Commit cff283c7 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Update to reflect recent grammar changes (list comprehensions, extended

print statement), and fix up the extended call syntax support.

Minor stylistic cleanups.
parent a893957c
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ parser_doc_string
= "This is an interface to Python's internal parser.";
static char*
parser_version_string = "0.4";
parser_version_string = "0.5";
typedef PyObject* (*SeqMaker) (int length);
......@@ -888,10 +888,10 @@ VALIDATER(fpdef); VALIDATER(fplist);
VALIDATER(stmt); VALIDATER(simple_stmt);
VALIDATER(expr_stmt); VALIDATER(power);
VALIDATER(print_stmt); VALIDATER(del_stmt);
VALIDATER(return_stmt); VALIDATER(list_iter);
VALIDATER(raise_stmt); VALIDATER(import_stmt);
VALIDATER(global_stmt); VALIDATER(list_if);
VALIDATER(assert_stmt); VALIDATER(list_for);
VALIDATER(exec_stmt); VALIDATER(compound_stmt);
VALIDATER(try); VALIDATER(except_clause);
......@@ -906,6 +906,7 @@ VALIDATER(trailer); VALIDATER(subscript);
VALIDATER(subscriptlist); VALIDATER(sliceop);
VALIDATER(exprlist); VALIDATER(dictmaker);
VALIDATER(arglist); VALIDATER(argument);
#define is_even(n) (((n) & 1) == 0)
......@@ -986,7 +987,7 @@ validate_repeating_list(node *tree, int ntype, int (*vfunc)(node *),
/* VALIDATE(class)
/* validate_class()
* classdef:
* 'class' NAME ['(' testlist ')'] ':' suite
......@@ -1078,7 +1079,7 @@ validate_parameters(node *tree)
/* VALIDATE(suite)
/* validate_suite()
* suite:
* simple_stmt
......@@ -1120,15 +1121,51 @@ validate_testlist(node *tree)
/* VALIDATE(varargslist)
/* '*' NAME [',' '**' NAME] | '**' NAME
static int
validate_varargslist_trailer(node *tree, int start)
int nch = NCH(tree);
int res = 0;
int sym;
if (nch <= start) {
err_string("expected variable argument trailer for varargslist");
return 0;
sym = TYPE(CHILD(tree, start));
if (sym == STAR) {
* ('*' NAME [',' '**' NAME]
if (nch-start == 2)
res = validate_name(CHILD(tree, start+1), NULL);
else if (nch-start == 5)
res = (validate_name(CHILD(tree, start+1), NULL)
&& validate_comma(CHILD(tree, start+2))
&& validate_doublestar(CHILD(tree, start+3))
&& validate_name(CHILD(tree, start+4), NULL));
else if (sym == DOUBLESTAR) {
* '**' NAME
if (nch-start == 2)
res = validate_name(CHILD(tree, start+1), NULL);
if (!res)
err_string("illegal variable argument trailer for varargslist");
return res;
/* validate_varargslist()
* varargslist:
* (fpdef ['=' test] ',')* ('*' NAME [',' '*' '*' NAME] | '*' '*' NAME)
* | fpdef ['=' test] (',' fpdef ['=' test])* [',']
* (fpdef ['=' test] ',')*
* ('*' NAME [',' ('**'|'*' '*') NAME]
* | ('**'|'*' '*') NAME)
* ('*' NAME [',' '**' NAME]
* | '**' NAME)
* | fpdef ['=' test] (',' fpdef ['=' test])* [',']
......@@ -1137,97 +1174,150 @@ validate_varargslist(node *tree)
int nch = NCH(tree);
int res = validate_ntype(tree, varargslist) && (nch != 0);
int sym;
if (res && (nch >= 2) && (TYPE(CHILD(tree, nch - 1)) == NAME)) {
/* (fpdef ['=' test] ',')*
* ('*' NAME [',' '*' '*' NAME] | '*' '*' NAME)
int pos = 0;
int remaining = nch;
if (nch < 1) {
err_string("varargslist missing child nodes");
return 0;
sym = TYPE(CHILD(tree, 0));
if (sym == STAR || sym == DOUBLESTAR)
res = validate_varargslist_trailer(tree, 0);
else if (sym == fpdef) {
int i = 0;
while (res && (TYPE(CHILD(tree, pos)) == fpdef)) {
res = validate_fpdef(CHILD(tree, pos));
if (res) {
if (TYPE(CHILD(tree, pos + 1)) == EQUAL) {
res = validate_test(CHILD(tree, pos + 2));
pos += 2;
sym = TYPE(CHILD(tree, nch-1));
if (sym == NAME) {
* (fpdef ['=' test] ',')+
* ('*' NAME [',' '**' NAME]
* | '**' NAME)
/* skip over (fpdef ['=' test] ',')+ */
while (res && (i+2 <= nch)) {
res = validate_fpdef(CHILD(tree, i));
if (res && TYPE(CHILD(tree, i)) == EQUAL && (i+2 <= nch)) {
res = (validate_equal(CHILD(tree, i))
&& validate_test(CHILD(tree, i+1)));
if (res)
i += 2;
res = res && validate_comma(CHILD(tree, pos + 1));
pos += 2;
if (res && i < nch) {
res = validate_comma(CHILD(tree, i));
if (res)
if (res) {
remaining = nch - pos;
res = ((remaining == 2) || (remaining == 3)
|| (remaining == 5) || (remaining == 6));
if (!res)
(void) validate_numnodes(tree, 2, "varargslist");
else if (TYPE(CHILD(tree, pos)) == DOUBLESTAR)
return ((remaining == 2)
&& validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, pos+1), NAME));
/* handle '*' NAME [',' '**' NAME] | '**' NAME */
if (res)
res = validate_varargslist_trailer(tree, i);
else {
res = validate_star(CHILD(tree, pos++));
* fpdef ['=' test] (',' fpdef ['=' test])* [',']
if (sym == COMMA) {
res = validate_comma(CHILD(tree, nch-1));
if (!res)
return 0;
* fpdef ['=' test] (',' fpdef ['=' test])*
res = validate_fpdef(CHILD(tree, 0));
if (res && (i+2 < nch) && TYPE(CHILD(tree, 1)) == EQUAL) {
res = (validate_equal(CHILD(tree, 1))
&& validate_test(CHILD(tree, 2)));
i += 2;
if (res) {
if (remaining == 2) {
res = (validate_star(CHILD(tree, pos))
&& validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, pos + 1), NAME));
* ... (',' fpdef ['=' test])*
* i ---^^^
while (res && (nch - i) >= 2) {
res = (validate_comma(CHILD(tree, i))
&& validate_fpdef(CHILD(tree, i+1)));
i += 2;
if (res && (nch - i) >= 2
&& TYPE(CHILD(tree, i)) == COMMA) {
res = (validate_comma(CHILD(tree, i))
&& validate_test(CHILD(tree, i+1)));
if (res)
i += 2;
else {
res = validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, pos++), NAME);
if (res && (remaining >= 4)) {
res = validate_comma(CHILD(tree, pos));
if (--remaining == 3)
res = (validate_star(CHILD(tree, pos + 1))
&& validate_star(CHILD(tree, pos + 2)));
res = validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, pos + 1), DOUBLESTAR);
if (res && nch - i != 0) {
res = 0;
err_string("illegal formation for varargslist");
if (!res && !PyErr_Occurred())
err_string("Incorrect validation of variable arguments list.");
else if (res) {
/* fpdef ['=' test] (',' fpdef ['=' test])* [','] */
if (TYPE(CHILD(tree, nch - 1)) == COMMA)
return res;
/* fpdef ['=' test] (',' fpdef ['=' test])* */
res = (is_odd(nch)
&& validate_fpdef(CHILD(tree, 0)));
if (res && (nch > 1)) {
int pos = 1;
if (TYPE(CHILD(tree, 1)) == EQUAL) {
res = validate_test(CHILD(tree, 2));
pos += 2;
/* ... (',' fpdef ['=' test])* */
for ( ; res && (pos < nch); pos += 2) {
/* ',' fpdef */
res = (validate_comma(CHILD(tree, pos))
&& validate_fpdef(CHILD(tree, pos + 1)));
if (res
&& ((nch - pos) > 2)
&& (TYPE(CHILD(tree, pos + 2)) == EQUAL)) {
/* ['=' test] */
res = validate_test(CHILD(tree, pos + 3));
pos += 2;
else {
err_string("Improperly formed argument list.");
return (res);
/* list_iter: list_for | list_if
static int
validate_list_iter(node *tree)
int res = (validate_ntype(tree, list_iter)
&& validate_numnodes(tree, 1, "list_iter"));
if (res && TYPE(CHILD(tree, 0)) == list_for)
res = validate_list_for(CHILD(tree, 0));
res = validate_list_if(CHILD(tree, 0));
return res;
/* list_for: 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist [list_iter]
static int
validate_list_for(node *tree)
int nch = NCH(tree);
int res;
if (nch == 5)
res = validate_list_iter(CHILD(tree, 4));
res = validate_numnodes(tree, 4, "list_for");
if (res)
res = (validate_name(CHILD(tree, 0), "for")
&& validate_exprlist(CHILD(tree, 1))
&& validate_name(CHILD(tree, 2), "in")
&& validate_testlist(CHILD(tree, 3)));
return res;
/* list_if: 'if' test [list_iter]
static int
validate_list_if(node *tree)
int nch = NCH(tree);
int res;
if (nch == 3)
res = validate_list_iter(CHILD(tree, 2));
res = validate_numnodes(tree, 2, "list_if");
if (res)
res = (validate_name(CHILD(tree, 0), "if")
&& validate_test(CHILD(tree, 1)));
return res;
/* VALIDATE(fpdef)
/* validate_fpdef()
* fpdef:
......@@ -1387,8 +1477,8 @@ validate_expr_stmt(node *tree)
/* print_stmt:
* 'print' (test ',')* [test]
* 'print' ( [ test (',' test)* [','] ]
* | '>>' test [ (',' test)+ [','] ] )
static int
validate_print_stmt(node *tree)
......@@ -1396,19 +1486,40 @@ validate_print_stmt(node *tree)
int j;
int nch = NCH(tree);
int res = (validate_ntype(tree, print_stmt)
&& (nch != 0)
&& (nch > 0)
&& validate_name(CHILD(tree, 0), "print"));
if (res && is_even(nch)) {
res = validate_test(CHILD(tree, nch - 1));
else if (!res && !PyErr_Occurred())
(void) validate_numnodes(tree, 1, "print_stmt");
for (j = 1; res && (j < nch); j += 2)
res = (validate_test(CHILD(tree, j))
&& validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, j + 1), COMMA));
if (res && nch > 1) {
int sym = TYPE(CHILD(tree, 1));
int i = 1;
int allow_trailing_comma = 1;
if (sym == test)
res = validate_test(CHILD(tree, i++));
else {
if (nch < 3)
res = validate_numnodes(tree, 3, "print_stmt");
else {
res = (validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, i), RIGHTSHIFT)
&& validate_test(CHILD(tree, i+1)));
i += 2;
allow_trailing_comma = 0;
if (res) {
/* ... (',' test)* [','] */
while (res && i+2 <= nch) {
res = (validate_comma(CHILD(tree, i))
&& validate_test(CHILD(tree, i+1)));
allow_trailing_comma = 1;
i += 2;
if (res && !allow_trailing_comma)
res = validate_numnodes(tree, i, "print_stmt");
else if (res && i < nch)
res = validate_comma(CHILD(tree, i));
return (res);
......@@ -1466,10 +1577,54 @@ validate_raise_stmt(node *tree)
static int
validate_import_as_name(node *tree)
int nch = NCH(tree);
int ok = validate_ntype(tree, import_as_name);
if (ok) {
if (nch == 1)
ok = validate_name(CHILD(tree, 0), NULL);
else if (nch == 3)
ok = (validate_name(CHILD(tree, 0), NULL)
&& validate_name(CHILD(tree, 1), "as")
&& validate_name(CHILD(tree, 2), NULL));
ok = validate_numnodes(tree, 3, "import_as_name");
return ok;
/* dotted_as_name: dotted_name [NAME NAME]
static int
validate_dotted_as_name(node *tree)
int nch = NCH(tree);
int res = validate_ntype(tree, dotted_as_name);
if (res) {
if (nch == 1)
res = validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, 0), dotted_name);
else if (nch == 3)
res = (validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, 0), dotted_name)
&& validate_name(CHILD(tree, 1), "as")
&& validate_name(CHILD(tree, 2), NULL));
else {
res = 0;
err_string("Illegal number of children for dotted_as_name.");
return res;
/* import_stmt:
* 'import' dotted_name (',' dotted_name)*
* | 'from' dotted_name 'import' ('*' | NAME (',' NAME)*)
* 'import' dotted_as_name (',' dotted_as_name)*
* | 'from' dotted_name 'import' ('*' | import_as_name (',' import_as_name)*)
static int
validate_import_stmt(node *tree)
......@@ -1477,32 +1632,35 @@ validate_import_stmt(node *tree)
int nch = NCH(tree);
int res = (validate_ntype(tree, import_stmt)
&& (nch >= 2) && is_even(nch)
&& validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, 0), NAME)
&& validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, 1), dotted_name));
&& validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, 0), NAME));
if (res && (strcmp(STR(CHILD(tree, 0)), "import") == 0)) {
int j;
res = validate_dotted_as_name(CHILD(tree, 1));
for (j = 2; res && (j < nch); j += 2)
res = (validate_comma(CHILD(tree, j))
&& validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, j + 1), dotted_name));
else if (res && validate_name(CHILD(tree, 0), "from")) {
else if (res && (res = validate_name(CHILD(tree, 0), "from"))) {
res = ((nch >= 4) && is_even(nch)
&& validate_name(CHILD(tree, 2), "import"));
&& validate_name(CHILD(tree, 2), "import")
&& validate_dotted_as_name(CHILD(tree, 1)));
if (nch == 4) {
res = ((TYPE(CHILD(tree, 3)) == NAME)
|| (TYPE(CHILD(tree, 3)) == STAR));
if (!res)
err_string("Illegal import statement.");
if (TYPE(CHILD(tree, 3)) == import_as_name)
res = validate_import_as_name(CHILD(tree, 3));
res = validate_star(CHILD(tree, 3));
else {
/* 'from' NAME 'import' NAME (',' NAME)+ */
/* 'from' dotted_name 'import' import_as_name
* (',' import_as_name)+
int j;
res = validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, 3), NAME);
res = validate_import_as_name(CHILD(tree, 3));
for (j = 4; res && (j < nch); j += 2)
res = (validate_comma(CHILD(tree, j))
&& validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, j + 1), NAME));
&& validate_import_as_name(CHILD(tree, j + 1)));
......@@ -1983,8 +2141,10 @@ validate_atom(node *tree)
int pos;
int nch = NCH(tree);
int res = validate_ntype(tree, atom) && (nch >= 1);
int res = validate_ntype(tree, atom);
if (res && nch < 1)
res = validate_numnodes(tree, nch+1, "atom");
if (res) {
switch (TYPE(CHILD(tree, 0))) {
case LPAR:
......@@ -1995,11 +2155,15 @@ validate_atom(node *tree)
res = validate_testlist(CHILD(tree, 1));
case LSQB:
res = ((nch <= 3)
&& validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, nch - 1), RSQB));
if (res && (nch == 3))
res = validate_testlist(CHILD(tree, 1));
if (nch == 2)
res = validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, 1), RSQB);
else if (nch == 3)
res = (validate_listmaker(CHILD(tree, 1))
&& validate_ntype(CHILD(tree, 2), RSQB));
else {
res = 0;
err_string("illegal list display atom");
case LBRACE:
res = ((nch <= 3)
......@@ -2030,6 +2194,38 @@ validate_atom(node *tree)
static int
validate_listmaker(node *tree)
int nch = NCH(tree);
int ok = nch;
if (nch == 0)
err_string("missing child nodes of listmaker");
ok = validate_test(CHILD(tree, 0));
* list_iter | (',' test)* [',']
if (nch == 2 && TYPE(CHILD(tree, 1)) == list_iter)
ok = validate_list_iter(CHILD(tree, 1));
else {
/* (',' test)* [','] */
int i = 1;
while (ok && nch - i >= 2) {
ok = (validate_comma(CHILD(tree, i))
&& validate_test(CHILD(tree, i+1)));
if (ok)
i += 2;
if (ok && nch-i)
ok = validate_comma(CHILD(tree, nch-1));
return ok;
/* funcdef:
* 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite
......@@ -2068,81 +2264,70 @@ validate_lambdef(node *tree)
/* arglist:
* (argument ',')* (argument* [','] | '*' test [',' '**' test] | '**' test)
* (argument ',')* (argument [','] | '*' test [',' '**' test] | '**' test)
static int
validate_arglist(node *tree)
int nch = NCH(tree);
int i, ok = 1;
node *last;
int i = 0;
int ok = 1;
if (nch <= 0)
/* raise the right error from having an invalid number of children */
return validate_numnodes(tree, nch + 1, "arglist");
last = CHILD(tree, nch - 1);
if (TYPE(last) == test) {
/* Extended call syntax introduced in Python 1.6 has been used;
* validate and strip that off and continue;
* adjust nch to perform the cut, and ensure resulting nch is even
* (validation of the first part doesn't require that).
if (nch < 2) {
validate_numnodes(tree, nch + 1, "arglist");
return 0;
ok = validate_test(last);
if (ok) {
node *prev = CHILD(tree, nch - 2);
/* next must be '*' or '**' */
if (validate_doublestar(prev)) {
nch -= 2;
if (nch >= 3) {
/* may include: '*' test ',' */
last = CHILD(tree, nch - 1);
prev = CHILD(tree, nch - 2);
if (TYPE(prev) == test) {
ok = validate_comma(last)
&& validate_test(prev)
&& validate_star(CHILD(tree, nch - 3));
while (ok && nch-i >= 2) {
/* skip leading (argument ',') */
ok = (validate_argument(CHILD(tree, i))
&& validate_comma(CHILD(tree, i+1)));
if (ok)
nch -= 3;
/* otherwise, nothing special */
else {
/* must be only: '*' test */
i += 2;
ok = validate_star(prev);
nch -= 2;
if (ok && is_odd(nch)) {
/* Illegal number of nodes before extended call syntax;
* validation of the "normal" arguments does not require
* a trailing comma, but requiring an even number of
* children will effect the same requirement.
ok = 1;
if (nch-i > 0) {
* argument | '*' test [',' '**' test] | '**' test
return validate_numnodes(tree, nch + 1, "arglist");
int sym = TYPE(CHILD(tree, i));
if (sym == argument) {
ok = validate_argument(CHILD(tree, i));
if (ok && i+1 != nch) {
err_string("illegal arglist specification"
" (extra stuff on end)");
ok = 0;
else if (sym == STAR) {
ok = validate_star(CHILD(tree, i));
if (ok && (nch-i == 2))
ok = validate_test(CHILD(tree, i+1));
else if (ok && (nch-i == 5))
ok = (validate_test(CHILD(tree, i+1))
&& validate_comma(CHILD(tree, i+2))
&& validate_doublestar(CHILD(tree, i+3))
&& validate_test(CHILD(tree, i+4)));
else {
err_string("illegal use of '*' in arglist");
ok = 0;
/* what remains must be: (argument ",")* [argument [","]] */
i = 0;
while (ok && nch - i >= 2) {
ok = validate_argument(CHILD(tree, i))
&& validate_comma(CHILD(tree, i + 1));
i += 2;
if (ok && i < nch) {
ok = validate_comma(CHILD(tree, i));
else if (sym == DOUBLESTAR) {
if (nch-i == 2)
ok = (validate_doublestar(CHILD(tree, i))
&& validate_test(CHILD(tree, i+1)));
else {
err_string("illegal use of '**' in arglist");
ok = 0;
if (i != nch) {
/* internal error! */
else {
err_string("illegal arglist specification");
ok = 0;
err_string("arglist: internal error; nch != i");
return (ok);
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