Commit c2f14407 authored by Benjamin Peterson's avatar Benjamin Peterson

clarify CALL_FUNCTION #4141

parent 0f3e7697
......@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@, and we'll be glad to correct the problem.
* Reuben Sumner
* Kalle Svensson
* Jim Tittsler
* David Turner
* Ville Vainio
* Martijn Vries
* Charles G. Waldman
......@@ -755,7 +755,8 @@ the more significant byte last.
opcode finds the keyword parameters first. For each keyword argument, the value
is on top of the key. Below the keyword parameters, the positional parameters
are on the stack, with the right-most parameter on top. Below the parameters,
the function object to call is on the stack.
the function object to call is on the stack. Pops all function arguments, and
the function itself off the stack, and pushes the return value.
.. opcode:: MAKE_FUNCTION (argc)
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