Commit ce9680be authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Added #include <WETabs.h>, which had somehow gone missing

parent 1980ad07
......@@ -43,13 +43,17 @@ extern int BMObj_Convert(PyObject *, BitMapPtr *);
extern PyObject *WinObj_WhichWindow(WindowPtr);
#include <WASTE.h>
#include <WEObjectHandlers.h>
#include <WETabs.h>
#include <WEObjectHandlers.h>
/* Exported by Qdmodule.c: */
extern PyObject *QdRGB_New(RGBColor *);
extern int QdRGB_Convert(PyObject *, RGBColor *);
/* Exported by AEModule.c: */
extern PyObject *AEDesc_New(AppleEvent *);
extern int AEDesc_Convert(PyObject *, AppleEvent *);
/* Forward declaration */
staticforward PyObject *WEOObj_New(WEObjectReference);
staticforward PyObject *ExistingwasteObj_New(WEReference);
......@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
import addpack
from scantools import Scanner
from bgenlocations import TOOLBOXDIR
from bgenlocations import MWERKSDIR, TOOLBOXDIR
WASTEDIR=":::::Waste 1.2 distribution:"
WASTEDIR=":::::Waste 1.2 Distribution:WASTE C/C++ Headers:"
OBJECT = "TEHandle"
SHORT = "waste"
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ OBJECT = "WEReference"
OBJECT2 = "WEObjectReference"
def main():
input = WASTEDIR + "WASTE C/C++ Headers:WASTE.h"
input = WASTEDIR + "WASTE.h"
output = SHORT + ""
defsoutput = TOOLBOXDIR + ""
scanner = MyScanner(input, output, defsoutput)
......@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ class MyScanner(Scanner):
return [
"DragReference", # For now...
def makerepairinstructions(self):
......@@ -39,9 +39,15 @@ WEStyleMode = Type("WEStyleMode", "h")
WEActionKind = Type("WEActionKind", "h")
WEAlignment = Type("WEAlignment", "b")
WEEdge = Type("WEEdge", "b")
WEDirection = Type("WEDirection", "h")
WESoupHandle = OpaqueByValueType("WESoupHandle", "ResObj")
WEFontTableHandle = OpaqueByValueType("WEFontTableHandle", "ResObj")
WERunInfo = OpaqueType("WERunInfo", "RunInfo")
AppleEvent = OpaqueType('AppleEvent', 'AEDesc')
AppleEvent_ptr = OpaqueType('AppleEvent', 'AEDesc')
TextStyle = OpaqueType("TextStyle", "TextStyle")
TextStyle_ptr = TextStyle
LongPt = OpaqueType("LongPt", "LongPt")
......@@ -58,6 +64,10 @@ includestuff = includestuff + """
extern PyObject *QdRGB_New(RGBColor *);
extern int QdRGB_Convert(PyObject *, RGBColor *);
/* Exported by AEModule.c: */
extern PyObject *AEDesc_New(AppleEvent *);
extern int AEDesc_Convert(PyObject *, AppleEvent *);
/* Forward declaration */
staticforward PyObject *WEOObj_New(WEObjectReference);
staticforward PyObject *ExistingwasteObj_New(WEReference);
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