properties(aetools.NProperty):
"""properties - every property of the System Events application """
which = 'pALL'
want = '****'
class system_wide_UI_element(aetools.NProperty):
"""system wide UI element - the UI element for the entire system """
which = 'swui'
want = 'uiel'
# element 'alis' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cdis' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cfol' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cobj' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cwin' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'docu' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'file' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'foac' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'logi' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'pcap' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'pcda' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'prcs' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'uiel' as ['name', 'indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
applications = application
application._superclassnames = []
import Disk_2d_Folder_2d_File_Suite
import Standard_Suite
import Folder_Actions_Suite
import Login_Items_Suite
import Processes_Suite
application._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'folder_actions_enabled' : folder_actions_enabled,
'properties' : properties,
'system_wide_UI_element' : system_wide_UI_element,
application._privelemdict = {
'UI_element' : Processes_Suite.UI_element,
'alias' : Disk_2d_Folder_2d_File_Suite.alias,
'application_process' : Processes_Suite.application_process,
'desk_accessory_process' : Processes_Suite.desk_accessory_process,
'disk' : Disk_2d_Folder_2d_File_Suite.disk,
'document' : Standard_Suite.document,
'file' : Disk_2d_Folder_2d_File_Suite.file,
'folder' : Disk_2d_Folder_2d_File_Suite.folder,
'folder_action' : Folder_Actions_Suite.folder_action,
'item' : Disk_2d_Folder_2d_File_Suite.item,
'login_item' : Login_Items_Suite.login_item,
'process' : Processes_Suite.process,
'window' : Standard_Suite.window,
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'capp' : application,
_propdeclarations = {
'c@#^' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'faen' : folder_actions_enabled,
'pALL' : properties,
'swui' : system_wide_UI_element,
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
"""Suite Text Suite: A set of basic classes for text processing.
Level 1, version 1
Generated from /System/Library/CoreServices/System
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
import aetools
import MacOS
_code = '????'
class Text_Suite_Events:
class attachment(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""attachment - Represents an inline text attachment. This class is used mainly for make commands. """
want = 'atts'
class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<Inheritance> - All of the properties of the superclass. """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'ctxt'
class file_name(aetools.NProperty):
"""file name - The path to the file for the attachment """
which = 'atfn'
want = 'utxt'
# element 'catr' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cha ' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cpar' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cwor' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
class attribute_run(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""attribute run - This subdivides the text into chunks that all have the same attributes. """
want = 'catr'
class color(aetools.NProperty):
"""color - The color of the first character. """
which = 'colr'
want = 'colr'
class font(aetools.NProperty):
"""font - The name of the font of the first character. """
which = 'font'
want = 'utxt'
class size(aetools.NProperty):
"""size - The size in points of the first character. """
which = 'ptsz'
want = 'long'
# element 'catr' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cha ' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cpar' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cwor' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
attribute_runs = attribute_run
class character(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""character - This subdivides the text into characters. """
want = 'cha '
# element 'catr' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cha ' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cpar' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cwor' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
characters = character
class paragraph(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""paragraph - This subdivides the text into paragraphs. """
want = 'cpar'
# element 'catr' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cha ' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cpar' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cwor' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
paragraphs = paragraph
class text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""text - Rich (styled) text """
want = 'ctxt'
# element 'catr' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cha ' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cpar' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cwor' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
class word(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""word - This subdivides the text into words. """
want = 'cwor'
# element 'catr' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cha ' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cpar' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'cwor' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
words = word
attachment._superclassnames = ['text']
attachment._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'file_name' : file_name,
attachment._privelemdict = {
'attribute_run' : attribute_run,
'character' : character,
'paragraph' : paragraph,
'word' : word,
import Standard_Suite
attribute_run._superclassnames = ['item']
attribute_run._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'color' : color,
'font' : font,
'size' : size,
attribute_run._privelemdict = {
'attribute_run' : attribute_run,
'character' : character,
'paragraph' : paragraph,
'word' : word,
character._superclassnames = ['item']
character._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'color' : color,
'font' : font,
'size' : size,
character._privelemdict = {
'attribute_run' : attribute_run,
'character' : character,
'paragraph' : paragraph,
'word' : word,
paragraph._superclassnames = ['item']
paragraph._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'color' : color,
'font' : font,
'size' : size,
paragraph._privelemdict = {
'attribute_run' : attribute_run,
'character' : character,
'paragraph' : paragraph,
'word' : word,
text._superclassnames = ['item']
text._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'color' : color,
'font' : font,
'size' : size,
text._privelemdict = {
'attribute_run' : attribute_run,
'character' : character,
'paragraph' : paragraph,
'word' : word,
word._superclassnames = ['item']
word._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'color' : color,
'font' : font,
'size' : size,
word._privelemdict = {
'attribute_run' : attribute_run,
'character' : character,
'paragraph' : paragraph,
'word' : word,
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'atts' : attachment,
'catr' : attribute_run,
'cha ' : character,
'cpar' : paragraph,
'ctxt' : text,
'cwor' : word,
_propdeclarations = {
'atfn' : file_name,
'c@#^' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'colr' : color,
'font' : font,
'ptsz' : size,
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
Package generated from /System/Library/CoreServices/System
import aetools
Error = aetools.Error
import Standard_Suite
import Text_Suite
import Disk_2d_Folder_2d_File_Suite
import Folder_Actions_Suite
import Login_Items_Suite
import Power_Suite
import Processes_Suite
import System_Events_Suite
import Hidden_Suite
_code_to_module = {
'????' : Standard_Suite,
'????' : Text_Suite,
'cdis' : Disk_2d_Folder_2d_File_Suite,
'faco' : Folder_Actions_Suite,
'logi' : Login_Items_Suite,
'powr' : Power_Suite,
'prcs' : Processes_Suite,
'sevs' : System_Events_Suite,
'tpnm' : Hidden_Suite,
_code_to_fullname = {
'????' : ('SystemEvents.Standard_Suite', 'Standard_Suite'),
'????' : ('SystemEvents.Text_Suite', 'Text_Suite'),
'cdis' : ('SystemEvents.Disk_2d_Folder_2d_File_Suite', 'Disk_2d_Folder_2d_File_Suite'),
'faco' : ('SystemEvents.Folder_Actions_Suite', 'Folder_Actions_Suite'),
'logi' : ('SystemEvents.Login_Items_Suite', 'Login_Items_Suite'),
'powr' : ('SystemEvents.Power_Suite', 'Power_Suite'),
'prcs' : ('SystemEvents.Processes_Suite', 'Processes_Suite'),
'sevs' : ('SystemEvents.System_Events_Suite', 'System_Events_Suite'),
'tpnm' : ('SystemEvents.Hidden_Suite', 'Hidden_Suite'),
from Standard_Suite import *
from Text_Suite import *
from Disk_2d_Folder_2d_File_Suite import *
from Folder_Actions_Suite import *
from Login_Items_Suite import *
from Power_Suite import *
from Processes_Suite import *
from System_Events_Suite import *
from Hidden_Suite import *
def getbaseclasses(v):
if not getattr(v, '_propdict', None):
v._propdict = {}
v._elemdict = {}
for superclassname in getattr(v, '_superclassnames', []):
superclass = eval(superclassname)
v._propdict.update(getattr(superclass, '_propdict', {}))
v._elemdict.update(getattr(superclass, '_elemdict', {}))
v._propdict.update(getattr(v, '_privpropdict', {}))
v._elemdict.update(getattr(v, '_privelemdict', {}))
import StdSuites
# Set property and element dictionaries now that all classes have been defined
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'cha ' : character,
'atts' : attachment,
'cpar' : paragraph,
'cwor' : word,
'catr' : attribute_run,
'ctxt' : text,
'scpt' : script,
'foac' : folder_action,
'file' : file,
'alis' : alias,
'cobj' : item,
'cfol' : folder,
'cdis' : disk,
'colr' : color,
'cwin' : window,
'capp' : application,
'cobj' : item,
'docu' : document,
'logi' : login_item,
'comp' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.double_integer,
'vers' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.version,
'tr16' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.RGB16_color,
'aeut' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.system_dictionary,
'clrt' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.color_table,
'fpnt' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.fixed_point,
'TIFF' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.TIFF_picture,
'elin' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.type_element_info,
'evin' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.type_event_info,
'mLoc' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.machine_location,
'EPS ' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.PostScript_picture,
'QDpt' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.point,
'lfpt' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.long_fixed_point,
'cmen' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.menu_item,
'styl' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.scrap_styles,
'aete' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.application_dictionary,
'magn' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.unsigned_integer,
'cmnu' :,
'frct' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.fixed_rectangle,
'pinf' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.type_property_info,
'lfrc' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.long_fixed_rectangle,
'lfxd' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.long_fixed,
'suin' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.type_suite_info,
'trot' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.rotation,
'shor' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.small_integer,
'fixd' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.fixed,
'lpnt' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.long_point,
'gcli' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.type_class_info,
'tr96' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.RGB96_color,
'targ' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.target_id,
'tpmm' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.pixel_map_record,
'pmin' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.type_parameter_info,
'exte' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.extended_real,
'lrct' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.long_rectangle,
'tdas' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.dash_style,
'TEXT' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.plain_text,
'sing' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.small_real,
'null' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.null,
'insl' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.location_reference,
'qdrt' : StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite.bounding_rectangle,
'cwin' : window,
'radB' : radio_button,
'list' : list,
'pcda' : desk_accessory_process,
'menI' : menu_item,
'proI' : progress_indicator,
'menE' : menu,
'menB' : menu_button,
'popB' : pop_up_button,
'incr' : incrementor,
'sheE' : sheet,
'tbar' : tool_bar,
'pcap' : application_process,
'txtf' : text_field,
'txta' : text_area,
'sliI' : slider,
'scra' : scroll_area,
'reli' : relevance_indicator,
'busi' : busy_indicator,
'crow' : row,
'prcs' : process,
'tabB' : table,
'outl' : outline,
'uiel' : UI_element,
'vali' : value_indicator,
'sysw' : system_wide_UI_element,
'butT' : button,
'capp' : application,
'rgrp' : radio_group,
'imaA' : image,
'tab ' : tab_group,
'mbar' : menu_bar,
'grow' : grow_area,
'chbx' : check_box,
'ccol' : column,
'sttx' : static_text,
'splg' : splitter_group,
'sgrp' : group,
'splr' : splitter,
'draA' : drawer,
'colW' : color_well,
'scrb' : scroll_bar,
'comB' : combo_box,
'broW' : browser,
'capp' : application,
class SystemEvents(Standard_Suite_Events,
_signature = 'sevs'
_moduleName = 'SystemEvents'
......@@ -354,26 +354,6 @@ class version(aetools.NProperty):
applications = application
class color(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""color - A color. """
want = 'colr'
colors = color
class document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""document - A document. """
want = 'docu'
class modified(aetools.NProperty):
"""modified - Has the document been modified since the last save? """
which = 'imod'
want = 'bool'
class path(aetools.NProperty):
"""path - The document's path. """
which = 'ppth'
want = 'utxt'
documents = document
class item(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""item - A scriptable object. """
want = 'cobj'
......@@ -388,6 +368,12 @@ class properties(aetools.NProperty):
items = item
class color(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""color - A color. """
want = 'colr'
colors = color
class window(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""window - A window. """
want = 'cwin'
......@@ -449,6 +435,20 @@ class zoomed(aetools.NProperty):
want = 'bool'
windows = window
class document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""document - A document. """
want = 'docu'
class modified(aetools.NProperty):
"""modified - Has the document been modified since the last save? """
which = 'imod'
want = 'bool'
class path(aetools.NProperty):
"""path - The document's path. """
which = 'ppth'
want = 'utxt'
documents = document
application._superclassnames = ['item']
application._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
......@@ -460,21 +460,6 @@ application._privelemdict = {
'document' : document,
'window' : window,
color._superclassnames = ['item']
color._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
color._privelemdict = {
document._superclassnames = ['item']
document._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'modified' : modified,
'name' : name,
'path' : path,
document._privelemdict = {
item._superclassnames = []
item._privpropdict = {
'class_' : class_,
......@@ -482,6 +467,12 @@ item._privpropdict = {
item._privelemdict = {
color._superclassnames = ['item']
color._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
color._privelemdict = {
window._superclassnames = ['item']
window._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
......@@ -503,6 +494,15 @@ window._privpropdict = {
window._privelemdict = {
document._superclassnames = ['item']
document._privpropdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'modified' : modified,
'name' : name,
'path' : path,
document._privelemdict = {
class _3c_(aetools.NComparison):
"""< - Less than """
class _3d_(aetools.NComparison):
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