Commit cbd2ab13 authored by Georg Brandl's avatar Georg Brandl

#1513299: cleanup some map() uses where a comprehension works better.

parent 8334fd92
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ def _quote(str, LegalChars=_LegalChars):
if all(c in LegalChars for c in str):
return str
return '"' + _nulljoin(map(_Translator.get, str, str)) + '"'
return '"' + _nulljoin(_Translator.get(s, s) for s in str) + '"'
_OctalPatt = re.compile(r"\\[0-3][0-7][0-7]")
......@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ def nobody_uid():
nobody = pwd.getpwnam('nobody')[2]
except KeyError:
nobody = 1 + max(map(lambda x: x[2], pwd.getpwall()))
nobody = 1 + max(x[2] for x in pwd.getpwall())
return nobody
......@@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ class TextDoc(Doc):
def bold(self, text):
"""Format a string in bold by overstriking."""
return ''.join(map(lambda ch: ch + '\b' + ch, text))
return ''.join(ch + '\b' + ch for ch in text)
def indent(self, text, prefix=' '):
"""Indent text by prepending a given prefix to each line."""
......@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@ class TextDoc(Doc):
c, bases = entry
result = result + prefix + classname(c, modname)
if bases and bases != (parent,):
parents = map(lambda c, m=modname: classname(c, m), bases)
parents = (classname(c, modname) for c in bases)
result = result + '(%s)' % ', '.join(parents)
result = result + '\n'
elif type(entry) is type([]):
......@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ class Whitespace:
return a
def format_witnesses(w):
firsts = map(lambda tup: str(tup[0]), w)
firsts = (str(tup[0]) for tup in w)
prefix = "at tab size"
if len(w) > 1:
prefix = prefix + "s"
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ BoolGlob = FALSE
Char1Glob = '\0'
Char2Glob = '\0'
Array1Glob = [0]*51
Array2Glob = list(map(lambda x: x[:], [Array1Glob]*51))
Array2Glob = [x[:] for x in [Array1Glob]*51]
PtrGlb = None
PtrGlbNext = None
......@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ class LongTest(unittest.TestCase):
digits = digits or [0]
return '-'[:sign] + \
{2: '0b', 8: '0o', 10: '', 16: '0x'}[base] + \
"".join(map(lambda i: "0123456789abcdef"[i], digits))
"".join("0123456789abcdef"[i] for i in digits)
def check_format_1(self, x):
for base, mapper in (8, oct), (10, repr), (16, hex):
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