Commit d2adae8d authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Several wishes fulfilled.

parent 5e97e1fb
......@@ -7,19 +7,15 @@ TO DO:
- help on how to use it (a simple help button will do wonders)
- performance? (updates of large sets of locals are slow)
- better integration of "debug module"
- debugger should be global resource (attached to flist, not to shell)
- fix the stupid bug where you need to step twice
- insert the initial current directory into sys.path
- default directory attribute for each window instead of only for windows
that have an associated filename
- "GO" commands (execute whole buffer, selection, current line
in the context of the Python Shell window)
Rename Run -> Import, Go -> Run (like Pythonwin)
- module __name__ should be '__main__' in console
- when reopening the shell window, the old __main__ module's contents
should still be there
- output from module execution should go to Python Shell
- command expansion from keywords, module contents, other buffers, etc.
- "Recent documents" menu item
- Filter region command
- Optional horizontal scroll bar
- more emacsisms:
- parentheses matching
- M-[, M-] to move by paragraphs
......@@ -30,24 +26,12 @@ TO DO:
- make backups when saving
- check file mtimes at various points
- interface with RCS/CVS/Perforce ???
- status bar?
- status bar???
- better help?
- don't open second class browser on same module (nor second path browser)
- unify class and path browsers
- use a tree widget instead of a smalltalk/NeXT style multicolumn browser
- Make command line behave more like the standard Python interpreter: -- starts interactive shell arg ... -- runs script as main -i arg ... -- runs script as main, then interactive shell -e file ... -- edit files -i -e file ... -- edit files and pop up interactive shell -c cmd arg ... -- run command -i -c cmd arg ... -- run command, then interactive shell
- In addition: -t title -- specify alternate title for shell window
- And perhaps:
if $PYTHONSTARTUP is defined, use it (perhaps make it another option?)
- Need to define a standard way whereby one can determine one is running
Need to define a standard way whereby one can determine one is running
inside IDLE (needed for Tk mainloop, also handy for $PYTHONSTARTUP)
- Add utility methods for use by extensions (e.g. to get selection)
......@@ -108,7 +92,6 @@ Comparison to PTUI
open multiple
? PTUI's fontify is faster but synchronous (and still too slow);
does a lousy job if editing affects lines below
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