Commit c25a3f21 authored by Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar Andrew M. Kuchling

Edits to the PEP 343 section

parent 75a363c0
......@@ -585,8 +585,7 @@ executed.
In this section, I'll discuss the statement as it will commonly be
used. In the next section, I'll examine the implementation details
and show how to write objects called ``context managers'' and
``contexts'' for use with this statement.
and show how to write objects for use with this statement.
The '\keyword{with}' statement is a new control-flow structure whose
basic structure is:
......@@ -596,13 +595,13 @@ with expression [as variable]:
The expression is evaluated, and it should result in a type of object
that's called a context manager. The context manager can return a
The expression is evaluated, and it should result in an object that
supports the context management protocol. This object may return a
value that can optionally be bound to the name \var{variable}. (Note
carefully: \var{variable} is \emph{not} assigned the result of
\var{expression}.) One method of the context manager is run before
\var{with-block} is executed, and another method is run after the
block is done, even if the block raised an exception.
carefully that \var{variable} is \emph{not} assigned the result of
\var{expression}.) The object can then run set-up code
before \var{with-block} is executed and some clean-up code
is executed after the block is done, even if the block raised an exception.
To enable the statement in Python 2.5, you need
to add the following directive to your module:
......@@ -613,7 +612,8 @@ from __future__ import with_statement
The statement will always be enabled in Python 2.6.
Some standard Python objects can now behave as context managers. File
Some standard Python objects now support the context management
protocol and can be used with the '\keyword{with}' statement. File
objects are one example:
......@@ -637,12 +637,11 @@ with lock:
The lock is acquired before the block is executed, and always released once
The lock is acquired before the block is executed and always released once
the block is complete.
The \module{decimal} module's contexts, which encapsulate the desired
precision and rounding characteristics for computations, can also be
used as context managers.
precision and rounding characteristics for computations, also work.
import decimal
......@@ -660,47 +659,45 @@ with decimal.Context(prec=16):
\subsection{Writing Context Managers\label{context-managers}}
Under the hood, the '\keyword{with}' statement is fairly complicated.
Most people will only use '\keyword{with}' in company with
existing objects that are documented to work as context managers, and
don't need to know these details, so you can skip the following section if
you like. Authors of new context managers will need to understand the
details of the underlying implementation.
Most people will only use '\keyword{with}' in company with existing
objects and don't need to know these details, so you can skip the
following section if you like. Authors of new objects will need to
understand the details of the underlying implementation.
A high-level explanation of the context management protocol is:
\item The expression is evaluated and should result in an object
that's a context manager, meaning that it has a
\method{__context__()} method.
with a \method{__context__()} method.
\item This object's \method{__context__()} method is called, and must
return a context object.
return another object that has \method{__enter__()} and
\item The context's \method{__enter__()} method is called.
The value returned is assigned to \var{VAR}. If no \code{'as \var{VAR}'}
clause is present, the value is simply discarded.
\item This object's \method{__enter__()} method is called. The value
returned is assigned to \var{VAR}. If no \code{'as \var{VAR}'} clause
is present, the value is simply discarded.
\item The code in \var{BLOCK} is executed.
\item If \var{BLOCK} raises an exception, the context object's
\item If \var{BLOCK} raises an exception, the
\method{__exit__(\var{type}, \var{value}, \var{traceback})} is called
with the exception's information, the same values returned by
\function{sys.exc_info()}. The method's return value
controls whether the exception is re-raised: any false value
re-raises the exception, and \code{True} will result in suppressing it.
You'll only rarely want to suppress the exception; the
author of the code containing the '\keyword{with}' statement will
never realize anything went wrong.
\function{sys.exc_info()}. The method's return value controls whether
the exception is re-raised: any false value re-raises the exception,
and \code{True} will result in suppressing it. You'll only rarely
want to suppress the exception; the author of the code containing the
'\keyword{with}' statement will never realize anything went wrong.
\item If \var{BLOCK} didn't raise an exception,
the context object's \method{__exit__()} is still called,
the \method{__exit__()} method is still called,
but \var{type}, \var{value}, and \var{traceback} are all \code{None}.
Let's think through an example. I won't present detailed code but
will only sketch the necessary code. The example will be writing a
context manager for a database that supports transactions.
will only sketch the methods necessary for a database that supports
(For people unfamiliar with database terminology: a set of changes to
the database are grouped into a transaction. Transactions can be
......@@ -721,15 +718,15 @@ with db_connection as cursor:
# ... more operations ...
The transaction should either be committed if the code in the block
runs flawlessly, or rolled back if there's an exception.
The transaction should be committed if the code in the block
runs flawlessly or rolled back if there's an exception.
First, the \class{DatabaseConnection} needs a \method{__context__()}
method. Sometimes an object can be its own context manager and can
simply return \code{self}; the \module{threading} module's lock objects
can do this. For our database example, though, we need to
create a new object; I'll call this class \class{DatabaseContext}.
Our \method{__context__()} must therefore look like this:
method. Sometimes an object can simply return \code{self}; the
\module{threading} module's lock objects do this, for example. For
our database example, though, we need to create a new object; I'll
call this class \class{DatabaseContext}. Our \method{__context__()}
method must therefore look like this:
class DatabaseConnection:
......@@ -746,9 +743,9 @@ class DatabaseConnection:
"Rolls back current transaction"
The context needs the connection object so that the connection
object's \method{commit()} or \method{rollback()} methods can be
Instance of \class{DatabaseContext} need the connection object so that
the connection object's \method{commit()} or \method{rollback()}
methods can be called:
class DatabaseContext:
......@@ -756,12 +753,11 @@ class DatabaseContext:
self.connection = connection
The \method {__enter__()} method is pretty easy, having only
to start a new transaction. In this example,
the resulting cursor object would be a useful result,
so the method will return it. The user can
then add \code{as cursor} to their '\keyword{with}' statement
to bind the cursor to a variable name.
The \method {__enter__()} method is pretty easy, having only to start
a new transaction. For this application the resulting cursor object
would be a useful result, so the method will return it. The user can
then add \code{as cursor} to their '\keyword{with}' statement to bind
the cursor to a variable name.
class DatabaseContext:
......@@ -798,17 +794,18 @@ class DatabaseContext:
\subsection{The contextlib module\label{module-contextlib}}
The new \module{contextlib} module provides some functions and a
decorator that are useful for writing context managers.
decorator that are useful for writing objects for use with the
'\keyword{with}' statement.
The decorator is called \function{contextmanager}, and lets you write
a simple context manager as a generator. The generator should yield
exactly one value. The code up to the \keyword{yield} will be
executed as the \method{__enter__()} method, and the value yielded
will be the method's return value that will get bound to the variable
in the '\keyword{with}' statement's \keyword{as} clause, if any. The
code after the \keyword{yield} will be executed in the
\method{__exit__()} method. Any exception raised in the block
will be raised by the \keyword{yield} statement.
a simple context manager as a generator function. The generator
should yield exactly one value. The code up to the \keyword{yield}
will be executed as the \method{__enter__()} method, and the value
yielded will be the method's return value that will get bound to the
variable in the '\keyword{with}' statement's \keyword{as} clause, if
any. The code after the \keyword{yield} will be executed in the
\method{__exit__()} method. Any exception raised in the block will be
raised by the \keyword{yield} statement.
Our database example from the previous section could be written
using this decorator as:
......@@ -832,8 +829,9 @@ with db_transaction(db) as cursor:
You can also use this decorator to write the \method{__context__()} method
for a class without creating a new class for the context:
You can also use this decorator to write the \method{__context__()}
method for a class without creating a new class to act as the context
class DatabaseConnection:
......@@ -851,8 +849,8 @@ class DatabaseConnection:
There's a \function{nested(\var{mgr1}, \var{mgr2}, ...)} manager that
combines a number of context managers so you don't need to write
There's a \function{nested(\var{mgr1}, \var{mgr2}, ...)} function that
combines a number of contexts so you don't need to write
nested '\keyword{with}' statements. This example statement does two
things, starting a database transaction and acquiring a thread lock:
......@@ -862,7 +860,7 @@ with nested (db_transaction(db), lock) as (cursor, locked):
Finally, the \function{closing(\var{object})} context manager
Finally, the \function{closing(\var{object})} function
returns \var{object} so that it can be bound to a variable,
and calls \code{\var{object}.close()} at the end of the block.
......@@ -880,8 +878,7 @@ with closing(urllib.urlopen('')) as f:
\seepep{343}{The ``with'' statement}{PEP written by Guido van~Rossum
and Nick Coghlan; implemented by Mike Bland, Guido van~Rossum, and
Neal Norwitz. The PEP shows the code generated for a '\keyword{with}'
statement, which can be helpful in learning how context managers
statement, which can be helpful in learning how the statement works.}
\seeurl{../lib/module-contextlib.html}{The documentation
for the \module{contextlib} module.}
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