Commit d2aff607 authored by Victor Stinner's avatar Victor Stinner Committed by GitHub

[2.7] bpo-30283: Backport test_regrtest from master to 2.7 (#1513)

* bpo-30283: regrtest: add --testdir option

* bpo-30283: Backport _testcapi.raise_signal()

Function used by test_regrtest to simulate an interrupted unit test.

* bpo-30283: Backport test_regrtest from master
parent c8a77d33
......@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ Special runs
-- call gc.set_threshold(THRESHOLD)
-F/--forever -- run the specified tests in a loop, until an error happens
-P/--pgo -- enable Profile Guided Optimization training
--testdir -- execute test files in the specified directory
(instead of the Python stdlib test suite)
Additional Option Details:
......@@ -276,7 +278,7 @@ def main(tests=None, testdir=None, verbose=0, quiet=False,
'use=', 'threshold=', 'trace', 'coverdir=', 'nocoverdir',
'runleaks', 'huntrleaks=', 'memlimit=', 'randseed=',
'multiprocess=', 'slaveargs=', 'forever', 'header', 'pgo',
'failfast', 'match='])
'failfast', 'match=', 'testdir='])
except getopt.error, msg:
usage(2, msg)
......@@ -285,6 +287,7 @@ def main(tests=None, testdir=None, verbose=0, quiet=False,
random_seed = random.randrange(10000000)
if use_resources is None:
use_resources = []
slaveargs = None
for o, a in opts:
if o in ('-h', '--help'):
......@@ -367,16 +370,11 @@ def main(tests=None, testdir=None, verbose=0, quiet=False,
elif o == '--header':
header = True
elif o == '--slaveargs':
args, kwargs = json.loads(a)
result = runtest(*args, **kwargs)
except BaseException, e:
result = INTERRUPTED, e.__class__.__name__
print # Force a newline (just in case)
print json.dumps(result)
slaveargs = a
elif o in ('-P', '--pgo'):
pgo = True
elif o in ('--testdir'):
testdir = a
print >>sys.stderr, ("No handler for option {}. Please "
"report this as a bug at").format(o)
......@@ -390,6 +388,25 @@ def main(tests=None, testdir=None, verbose=0, quiet=False,
if failfast and not (verbose or verbose3):
usage("-G/--failfast needs either -v or -W")
if testdir:
testdir = os.path.abspath(testdir)
# Prepend test directory to sys.path, so runtest() will be able
# to locate tests
sys.path.insert(0, testdir)
if slaveargs is not None:
args, kwargs = json.loads(slaveargs)
if testdir:
kwargs['testdir'] = testdir
result = runtest(*args, **kwargs)
except BaseException, e:
result = INTERRUPTED, e.__class__.__name__
print # Force a newline (just in case)
print json.dumps(result)
good = []
bad = []
skipped = []
......@@ -544,10 +561,13 @@ def main(tests=None, testdir=None, verbose=0, quiet=False,
output.put((None, None, None, None))
# -E is needed by some tests, e.g. test_import
popen = Popen(base_cmd + ['--slaveargs', json.dumps(args_tuple)],
stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE,
close_fds=( != 'nt'))
args = base_cmd + ['--slaveargs', json.dumps(args_tuple)]
if testdir:
args.extend(('--testdir', testdir))
popen = Popen(args,
stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE,
close_fds=( != 'nt'))
stdout, stderr = popen.communicate()
retcode = popen.wait()
......@@ -616,18 +636,20 @@ def main(tests=None, testdir=None, verbose=0, quiet=False,
if trace:
# If we're tracing code coverage, then we don't exit with status
# if on a false return value from main.
tracer.runctx('runtest(test, verbose, quiet)',
tracer.runctx('runtest(test, verbose, quiet, testdir=testdir)',
globals=globals(), locals=vars())
result = runtest(test, verbose, quiet, huntrleaks, None, pgo,
accumulate_result(test, result)
if verbose3 and result[0] == FAILED:
if not pgo:
print "Re-running test %r in verbose mode" % test
runtest(test, True, quiet, huntrleaks, None, pgo)
runtest(test, True, quiet, huntrleaks, None, pgo,
except KeyboardInterrupt:
interrupted = True
......@@ -695,7 +717,8 @@ def main(tests=None, testdir=None, verbose=0, quiet=False,
test_support.verbose = True
ok = runtest(test, True, quiet, huntrleaks, None, pgo)
ok = runtest(test, True, quiet, huntrleaks, None, pgo,
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# print a newline separate from the ^C
......@@ -757,7 +780,7 @@ def findtests(testdir=None, stdtests=STDTESTS, nottests=NOTTESTS):
def runtest(test, verbose, quiet,
huntrleaks=False, use_resources=None, pgo=False,
failfast=False, match_tests=None):
failfast=False, match_tests=None, testdir=None):
"""Run a single test.
test -- the name of the test
......@@ -786,7 +809,7 @@ def runtest(test, verbose, quiet,
test_support.match_tests = match_tests
if failfast:
test_support.failfast = True
return runtest_inner(test, verbose, quiet, huntrleaks, pgo)
return runtest_inner(test, verbose, quiet, huntrleaks, pgo, testdir)
cleanup_test_droppings(test, verbose)
......@@ -947,7 +970,7 @@ class saved_test_environment:
return False
def runtest_inner(test, verbose, quiet, huntrleaks=False, pgo=False):
def runtest_inner(test, verbose, quiet, huntrleaks=False, pgo=False, testdir=None):
if verbose:
capture_stdout = None
......@@ -961,7 +984,7 @@ def runtest_inner(test, verbose, quiet, huntrleaks=False, pgo=False):
if capture_stdout:
sys.stdout = capture_stdout
if test.startswith('test.'):
if test.startswith('test.') or testdir:
abstest = test
# Always import it from the test package
......@@ -970,7 +993,10 @@ def runtest_inner(test, verbose, quiet, huntrleaks=False, pgo=False):
with saved_test_environment(test, verbose, quiet, pgo) as environment:
start_time = time.time()
the_package = __import__(abstest, globals(), locals(), [])
the_module = getattr(the_package, test)
if abstest.startswith('test.'):
the_module = getattr(the_package, test)
the_module = the_package
# Old tests run to completion simply as a side-effect of
# being imported. For tests based on unittest or doctest,
# explicitly invoke their test_main() function (if it exists).
Tests of
Note: test_regrtest cannot be run twice in parallel.
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import os.path
import platform
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import sysconfig
import tempfile
import textwrap
import unittest
from test import support
Py_DEBUG = hasattr(sys, 'getobjects')
ROOT_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')
ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(ROOT_DIR))
TEST_INTERRUPTED = textwrap.dedent("""
from signal import SIGINT
from _testcapi import raise_signal
except ImportError:
import os
os.kill(os.getpid(), SIGINT)
SubprocssRun = collections.namedtuple('SubprocssRun', 'returncode stdout, stderr')
class BaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
TESTNAME_PREFIX = 'test_regrtest_'
TESTNAME_REGEX = r'test_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+'
def setUp(self):
self.testdir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
self.tmptestdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
self.addCleanup(support.rmtree, self.tmptestdir)
def create_test(self, name=None, code=''):
if not name:
name = 'noop%s' % BaseTestCase.TEST_UNIQUE_ID
BaseTestCase.TEST_UNIQUE_ID += 1
# test_regrtest cannot be run twice in parallel because
# of setUp() and create_test()
name = self.TESTNAME_PREFIX + name
path = os.path.join(self.tmptestdir, name + '.py')
self.addCleanup(support.unlink, path)
# Use 'x' mode to ensure that we do not override existing tests
fd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL)
except PermissionError as exc:
if not sysconfig.is_python_build():
self.skipTest("cannot write %s: %s" % (path, exc))
with os.fdopen(fd, 'w') as fp:
return name
def regex_search(self, regex, output):
match =, output, re.MULTILINE)
if not match:"%r not found in %r" % (regex, output))
return match
def check_line(self, output, regex):
regex = re.compile(r'^' + regex, re.MULTILINE)
self.assertRegexpMatches(output, regex)
def parse_executed_tests(self, output):
regex = (r'^\[ *[0-9]+(?:/ *[0-9]+)*\] (%s)'
parser = re.finditer(regex, output, re.MULTILINE)
return list( for match in parser)
def check_executed_tests(self, output, tests, skipped=(), failed=(),
omitted=(), randomize=False, interrupted=False):
if isinstance(tests, str):
tests = [tests]
if isinstance(skipped, str):
skipped = [skipped]
if isinstance(failed, str):
failed = [failed]
if isinstance(omitted, str):
omitted = [omitted]
ntest = len(tests)
nskipped = len(skipped)
nfailed = len(failed)
nomitted = len(omitted)
executed = self.parse_executed_tests(output)
if randomize:
self.assertEqual(set(executed), set(tests), output)
self.assertEqual(executed, tests, (executed, tests, output))
def plural(count):
return 's' if count != 1 else ''
def list_regex(line_format, tests):
count = len(tests)
names = ' '.join(sorted(tests))
regex = line_format % (count, plural(count))
regex = r'%s:\n %s$' % (regex, names)
return regex
if skipped:
regex = list_regex('%s test%s skipped', skipped)
self.check_line(output, regex)
if failed:
regex = list_regex('%s test%s failed', failed)
self.check_line(output, regex)
if omitted:
regex = list_regex('%s test%s omitted', omitted)
self.check_line(output, regex)
good = ntest - nskipped - nfailed - nomitted
if good:
regex = r'%s test%s OK\.$' % (good, plural(good))
if not skipped and not failed and good > 1:
regex = 'All %s' % regex
self.check_line(output, regex)
if interrupted:
self.check_line(output, 'Test suite interrupted by signal SIGINT.')
def parse_random_seed(self, output):
match = self.regex_search(r'Using random seed ([0-9]+)', output)
randseed = int(
self.assertTrue(0 <= randseed <= 10000000, randseed)
return randseed
def run_command(self, args, input=None, exitcode=0, **kw):
if not input:
input = ''
if 'stderr' not in kw:
kw['stderr'] = subprocess.PIPE
proc = subprocess.Popen(args,
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(input=input)
if proc.returncode != exitcode:
msg = ("Command %s failed with exit code %s\n"
% (str(args), proc.returncode, stdout))
if proc.stderr:
msg += ("\n"
% stderr)
return SubprocssRun(proc.returncode, stdout, stderr)
def run_python(self, args, **kw):
args = [sys.executable] + list(args)
proc = self.run_command(args, **kw)
return proc.stdout
class ProgramsTestCase(BaseTestCase):
Test various ways to run the Python test suite. Use options close
to options used on the buildbot.
def setUp(self):
super(ProgramsTestCase, self).setUp()
# Create NTEST tests doing nothing
self.tests = [self.create_test() for index in range(self.NTEST)]
self.python_args = ['-Wd', '-E', '-bb']
self.regrtest_args = ['-uall', '-rwW',
'--testdir=%s' % self.tmptestdir]
def check_output(self, output):
self.check_executed_tests(output, self.tests, randomize=True)
def run_tests(self, args):
output = self.run_python(args)
def test_script_regrtest(self):
# Lib/test/
script = os.path.join(self.testdir, '')
args = self.python_args + [script] + self.regrtest_args + self.tests
def test_module_test(self):
# -m test
args = self.python_args + ['-m', 'test'] + self.regrtest_args + self.tests
def test_module_regrtest(self):
# -m test.regrtest
args = self.python_args + ['-m', 'test.regrtest'] + self.regrtest_args + self.tests
def test_module_autotest(self):
# -m test.autotest
args = self.python_args + ['-m', 'test.autotest'] + self.regrtest_args + self.tests
def test_module_from_test_autotest(self):
# from test import autotest
code = 'from test import autotest'
args = self.python_args + ['-c', code] + self.regrtest_args + self.tests
def test_script_autotest(self):
# Lib/test/
script = os.path.join(self.testdir, '')
args = self.python_args + [script] + self.regrtest_args + self.tests
def run_batch(self, *args):
proc = self.run_command(args)
'test.bat script is not installed')
@unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform == 'win32', 'Windows only')
def test_tools_buildbot_test(self):
# Tools\buildbot\test.bat
script = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Tools', 'buildbot', 'test.bat')
test_args = ['--testdir=%s' % self.tmptestdir]
if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit':
test_args.append('-x64') # 64-bit build
if not Py_DEBUG:
test_args.append('+d') # Release build, use python.exe
args = [script] + test_args + self.tests
@unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform == 'win32', 'Windows only')
def test_pcbuild_rt(self):
# PCbuild\rt.bat
script = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, r'PCbuild\rt.bat')
rt_args = ["-q"] # Quick, don't run tests twice
if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit':
rt_args.append('-x64') # 64-bit build
if Py_DEBUG:
rt_args.append('-d') # Debug build, use python_d.exe
args = [script] + rt_args + self.regrtest_args + self.tests
class ArgsTestCase(BaseTestCase):
Test arguments of the Python test suite.
def run_tests(self, *testargs, **kw):
cmdargs = ('-m', 'test', '--testdir=%s' % self.tmptestdir) + testargs
return self.run_python(cmdargs, **kw)
def test_failing_test(self):
# test a failing test
code = textwrap.dedent("""
import unittest
from test import support
class FailingTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_failing(self):"bug")
def test_main():
test_ok = self.create_test('ok')
test_failing = self.create_test('failing', code=code)
tests = [test_ok, test_failing]
output = self.run_tests(*tests, exitcode=1)
self.check_executed_tests(output, tests, failed=test_failing)
def test_resources(self):
# test -u command line option
tests = {}
for resource in ('audio', 'network'):
code = 'from test import support\nsupport.requires(%r)' % resource
tests[resource] = self.create_test(resource, code)
test_names = sorted(tests.values())
# -u all: 2 resources enabled
output = self.run_tests('-u', 'all', *test_names)
self.check_executed_tests(output, test_names)
# -u audio: 1 resource enabled
output = self.run_tests('-uaudio', *test_names)
self.check_executed_tests(output, test_names,
# no option: 0 resources enabled
output = self.run_tests(*test_names)
self.check_executed_tests(output, test_names,
def test_random(self):
# test -r and --randseed command line option
code = textwrap.dedent("""
import random
print("TESTRANDOM: %s" % random.randint(1, 1000))
test = self.create_test('random', code)
# first run to get the output with the random seed
output = self.run_tests('-r', '-v', test)
randseed = self.parse_random_seed(output)
match = self.regex_search(r'TESTRANDOM: ([0-9]+)', output)
test_random = int(
# try to reproduce with the random seed
output = self.run_tests('-r', '-v', '--randseed=%s' % randseed, test)
randseed2 = self.parse_random_seed(output)
self.assertEqual(randseed2, randseed)
match = self.regex_search(r'TESTRANDOM: ([0-9]+)', output)
test_random2 = int(
self.assertEqual(test_random2, test_random)
def test_fromfile(self):
# test --fromfile
tests = [self.create_test() for index in range(5)]
# Write the list of files using a format similar to regrtest output:
# [1/2] test_1
# [2/2] test_2
filename = support.TESTFN
self.addCleanup(support.unlink, filename)
# test format 'test_opcodes'
with open(filename, "w") as fp:
for name in tests:
print(name, file=fp)
output = self.run_tests('--fromfile', filename)
self.check_executed_tests(output, tests)
def test_interrupted(self):
test = self.create_test('sigint', code=code)
output = self.run_tests(test, exitcode=1)
self.check_executed_tests(output, test, omitted=test,
def test_slow(self):
# test --slow
tests = [self.create_test() for index in range(3)]
output = self.run_tests("--slow", *tests)
self.check_executed_tests(output, tests)
regex = ('10 slowest tests:\n'
'(?:%s: .*\n){%s}'
% (self.TESTNAME_REGEX, len(tests)))
self.check_line(output, regex)
def test_forever(self):
# test --forever
code = textwrap.dedent("""
import __builtin__
import unittest
from test import support
class ForeverTester(unittest.TestCase):
def test_run(self):
# Store the state in the __builtin__ module, because the test
# module is reload at each run
if 'RUN' in __builtin__.__dict__:
__builtin__.__dict__['RUN'] += 1
if __builtin__.__dict__['RUN'] >= 3:"fail at the 3rd runs")
__builtin__.__dict__['RUN'] = 1
def test_main():
test = self.create_test('forever', code=code)
output = self.run_tests('--forever', test, exitcode=1)
self.check_executed_tests(output, [test]*3, failed=test)
def test_crashed(self):
# Any code which causes a crash
code = 'import ctypes; ctypes.string_at(0)'
crash_test = self.create_test(name="crash", code=code)
ok_test = self.create_test(name="ok")
tests = [crash_test, ok_test]
output = self.run_tests("-j2", *tests, exitcode=1)
self.check_executed_tests(output, tests, failed=crash_test,
def test_main():
support.run_unittest(ProgramsTestCase, ArgsTestCase)
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "structmember.h"
#include "datetime.h"
#include "marshal.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include "pythread.h"
......@@ -2481,6 +2482,24 @@ pymarshal_read_object_from_file(PyObject* self, PyObject *args)
return Py_BuildValue("Nl", obj, pos);
static PyObject*
test_raise_signal(PyObject* self, PyObject *args)
int signum, err;
if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:raise_signal", &signum) < 0)
return NULL;
err = raise(signum);
if (err)
return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_OSError);
if (PyErr_CheckSignals() < 0)
return NULL;
static PyMethodDef TestMethods[] = {
{"raise_exception", raise_exception, METH_VARARGS},
......@@ -2593,6 +2612,7 @@ static PyMethodDef TestMethods[] = {
pymarshal_read_last_object_from_file, METH_VARARGS},
pymarshal_read_object_from_file, METH_VARARGS},
{"raise_signal", (PyCFunction)test_raise_signal, METH_VARARGS},
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
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