Commit c84cf6c0 authored by Cheryl Sabella's avatar Cheryl Sabella Committed by Terry Jan Reedy

bpo-32874: IDLE: add tests for pyparse (GH-5755)

There are no code changes other than comments and docstrings.
parent ba518804
"""Unittest for"""
from collections import namedtuple
import unittest
from idlelib import pyparse
class StringTranslatePseudoMappingTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
whitespace_chars = ' \t\n\r'
cls.preserve_dict = {ord(c): ord(c) for c in whitespace_chars}
cls.default = ord('x')
cls.mapping = pyparse.StringTranslatePseudoMapping(
cls.preserve_dict, default_value=ord('x'))
def tearDownClass(cls):
del cls.preserve_dict, cls.default, cls.mapping
def test__init__(self):
m = self.mapping
self.assertEqual(m._non_defaults, self.preserve_dict)
self.assertEqual(m._default_value, self.default)
def test__get_item__(self):
self.assertEqual(self.mapping[ord('\t')], ord('\t'))
self.assertEqual(self.mapping[ord('a')], self.default)
def test__len__(self):
self.assertEqual(len(self.mapping), len(self.preserve_dict))
def test__iter__(self):
count = 0
for key, value in self.mapping.items():
self.assertIn(key, self.preserve_dict)
count += 1
self.assertEqual(count, len(self.mapping))
def test_get(self):
self.assertEqual(self.mapping.get(ord('\t')), ord('\t'))
self.assertEqual(self.mapping.get('a'), self.default)
# Default is a parameter, but it isn't used.
self.assertEqual(self.mapping.get('a', default=500), self.default)
class PyParseTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.parser = pyparse.Parser(indentwidth=4, tabwidth=4)
def tearDownClass(cls):
del cls.parser
def test_init(self):
self.assertEqual(self.parser.indentwidth, 4)
self.assertEqual(self.parser.tabwidth, 4)
def test_set_str(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
p = self.parser
setstr = p.set_str
# Not empty and doesn't end with newline.
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
tests = ('',
for string in tests:
with self.subTest(string=string):
eq(p.str, string)
eq(p.study_level, 0)
def test_find_good_parse_start(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
p = self.parser
setstr = p.set_str
start = p.find_good_parse_start
# Split def across lines.
setstr('"""This is a module docstring"""\n'
'class C():\n'
' def __init__(self, a,\n'
' b=True):\n'
' pass\n'
# No value sent for is_char_in_string().
# Make text look like a string. This returns pos as the start
# position, but it's set to None.
self.assertIsNone(start(is_char_in_string=lambda index: True))
# Make all text look like it's not in a string. This means that it
# found a good start position.
eq(start(is_char_in_string=lambda index: False), 44)
# If the beginning of the def line is not in a string, then it
# returns that as the index.
eq(start(is_char_in_string=lambda index: index > 44), 44)
# If the beginning of the def line is in a string, then it
# looks for a previous index.
eq(start(is_char_in_string=lambda index: index >= 44), 33)
# If everything before the 'def' is in a string, then returns None.
# The non-continuation def line returns 44 (see below).
eq(start(is_char_in_string=lambda index: index < 44), None)
# Code without extra line break in def line - mostly returns the same
# values.
setstr('"""This is a module docstring"""\n'
'class C():\n'
' def __init__(self, a, b=True):\n'
' pass\n'
eq(start(is_char_in_string=lambda index: False), 44)
eq(start(is_char_in_string=lambda index: index > 44), 44)
eq(start(is_char_in_string=lambda index: index >= 44), 33)
# When the def line isn't split, this returns which doesn't match the
# split line test.
eq(start(is_char_in_string=lambda index: index < 44), 44)
def test_set_lo(self):
code = (
'"""This is a module docstring"""\n'
'class C():\n'
' def __init__(self, a,\n'
' b=True):\n'
' pass\n'
p = self.parser
# Previous character is not a newline.
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
# A value of 0 doesn't change self.str.
self.assertEqual(p.str, code)
# An index that is preceded by a newline.
self.assertEqual(p.str, code[44:])
def test_tran(self):
self.assertEqual('\t a([{b}])b"c\'d\n'.translate(self.parser._tran),
def test_study1(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
p = self.parser
setstr = p.set_str
study = p._study1
TestInfo = namedtuple('TestInfo', ['string', 'goodlines',
tests = (
TestInfo('', [0], NONE),
# Docstrings.
TestInfo('"""This is a complete docstring."""\n', [0, 1], NONE),
TestInfo("'''This is a complete docstring.'''\n", [0, 1], NONE),
TestInfo('"""This is a continued docstring.\n', [0, 1], FIRST),
TestInfo("'''This is a continued docstring.\n", [0, 1], FIRST),
TestInfo('"""Closing quote does not match."\n', [0, 1], FIRST),
TestInfo('"""Bracket in docstring [\n', [0, 1], FIRST),
TestInfo("'''Incomplete two line docstring.\n\n", [0, 2], NEXT),
# Single-quoted strings.
TestInfo('"This is a complete string."\n', [0, 1], NONE),
TestInfo('"This is an incomplete string.\n', [0, 1], NONE),
TestInfo("'This is more incomplete.\n\n", [0, 1, 2], NONE),
# Comment (backslash does not continue comments).
TestInfo('# Comment\\\n', [0, 1], NONE),
# Brackets.
TestInfo('("""Complete string in bracket"""\n', [0, 1], BRACKET),
TestInfo('("""Open string in bracket\n', [0, 1], FIRST),
TestInfo('a = (1 + 2) - 5 *\\\n', [0, 1], BACKSLASH), # No bracket.
TestInfo('\n def function1(self, a,\n b):\n',
[0, 1, 3], NONE),
TestInfo('\n def function1(self, a,\\\n', [0, 1, 2], BRACKET),
TestInfo('\n def function1(self, a,\n', [0, 1, 2], BRACKET),
TestInfo('())\n', [0, 1], NONE), # Extra closer.
TestInfo(')(\n', [0, 1], BRACKET), # Extra closer.
# For the mismatched example, it doesn't look like contination.
TestInfo('{)(]\n', [0, 1], NONE), # Mismatched.
for test in tests:
with self.subTest(string=test.string):
setstr(test.string) # resets study_level
eq(p.study_level, 1)
eq(p.goodlines, test.goodlines)
eq(p.continuation, test.continuation)
# Called again, just returns without reprocessing.
def test_get_continuation_type(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
p = self.parser
setstr = p.set_str
gettype = p.get_continuation_type
TestInfo = namedtuple('TestInfo', ['string', 'continuation'])
tests = (
TestInfo('', NONE),
TestInfo('"""This is a continuation docstring.\n', FIRST),
TestInfo("'''This is a multiline-continued docstring.\n\n", NEXT),
TestInfo('a = (1 + 2) - 5 *\\\n', BACKSLASH),
TestInfo('\n def function1(self, a,\\\n', BRACKET)
for test in tests:
with self.subTest(string=test.string):
eq(gettype(), test.continuation)
def test_study2(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
p = self.parser
setstr = p.set_str
study = p._study2
TestInfo = namedtuple('TestInfo', ['string', 'start', 'end', 'lastch',
'openbracket', 'bracketing'])
tests = (
TestInfo('', 0, 0, '', None, ((0, 0),)),
TestInfo("'''This is a multiline continutation docstring.\n\n",
0, 49, "'", None, ((0, 0), (0, 1), (49, 0))),
TestInfo(' # Comment\\\n',
0, 12, '', None, ((0, 0), (1, 1), (12, 0))),
# A comment without a space is a special case
TestInfo(' #Comment\\\n',
0, 0, '', None, ((0, 0),)),
# Backslash continuation.
TestInfo('a = (1 + 2) - 5 *\\\n',
0, 19, '*', None, ((0, 0), (4, 1), (11, 0))),
# Bracket continuation with close.
TestInfo('\n def function1(self, a,\n b):\n',
1, 48, ':', None, ((1, 0), (17, 1), (46, 0))),
# Bracket continuation with unneeded backslash.
TestInfo('\n def function1(self, a,\\\n',
1, 28, ',', 17, ((1, 0), (17, 1))),
# Bracket continuation.
TestInfo('\n def function1(self, a,\n',
1, 27, ',', 17, ((1, 0), (17, 1))),
# Bracket continuation with comment at end of line with text.
TestInfo('\n def function1(self, a, # End of line comment.\n',
1, 51, ',', 17, ((1, 0), (17, 1), (28, 2), (51, 1))),
# Multi-line statement with comment line in between code lines.
TestInfo(' a = ["first item",\n # Comment line\n "next item",\n',
0, 55, ',', 6, ((0, 0), (6, 1), (7, 2), (19, 1),
(23, 2), (38, 1), (42, 2), (53, 1))),
0, 4, ')', None, ((0, 0), (0, 1), (2, 0), (3, 0))),
TestInfo(')(\n', 0, 3, '(', 1, ((0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1))),
# Wrong closers still decrement stack level.
0, 5, ']', None, ((0, 0), (0, 1), (2, 0), (2, 1), (4, 0))),
# Character after backslash.
TestInfo(':\\a\n', 0, 4, '\\a', None, ((0, 0),)),
TestInfo('\n', 0, 0, '', None, ((0, 0),)),
for test in tests:
# There is a bug where this is carried forward from last item.
p.lastopenbracketpos = None
with self.subTest(string=test.string):
eq(p.study_level, 2)
eq(p.stmt_start, test.start)
eq(p.stmt_end, test.end)
eq(p.lastch, test.lastch)
eq(p.lastopenbracketpos, test.openbracket)
eq(p.stmt_bracketing, test.bracketing)
# Called again, just returns without reprocessing.
def test_get_num_lines_in_stmt(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
p = self.parser
setstr = p.set_str
getlines = p.get_num_lines_in_stmt
TestInfo = namedtuple('TestInfo', ['string', 'lines'])
tests = (
TestInfo('[x for x in a]\n', 1), # Closed on one line.
TestInfo('[x\nfor x in a\n', 2), # Not closed.
TestInfo('[x\\\nfor x in a\\\n', 2), # "", uneeded backslashes.
TestInfo('[x\nfor x in a\n]\n', 3), # Closed on multi-line.
TestInfo('\n"""Docstring comment L1"""\nL2\nL3\nL4\n', 1),
TestInfo('\n"""Docstring comment L1\nL2"""\nL3\nL4\n', 1),
TestInfo('\n"""Docstring comment L1\\\nL2\\\nL3\\\nL4\\\n', 4),
TestInfo('\n\n"""Docstring comment L1\\\nL2\\\nL3\\\nL4\\\n"""\n', 5)
# Blank string doesn't have enough elements in goodlines.
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
for test in tests:
with self.subTest(string=test.string):
eq(getlines(), test.lines)
def test_compute_bracket_indent(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
p = self.parser
setstr = p.set_str
indent = p.compute_bracket_indent
TestInfo = namedtuple('TestInfo', ['string', 'spaces'])
tests = (
TestInfo('def function1(self, a,\n', 14),
# Characters after bracket.
TestInfo('\n def function1(self, a,\n', 18),
TestInfo('\n\tdef function1(self, a,\n', 18),
# No characters after bracket.
TestInfo('\n def function1(\n', 8),
TestInfo('\n\tdef function1(\n', 8),
TestInfo('\n def function1( \n', 8), # Ignore extra spaces.
TestInfo('[\n"first item",\n # Comment line\n "next item",\n', 0),
TestInfo('[\n "first item",\n # Comment line\n "next item",\n', 2),
TestInfo('["first item",\n # Comment line\n "next item",\n', 1),
TestInfo('(\n', 4),
TestInfo('(a\n', 1),
# Must be C_BRACKET continuation type.
setstr('def function1(self, a, b):\n')
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
for test in tests:
eq(indent(), test.spaces)
def test_compute_backslash_indent(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
p = self.parser
setstr = p.set_str
indent = p.compute_backslash_indent
# Must be C_BACKSLASH continuation type.
errors = (('def function1(self, a, b\\\n'), # Bracket.
(' """ (\\\n'), # Docstring.
('a = #\\\n'), # Inline comment.
for string in errors:
with self.subTest(string=string):
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
TestInfo = namedtuple('TestInfo', ('string', 'spaces'))
tests = (TestInfo('a = (1 + 2) - 5 *\\\n', 4),
TestInfo('a = 1 + 2 - 5 *\\\n', 4),
TestInfo(' a = 1 + 2 - 5 *\\\n', 8),
TestInfo(' a = "spam"\\\n', 6),
TestInfo(' a = \\\n"a"\\\n', 4),
TestInfo(' a = #\\\n"a"\\\n', 5),
TestInfo('a == \\\n', 2),
TestInfo('a != \\\n', 2),
# Difference between containing = and those not.
TestInfo('\\\n', 2),
TestInfo(' \\\n', 6),
TestInfo('\t\\\n', 6),
TestInfo('a\\\n', 3),
TestInfo('{}\\\n', 4),
TestInfo('(1 + 2) - 5 *\\\n', 3),
for test in tests:
with self.subTest(string=test.string):
eq(indent(), test.spaces)
def test_get_base_indent_string(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
p = self.parser
setstr = p.set_str
baseindent = p.get_base_indent_string
TestInfo = namedtuple('TestInfo', ['string', 'indent'])
tests = (TestInfo('', ''),
TestInfo('def a():\n', ''),
TestInfo('\tdef a():\n', '\t'),
TestInfo(' def a():\n', ' '),
TestInfo(' def a(\n', ' '),
TestInfo('\t\n def a(\n', ' '),
TestInfo('\t\n # Comment.\n', ' '),
for test in tests:
with self.subTest(string=test.string):
eq(baseindent(), test.indent)
def test_is_block_opener(self):
yes = self.assertTrue
no = self.assertFalse
p = self.parser
setstr = p.set_str
opener = p.is_block_opener
TestInfo = namedtuple('TestInfo', ['string', 'assert_'])
tests = (
TestInfo('def a():\n', yes),
TestInfo('\n def function1(self, a,\n b):\n', yes),
TestInfo(':\n', yes),
TestInfo('a:\n', yes),
TestInfo('):\n', yes),
TestInfo('(:\n', yes),
TestInfo('":\n', no),
TestInfo('\n def function1(self, a,\n', no),
TestInfo('def function1(self, a):\n pass\n', no),
TestInfo('# A comment:\n', no),
TestInfo('"""A docstring:\n', no),
TestInfo('"""A docstring:\n', no),
for test in tests:
with self.subTest(string=test.string):
def test_is_block_closer(self):
yes = self.assertTrue
no = self.assertFalse
p = self.parser
setstr = p.set_str
closer = p.is_block_closer
TestInfo = namedtuple('TestInfo', ['string', 'assert_'])
tests = (
TestInfo('return\n', yes),
TestInfo('\tbreak\n', yes),
TestInfo(' continue\n', yes),
TestInfo(' raise\n', yes),
TestInfo('pass \n', yes),
TestInfo('pass\t\n', yes),
TestInfo('return #\n', yes),
TestInfo('raised\n', no),
TestInfo('returning\n', no),
TestInfo('# return\n', no),
TestInfo('"""break\n', no),
TestInfo('"continue\n', no),
TestInfo('def function1(self, a):\n pass\n', yes),
for test in tests:
with self.subTest(string=test.string):
def test_get_last_open_bracket_pos(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
p = self.parser
setstr = p.set_str
openbracket = p.get_last_open_bracket_pos
TestInfo = namedtuple('TestInfo', ['string', 'position'])
tests = (
TestInfo('', None),
TestInfo('a\n', None),
TestInfo('# (\n', None),
TestInfo('""" (\n', None),
TestInfo('a = (1 + 2) - 5 *\\\n', None),
TestInfo('\n def function1(self, a,\n', 17),
TestInfo('\n def function1(self, a, # End of line comment.\n', 17),
TestInfo('{)(]\n', None),
TestInfo('(((((((((()))))))\n', 2),
TestInfo('(((((((((())\n)))\n))\n', 2),
for test in tests:
# There is a bug where the value is carried forward from last item.
p.lastopenbracketpos = None
with self.subTest(string=test.string):
eq(openbracket(), test.position)
def test_get_last_stmt_bracketing(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
p = self.parser
setstr = p.set_str
bracketing = p.get_last_stmt_bracketing
TestInfo = namedtuple('TestInfo', ['string', 'bracket'])
tests = (
TestInfo('', ((0, 0),)),
TestInfo('a\n', ((0, 0),)),
TestInfo('()()\n', ((0, 0), (0, 1), (2, 0), (2, 1), (4, 0))),
TestInfo('(\n)()\n', ((0, 0), (0, 1), (3, 0), (3, 1), (5, 0))),
TestInfo('()\n()\n', ((3, 0), (3, 1), (5, 0))),
TestInfo('()(\n)\n', ((0, 0), (0, 1), (2, 0), (2, 1), (5, 0))),
TestInfo('(())\n', ((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 2), (3, 1), (4, 0))),
TestInfo('(\n())\n', ((0, 0), (0, 1), (2, 2), (4, 1), (5, 0))),
# Same as matched test.
TestInfo('{)(]\n', ((0, 0), (0, 1), (2, 0), (2, 1), (4, 0))),
((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (5, 3), (6, 2))),
for test in tests:
with self.subTest(string=test.string):
eq(bracketing(), test.bracket)
if __name__ == '__main__':
"""Define partial Python code Parser used by editor and hyperparser.
Instances of StringTranslatePseudoMapping are used with str.translate.
The following bound search and match functions are defined:
_synchre - start of popular statement;
_junkre - whitespace or comment line;
_match_stringre: string, possibly without closer;
_itemre - line that may have bracket structure start;
_closere - line that must be followed by dedent.
_chew_ordinaryre - non-special characters.
from import Mapping
import re
import sys
# Reason last stmt is continued (or C_NONE if it's not).
# Reason last statement is continued (or C_NONE if it's not).
......@@ -10,7 +22,7 @@ if 0: # for throwaway debugging output
def dump(*stuff):
sys.__stdout__.write(" ".join(map(str, stuff)) + "\n")
# Find what looks like the start of a popular stmt.
# Find what looks like the start of a popular statement.
_synchre = re.compile(r"""
......@@ -70,7 +82,7 @@ _itemre = re.compile(r"""
[^\s#\\] # if we match, m.end()-1 is the interesting char
""", re.VERBOSE).match
# Match start of stmts that should be followed by a dedent.
# Match start of statements that should be followed by a dedent.
_closere = re.compile(r"""
......@@ -146,19 +158,20 @@ class Parser:
self.str = s
self.study_level = 0
# Return index of a good place to begin parsing, as close to the
# end of the string as possible. This will be the start of some
# popular stmt like "if" or "def". Return None if none found:
# the caller should pass more prior context then, if possible, or
# if not (the entire program text up until the point of interest
# has already been tried) pass 0 to set_lo.
# This will be reliable iff given a reliable is_char_in_string
# function, meaning that when it says "no", it's absolutely
# guaranteed that the char is not in a string.
def find_good_parse_start(self, is_char_in_string=None,
Return index of a good place to begin parsing, as close to the
end of the string as possible. This will be the start of some
popular stmt like "if" or "def". Return None if none found:
the caller should pass more prior context then, if possible, or
if not (the entire program text up until the point of interest
has already been tried) pass 0 to set_lo().
This will be reliable iff given a reliable is_char_in_string()
function, meaning that when it says "no", it's absolutely
guaranteed that the char is not in a string.
str, pos = self.str, None
if not is_char_in_string:
......@@ -173,7 +186,7 @@ class Parser:
i = str.rfind(":\n", 0, limit)
if i < 0:
i = str.rfind('\n', 0, i) + 1 # start of colon line
i = str.rfind('\n', 0, i) + 1 # start of colon line (-1+1=0)
m = _synchre(str, i, limit)
if m and not is_char_in_string(m.start()):
pos = m.start()
......@@ -206,10 +219,11 @@ class Parser:
return pos
# Throw away the start of the string. Intended to be called with
# find_good_parse_start's result.
def set_lo(self, lo):
""" Throw away the start of the string.
Intended to be called with the result of find_good_parse_start().
assert lo == 0 or self.str[lo-1] == '\n'
if lo > 0:
self.str = self.str[lo:]
......@@ -224,11 +238,13 @@ class Parser:
_tran.update((ord(c), ord(c)) for c in "\"'\\\n#")
_tran = StringTranslatePseudoMapping(_tran, default_value=ord('x'))
# As quickly as humanly possible <wink>, find the line numbers (0-
# based) of the non-continuation lines.
# Creates self.{goodlines, continuation}.
def _study1(self):
"""Find the line numbers of non-continuation lines.
As quickly as humanly possible <wink>, find the line numbers (0-
based) of the non-continuation lines.
Creates self.{goodlines, continuation}.
if self.study_level >= 1:
self.study_level = 1
......@@ -244,8 +260,8 @@ class Parser:
str = str.replace('xx', 'x')
str = str.replace('xx', 'x')
str = str.replace('\nx', '\n')
# note that replacing x\n with \n would be incorrect, because
# x may be preceded by a backslash
# Replacing x\n with \n would be incorrect because
# x may be preceded by a backslash.
# March over the squashed version of the program, accumulating
# the line numbers of non-continued stmts, and determining
......@@ -360,24 +376,25 @@ class Parser:
return self.continuation
# study1 was sufficient to determine the continuation status,
# but doing more requires looking at every character. study2
# does this for the last interesting statement in the block.
# Creates:
# self.stmt_start, stmt_end
# slice indices of last interesting stmt
# self.stmt_bracketing
# the bracketing structure of the last interesting stmt;
# for example, for the statement "say(boo) or die", stmt_bracketing
# will be [(0, 0), (3, 1), (8, 0)]. Strings and comments are
# treated as brackets, for the matter.
# self.lastch
# last non-whitespace character before optional trailing
# comment
# self.lastopenbracketpos
# if continuation is C_BRACKET, index of last open bracket
def _study2(self):
study1 was sufficient to determine the continuation status,
but doing more requires looking at every character. study2
does this for the last interesting statement in the block.
self.stmt_start, stmt_end
slice indices of last interesting stmt
the bracketing structure of the last interesting stmt; for
example, for the statement "say(boo) or die",
stmt_bracketing will be ((0, 0), (0, 1), (2, 0), (2, 1),
(4, 0)). Strings and comments are treated as brackets, for
the matter.
last interesting character before optional trailing comment
if continuation is C_BRACKET, index of last open bracket
if self.study_level >= 2:
......@@ -385,11 +402,11 @@ class Parser:
# Set p and q to slice indices of last interesting stmt.
str, goodlines = self.str, self.goodlines
i = len(goodlines) - 1
p = len(str) # index of newest line
i = len(goodlines) - 1 # Index of newest line.
p = len(str) # End of goodlines[i]
while i:
assert p
# p is the index of the stmt at line number goodlines[i].
# Make p be the index of the stmt at line number goodlines[i].
# Move p back to the stmt at line number goodlines[i-1].
q = p
for nothing in range(goodlines[i-1], goodlines[i]):
......@@ -483,10 +500,11 @@ class Parser:
self.lastopenbracketpos = stack[-1]
self.stmt_bracketing = tuple(bracketing)
# Assuming continuation is C_BRACKET, return the number
# of spaces the next line should be indented.
def compute_bracket_indent(self):
"""Return number of spaces the next line should be indented.
Line continuation must be C_BRACKET.
assert self.continuation == C_BRACKET
j = self.lastopenbracketpos
......@@ -513,20 +531,22 @@ class Parser:
extra = self.indentwidth
return len(str[i:j].expandtabs(self.tabwidth)) + extra
# Return number of physical lines in last stmt (whether or not
# it's an interesting stmt! this is intended to be called when
# continuation is C_BACKSLASH).
def get_num_lines_in_stmt(self):
"""Return number of physical lines in last stmt.
The statement doesn't have to be an interesting statement. This is
intended to be called when continuation is C_BACKSLASH.
goodlines = self.goodlines
return goodlines[-1] - goodlines[-2]
# Assuming continuation is C_BACKSLASH, return the number of spaces
# the next line should be indented. Also assuming the new line is
# the first one following the initial line of the stmt.
def compute_backslash_indent(self):
"""Return number of spaces the next line should be indented.
Line continuation must be C_BACKSLASH. Also assume that the new
line is the first one following the initial line of the stmt.
assert self.continuation == C_BACKSLASH
str = self.str
......@@ -551,6 +571,8 @@ class Parser:
elif ch == '"' or ch == "'":
i = _match_stringre(str, i, endpos).end()
elif ch == '#':
# This line is unreachable because the # makes a comment of
# everything after it.
elif level == 0 and ch == '=' and \
(i == 0 or str[i-1] not in "=<>!") and \
......@@ -576,10 +598,10 @@ class Parser:
return len(str[self.stmt_start:i].expandtabs(\
self.tabwidth)) + 1
# Return the leading whitespace on the initial line of the last
# interesting stmt.
def get_base_indent_string(self):
"""Return the leading whitespace on the initial line of the last
interesting stmt.
i, n = self.stmt_start, self.stmt_end
j = i
......@@ -588,30 +610,37 @@ class Parser:
j = j + 1
return str[i:j]
# Did the last interesting stmt open a block?
def is_block_opener(self):
"Return True if the last interesting statemtent opens a block."
return self.lastch == ':'
# Did the last interesting stmt close a block?
def is_block_closer(self):
"Return True if the last interesting statement closes a block."
return _closere(self.str, self.stmt_start) is not None
# index of last open bracket ({[, or None if none
# XXX - is this used?
lastopenbracketpos = None
def get_last_open_bracket_pos(self):
"Return index of last open bracket or None."
return self.lastopenbracketpos
# the structure of the bracketing of the last interesting statement,
# in the format defined in _study2, or None if the text didn't contain
# anything
# XXX - is this used?
stmt_bracketing = None
def get_last_stmt_bracketing(self):
"""Return a tuple of the structure of the bracketing of the last
interesting statement.
Tuple is in the format defined in _study2().
return self.stmt_bracketing
if __name__ == '__main__': #pragma: nocover
import unittest
unittest.main('idlelib.idle_test.test_pyparse', verbosity=2)
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