Commit cafc8114 authored by Skip Montanaro's avatar Skip Montanaro

Added --trackcalls command line arg to display crude caller/callee

relationships at program exit.  Output is a bit prettier than that for
--listfuncs but won't parse as easily using downstream postprocessing tools.
parent 7eddd78a
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
Sample use, command line: -c -f counts --ignore-dir '$prefix' eggs -t --ignore-dir '$prefix' eggs --track-callers eggs
Sample use, programmatically
# create a Trace object, telling it what to ignore, and whether to
......@@ -76,6 +77,8 @@ Otherwise, exactly one of the following three options must be given:
-l, --listfuncs Keep track of which functions are executed at least
once and write the results to sys.stdout after the
program exits.
-T, --trackcalls Keep track of caller/called pairs and write the
results to sys.stdout after the program exits.
-r, --report Generate a report from a counts file; do not execute
any code. `--file' must specify the results file to
read, which must have been created in a previous run
......@@ -191,7 +194,7 @@ def fullmodname(path):
class CoverageResults:
def __init__(self, counts=None, calledfuncs=None, infile=None,
callers=None, outfile=None):
self.counts = counts
if self.counts is None:
self.counts = {}
......@@ -200,13 +203,18 @@ class CoverageResults:
if self.calledfuncs is None:
self.calledfuncs = {}
self.calledfuncs = self.calledfuncs.copy()
self.callers = callers
if self.callers is None:
self.callers = {}
self.callers = self.callers.copy()
self.infile = infile
self.outfile = outfile
if self.infile:
# Try to merge existing counts file.
counts, calledfuncs = pickle.load(open(self.infile, 'rb'))
self.update(self.__class__(counts, calledfuncs))
counts, calledfuncs, callers = \
pickle.load(open(self.infile, 'rb'))
self.update(self.__class__(counts, calledfuncs, callers))
except (IOError, EOFError, ValueError), err:
print >> sys.stderr, ("Skipping counts file %r: %s"
% (self.infile, err))
......@@ -215,8 +223,10 @@ class CoverageResults:
"""Merge in the data from another CoverageResults"""
counts = self.counts
calledfuncs = self.calledfuncs
callers = self.callers
other_counts = other.counts
other_calledfuncs = other.calledfuncs
other_callers = other.callers
for key in other_counts.keys():
counts[key] = counts.get(key, 0) + other_counts[key]
......@@ -224,14 +234,36 @@ class CoverageResults:
for key in other_calledfuncs.keys():
calledfuncs[key] = 1
for key in other_callers.keys():
callers[key] = 1
def write_results(self, show_missing=True, summary=False, coverdir=None):
@param coverdir
for filename, modulename, funcname in self.calledfuncs.keys():
if self.calledfuncs:
print "functions called:"
calls = self.calledfuncs.keys()
for filename, modulename, funcname in calls:
print ("filename: %s, modulename: %s, funcname: %s"
% (filename, modulename, funcname))
if self.callers:
print "calling relationships:"
calls = self.callers.keys()
lastfile = lastcfile = ""
for ((pfile, pmod, pfunc), (cfile, cmod, cfunc)) in calls:
if pfile != lastfile:
print "***", pfile, "***"
lastfile = pfile
lastcfile = ""
if cfile != pfile and lastcfile != cfile:
print " -->", cfile
lastcfile = cfile
print " %s.%s -> %s.%s" % (pmod, pfunc, cmod, cfunc)
# turn the counts data ("(filename, lineno) = count") into something
# accessible on a per-file basis
per_file = {}
......@@ -286,7 +318,7 @@ class CoverageResults:
if self.outfile:
# try and store counts and module info into self.outfile
pickle.dump((self.counts, self.calledfuncs),
pickle.dump((self.counts, self.calledfuncs, self.callers),
open(self.outfile, 'wb'), 1)
except IOError, err:
print >> sys.stderr, "Can't save counts files because %s" % err
......@@ -392,8 +424,8 @@ def find_executable_linenos(filename):
return find_lines(code, strs)
class Trace:
def __init__(self, count=1, trace=1, countfuncs=0, ignoremods=(),
ignoredirs=(), infile=None, outfile=None):
def __init__(self, count=1, trace=1, countfuncs=0, countcallers=0,
ignoremods=(), ignoredirs=(), infile=None, outfile=None):
@param count true iff it should count number of times each
line is executed
......@@ -419,7 +451,10 @@ class Trace:
self.donothing = 0
self.trace = trace
self._calledfuncs = {}
if countfuncs:
self._callers = {}
if countcallers:
self.globaltrace = self.globaltrace_trackcallers
elif countfuncs:
self.globaltrace = self.globaltrace_countfuncs
elif trace and count:
self.globaltrace = self.globaltrace_lt
......@@ -471,6 +506,33 @@ class Trace:
return result
def globaltrace_trackcallers(self, frame, why, arg):
"""Handler for call events.
Adds information about who called who to the self._callers dict.
if why == 'call':
# XXX Should do a better job of identifying methods
code = frame.f_code
filename = code.co_filename
funcname = code.co_name
if filename:
modulename = modname(filename)
modulename = None
this_func = (filename, modulename, funcname)
frame = frame.f_back
code = frame.f_code
filename = code.co_filename
funcname = code.co_name
if filename:
modulename = modname(filename)
modulename = None
parent_func = (filename, modulename, funcname)
self._callers[(parent_func, this_func)] = 1
def globaltrace_countfuncs(self, frame, why, arg):
"""Handler for call events.
......@@ -544,7 +606,8 @@ class Trace:
def results(self):
return CoverageResults(self.counts, infile=self.infile,
def _err_exit(msg):
sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (sys.argv[0], msg))
......@@ -556,12 +619,13 @@ def main(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
opts, prog_argv = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "tcrRf:d:msC:l",
opts, prog_argv = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "tcrRf:d:msC:lT",
["help", "version", "trace", "count",
"report", "no-report", "summary",
"file=", "missing",
"ignore-module=", "ignore-dir=",
"coverdir=", "listfuncs",])
"coverdir=", "listfuncs",
except getopt.error, msg:
sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (sys.argv[0], msg))
......@@ -580,6 +644,7 @@ def main(argv=None):
coverdir = None
summary = 0
listfuncs = False
countcallers = False
for opt, val in opts:
if opt == "--help":
......@@ -590,6 +655,10 @@ def main(argv=None):
sys.stdout.write("trace 2.0\n")
if opt == "-T" or opt == "--trackcalls":
countcallers = True
if opt == "-l" or opt == "--listfuncs":
listfuncs = True
......@@ -650,9 +719,9 @@ def main(argv=None):
if listfuncs and (count or trace):
_err_exit("cannot specify both --listfuncs and (--trace or --count)")
if not count and not trace and not report and not listfuncs:
_err_exit("must specify one of --trace, --count, --report or "
if not (count or trace or report or listfuncs or countcallers):
_err_exit("must specify one of --trace, --count, --report, "
"--listfuncs, or --trackcalls")
if report and no_report:
_err_exit("cannot specify both --report and --no-report")
......@@ -673,8 +742,9 @@ def main(argv=None):
sys.path[0] = os.path.split(progname)[0]
t = Trace(count, trace, countfuncs=listfuncs,
ignoremods=ignore_modules, ignoredirs=ignore_dirs,
infile=counts_file, outfile=counts_file)
countcallers=countcallers, ignoremods=ignore_modules,
ignoredirs=ignore_dirs, infile=counts_file,
try:'execfile(%r)' % (progname,))
except IOError, err:
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